The leveling and mulching is done, and now we wait. Here’s a picture from the alley showing the back yard and porch:
To give you an idea of how much area we had to level and fill in, this is from the side of the steps on the porch:
And here is a view from the porch looking back to the shed and alley:
Just going to leave it like that for the rest of the summer and let the mulch kill off the grass for the walkway, then put in a proper walkway. It was a lot of dirt and mulch, and I still have a ton left over.
I’m glad that is done, though, so now I can focus on painting the porch, powerwashing the fence and house, and drylocking the basement again.
It looks kind of empty without critters back there.
Nukular Biskits
When you get done, feel free to drive South.
I have a list of things I need done. 😉
Chief Oshkosh
That looks very nice, Mr. Cole. I hope it solves your drainage problem.
Joy in FL
It looks really nice. Peaceful. Green. Cool.
Thurston: “I feel a disturbance in the Force.”
I’m impressed
It looks great!
Looks like a perfect place to sit, relax, and have an iced tea.
I love the pathway, even as mulch/bark. If you planted more bushy-canopied trees along there, it would look like a path through an enchanted forest.
It looks really good, John, so neat and laid out nicely. I love the townhouse I’m in currently, but I do miss having a back yard to sit in.
Sister Golden Bear
Look like a great place for relaxing, napping and having people not fuck with you. Well done.
Looks great! Needs flower bulbs 😉.
In my house news, looks like the new roof under the grant program for seniors may be a go, someone came out to measure for gutters too. Not quite believing it till it happens, but it will be like winning the lottery if it does.
@satby: agreed, some nice perennials out back there would look very nice. I think a small little table, and two chairs, out back under the trees would be nice as well. A nice, cool place to sit and read, sip some tea, or just relax.
Looks good, John!
She’s baaaaaaack.
@OzarkHillbilly: Oh, super good news!
How is she feeling?
@OzarkHillbilly: Your wife is at home?
@OzarkHillbilly: Oh, that’s a relief to hear.
@OzarkHillbilly: Great news ❤️
Betty Cracker
That shady path looks so inviting! I can imagine chilling on a chaise lounge just off the path in the shadiest spot with a book while you bring me lemonade and the critters visit singly or in groups.
@OzarkHillbilly: 😊
@OzarkHillbilly: Whew! Hopefully whole and healthy?
@OzarkHillbilly: Outstanding!
John, you have an excellent landscaping sense. Your sense in doing all the work yourself, well, I dunno.
zhena gogolia
@OzarkHillbilly: Wow, I was worrying about you all night.
@NotMax: Thurston is in Arizona with Joelle.
John is puppyless in WV 😢
@Sister Golden Bear: Needs a hammock for completeness.
@zhena gogolia: That’s my job.
FTR, her arm still has a large ugly spot but the redness running up her arm is gone. What looked like necrosis to my amateur eye is not. At least not yet. She is still on antibiotics but not intravenous. She has a ways to go before she is completely out of the woods but the worst appears to be in the rear view mirror.
Knock on my head.
Bad Back
The Willow is too close to the house…
Needs lots of lovely poofy dandelions. Get those a good firm foothold, and you don’t have to do any work. They’ll come back on their own!
@OzarkHillbilly: OH YAY!!! How is she feeling? I mean I know she’s feeling well enough to be back home, but how is she FEELING?
Poe Larity
Needs more color. I suggest mustard seed for next year.
Great news.
Great news! Both of you must be incredibly relieved.
Well, all of a sudden I have this huge pain in my ass again, does that answer your question? ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
Heidi Mom
@OzarkHillbilly: Wonderful news!
Another Scott
@OzarkHillbilly: [ knock! ]
Excellent news. Thanks for the update.
Try to get some rest.
Best wishes,
@OzarkHillbilly: 😂🤣😂
That’s wonderful!
@OzarkHillbilly: woooo!! And hoooo!
@OzarkHillbilly: That’s great news! Getting home to loved ones and furry kids is such a relief.
Hugs to you both.
@OzarkHillbilly: Oh fantastic news….. thanks for keeping us updated.
Today was very busy and I am exhausted. Spawn the Youngest had her end-of-year dance recital today, which required multiple hours, schlepping, logistics, much coordination, costume changes, etc. Then dinner and ice cream. She was adorable. I am utterly wiped out. It was so peopley.
@OzarkHillbilly: Oh, yay! May the healing continue!
Ohio Mom
@Scout211: I hope so too, I hope the ground is now sloped away from the house so water will flow down and away. Ask me how I know how important proper sloping is.
@OzarkHillbilly: That’s good news, thanks for sharing. I had to get antibiotics shots when I got caught between a catfight. And one of my kittehs bit me hard.
Ohio Mom
@OzarkHillbilly: Happy News! May the recovery continue apace.
Super good news. I know you will take good care of her.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@OzarkHillbilly: Such good news, especially that the redness running up her arm has retreated or disappeared. I hope you both have a nice, restful evening.
Betty Cracker
@Suzanne: I can so relate to the “peopley” comment, thinking back on my own spawn’s sports and choral events. It’s utterly exhausting for those of us with a limited supply of public good cheer.
@Suzanne: Oh how I identify!
It’s enjoyable for awhile… then claustrophobia kicks in… My family and friends long ago learned one minute I was there and the next minute I wasn’t. It took forever for them to understand I just needed space, air and SOLITUDE.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: introversion takes over after awhile. Too much stimulus, and being diplomatic, and passing for non quirky/ normal.
my favorite quote :
“introverts need people too. But 15 minutes will do it. “
I repeated it to another friend, who replied, 15 minutes is pushing it”
I wonder if that’s why I’m so tired after a day with kids, even the easiest of days..
@OzarkHillbilly: So glad to hear this. I hope for continuing good reports.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: space, and solitude. I identify, too.
sometimes I used to read a book all day. And don’t interrupt me while I’m reading, because I’m doing a reset. My ex used to come chat w me while I was taking a Saturday to read all day in shut down mode, processing. I’d have to start over again on how much time I needed, and I didn’t use to know that was how I needed it.
they don’t train introverts and highly sensitive people to recognize that we might need a different amount of space, or less time at social situations.
(preposition choice mine. At events, in circumstances, in crowds, at places w a lot of people, etc)
Sister Golden Bear
@OzarkHillbilly: Great to hear!
@Gloria DryGarden: I’m not an introvert per say, but I hate being crowded. I’m only 5’2” so it doesn’t take much to feel claustrophobic in a crowded environment. I do better in an outdoor event, but even then… after a few hours I’m ready for less noise and more solitude and space.
@OzarkHillbilly: Hooray 👏
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: that makes sense. I’m Tallish, but friends who are short tell me about being in closed or full spaces. Or spaces decorated floor to ceiling. Totally makes sense.
I get that too-much feeling from the introversion, so I had a connection, there. Didn’t mean to assume incorrectly…Thanks for sparking my connection.
“Too peopley” is definitely something I experience.
John, what do you mean by a proper walkway? Is this more lasagna cardboard box talk?
Best news of the day!
@OzarkHillbilly: Here’s to a smooth recovery.
@OzarkHillbilly: So, so happy to hear this! All best wishes for full recovery.
@Gloria DryGarden: Oh, no, I didn’t take exception! Suzanne’s “Too peopley“ fits a lot of situations that overlap experiences for a multitude of reasons 😊
@Jackie: I read someplace that one of the key differences between introverts and extroverts is that extroverts are energized by social activity, introverts are drained by it.
By that metric, I’m definitely an introvert. I can enjoy social gatherings if I know some of the people there, but it does wear me out.
@CaseyL: I guess I’m a hybrid LOL! For me It depends more on crowded indoor spaces vs outdoor spaces – where I’m confined or have space to move to a more open/less constricted area. But, when I’m done, I’m DONE.
O. Felix Culpa
@OzarkHillbilly: Most excellent news! Yay!
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: I don’t know I’m done, until the next day when I can hardly stand to leave the house. ( Thanks for your previous reply, btw, glad I didn’t step on toes. And, I thought it was well said, and kind, about overlapping reasons.)
on the subject of Too Peopley, a lot of new immigrants have moved into the apartments across the street. Last night, there was a tailgate party on my sidewalk, just south of my parked car, men talking loudly, just 20 feet from where I was lying on a mat in front, watching a movie on my tablet. I yelled out in Spanish that I couldn’t hear my movie. 40 feet up the sidewalk from them was another gathering around a car, by my sidewalk and front yard, loud. Across the street, another group of men were gathered by the gate, in the shade, also chatting loudly. These mostly Venezuelan folks are mostly polite about it when I’ve asked them to turn their music down so I can hear myself think.
last night after I went inside, there was pounding bass, vibrating through my bed, between 1140 and midnight, when I must have dozed off.
It. Is. Too. Much.
@Gloria DryGarden: Ugh. I’m SO SORRY!😞
Is this the beginning of a horror movie where the willow finally eats the house?
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: thank you
@OzarkHillbilly: That is great to hear! Here’s to the road to recovery!
Holding a thought for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18).
@Gloria DryGarden:
@Suzanne: With all you there – except not, because give me my space, and I’ll give you yours! 😁
@OzarkHillbilly: Glad to hear that seems to be under control. Rest, fluids, yogurt (or other probiotics)
OT…I hate this. Pancreatic Cancer killed my father.
I just adore Rep Shelia Jackson Lee.
Fuck Cancer
@prostratedragon: Ugh. Pancreatic cancer. Sending her positive and healing vibes!
@OzarkHillbilly: wonderful news!
Lovely green back yard you have. A meandering path would be better feng shui than the direct one. Just saying.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I just popped in here for the first time ‘today’ and was thinking about you and your wife.
If this means what I think, excellent! You do sound happy so…. I’d venture a “Yup!”
Gloria DryGarden
@jame: brilliant point. Something so “energy” doesn’t flow straight out the back.
Miss Bianca
@OzarkHillbilly: Yay!!