Steve in the ATL: Check your email ASAP!!!!!!
That’s the post because sometimes he can take a week to check it.
So open thread for the rest of you.
by Adam L Silverman| 69 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Steve in the ATL: Check your email ASAP!!!!!!
That’s the post because sometimes he can take a week to check it.
So open thread for the rest of you.
Comments are closed.
BJ’s version of the bat signal. 😂
Anonymous At Work
You do that and I can’t help but go…”Do we want to know?”
if SteveIn is needed, it’s management trouble with bad actor workers. Or, someone needs a jangly sounding seafoam stratocaster, stat!
Hahaha! to all 3 of you.
Jangly guitar alert!
Steve says…..
Jerzy Russian
After he checks his E-mail, what then? Will he get further instructions here on this blog, or will the E-mail itself contain further instructions?
@Jerzy Russian: The email says “check your text messages”.
Interestingly, CHECK YOUR EMAIL ASAP!!!!!! was the original title to the Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan romcom You’ve Got Mail.
I can only assume this means Steve is getting shipped off to Ukraine.
Steve in the UKR, we thank you for your service.
@Jerzy Russian: Well, given Adam’s profession it seems unlikely he’ll tell us. “The eagle flies at midnight….”
I can’t tell you the number of times a friend or family member had to call or text me to tell me to read my email. I can sympathize with Steve in the ATL.
Heading to the (semi) wilderness of the Superior National Forest for four nights of camping. Totally unplugged, no cell signal, a propane stove and a cast iron red hand pump well. And a dozen or so friends and soon to be friends.
See y’all next week.
“Steve in the ATL, we’d like to talk to you about your car’s extended warranty…”
Your mission, should you choose to accept it… Should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This email will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Steve
You all are killing it here in the comments
Need moar music.
The sounds of spangly flappers.
Email Contents: don’t forget to hydrate, Steve!
@Leto: [pause] “And, three outstanding warrants that if you do not contact us about, we will turn over to the local cops.”
Anybody still with a land line ever pick up? Think the last legit call I received was a dental appointment reminder, sometime last spring.
Alison Rose
Will the email self-destruct?
@Immanentize: Front-pagers are trying to unionize, so we want a consultation with Steve in the ATL so he can’t be hired by management. :-)
@Alison Rose: The email was never there.
You really should unionize.
@Yarrow: It exists and does not exist in equal measure.
Ah, so it went into the junk folder.
Omnes Omnibus
It’s sad to see Adam siding with management. Scab!
@Baud: We demand a 10x bump in pay!
@trollhattan: Schrodinger’s email?
Haha. “And lessons in mathematics!”
Over what concerns?
100% increase in pay?
More cat photos?
Make Baud wear pants?
Schrödinger’s chat.
@trollhattan: no, we never do. I also haven’t put in a landline phone, even though we have the connection, so that helps too.
I got an email from Fry’s advising me that I had BACK TO SCHOOL COUPONS.
“CHECK YOUR EMAIL ASAP” is actually the coded message. There is no Email. The plan has been activated.
@Dangerman: John Cole will never make anyone wear pants.
Somebody….. just got Rickrolled!
We’re so focused on the “email” part of the message we’re ignoring the ASAP!!!! part. Maybe it doesn’t mean what we think it means…
New Deal democrat
Abortion rights is one of those relatively rare instances where what is socially good and what will win elections coincide almost perfectly. According to Dan Guild, the *average* shift in Ohio early voting in favor of the abortion rights position shifted *48%* from the 2020 election. This is in keeping with the huge swing we saw last year in Kansas, and also in Kentucky.
So, to wit:
Aside from the normal “Blue” States, there is majority support for abortion rights in VA, AZ, NC, GA, FL, OH, IA, MO, KS, OK, and MT.
In every Blue and other State above that allows for referenda, Democrats ought to push to place a constitutional right to bodily autonomy broadly, including abortion specifically, on the ballot, timed to coincide with November elections if possible.
In every other State above that does not allow for referenda, Democrats should run on passing legislation enshrining those constitutional rights if they control the Legislature and governorship.
We are very likely to win nearly all of those referenda, which is a good thing in and of itself. But further, because the GOP base will go nuts, and insist that GOP state officials and legislators toe the anti-abortion line, Democrats are likely to clean up electorally as well.
This is about as simple a no-brainer in politics as you could get.
According to TMZ, Dianne Feinstein tripped and fell at her home in San Francisco yesterday and is in the hospital again.
Ivan X
Protip: if you need to message someone but you don’t have their phone number, you might be able to message to their email address instead if you’re both in Apple’s world (but you don’t need to know if they are in advance).
Go to the Messages app, type the email address on the To: line, and press return. If the address turns blue after a second or two, and it says “New iMessage” at the top, you’re good — go ahead and send a message, and it will be the same as if you had their number. If the address stays green and it says “New MMS” at the top, then cancel out, and hope they check their email within a week.
Was in the hospital. She was released right away.
@New Deal democrat:
The New York Times showed which states, in their opinion, have abortion on the ballot in 2024. I think it’s all of them, or should be.
@Baud: That’s good news.
I’m thinking it’s code for “you’re blown, get out immediately and rendezvous at the extraction point.”
Someone check Adam’s windows for a big X made of tape — then we’ll know for sure.
zhena gogolia
@trollhattan: My husband answered it last night, and the guy said, “Hi, grandpa!” We have no children. He was disturbed. I explained it was yet another scam.
Steve in the ATL: CHECK YOUR EMAIL ASAP!!!!!!
Clearly BJ is unionizing and the frontpagers need to secure Steve’s services ASAP.
@Dangerman: and Stay Frosty!
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Check your email too!
I’m pretty sure it’s about an attempted delivery of an item…… 1) Dildo of Consequences (unlubed)
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, bother!
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: How about me? I’m feeling kind of left out here!
Steve in the ATL
Adam: I sent you detailed instructions via encrypted email, though black electrical tape is an easier solution. While annoying, the blinking 12:00 isn’t actually harming your VCR.
Sorry, guys–busy day and there is no way I can top your comments. The whole group is en fuego!
Steve in the ATL
@Miss Bianca: Miss Bianca: no matter what happens, DO NOT CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!!!!!
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Talking about the creepy Japanese horror email doesn’t let you escape your fate.
Miss Bianca
@Steve in the ATL: Oh, look, here’s an email from Steve in the AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH
You guys give me life! This thread is why BJ is the best.
@TaMara: Phrasing!
@Miss Bianca: omg full on lol
You kids slay.
You’re all crazy! I love this place!
@TaMara: I swear, I keep looking for the like button.
I read my email very frequently. My phone is off for long periods of time. so the messages would go the other way.
Old School
Careful checking that email.
The one from Adam Sillvermann asking for your bank information to transfer part of their lottery winnings to you might be a fake.
These comments are why I love this site!!!
I’m afraid if I keep reading, my phone will swell and start burning !
This whole thread is amazing.
@Steve in the ATL: I kissed my e-mail good night and it whispered “there’s a monster under the bed.”
I looked under the bed and my email looked back at me, saying “There’s a monster in my bed.”
Steve in the ATL
@MomSense: seriously! I’m proud that my lackadaisical attitude toward checking my personal email helped launch such an awesome, awesome thread.
An entire check your email thread without a single Nigerian prince mention. Well done!