Overly be-shirted Trump goon Steve Bannon will probably be compelled to report to prison soon for a four-month sentence for two contempt of Congress violations:
In Tuesday’s court filing, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia told Nichols that because Bannon’s appeal was rejected “on all grounds … consequently, there is no longer a ‘substantial question of law that is likely to result in a reversal or an order for a new trial.’”
“Under these circumstances … the stay of the sentence must be lifted,” prosecutors wrote.
In a footnote, prosecutors wrote that a federal district court in D.C. and the appeals court rejected a similar request by another former Trump aide, Peter Navarro, to stay a four-month jail sentence for contempt of Congress.
I hope whichever minimum security lockup Bannon lands in has an enormous supply of industrial-strength Febreze. It won’t be enough, but several cases of a strongly scented odor-fighting product might help. Jails should be humane!
According to TPM, Bannon probably won’t get a special visit by a greasy member of the Trump clan such as Don Jr. while in the hoosegow, as was granted to Peter Navarro, who’s about two months in to his own four-month stretch for contempt of Congress. That’s because Trump doesn’t really like Bannon.
While they remain supporters of one another’s work, Trump and Bannon have been at odds since Bannon exited the White House. Bannon left primarily because he couldn’t get along with Jared Kushner, but Trump also reportedly blamed Bannon for information getting leaked to the media. He also reportedly got tired of Bannon claiming too much credit for Trump’s electoral victory in 2016.
Navarro finds his four-month confinement so horrific that he keeps petitioning the judge to cut the sentence. The judge will not:
Last week, Navarro asked district Judge Amit Mehta in Washington, DC, to allow him to cut 30 days off his prison sentence in exchange for 30 days of supervised release, citing the First Step Act. Mehta said no.
“In sum, a four-month prison term without supervised release was warranted at the time of Defendant’s sentencing, and it remains warranted now,” the judge wrote.
Navarro reported to a federal prison in Florida on March 19 after other appeals were rejected by the Supreme Court.
Heh. Rot in jail, you skeezy fuck!
The truth is, I relish every prison sentence handed down to Trump creeps, even if the sentences are too short. It’s especially humorous that Bannon was ensnared because in an unrelated case, he received a presidential pardon for a fraud crime that could have sent him away for years. And yet he couldn’t appreciate his luck and just stop criming! I hope the same fate befalls Roger Stone.
Open thread.
I like the cartoon flies, but he really needs wavy stink lines too.
zhena gogolia
@bjacques: A discerning eye!
Betty Cracker
@bjacques: You are correct.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Notice how Melony and Dump’s 2 daughters have not attended a single day of his trial.
That sure as hell ain’t no butter lamb!!!
Harrison Wesley
Interesting drawing of a primate, but I can’t identify the type.
Does he have to go to a real prison, or Club Fed?
These guys are such whining f***wits. Both would have had their situations done and dusted for a lot less money if they hadn’t delayed.
John Revolta
I don’t know how much rotting a person can do in 4 months in minimum security. Then again, Bannon looks to have a pretty good head start so…………………
TWO Betty Cracker posts in one day? We are so back, as the kids say. Or said. I don’t know.
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: Probably the same Miami Club Fed camp currently housing Navarro. I read that Navarro asked to be housed in the “elderly men’s dorm.” I don’t know exactly how old Bannon is, but he probably doesn’t qualify.
@John Revolta: When Bannon first appeared on the scene in 2016 someone quipped that he looks like what would be left over if you drowned the actor Nick Offerman.
Awww, we’ve reached the finding out of times. So nice to have it arrived after they did so much fucking around…
@R-Jud: We’re not worthy.
He’ll have to shower and wear clean clothes to qualify for Club Fed.
“Wavy stink lines.”
I think that might be what is called in “cartoon symbology” a waftatron. Fascinating article here about Mort Walker’s 1980 book The Lexicon of Comicana (out of print, sadly).
My favorite is the grawlix, for cursing, e.g., “You $#%&! idiot!”
@Steeplejack: Thanks, this looks like fun!
@rikyrah: I don’t want to sound like a jerk here but federal prison camps, which is the lowest security level, and where Bannon would be sent, is still a prison.
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack: In Walker’s illustration, it’s “waftarom”
Maybe this is why Bannon pulled out of running the R convention, he must have gotten word from his lawyers that he’s got 4 months coming where his address and attire are not going to be his choice.
Bannon is set to stand trial in NY for fraud in the “We build the Wall” scam. The trial is scheduled as soon as the Trump trial is completed. Yep, same judge, same prosecutor.
@LAO: I’d like to add (and perhaps hope) that getting sent to a facility doesn’t prevent being sent to higher security facilities if behavior warrants.
Bannon tends to be an argumentive a-hole. That’s not really in sync with the ‘reformed but apologetic’ behavior that level expects.
I wonder if he’s a current alcoholic, and how four months on the wagon will go.
And yes, Roger Stone deserves some serious prison time too. Yet another reason to re-elect Joe Biden.
Yes! All of this! And throw more of the book at Ghouliani too! Rudy can learn landscaping in the joint!
@StringOnAStick: Bannon or Manafort? And yes, they’re both criminals.
Also, great to see Betty Cracker posting two in a row. With drawing.
la caterina
@StringOnAStick: I think that was Manafort, not Bannon. Similar smell, though.
@zhena gogolia:
Oops—I went by the article’s text.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
What about Gums and American Psycho?
@Steeplejack: From the Wikipedia article on the book:
@LAO: as even the politely genteel martha strewart found out. She did her insider trading crime, did her time without whine (or wine) and successfully moved on past it.
To then, much later, hang out with kid rock (ick!)
@rikyrah: Oh, The Mask…
@la caterina: Oops. I agree on the smell; both smell like sleazy crooks.
well, his ex-wife was making bathtub meth in the house he owned, so,………..
Post of mine on comic annotations went into moderation. Too many links?
Maybe. Five is the limit (including reply links).
Harrison Wesley
@zhena gogolia: I thought that was Trump’s secret weapon, Wafteromwaffen.
Didn’t realize that to be in a Club Fed, you had to act like you were rehabilitating yourself, to channel Arlo. I figured the qualifications were ‘white collar criminal, no history of violence,’ that they just wanted criminals there who wouldn’t be difficult for the guards to handle and wouldn’t try to fight each other, regardless of their attitude towards having been convicted.
I love this for him.
@Steeplejack: Anyhoo— here’s a link to a Wikipedia article on that book.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
They have daughters? Ivanka and Tiffany are from Dump’s previous marriages; I didn’t know Melanoma had given Dump any offspring besides Barron.
@mrmoshpotato: Gums has been there on a number of days. He always gets the short straw.
I just can’t with these assholes who believe the rule of law is only meant for those people and not for them. I know I’m preaching to the choir here but it just pisses me off to no end. 🤬
@lowtechcyclist: I agree with you with one caveat, inmates designated to a higher security facility can earn placement in a camp by (1) excellent behavior, coupled with (2) the passage of time (18 months or less left on sentence). So, not exclusively white collar inmates.
Bannon was one of the prime architects of Dump’s 2016 victory. He’s scheming to replicate that — I’m wary of his multiple shirts…
@Scout211: It’s a tremendously common belief.
Thanks! I looked at that to see if I could find the book anywhere, or maybe read it on line. Many Wikipedia articles have useful links in the “References” and “External links” sections.
I would love to have a copy of the book, but $149 at Amazon is too rich for my blood. It’s on my Powerball winner’s shopping list, for sure.
He’ll steal the shirt off your back to put it on his.
Sure Lurkalot
@R-Jud: Oooh, so happy to have caught you. Your Books of All Time podcast is all kinds of wonderful. I have Classic degrees so ancient texts, stories and archeology are up my alley but your juxtaposition of tale telling and discovery stories is captivating.
Highly recommend!
Not so much a primate as a shambling sludge of triglycerides and alcoholic meat sweat.
Bannon still has connections to the Mercer family’s political grift. That alone will keep him in Trump’s orbit.
@MattF: Yep, but I freed you.
@Steeplejack: whispers: seven, not 5
At that point you don’t really want it back.
“Give a man a shirt and he can wear it for a day. Give a man five shirts and he can wear them forever.”
Captain C
@rikyrah: That judge is going to need to spend two weeks in a flower or spice shop afterwards to get the rank stink of those two out of his nostrils.
breaking news: Greg Abbott just pardoned the guy who was convicted of murder by a jury of his peers
Make every last GOP cockroach own this, Dems. Rittenhouse and now Perry. This is NOT ok with the vast majority of Americans.
Damn, Perry has bee really daring Texas not to stand up to Republicans. He’s not up, but maybe Ted Cruz will bear the brunt of it.
Related to doing time. Texas Governor Abbott pardons white man who killed black man trying to exercise open carry.
Hopefully enough people will realize Trump will abuse the pardon power in the same way.
Reminder a la Franco.
Bannon’s partner-in-slime Breitbart is still dead.
Am partway through Doppelganger by Naomi “the good Naomi” Klein who does the heavy lifting of a deep-dive [this metaphor, it is mixed] extended listening to Bannon’s podcast. She has a grudging respect for his ability to frame issues and bring people into the fold, including “bad Naomi” Wolf, who’s the titular character of the book.
Had to take a break because there’s only so much contemporary history of America a person can handle at once, but the book is an excellent primer on how we got here and just what is “here” anyway?
In summation, never take your eyes off Bannon because he ain’t done, not by a longshot, and is more dangerous and influential than you think.
In a sane country pardoning a murderer who has showed no remorse would be the end of a political career. Shame we’re not remotely sane any more.
Omnes Omnibus
Maybe there is a god.
Own what?
If this carried a real risk of political blowback, Abbott wouldn’t have pardoned Perry.
White ex-military guy confronts scary armed black man at a Black Lives Matter riot, fears for his life, and defends himself from scary armed black man.
I’m trying to see how this will upset people not predisposed to be upset by this kind of thing, and I’m drawing a blank.
Per gun-nuts, the reason we need to all carry in public is you never know who is armed and a threat. It’s better to shoot first, rather than risk being shot. I don’t see how Abbott’s pardon changes this gun-nut line of thinking.
We’ll see. I’m not going to presume failure, despite historical precedent.
@Omnes Omnibus: I saw that. It cannot be real. Even though I really really want it to be.
@Baud: When I saw that earlier, I thought the same thing. If trump wins we are in real trouble.
O. Felix Culpa
@cmorenc: I think that she’s buds with Snoop Dogg, not Kid Rock. Very different people.
Gin & Tonic
You may be confusing Bannon and Manafort.
ETA: Maybe I should read other replies before adding mine.
@O. Felix Culpa: Martha and Snoop is the pair America needs. Could not have made that up in a hundred years.
@Gin & Tonic: it would be more fun confusing them if they were both prisoners.
@gene108: He’ll proably become a member of trump’s brown shirt brigade.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus: 😂
@Sure Lurkalot: Thank you so much! Means a lot hearing from someone who’s done serious study in the area!
zhena gogolia
@O. Felix Culpa: That’s what I thought! I assumed I missed one of my issues of People.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh, that’s just too good!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Republicans have put a lot of work into convincing us that they’re really that clueless, but I still wonder if someone in the chain is doing it on purpose for the attention.
@Gin & Tonic:
Balloon Juice needs AI to tell us when a question or error has been responded to.
@Omnes Omnibus: The gags, they write themselves. (Also, Pulp Fiction strikes, again.)
Lauren’s been day-drinking or hitting her molly stash.
A Bannon-supported “gunfluencer” is taking on the Rethug representative in the GOP primary in *Uvalde*!!! What is wrong with these people?
Anyone can take on anyone, just like anyone can file a lawsuit.
And I assume Texas is a stand-your-ground state, so if you “feel fear” of someone else who is openly carrying, fire away!
They’re creating a world where, theoretically, anyone can shoot anyone else at any time. But of course who gets convicted and who gets acquitted or at least pardoned in a red state will have a lot to do with what race, ethnicity, etc. the shooter and victim are.
@Trollhattan: They had a show together for a bit–no memory of what channel–and it was amusing. I only saw one or two episodes.
We’re basically in a soft Jim Crow in red states now.
We all saw what you did there.
@R-Jud: Nick drowned wouldn’t look THAT bad, unless he was in the water for about 10 years.
@brantl: I do hope you’re not basing that evaluation on personal experience in the field.
@gene108: Not that it matters, but Garret Foster was white. His fiancee was a disabled black woman.
I’ve always pronounced that FrightFart.
@Anyway: I guess you are talking about the Republican runoff between YouTube “influencer” Brandon Herrera and Rep. Anthony Gonzalez.That Rio Grande Valley district is rated R+6, so a Herrera win could be an opportunity for Democrats.
Via Reddit
It does matter. Republicans would love to start a race war because they need white voters to be scared.
Omnes Omnibus
@Trollhattan: No gags. Didn’t you read it?
@Baud: People have been jumping to the conclusion that a white man killed a black man. The victim was white, but he was at a BLM rally to support the protesters, who included his fiancee (she is a quadruple amputee).
Yeah, it’s outrageous enough without the false embellishment. Pardoning a convicted murder who hasn’t served any time and shows no remorse. I can’t think of a historical precedent.
Y’know, this would be the perfect opportunity for either the FEMA head, or Biden himself, to give a little lecture on how things are supposed to work.
First, bring up Abbott’s pardon and explain why it is so abhorrent and dangerous.
Second, talk about how Trump would use his executive powers to punish a state with a governor that took the opposite side of an issue like this, and make it clear that if Biden behaved like Trump undoubtedly will, Texas would get no help at all.
And end with saying: we Democrats are not like that. We are not going to punish the state of Texas for this, no matter how appalling we find Abbott’s act here. We will aid Texas in the wake of these natural disasters because that’s what the Federal government is there for, and because it’s the right thing to do. End of story.
@Baud: what is this? Greg Abbott admits that Joe Biden is President of these here United States?
IMO the predicted verdict in the NY Trump case will be:
Guilty (unanimous) on misdemeanor (falsifying business records).
Split (hung jury) on the felony because reasonable doubt on election intent by some jurors (possibly some, but likely not all so voting wlll be MAGA). If OTOH this was a civil trial, they likely would find intent by preponderance or maybe even “clear and convincing” standard, but short of BRD.
Todd Blanche might have succeeded in blowing enough of a hole of doubt bc of doubt / lack of corroberration for Cohen’s convo with Trump’s security guard being about Daniels rather than something else
Unfortunately, that outcome will be celebrated by Trump and his GOP sycophants as an outright win, and the MSM will run with the GOP meme that the prosecution was politically motivated. And that may tend to color pubic perception of the other cases. If only a different judge had been assigned the classified docs trial, big difference.
@lowtechcyclist: Abbott needs to tell the 2A folks to just shoot the storm. Use as many bullets as they can.
Although I haven’t been following like others, that seems like a safe bet.
@rikyrah: You’ve settled into Oakland, right? You may want to check out the Oakland Greek Festival this weekend. I usually go to the one in San Jose, but the Oakland one is supposed to be bigger. Bring an appetite!
West of the Rockies
I’d like to imagine Bannon will enjoy a fine prison brew of fermented cockroaches and beans brewed in a toilet. Yummers!
@Geminid: Rep. Anthony “Tony” Gonzalez succeeded Will Hurd in 2021 (Hurd retired). Gonzalez had retired from the Navy in 2019 as a Chief Petty Officer specializing in cryptography.
Gonzalez did not toe the conservative line on a few issues, so Reps. Matt Gaetz and Bob Good endorsed his challenger Brandon Herrera this cycle. Gonzalez has fired back, calling his Congressional opponents “scumbags” who “wear white hoods.” Gonzalez polled only 45% in the first round back in March, so he faces a runoff at the end of this month.
The Texas 23rd CD that Gonzalez represents runs from western San Antonio almost to El Paso.
@piratedan: He’s only asking Biden now because he previously asked Trump, who insisted on a piece of the action.
West of the Rockies
@Omnes Omnibus:
Boebert presenting her VP skills?
Sure Lurkalot
@Trollhattan: Supposedly Snoop had some on off beef with Trump but praised him earlier this year. Trump commuted a prison sentence for a record company owner friend of Dogg. Martha Stewart and Donald Trump as Snoop’s friends? Inconceivable!
@West of the Rockies: About the only thing carpetbagging Boebert has going for her in the Colorado 4th CD primary is Trump’s endorsement. She wanted to show up for him so maybe he’ll boost her some more. She needs it.
@Origuy: You may have two different commenters mixed up here.
Ok – stay blank if you want. I wasn’t talking about the MAGAts.
Whole lotta normies and low-info voters out there who might be shocked/horrified, provided that they hear about it and provided that we quit pretending it has no chance of making a difference.
@Steeplejack: OT but per the earlier thread: no, they never did let me know what, if anything, would constitute their “red lines” for trump.
(of course they didn’t)
Citizen Alan
@Baud: The GOP of 2024 is basically the Manson Family if it were 75million strong.
@Omnes Omnibus: OMG, the woman is completely devoid of a sense of humor, or any sort of sense at all.
@O. Felix Culpa:
This. Never heard of her mingling with Kid Rock, another failson.
Rudy isn’t going to learn anything, anywhere. He just isn’t capable of seeing any thing he does or says as negative. He’s in love with the person he thinks he sees in the mirror. But he’s not that person, the one he thinks he sees, not in any way, shape or form.
@O. Felix Culpa: yes Martha Stewart and Snoop have a cooking show, it’s a lot of fun