This is getting like the thing with the hands on the baseball bat to see who goes first, which is fitting.
Just keep leapfrogging each other. It’s worth it!
Gin & Tonic
Yeah, I heard that Turkiye approved Finland’s application to join NATO.
Oh, did you mean something else?
Happy Indictment Day, friends!
Lawrence A Schuman
Can I get a Rikers and remand? If not, take his passport and put a lowjack on his ankle.
Amir Khalid
Reposted from downstairs:
This is big news. I remember when Najib was finally charged in court. It wasn’t the end of the road, there was still a long way to go, but at least we Malaysians knew the process was in motion. I reckon that’s how you feel over there.
@M31: No, the other sex worker, whose name I cannot recall, got $140,000, so $270,000 is the correct amount owed.//
Mike R
My friends have been calling and rejoicing all afternoon. Hope tfg is sweating and Melanoma is screeching and breaking lamps and various pieces of furniture.
@TaMara: We’re all about spite and mockery today. Kindness tomorrow :P
@Alison Rose: Why is there no up-vote button? What do you think the celebration at the Clinton household looks like? Champagne, obvs, but also fireworks?
YAY. Goddess bless the socialist, gay loving, gun hating place that is called NYC. My home. Woo Hoo.
I’m wondering what the man who invented the moniker The Former Guy will have to say about. But I’m REALLY wondering what Hillary will have to say (and how she’s privately celebrating)!
Ari Melber just said “State of NY vs Donald Trump” and I was just like, damn I wish my NY-born-and-raised-till-they-retired-and-moved-to-Florida grandparents had lived to see this. They hated his fucking guts and knew he was a sack of shit from the beginning.
OK, now it’s funny. I await the rest of the front pagers’ weighing in (except, possibly, TaMara, because she doesn’t roll that way) (though even she may be a little bit tempted).
(I also saw that the Paltrow ski collision lawsuit has gone to the jury, who will hopefully find against both parties, since they’re both woo woo nitwits.)
Reposted from one of the other dozen indictment threads downstairs.
CNN has a comment from an associate. Look for a Truth Social diatribe tonight.
Trump was caught off guard by the grand jury’s decision to indict him, according to a person who spoke directly with him, but he is preparing a response and is poised to react with either a video message or a statement Thursday night.
While the former president was bracing for an indictment last week, he began to believe news reports that a potential indictment was weeks – or more – away.
“Is this a shock today? Hell yes,” the person said, speaking on the condition of anonymity as Trump’s team calculated its
Trump released a statement in response to the indictment claiming it was “Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history.”
“I believe this Witch-Hunt will backfire massively on Joe Biden,” the former president said. “The American people realize exactly what the Radical Left Democrats are doing here. Everyone can see it. So our Movement, and our Party – united and strong – will first defeat Alvin Bragg, and then we will defeat Joe Biden, and we are going to throw every last one of these Crooked Democrats out of office so we can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba said in a statement that Trump “is a victim of a corrupt and distorted version of the American justice system and history. He will be vindicated.”
I told my wife yesterday “I wish I could hope to come out of the anesthesia and find out Trump had been indicted” but alas, this came a day late. Still thrilled though, and I think other indictments are on the way. Definitely the MAL Documents, probably Fulton County and maybe even Jan 6th (though that is the biggest stretch)
Woooooo to the fucking hoooooo!
I’m at knit night and we are all stitching and celebrating!!
Exchanging joyful messages with my friends and having a slightly early glass of vino to celebrate! I feel like having a big party with lots of wild dancing, but I’m old and live alone so I’ll stick to wine.
You might get your wish. I wouldn’t want to be the lawyer who has to stand in front of a judge at Trump’s arraignment and explain why a guy who owns a 757 isn’t a flight risk.
Nature is healing.
@Scout211: Just a couple of hours ago I saw some report that his camp were gloating about having scared off the Manhattan prosecutor with their squeakings, and thought it would be wonderful if an indictment came down today. Sometimes it really works out.
I wonder if Weisselberg didn’t finally flip on him. He’s apparently no longer being represented by Trump Org lawyers. Ooooh boy. Popcorn futures have hit an all-time high.
Anyway, before we all get too excited, what’s the actual penalty Trump might be facing here? Small fine? Slap on the wrist? These white collar-type crimes tend to carry no real consequences, it seems.
Finally! I want any pieces of shit out in pro-tRump protests busted if they so much as j-walk.
This could also help weed out the tRumputinists in our security services too, from local cops on up to the FBI if they start acting or posting pro-tRump shit.
hahahaha I bet the MAGAts were laughing at all the gnashing of teeth by libs when the Grand Jury wasn’t meeting again til the end of April
One of the Central Park 5, Yusuf Salaam, was asked about the indictment. Trump never apologized about taking out a full page ad calling for capital punishment.
And in the midst of all this, RIP Mark Russell, per wapo. His humor was never cutting enough for this moment, though.
@Burnspbesq: Quite frankly, if Trump decided to take off to some third-world country w/o an extradition treaty and run out the clock as the guest of some strongman asshole, I wouldn’t give a shit.
@David Anderson: The Texas judge’s ruling today was discussed in earlier threads but adding a dedicated post to discuss that ruling would be welcome. Or tomorrow. It would be nice to hear your take.
@jonas: Maybe he’ll make it to mother russia and end up near an unfortunate smoking accident
Also celebrating that Jimmy Carter has lived to see this day. I hope JEC sees a lot more days — and maybe some more indictments.
May this be the first of many indictment days for TFG. Let ’em rip.
Cheers to the first of many!
He definitely landed at the airport in Waco the other day in a Trump-branded jet, so (unless he has several, which I don’t think he does) it’s been brought out of mothball, it would seem.
Let’s see if the newly released shaman has learned a lesson.
Best Opening Day Ever!
Take him out for balling her, take him out with the clowns, buy him some peanuts (don’t ask what word almost went there) and Cracker Jacks, we don’t care if he ever comes back …
Hol’ up…I was told that they’d NEVER indict Trump. I kept hearing that Trump was gonna get away with his crimes scott-free. Y’mean to tell me the naysayers don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about?
Almost Retired
I am listening to Fox News and it’s delightful. Anger, recriminations, hyperbole, veiled regrets, etc. Not even the Germans have a word for how I’m feeling.
Let’s see – where’s that single malt? Oh, here it is! Cheers!
@Gin & Tonic: Yeah, I heard that Turkiye approved Finland’s application to join NATO.
As a person of Finnish descent, this makes me quite happy.
@HeleninEire: I actually went with pie today. Ever hopeful, I baked it this afternoon, and even when it seemed that we were getting bad news, I held off cutting into it in case we got good news later today. And we did!
@jonas: No, he actually has new Trump lawyers. Apparently more Trump-y than the last lawyers, who were deemed not Trumpy enough by… Trump.
Nothing to see there… until these attorneys have to get attorneys because they will not be working in the best interests of W (name too hard to remember spelling) and will instead be only working in the best interests of Trump.
Old School
Trump is old news. Where are the Gwyneth Paltrow posts?
Let’s see if the newly released “shaman“ has learned a lesson.
With any luck he’ll stick to bothering people at Burning Man from now on.
(quotes mine)
@Alison Rose: You forgot to include her bawdy belly laugh!
Patricia Kayden
Indicting him was good but I’m looking forward to the perp walk!! What a great day!! Nobody is above the law. Thank you, New York!!
Roberto el oso
I am looking forward to when the Kennedy Center honorees include Stormy Daniels … or when she receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom … or both.
@WaterGirl: Ah, ok. Earlier today some folks were speculating he unloaded his Trump team lawyers because he was getting ready to flip. Oh well. Maybe he can and Trump can share a cell…
@jonas: I’m hoping this “small, white collar crime” will open up the floodgates for other indictments.
No one was willing (brave enough) to be the first to indict a former President.
Let the floodgates be opened! Starting with Georgia!
At last! I get to open the champagne!
I hope Trump is plagued with alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation for many months to come because he deserves as much physical discomfort as possible.
Statement From DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker On The Indictment Of Donald Trump
RICHMOND, VA – This afternoon, a Manhattan grand jury voted to indict former President Donald Trump for his role in a hush money payment to pornstar Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 election.
After the ex-president’s indictment, Susan Swecker, Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Virginia, released the following statement:
“No one is above the law – that is the guiding principle of the American justice system. Today, after years of alleged criminal activity, fraud, malfeasance, and treason, a grand jury in Manhattan has rightfully indicted a man who has habitually used his power and influence to mistreat others and evade the rule of law.
Although it is alarming that Donald Trump, with his moral compass fixed on the south pole, was able to ascend to power, today’s charges should encourage patriots and all who believe in democracy to take heart: even someone who was once the most powerful man in the world is accountable to the system of laws and ideals that govern our country.”
INDICATED, guffaw!! I knew he’d be constitutionally unable to get it right.
so the big issue in all of this is that Watergirl posted first … and Cole bigfooted her … and Anne Laurie bigfooted Cole … and Cole bigfooted Anne Laurie right back in a particularly petty form of blog revenge …
predictions on what happens next:
TaMaRa does a post with Adam about pies and cakes in Bakhmut …
Tbogg comments on something and the post gets something like 3000 more comments after that cuz Tbogg …
Cole bigfoots that post too …
Maxwell, Steve and Thurston do a joint post explaining that Cole has been hogging the mouse and the keyboard and they want us to know that Trump was indicted …
Dick Mayhew comes back after getting a call from IFAB that freaked him out. He explains that he made up the David Anderson persona and Richard Mayhew is his real name. Also, does a you be the referee post. And mentions that boy is Duke mad about the fake documents he presented when he got his job. …
Why do you ask if I am punchy or deliriously happy?
That “Happy” loop that someone posted is treacherous! Might have to find one of “Stomp” for weaning purposes.
Almost Retired
On the one hand, I suppose it would have been preferable to have the first indictment come out of J6 or the Georgia phone call or the fact that the nuclear codes were on display in the Mar-a-Lago lobby. But none of those would include any discussion of his three inch orange mushroom dick. So I’m OK with this.
@Burnspbesq: Trump Force One was parked next to a runway at Stewart Airport near-ish me for a while, visible from the access road, missing the port engine for much of that time. They borrowed an engine, flew it down to Louisiana for a refurb/repaint, then it was flown to West Palm.
Dan B
@jonas: Weisselberg just changed lawyers theyre still being paid by the Trump org.
@Alison Rose: As someone whose auto-correct is always oh-so-helpful, I’m afraid I let stuff like that go.
Yeah, indicting TFG for paying off an adult film actress is like getting Capone on tax evasion. So what, I’ll take it. This might, just might, encourage other indictments. The dam has been broken.
@David Anderson: Look forward to all your posts but like to concentrate on them and that won’t be happening tonight! Hope you will discuss the ruling today on preventive care.
@dm: Yeah but when it’s TFG raging out, it’s fucking funny
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Dump was just indicted❗
Fair Economist
I am basically lying on the couch all day for the immediate aftermath of knee arthroscopy, and I fell asleep. I woke up and saw a “Trump indicted” semi-spam mail from a Substacker who evidently bought my name from a list. I click through, and it’s a link to an article from earlier this month, so I roll my eyes at having fallen for clickbait. Then I log on here and it’s really true. Yay!
I should take unplanned afternoon naps more often.
On the one hand, I suppose it would have been preferable to have the first indictment come out of J6 or the Georgia phone call or the fact that the nuclear codes were on display in the Mar-a-Lago lobby.
Me too, but from the “wheels grind slowly point” this indictment is for something from 2016 while the other two are from 2020-21.
Yeah, indicting TFG for paying off an adult film actress is like getting Capone on tax evasion.
Indicting a criminal Republican former president on campaign finance violations is like indicting a Republican former speaker of the house on campaign finance violations.
I do hope the police heed TFGs advice not ” to be too nice” when making the arrest. It’s the least they can do
This got Cohen jail time and is among the smallest acts of his time in office. He has earned this indictment and hopefully several more.
And gets e. Jean Carroll her justice as well. I’d pity him, but I’m just going to giggle. A lot and for a good long time.
I feel such relief.
Amir’s comment (#11) sums it up.
And there are more indictments to come.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: my difference engine is still working it out. the gears never quite met the required tolerances so it is slow and buggy. got it from Babbage himself though.
@lurker: Sometimes when you copy & paste from elsewhere on the internet, there can be a stray character or something funky that breaks the margins on phones.
I think Another Scott fixed whatever the actual problem was.
Republicans… once again getting in the way of health care. 😉
@WaterGirl: seems I read baud’s comment wrong, I understand the potential issue, but I tend to default to snark on this blog instead of realizing there might be a real issue … wonder why that is
Roberto el oso
@Alison Rose: yes! sorry, I’ll be clearer in the future, promise! in my defense, I plead an excess of giddiness.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
I thought Alina had already been under threat of sanctions or had already been sanctioned. She’d better check herself before she wrecks herself – the bloated mediocrity may find himself with a gag order and restrictions from social media, and those can extend to counsel.
@Alison Rose: I thought he was talking about someone who got there first with a tweet, and the only Alison i know on twitter is Alison Gill, and that’s Alison G, so I wondered who Alison R was.
When I came back to it, I of course realized he wasn’t talking about someone on twitter.
Tony Jay
With all the other potential indictments rolling down the hill of just desserts towards his tiger striped mug, Tang Miniwang is going to have to look into hiring a booking agent to manage his court appearances.
Matt McIrvin
@Elizabelle: Jimmy Carter is probably too kind and decent to take any pleasure in this. The rest of us can laugh though.
A shot of Chinaco Anejo in honor of BartCop. He would have been happy today.
@M31: Ha! Brilliant. Although you don’t have to change the next verse: “Oh yeah. Life is bad. Gloom and misery everywhere.”
Another Scott
It’s officially official.
Alvin Bragg spox: “This evening we contacted Mr. Trump’s attorney to coordinate his surrender to the Manhattan D.A.’s Office for arraignment on a Supreme Court indictment, which remains under seal. Guidance will be provided when the arraignment date is selected.”
@Another Scott: I love it. Long time coming, but time to move to the next stage.
On March 20th, DeathSatan said he wouldn’t get involved with any possible extradition of Trumpov. Now he’s saying he won’t allow it. Can’t wait to see this showdown.
If he’s smart, he’ll say Trump came to him begging with tears in his eyes…
@Matt McIrvin: Jimmy Carter is probably in too much pain to take pleasure in anything right now.
Deeply troubling.
DeSantis said the state would “not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda.”
@Leto: Ha! I thought they were going to be little fluffy pink handcuffs.
Chief Oshkosh
@David Anderson: Yeah, but longterm, they are the most important posts. You have given me a new and good appreciation of an area otherwise would just be a source of confusion and frustration.
As Gov. DeSantis certainly knows, Trump is already negotiating a self-surrender to avoid arrest, so there is no need to extradite him. Just getting free credit with the base by trashing the rule of law. Politics by disinformation.
Dan B
It’s reported that former Trump employees are exchanging congratulatory emails.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@lurker: “Tbogg comments on something and the post gets something like 3000 more comments after that cuz Tbogg …”
FYI, you can also say: “Tbogg comments on something and the post gets something like 6 Tbogg units of comments after that cuz Tbogg …”
@Odie Hugh Manatee: yeah, not sure of how well people remember the Tbogg unit…
BREAKING on @MSNBC : Trump will surrender next week, according to his defense attorney.
I wondered if TFG was even in Florida, but then remembered hearing that he never leaves MAL.*
So who’s living in the NY penthouse? Failson #1 and Scary Shouty Lady?
@M31: I’ve been wondering what the scope of their indictment would be, whether it covered more crimes than just the hush money payments This number of 34 counts makes me think it does.
@UncleEbeneezer: He’s got a flurry of pleas for bail money from his MAGAt base to send out before he heads to Manhattan.
I think this is about the time of year that TFG heads north to Jersey? Albeit, state has a less amenable governor.
This year he can spend some quality time with the late Ivanka Trump, buried at his golf course.
But each individual piece of the infraction could be its own crime and another count. Hiding the money, moving the money, paying the money, declaring the payment as something it was not, etc.
@Geminid: A friend tells me the NYT reported that Trump will be arraigned this coming Tuesday.
“DeSantis would need to build a solid legal case to decline an extradition request. According to Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, no state has the right to decline an extradition request from another state.
“A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime,” the Constitution reads.
Federal law also outlines that states are required to comply with another state’s extradition request.”
@CaseyL: Yeach, I guess it’s possible that all 3r counts relate to the Stormy Daniels matter. It seems like they would want to keep that simpler, though. And there probably were other, unrelated financial crimes uncovered, and good reason to indict on those as well.
I guess we’ll find out for sure at the arraignment, if not before.
I love that he was taken down by a porn star. Live by the “sword” (potato peeler?), die by the sword. I’m naming my firstborn Stormy.
I’m here to remind everyone! I can be annoying like that…
It takes practice and I like to practice! ;)
James E Powell
Katie Porter, Gavin Newsom, The Squad, and somebody for that guy who almost beat Boebert all texted me asking for money today. Coincidence?
@Jackie: Yeah, I figured it was performative BS. DeStupid is being dumb as usual here, He can’t legally do anything to stop TFG being extradited yet being a dumbass is building an expectation amongst the MAGAs that he will. If he does he creates a total shitstorm, when he doesn’t and he won’t, the deplorables are going to turn on him as a do nothing wimp
Did they find evidence of other crimes, which are indictable? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Stormy charge turns out to be the mildest out of this grand jury?
@Alison Rose: Rachel Maddox will be on tonight! Alex Wagner is off this week due to kiddos spring break.
Morning Joe is gonna be LIT tomorrow 😂
Ha! My pizza delivery took almost three times as long as usual. I asked the delivery person if they were busy tonight and she said “VERY busy!” This red rural county has twice as many Republicans as Democrats, but what Dems we have are celebrating tonight!
Rileys Enabler
Had to choose between booze or cake due to cholesterol issues, so booze it was. CHEERS! It feels like progress is finally- FINALLY- being made. Whew. So happy to celebrate this with you all.
@kalakal: On twitter they are saying that Trump already agreed to turn himself in next week.
So Little D gets to stand up and beat his chest for the rubes, telling him he will never extradite Trump! So he gets to be the big hero to his rubes, because they will have no idea that this is just performative bullshit because Trump already agreed to turn himself in.
These guys don’t have an honest bone in their bodies – not one, between all of them.
No fair, double dipping!
Alison Rose
Now you’re just fucking with us.
John Cole
@Alison Rose: why I would never
that’s Stormy’s job and now you owe $230,000
Mo MacArbie
This is getting like the thing with the hands on the baseball bat to see who goes first, which is fitting.
Just keep leapfrogging each other. It’s worth it!
Gin & Tonic
Yeah, I heard that Turkiye approved Finland’s application to join NATO.
Oh, did you mean something else?
Happy Indictment Day, friends!
Lawrence A Schuman
Can I get a Rikers and remand? If not, take his passport and put a lowjack on his ankle.
Amir Khalid
Reposted from downstairs:
This is big news. I remember when Najib was finally charged in court. It wasn’t the end of the road, there was still a long way to go, but at least we Malaysians knew the process was in motion. I reckon that’s how you feel over there.
Alison Rose
@John Cole: but you’re so good at it
@Gin & Tonic:
Chacal Charles Calthrop
How is Maxwell taking the news?
Alison Rose
@M31: She’s cute, I’m sure she’d earn it.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
I have chilled prosecco. Also, some really nice whiskey.
Roger Moore
Who is tired of all the winning? Not me!
Alison Rose
Hillary getting the news
@M31: No, the other sex worker, whose name I cannot recall, got $140,000, so $270,000 is the correct amount owed.//
Mike R
My friends have been calling and rejoicing all afternoon. Hope tfg is sweating and Melanoma is screeching and breaking lamps and various pieces of furniture.
Michael Bersin
Damn, there’s going to be a run at the local grocery…
We’re going to have to make a trip to the store for sparkling indictment drink and party food
I spent a nice chill afternoon helping a friend look at rescue cats and come back and the blog seems to have exploded.
I had a kindness post set to go tonight, but I’ll probably pull it since this is going to take focus for the remainder of the evening.
“We got him!”
Mai Naem mobile
Have a thought for the servers and cleaning staff at Mar-A-Lago. Its going to look like a murder scene with all the ketchup everywhere.
Alison Rose
@TaMara: We’re all about spite and mockery today. Kindness tomorrow :P
@Alison Rose: Why is there no up-vote button? What do you think the celebration at the Clinton household looks like? Champagne, obvs, but also fireworks?
YAY. Goddess bless the socialist, gay loving, gun hating place that is called NYC. My home. Woo Hoo.
Alison Rose
LOL apparently TFG asked for prayers, meanwhile God is like “lol bitch gfy”
Alison Rose
@persistentillusion: Lots and lots of laughter, I’m sure.
@Alison Rose: “Tragedy [for Trump] tomorrow, comedy tonight!”
Ok this blog is ROTFLMAO funny right now. I guess everyone wanted to be first, huh?
@Amir Khalid:
This is gonna happen a lot tonight.
@Alison Rose: Yeah, even an apparently all-forgiving deity was like: Bye Felicia. GDIF.
Watergirl make that cake.
@Alison Rose: Love it!
I’m wondering what the man who invented the moniker The Former Guy will have to say about. But I’m REALLY wondering what Hillary will have to say (and how she’s privately celebrating)!
Alison Rose
Ari Melber just said “State of NY vs Donald Trump” and I was just like, damn I wish my NY-born-and-raised-till-they-retired-and-moved-to-Florida grandparents had lived to see this. They hated his fucking guts and knew he was a sack of shit from the beginning.
OK, now it’s funny. I await the rest of the front pagers’ weighing in (except, possibly, TaMara, because she doesn’t roll that way) (though even she may be a little bit tempted).
(I also saw that the Paltrow ski collision lawsuit has gone to the jury, who will hopefully find against both parties, since they’re both woo woo nitwits.)
About time for a Cracker post.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Nope, thanks for letting me know. ;)
Joy dance music
I wonder if this news will break Twitter.
Reposted from one of the other dozen indictment threads downstairs.
CNN has a comment from an associate. Look for a Truth Social diatribe tonight.
I told my wife yesterday “I wish I could hope to come out of the anesthesia and find out Trump had been indicted” but alas, this came a day late. Still thrilled though, and I think other indictments are on the way. Definitely the MAL Documents, probably Fulton County and maybe even Jan 6th (though that is the biggest stretch)
Woooooo to the fucking hoooooo!
I’m at knit night and we are all stitching and celebrating!!
Alexander Vindman tweeted: “Here. Right. Matters.”
Sums up my beliefs, too. Specially today.
Doesn’t matter if it was for jay-walking, he has to be held accountable dor something. And now he is.
@Scout211: Great! We get to add Inciting a Riot to the list of charges.
Editing to ask, does a riot actually have to happen to get that charge?
@Baud: How do break the already-broken?
Rose Weiss
Exchanging joyful messages with my friends and having a slightly early glass of vino to celebrate! I feel like having a big party with lots of wild dancing, but I’m old and live alone so I’ll stick to wine.
@Lawrence A Schuman:
You might get your wish. I wouldn’t want to be the lawyer who has to stand in front of a judge at Trump’s arraignment and explain why a guy who owns a 757 isn’t a flight risk.
Nature is healing.
@Scout211: Just a couple of hours ago I saw some report that his camp were gloating about having scared off the Manhattan prosecutor with their squeakings, and thought it would be wonderful if an indictment came down today. Sometimes it really works out.
I wonder if Weisselberg didn’t finally flip on him. He’s apparently no longer being represented by Trump Org lawyers. Ooooh boy. Popcorn futures have hit an all-time high.
Anyway, before we all get too excited, what’s the actual penalty Trump might be facing here? Small fine? Slap on the wrist? These white collar-type crimes tend to carry no real consequences, it seems.
@Burnspbesq: I thought it was in the shop?
Finally! I want any pieces of shit out in pro-tRump protests busted if they so much as j-walk.
This could also help weed out the tRumputinists in our security services too, from local cops on up to the FBI if they start acting or posting pro-tRump shit.
hahahaha I bet the MAGAts were laughing at all the gnashing of teeth by libs when the Grand Jury wasn’t meeting again til the end of April
David Anderson
Guess no health policy posts tonight
Dan B
One of the Central Park 5, Yusuf Salaam, was asked about the indictment. Trump never apologized about taking out a full page ad calling for capital punishment.
His statement:
I read or heard recently that it was airworthy. Who knows? But he owns it, and the things that are/were wrong with it are definitely fixable.
ETA: Apparently he used it to get to Waco for last Saturday’s rally.
How’re things post-surgery?
And in the midst of all this, RIP Mark Russell, per wapo. His humor was never cutting enough for this moment, though.
@Burnspbesq: Quite frankly, if Trump decided to take off to some third-world country w/o an extradition treaty and run out the clock as the guest of some strongman asshole, I wouldn’t give a shit.
@David Anderson: The Texas judge’s ruling today was discussed in earlier threads but adding a dedicated post to discuss that ruling would be welcome. Or tomorrow. It would be nice to hear your take.
Alison Rose
@jonas: Maybe he’ll make it to mother russia and end up near an unfortunate smoking accident
Also celebrating that Jimmy Carter has lived to see this day. I hope JEC sees a lot more days — and maybe some more indictments.
May this be the first of many indictment days for TFG. Let ’em rip.
Cheers to the first of many!
He definitely landed at the airport in Waco the other day in a Trump-branded jet, so (unless he has several, which I don’t think he does) it’s been brought out of mothball, it would seem.
Let’s see if the newly released shaman has learned a lesson.
Best Opening Day Ever!
Take him out for balling her, take him out with the clowns, buy him some peanuts (don’t ask what word almost went there) and Cracker Jacks, we don’t care if he ever comes back …
@John Cole: I was sure that was going to be Betty Cracker. I want the Betty Cracker take on this.
Alison Rose
Ah, here’s DTJ with the antisemitism and assorted bullshit. SOROS!!!!!!! MAO!!!!! ARGLE-BARGLE!!!!!
he’s being represented by another TFG lawyer.
@David Anderson:
BenCisco 🇺🇸🎖️🖥️♦️
In honor of the occasion: Brothers Johnson, Stomp
@Alison Rose: Oh my god, that’s perfect.
Hol’ up…I was told that they’d NEVER indict Trump. I kept hearing that Trump was gonna get away with his crimes scott-free. Y’mean to tell me the naysayers don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about?
Almost Retired
I am listening to Fox News and it’s delightful. Anger, recriminations, hyperbole, veiled regrets, etc. Not even the Germans have a word for how I’m feeling.
Let’s see – where’s that single malt? Oh, here it is! Cheers!
As a person of Finnish descent, this makes me quite happy.
@Alison Rose:
Absolutely! Spite and mockery, it’s what’s for dinner
@HeleninEire: I actually went with pie today. Ever hopeful, I baked it this afternoon, and even when it seemed that we were getting bad news, I held off cutting into it in case we got good news later today. And we did!
@Alison Rose: lol I was hoping for video
@David Anderson: Au contraire, this first indictment is good for everybody’s mental health with very few exceptions!
@David Anderson: Actually laughed. Very cute.
You can comment on preventative co-pays tomorrow. Unless Trump gets arrested..
In which case people will be too distracted watching that on a loop.
This is an appropriate time to post the “Fuck your feelings” pic I think ;)
@jonas: No, he actually has new Trump lawyers. Apparently more Trump-y than the last lawyers, who were deemed not Trumpy enough by… Trump.
Nothing to see there… until these attorneys have to get attorneys because they will not be working in the best interests of W (name too hard to remember spelling) and will instead be only working in the best interests of Trump.
Old School
Trump is old news. Where are the Gwyneth Paltrow posts?
@David Anderson: You are wise.
Alison Rose
Hey y’all, the even bigger news is that Gwyneth was found not liable. HUZZAH! Jade eggs for everyone!
@Alison Rose:
@Almost Retired:
Just wanted to see this again.
@cain: Also, I would kill for a twitter post from Hillary saying “Lock him up! Lock him up!”
@David Anderson: ha! People have been talking about the latest attack by that federal judge.
Captain C
With any luck he’ll stick to bothering people at Burning Man from now on.
(quotes mine)
@Alison Rose: You forgot to include her bawdy belly laugh!
Patricia Kayden
Indicting him was good but I’m looking forward to the perp walk!! What a great day!! Nobody is above the law. Thank you, New York!!
Roberto el oso
I am looking forward to when the Kennedy Center honorees include Stormy Daniels … or when she receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom … or both.
@WaterGirl: Ah, ok. Earlier today some folks were speculating he unloaded his Trump team lawyers because he was getting ready to flip. Oh well. Maybe he can and Trump can share a cell…
Alison Rose
LOL Trump has been INDICATED you guys. God, what a dumbass.
Late to the game, but WHOO-HOO!!!!
Time to start defrosting a rack of ribs.
Roberto el oso
Alison R got there first with the ‘indicated’ tweet!
Let’s have two more indictments tomorrow
/ernie banks
I heard somewhere that AW’s new lawyers maybe TFG-paid, but they’re also RICO specialists.
@Alison Rose: Oh my. That is precious. Poor man is outraged that he has been indicated!!
Based on the evidence presented the grand jury (ordinary citizens) voted to indict. THE REST IS NOISE.
Another Scott
@Alison Rose:
Alison Rose
@Another Scott: LOLZ
@jonas: I’m hoping this “small, white collar crime” will open up the floodgates for other indictments.
No one was willing (brave enough) to be the first to indict a former President.
Let the floodgates be opened! Starting with Georgia!
At last! I get to open the champagne!
I hope Trump is plagued with alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation for many months to come because he deserves as much physical discomfort as possible.
Another Scott
INDICATED, guffaw!! I knew he’d be constitutionally unable to get it right.
@Cole @Watergirl @AndersonMayhew @TaMaRa
so the big issue in all of this is that Watergirl posted first … and Cole bigfooted her … and Anne Laurie bigfooted Cole … and Cole bigfooted Anne Laurie right back in a particularly petty form of blog revenge …
predictions on what happens next:
TaMaRa does a post with Adam about pies and cakes in Bakhmut …
Tbogg comments on something and the post gets something like 3000 more comments after that cuz Tbogg …
Cole bigfoots that post too …
Maxwell, Steve and Thurston do a joint post explaining that Cole has been hogging the mouse and the keyboard and they want us to know that Trump was indicted …
Dick Mayhew comes back after getting a call from IFAB that freaked him out. He explains that he made up the David Anderson persona and Richard Mayhew is his real name. Also, does a you be the referee post. And mentions that boy is Duke mad about the fake documents he presented when he got his job. …
Why do you ask if I am punchy or deliriously happy?
; – )
I wish he would get on his plane with his whole criminal family and gtfoh
@BigJimSlade: Also:
That “Happy” loop that someone posted is treacherous! Might have to find one of “Stomp” for weaning purposes.
Almost Retired
On the one hand, I suppose it would have been preferable to have the first indictment come out of J6 or the Georgia phone call or the fact that the nuclear codes were on display in the Mar-a-Lago lobby. But none of those would include any discussion of his three inch orange mushroom dick. So I’m OK with this.
@Another Scott:
You broke the blog.
@Elizabelle: YES! My Dad didn’t live long enough to see this, but Jimmy Carter living to see this is the next best thing!
I think I’ll take flowers to Dad’s niche tomorrow – with a big smiley face balloon!
@Scout211: “poised,” lol
Another Scott
@Baud: Sorry. It’s ok now, yes?
Bill Arnold
Trump Force One was parked next to a runway at Stewart Airport near-ish me for a while, visible from the access road, missing the port engine for much of that time. They borrowed an engine, flew it down to Louisiana for a refurb/repaint, then it was flown to West Palm.
Dan B
@jonas: Weisselberg just changed lawyers theyre still being paid by the Trump org.
@Roberto el oso: Who is Alison R?
Never mind. Alison Rose, obviously.
@Alison Rose: As someone whose auto-correct is always oh-so-helpful, I’m afraid I let stuff like that go.
Yeah, indicting TFG for paying off an adult film actress is like getting Capone on tax evasion. So what, I’ll take it. This might, just might, encourage other indictments. The dam has been broken.
@Another Scott:
Has the NYT weighed in on how this bad for Biden?
They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity.
Har, har, de fucking har
De lurking to join the celebration. Hooray!
@lurker: That was fun.
Mai Naem mobile
@jonas: i think that’s the other NY case. The fraud case. We need that March Madness TFG case bracket pic up again.
@David Anderson: ♥️
I’m surprised there hasn’t been a cakecat sighting.
Poe Larity
@jonas: If only we could get Trump to follow Snowden and take his fanbois with him.
Maybe Putin would finally let him build a Trump tower in Moscow.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Me I presume :)
@David Anderson: Look forward to all your posts but like to concentrate on them and that won’t be happening tonight! Hope you will discuss the ruling today on preventive care.
Cake is in the oven, bitches
Alison Rose
@dm: Yeah but when it’s TFG raging out, it’s fucking funny
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Dump was just indicted❗
Fair Economist
I am basically lying on the couch all day for the immediate aftermath of knee arthroscopy, and I fell asleep. I woke up and saw a “Trump indicted” semi-spam mail from a Substacker who evidently bought my name from a list. I click through, and it’s a link to an article from earlier this month, so I roll my eyes at having fallen for clickbait. Then I log on here and it’s really true. Yay!
I should take unplanned afternoon naps more often.
James E Powell
The fact that Hillary Clinton is not Nixon-level angry & bitter all the time is additional evidence that she is a much better person than I am.
And the Jean Carroll vs TFG rape trial starts in April!
@Baud: It looks fine on my phone. ??
@Another Scott: It’s fine now on my phone.
Fair Economist
@Almost Retired:
Me too, but from the “wheels grind slowly point” this indictment is for something from 2016 while the other two are from 2020-21.
Old School
Indicting a criminal Republican former president on campaign finance violations is like indicting a Republican former speaker of the house on campaign finance violations.
I do hope the police heed TFGs advice not ” to be too nice” when making the arrest. It’s the least they can do
@waysel: Welcome to commenting!
Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride
Oh, the ex-prez whose parts are all nether
Is nearing the end of his tether:
He’s a fat scary clown,
But his ship’s going down,
And the band has struck up “Stormy Weather.”
@Mai Naem mobile:
@WaterGirl: when I started that, the post was on something like comment 75 … I clearly need to make these things quicker…
still waiting for the post from Maxwell Steve and Thurston though…
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Same here. It looks fine on my IBM 082 Punch Card Sorter
@Betsy: Ha!
Not sure why, but those are my favorite dishes for dessert.
Are you commenting on the red, white and blue for this occasion? Total accident!
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Meanwhile the BBC is busy covering Gwyneth Paltrow (no, really)
@Another Scott:
was that an actual problem with displaying a comment, or a snarky bit of envy about a good comment?
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: Scott apparently fixed whatever it was before we checked.
Perp walk the rancid shitbag
This got Cohen jail time and is among the smallest acts of his time in office. He has earned this indictment and hopefully several more.
And gets e. Jean Carroll her justice as well. I’d pity him, but I’m just going to giggle. A lot and for a good long time.
I feel such relief.
Amir’s comment (#11) sums it up.
And there are more indictments to come.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: my difference engine is still working it out. the gears never quite met the required tolerances so it is slow and buggy. got it from Babbage himself though.
@lurker: Sometimes when you copy & paste from elsewhere on the internet, there can be a stray character or something funky that breaks the margins on phones.
I think Another Scott fixed whatever the actual problem was.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: Trump’s the top story on their website now
Odie Hugh Manatee
@David Anderson:
Republicans… once again getting in the way of health care. 😉
@WaterGirl: seems I read baud’s comment wrong, I understand the potential issue, but I tend to default to snark on this blog instead of realizing there might be a real issue … wonder why that is
Roberto el oso
@Alison Rose: yes! sorry, I’ll be clearer in the future, promise! in my defense, I plead an excess of giddiness.
Deputinize Eurasia from the Kuriles to St Petersburg
I thought Alina had already been under threat of sanctions or had already been sanctioned. She’d better check herself before she wrecks herself – the bloated mediocrity may find himself with a gag order and restrictions from social media, and those can extend to counsel.
Alison Rose
@Roberto el oso: No problem! I think I’m the only Alison who regularly comments :)
@Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride: Just wanted to say how much I’m enjoying your…poems?
Opening day scores
Soros 1
Trump 0
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: There was a long string of * – long enough to break the right margin. I’m glad I had enough time in the edit window to fix it.
BenCisco 🇺🇸🎖️🖥️♦️
@VOR: “I can live with it.”
don’t know why
‘took so long to indict that guy
stormy daniels
@lgerard: LOL.
@dm: I just thought about that a minute ago :-)
@Alison Rose: I thought he was talking about someone who got there first with a tweet, and the only Alison i know on twitter is Alison Gill, and that’s Alison G, so I wondered who Alison R was.
When I came back to it, I of course realized he wasn’t talking about someone on twitter.
Tony Jay
With all the other potential indictments rolling down the hill of just desserts towards his tiger striped mug, Tang Miniwang is going to have to look into hiring a booking agent to manage his court appearances.
Matt McIrvin
@Elizabelle: Jimmy Carter is probably too kind and decent to take any pleasure in this. The rest of us can laugh though.
A shot of Chinaco Anejo in honor of BartCop. He would have been happy today.
@Gin & Tonic:
I was waiting for the big footing to stop to answer. Great news! Fuck you, Vlad!
@Alison Rose:
Did we ever get an explanation for covfefe?
Almost Retired
@M31: Ha! Brilliant. Although you don’t have to change the next verse: “Oh yeah. Life is bad. Gloom and misery everywhere.”
Another Scott
It’s officially official.
(via nycsouthpaw)
@Another Scott: I love it. Long time coming, but time to move to the next stage.
On March 20th, DeathSatan said he wouldn’t get involved with any possible extradition of Trumpov. Now he’s saying he won’t allow it. Can’t wait to see this showdown.
Wyatt Salamanca
I wish that three of New York’s best journalists, Wayne Barrett, Jack Newfield, and Pete Hamill, had lived to see this indictment.
@Tony Jay: Dominoes, baby.
If he’s smart, he’ll say Trump came to him begging with tears in his eyes…
@Matt McIrvin: Jimmy Carter is probably in too much pain to take pleasure in anything right now.
Deeply troubling.
I picked the wrong week to give up sugar!
Wyatt Salamanca
DeSantis is competing with Pence for the role of Trump’s biggest ass-kisser. He’s pure, unadulterated scum.
honestly, I’d be even happier at his arrest than Trump’s.
I’m watching Don Jr meltdown/rant about his fathers indictment. It’s fun too
( he is his usual coke fueled glassy eyed self )
@different-church-lady: I hope not. I hope he’s having some peaceful final days, and many of them. Excellent palliative care.
DeSantis filling in the “anti-semitic person’s code word for Jew” bingo card
@MagdaInBlack: What are you watching?
@oldgold: Oh cool: DeSantis gets arrested too!
@Elizabelle: Hal Sparks on youtube.
I’m iffy about posting links because I dont wanna get yelled at for doing it wrong
@Baud: first version will be with tears in his eyes, second he’ll be on his knees begging, third will be groveling like a dog. “Sir! Sir!’
@MagdaInBlack: Thank you.
Ah. Well, …
Law enforcement showed the handcuffs they’d have to use for this solemn occasion.
Incredibly DeSantis makes this nihilistic, anti-Semitic, racist statement at a time the indictment is under seal.
CNN is reporting the indictment includes 34 counts.
32. Subjecting the American People to detailed descriptions of defendant’s genitalia.
@Leto: Ha! I thought they were going to be little fluffy pink handcuffs.
Chief Oshkosh
@David Anderson: Yeah, but longterm, they are the most important posts. You have given me a new and good appreciation of an area otherwise would just be a source of confusion and frustration.
Hah! Can he be charged with obstruction if he actually does anything to interfere?
Dan B
It’s reported that former Trump employees are exchanging congratulatory emails.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@lurker: “Tbogg comments on something and the post gets something like 3000 more comments after that cuz Tbogg …”
FYI, you can also say: “Tbogg comments on something and the post gets something like 6 Tbogg units of comments after that cuz Tbogg …”
@Odie Hugh Manatee: yeah, not sure of how well people remember the Tbogg unit…
I wondered if TFG was even in Florida, but then remembered hearing that he never leaves MAL.*
So who’s living in the NY penthouse? Failson #1 and Scary Shouty Lady?
*except, obviously, for a rally now and then.
Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride
@scribbler: Thanks! Still one or two more coming.
@M31: I’ve been wondering what the scope of their indictment would be, whether it covered more crimes than just the hush money payments This number of 34 counts makes me think it does.
@UncleEbeneezer: He’s got a flurry of pleas for bail money from his MAGAt base to send out before he heads to Manhattan.
I think this is about the time of year that TFG heads north to Jersey? Albeit, state has a less amenable governor.
This year he can spend some quality time with the late Ivanka Trump, buried at his golf course.
@Geminid: Maybe, and I hope so.
But each individual piece of the infraction could be its own crime and another count. Hiding the money, moving the money, paying the money, declaring the payment as something it was not, etc.
@Geminid: A friend tells me the NYT reported that Trump will be arraigned this coming Tuesday.
@kalakal: Per the WaPo:
“DeSantis would need to build a solid legal case to decline an extradition request. According to Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, no state has the right to decline an extradition request from another state.
“A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime,” the Constitution reads.
Federal law also outlines that states are required to comply with another state’s extradition request.”
34 Counts against Trump – “sources” say – is good. Wish it was more.
@CaseyL: Kinda sells itself when it comes to proving intent.
@Jackie: He’s already fundraising:
@CaseyL: Yeach, I guess it’s possible that all 3r counts relate to the Stormy Daniels matter. It seems like they would want to keep that simpler, though. And there probably were other, unrelated financial crimes uncovered, and good reason to indict on those as well.
I guess we’ll find out for sure at the arraignment, if not before.
I love that he was taken down by a porn star. Live by the “sword” (potato peeler?), die by the sword. I’m naming my firstborn Stormy.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I’m here to remind everyone! I can be annoying like that…
It takes practice and I like to practice! ;)
James E Powell
Katie Porter, Gavin Newsom, The Squad, and somebody for that guy who almost beat Boebert all texted me asking for money today. Coincidence?
@Jackie: Yeah, I figured it was performative BS. DeStupid is being dumb as usual here, He can’t legally do anything to stop TFG being extradited yet being a dumbass is building an expectation amongst the MAGAs that he will. If he does he creates a total shitstorm, when he doesn’t and he won’t, the deplorables are going to turn on him as a do nothing wimp
Alison Rose
Still weird to ever be on the same side as this fucker, but this made me LOL
Another Scott
@James E Powell: End of the month + quarter fundraising.
@Alison Rose: A LOT of Never Trumpers and former republicans are celebrating right along with us 😁
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@James E Powell: I got Frisch, Hakeem Jeffries, and a couple of blegs from Wisconsin
I probably shouldn’t type it out loud, but I’ve been getting far fewer text solicitations the last few weeks.
Chief Oshkosh
@anitamargarita: Bermuda is nice this time of year…
Alison Rose
@Jackie: Yeah, I was watching MSNBC earlier and there were a few times when Nicolle Wallace looked a bit exuberant.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and more quietly, a couple dozen R Senators and a few presidential wannabes who really want Dems to do the dirty work for them
ETA: Along those lines (not for the faint of heart or stomach)
karen marie
I take a couple hour nap and look what the fuck happens!
Should nap more often apparently.
@Geminid: That’s what I am wondering.
Did they find evidence of other crimes, which are indictable? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Stormy charge turns out to be the mildest out of this grand jury?
@Gin & Tonic:
For reals? …typing… AWESOME!
@Alison Rose: Rachel Maddox will be on tonight! Alex Wagner is off this week due to kiddos spring break.
Morning Joe is gonna be LIT tomorrow 😂
Ha! My pizza delivery took almost three times as long as usual. I asked the delivery person if they were busy tonight and she said “VERY busy!” This red rural county has twice as many Republicans as Democrats, but what Dems we have are celebrating tonight!
Rileys Enabler
Had to choose between booze or cake due to cholesterol issues, so booze it was. CHEERS! It feels like progress is finally- FINALLY- being made. Whew. So happy to celebrate this with you all.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It would be fun to be a well hidden fly in several homes tonight.
We need to pay attention to R senators who appear to be trying to hide hangovers tomorrow 😁
Andy Borowitz sums up the mood for some at Mar-a-Lardo
Melamine speaks out
@Rileys Enabler: Cheers back atcha!🍻🍷🍾🥂
@kalakal: 😂 I know TFG doesn’t drink; does she? If so, she’s probably already shit-faced!
@Jackie: If she didn’t she does now 😄
@kalakal: On twitter they are saying that Trump already agreed to turn himself in next week.
So Little D gets to stand up and beat his chest for the rubes, telling him he will never extradite Trump! So he gets to be the big hero to his rubes, because they will have no idea that this is just performative bullshit because Trump already agreed to turn himself in.
These guys don’t have an honest bone in their bodies – not one, between all of them.
All 24 indictments don’t have to be against trump, right?
James E Powell
@Another Scott:
End of the quarter did not occur to me. I guess I’m not paying attention.
Why is that so important?
@James E Powell:
FEC quarterly reporting.
@WaterGirl: I want to see the faces on those toerag losers of the Patriot Moat as the perp is driven out of the front gates.
Don’n’Ron – would you buy a used car from these men?
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard is about to sweat some more. Good.
@Tony Jay: Bravo!
Steve in the ATL
@FastEdD: I loved BartCop! RIP.