I think I am more hopeful that Trump will be found guilty than most of you. I don’t always have to be right, but I sure hope I am this time!
First president in 28 years to not serve a second term.
First president in 45 years not to release any of his tax returns.
First president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.
First president in 102 years to allow more than 120,000… pic.twitter.com/6R1JI7onoW
— Jo (@JoJoFromJerz) May 29, 2024
- First president in 28 years to not serve a second term.
- First president in 45 years not to release any of his tax returns.
- First president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.
- First president in 102 years to allow more than 120,000 Americans to die in a single virus outbreak.
- First president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice.
- First president in 152 years to boycott his successors inauguration.
- First president ever to fail to hit a 50% approval rating at any point during their presidency.
- First president ever to be elected with the help of a foreign nation.
- First president ever to be impeached twice.
- *First president ever to have a member of their own party vote for conviction in an impeachment trial.
- First president ever to have an arrest warrant issued against him by a foreign nation.
- First president ever to refuse to concede defeat. First president to be banned from social media.
- First president to refuse to ensure the peaceful transfer of power.
- First president to have their home searched for official national security documents.
- First former president found liable of sexual abuse, defamation & business fraud.
- First former president criminally indicted (also the second, third and fourth).
- First former president with a mugshot.
- First former president to await a jury’s verdict as the defendant in a criminal trial.
- So many firsts, so much winning. He must be sick of it.
- ?
*#8 gets an asterisk because Nixon and Reagan conspired against the US with other countries in order to get elected.
*#10 has been deemed incorrect by a commenter, with a reference to Andrew Johnson. Disputed by Baud.
What’s everyone up to today?
Is spring gardening kicking anyone else’s butt?
I am awaiting the imminent arrival of a guy to do a “checkup” of my HVAC system, which, as far as I can tell, is working perfectly. The appointment has been rescheduled several times, but I’m hoping it will finally be over. Might take the rest of the day off and do even more nothing than usual. It’s a beautiful day for it.
I don’t know about #8 — Nixon’s backdoor efforts to get S. Vietnamese leaders to back out of peace talks and Reagan conspiring with Iran against Carter — treason against the US is a longstanding GOP tradition
the others are fine
I have a small backyard, and a small garden.
The damn squirrels ate the majority of my calendula seeds. However, my sunflowers are coming up nicely. A friend of mine gave me a standing composter (not the rotating kind), and my compost is coming along wonderfully. I need to get a watering can so I can make some compost tea for the babies.
I hope Trump is convicted. Semi-hopeful that it will actually happen.
I think #10 is wrong. Andrew Johnson was a Republican and 35 Republican Senators voted to convict him. They were shy one vote of giving him the boot.
Chief Oshkosh
@M31: Donny’s dictator dalliance(s) place him third temporally behind Nixon and Raygun. However, given their landslide victories, I think it can be argued that they would’ve been elected without the traitorous activities. Donny, on the other hand, probably would not have been elected without the help of Pooty-poot.
The cats are at the windows.
Three baby red squirrels. Team Chipmunk coming out of the rock walls. Raven talk in the forest as I train Rhiannon to a cat backpack.
Video on TikTok. Will be transitioning to YouTube.
For anyone who says that prosecuting a President for his crimes committed prior to taking office is unthinkable, please don’t forget that Vice-President Spiro Agnew was convicted of tax evasion, and resigned in disgrace.
I’m still working my way thru, as it’s a looooong article, but the Slate piece by the now NDA-free producer from Apprentice seasons 1 & 2 is something.
Goddess I hope there really is video tape of TFG saying n<CLANG!>, and that someone finds a way to smuggle that out before November.
This bit seems all to twee an attempt at I was too shocked to quit, though: “I am still processing what I have just heard. We all are. Only Bienstock knows well enough to keep the train moving. None of us thinks to walk out the door and never return. I still wish I had.”
You sure? I thought Johnson was a Dem. Lincoln thought a unity ticket would help unify the North. But I may be misremembering and I’m too lazy to look it up.
Been clearing brush, dead cholla cactus/chamisa, and breaking up pack rat tunnels for several days now. Loading a pretty good sized trailer 5ft high with all of this.
Found an old coyote skull about an hr ago. That’s pretty cool.
@Steeplejack: It is, in fact, a glorious day here in Middle Tennessee. 65F this morning, mid 70s with a bluebird sky and birdsong.
This has a lot of potential as a rotating tag.
@Baud: No, you are correct. Johnson was picked for tactical reasons, at a time when Lincoln looked like a loser in the upcoming 1864 election.
HVAC guy been and gone! Well, he’s checking the big unit in the back of the building, but he’s done with me. I have removed the tactical gear (pants!) and have settled into my usual loungewear (T-shirt and boxer briefs) Thinking about lunch and a beer.
Anonymous At Work
@Baud: You are correct. Pro-war Democrat to oppose the McClellan-led pro-peace Democratic ticket.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
He was a Dem and Lincoln picked him for that reason. A mistake on Lincoln’s part in the long run but as noted above, he was being uber-tactical in the pick because of the prick McClellan.
And I didn’t hafta look any of that up!
Omnes Omnibus
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Do you want a cookie?*
*No cookies will be provided.
@Anonymous At Work:
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
You guys are better than chatGPT! Thanks.
Same in NoVA. Currently sunny and 71°; have some windows open to let in the breeze and the birb calls.
@Steeplejack: You got it going on! Have an ale for me, please, followed by a nice porter.
@RaflW: I had planned to try to put up a post on that later. Worth its own post, do you think?
Wow, that’s quite a list. He must be so proud.
Do eeet! Probably my first.
Old School
Forgot about that one. But it seems Trump is the second one as well. Both Iraq and Iran have issued warrants in relation to the killing of Gen. Qassim Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
@Steeplejack: We don’t have birbs down here in NC.
Pedantly yours,
Omnes Omnibus
Omnes Omnibus
@hueyplong: Hey now!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Omnes Omnibus:
That probably rules out a beer.
@Steeplejack: Now, if that were an undershirt rather than a t-shirt, then sitting in your boxers, drinking a beer, in what we used to call a Dego Tee, – but others apparently call it a wife-beater – that would paint quite the picture!
Is there a non-offensive word for that kind of undershirt?
@Omnes Omnibus: Do you want a cookie?
J/K, I’m late to the party for jackal on jackal violence (prior thread).
All I have on hand is Vienna Lager from Devils Backbone, which is my usual. Pretty good and pretty easy to find around these parts.
And I’ve got some good bread, ham and Havarti. Sandwich ho!
@Baud: You are right about Johnson. Probably about being lazy too.
Anonymous At Work
@hueyplong: No one has any. Don’t you read 4chan enough to know that birbs are all fake?
@Anonymous At Work: The birb count is rigged.
West of the Rockies
You ever been to Pulaski, TN? My big unrequited love in high school was with a girl from there who had moved to the now mostly-gone Paradise, CA.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Well, Huey Plong: isn’t getting one!
Another Scott
Meanwhile, …
Narrator – Every GQPer voted against the Inflation Reduction Act.
Good, good.
West of the Rockies
But do they speak in a sultry Scarlett Johannson voice?
@Chief Oshkosh:
This might be a pedantic distinction, but might not.
Nixon and Reagan conspired to alter foreign affairs in a way that was politically convenient for them. Trump conspired with Russia in a disinformation campaign against the American voters.
AFAIK, South Vietnam and Iran weren’t playing games with the media to get Nixon and Trump elected.
It makes my heart swell to think of trump, stuck in a back room at the courthouse for as long as the jury takes to do whatever it does.
He can’t leave. I hope it’s really uncomfortable and ugly and smelly.
I’ve seen them called tank undershirts, but rarely. I don’t like them. I’m a crewneck Hanes or Harbor Bay guy.
Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) posted at 0:24 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
A right-wing website has made a long series of allegations against a senior Trump campaign advisor and RNC official, alleging he is sabotaging Trump from within. https://t.co/yl6qv2ykfF
@hitchhiker: Freezing, too.
@WaterGirl: Absolutely! So far what I’ve skimmed of it, is putting the period to a lot of rumors leaked out during the 2016 election, but were loudly called LIES by TIFG. I don’t know if this article will be the first of many as more NDAs expire.
The disclosures won’t change the MAGA minds, (they’ll just double-down) but may influence undecideds and Independent voters.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: They ran as the “National Union Party” ticket in 1864, but, yeah, Andrew Johnson was a Democrat. It was the cross-party unity ticket that political pundits love to salivate about, and, hey, how did that work out for us? Not so great really.
@Matt McIrvin: Taking Atlanta was a much better campaign move than putting Johnson on the ticket.
the pollyanna from hell
@Steeplejack: tanktop
Dang, I was hoping for a fast verdict… but on the other hand, the longer he has to suffer… 😏🤭
@JerryBoBerry: nope – johnson was a democrat from tenn added to the 1864 election ticket by lincoln as a gesture to the south promising a peaceful reconstruction, at the moment assuming johnson would be mere useful window dressing
The White House (@WhiteHouse) posted at 9:15 AM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
President Biden is calling on Congress to give middle-class first-time homebuyers a $10,000 tax credit to help lower their monthly mortgage costs.
MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) posted at 0:19 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
Judge Cannon is asking Jack Smith and Trump to submit a supplemental briefing to tell her what impact the recent Supreme Court ruling about funding for the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau has on Trump’s claim that Smith was unlawfully appointed. https://t.co/wnr81SrbGC
@Chief Oshkosh: Nixon’s treasonous conspiracy was in 1968, an election where there was a very strong 3rd party candidate (the last one to ever win a state, iirc), and Nixon ‘won’ with like 43% of the popular vote.
His landslide win was in 1972.
@West of the Rockies: Is the Pope Catholic? Never had much to do with it other than to pass through, but back in college a young woman from there did introduce me to the poetry of Wallace Stevens. Pretty country on the way to the Buffalo River, which is another two southern-tier county seats over and north a bit.
O. Felix Culpa
Color me jaded, but will the “revelation” that TFG used the n-word change any minds or votes? I mean, his racism, misogyny and general hatefulness aren’t exactly hidden. Those attributes are precisely why he has a MAGA following. Who will be shocked, shocked to find that he used scurrilous language (again)?
@Jackie: a fast verdict would far more likely have been either outright NG or more likely guilty of misdemeanor falsification of records but no felony compounding of purpose
if the jury was not seriously considering a potential guilty verdict on the felony counts, they would not have asked to have pecker’s and portions of cohen’s testimony read back to them. That of itself doesn’t guarantee they will come to a unanimous felony guilty verdict, but it is a strong indicator they are seriously considering that potential outcome.
The Atlanta Voice (@theatlantavoice) posted at 7:00 AM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signs Senate Bill 189, creating new voter qualification rules. Fair Fight Action has released workarounds for the new laws, which will go into effect on July 1. #GaPol https://t.co/I5ACBheJlC
I too take the read back of testimony and reread of jury instructions as positive signs. I’ve been on two juries, the second was a federal drug conspiracy case with 3 defendants, multiple charges of drug trafficking, attempted murder and murder. Almost 70 witnesses and 5 weeks of testimony. The jury instructions took well over an hour to read. We ended up having them reread to be sure we were all on the same page, and did the same for various parts of testimony. I take it in the current case as a positive sign the jury is taking their responsibility seriously and wants to do a good job. I’ll accept the verdict in whatever form it takes. Despite all the noise outside the courtroom, the prosecution, judge, defense and now the jury are all doing their jobs as we should expect and be grateful for in a functioning society.
O. Felix Culpa
@cmorenc: I think a slower process suggests that the jurors are methodically going through each of the 34 charges against him, weighing the evidence and resolving any remaining questions they might have. My admittedly limited experience as a juror indicates that at least some juries take their charge very seriously, which I suspect these folks are doing.
Or, what Rusty said at #56.
God g-d, Bob Casey must be desperate. I just got a fundraising text ‘authored’ by renaimated skull James Carville from Casey’s campaign (I have, with certainty, sent “stop” messages to the Casey campaign before).
I hope he wins, as we’ll be toast in the Senate without retaining all incumbents running. But I just do not understand a campaign in 2024 thinking that Mister “Too many preachy females” (caution, NYT-Maureen Dowd link) is an asset. Even if their lists are segmented and they know I’m “old” — I’m 58 and I remember what a little sh*t James was back in the Clenis years.
@West of the Rockies:
That’s the voice I hear when reading the comments here.
There’s are old white moderate Dems in PA. Big tent.
@RaflW: Bob is 64 years old and still using the old Democratic ecosystem.
@Another Scott: Great news!
@Matt McIrvin: lincoln nominating democrat johnson from tenn for vp as a unity gesture might have worked out ok, had lincoln’s guard detail at ford theater not been so light and inattentive to the point of being incompetently derelict.
@Another Scott:
That’s the upside of paying attention in high school history class.
@hitchhiker: Well, you’re starting with two out of three right out of the gate, because Trump brings those with him.
The backyard is looking pretty spiffy- I’ve hoed weeds and crabgrass several times a week. Sunny sunflowers are stretching up to around three feet, cosmos, calendula, and zinnias are branching out. Milkweed is just starting to blossom and the nasturtiums are self seeding like crazy. Tomorrow I’m heading back to Santa Rosa to help my bestie and her brother empty out a lifetime of her mother’s fabulous detritus, and now that the lawns are mowed and spouse has just dragged the hammock out and set it up under the shade of the orange tree, I may spend the majority of the afternoon lazing outdoors with a book and some radio paradise on the lil boom box. Note to West of the Rockies- radio paradise is/was a local radio station in Paradise Ca, but now broadcasts out of Eureka and the main mix is very enjoyable. Give em a listen: https://radioparadise.com/home
@rikyrah: Let them fight?
Dan B
@WaterGirl: String Tee Shirt. It was part of the required attire at sweaty disco bars as decreed by the Great Gay Agenda.
You’re welcome to be honored by my gift of Ancient Gay History.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
First incumbent president to lose in a 2 person race in 88 years, the last occurring in 1932 when tens of millions were starving in bread lines, living in shanties, and choking in a dust bowl.
@Another Scott: Boy, all the tax prep companies are going to squeal bloody murder!
@the pollyanna from hell: I don’t think so – tank tops are clothes, not undergarments.
Now if they can just enhance it so it deals with IRA distributions….
Ari Melber seems to have an odd affection for James Carville, because Carville shows up on Melber’s MSNBC show quite often.
@Caveatimperator: Republicans leaving US hostages in Iranian hands to help defeat and humiliate Carter was/is extremely affrontive.
Treason? Dunno. But hideously playing with the lives of US citizens in captivity (as Trump more or less is now, claiming that he’d get a guy spring from Russia who he did nothing for while in office) is grotesque.
I was also on a federal case — organized tax fraud, with 7 defendants, 3 sets of defense attorneys, and multiple counts against each defendant. Took eight weeks of testimony, followed by three more of deliberations.
We had to work hard, because some of the jurors hadn’t really been paying attention, and two of them just didn’t like taxes and wanted to acquit everybody.
It seems obvious now why the prosecution was happy to have a couple of lawyers on this jury — this business about how to consider the charges that bump this to a felony would be beyond most of the people on the jury I was part of.
@laura: Do you plant cosmos from seed, or do you buy plants?
What zone are you in?
I was able to call up Radio Paradise on my Echo by saying, “Alexa, play Radio Paradise.” Checked it against their website to make sure it was the same thing. 👍
@Dan B: I’m still getting over the you’re doing it wrong on the new garden bed; this honor should help. :-)
@Steeplejack: I bet Ari’s hoping that Carville will crack a raw egg on his bare skull as mea culpa for being wrong about something. Forget what Carville was wrong about, but the actions have stayed with me, long after that Tim Russert joint has bit the dust.
@Baud: I guess. But the Casey campaign did not segment their list well for me.
And it’s all about meeeeeeeeee.
Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh at one end…Philadelphia at the other..
and, Alabama in the middle.
Yeah, I think they don’t segment fundraising emails and texts. At least not that way. They’re all awful.
@O. Felix Culpa: ‘Video or it didn’t happen’ is the response. :/
West of the Rockies
I placed a jar in Tennessee…
Wallace Stevens is a bit opaque for me.
Thanks for responding, HinTN!
Bonus: I can ask, “Alexa, what is playing?,” and she will tell me the artist and song title. (That’s not available on every source I listen to.)
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: That adds some perspective, doesn’t it! Kudos for “choking in a dust bowl”.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Yeah. And they’re motivated for revenge. Especially since they didn’t have the votes to impeach Biden even once.
Least surprising news of the day:
Victor Matheson
To be fair, Saddam Hussein (plus bin Laden) almost certainly single-handedly got George W. Bush elected. But I suppose #8 means a foreign power intentionally interfered with the intent to get a president elected.
The GA GOP is horrible. Good for Fair Fight for fighting back, but it’s appalling that this sorta shit is still happening in this country.
I think that was the least surprising news of yesterday. Unless he rejected the request again.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: You’re doing great on your new garden bed. It can be elevated to Certified Designer Queen which will improve your chances at achieving the coveted endorsement of the Secret Gay Commanders of the Universe*.
In the interim wallow in your shame!
*The tasteful universe, of course.
@Baud: Hmm…his letter is dated today. Alito probably leaked it yesterday.
O. Felix Culpa
Maybe Baud was pre-remembering the rejection.
Gin & Tonic
Evan Gershkovich was detained about a year ago. While what Trump is doing now wrt that case is grotesque, he was long out of office when russia decided to pick him up.
@smith: Then I hope Roberts absolutely LOVES Jamie Raskin’s opinion piece in the NYT yesterday.
I’m headed back on the road tonight after finally getting my car(tires) road worthy. First time taking the new rig out.
Because, of course…
The New Republic (@newrepublic) posted at 5:59 AM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
Military contractor Erik Prince started a private WhatsApp group for his close associates including a menagerie of right-wing government officials, intelligence operatives, arms traffickers, and journalists. We got their messages.
From @KenSilverstein1:
@Another Scott: Ken Paxton will be suing to stop that here in Texas soon.
@hitchhiker: I think having two lawyers on the jury means they’re going to methodical, but neither lawyer wants the other to see them as railroading the jury. I imagine there are some interesting interactions going on.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
speaking of Queens New York, the Mets are an absolute dumpster fire.
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: I hope you have a safe and successful trip!
Sadly, no. Or at least slightly less so today. (From the NBC Live Blog)
O. Felix Culpa
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
The White Sox are an even bigger dumpster fire, alas. Worst record in baseball this season. Unwatchable.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Yeah, but they’re our dumpster fire.
Buck must be ROTFL.
Maybe I heard about it this morning. I thought it was yesterday. Anyway, as expected.
@O. Felix Culpa:
Worse than the A’s? That’s a feat.
Fair winds and following seas.
O. Felix Culpa
@Baud: Yup. A’s at .404; White Sox at .263. I feel proud.
@O. Felix Culpa:
A’s are doing pretty good, considering.
@Baud: No seas where I’m going, Red Cliffs though.
@WaterGirl: I’m in zone 9-11. I sow seeds but also planted some seedlings to ensure some measure of success after last year’s almost total failure. Annie’s Annuals is my go to order for plants.
@JWR: Ah, the return of “Executive Time”.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I also happened to graduate Cum Laude in History as an undergrad. ;)
@smith: Next step: Subpoena him!😡
Yeah, unless it’s some kind of exercise in expectation-setting, I don’t understand why so many people are certain Dump won’t get put away. Even if he’s acquitted, Merchan could still give him a few months for one of the most over-the-top displays of contempt in US legal history. (That’s what I would do in that situation fwiw — trying to coerce me by putting my children in jeopardy is not cool.)
Can’t really call them an absolute dumpster fire, give the White Sox’ record. But points for effort. ;-)
EDT Felix got there first.
Dan B
@laura: I’ve gotten plants from Annie’s Annuals. They’re great for my Zone 8b/9a garden (three days straight of below freezing did in the upgrade to 9a). We had a spectacular huge white Datura (Sacred Datura?) last year. The ten inch wide white trumpets glowed into the evening. It sold out this year. Wish I’d saved seeds.
There are many other wonderful plants that are suitable for colder climates or for spectacular displays for a summer and fall.
You’re living in the past. This season, the A’s aren’t even last in their division.
Muscle shirt? (Worn by drivers of “muscle cars”?)
@Jackie: I guess it should be done for form’s sake, but everybody knows that Right Wingers are not required to obey subpoenas that are issued by Dems.
MTG sure thinks about sex a lot. She’s now demanding people on Jeffrey Epstein’s client list should be arrested instead of TIFG being on trial.
Problem, is, isn’t TIFG’s name on that list?🤔
Bill Arnold
LOL. From the link
Even end-to-end-encrypted groups (e.g. WhatsApp) are only as secure as the union of all the endpoints AND the people behind them.
One should assume that such a 400 member group is compromised by at least one adversary, with only timing of any disclosures the uncertain part.
By doing what Trump asks him to do?
Matt McIrvin
@Quadrillipede: Teri Kanefield is my expectations-dampening legal source. She says that, as an appellate defender, she’d probably attack the argument by which Trump’s crime is interpreted as a felony of election interference (it has to do with the nature of the “predicate crime” that the hush money was intended to cover up).
But she also notes that, as an appellate defender, the people she was defending for this kind of thing had already been convicted by the lower court, so it’s not as if this is a prediction that Trump will get off in this trial.
@O. Felix Culpa: Alright! Our Rockies are at .364! We’re not last! We’re not last!
Well, they can’t blame Trump for the dumb things that he demands that his minions do. So a scapegoat is obviously required.
We asked Black voters what’s the greatest threat to our communities. They overwhelmingly said the re-election of Donald Trump.
That’s why we launched our first ad of the year. We can’t sit idly by as Black communities are inundated with false narratives about Trump.
LBJ had the evidence in hand. The only time I’ve ever heard of him backing down from a fight. I’ll never forgive his ghost for not having Nixon, and probably Kissinger with a few others, dangling from a gibbet for treason.
Of course Republicans meddle with and get help from foreign powers to win elections. They know there are no consequences.
@laura: Ah. I am in zone 5 or 6, depending on whether you believe the climate is changing. //
I planted some plants last year, and by morning the next day you would never know there had been anything there. Fucking bunnies.
Then I planted seeds directly in the ground, and there were apparently too many to eat all of them, so I did get some cosmos. Next week is planting time for the cosmos seeds here.
@Jackie: Yes! If he won’t play nice, issue the subpoena. The SC is not above the other branches. This total disregard for the rule of law and the constitution is maddening.
@GregMulka: This is the one time Kissinger is off the hook. He hadn’t joined the Nixon party yet.
Clear skies and happy shooting!
@rikyrah: delicious. Now’s the time to pile on Dotard and be sure to keep kicking him while he’s down!
Roberto el oso
@WaterGirl: my dad used to call those ‘singlets’.
LOL, the Gorilla Channel is back!
@wjca: 💙😘
@GregMulka: You and me, brother, you and me. 1964 was a glorious Democratic electoral victory and knucklehead pissed it away – because he was a coward, afraid of “losing S.E. Asia”.
@rikyrah: hey! I’m in that middle and we prefer “Pennsyltucky” or “dumbfuckistan”
Matt McIrvin
@Matt McIrvin: …I think I misspoke above: should have said “the predicate crime that the falsification of business records was covering up.”
@Belafon: Kissinger joined the Nixon team in the summer of 1968, just in time to carry the message to the Thieu regime to stall the Paris Peace talks.
@rikyrah: those are the Nazis we must eradicate. Thanks for posting, I’m glad to see the naming of the names. That’s important. It’s the best thing I’ve seen all day.
zhena gogolia
randy khan
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
Sadly, yes.
I happened to tune into yesterday’s game on SiriusXM just as the top of the 8th was starting. Big mistake. I got home before the glove-throwing incident, though, so that’s a small consolation.
And on the MLB channel on Sirius XM this morning, Jim Duquette said he’d never heard of a team meeting that lasted as long as the one the Mets had after the game – reportedly 40 minutes.
@TBone: Yes. This. Yes.
Six Things Every American Needs to Know About Trump
@zhena gogolia: Agreed. I am sharing this ad like crazy.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@O. Felix Culpa:
Not completely true. There is a reason he had women and people of color all over the stage when he was nominated last time. He sends out campaign materials with black people in them. Its to insulate him from accusations that he’s racist and sexist from low info normy voters.
A lot of conservative leaning or moderate normies think liberals go overboard on calling things racist. All the Trump people have to do is put people of color on the stage praising Trump, and it reinforces that view and makes them think the accusations of racism and misogyny aren’t true. HIs campaign knows this. Documentation of him actually doing things that are clearly (no ambiguity) racist does hurt him.
@JerryBoBerry: Lincoln’s VP Andrew Johnson was a Democrat. It’s possible that Senate Democrats voted to convict him when he was impeached. I know only one more vote was needed for him to be convicted but I don’t even know the makeup of the Senate in IIRC 1867/8(?)
Hubby just set off our car alarm 😂
May 30 will hereinafter be National Stormy Daniels Day!
🎶 And the verdict is…
Verdict waiting music
@TBone: I’m sorry it wasn’t “Final Countdown” by Europe.
@TBone: I wish it was more like when they have a new pope, except you see cannabis smoke coming out of some guy’s car.
@TBone: I prefer this one Renegade
#8 AIPAC doesn’t count?