It’s kind of hard to see since taken from a vehicle at a stop sign, but this house with a Trump 2024 flag has a minivan wedged in the garage door. So many poor life choices!
A short while ago, Bill and I were watching a fierce thunderstorm from the porch, and lightning struck a cypress tree about 50 or so yards away. We could see the orange fire and hear branches crackle and explode. It was awesome in the true sense of the word!
Badger and Pete aren’t typically afraid of thunder, but they are clingier since that pyrotechnic display. What are y’all up to?
Open thread.
Wonkette tells me that the usual suspects on the right are to the fainting couches over Nancy Grace and her comment at the prayer breakfast. An unmarried woman having sex with her fiance has them incensed. So that’s entertaining 🤗
On the deck, just ‘lifeguarded’ my 78 y.o. M.I.L. (she’s a strong swimmer and all I did was look up occasionally at the lakeshore to be sure she was still out there and not run over by a boat). It’s 79° and perfect (non) humidity.
But I also have a summer cold. Blerg! First one since 2019. No fever, but my sinuses are a disaster zone. Pitiful me. Somehow I’ll survive!
zhena gogolia
Thinking about anything but baseball caps.
zhena gogolia
@MagdaInBlack: What did she say?
All I’m finding is stuff about Murdaugh and Kohberger. I hope she didn’t sleep with one of them.
I must say, I’m loving the descriptive titles on today’s threads:
Sunday Morning Open Thread (AL)
Sunday Afternoon Open Thread (WG)
Sunday Evening Open Thread (BC)
Nicely coordinated, ladies!
@zhena gogolia: Something to the effect that her fiance tried to pull her back to bed and she said no honey, i’ve a prayer breakfast to go to…… the gist.
zhena gogolia
@MagdaInBlack: Wow, that is kind of inappropriate. Was she drunk?
@zhena gogolia: Ya it was a stupid thing to say.
Nancy Mace, I think you mean. The Congresswoman, not the (former?) CNN anchor.
The hypocrisy on the right continues to astound, doesn’t it?
zhena gogolia
@MagdaInBlack: Oh, Nancy Mace, not Nancy Grace. That makes more sense. I didn’t know why Nancy Grace was wasting her time.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes, you are correct and I swear I typed Mace, but apparently not.
West of the Rockies
That blurry photo above… yet another wicked schmart and competent Trumpling.
zhena gogolia
@MagdaInBlack: The article is pretty funny. “Unmarried concubine” 😂
Chetan Murthy
@West of the Rockies: From the pic, it seems like it happened a while ago? I mean, the minivan-into-garage-without-opening-door thing. And boy howdy, nice driveway there. all it needs is a coupla rusting hunks propped up on blocks to complete the tableau.
West of the Rockies
61-year-old cis straight white guy here. Saw Barbie with my DIL. Loved it!
zhena gogolia
@Chetan Murthy: Around here the Trump flags are always flying proudly over the crappiest and most decrepit houses. Plus the apartment buildings owned by the local slumlord.
Miss Bianca
The July monsoons are coming in right at the end of the month. Heard an epic KA-BOOM of thunder that had the dogs barking.
Little Miss Susi, however, wanted to tool around outside, rain, thunder, lightning be damned! Now she’s pawing at the door looking like a little wet mop.
West of the Rockies
@Chetan Murthy:
Yeah, a lot of pride of ownership there, no?
zhena gogolia
We finally have a BEAUTIFUL day — clear and 79 degrees. Not cold and wet (like all of June) or hideously hot and wet (like all of July up to today).
The Bear is such a great show.
Math Guy
Years ago I was standing on the front porch during a fierce thunderstorm. It was at night, but with the streetlight I was able to see heavy rain pounding on the street in front of the house. As I was standing there, lightning struck the ground less than a hundred feet away, just out of my direct line of sight. Aside from just about jumping out of my pants, I remember seeing ripples in the pattern of raindrops on the street from the shock wave created by the lightning strike, like the ripples you would get dropping a rock in a pond. It was really neat.
@MagdaInBlack: I had no idea she (Nancy Mace) was married and divorced twice, now engaged. Huh.
She does seem to be trying to ratchet up her sexy creds for some reason right now. Is she hoping to catch TFG’s eye for vice president? The photo in the Wonkette report (in your link) sure looks like she is trying out that new extra sexy image. Sure to catch TFG’s eye. For something.
I see the minivan wedged in the garage door as a sort of metaphor for trump and the Republican nomination contest.
I don’t think Nancy Mace should be having sex either.
But that’s because she’s a horrible person, and horrible people (IMO) don’t deserve pleasure or physical intimacy.
Nice. Right wingers are of course interpreting the Bible for their own convenience. Here’s Matthew 5:31-32, with no ambiguity:
Once you’re divorced (with just one out), that’s it for you—celibacy until death. I wonder how many Republicans are on board with that?
Betty Cracker
@SpaceUnit: Exactly.
You can only say “Republicans suck” so many ways.
I have no reason why, but I have never thought you were married to a guy named Bill.
Tony? Maybe. Even a Pete, or a Tommy, even a Jack.
Just not Bill.
Or wife four? She’s getting ready for husband three, though.
EDIT: Given Trump’s dynastic ambitions, she might think the
FirstFourth Lady would be first in line to the throne, ahead of the spawn.FelonyGovt
Betty, I posted this (thinking of you) in an earlier thread: Florida Universities Hit by Brain Drain as Academics Flee
Hell, it ain’t like she’s not familiar with a morning quickie, this will be her third marriage.
My sister said the same thing. I watched the first few episodes really wanting to get into it, but it quickly became stale and formulaic for me. Maybe I’ll go back.
@MagdaInBlack: Mace
@raven: My Atlanta friend was in classes with Nancy Grace, at Mercer Law School in Macon.
RobertDSC-iPhone 8
I hate that the X has replaced the bird logo on the bird site app. I only keep it for my sports teams, but I’m debating whether to go without. I hate that X.
@RobertDSC-iPhone 8:
“I see a blue bird
and I want to paint it black.”
And then make it an X. That’s a sick man.
@raven: Yes, I fat fingered it, Ms Duinne caught me at # 9 😉
Ben Cisco 🇺🇸🎖️🖥️♦️
Gearing up for another week at the job, only now in true hybrid mode! Glad to be driving less.
I’m getting a new co-worker tomorrow, which will be interesting, as my other co-worker will be gone and I go on vacation next week. I hope that doesn’t push him out the door, although if he’s restricted to simple things he’ll be fine.
@RobertDSC-iPhone 8: Ragnarok Lobster put up a picture of a grizzled old Black guy, gesturing and saying::
“His Mama named him Twitter.
I’mma call him Twitter.”
@Scout211: Melania is clearly an unhappy spouse. Maybe Ms. Mace is auditioning for a different role than veep?
I mean, once you concubine, why stop at one?
Citizen Alan
@RSA: It is possible that the only reason I’m not an atheist is that I cling to the belief that on Judgment Day, I will get to see the looks on the faces of all the RWNJ Fake Christians as Jesus tells them he never knew them and sends them all to hell.
I’d say Mace’s big sin was just not thinking, “maybe this is the wrong joke to make at a prayer breakfast with RWNJs.” I mean, I don’t care if she’s fucking someone, but JFC, lady, have a clue.
And yeah, all the vapors and pearl-clutching by all the holier-than-thou types, but it’s fine for Trump to be on wife #3, which as RSA reminds us by quoting Matthew, is adultery according to the Bible, and that’s one of the Big Ten. And it’s also fine for Trump to sexually assault any number of other women. I guess that’s because Trump’s their Cyrus or whoever, who knows how their minds work anymore.
@FelonyGovt: Relatedly, (and maybe not as fresh of news as I thought) Alpha Phi Alpha, a traditionally Black fraternity, announced they are moving their 2026 conference (4000+ attendees, est $4.3M economic impact) outta Florida.
Googling shows that quite a few 3 and 4,000 room-night shindigs for ’25, ’26 and beyond are bailing on Florida venues (economic impacts in the $4-$8M range, each).
I know Rhonda is term limited, so this damage won’t really affect him. But the stumps in the Florida legislature that passed all his toxic posturing for his flailing campaign will, presumably, still want votes next cycle.
Dems need to make lotsa hay about all these brain drains and travel/tourism costs.
In the original, they are talking about Muhammad Ali (previously named Cassius Clay). That’s a take on this scene from the barbershop in Coming To America.
Sister Golden Bear
Just saw Barbie, it was full of awesome, so now I can catch up on all the social media posts with spoiler alerts
Also too, a young woman sitting next to me was laughing so hard she was curled up in her seat. The man she was with didn’t laugh once, and looked slightly pissed. Guess it was little too on the nose for him.
@lowtechcyclist: ( all of this)
Just ridiculous stuff on the right
Betty, did you see that WaPo #1 numero uno top of the fold article about how DeSantis is flailing?
What insight! Our snooze media surely is up to the task of covering the 2024 campaign (motto: “we will get it less badly horrible than last time, and the time before that, probably)
(Also too, Rhonda: if you are down by 30 points IN YOUR HOME STATE to an obviously bananas insurrectionist adulterer five-dozen-felony-counts-and-more-coming 77-year-old, you MIGHT want to pack it in. Go run a donut shop or something – no offense to donut shop shift managers everywhere.
The Lodger
@HumboldtBlue: Or a Sam (NO SAM!)
@lowtechcyclist: Cyrus was a class act. Trump is just a tinhorn.
I guess people say Trump’s a Cyrus because he moved the US Embassy 40 miles. But his stupid withdrawal from the JCPOA put Israelis in a lot more danger than Yasser Arafat ever did.
You remind me of that horrible observation that men are afraid women will laugh at them, and women are afraid men will kill them.
@RobertDSC-iPhone 8: Completely agree. My pleasant little blue bird replaced by that big threatening X. Ugh!
@RSA: Republican men? Zero
Republican women? Almost zero
@Sister Golden Bear: Good lord, what a fragile little man one would have to be to not enjoy Barbie. Sad…
Thought you’d also appreciate what Zinnia Jones Tweeted:
“Also the implication that Dr. Barbie is being played with by a trans girl who wants to be a doctor and omg I’m gonna cry”
I love that the film has so many levels.
El Muneco
@zhena gogolia: The only one of those rags anywhere on my jogging route flies above the house owner’s childrens’ treehouse. A perfect example of how much of TFG’s base is actually the petit bourgeoisie who are so, so concerned about their relative status in their community.
@zhena gogolia:
Same in my neck of the woods. The Trump flag is typically flying in front of a decrepit trailer home on a weedy, overgrown lot with a rusted-out pickup in front festooned with confederate flag and/or 2A bumperstickers. Just screams “winning”.
I have noticed one trend over the past year: fewer and fewer what I would describe as more upscale suburban homes whose lawns used to feature lots of tacky Trump swag have quietly disappeared that shit as the indictments have accumulated. He’s still riding strong out in redneck country, but I think more and more “respectable” Republican voters are increasingly reluctant to admit — at least openly — that they support him. Maybe the cheap banners and shit will all come out again next year during the campaign, but for now, even if folks are still all-in on the cheetoh-faced felon, they’re not so out and proud about it like they once were, at least here in suburbia.
I want to utter a primal scream every time I read about evangelicals excusing their Trump support by claiming he’s like a modern-day Cyrus whom the Lord used to save his people, or whatever. The Persian emperor Cyrus was not a vicious, malevolent cretin whom God somehow “raised up” despite his despicable personal traits to aid the Jews. He was widely considered a consummately (for the time, at least) humane and wise ruler who allowed the Jews who had been held captive in Babylon to return to their homeland and rebuild their temple. In other words, the complete opposite of His Almighty Trumpiness, the Lord High Asshole.
She clearly loathed every minute she had to spend as “First Lady” in Washington. In every photo taken between 2016 and 2020 she looks like she’s passing a kidney stone. Her sole accomplishment was keeping her son relatively out of the spotlight during his sperm donor’s clusterfuck of a presidency. From what I’ve read, though, she’s apparently all-in on Orange Shitshow Part II, so I dunno. Maybe she’s hoping he’ll really stroke out this time, or Jack Smith will put him away and she can swoop in and continue raising money from the rubes to “pay for the costly appeals process” to get her husband out of jail. It will take a long time, I’m sure.
I don’t know if that ever got folded in with the whole ‘Cyrus’ bit, but when I first heard it back in 2016, it was clearly about his freeing the faithful from their captivity under liberalism.
It especially got a lot of use immediately after the ‘grab ’em by the pussy’ tape came out. The message was that he might not be one of us, like Cyrus wasn’t an Israelite, but he’s taking us back to the Promised Land like Cyrus did with the Israelites, so his very un-Christian conduct is irrelevant.