Together, we are capable of building a democracy worthy of our dreams.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 19, 2024
Quite a line: “Let’s be clear what happens to you and your family when an old ghost in new garments seizes power”
— Jacob Peters (@JacobNPeters1) May 19, 2024
Class of 2024, you made it to commencement – to a new beginning.
And with faith and determination, you can push the sun above the horizon once more and reveal the light of hope for yourself and for the nation.
— President Biden (@POTUS) May 19, 2024
Biden jokes that he has plenty of Morehouse Men giving him advice in the White House and on the campaign trial. “Education makes you free. A Morehouse education makes you fearless.” #gapol
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) May 19, 2024
Far left and right both mad President Biden was treated with respect, there were a few respectful protests, & his speech was well received
He endorsed VP Harris for president in 2028, celebrated millions given to HBCUs
Then he got honored by leaders
It was a great graduation
— President Kamala’s Hand (Again) (@myronjclifton) May 20, 2024
Biden on HBCUs at Morehouse’s commencement: “I'm investing 16 billion more dollars, the most in our history, because you're vital to our nation.”
— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) May 19, 2024
“Being a man is about strength of respect and dignity. It’s about showing up because it’s too late if you have to ask. It’s about giving hate no safe harbor.” – @JoeBiden
📸: Alex Brandon/AP
— Matt Corridoni (@mattcorridoni) May 19, 2024
Biden: "I have no doubt that a Morehouse man will be president one day — just after an AKA from Howard."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 19, 2024
Your thread is going viral! #TopUnroll 🙏🏼@Cocoliveshere for 🥇unroll
— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) May 19, 2024
The speech was Biden’s most significant public remarks to students since protests over the war in Gaza broke out in campuses around the nation, and it was largely well received on a campus with a rich legacy of social activism. #gapol
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) May 19, 2024
No he didn’t get Obama level enthusiasm (but then NO ONE but Obama gets that. Obama is once in a lifetime) but local news reporters say he was well received @stphnfwlr ⬇️
— Miss Norma Jeane 🗽🇺🇸🩸 🦷 🏴☠️ (@rosanthony3) May 20, 2024
Some polls — for now — signal a drop in Black/young support for Biden but not necessarily an equal shift towards Trump.
There are also signs that some of the displeasure with Biden is more pronounced among people who aren't as likely to vote in November
— stephen fowler (@stphnfwlr) May 20, 2024
You missed this.
— Crystal4MVPHarris – 🗳️Democrats – BidenHarris2024 (@crystal4obama) May 20, 2024
Juxtaposing the fact that normie Dems aren’t cultists with the glut of over-the-top glee that Republicans exude when it comes taking away people’s rights and ending American democracy is hard, apparently.
— Andy can’t tweet certain GIFS, apparently 🇺🇦🌻 (@mpersandy) May 20, 2024
Is this true?
That’s kind of big news. Or is it referring to this?
The Internet tells me Obama was a disappointment.
I don’t think there was much “enthusiasm” for Joe in 2020 either. He doesn’t have that kind of rockstar personality, and he’s not a niche cult leader.
But to the extent the reporting is accurate, we should own up to the fact that a lot of our voters are moved more by personality than polocy outcomes.
The internet focus on the protestors as somehow being disloyal Biden voters is silly. Many of them were too young to be Biden voters four years ago and none of them are old enough to be committed Democrats. They’re voters who are on the Left.
If we’re genuinely concerned about the election (instead of concerned with owning the libs or “denouncing” the Left 5,000times) we’d be doing outreach to non white, non college voters – there’s many many more of them then there are college student protestors and they have a 20% drop off in Biden support in some polls.
The hatred of the protestors is weird and obsessive and all out of proportion to their numbers as voters.
I loved LOVED L O V E D the line about “an AKA from Howard.” Sounds like the audience appreciated it too.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
He might not get Obama-level reactions at speaking events like this but he’s getting better results as president.
Good Morning Everyone 😊 😊 😊
Good morning.
Oh, for fuck’s sake:
I’m not sure what that means.
So proud of those Morehouse Men 👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏽
Good morning, sunshine! 🌞🌞🌞
My personal opinion is that the protestors are a handy punching bag because many of us are uncomfortable with what are clearly war crimes (nearly universally acknowleged at this point except by the US State Department – sort of delusional outliers) and lashing out at the protestors as somehow creating the problem feels good.
Meanwhile the rest of the world is focused on the actual issue and seeks to hold leaders on BOTH sides accountable for the criminal behavior they are personally responsible for:
Sounds procedural.
Those proud cheering families made me all verklempt …
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Hey Anna, could you take look at Rasmussen Reports; they’ve apparently gone full Q-anon conspiracy theories and from what I remember of Rasmussen they sells bad polls to losing side, like with Kerry in 2004.
I hope everyone understands a real, credible justice system can’t hold Hamas accountable for war crimes while turning a blind eye to Israel’s war crimes because that’s a bullshit clown show so this nonsense of hiding our eyes from inconvenient facts is serving to protect Hamas along with Israel.
If trump was leading the executive would he abide by this promise?
I wouldn’t count on it.
It just feels as though Assange has been around, sometimes in the foreground, sometimes in the background, forfuckinEVER. Makes the pace of TIFG’s legal proceedings and machinations seem like speedwalking. I guess I just loathe the sight of Assange’s name so much that I have an unpleasant visceral reaction to it. Sick of him, I am.
O. Felix Culpa
Who, exactly, is turning a blind eye to Israel’s assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza?
Long lines to vote in Mumbai. BJP is not a favorite to win this time in the metro. Its smells a lot like voter suppression we see here.
The MSM are just sick that they can’t talk about what a disaster Biden’s speech was, and they have to settle for “disappointment” because, um, it wasn’t attended by the Second Coming or something. They had been building up to it, writing about why it would happen and what it would mean, and now …
It really has got almost beyond parody.
@Baud: I just read through this timeline of Assange’s bullshit (and by that, I mean he’s a professional victim and coward). That he managed to hide out, wait out and evade sexual abuse and rape charges in Sweden will never not be front of mind for me about him.
As far as I’m concerned, he is a credibly accused sex pest, and deserves basically no attention. A bit like Siubhan, I want never to hear about him again.
Professor Bigfoot
@Kay: unfortunately, white, non-college voters are committed to anti Blackness, and therefore are completely unreachable by the Black and Jewish coalition represented by the Democrats.
@schrodingers_cat: all right wingers are the same.
@O. Felix Culpa:
The United States of America. Ridiculously, we’ve somehow decided to hold 19 year old protestors responsible for this shitshow in Gaza. It’s embarrassing. We’re a big grown up country. We should take responsibility for our foreign policy decisions, and our foreign policy decision right now is “willfully and deliberately ignoring war crimes, but only the war crimes on one side of the conflict”. The only people who are being held accountable for this are the students we’re trying to silence and then arresting.
They can slap every one of these protestors into jail. The facts that inspired the protests will continue to exist.
While I’m at it I’ll also say it’s incoherent for the Democratic Party to say they are protecting democracy when they aren’t protecting or advocating on behalf of the 1st Amendment rights of a dissenting political group.
@bbleh: if you think it’s bad now, wait till they write about the debates.
Correctamundo. Gird your loins now.
@TBone: How many times can the press say “meandering” about Trump’s answers, when normal people will have watched the debate and seen Donnie nearly decompensate live on TV.
They’ll glean a phrase or two that might possibly appear to be the answers to moderator questions and post that on his behalf as if he isn’t spiraling into full incoherence.
It’s the damndest thing. Why Trump’s failing brain isn’t big news does, literally, damn our press for their willful collusion in the lie that Trump is even minimally competent to hold any office.
@Professor Bigfoot:
I didn’t say “non college whites“. I said “non college”. The Democratic Party knows the difference, let me assure you. They know they’re bleeding non white, non college.
But it’s more emotionally satisfying to rage against the protestors, I guess, and also avoids having to think about the actual Gaza war. In fact, I’m told over and over on this site that they are in the group of “not real Democrats” – not in our club-okay- so maybe the singular focus on them as responsible for Joe Biden’s re-elect is a little silly, then? 20,000 college student protestors are the sole reason Joe Biden is polling even with Trump? Bullshit. It’s nonsense.
@Baud: I place very little stock in their efforts. Old Handsome Joe Biden just keeps chugging along, ignoring them unless he/his team needs to troll for laughs. Doing the work and leaving the “fuck all the haters” job up to the rest of us for the most part. All his campaign has to do is keep pointing out that his opponent is a LOSER in every sense of the word. Repetition.
“Trump hit Biden hard over inflation, open borders.” /NYT
@RaflW: Ronnie Raygun primed that pump.
Another Scott
@Baud: “She’s tough!”
Yes, he said he wants he to get the chair. (He didn’t say 28 though.)
But which loins? The ones around your kidneys? or your upper thighs? I guess the answer is… both.
I’ll vote for Joe Biden and do my normal thing over election season of between 2 to 5 hours of unpaid work weekly for the Democratic Party but I am disappointed more Democrats didn’t defend the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution and when Sherrod Brown comes to town I will tell him that.
When they’re throwing peaceful protestors in jail (or beating the shit out of them like they’redoing in LA and NYC) for gun regs protests or abortion protests or voting rights protests remember that it won’t matter WHAT unpopular opinion you’re expressing – you’ll be treated just like these people.
Another Scott
@Baud: More appeals, more delays.
Amnesty says the US should drop all charges (and celebrate his press freedom for freedom’s sake).
I’m prepared for any outcome. The Dem party under Biden’s leadership is the best in my lifetime. But people really hate and fear change, especially when it is liberal in nature. It’s why gaslighting works so easily, because people want to believe it.
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: I agree that we (the USA writ large) should take responsibility for our foreign policy decisions. Also agree that many alleged 1A advocates have been strangely silent. But part ways with you after that. I’m not aware of anyone holding students responsible for Gaza. Perhaps hyperbole, but stretched to the absurd. Getting arrested is integral to nonviolent civil disobedience, and yes, some of the students ARE doing it wrong. The tenets and history of nonviolent civil disobedience are readily available. As students, they should study, make use of, and creatively expand them. And understand that power doesn’t play pattycake with challengers.
If you got em, gird em.
Quote of the Day (Digby):
It’s gonna come down to October, when things really heat up. Until then, my noise cancelling headphones are up to the task at hand.
@Another Scott:
Yeah, too many Assange defenders out there.
Harrison Wesley
@Baud: But make sure you use the official Trump-endorsed “Don’s Diaper!”
@Baud: BJP is among the worst of the worst.
After the Morehouse speech, Biden flew to Detroit to deliver a speech at the Detroit branch of the NAACP at its annual Fight for Freedom dinner. The dinner was sold out and his speech apparently well-received.
I happened to be driving west on I-94 and wondered why the east-bound lanes were swarming with cops and nothing was moving from DTW east to Detroit. Learned about Biden’s speech later.
OT (but since I was out all weekend) did the BJ commentariat note that fourth-generation RWNJ hooligan Brent Bozell IV got himself thrown in the clink for almost four years due to his actions on J6?
So…it’s kind of like a family tradition of violence. How sweet!
There’s a story there about all the people paying the price for trump’s inability to just…lose and move on…like every other American presidential losing candidate. It’s amazing that instead of telling that story, most of the GOP just wants to collectively nod its heads (or bury them in the sand) and keep on losing. In this case, losing a son and grandson to prison.
Ah well. Some traditions must be maintained, especially in cults and crime families. Off to prison with you, you violent moron.
I hope they lose seats at least. Truly awful if they get an even bigger majority.
@O. Felix Culpa:
The US public has opposed every single protest since polling began, including the “respectable” protests that people always cite as “doing it right”, so, actually, the students are more right on the history than those lecturing them.
It’s content supression. The universities and political leaders don’t like the message so they tried to shut it down. The students know this -they compare to the anti apartheid protests, were shantytowns were set up for months and sometimes years and no one sent stormtroopers in.
It’s these protestors and this message.
I’ve actually given up on Biden expressing anywhere near the sympathy for the Palestinian victims as he does for the Israeli victims. He has a huge blind spot and it shows every time he speaks on this. He simply does not treat Palestinian victims as equally valuable to Israeli victims. I don’t think he’s capable of it. It absolutely makes me think less of him. I think it’s a bias based on ethnicity and religion.
@Baud: that’s also why protesters are always dumped on from all sides, until we realize “Hey, they really DID get some things to change!” Sometimes for the better, even! Always have to get through the inevitable backlash before we can see what really happened.
@Jeffro: Biden campaign: this fucking guy is a LOSER.
Rinse. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Reddit funny.
Oh, yes, Americans have an infallible moral compass – all they ask is “respectable” protesting and they naturally gravitate to human rights.
So much for that myth.
The public hasn’t supported a single protest since polling started and they won’t support your next protest either, even if you’re “doing it right”.
They say they support peaceful protests. The protest in Brooklyn Saturday was peaceful. Police beat the shit out of the protestors – bashing their heads into the pavement, unprovoked. Has any Democrat said a word in opposition to this? No? Then they don’t support peaceful protests.
The police are doing this because we’ve given them the okay sign – they can do anything they want to protestors now. No one objects. I got news for you – they’ll do the same for a gun regs protest you-all approve of.
It was mentioned (by somebody) in the comments (in some thread). I don’t think there was much of a lengthy discussion, and I’m pretty certain it wasn’t FP’d, but I didn’t follow every thread so might have missed it.
@Baud: It doesn’t seem likely. They swept through the Hindi heartland, Maharastra and Karnataka in 2019. Its numerically very hard for them to top that performance. That was 303 seats. They won 282 in 2014. Majority is 272.
One campaign slogan that has backfired on them is the claim to win 400 seats and then change the Constitution.
@Kay: I don’t know why you seem to think the police beating the shit out of protesters is anything new or has much to do with what is being protested. Anything even faintly left-wing will generate this type of police response.
I am happy to hear Biden label the Republicans as extremists. The notion that they are conservative is absurd.
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: I agree that Israeli actions in Gaza are horrific. I agree that students and others have a 1A right to peacefully protest them and US policy in the Middle East. I agree that Biden has been slow to publicly part ways with Netanyahu.
After that, disagree on much of what you’ve said. 1A freedoms do not include property damage and harassment/obstruction of other students and university workers. Supporting protest does not include turning a blind eye to genuinely bad and sometimes threatening behavior by some protestors, as well as not turning a blind eye to abuse of power by the authorities.
I credit Biden with more sympathy for and action on behalf of the Palestinians than you do, with the caveat that because of old loyalties (and presumably diplomatic constraints), he has been slow to openly criticize Israel. I have welcomed his movement in support of Gaza, though, however imperfect it might be. I believe the protests, however imperfect, have played a role in that movement.
There’s a long history of movements on the left being saddled with the behavior and beliefs of their assholiest and least powerful fringe. Meanwhile, movements on the right don’t get that. A goddamn Supreme Court Justice had an upside-down flag hanging in front of his house, but as soon as I point out that that’s treasonous, I’m rude.
Meanwhile, the left makes valid criticism of police, and all we hear is “a few bad apples!”. Feminists get saddled with TERF shit. Countless other examples. It’s easier to criticize the weirdest people than engage with or steelman the argument.
@Baud: As long as he’s still in prison I’m ok with it. As far a I’m concerned he’s not a journalist, he’s a ratfucker who interfered with the 2016 election.
And then you say it does:
Exactly. Ever hear of the cops beating heads of people protesting outside an abortion clinic? Me either.
Israel has a lot of Right wing nut supporters – no one says “that discredits all Israel supporters” yet they pick apart these protests looking for “aha! own the Left!” moments. It’s incoherent. If it applies to pro Palestinian it should apply to pro Israel.
Supporters of Israel in the US Congress launched a racist, anti Muslim campaign against a nominee for the federal bench – they won. They kept him off the bench for no other reason than he is brown and Muslim. No one on Balloon Juice said “I would support Israel except Israel has all these fucking racist supporters” because that’s ridiculous, yet that’s the standard they use for the protestors.
I don’t think it matters that much. The US focus on the protests rather than the issue is fruitless. The issue is the only thing that will matter in a year, when there’s the inevitable reckoning on this. The protestors will be seen as RIGHT, for the very simple reason that they are right.
@O. Felix Culpa:
People who support Palestinian rights enough to get arrested for it HEAR Joe Biden. They pick up that he shows much more sympathy for Israeli victims than Palestinian victims – he did it again in this speech – his heartfelt personal story botu an Israeli victim and then his generic “Palestinians” almost as an afterthought.
IMO, they’re right. There’s a personal bias there. I hear it too.
@Kay: I’m confused as to who exactly you’re crusading against on this site; I mean, I get that you’re going to keep whacking Biden and any Democrat that doesn’t wash their hands of Israel and any of us who aren’t all in on your position…but you’re acting like everyone here is anti-protest, anti-student, and needs to be hammered for taking to the streets themselves for the shitty actions of police, as if people here haven’t been talking about what a massive problem we have in this country with policing. It’s not like anyone here has been praising Columbia or any of these elite university’s leadership.
@lowtechcyclist: I am trying to think of the specific example I half remember, but every now and then the cops beat right-leaning protestors. Not Proud Boy types, of course, or gun humpers, but those with more mainstream causes. Cops (and security guards) have been known to pepper-spray anti-abortion protesters, though it doesn’t happen often. But a lot, probably the majority, of protests are left-leaning so there are more opportunities for cop riots.
“Far Right and far Left both mad” – it’s at the top of the page.
We have a Democratic President. NY has a Democratic mayor and two Democratic senators. Apparently not one of them can stand up for the right of people not to get the shit beaten out of them by the INSANE number of police who were gleefully sicced on them.
Biden’s breezy “hey, I support peaceful protest! Golly- doesn’t everyone?” is not enough. Words have meaning. Support implies action.
The protestors have a saying “liberals oppose all unjust wars except the war we’re currently involved in and they support all rights except the rights battle we’re in”. There’s truth to that. They’re not wrong.
Melancholy Jaques
Can’t believe we are still talking about that guy.
@O. Felix Culpa:
They’re not getting nearly enough aid into Gaza. That’snot even the worst part. The worst part is blocking medical care. That’s why the medical school graduates at U of M protested yesterday. This hits health care people especially hard, that the US is implicitly supporting withholding medical care to people who are injured because of our weapons. The port the US set up is the least efficient way to move aid – I mean, obviously Israel is blocking aid. If they weren’t we wouldn’t have built this Rube Goldberg machine to get some in there.
I resent the gaslighting. US leaders can pretend this isn’t happening. I’m not going along.
Melancholy Jaques
@Professor Bigfoot:
Are they all really unreachable? I feel like Biden’s pro-labor work could move some towards our side. We don’t need but 3-5% to change to swing states.
But no one has to worry that the protestors will kill Biden’s chances. There’s not enough people who care at all about this to even make a dent.
@Kay: I’m sure that the Biden campaign is fully aware of where they’ve lost support, even if lots of Democrats aren’t. I’ve heard the O-Boys talk about it on their podcast, because they’ve been involved in actual campaigns and know how it works.
As for whether or not the protestors are “on our side” or are Democrats, it seems that many of them proudly say that they are not Democrats, so if we say they aren’t Democrats we’re just repeating what they’re already saying. Whether they’re part of a coalition that mostly votes for more liberal candidates, that’s another issue altogether.
O. Felix Culpa
@Kay: It sounds like we are seeing and hearing different Bidens. Signing off now for elections worker training.
No lie told
@Kay: There is history here- The Palestinians should have come to the table years ago. Instead, they support terrorism. I’m sorry- raping and kidnapping kids doesn’t make you a good guy. And I do want Israel to get new leaders as well.
@Kay: they had the right to peaceful protest- vandalism, blocking and harassing students is not protected speech.
this framing – where opposing US policy in Gaza is making Hamas the good guy, is offensive. It’s identical to the Right after the invasion of Iraq and just as gross.
The most amusing part to me is how much these kids are borrowing for those schools while the school managers gleefully have them arrested. 50k a year for the pleasure of some cowardly manager ass covering by brutalizing students.
The protests were nearly identical to the anti apartheid protests, yet no one sent thousands of cops in to shut those down.
the United States government does not want this policy opposed. It’s viewpoint discrimination.
@SiubhanDuinne: got it – thanks!
I was floored but I shouldn’t have been. SO many connections between the J6ers and “mainstream” RWNJs.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: Which federal agency broke up any protest?
@Kay: Peaceful liberal protesters are already treated like this for the most part.
This, sadly, is the Hillary Clinton argument – that Palestinians somehow deserve this because they didn’t accept the offer in 2000.
Hillary Clinton knows darn well this is nonsense – “different people did something else bad 20 years ago so we’re murdering these people” is not recognized in any legal system.
Im embarrassed she used it. She knows better.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Democrats could advocate publicly against NYC and LA police brutalizing protestors. That’s defending. Vague “free speech” mumbling is not defending.
I want a vigorous defense from the Democracy party.
@Kay: But if they’re pretending it isn’t happening then why did they build that port? I’m not sure exactly what our government could do to force Israel to allow those thousands of trucks in, and to protect them from wilding settlers and angry Israelis who, while they are unhappy with Bibi in general, aren’t that unhappy about how he’s conducting the war.
This is a factor, one that I don’t know if you know or not. I think it explains a lot of what Israel is doing. This was from March:
Not doing anything to stop this has an inevitable result. They will wipe out a substantial portion of that population.
I think Biden has to recognize that his administration’s approach to a ceasefire has failed. They don’t have much time left – there will be tens of thousands of more dead from famine and injuries.
@Kay: I am heartened by the ICC warrants issued for both Hamas’ leadership and Israel’s; Netanyahu’s government needs to be put on trial for their war crimes.
And I agree that Dems should stand more vocally for the rights of protestors; as an Angeleno I feel especially aggrieved and upset about the UCLA situation.
That being said, far too many protestors who I even know in real life talk about Hamas like they’re the good guys, the ones on the right side of history, which is frankly insane. This isn’t Nelson Mandela’s ANC, because forgive me if I’m wrong but I don’t remember the ANC having to change their platform from demanding Afrikaner genocide to something only slightly more mellow.
I personally think that all Dems should come out in favor of a Palestinian state, and endorse startup funding for it. Of course, if and when that funding gets flipped around into weapons that will be a really fun day.
@Kay: I don’t disagree that his approach isn’t succeeding, but I’m not sure there is any approach that will succeed as long as a majority of the Israeli public supports what Bibi is doing when it comes to Gaza.
@Soprano2: She doesn’t seem too concerned about Jewish lives or how the rhetoric from the leadership of the Students for Justice in Palestine affects Jewish Americans. I don’t see Alison Rose much around here do you?
Whatever Biden does, she then changes the goal posts of what he he needs to do.
Hamas started a war it could not win, Netanyahu’s government has overreacted but somehow Biden is to blame for the resulting loss of life.
@Soprano2: I don’t realistically think there’s an approach that the US can take that will result in a good outcome (and I define “a good outcome” as a democratic, dignified, secure, prosperous future for Israelis and Palestinians — and I don’t have a position of that’s in one, two, or three states).
For me, the question is whether or not the US participates in this by providing funding for weapons, or humanitarian aid.
I think this is the unfortunate reality: Hamas is not all Palestinians, but they certainly made decisions that every Palestinian is paying for. It’s a shambles, and I don’t honestly know how it can possibly ever get better.
Had no idea. Missed this great news.
@Damien: I don’t know how it gets better, either. Not to both-sides the argument, but both sides have earned fault over the course of many years, the people living now have to live and die with the consequences of that fault, and the best chance to resolve the issue in my lifetime has likely passed.
So I vote for not participating at this point, helping out with humanitarian aid only.
Salad Shooter (@saladshooter9) posted at 2:52 PM on Sun, May 19, 2024:
There are two main groups of leftists, both of whom are ecstatically pro-Trump.
There are true believers who think Trump getting back in will spark the rEvOLuTiOn.
Then, there are LARPers for whom a Trump win will mean lower taxes for their 1%er parents, and more inheritance.
Kenny Akers (@KeneAkers) posted at 10:08 AM on Sun, May 19, 2024:
Black people are GHETTO — This stereotype is generated by white bigotry by calling specific Black individuals “ghetto” that they disapprove of or don’t see as a “good Black person.” This trope is rooted in racism and bias that unfairly associates Black people with poverty, crime, and lack of refinement.
Calling Black people “ghetto” can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce white negative biases about the Black community. It further contributes to the marginalization, discrimination, and dehumanization of Black people.
This labeling can also limit education, employment, and social advancement opportunities, leading to systemic inequities and inequalities.
Candidly Tiff (@tify330) posted at 0:43 PM on Sun, May 19, 2024:
Biden was invited to Morehouse college to give a commencement and the media assumed it would get rowdy in protest but never did.
The white centered media is clueless on how Black and Brown folks think, operate or vote. None of their narratives are sticking. Ignore them!
Ameshia Cross (@AmeshiaCross) posted at 10:28 AM on Sun, May 19, 2024:
Yall really didn’t give the @Morehouse students now men of Morehouse nor the Admin the respect they deserved. There were like 8 protestors who did so silently and appropriately. The chaos and mayhem media and conservatives wanted wasn’t gonna happen at Morehouse.
[email protected] ✍🏻 📢 (@jennycohn1) posted at 1:27 AM on Sat, May 18, 2024:
Seems that Harrison Butker & Catholic influencer Austin Wright co-founded a company called MDKeller whose “team” includes people w/ ties to the Heritage Foundation (Project 2025), the Federalist Society (tied to Leonard Leo), Catholic University (tied to Leonard Leo), & the Blackstone Legal Fellowship (tied to the Alliance Defending Freedom). Portions of MDKeller’s website were scrubbed today or yesterday after a social media user posted about it. 1/
Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) posted at 10:43 AM on Sun, May 19, 2024:
Q: Viktor Orbán seized control of universities and put them in foundations that were run by his allies. He rewrote the Constitution, he neutered the courts, and he has tried to control the media. Is that what you’re advocating for in the US?
Trump VP contender Vance: I think he’s made smart decisions that we could learn from in the United States
Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) posted at 10:04 AM on Sun, May 19, 2024:
Q: Will you accept the election results no matter what happens?
VP contender Marco Rubio: No
Q: Will you accept the election results no matter who wins?
Rubio: The Democrats…
Q: Every Democrat that lost conceded their election. Will you accept the election results no matter who wins?
Rubio: *refuses to answer*
Q: You voted to certify the 2020 election. Do you think Trump’s comments about election interference undermine Americans’ confidence in democracy?
Rubio: *refuses to answer*
Renee (@PettyLupone) posted at 2:26 PM on Sat, May 18, 2024:
Leftists thinking Dems are supposed to meet their voting ransom demands while they combat the most corrupt and inept GOP this country has seen in 50 years is pure comedy.
You are NOT the priority in this scenario.
Pro-Israel folks have been bullying Ms. Rachel on TikTok for trying to raise money for kids in Gaza, Sudan and the Congo.
Yeah, THAT Ms. Rachel.
It’s going over the way you think it would be going over.
Ah, yes. Any opposition to US policy means I’m anti Semitic. Identical to the Right after 9/11, where anyone who opposed US policy was on the side of the terrorists.
Doesn’t really matter though. The slaughter continues completely unabated, in fact it accelerates every day, made possible by the United States of America. That’s reality. Shutting up the students won’t stop it. Although Americans will no longer hear about it, which is the actual objective of beating the shit out of them – so there won’t be any real discussion of US policy.
We’re violating our own laws and international laws. How can we credibly advocate for a rules based international order when it comes to Putin when we don’t even live up to that standard ourselves? It discredits all our foreign policy. Tim Kaine said Biden’s Gaza policy was a failure. I agree. But I guess we’ll stay the course until another 50,000 civilians are dead.
Malcolm P. Johnson (@admiralmpj) posted at 10:08 PM on Sat, May 18, 2024:
Dear Yt people,
If you ever wonder why when you claim to be allies, some Black Folks just don’t trust you…??
Just review what happened with @JasmineForUS and being forced to apologize for saying “Butch”.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
They think we’re hacks and the only reason we’re supporting this policy is because our guy is in office. They have zero interest in being part of this Party – they think we’ll back anything a Democrat does.
But they’re not a risk to the Party. Biden has real problems with some voters – despite denials on Balloon Juice polls are actually real – but the protestors won’t cause him to lose this election. There’s not enough of them and most Americans won’t care at all what happens to brown Muslim people far, far away.
Dr. T. Anansi Wilson JD/PhD (@blaqueerflow) posted at 9:04 PM on Sat, May 18, 2024:
We’re quick to tell folks not to vote; but what are we telling them about to survive Project 2025? What have prepared for a trumpian judicial system? Never mind the Supreme Court, but the district courts that deal with our daily lives? What of the dismantling of Obamacare and healthcare for the poor? What have we prepared for deep inaccess to medications? What do we do when the civil and voting rights acts are completely unenforced? Who are we throwing to the wolves?
〽️att No Brain Worms Seyfang (@mseyfang) posted at 10:41 PM on Sat, May 18, 2024:
Oh, I think overturning Griswold (and Brown?) is the agenda. From there, it’s downhill for most Americans. A return to Constitutional jurisprudence circa 1950. Contraception and marriage equality gone, sodomy laws back. 60s legislation repealed. It’s radical as hell.
Miss Trinidad’s Smooth Baby Thigh… (@tamaracharese) posted at 0:54 AM on Sun, May 19, 2024:
Losing entitlements is a big one, we’re talking about a dismantled SS system, Medicare, and Medicaid, most likely unemployment insurance as well. There’s already a Supreme Court case pending for emergency rooms to be able to turn folks away.
If this is the analysis understand it leads directly to “All Israelis are Netanyahu”. It has to – after all, Israelis put him in power and left him in power for 16 years.
If all Israelis aren’t Netanyahu (my position) then all Palestinians aren’t Hamas. You really have to decide. The cudgel used against Palestinians can logically be turned right around and used against Israelis.
You better have something better to back this up than your personal enmity for Biden. Because I have noticed nothing of the sort. In fact, I saw you comment similarly a while back and specifically paid attention to see if I noticed any difference in how he discusses them. I didn’t.
@Kay: I was there during the anti apartheid movement. First, it was very clear who was on the right side. Secondly, Mandela was brilliant for using non violence to build the strength of the movement. Thirdly, there was actually a government in waiting in the anti-apartheid movement. There is no like leadership in Palestine and Hamas are bad guys..
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Kay: if you think ANY democratic politician has even the SLIGHTEST influence over the NYPD, you’re woefully, painfully misinformed.
you like to talk a lot about nyc, but i don’t think you KNOW a lot about nyc.
VFX Lurker
@rikyrah: Thank you for posting these excerpts from social media.
He told a personal story about Israeli victims – he always does. Very touching – his usual self.
Apparently there are no personal stories about Palestinian victims – surprising given there are now at least 50,000 of them. Not one of those deaths touches him enough to reference a specific person?
I could find him some personal accounts of the anguish if he needs them – there are now thousands of medical personnel with stories of individual victims.
@strange visitor (from another planet):
So the NY PD are a completely rogue police agency who answer to no one?
that’s terrifying. Sounds like they’re a much bigger threat than protestors
Killing 50000 civilians isn’t going to pass unnoticed. This idea that if we just defend this loudly enough the rest of the world is going to go along with our delusional position is nuts.
All it does is harm US credibility. Again – you can’t give speeches expounding on a rules based order if you’re breaking every rule. It’s clownishly hypocritical
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Kay: uh, yeah. they turned their backs on deblasio in public. at a funeral for cops. he had NO control over them, they drove over protesters with SUV’s and nobody in the (then) mayor’s office said a fucking thing.
now, mayor cop agrees with them.
nypd has been running on “giuliani time” for decades.
nobody (except right wing assholes) really gives two shits about the protesters. nyc is a very large place with many, many busy people. just about everyone steps warily around nypd
eta- i think it was martin (?) who said that once the administrators called in nypd, the fates of the protesters were sealed, as the people who run the college had no operational control of nypd.
that’s pretty much how things are in nyc. no one has operational control over the nypd
eta part two- mayor cop is as much of a loyal member of the democratic party as he is a resident of the goddamn city.
@Kay: yeah and Hamas started a fight they can’t win using Palestinians as a shield. Sorry, the I/P situation sucks, but I’m not going to abandon imperfect US democracy for a bunch of religious nuts who would throw LGBTQ ppl off rooftops.
Well, lets be honest though. Israel has a huge group of religious nuts who have done nothig but make this situation worse. Netanyahu is a far Right, criminal authoritarian. I don’t suggest we follow Israel’s lead in the United States. They have some real issues they have neglected to address. They should be able to stop their own religious nuts from blocking US aid to starving children, at minimum.
You insist on framing this as a choice between Palestinians and Israelis. I mean, if that’s what we’re doing here then let’s be clear, we’re arming and supporting a genocide.
Like I said, it no longer matters much what anyone’s intent was. The US is currently standing by and defending the IDF while Israel wipes out an entire population. That’s all that will matter a year from now. They’ll find the intent for the war crimes tribunals from the outcome – a genocide.
That’s actually one of the things the protestors find amusing about liberals.They say we (liberals) are supporting a far Right government in Israel, no different than the other backsliding, farRight governments anywhere else. We oppose that in Russia but support it in Israel? How is this a coherent foreign policy?
This is the quote from the speech, geg:
See the difference? Israeli victims are individuals with a tragic story, lives, families, etc. I agree! They are! Palestinians, OTOH, are a “humanitarian crisis”. Impersonal, distancing language. Language where they are a problem rather than people. He does this in every speech. Personal, human stories for Israelis, impersonal “problem to solve” language for Palestinians.
The protestors have a saying “we asked a simple question- are Palestinians people? and our officials answered “no, and fuck you for asking”
@Kay: Israeli governments made bad choices in the 1990s that many Israelis warned them were going down a dangerous path, especially when they let the Oslo Accords blow up.
I think the Biden administration is doing the best it can to thread an impossibly small eye in the policy and diplomatic needle to keep the whole area from blowing up, with total Palestinian genocide in Gaza and the West Bank, and the Israeli/Lebanese border blowing up again and endangering northern Israel and most of Lebanon.
And don’t forget the overarching tensions between Israel, Iran, Arab Gulf oil states, and Lebanon and Jordan, and Turkey. Ancient rivalries and modern
Israel missed the boat a generation ago. I don’t know how they can fix this because they don’t seem to want to. I think they mistakenly believe they can brazenly bully and slaughter their way out of this.
At this point, as an American, all I hope for is that this doesn’t turn into something that labels all American Jews as genocidal and all anti- genocide Americans as anti-semites, since neither is true. The split seems more generational than religious or ethnic, except for the extreme Evangelicals who aren’t even trying to function in a rational world.
Kay, I very much share your distress, but I think Biden’s people are more concerned (and more aware of the on the ground realities) than you give them credit for.
Professor Bigfoot
@Kay: Thank you, now I guess I have to learn how to use the pie filter.