I am playing catch-up today.
No lie told, as rikyrah would say.
Justice Alito turned the flag upside down. Donald Trump turned the Bible upside down. MAGA turned the Capitol upside down. The Roberts Court turned the Constitution upside down. Let’s set America right side up in November.
— Jamie Raskin (@jamie_raskin) May 20, 2024
I laughed out loud, literally.
BREAKING: FBI updates their BOLO for the DC Pipe Bomber.
“Bleach blonde bad built butch body.”
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) May 17, 2024
Now this is what I call an indictment:
Not surprising. At all. https://t.co/R6IPe6M53s
— Jack E. Smith ⚖️ (@7Veritas4) May 16, 2024
And this sounds like an old-fashioned ass whipping!
!!!!! Judge MERCHAN to Costello: “Are you staring me down right now? Clear the courtroom!” https://t.co/2k6g6qK8df
— Hugo Lowell (@hugolowell) May 20, 2024
Open thread.
That so many people, in real time, peeped the Trump Stenographers , and were tut-tutted by other members of the MSM . Tried to gaslight us that we didn’t see their bullshyt in real time. That we just didn’t understand ‘ this modern journalism’.
No, they were phucking stenographers, continually trying to normalize the Orange Menace.
And now, we have proof.
Congressman Raskin is absolutely on point.
How old is Robert Costello? He sounds like a disrespectful punk.
@rikyrah: Kicking ass and taking names. I hope those three are absolutely humiliated. But do they have the sense to be?
You will never guess who suddenly is enamored with mail-in ballots. No, not Louis DeJoy.
karen marie
@rikyrah: People knowing only causes them to double down. Expect nothing else.
@WaterGirl: It’s a nice thought, but they’re all firmly in “Earthman, explain to me this thing you call shame” territory.
Ugh. My apologies to all those who are now picturing Maggie Haberman in a clinch with Captain Kirk.
Good. Now they have no reason to complain about fraud when they lose. 🤣
Frank Wilhoit
There are no cameras in the courtroom, but Trump’s lawyers (and now his witnesses) have been acting throughout as if there were. They must think that that is the jury’s expectation and that they can win on style. The worst of it is not even that they may be right; the worst of it is that what we are going to find out is whether they are right.
Do not be pissing off the mooses.
I do have an idle thot about how this testimony will sit over at MSNBC in regards to Ms. Tur.
I wonder if questions will be asked and ponder if a Dildo of Consequences could be in the offing. The network would be better off if they dismissed her due to a lack of journalistic integrity.
America’s loudest dueling leaf blowers are making their Monday appearance next door, and the floor is vibrating beneath my feet to the racket. No extra charge for the 2-stroke smog and airborne dust and related crap.
Big fan.
Steve in the ATL
@trollhattan: Dante’s tenth circle of hell
@trollhattan: I suppose it’s only a matter of time before we hear of the 1-2 combo: someone using a leaf blower to knock cicadas out of a tree.
One of my better choices in life was the purchase of noise-cancelling headphones.
I’m beginning to suspect Costello has brain lesions or something. Hard to tell where MAGA-shitbaggery ends and delusional behavior begins, I know.
Harrison Wesley
@Baud: All those illegal aliens showed up to vote in person! Is there no end to libtard Demon-rat perfidy (whatever that means)?
@SpaceUnit: Totally. Among other things, noise-cancelling headphones made going to the gym bearable because I no longer had to endure the crap they pump out over the sound system.
No. At least Mag the Hag has the excuse of family ties to Cheetolini. And all the Cuomos are scum. I reserve my deepest disdain for Katie Tur. She has no reason to suck up to Trumpist scum but does it with such great pleasure that she makes me want to vomit every time I see her face.
They are essential to modern life.
@Frank Wilhoit: Nothing in there to argue with.
Elections have consequences
Raoul Paste
Is Costello‘s behavior contempt of court or what? Seems like he’s showing plenty of contempt
@Raoul Paste: I so wish this trial were televised. Or at least audio, that would protect the jurors.
@WaterGirl: I do not understand why the jury has to be in the same room with them. Have cameras on the judge, the witness stand, both lawyer tables, hell the visitors section and just have tvs for all of it. I know the jurors cant get away from the choosing part, but theres no reason someone that acts like a mob boss and has millions of lone wolves ready should be able to see them. It should all be kept private between the judges and the counselors. Then if there’s any leaks or threats or bribes its much easier to know who did it. And defense counsel could be told their client doesn’t need to know what they look like.
It made sense in 1700s to have a jury of your peers present. There is such a thing as Zoom jury duty now and protecting the jurors should be paramount. Though I would want them sequestered at the court for a case like this so they can’t have anyone else watching.
@trollhattan: I got charged by a bull moose in Idaho. I yelled at him and he stopped dead in his tracks after which we had a stare down. It was the closest I have come to dying I believe. No way would I have survived that. I had inadvertently gotten too close to his sweeties.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Let’s hear it for the musicians. BB, BB, BB is already a song. In fact, it’s multiple songs. But this is the one that popped up in my YouTube feed.
Sorry, wrong link. Fixed.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: Maybe John Oliver will do one of his re-enactment by dogs, ducks, and chickens (5:39)??
Here’s a wrap-up of the updated court schedule. (NBC)
So we get another day with Costello.
“There is no nice metaphorical way to deal with the rising wave of fascism. There’s only the messy way. There’s only the the banal way. There’s only the way of dealing with this wave on its own terms, at its own level and it’s not going to be pretty, but I think the problem with the world is that the good people have been quiet for too long. So, I think it’s time to make movies relevant. It’s time to make movies political again.”
— director Ali Abbasi about why he wanted to make a movie about Trump’s rise to power in the 1980s. Don’t expect to see the film in the US, no corporation wants to distribute it despite Cannes accolades.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter, “Donald Trump Movie ‘The Apprentice’ Shocks Cannes, Receives Nearly Eight-Minute Standing Ovation“
I thought George Stephanoupolis, on with Nicole, was excellent today. He went beyond stumping for his new book and he’s a great communicator. He’s pissed.
@Mag: ooh I hope the Streisand effect comes into play!
@Another Scott: I can’t believe that was from 9 years ago. Where did the time go???
I watched it at the time, and of course I watched it again. Thanks for that.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Mag: Billionaire Dan Snyder invested in this movie, expected it to be worshipful of Trump and Roy Cohn, is mightily pissed that it isn’t.
@Scout211: Thanks for that update.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
A Trump billionaire wasting his money is the cherry on top.
I don’t think the powers that be in the MSM view access journalism to advance one’s career as a bad thing. I’d guess a large chunk of people in the MSM view it favorably.
I just don’t see this having any consequences for Katy Tur or Maggie Haberman. Chris Cuomo’s a third rate hack now, who I don’t see making a comeback anyway.
The MSM big shots are more interested in going to the right parties, and making connections, than reporting the news and investigating stories.
I am not a lawyer, only a simple unfrozen blog commenter, but I do not see how the actions of the honorable Mr. Costello, Esq., were of benefit to the defense. Like, minor smoking-crater not.
@Frank Wilhoit: there has been speculation all along that it’s just a hung jury they’re aiming for, and maybe they think enough drama will kick up enough dust in one or two jurors’ minds. If so, seems to me that today’s episode won’t have helped. But wadda I know.
Sure Lurkalot
Truth. I shout to the rooftops here (probably too often) that MSNBC is not a friend with its line up of Republican but just not Trump contributors, but worse than that is Katy, with her wincing, pained expressions and bad news for Biden takes just about every damn day. I have pretty much stopped watching the station anyway but particularly at lunch when she’s on.
I thought “The Apprentice” was a buddy comedy about young Donald Trump and his mentor Roy Cohn? //s
@Sure Lurkalot:
I thought she moved to CNN.
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter!
Sure Lurkalot
@Baud: Katy Tur still has her 3 pm EDT MSNBC slot per a quick internet search.
@Sure Lurkalot:
karen marie
@Frank Wilhoit: I would not draw such a conclusion if the jury were to come back with a not guilty. I’d think it more likely that fear of being hunted would be a significant factor.
Trump getting people to follow the jurors leaving the courthouse is not beyond the realm of possibility. I’d be surprised if he didn’t already know where all of them live.
karen marie
@geg6: Communications director during a second Individual-1 administration would be plenty of incentive.
George Stephanopoulis has made a fine career from his work for Bill Clinton as communications director for six months and then three years as a senior advisor. Jen Psaki isn’t hurting either. Jay Carney – one of Obama’s press secretaries – turned his time in the WH into a lucrative gig with Amazon as senior vice president of global corporate affairs.
@Urza: “Zoom jury duty”? Where? No jurisdiction in which anyone should want to have a civil or criminal trial.
Nukular Biskits
Why does flying take so much out of you?
@Nukular Biskits:
For me it’s all the arm flapping.
No, that was some other idiot whose name escapes me. Similar, but not the same.
@Sure Lurkalot:
I hate her so much that I can’t watch anything her husband, Tony Dokoupil of CBS, is on.
Sure Lurkalot
“Let’s make a narcissist’s apology from scratch”. Dedicated to P Diddy but oh so applicable to oh so many others:
Raskin’s tweet is great, but this
was a photoshop.
Sure Lurkalot
@geg6: Keith Olbermann dated BOTH Katy Tur and Laura Ingraham. Might need to question his judgment too LOL.
Steve in the ATL
@Nukular Biskits: because you weren’t sitting up front?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Nukular Biskits: Airports.
After our Covid-postponed overseas trip in September, the airport experiences had been so grueling that we were asking ourselves if we’re done with Europe or with flying in general.
We decided any future flying vacations will involve one flight at the beginning, one at the end, in and out of our home airport (Philly). One hotel in one city. If we visit other destinations it will be day trips using ground transportation.
@Scout211: so that answers the question of “who’s on first?”
@Mag: Only 8 minutes? Cannes is slacking. Time was they’d give 10 minutes for a Progressive commercial.
@Nukular Biskits:
It isn’t just the flying. Typical homeward travel day for me and my family:
Pack up at wherever we’ve been staying.
Drive to the airport’s rental car drop-off.
Take shuttle to terminal.
Check bags, go through security, get to gate.
Stand in line to board plane. Board plane.
Move very little in a very constrained space for a few hours.
Disembark from plane, walk to baggage carousel, wait around for suitcases to appear.
Grab suitcases, load them on a smart-cart, go to parking garage.
Drive home, possibly stopping on the way for a meal. (Double-T Diner in Annapolis, in our case.)
Seriously, how’s that not going to tire you out?
Mai Naem mobile
@Frank Wilhoit: the way I understood it was that there are cameras for the overflow room. IIRC Dan Abrams said there are 3 cctv kind of cameras. One facing the defendants table. Don’t remember where the other 2 are. I am guessing one facing the judge.
Steve in the ATL
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Je suis entièrement d’accord.
Nukular Biskits
I deserved that one … LOL!
@Nukular Biskits:
Seriously, I haven’t flown since before Covid. I learned to appreciate the pleasures of staying put and avoiding crowds.
I guess it’s the new me. Now just thinking about flying makes me tired.
Nukular Biskits
@lowtechcyclist pretty much nailed it.
My day started at 4 a.m. Pacific.
@Nukular Biskits: dehydration is a significant part. Airplane air is typically VERY dry, and when you’re on the move and stirred up you don’t necessarily stop to hydrate, and of course using the bathroom in flight can be difficult. And it doesn’t help that water costs $20 inside security. Remember to bring an empty water bottle, fill it up at a water fountain, and absorb water regularly.
I know it’s standard for the defence to move to dismiss the case when the prosecution finishes it’s case, but is it usual for the Judge to reserve the decision on this issue?
Justice Juan Merchan said he would reserve his decision on the defense motion to dismiss, and has adjourned court for the day.
I know there’s nothing groundbreaking in this observation, but I feel compelled to note for the record that James Carville is an exceedingly tiresome man. That Ragin’ Cajun schtick got old a long time ago. And no prominent person with a “D” after their name should publicly bash Dems as much as he does. I wish MSNBC would just sideline him altogether.
Agree. They need to put him out to pasture.
a) It was a motion for a directed verdict, which is S.O.P. if an appeal is anticipated to be conducted by the defense.
b) Reserving decision on a directed verdict motion is also S.O.P. before rendering a decision at the close of arguments.
In other words, no biggie, nothing to see here.
insert obligatory IANAL here.
karen marie
@RSA: I’m watching the video at that link, and I’m struck by a few things. First, that Individual-1 was willing to walk that far. Second, he kept his flunkies (among whom were Kushner and Ivanka) well behind him so that he can be seen striding alone. Third, he doesn’t wave or acknowledge bystanders, but instead acts like he’s the only person who exists.
But mostly I’m reminded of what an excruciating piece of shit he is. So full of himself.
I will never understand how anyone – before or since he soiled the WH – could willingly surrender their self respect to him.
Will never happen. MSNBC’s business model is to keep their audience (Democrats) in a state of despair. He fits right in to that model, as does every other Republican host they have on there.
@karen marie: That last bit, about self respect: they never had any to begin with.
That’s what I needed to understand – thanks
@TS: I think he also may have wanted a little time to cool off. He was apparently furious with Costello and not at all happy with Trump’s defense team.
@trollhattan: I support the no holds barred smiting of anyone running a gas leaf blower.
Get a fucking rake and broom, you lazy ass-noise polluting-environment-disrupting a-hole, whose “work” will be dismantled by the next breeze.
Rake, sweep and compost. It’s better for us all, and actually cleans up!
Am I bitter? Not sure, but I am cranky.
Mad/sad to hear the news from BC. But, come on, we are democrats! Hope springs eternal.
Once Biden wipes the floor w his opponent, and President Harris wins her second term, we can work on the Balloon Juice Legacy Animal Rescue Foundation, the Mustard Lovers’ Lament Society, Moms Against Naked Mopping, Animals Organizing for Second Breakfast, and the Betty Cracker Estuary, Commentary and Cocktail Hour. All sponsored by love, resources and sheer will. As it has been, and, something-something, and ever shall be.
Kayla Rudbek
@lowtechcyclist: a constrained space where they are recycling the air. This is why I prefer to sleep on flights…
@Pennsylvanian: At age 69 1/2 I got my first leaf blower (battery operated) and I must say I love it. After
yearsdecades of raking.lowtechcyclist
@Kayla Rudbek:
Like you, I’ll sleep on the plane if I can manage it. Being unconscious is the best way to pass the time.
Electric blowers are still somewhat noisy, but much less so than gasoline-powered. The motor on my wet/dry vac converts to a blower, which is what I use to blow stuff off the deck and the front walk and occasionally the driveway. Doing the driveway requires an extension cord, but that’s less of a hassle than sweeping.