As discussed in this space before, the far-right troll who is Florida’s governor, along with the corrupt fanatics in the statehouse, enact a lot of legislation that doesn’t pass constitutional muster. There’s been little blowback so far since the crap laws are campaign instruments anyway, as well as an opportunity to funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to far-right law firms staffed by DeSantis cronies.
But sometimes federal judges smack those shitty laws down. Hard! Yesterday was one of those times.
The Miami Herald reports that Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker blocked portions of a law that impose new rules on voter registration. The judge noted that the case “arises from Florida’s latest assault on the right to vote” after challenges by voting rights advocates, including the heroic League of Women Voters of Florida, the NAACP and the Hispanic Federation. The judge’s ruling included the following paragraph:
“Florida may, of course, regulate elections, including the voter registration process,” Walker wrote. “Here, however, the challenged provisions exemplify something Florida has struggled with in recent years; namely, governing within the bounds set by the United States Constitution. When state government power threatens to spread beyond constitutional bounds and reduce individual rights to ashes, the federal judiciary stands as a firewall. The Free State of Florida is simply not free to exceed the bounds of the United States Constitution.”
Extra points to Judge Walker for mocking the “Free State of Florida” DeSantis campaign nonsense. May the federal judiciary ever remain a firewall. We need it, because Gov. Gr*yper is burning our rights to the ground.
Open thread!
Not struggling very hard, it goes without saying, but still quite a smackdown. Judge says, this is hardly the first time, and it probably won’t be the last, but yes, you are part of the UNITED States of America, and can’t just deep-six the Constitution and laws of the UNITED States.
So sorry a majority of your fellow residents are on Team Troll. Any prospects for improvement in the foreseeable future? In any event, good to see this slap-down.
It occurred to me this morning that when I moved to California in 1981, it was still sorta Republican, and that never even crossed my mind. It did not mean then, that by living here I would be forfeiting certain rights or living among hateful, repugnant people.
It’s so sad that on this Independence Day 2023, many of us would never consider relocating to Florida or any red state. I really admire you, Betty, for staying and fighting for what Florida was and should be.
Alison Rose
The Free State of Florida*
(*offer not available to all residents, see terms and conditions, some restrictions may apply)
I love it when the district judges call out right wing politicians in their opinions. I hope they do the same to the Extreme Court when they get the chance.
On this Independence Day, DeathSentence has the independence to go suck a rotting horse’s ass.
I saw that yesterday. I was happy to read it, but in the article that wasn’t paywalled, WPTV this part was added.
So getting past the 11th circuit may be the next challenge.
Governing is hard.
Doesn’t seem like it should be but if one of a lawmaker’s issues is that part of the government/political sides “works” at screwing up the basis for a government for personal gain at the damage of millions of citizens, the ones that took an oath, likely to protect EVERYONE, then government isn’t working.
And we have that in some states and in a side of our politics, that the goal of that side of the aisle is to screw a now large portion of the electorate for power. That is specifically not governing, that is theft of government, of lives, of prosperity, of what this country is supposed to stand for.
@Scout211: It ain’t over yet. If the three were outside the mainstream I’d the law, they could request an en banc review.
Fun WaPo item: that notorious left-wing troll is actually a fake right-wing troll.
Gov Pudd’n Boots has been smacked down by the judges quite a bit these last few weeks!😂
@Alison Rose: Free state of Florida, sort of like the “German Democratic Republic”
Betty Cracker
@Scout211: I’ve noticed more media outlets are identifying who appointed judges these days. It is sadly relevant.
@FelonyGovt: When I moved to Nebraska in 1991, I knew it was pretty conservative but we had a D Senator and very conservative D governor. But I knew it was pretty well a theocracy in that it was around 30% Catholic and 30% conservative Protestant, which meant that on anything related to sex or gender the majority favored bad laws. So I did give politics some thought. But as an academic just out of grad school (heck not even finished w my dis) I went where the job was. And I had known some pretty cool people from Lincoln in my youth.
It felt like I had taken a time machine back to the 70s in a conservative largely segregated town Northern Illinois. I had not been anywhere this white since I left there. (I guess my undergrad institution was very white, but even Portland Oregon was not as white as this.)
Also what I found out was that the nonpartisan unicameral legislature did a lot to tame the excesses of conservatism when you got away from issues of sex and gender and race. Since there were no party primaries, at least half the Republicans were not as bad as you’d expect.
Lincoln is lot more diverse now starting from a very homogeneous baseline. But the unicameral at this point is nearly broken. The Rs managed to get a D to vote with them and there are not really any moderate Republicans anymore. So while on the one hand, I no longer feel like I’m nearly alone in my political views, it is hard to feel optimistic. The state has always worried about young people leaving. Right now there is a lot of talk that the radical Republican agenda is increasing their motivation to leave. I don’t know whether it is true. But the 40+% of the state that objects to what has transpired (Abortion ban, anti-trans medical bill, unaffordable tax cuts, refusal to fund decent education while giving tax breaks for donations to private schools, gutting the state environmental trust, etc.) is not feeling happy.
Alison Rose
@MattF: Somehow, this does not surprise me in the least.
@Jackie: “Let’s be honest! Those boots
woresmacked him!”WaterGirl
This is the best smackdown in the whole thing, I think! So condescending and dismissive!
More of this, please.
Cocaine found at White House.
Impeach Hunter!!
@Betty Cracker:
Thanks for posting this Betty!
And for fighting the good fight!
People like Betty C and my relatives in the LWV are who I try to think of first when the sunshine state is mentioned.
Another Scott
@Ascap_scab: Not gonna click – sounds too click-baity.
Is there a big * pointing to, say, 1885??
(Something like 1800 people work at the Executive Office of the President.)
Alison Rose
@Ascap_scab: I mean, it says it was found in a “working area” whatever that means. But I’d venture to guess there are multiple people who work in some capacity in the White House who do coke. Of course, the bulk of the comments are acting like the Secret Service found the cocaine sprinkled all over Hunter’s face as he lay across the Resolute Desk.
Snarki, child of Loki
If only sane judges had a way to insert “poison pills” to immunize their fact-based rulings against RWNJ appellate rulings and the Supremely Deplorable Six.
@Ascap_scab: Not clicking, but I am reminded that doughy pantload Jonah Goldberg can go fuck himself.
@Alison Rose: There are thousands of people who work in the buildings in the White House complex. Doesn’t seem that unlikely that one or more was doing cocaine.
@Alison Rose: Donnie Dipshit Jr forgot to take his stash! The dumbass!
Powerful… And if not true for the foreseeable future this democratic experiment is fucked.
Open thread?
Their own
privateFUBARred Idaho.Betty Cracker
@dmsilev: The data isn’t promising as far as prospects for improvement go, but sometimes, as exasperating as it is to those of us who see what’s happening, it takes a while for frogs to wake up to the fact that the heat in the pot is rising. There are some hopeful signs here and there on that score. I did a post about one sign a while back — when citizens in a conservative county (Hernando) stood up to the fanatics who were trying to run the district superintendent off.
Sometimes I feel like I don’t know the state anymore. I’m from a Dixiecrat area of FL, so the retrograde politics of my home county don’t surprise me. The children of the corrupt shitheads who ran things when I was a kid are running things now, and it’s weird because I knew them in high school, but I’m not surprised they are wingnuts.
I didn’t foresee South Florida morphing into a hotbed of Trump worship/DeSantis stronghold though. That and the malignant growth of The Villages explain a lot about our current predicament, I think.
Can it be reversed? I think so, but it won’t be easy or cheap. Anecdotally, recent Repub extremism like book banning, the abortion ban, Pride parade cancellations, etc., seems to have awakened some apathetic folks, but too late to do anything about it in the short term. The FL Dems may have hit rock bottom, so I hope the only direction they have to go is up. I’ll do my part.
Moving back from Florida to Maryland in 2016, even long before the election debacle, was a revelation to me in terms of how stark the blue state/red state divide had gotten. At a time when my job situation was very unstable, at a time when I had all kinds of medical issues popping up, and soon after I’d seen one of my Florida co-workers die from a treatable illness because the job didn’t offer health insurance… moving to Maryland meant I was instantly eligible for Medicaid when I was unemployed, and could still get major subsidies when I was employed but not paid well.
And it really did feel like a miniature version of crossing the Iron Curtain. “Welcome. In this state we believe your life has value, no matter what’s in your bank account. There are many, many things wrong with us, being poor is no bed of roses for Marylanders either, but for all our flaws, we’re not going to let you end up dead or broke for reasons beyond your control when we could have done something about it. You’ve lived in other states, you know that some of them absolutely would watch you die and raise a toast, so you know how important it is that our state remain like it is and not become like one of those states.”
I never really used to have state pride in anything but the most superficial sense. I do now.
@mvr: The state [of Nebraska] has always worried about young people leaving.
I’ll be curious over time how the converse turns out: MN and a few other states that are openly promoting being ‘sanctuary’ states (subject, of course, to Minnesotans continuing to vote D in sufficient numbers, and to the extent that such sanctuary laws don’t run into RW ideologue judges).
Minnesota has tended to buck larger demographic trends of upper Midwest states (ie: holding the line or growing as nearby states shrink. Lookin’ at you, Wisconsin).
Mike in NC
Our final trip to Florida entailed flying to Fort Myers Beach and taking the ferry to Key West, which was quite enjoyable. The last meal we grabbed there turned out to be at a gay bar where the crowd was entertained by a drag queen hosting a bingo tournament. It was all pretty funny but no doubt scowling Meatball Ron has cleaned up the state and put a stop to that sort of thing, just like he wants to inflict lax gun laws, book bans, and outlawing abortion on the rest of the country. No thanks, asshole!
@Betty Cracker: Another new ritual started by TIFG. No one payed much attention until he started blaming “biased against him” judges. The media punched back by saying “appointed by Bush or TIFG himself.”
I am so old that I remember when the League of Women Voters was centrist and pretty much apolitical. Lots of moderate Republican women, the sorts who were active in Junior League and Planned Parenthood. They didn’t care how anyone voted but they wanted everyone to have the opportunity to be an informed voter.
They haven’t changed much but in the current climate they seem like bunch of lefties.
@Mike in NC: Alas, we have succumbed to family needs, and will visit FL one more time, this November, for a relative’s 80th.
I have never been to Key West, so BF and I are adding that to the itinerary, and also visiting a gay couple we know in the Palm Beach area.
But really, until the state gets its shit together (ever?), we sincerely hope this next trip is our last.
Speaking of Trump judges
The hell is wrong with these people? “Do not use commonly used popular modes of communication to communicate with the citizens of your nation.”
I expect to receive my CDC healthcare recommendations henceforth via telegraph and surface mail.
“Again???!?” -MAGAts everywhere
OT but if anyone needs a laugh, there is some RWNJ clown (has some sort of talk radio show?) named Steve Deace (Twitter handle @SteveDeaceShow) who was musing aloud about why Kari Lake’s new book has sold so poorly…
…the replies are just. priceless. =)
“I’d rather read the directions of Preparation H, with all that implies”
“I’m waiting for the non-fiction version”
“Is her target demo comprised of big readers?”
Happy 4th, non-Governor Kari Lake!!
On Canada Day, the Coquitlam Library had another Drag Queen Story Hour.
The featured Drag Queen was an Xuwitlem Two Spirit performer reading a story about Canada from the eyes of the Indigenous Peoples.
The “rage” online was epic.
Did my usual research, showed up early,…………..
Nobody showed up to protest. Probably because last time, 5 of the small group got arrested (sex offenders within 150 metres of a school) and the rest got heavily mocked for “not being from around here”. It helped that the media that covered it, actually did their jobs, (armed with handouts), and started asking question’s like “who paid you to travel from Whatcom County in Washington State to travel all the way to Canada to protest a Drag Queen Story Hour, when you have no job?”.
So about half an hour before the show was to start, the clowns showed up. No they didn’t have a clown car, it was a proper 12 passenger van. With no protesters showing up., I made a quick run up to the No Frills for fresh mint, ice, sugar. lime cordial and plastic cups. The clowns used their seltzer bottles to make us virgin mohito’s.
We all hung out and chatted until the show was over and all the parents, kids and Drag Queens had safely left. Went to the Farmers Market, and then the Swearing In ceremony at the indoor tennis courts, just to applaud the New Canadians. Fun day. Had candied fresh local Sockeye for dinner with a green salad and scalloped potatoes.
Alison Rose
I had to look this up because I thought you were making up a joking name because the place had a lot of tech companies or something.
Learn something new every day!
@Ascap_scab: I wonder how many Secret Service agents are wondering if it’s there’s.
A Trump-appointed federal judge just ruled that the Biden administration cannot work with social media companies in combatting anti vax disinfo and election disinfo. Suit brought by GOP attorneys general.
They should be thanked, but told that we don’t need more examples of how it’s always projection.
@Jay: Sounds like a great day.
By the way, your Balderson cheddar was and remains right on. I just had to grab a more aged kind. You’d mentioned it like a year ago. 2 years ago?
Minnesota has the honor of being the longest-running blue state in the Union, being the one state that voted against Reagan not once but twice. It’s now been more than half a century since they’ve elected a Republican president. It’s even funnier because they’re not, strictly speaking, that radical; or at least they don’t get the reputation for it that California or Massachusetts do. But they’re liberal and so far they’ve remained so.
I don’t know what they’re doing right up there, but I hope it continues for a long long time. And that more states learn from their example.
@Alison Rose: It’s a spectacular stretch of territory, from the coast to the glacial volcano, Mt. Baker and beyond, to North Cascades NP. Being primarily rural I’m sure it has more than the usual dose of idle shitkickers.
@Alison Rose:
I “scrape” the social media of the morons posting online that they will attend the anti Drag Queen Story Hour to protest. The protests are organized out of a Fundi group in Chilliwack, who really have no clue about online security, or anonymity. They all have photos.
I then do print outs for the local media, the cops and the supporters of the shows.
Learned recently in an elevator ride that “Princess Peanut” lives in my building. She was “up” fab and glam and I had the pleasure of escorting her to her Uber. Broke the ice by complimenting her heels.
I always look like a “scary dude”, even with out a mask. Carhart’s, skin head, goatee, baseball cap*, work boots, old, white, (not red head white, but white),
*not a trucker cap, a real, cotton baseball cap with the brim curved just right, no logos.
yeah, about 2 years ago, have you tried their smoked cheddar?
patrick II
@Alison Rose:
…with two hookers on top of him.
Nukular Biskits
Been seeing a lot of blather about “freedom” from my “conservative Christian” asshat governor, Tate Reeves, and both of my “conservative Christian” asshat US Senators, Roger Wicker and Cindy Hyde-Smith.
Not that it will change anything, but I asked each of them on social media:
“Does that include freedom to make your own medical decisions in consultation w/ your own medical providers w/o interference from holier-than-thou busybodies who use power of gov’t to impose their own warped version of morality, despite their claim to be all about ‘small gov’t’?“
@Betty Cracker: I visited an interesting thread on Daily Kos today about people deciding to either leave or not to retire to Florida. Some very telling comments. We have vacationed in Florida for decades, it is such a beautiful state and it is sad that the awful Repub politics have put such a blight on it.
@Stacy: The Federalist project to fatally hobble the administrative state continues.
I dunno what happens when we’re an ungovernable nation, but history certainly has examples of failed, collapsed empires. Wheee.
@Nukular Biskits:
They use “freedom” and “liberty” the same way the commies used to use “democratic” and “popular.” At best it’s a meaningless worship-word, at worst it’s a straight Orwellian use of a word to mean its opposite.
@Jay: No! Wow. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a smoked cheddar offering. Our town doesn’t have many stores but a bunch of grocery stores almost back to back – so the tiny villages surrounding us come to shop. One place – Bourassa – is the place with the best cheese options. More soft cheese / brie / camembert than cheddar, but now I’m going to look in earnest.
Jerzy Russian
From the article:
Jesus take the wheel.
This Fourth of July essay by Ken White (Popehat) is worth your while.
@Chris: Indeed we do have a fine record in terms of presidential elections. And can proudly claim Walter Mondale (my brush with fame was sitting at a banquet table for 10 ppl with him and his son Ted for like 15 minutes before the senior Mondale went up and keynoted the huge ballroom breakfast). Anyhooo.
We have been occasionally less sensible in terms of governors (the hockey-haired Tim Pawlenty did good ‘aw shucks’ fake-moderate-right radio, while pushing and then signing some very shitty legislation ’03 to ’11. And we’ve suffered under a GOP state Senate until quite recently.
I’m so glad Walz & state Dem leaders decided to go for the brass ring while having a trifecta these two years (may it continue!). It’s a smart lesson I think they learned from watching GOPers gallop ahead when they have power. Michigan, too.
I hope other Dem states are noticing. No time for defensive crouches!!
Jerzy Russian
@Chris: Freedom? Freedom? That is a worship word. Yang worship. You will not speak it.
It’s an apple wood smoked 4 year old cheddar..
Maybe if you ask, as they already carry some Balderson product, they could order some in?
Here, some of the smarter “foodie” companies will have their salespeople drop off 6 of a new, or other product, free to the retailer. If it sells, it sells, if not, donate it to the Food Bank.
Shirze had a vegan, organic, halal feta cheese simulant. We loved it. Everybody did. Just got a text that it will be in stock, July 9th.
@Jerzy Russian: Twitter has been replying to any and all press enquiries with that poop emoji for a while now. I guess Elon Musk thinks it’s funny.
As long as my FIL in Plant City is alive, my wife and I will continue to visit Florida to see him, and see other relatives while we’re there.
Next month when we’re down, we’ll also be staying at the house on Anna Maria Island that we’ve stayed at all but two years since 2009. But it will be the last time.
For one thing, Anna Maria’s been discovered, and the cost of renting has gone stratospheric (and forget about owning). So we’ll shell out for one last time to say goodbye.
But with things the way they are in Florida, that’ll be our last vacationy sort of trip anywhere in Florida until the state regains its sanity. (I hope I live to see the day.)
I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to see the Keys, but they’ll just have to wait: there are plenty of other places in this country I either want to get back to, or want to see for the first time. And there are places overseas I’d like to visit as well. So aside from visiting my FIL, I think we can do quite well without Florida.
Looks like 5 dead in Philly.
Oh gee, old news!
My mom was involved in the LWV for many decades, eventually becoming a a national VP. We lived in Jacksonville for two years in the early 1960s and she claims she integrated the LWV there. There was a black women’s auxiliary LWV and she insisted the two groups meet together, facilitating this. She was a liberal democrat, a bit shocked by the segregation in Jacksonville after living in Chicago and NJ before that.
TBH, I couldn’t imagine retiring to Florida, period, and the same is true for my wife who was born and raised there.
For one thing, the people we know and care about are almost all up here in the mid-Atlantic. Why would we move away from them?
But second, completely aside from the way Florida’s going politically, I strongly suspect I will live long enough to see peninsular Florida become unlivable due to climate change. I think anyone who thinks they may be around in 20 years would be crazy to move there.
thank you so much for that.
@twbrandt: Thank you for sharing that. It definitely was worth the read!
@dmsilev: Speculation is that the last person in public relations changed the auto-response to the poop emoji when they were fired, and no one at the company knows how to change it back.
Almost Retired
@twbrandt: That’s a wonderful essay. I had the honor of appearing before Judge Lew many years ago. Sadly, he died last month.
Another Scott
ICYMI, driftglass on Day 6 of the recovery from the derecho that knocked Watergirl off line, etc.:
Well worth a click.
It’s harder for states to stay on the wagon when it comes to governors or other state elections, because all the local political factors come into play, plus the fact that a lot of the really existential issues that people base their political identity on are things that they care more about at the federal level than the local one.
We had this issue in Maryland too, Larry Hogan stayed governor for two terms. And he wasn’t a terrible governor as these things go, but almost any Republican is still a step down from almost any Democrat.
Jerzy Russian
@Ken: 💩
I have to admit, it is short and sweet and easy to use.
They have truly made it impossible for folks without accounts to access content, unless it’s embedded such as here by front pagers.
I had followed sports teams, my kid’s school, and Ukraine in near-real time looking at Twitter accounts in a browser and now cannot. Sucks for me but I note there’s more pertinent information disseminated via Twitter: city PD and FD, county sheriff and emergency response, state office of emergency response, CHP districts, CalFire districts, National Weather Service regional offices–they have fucked those up to real consequences.
Something can and will fill the void but none of the current tools seems to fit the bill.
I’d love for the gummint to say fuck it and create a digital platform version of USPS. Even if that Trump judge says “don’t touch social media, you bad government that I also work for.”
The Thin Black Duke
@dmsilev: Cognitively speaking, Elmo’s a twelve-year-old brat having a temper tantrum.
Dan B
@Alison Rose: My best friend just got back from 5 days in Bellingham, Whatcom County. My nephew lives there with his partner. My partner’s sister, brother and sister in law live on the Mount Baker highway and Lake Whatcom respectively. Lots of connections. Oh, and we can see Mt. Baker (Koma Kulshan) from our house – 90 air miles away.
So when Governor Puddinghands is finally crushed by Big Mouse, will future generations refer to the event as Custard’s Last Stand?
@Dan B:
one of the funny things about living in the North West, this side of the Rockies, is that nobody believes that the place names are real.
Aboot the only people who get it is the Newfies.
We have Chehalis,
They have Whale Pushed Though.
We have T’kumloops,
They have Dildo.
Cowgirl in the Sandi
Yeah, I feel the same way. I lived in Florida for many years, met and fell in love with my husband, taught school, went to grad school, lived in Sarasota, Gainesville, Tampa and was happy. But once we got to California, we realized how much better it could be. My husband says we were always Californians, it just took us a while to get here.
My father, who is 98, lives in Sarasota and so we make the trek from California to SRQ at least twice per year to see him and various other relatives. It makes me sad to see what it has become. But as long as he is alive, we are stuck with visits. After he is gone though, I’ll never go back.
I think conservatives should reject all modern medicine and public health measures – tainted by Big Pharma and the Deep State. I agree- they can’t “trust” any of it. Reject all of it.
They should get all their health care/advice from Dr Joe Rogan, Dr Robert Kennedy, Facebook and Instagram.
Can’t happen fast enough as far as I’m concerned. Let’s get some natural selection going.
The latest centrist/Right talking point is we don’t need federal voting protections because voter turnout is up across the board. It is up across the board but of course that has nothing whatever to do with the question of whether certain votes were suppressed. But then the centrist/Right voting pundits were never very good with numbers.
Dan B
@Jay: And Humptulips, plus Puyallup which took me a year to pronounce correctly.
@Kay: Totally agree that we need to stop interfering with the process, unless there is a demonstrably reliable way to expedite it.
Open thread?
J-Rub is shrill And I do mean shrill. She basically rips the Extreme Six to shreds.
(Should be gift link, please let me know if it doesn’t work.)
Also: FYWP.
I’m sorry, whut? A simulant. I mean a vegan feta is something I’m happy to try.
Es-yay on the smoked apple wood. I shall ask them.
Friend of mine came for a visit. Her husband was a James Beardo food critic, so she ate a ton with him. We took her to this cheese room at our store, and ate this whatsis, something soft, that when left out of the fridge, creeped around the table, unlike any cheese I’d ever seen. It was deelish. She went back to St. Louis to get the cheese she’d gotten at our store, and learned that it was a jillion dollars an ounce.
I think I could talk cheese for a long time.
Jerzy Russian
@Yutsano: The link doesn’t work .
I see you fixed it.
@Dan B:
Similkameen, Tulkqua, Tunqua, I could go on.
Newfie’s have Come By Chance, which is probably the dirtiest place name in history,……….. if you think aboot it.
@Kay: And Dr.Oz! And Dr.Pepper!
zhena gogolia
@Yutsano: Really good!
it’s a coconut based feta like cheese product, Nafsika’s Garden.
Took us two weeks to figure it out, ( I looked at the label one day when we were thinking about getting more, and went “What?”), and that it was one of the best “Feta’s” we had ever had.
It was in Shiraz’s case, by all the other Feta’s, but they tend to go large, so we weren’t looking for a 1 kilo block, just a smaller portion, so we grabbed it.
No nuts, no gluten, no dairy, no soy, no palm oil, no GMO’s
A good accident.
As I mentioned before, I got a used Sony A7r. I sent it out for full spectrum conversion yesterday. Now, I wait(2 to 3 weeks).
Yeah, I think the climate change is a real issue when it comes to Florida un-fucking itself.
Florida desperately needs people who are interested in making the state’s economy and politics stable and healthy over the long term, and not just a playground for smash-and-grab corporate pirates and political crooks, or the voters who’re loony or spiteful enough to support them. … The problem is, any outsiders who might be interested in this, whether they’re businesses looking to invest there or citizens looking to move there, are increasingly going to take one look at the state’s climate prospects and then stay the hell away. The only kinds of outsiders who are stupid enough to ignore that are either completely delusional loons who think climate change is a hoax, and crooks who don’t care if it’s real because they won’t be staying that long.
In other words, Florida is going to remain a place where the outsiders who move in are the kind of people who make the place worse instead of better, and that trend is going to get worse and worse.
Is it obvious to the average Florida voter that DeSantis’s immigrant trafficking stunts are just a means to funnel millions of state tax dollars to rich campaign contributors?
And would he be guilty of a felony under his new trafficking law if he picked up those migrants in his own state instead of going to Texas?
Jonathan Van Ness of Queer Eye and the Getting Curious podcast had a really good Instagram post today about voting in light of recent SCOTUS decisions. It was geared to younger voters and he addressed the disillusionment they feel. Not sure if this link to Instagram w8@@ work, but here goes. @jvn
@zhena gogolia: I almost needed a cigarette after that. She is not mincing words for sure! I only hope running on the court as illegitimate does motivate some folks.
Another Scott
@MomSense: Thanks for the pointer.
The auto-link looks a little mangled, here it is again:
@lowtechcyclist: I think the long Florida summers are virtually unlivable now, never mind the sea level rise already inching up but with a lot of upside to come.
Likewise most of Arizona is too damn hot too much of the year. Santa Fe, NM is about the only sun belt place I’d even consider, and it may run out of water, so I’d not want to add to the demand there.
I’m glad I was a goof off in 2003 and lived in Taos for three months (Jan-Mar). Incredibly fun, sharing a house with a few other guys, doin’ yoga, going snowboarding, and just soaking in the vibes. It was a self-funded sabbatical from the world of work. Retirement seemed too far off, and I don’t regret the indulgence (nor did it screw my career as some worriers suspected my 6 months total of fleeing work looked).
Dan B
@Yutsano: Doesn’t work :<(
Another Scott
@Yutsano: Thanks for the pointer.
That piece by Rubin is excellent.
She’s not “shrill”,
she is bang on.
Thank you for the link,
Schoolhouse Rock…..Interjections!😊😊😊
Odie Hugh Manatee
No thread better than a Betty Cracker thread for crazy stuff…
The other day I mentioned that our neighborhood was a lot quieter now that Clown Car Vagina and MAGA Trucker had moved out of the hood. Nope. It turns out that they split up (again, third time) and he took the two oldest kids (sons) with him. She is staying in the hood and has the other four but at least they are the quiet ones…lol!
Last night one of her relatives decided to toss a Silver Salute (BIG BANG!) out in the street with the kids to make them jump (or to try to kill them, who knows). It’s a paved road but lots of loose aggregate on the top, so he basically tossed out a fragmentation grenade. I have no idea if the kids were injured but later last night I discovered that he had blew the rear window out of our minivan. I just got back from visiting CCV and she was apologetic about it, agreeing to pay for replacement. I got it on dash cam so that helps to properly place blame.
Now to clean up the mess… Happy 4th!
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Incoming! Pull up your socks and grab. . .well you know!
Gin & Tonic
I mentioned some current, unresolved health complications the other day. Turns out my instincts were close to the mark – I have anaplasmosis. Now 10 days of doxycycline and I should be good as new.
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Good god, are they doing their Salute to Bakhmut or something? Literal “You’ll put your eye out” vibe.
Lotsa luck!
@Gin & Tonic:
Ticks are on my “of no value to anyone or anything” list. Food chain schood chain, tick be gone!
Glad you got a fix on the way. We have a neighbor with chronic Lyme because hers was diagnosed late.
Absolutely. They have been lied to by the Deep State and the Medical Establishment.
They must reject all modern medicine and public health advances, starting with potable water and sewage systems. It’s all LIES meant to ENTRAP them.
@Another Scott:
Thank you! It’s a good video. Definitely one to share with younger voters.
RFK Jr needs to get that medical device he relies on taken out of his throat. He can replace it with a tincture made from bark or something.
Big Medical Device makes a ton of money. No more new knees for the aging Trump voters!
I have a little hope for Florida. Jacksonville recently elected a woman who is also a Democrat as mayor. Jacksonville is in north Florida and shares the politics of south Georgia. More registered Republicans than Democrats voted in the election, meaning that Republican women voted for the Democrat. I think the impact of overturning Roe is yet to be seen.
Jesus, they are showing a news clip of a guy who got impaled through the stomach with a tree branch that came down in a storm in Atlanta. His wife is talking and the dude is in the background and his eyes are rolling up in his head! Get the camera out of the dudes face!
Another Scott
In other news, all the news outlets are reporting and re-reporting that July 3 had the hottest global average temperature – 17.01C – ever recorded. None of the stories that I’ve seen give an actual link to the actual source data at the “US National Centers for Environmental Prediction.”
@Yutsano: I was just about to note this piece! It’s well worthy of its own FP post at the right time.
Great summation of the problem here (and therefore a great rallying cry for anyone who might think that trump is our sole/biggest threat to democracy):
Another Scott
@Gin & Tonic: Yikes! Ticks are nasty beasties. You need more ‘possums. ;-)
Glad you’re getting treated. Feel better and have a full recovery quickly!
Gin & Tonic
@trollhattan: I have enough experience with tick-borne diseases that I’m usually two steps ahead of my medical providers. Like when I entered the ER for triage after I broke my arm – the nurse wanted to know why I was there, I said “I broke my arm”, she said “how can you be sure?” Honey, listen to me, I know.
Thanks! That is a wonderful post.
Odie Hugh Manatee
The worst part is that alcohol was not involved, just pure stupidity.
And no Medicare-funded Hoverounds!
He needs to do something about that webpage. The text kept getting awfully blurry.
Miss Bianca
@MattF: “that notorious left-wing troll”…that I’ve never heard of.
But s/he/it sounds like a malignant version of DougJ.
Speaking of stupidity! Ronna McDaniel posted a tweet on the republican’s official Twitter celebrating Independence Day using LIBERIA’s national flag 🇱🇷 as the background.
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic: I hope you feel better soon!
Didn’t work for me, got the pop-up basically saying, ‘sign in or subscribe if you want to keep reading.’
So far this sounds like bullshit—reported by an unnamed “fireman,”according to the New York Post, and the first quote dropped in is from Bush minion and right-wing shitposter Ari Fleisher? Give me a fucking break.
Where is the LWV?
Dan B
@Steeplejack: League of Women Voters = LWV
@twbrandt: Wonderful essay. Thanks be to Popehat.
West of the Rockies
@Jerzy Russian:
Is there a board of directors at Twitter? I would think the stupid, juvenile, unprofessional poop emoji would be a raging embarrassment.
“What” is the LWV?
Where is all over,………
@lowtechcyclist: Try this gift link:
@West of the Rockies:
Not for the Twitter Board composed of 12 year old tech bro’s,……
It’s as good as a fart joke,…….
No. He answers only to himself
@RaflW: I’m old and Minnesota looks really nice from here right now. But we just sunk a lot of money into my basement so that I would have more shop space. So I’m here until they positively drive me away.
IRL, the country sort of sinks or swims together. Things will only get so bad here if the country as a whole gets no worse.
Another Scott
@Steeplejack: Devil’s Advocate: There was a story a few days ago about Biden getting a root canal at the White House “without anesthetic” (so that he wouldn’t have to go under and have to transfer power). Dentists use/used cocaine as an anesthetic [in the past – I’m not saying that happened in this case]. I wonder if a dentist left something behind, or if the Secret Service decided to rummage through the trash for some reason…
@Evap: Amazing. Go Mom!!! :-)
Uncle Cosmo
@Another Scott: FWIW I’ve had several root canals and every one was performed under local anesthetic only. Same for recent multiple wisdom-tooth extractions (though that included nitrous oxide, which wasn’t the laugher I expected but worked well enough I guess). Novocaine/procaine/[insert prefix of choice]caine is near ubiquitous in dental work these days – to the point where the numerous childhood drillings & fillings I endured in the 50s and 60s without benefit of anesthetic could now arguably be considered child abuse…
@Jackie: Thanks, that worked!
@Another Scott: I missed why watergirl was knocked off the internet. My house still getting post-derecho work done one year later. Still have a bit of ptsd from being in the eye. Still bags of crap lying around…some of my clean-up mojo just not back. We were out of power maybe 3 weeks. Internet out a little longer than that. Still need a new roof. Hang tight or hang loose, der, @watergirl.
Local snafu with her provider.
Another Scott
@Ramalama: Derechos are scary. We were fortunate that the one that came through the DC area in 2012 didn’t do any damage.
WaterGirl on 6/30:
Good luck with your continued recovery!
Best wishes,
Chris T.
Key West used to be pretty nice, but now it’s so crowded that nobody goes there anymore.*
*hat tip to Yogi Berra, plus a more serious note: it gets a lot of visits from Ginormous Cruise Ships, which make a mess of things.
Chris T.
@Alison Rose: It is a funny name. I live in Whatcom County because Bellingham is in it. Whatcom Falls is not far away, between me and the city, sort of. It’s very pretty (not all that big or loud most of the time as the lake that feeds the creek is now the City of Bellingham’s drinking water source and has a weir on it to regulate outflow, but it’s really nice in the fall when the leaves turn color).
Washington State is full of funny sounding names though. Everything is merely “-ish”. Not Snowhome, just Snohome-ish. Not Swinome, just Swinonmish. Not Skycomb, just Skycomish, and so on.
@Jay: Quebec has some goodies. I really like Chibougamau