Leftists will always find the worst angle to every story. pic.twitter.com/dIVeyZ8otM
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) September 16, 2023
There are cameras in most large theaters.
A big reason for that is the mass shootings that Republicans like Boebert vote to facilitate on a regular basis.
Like the one in Aurora, Colorado.
Not far at all from the theater where Boebert committed these lewd sex acts. https://t.co/ECvqnMhdww
— Democrats in Array ?????? (@DemsInArray) September 16, 2023
FYI Criticizing Lauren Boebert or any other woman who says or does offensive, hateful, hypocritical shit isn’t “anti-feminist”. Feminism isn’t about blindly supporting women just because they’re women.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 17, 2023
Yeah what we’re not going to do is act like criticizing Lauren Boebert engaging in a public sex act in a crowded theater is kink shaming or anything. You don’t get to non consensually involve others in your kink especially when children are nearby
— Dr. Mia Brett (@QueenMab87) September 16, 2023
I'm sticking with: "Glad-handing a constituent."
— Tony (@fishnbaja1) September 16, 2023
As soon as Boebert’s “date” was identified, we knew this was… about to be posited:
I know Liz doesn’t believe this, and neither do most of her followers, but they’ll all pretend they do.
— Jean-Michel Connard ?? (@torriangray) September 18, 2023
Eyes on the prize…
My feeling on the whole Boebert thing is that Adam Frisch has a solid chance of unseating her with our support, and I would rather talk about what he can do than what she did do.
— Courtney Milan 🦖 (@courtneymilan) September 17, 2023
I hear that Rep. Boebert already has her next theater event picked out. pic.twitter.com/FVrAG8UyIv
— Benjamin Dreyer (@BCDreyer) September 16, 2023
Is it just me who’s already tired of this story?
I hate to think what her kids are going through, and not just because of this.
Nope. Let the gun-humping ho go jerk off the Sun.
Why? Because of who they have as a mother?
John Revolta
@Tehanu: Yeah, I’ve thought about that too. It’s pretty bad.
(You know who apparently DIDN’T think about it? Uh huh.)
Of course. And their dad is no prize, either.
Cathie from Canada
Damn I’m going to miss Twitter for moments like these that we can all share!
Bruce K in ATH-GR
I think of that … person … like I think about any judgmental, judgment-impaired jerkoff with the desire and ability to impose their twisted version of morality on unwilling innocent strangers: it’s not safe to ignore them until they no longer have power over the lives of unwilling innocent strangers.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Let it run wild, just like the stupid shit conservatives run on about. Let it eat up the news cycles and reporters time. Time they will spend attacking Democrats once they lose interest in her bullshit.
Quit complaining and enjoy the fact that this is all about them, not us…lol!
Still can’t wrap my mind around the pathetic caterwauling over “the anxiety of a new environment.”
I’m frankly stunned that someone like Chris Hayes can be so gobsmacked by the news that there are surveillance cameras in public (to repeat, PUBLIC) places. Geez, guy, next time you’re in the store, just look up. The mingiest little corner mini-mart will have at least at dozen cameras, just indoors.
Maybe people, especially those in important and responsible positions, should know better than to jerk off their date in public.
Tony Jay
The Saga of Handsy Boom-Boobs will run until she gets the message and fucks off to the life of an itinerant ‘special-guest’ at Z-list wingnut gunshows.
They weren’t just caught on camera. Didn’t people actually complain about what they were doing to management?
I might have more sympathy if they were seated by themselves in a relatively empty theater, and management was just spying on them. But that’s not what happened.
We keep finding out more subjects of Madison Cawthorne’s allegations that made him so unpopular in his caucus.
“It was a rigged erection.”
Nukular Biskits
Good early mornin’, y’all!
Normally, I don’t have time to comment in the early-hours open threads but, like @Yutsano, I’m suffering from a bit of insomnia. Been up since 0300 my time.
I personally don’t care what Boebert did or did not do with another consenting adult. What I DO care about is her rank “family values” bullshit hypocrisy and her selfishness as to involve everyone else in her freakshow.
@Nukular Biskits
Club Insomnia has yet to reject an applicant for membership.
Ditto. She’d never been in a movie theater before? She’d never seen a high-school play? Same idea, same rules, just in a slightly more upscale environment.
Not to mention, the normal reaction to going into a new environment and being a bit anxious about it is to be more restrained while we figure out the rules there. IOW, the exact opposite of her behavior across the board.
Oh how true!
Yes, welcome to the club, we promise not to hit you over the head with it.
Which reminds me, what does a dyslexic agnostic insomniac do?
Sits up all night, wondering if there is a dog.
@Nukular Biskits:
I care about the groping in a full theater. People shouldn’t do that.
ETA: The vaping too.
Boebert’s behavior was ridiculously bad and I hope it ends her political career.
But…I know it’s a comedy, but isn’t Beetlejuice a bit too scary for children, especially an evenimg performance on a Sunday night? Scare them then take them home to have nightmares at the start of a school week doesn’t seem like a good idea either.
Chris Hayes has always been kind of a sap.
I didn’t pay attention to that aspect of the story. Was this a screening of the original movie?
Also too, I have a feeling Ms Boeberts “relationship” with this man may be over. I doubt he signed on for this kind of publicity.
Nukular Biskits
Not trying to be snarky but I covered the groping part with my comment about her pulling everyone else into her freakshow.
And I had forgot about the vaping. Yet another piece of state’s evidence to make the case Boebert really DGAF about anyone else.
@Nukular Biskits:
You did. Apologies.
I haven’t been to a movie theater in forever, so it’s a little bit of a surprise to learn that they’ve installed cameras inside. But my sense is the surprise is due to the sort of night vision aspect of this clip.
@Baud: I thought it was a live play.
Ok, that makes sense. I suppose a play can make the story less scary for kids.
@NotMax: Leaves “aspirational ask” scorched by its afterburn.
@Baud: You are probably right. Scary in a movie might just seem silly fun live on stage.
ETA My brother and I never got to see Disney cartoons because our older sister cried so hard when Bambi’s mother died.
Lots of Disney movies have super sad endings that are emotionally scarring for kids like me. What were they thinking?
@Baud: I read that the theatre management did not release the surveillance video until after Boebert claimed she had not been vaping in the theatre. So it looks like she talked herself into more trouble here.
Boebert had a credible primary challenger last year in state Senator Don Coram, and she won the primary by an almost 2-1 margin. As a former 3rd CD jackal assured me, Boebert definitely has a following. I still wonder how broad that following is, and how deep is the commitment to her personally.
Her politics are fairly standard for the radical wing of her party. But even radicals want to win, and she was looking more like a loser after her narrow escape in November. Now she has made herself into a laughingstock.
Elements of a well-organized state or local party would likely knock Boebert out in a primary, like North Carolina Republicans knocked out Madison Cawthorne last year. Colorado’s Republicans are not well organized though, so there will be a real fight in the Colorado 3rd. The only certainty is that, unlike the 2020 primary where she she surprised 5-term incumbent Scott Tipton, Boebert’s fight for survival will receive national attention.
@sab: Disney movies are full of traumatic stuff. The earlier ones especially.
Another member of the insomniac club here, awake since 0215.
I don’t pretend to be an average voter, but IMHO, what Boebert did was worse than what that Dem candidate in Virginia did with her husband.
I remember my mother feeling really bad about having taken me to see Bambi, and she checked out the plots with other mothers more carefully for a few years after that. And still I wound up seeing Old Yeller.
@Maxim: My cats have insomnia, being cats. They sniff the pitbull’s ears because they are bored. That wakes her up so she wakes me up because she needs to go outside.
Every night this happens.
@Baud: Pinocchio. Boys get turned into donkeys and never go back? Horrifying! I’m still freaked out from seeing it as a little kid.
@Maxim: Oh my! Was it Caracalla’s massacre of the Alexandrians that did it? That would keep me up, I think.
Betty Cracker
Gotta hand it to the lobster dude for his unwavering focus on the REAL enemy.
Some people can’t take a joke.
@Baud: did any more details ever come out about that BA dem story? Like how long ago it happened? Because if it was more than several years ago, truly, who cares?
Baud@42: Skimming his bio he sounds depressingly familiar.
@sab: My wife and o saw the play a week ago. Scary? Nope. Just another watered down recycled version of a movie that someone decided to get the rights to and forced some dumb songs into in an attempt ($ucce$$fully) to make some money.
The wife loves musicals. We see all the tours that come through Denver. Beetlejuice was a 2 star musical. Hamilton? 5 stars.
It’s not Disney, but Charlotte’s Web wrecked me.
@Nukular Biskits: I personally don’t care what Boebert did or did not do with another consenting adult.
Except it wasn’t just with a consenting adult. Boebert and her date made everyone around them unwilling witnesses to their play time, and that isn’t cool.
ETA: Which I didn’t catch you addressed later in your comment, so yes.
Yes! What the hell, older generation?! No wonder Boomers are so messed up in the head.
@Baud: If I look at the two incidents through the framework of moral judgement, I’d say you are right. In terms of practical politics, its hard for me to say which will be more damaging. Had Susanna Gibson’s erotic antics come out during the primary campaign, she would have come in second, I think. Now she has to sink or swim in a 50-50 district.
Last year, Boebert managed to single-handedly turn her nominally R+7 or 8 district into a 50-50 one. But unlike in Virginia’s 57th Delegate district, Republicans get to make an informed choice next year in the Colorado 3rd CD primary. I think that “Unaffiliated” voters- a large group in Colorado- can weigh in also.
Another Scott
@Princess: The timeline doesn’t bother me. She’s still in the race and it’s an important one. Every seat matters.
I donated yesterday.
People are human. We have to keep our eyes on the prizes.
@Tehanu: which kid? the 16-year old father or the future 16 year old fathers?
I would totally devour a stage play of Jurassic Park.
Starring Barney!
@Another Scott: Oh hell yes. I’d have no hesitation voting for her if I were in her district. I’m think more as an abstract, how would I feel, question.
We’re not swing voters.
@Princess: The Susanna Gibson story was covered by a Charlottesville radio station, the second morning after it was reported by the Washington Post’s Laura Vozella. The report noted that the last known video was archived a year ago. I expect that WINA got the story off of their state news feed
Insomnia here as well, up at 3am nagged by a half-finished repair job on a vintage camera lens. Finally got up and finished the job (a hobby, not my profession) and lo, it was coffee time.
No! Boebert does not get a pass on reporting her lewd public behavior. It’s tempting for news outlets to minimize it, especially when she’s done outrageous stuff on the house floor. But just because the goalposts have been moved away from normal doesn’t mean we can’t remember what normal is and decry what is happening. Like TFG and lying – just because he lies all the time doesn’t mean his latest lies should be glossed over – they should be highlighted again and again. Same with the clown show of the latest funding deals in the house – just because the Freedom Caucus has had insane members for some time doesn’t mean the Republicans’ utter inability to do anything constructive should be treated as business as usual.
I wonder if Kristy Noem has sent a thank you note to the lovely couple for pushing Ms Noems affair with Corey Lewandowski to the back burner.
Abnormal Hiker
@eclare: Our 8-year-old daughter loved Charlotte’s Web, so my wife we read it to our 5-year-old:”You didn’t tell me Charlotte was going to die!”
@Betty Cracker: This is a small sample. Mr. Lobster sinks his claws into Republicans plenty these days.
But I have no problem with him giving the overrated Hayes a nip. Hayes has been on my shit list ever since June of 2020, when he recklessly tried to amplify Tara Reade’s scurrilous lies.
Rmoney-mas carol from Angelo Badalamenti.
Betty Cracker
@Geminid: I suspect your view reflects the BJ consensus better than mine, which is why we get a fair amount of lobster content here.
It was pretty standard for those times…no sugar-coating lol. I remember when I had red measles at the age of 6 and was quarantined at my maternal grandmother’s, and confined to bed. She read me stories out of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and other books – talk about gruesome. And she would tell me stories about growing up in 1880’s OK in the newly-opened Indian Territory. Didn’t make me less idealistic, but gave me a realistic basis for evaluating life experiences…
@Betty Cracker: I don’t know about the Balloon Juice consensus. I’m reporting what I see in Mr. Lobster’s Twitter feed these days.
More generally, I think the “Progressive vs. Moderate” Party fight has quieted down over the last couple years, and Lobster has better things to do than push back on the Justice Democrats and their allies.
There’s a difference between being a swinger-voter and a swing voter. Just sayin’ in the context of a discussion about Bobert and state-house elections in Virginia.
Another Scott
Relatedly, …
Betty Cracker
@Geminid: One of the pleasures of being off Twitter is seeing less of that sort of content, which I find tiresome at both poles. ;-)
I agree the temperature between party factions is lower overall, thanks to the unifying threat of the fascist right and the party’s successes over the past couple of years. Sometimes I do wonder if Twitter’s slo-mo implosion will help keep it lower.
It’s probably too much to hope that the Justice Dems and the Anti-Justice Dems remain on that platform to slug it out, making space for more productive intraparty discussions on other platforms. Human nature being what it is, I doubt it. But I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
I think the last time I heard a version of that, it was someone apologizing that their new puppy had peed on the floor.
@JoyceH: Does Chris Hayes not realize that probably all of his neighbors are recording him when he walks his dog down the street?
I sometimes wonder if we’re the only people in our neighborhood without a Ring (or competitor) camera.
@eclare: I inherited (at age 8) my grt grt grandmother’s childhood copy of Grimm’s Fairytales. Holy moly!
It had closer-to-the-source-material stories, including the version of Cinderella wherein a stepsister hacks off large chunks of her feet in order to fit into the slippers, and the copious blood trail left as she rides off with the initially deceived prince gives away her subterfuge.
Also terrifying: the shoes that make one dance to death, the very pervy wolf, and perhaps the absolute worst, the gory beheading of the goosegirl/ princess’s faithful horse Falada, etc.
Thanks for the nightmares, Mom!
(Did I mention that it was illustrated, with graphic color plates of the most “exciting” scenes? <shudders>)
Miss Bianca
You mean, before it devoured *you*?
@sdhays: My husband had back surgery that got infected with MRSA. He almost died. The first week he was up and about with his walker he went outside towards the cars. He had lost so much weight his pants didn’t fit and his belt wasn’t tight enough. His first day out heading to the car his pants dropped off.
We laughed and I pulled them up (this is pretty common in my dad’s nursing home.)
Husband’s cop friends all said this could be fun-wait until all your neighbors with security cameras post it online.
@mrmoshpotato: I’m already hearing the musical version of this in my head:
“Don’t mess with that DNA
Velociraptors, they don’t play…”
@Mel: As I remember, in one of those stories the Virgin Mary killed a child because of the mother’s hubris. I liked the books because Kay Neilsen illustrated, but they were sick.
@Mel: My grandparents lived next door to us, and my sister and I spent the night there sometimes when our parents had a rare night out. One time we begged Grandma to read us a story and she hunted and found a children’s book with the story of The Little Matchbook Girl. When she got to the end she was very annoyed and said, “What kind of story is this???” Hans Christian Andersen has a lot to answer for.
I have my dad’s Frank L. Baum “The Sea Fairies”, a book that Dad read a chapter or two to us every night for nearly a month. Parts were funny, but the villain was terrifying.
I thought I was, but the “Too Much Johnson” post will get me by for another day.
@sab: I love the Neilsen illustrations, as well! I wish it had been that edition!!
The one I was given had illustrations that were almost Pre-Raphaelite in style: super saturated with color, very medieval in terms of theme and clothing, but horrifyingly realistic.
The stuff of nightmares, for sure!
Tony G
@Tony Jay: My prediction: This jerk-off-session will INCREASE her support among her followers — until the next right wing nut with tits comes along. Sarah Palin was the Queen of the Right for almost two years, until she wasn’t anymore.
Don’t get me started about Struwwelpeter.
In no small part because the VA couple were (presumably) pantsless, so you could empathize?
@SFAW: Terrifying, sociopathic Teutonic Edward Scissorhands! Who treated you to that gem as a child?
@opiejeanne: Yes, indeed. Try “On the Last Day”. Andersen gives Hitchcock a run for his money in the scary birds category.
@prostratedragon: Massacres are hella disturbing.
Boebert is worse than the woman in Virginia in all sorts of ways, though I’ve no idea how normie voters will see it. The Virginia couple didn’t violate anyone’s boundaries; Boebert inflicted her issues on everyone around her, plus of course the hypocrisy.
It does seem to be a recurring theme with TIFG and the MAGAts:
The smart move would be to just “No Comment” and ignore the whole thing from the beginning. I.e. stop after 1. But, being dumb as a brick (albeit without bricks’ usefulness), they never seem to learn.
If nothing else, they can see the fatalities on stage, alive and well, for a bow at the end.
I have wingnut older half sisters who live in Boebert’s district; one is a hard-core southern Baptist, the other a roll in the aisles Pentecostal. The first one has enough brain cells to have been a nurse and she’s extremely judgemental so she’ll likely withhold her vote. The second is a Boebert doppelganger in life history, right down to the GED and a pervy ex who I’d argue deserved his prison term for his behaviour, but as a completely whack job Christianist, she’ll say Boebert has been cleansed in the blood of the lamb and happily vote for her because abortion is her one and only issue even though she’s depended her entire chaotic working poor life on the social welfare programs that we Democrats have put in place and defended.
If I never see either half sister again, ever, that would be just fine.
@Betty Cracker: The Republican threat has definitely helped unify Democrats. Another factor, I think, is that.both elected and rank and file Demoxmcrats understand the limitations of the “two wings” framing. In ideological terms, Democrats do have two wings, but they are sticking out of a much larger body. Another analogy would be that the party is more like a one-humped Dromedary camel, and less like a two-humped Bactrian.
Pundits like the “two wings ” model because they like a fight. And pundits like Wiegel and Hayes sympathize with the left wing of the party. When the Justice Democrats rose to prominence after the 2018 midterms, they emphasized the neccessity to cut the moderate wing down to size. They tried to prosecute the fight the pundits wanted. Ragnarok Lobster and other Deocrats like him (including yours truly!) saw a need to push back hard, and I think we were right to do so.
Democrats have for the most part gotten past the intra-party war since 2020. Justice Democrats have propelled few of their favorites into Congress since their success with the “Squad” in 2018. And the Squad members themselves have stepped back from intra-party conflict.
I know I am much less engaged in this conflict than I was when I came here 4 and a half years ago. The last time I got really strung out over it was during the special election in Ohio, when Shontel Brown beat Nina Turner. After that, I heaved a sigh of relief and started worrying about other problems.
I found a comment made here a few months ago interesting in this respect. Elissa SlotkIn had announced for the Michigan Senate seat that Debbie Stabonow now holds. In the past, a certain commenter has been quite critical of “Centrist” elements in the party and they still are. But in this instance they said that that Ms. Slotkin was more moderate than they liked, but that this didn’t matter to them..
That seems to be the attitude of the more liberal Michigan Democrats as well. It might have been a different story 4 years ago.
It was actually my father and aunt who experienced it first-hand (sorry). But I remember meine Grossmutter reciting the first few stanzas — auf Deutsch, natuerlich — about Konrad who sucked his thumbs.
Some years after she had died, I found a copy in our attic. I still have it, somewhere in my current house. Definitely would not subject my kids to it, and my German isn’t good enough to translate it completely anyway.
Is she sure it was blood, and not some other bodily fluid, in the theater?
Jeet Heer has a commentary up on The Nation this morning that is a fun read if you have a few moments.
Tony Jay
@Tony G:
Possible. The minds of Homo Non-Sapiens Wingnutia work along different neural pathways than common humanity, but the difference between them and now is Handsy Boo-Boo was getting her jollies wobbled by a DEMORAT! That’s like being in a relationship with, you know, an Urban male.
Ivan X
I really and truly cannot see any of this changing a single vote. I feel like, sure, it’s bad manners, and people should be well-mannered, but mutual public groping is literally the least objectionable thing I can think of her having done. Including the indoor vaping. That’s worse manners.