Guessing that I’m not the only person who slept better last night than I have in quite awhile.
With any luck, next week I hope to be able to tell you about a new group we want to be support. So if you didn’t blow your whole budget yesterday on expensive champagne and decadent desserts, hang on to your wallets because next week we’ll be fighting for democracy and the rule of law on another front.
And if you want to feel good about a group we regularly support, take a look at this.
Montana’s Tribal Voters Could Determine the Makeup of the Senate (Politico Magazine)
Following a major turnout dip in 2022, Native American voters are now a key target in the Montana Senate race, where their votes could make or break Jon Tester’s chances of heading back to the Hill.
Aside: Why is Politico Magazine so much better than Politico?
Native Americans are always an important voting bloc in Montana, where they make up 6.5 percent of the population, per U.S. Census data. But this November, their involvement could potentially impact the entire nation.
Control of the Senate may hang on the outcome of the Montana Senate race, where Democratic Sen. Jon Tester is up for reelection in this reliably red state, likely facing off against Republican Tim Sheehy, whom former President Donald Trump has endorsed. Trump won Montana by nearly 17 percentage points in 2020, and Tester won by 3.5 percentage points — or nearly 18,000 votes — in 2018. Montana’s tribes comprise about five percent of the voting bloc, nearly twice the margin by which Tester won his last race.
The article also talks about Four Directions!
“Where there’s been enough money … we’ve been nearly able to close that Native to white voting gap,” says Bret Healy, a consultant with Four Directions Native Votes, a multi-state nonprofit working on tribal turnout.
Three voting precincts in Montana’s Blaine County — which is about half Native and half white — illustrate this gap. Four Directions analyzed data on the portion of eligible voters in these two tracts who turned out to vote in the 2022 election. That year, turnout in two majority-Native tracts was 22 percentage points lower than in the majority-white tract. In addition, the decrease in Native turnout between 2020 and 2022 was higher than that of white voters, by five percentage points.
I hope you’ll read the whole thing!
Remember, we raised over $50,000 for Montana and on top of that, we had an external match through Four Directions.
Open thread.
Spent part of last night writing postcards for the June 11 special election in Ohio. It’s an uphill battle for the candidate, but we have to keep trying.
Never have I been so glad to be pessimistic and wrong. Also glad to see we’re celebrating an actual victory against the forces of evil before we go back to the fight.
As I’ve been saying, this election will be decided on the margins, just like 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022 – all elections involving Trump. That is a double edged sword. It means a few tens of thousands of low-information normies will decide who the next President is, not us activists. But it also means that a few tens of thousands of fascist-curious but low-information voters deciding TCFG is a bridge too far WILL lose him the election. They don’t have to vote for Biden. They just have to leave the topline blank or stay home. As a bonus, that will probably swing some close races for the Senate and House in our favor, too.
Live by tiny margins, die by tiny margins. TCFG fucked around. Now he gets to find out.
Should Biden not do the debates with a convicted felon, thus denying him a platform next to the President of the USA?
Trump’s appeal oral arguments will be in front of the first All-Black women Appellate bench.
West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin registers as an independent For what it’s worth.
Heard about the verdict while hanging with the gang at Maplewood Hobby (2 Rules there: No Politics and No Vegetables (unless deep-fried in oil) ). Walked a mile to another gathering after dinner. Slept very well.
Have a great weekend, everyone !
@rikyrah: Heh. Karma is not a beach in NC.
Chris Johnson
@rikyrah: Wait, are you snarking or for reals? It’s New York, there’s really no reason that couldn’t be real.
That would fill me with such delight and glee, OMG :D
@Percysowner: I guess this is his last-ditch LOOOKATMEEE! His political career has the life expectancy of the cicadas making a racket outside my house. It’s just a matter of months before he becomes “Joe Who?”
Politico Magazine stories differ from Politico’s regular fare because they go in greater depth and often are written by journalists from the state being covered.
Manchin in a nutshell.
@Chris Johnson:
true, but the picture wouldn’t download.
it’s on
Denise Oliver-Velez’s twitter feed
Two things I remember reading back in the 2020 election;
The horrific failure to provide Covid relief to the Navajo nation pretty much drove the entire nation to turn out in force for Biden. Without that, Arizona might not go blue.
One of the tribes in North Carolina had been petitioning for federal recognition for decades, but finally got it during the Trump years, which drove them to turn out for Trump. Without that, North Carolina might not go red.
Turns out, native tribes still matter politically, even if they’re often forgotten.
I’m still kinda stunned by the idea that this would have turned out completely differently if only Trump and his lawyers had the capacity to not be assholes in front of the judge.
Chet Murthy
@rikyrah: pic at top of this post?
@rikyrah: hahahahaha
Chet Murthy
@different-church-lady: stunned is one word. appalled is another. Or horrified. I haven’t read any of the articles with headlines like you wrote, but there are a lot. Ugh.
John S.
No way. Biden absolutely should debate the convicted felon so he can call him a convicted felon to his face and watch him stroke out.
@Geminid: I phrased that badly! That was my way of pointing out how much better Politico Magazine is than Politico.
It’s like night and day.
@Chet Murthy:
that’s them!!
I had a delicious thought: July 11, Judge Merchan sentences TCFG to 10 days in prison for violating his Gag Order REPEATEDLY – effective IMMEDIATELY.
Thus preventing TCFG from attending his OWN RNC Convention!🤭😂
It’ll never happen because appeals, etc etc… but the mere thought made me chortle!
@rikyrah: and it just came out that, surprise surprise, Trump enjoys using the n-word. That will absolutely not amuse the Court of Appeals panel.
@different-church-lady: We don’t know that.
Rump is on MSNBC embarrassing himself in spectacular style He can’t complete a coherent thought TO SAVE HIS LIFE 🤣😆😆😆😆😆
@rikyrah: Added the photo to my reply at #16.
@Chet Murthy: thanks for the link. I hid the long URL under “Link” by the way.
And he loves us!
@Chet Murthy: It’s remarkable — and it says something about the population trends in this country– how many of the people currently calling the Felon and his co-conspirators to account are women, POC, immigrants, or some combination of the above.
Those population trends, of course, are what terrify and animate the MAGA cultists.
@WaterGirl: Nice looking group! One of trump’s attorneys is already talking about bringing it to SCOTUS if necessary.
@Jackie: JUDY TENUTA VOICE “it could happen!”
@ArchTeryx: 🤣😆🤣😆🤣
Exhibit A: And the dumb son said “we’ll win, because we’re white.”
@smith: We see Trump for who he is and the danger he represents.
@WaterGirl: That’s why I said ‘the idea’ instead of ‘the fact’.
Barry Ritholtz is, IMAO, a capitalist possessed of both intelligence and wisdom. Were I possessed of wealth, I’d probably engage his firm to manage it. Failing that, can only recomemnd his latest posting;
and think some of you jackals may find it amusing.
Mike in NC
Muted the TV as to not listen to Fat Bastard whining about how unfairly everybody treats him.
Voters want someone they can identify with.
@Percysowner: I think it’s incredibly telling that Manchin is trying to drop this turd on a day that everyone’s preoccupied with something else.
Immigrants have been saving this country forever. In the 1850s/60s, German and other Central European immigrants fleeing from the 1848 crackdowns were a critical support base for the abolitionist movement, the Republican Party, and ultimately the Union cause. In the 1930s/40s, Irish, Italian, Jewish, and other non-WASP immigrants were a critical support base, possibly the critical support base, for the New Deal. And if we really do survive the current wave of fascism, it’ll be something we couldn’t have done without immigrants providing a bunch of the votes that got us through it.
@different-church-lady: 😆😂
Trivia Man
Im disappointed in me, i got cold feet. The Milwaukee wing nut radio station, with an important on line presence state wide, has a dangerous morning host. Law degree, smart guy, speaks well, a superficial reasonable sounding facade to his very clear wing nut beliefs.
He called for a liberal to debate him on air. 1 minute each, no interruptions.
I am not a lawyer but i have been paying attention closely and feel fairly sure i understand this trial and the verdicts. I feel very strongly that is a grave error to ignore these radio blabbfest and cede that ground entirely. Not all listeners are true believers- it is mostly them preaching to their choir but not 100%. If no counter is ever heard then it is much easier to just shrug and say ‘that sounds reasonable’.
I had to get back to work but i wish id taken 10 minutes to try and push back. Please, please, please… if you are able i hope you consider calling in to your local station. You might only get 10 seconds so be prepared. Stay calm, simplify, and don’t let them change the subject.
If i had called, id make 3 quick points
1) He did it. Nobody except TCFG denies he screwed her, part d me ney to come hen to pay her, did it to influence the election, and filed false documents to cover it up
2) wether it helps or hurts biden or trump is less important than applying the law to all people
3) he was treated very differently than any other defendant at every step. And not the n an unfair way, quite the opposite
@JPL: Well, they would have to find the hook to do that because this is a state court.
Hopefully Justice Merchan made it as difficult as possible to find anything that could get them to a federal court on this.
Small tidbit, but seemingly very appropriate that the jury foreperson is a naturalized Irish immigrant. He’s probably like, I worked my ass off to get here, followed every byzantine rule, procedure, and endless form to become a voter & citizen. This clown thinks laws are just for all us rubes.
TCFG is having a press conference, and after spending a few minutes talking about everything and nothing at all before getting down into what he really wanted to do all along, which was the airing of grievances routine. NBC broke into its own News for this “Breaking News”, which is letting this weirdo pull the same stunts he always pulls. After about 10 minutes in, I’m stunned they’re letting him go on and on and he’s just accordion hands man bitching about everything under the sun. ABC and CBS aren’t bothering with this sh*t.
@different-church-lady: Understood. It just read to me like the usual talking heads are trying to drive the narrative. I try hard not to spread their spin.
@rikyrah: That is Karma piling up for someone, compounding interest, accruing penalties, and inspiring Dante.
Love it.
@taumaturgo: Trump will pull out of any debate with Biden, IMO. Likelihood of a debate is infinitesimally small.
@WaterGirl: Naw, it’s actually my own thinking. They blew up their own hopes for a hung jury the moment they started getting on the judge’s nerves.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Tester by all accounts is a great campaigner with a great campaign staff.
MT, red as it can be, is also small enough, people-wise, to be a great place for retail campaigning which again, Tester’s apparently great at.
Given the incredible, and persistent, racism toward the native tribes in places like MT, the Dakotas, etc., they see candidates with very stark contrasts.
I always scream about GOTV being *the* most crucial element and it’s readily apparent here.
@Trivia Man:
I didn’t know they let sea lions host radio shows.
Bonus point: given what we know about Trump’s dad, I totally believe that he would’ve grown up hearing all kinds of racial slurs against the micks, paddies, potatoheads, bogtrotters, and [insert anti-Irish slur here], and absorbed it along the way.
Most racists don’t do the Hibernophobia thing anymore. Trump ain’t most racists.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Agreed. I’m as cynical as many other people that he’ll ever see the inside of a cell or suffer any consequences at all. Yet the conviction in some indefinable way matters. It matters a lot. I don’t even know why. As my wife put it, “I’m still worried, but I’m no longer terrified.” I feel the same way.
John S.
Look at me, I’m Donald T
I’ll go down in infamy
Won’t go away ’til I’m marked DOA
I can’t, I’m Donald T
Alvin, Alvin, let me be
Keep that summons far from me
Just keep your cool, attack the jury pool
Hey, fungool, I’m Donald T
Trivia Man
@John S.: I have a dream… at one of his pressers, perfect opportunity at the courthouse after the verdict, a very clearly shouted YOU LIE will ring out in the hushed crowd. Or WRONG or COWARD… something short and simple and irrefutable. My bet: he will instantly become enraged and 5:1 will lash out with something indelicate or even MORE clearly unhinged or at the very least a juicy and short soundbite we can use. He is a snowflake in a bubble of protection.
@WG “Aside: Why is Politico Magazine so much better than Politico?”
I’m guessing that Politico Magazine’s motto isn’t “Win the month.” Plain ol’ Politico is all about clickety-clicks and being the one to scoop all the DC press releases disguised as leaks or ‘exclusive sources say…’
Magazine journos have the relative luxury of time to do real reporting, and I’d imagine magazine editors also work with that longer time horizon in their viewpoint.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I suspect a lot of the “it’s not really a crime” contingent are people whose own bookkeeping couldn’t stand up to an audit.
@RaflW: I doubt one could get I-130 or I-140 forms approved with Trump’s record. These are the forms for your GC application that have to be approved by USCIS before you can become a GC holder.
Candidly Tiff (@tify330) posted at 8:28 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
So True! Trump and Republican’s are also appalled Judge Merchan who is a Latino immigrant didn’t put up with their nonsense and couldn’t be intimidated. He had full command of his court and they attacked him non stop and will continue to.
Stay mad racists!
Trivia Man
@MattF: Thats my bet as well. Exception: if TCFG privately believes he is losing he will debate as a hail mary. His own Palin moment if you will.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
There might be a method to their apparent madness b/c Hair Furor is his own worst enemy when allowed to vent and ramble like that. The effect depends on who’s watching tho.
I discovered this when dealing with “the Trump of Denver with all the associated psychological issues” in 22-23. We led a neighborhood effort against this turd developer who wanted to scrape an historic house. It’s where I saw “live lying” up close and personal.
We discovered that local media loved to run shit on this guy and could tone down his narcissistic sociopathy in the edit room whereas whenever we got him in front of a commission or city council, he’d go off just like Trump and man did that alienate everybody. We loved letting him ramble like that.
Who the fuck am I kidding, NBC’s audience this time of day for this shit ain’t that. They’re just too lazy or think they’ll get more clicks or eyes for running it.
Ragnarok Lobster
(@eclecticbrotha) posted at 7:59 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
Watching puritan leftists, MAGAts and beltway pundits recoil, hiss and write in agony like vampires in sunlight every time a Democrat says “no one is above the law.”
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Agreed. As I said in the last thread….. an institution held. The process worked, at least this critical part of it. There will be disappointments to come, but at least we have this.
Candidly Tiff (@tify330) posted at 6:41 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
Read the comments and understand how D.A. Alvin Bragg was treated by impatient Dems. He caught hell for doing his job methodically. Shame on y’all!
He was getting on my nerves too.
The Chanteezy Is Real
(@iamchanteezy) posted at 9:09 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
Chris Hayes freaking out about Democrats to go rouge is just performative outrage.
Florida Chris (@chrislongview) posted at 6:52 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
do the white dudes who are posting im a lifelong dem who has never voted for him but id crawl over broken glass to vote for a convicted felon know we can read the rest of their tweets and see they’re lying? or do they think we’re all as dumb as they are?
@Percysowner: I am not really looking forward to a couple decades of me muttering “Christ, what an asshole” to the things a free agent/paid mouth Manchin will be saying to the press. I guess someone has to be playing the role of Joe Leiberman’s animated ghost.
nope, won’t beg silly ass progressives for votes (@reesetheone1) posted at 7:06 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
Btw….. don’t expect a big shift in national polls…. In fact don’t be surprised if some polls show a Conviction boost for Trump.
The media horse race fix is in yall.
Don’t get ARROGANT.
stay pissed and ready to vote.
uh huh
Jay (@nobodyafrn1) posted at 9:30 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
U see them trying to bully him to basically celebrate the verdict and gang up on Jen. Good on Biden not taking this bait. This I how dems grow the majority! Not listening to leftists
Trivia Man
The only appeal argument i have heard that actually sounds like a plausible path for him is against the law itself. Admit he was in n violation but argue the law is vague or inpermissibly confusing or violates some law/ rule/ process.
IANAL but that could be a possible outcome for TCFG.
nope, won’t beg silly ass progressives for votes (@reesetheone1) posted at 10:11 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
My biggest Fear:
Democrats overthinking on how to approach running against a convicted felon.
Don’t get cute.
You can talk Bread and butter issues AND incorporate how the convicted felon isn’t looking out for no one but himself and other rich folks.
Like this.
Chris Johnson
@WaterGirl: Oh, look. America! :D
Ragnarok Lobster
(@eclecticbrotha) posted at 6:33 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
Pundits seem to forget Trump relocated to Florida years ago because he knew he wouldn’t be able to get away with all the criming he intended to do if he continued to reside in New York.
Hmmmmmm….we know the answer
I Smoked Trump On 34 Criminal Counts (@BlackKnight10k) posted at 0:31 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
Is anyone in the media going to ask Trump to drop out of the race now that he’s a felon? No? Not even the ones who wanted Biden to drop out because of his age? I wonder why that is
John V. Moore (@johnvmoore) posted at 5:24 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
I am still cackling at the way @gtconway3d dragged @ScottJenningsKY. Poor @kasie is as in her feelings
Ragnarok Lobster 🐺 (@eclecticbrotha) posted at 5:38 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
Why is Kasie Hunt taking offense to George Conway pointing out Trump supporters are habitual liars
Small differences matter. My Congressional District, OR5 a Democratic seat for 26 years flipped from D to R in 2022. The R won by 1.1%, 7,299 votes
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I think that once Mansion is out of the Senate, much like LIEberman, in a few years, he’ll be essentially forgotten and if he does say something people will be like “Joe who?”
Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) posted at 5:41 AM on Fri, May 31, 2024:
Here’s a big reason Trump’s conviction is such a powerful moment: It shatters the myth of his invincibility. Dems need to banish the phrase “his negatives are baked in” forever, and use this against him, ruthlessly and effectively. My take:
I’m glad MSNBC put that demented rambling incoherence front and center. The more people see he’s melting down in his haze of incoherent grievance, unable to complete a sentence or a thought to its logical conclusion, the better. The man is done for. Deteriorated past the point of anyone being able to hide it. I’m glad I saw it today. Celebrations continue! No remorse! I might be looking that fate square in the eye myself, so I’m extra allowed to mock the shit out of him being a candidate.
@rikyrah: I LOVE IT
Thank you to Kristine! I’m going to follow your example and write postcards today. I can’t find the link that was in the sidebar, but for new writers:
I do not feel as deliriously happy as I did yesterday afternoon, for some reason.
Still, he remains convicted so we have that.
Ding ding ding ding ding ding! Too many Dems buy in to the idea that Trump has unbeatable supervillain powers.
Ana Marie Cox has been live-skeeting the presser/meltdown
Since *everything* he utters ends up being a tell of some sort, “They’re taking over luxury hotels” strongly suggests to me that he’s about to lose one of his properties via one or another of the blockbuster civil judgements against him & Trump Org.
zhena gogolia
@rikyrah: that brought back so many memories, I needled a male friend mercilessly about it till he finally broke down and FREAKED the fuck out in a full on racist screed that he’d hidden successfully for years. The trash took itself out that day, once again. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Coincidentally (or not), he died of an overdose after he had to have his cancerous tongue amputated not long after his outburst, in writing and IRL in person, about how me and my parents are n****r lovers and much worse.
@different-church-lady: Better you than them, I guess. :-)
You know who I used to hear the phrase “[their] negatives are baked in” about all the time?
Hillary Clinton.
Turns out, an endless parade of phony investigations and articles with bad vibes did make a difference.
It works both ways, especially on low-information peawits.
The Great Lux Hotel Heist the worst summer blockbuster of 2024.
Trivia Man
@Trivia Man: forgot #4 – he had an opportunity to defend himself and refused to testify under oath. I dare anybody to convince me he could talk for 10 minutes without lying about something. 2 minutes if he is under cross- examination.
@Frankensteinbeck: Is he running for re-election, but as an independent? That might work in WV
zhena gogolia
Brent Terhune reacts.
@trollhattan: *passes a joint for attitude adjustment
Another Scott
@Trivia Man: I understand the desire. I called in to WRNG in Atlanta when I was a kid in the early ’70s to argue with Neal Boortz, to tell him he was wrong and misrepresenting an earlier caller (saying the exact opposite of what she said). Everyone before I called said he was exactly right. One person after me supported me.
Nobody else did.
It’s an echo chamber. You might as well argue with a dining room table (1:17)
@zhena gogolia: 😆 Mark Levin last night!!!
Melancholy Jaques
What some call the mainstream political media, that is, what I call Republican Lite media, are in a real bind right now. I see MSNBC has a “Trump’s conviction forces a crucial decision for Biden” headline. I hate all of them for stuff like this.
Mo Brooks ( Republican) has. He still has hopes for the GOP as a normal party rather than fascist cult. Good luck with that!
@rikyrah: I thought his press conference after was pitch perfect.
Proud (adopted) New Yorker. My whole adult life, tho :)
Tomorrow is Saturday. Why you make us work on Saturday?
A lovely recap video starring Rosie O’D, Hillary, and others. Hill’s got new merch!
The good news from Trumpworld keeps coming:
The DC Board on Professional Responsibility recommends that Rudy Giuliani be disbarred: “No prior disciplinary cases involving frivolous litigation are remotely comparable to this case.” Goes next to DC Court of Appeals for final judgment.
@Melancholy Jaques:
“Which flavor ice cream should I have?”
@zhena gogolia:
Seems well-reasoned and informed.
Somebody should take away his phone.
Another Scott
@Baud: Almost a hunnert comments in before someone asks that??
[ Insert Jen Psaki – “I am not a monster” clip here ]
@WereBear: he is one badass mfer, it was indeed perfect. Brought me to tears – the only time I cried yesterday. The rest of the time was JOYOUS LAUGHTER! Whooping it UPPITY.
Melancholy Jaques
I thought it was because of Florida’s generous exemptions from bankruptcy, but that may have changed since the last time I looked in the 20th century.
@TBone: It is very difficult to NOT reveal who we are, which is why the conformist pressure is so unrelenting.
zhena gogolia
@catclub: At first I read that as “Mel Brooks (Republican)” and my life flashed before my eyes!
zhena gogolia
@trollhattan: It’s a parody. (Yes, he’s that good!)
@WereBear: he was closeted for YEARS and I felt really bad for him when he had to have his tongue surgically removed despite the venom he spewed. I’d known him since I was a teenager and had never heard an inkling as to his true feelings, nor was I aware that he was a true heroin junkie till near the very end of his life. These types are masters of disguise.
@Melancholy Jaques: I doubt Florida is pampering the rich less, let me put it that way.
It is, however, entirely suited to a facet of the state’s historic personality. It was the East Coast “last frontier to cross.” When all other bridges were burned.
The Seminoles had many survivors from the Trail of Tears. Confederates took it as their Argentina. Before a/c.
And then there was the land rush of the Twenties, drawing a lot of experienced con artists to batten upon the tourists.
Much like Trump himself expertly cut out his own herd when he encountered the most gullible population in North America.
Trivia Man
@Another Scott: No argument, it is not a magic bullet to fix their jackassery. But i sincerely believe there is value in demonstrating that it is NOT an unquestioned argument. Perhaps they have an unwilling teenager forced to listen in the car and your comment gives them comfort and hope.
Same reason i ran a nuisance campaign for congress (26% on a budget of $8,000) – the ballot was tangible proof not EVERYONE in the county is republican.
The rubes be rubing
Fred Wellman (@FPWellman) posted at 7:10 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
I love that all of these people are pouring money into the Trump campaign because of the conviction. Not a dime of that will ever see a down ballot race. It won’t pay for actual offices in battle ground states. These fools are pouring money into the Trump Family coffers. Do it.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
I hear you. I also heard TCFG, and his “speeches” are even worse this time around. Noticeably so.
And both Lester Holt and Laura Jarrett, with the greatest of ease, tore Hogan Gidley’s statements and explanations apart. So yeah, maybe it was a good thing to let him rip, no pun intended. ;)
Symone D. Sanders Townsend (@SymoneDSanders) posted at 7:40 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
I know it may seem crazy because every other person convicted of a felony that I know wasn’t able to vote right after their conviction let alone apply for the top job in America, but Donald Trump is still a candidate.
I was going to say it often takes a person with some sort of sociopathic disorder to hold out for such long periods.
Then you said it for me. My sympathies.
@WereBear: an ex of mine (biker type) married a Seminole woman when he lived in Florida. That guy had some STORIES. He taught me some of the language but since I didn’t use it much, it didn’t stick. He used to tell me “I love you BIG. BIG. Like sky!” He had a sort of juju magic ability to make people like him that wouldn’t quit. I often wonder about his fate…
@rikyrah: Didn’t he also push the Tara Reade nonsense?
Marvin Sapp InTheSkreets/Marvin Gaye InTheSheets (@groove_sdc) posted at 7:38 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
So there are going to be two groups out in these Twitter streets trying to change the subject.
Both of these groups are dedicated to sabotaging Democrats and helping Republicans and Trump.
I’ll let you guess who those two groups are.
So incredibly proud of Four Directions!!!
@TBone: It’s an unkind state to most of its citizens, sadly. And yet look at the talent there, waiting to be tapped.
@trollhattan: I’m still relieved but even more dismayed that it has all come to this..that we have to, get to, celebrate an ordinary fact, that a criminal has been held to account. Instead of saying, “of course,” it is an occasion of wonderment.
Another Scott
@Trivia Man: Understood.
But maybe pushing back on a site that has an audience already primed to listen is a more fruitful approach.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m no expert. These are just my thoughts.
But I think that Ben Wikler’s work for WisDems shows the way. Build up the power of like-minded people on your own turf; don’t try to fight on their terf by their rules. Playing with them there rewards them.
PZ Myers at Pharyngula used to debate the creationists; he doesn’t any more (for good reasons).
My $0.02.
@catclub: I think Gov. Justice has that race sewn up, Manchin or no Manchin.
@WereBear: thank you! I couldn’t hate him, I wouldn’t hate him even though he wanted me to at the end. Part of me thinks he did it on purpose because he knew he was dying and didn’t want me to suffer as much of a 💔 had he not been such a dick to me. I’ll never know for sure … When he got a big inheritance from his mom a decade earlier, he wrote me a big check. WTaF
Acyn (@Acyn) posted at 7:39 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
Maddow: Were you surprised by the verdict?
Cohen: No, I was not. I have spoken. I’ve been on so many of the shows and I’ve told you all along that the facts speak for themselves. The documents speak for themselves
Christopher Bouzy ( (@cbouzy) posted at 7:54 PM on Thu, May 30, 2024:
Nancy Pelosi: If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump, that may be your role…
Katy Tur: I don’t think anyone would accuse me of that…
Also, Katy Tur: Jurors will have to live with this…
Nancy Pelosi was right… again.
O. Felix Culpa
Wow. Karma, much?
@WereBear: sigh…so true. But today we celebrate! I’ll not be deterred in my TAKE THE WIN shenanigans today!
@O. Felix Culpa: proof of a supreme being who loves us 😉
@JWR: They usually don’t air his spiels; but, unfortunately it’s time to let the Undecided Voters actually hear him speaking as disjointedly as he always claims Biden speaks: “He can’t string two sentences together.” As always: Projection.
“We” can mute him, change the channel, but it’s time for “Normies” to see, listen and REMEMBER how buffoonish one presidential candidate is.
All the reports about the Felon’s demented blethering at his press conference today makes me hope he can be goaded into showing up for the debate. He clearly can’t function at all without a teleprompter and often even with one. Answering questions ad lib is likely beyond him.
@smith: ain’t life grand?
Another Scott
Futurebird is wise.
People maybe don’t have to be enthusiastic about voting, but they at least have to believe that the system matters.
(via )
@Mike in NC: I know this has been said over and over, but one of the things about the Trump phenomenon that continues to astound me is just how many people think being such a goddamn WATB is so manly and leader-like. My god, if you had to be around someone like that in real life, you’d want to kick their ass constantly.
Which perhaps explains why he continually implodes in jury trials. People have to sit and watch that shit day in and day out and he just gets killed.
@smith: People have said since 2016 that he wouldn’t have the cojones to show up to a debate, but he always did and always came off like an ignorant jackass to everybody but his base of dead-eyed cultists. He’ll show up again this time and rant and rave and spew bullshit on everyone and everyone will agree he’s a decompensating wreck of a loon who’s utterly unqualified to be president and he will lose exactly zero votes. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: That is fucking beautiful.
@catclub: He says he is not running for anything so why his party affiliation is news is mystifying to me. I expect he will be another John Kasich, hanging around waiting for someone to call him.
Trivia Man
@Another Scott: I saw a site on Facebook that is trolling all the creationists, makes me laugh. I dont engage those people but im glad someone is poking them. I think its IDIOT… the Intelligent Design Institute Of Thought maybe
Dan B
@rikyrah: I found, and saved, the picture of the five black women who are the Justices of the New York City Court of Appeals. I emailed the pic to friends labeling them Goddesses. No one batted an eye at this description. They look calm and powerful in the photo. Is ther an underlying fierceness? Could be, or, probably is!
@Another Scott:
That was a fun moment.
@WaterGirl: Sounds kind of plaintive.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: I’d like it to happen
Agree about Politico Magazine. After I saw this I started wondering if Politico and Politico Magazine were even related…America’s Surprising Partisan Divide on Life Expectancy
Uncle Cosmo
He had a chance to carve a high-profile public persona all out of proportion to his position in the Senate from a broken stick’s worth of maverickness (mavericity??!??) and he took it. Which meant he was a PITA too often for comfort, but keep in mind it could’ve been a lot worse if he hadn’t fallen in line behind Biden’s judicial nominations. He could’ve been just another Sinema, but he was better than that. Certainly better than whoever’s gonna replace him.
The Lodger
@Chris: Sounds like Trump’s German ancestors hated the Irish almost as much as my German ancestors did.