The article is a great read but one thing that blew my mind is that there’s a lady in there who got kicked off of Facebook for being too racist. That’s like being the Michael Jordan of racism
— Gapeway Pundit (@canderaid) February 11, 2021
Why did QAnon take hold so rapidly in Republican Party? Because there is a deep bench of utterly nuts as a bunny lunatics like Navarro who have been floating around the party for years. There was an entire shadow cabinet of the damaged and deranged waiting for their moment.
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) February 8, 2021
they're real estate agents and work from home independent contractors and power of positive thinking mid level marketing people. qanon is not the unwashed masses. it's the cousins and aunts you hate. these are not the working poor.
— Peloton InfoSec Analyst (Incident Response) (@CalmSporting) February 7, 2021
This is like those attacks on Dems’ supposed class cluelessness that invariably reveal that the person making the accusation is clueless about class. Does this guy actually know any college-educated Repubs? Has he looked at polls? At voting trends since 2012 RE education/wealth?
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 6, 2021
I don’t think Dems/libs/progs assume Q people are uneducated dolts. On the contrary, they know it’s sucked in people who they think of as a bit like themselves
Dems don’t think of Q like a televangelist conning rubes. They see it as a conspiratorial cult making smart ppl dumb /3
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) February 6, 2021
QAnon is scary, but the actual % of QAnon believers is below 10%. For comparison, it's less than the % who falsely think we faked the moon landing. (The % who falsely think Obama was born outside the U.S. was also higher at 10%-20%)
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) February 7, 2021
When you read this story, note who the *non*-Trump heroes are:
Xi and Putin.
We aren’t kidding when we say they want a dictatorship. *They really do admire dictators*, folks. That's really how they want to live.
It's profoundly un-American, but it's true.
— The Q Origins Project (@QOrigins) February 11, 2021