Had the first really hot day of the summer, altough I have to say by really hot I am talking WV standards, not Arizona, so it was closing inon 90 today. Little muggy and not much a breeze, so I had to break down and turn on the portable unit in the home office to keep things cool. Starting to get around that time of year when you have to do all the outdoor stuff either in the morning or figure out what you can do later in the shade.
Coincidentally, I had to drop the Honda off at the dealership for an appointment I made two weeks ago to get my AC fixed. It actually died prior to my trip to Arizona last fall, but I didn’t want to spend the money to fix it and figured I would not need it over the winter, even in Arizona, and I was right. I still don’t want to spend the money to fix it, but I kinda will need ac this summer, I suppose.
In other news, I see the Republicans are living out their dreams with the Hunter Biden trial, which I am not even going to bother following because honestly I don’t care. Go after the Trump kids next for all I care. Other than that, the news all looked shitty, although I did see a headline that Nigel Farage was pied by an onlyfans model, and I am cool with that.
What’s up with you all?
Repeated from a thread below:
First primary results are coming in. With 13% counted in NJ, Andy Kim is the projected winner of the Senate Dem primary, with 82%.
@smith: Great news!
Just waiting for this week to close. I am kind of bummed by everyone feeling so down.
Biden came out swinging on that border thing – for once he took a GOP signature issue and ran with it. Made them look like fools. Go Dark Brandon!
@smith: He seems like a solid dude. I am happy for him. I will never forget the photos of him cleaning up after January 6.
I went on a tour this afternoon to see a prefabrication line. This is in service of a project that I am not on, but I have worked on similar projects. This project is a new hospital tower, and they are prefabricating the inpatient room bathrooms. They are also prefabricating the overhead utility racks in the corridors. I have worked on projects of similar scope and prefabricated both of these elements.
Every time I see this stuff, I think about how construction is a broken industry. Like, why are we not 3D printing entire rooms? It’s embarrassing, really. It’s 2024, and contractors would attempt to convince you that riveting studs together is innovation, if you do it in a warehouse rather than on the jobsite. Fuck, a hundred years ago, Sears would ship an entire house to your lot. Building has gotten dumber in many ways.
I don’t know why people are feeling down. It’s been a good last 7 days.
Dude, it’s still spring.
@cain: I thought we were all supposed to be outraged by it.
karen marie
I am SCREAMING with laughter! Thanks, John Cole!
Ignore the video. It’s an Australian news program with an over-botoxed “Independence Party Leader.” The news guy thinks “Americans” call Republicans “rhinos,” so there’s no point in listening to anything he has to say.
I very much enjoyed the bit of video showing Farage with milkshake all over his head and suit.
@karen marie: Here’s a stop-motion version of the milkshake atttack. “The milkshake was reportedly banana-flavored.”
Only if you weren’t planning on voting for Biden anyway.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be
Summer days drifting away
To-ah! Oh, the summer nights
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
people are depressed over the Yanks going 7-2 on their west coast road trip.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
You can’t stop Juan Soto.
So the guy with the suspended license who zoomed into a court hearing while parking his car that was all over social media and the MSM a few days ago, didn’t actually have a suspended license. It had been reinstated a few years ago but that fact was not updated due to a clerical oversight.
A couple of things:
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: Cleveland Guardian fans are never depressed when Yankees underperform.
Nukular Biskits
Raining here on MS Gulf Coast. Pouring, actually. Discovered that the gutters I thought I had cleaned out were packed with #$%@$# pinestraw again.
Still recuperating from a “Cole-esque” accident that happened yesterday: I was coming home from work, exited I-10 to get onto Hwy 49N. Was in far right lane to make stop at first light to pickup coffee when asshat in an SUV pulled over right on top of me. I hit the brakes and hard snatched the wheel to the right to avoid being hit, running off the road. Said asshat kept going. No damage, though.
Picked up the coffee but the muscles in my lower right back were “twitching” and downright hurting by the time I got to the house. Spent last night on a heating pad. Which is f’ing bizarre, given the past two or three weeks, I’ve been moving tons of dirt, compost, landscaping bricks, etc, by wheelbarrow and shovel.
So … Cole … top that: Self-injury by turning the steering wheel too aggressively.
The weather in CT is weird and quite variable. It was mid-90s the other day, and now we’re down to 60s again. Must be flexible! I had thought to get a plastic kiddie pool for Orion the brown newf to play in, but they aren’t in stock at Ocean State Job Lot yet.
I posted this question in an OT post below, but I think all threads were played out.
I’ve noticed that since the orange slob was convicted, there has been scant coverage of Gaza and it’s horrors. Anybody else notice this? I mean, 2 weeks ago I’d say the majority of the above the fold coverage was the I/P situation. I’m quite sure it hasn’t resolved since then.
@twbrandt: Happened to my first husband when we were married. He deserved it but I did not know he was stiffing the first wife and their kids. So I would have been happy to pay.
@Nukular Biskits:
Unless you left your car in the field, it’s not Cole level.
My 18 year old furnace succumbed to a design defect and needed replacement this year (corrosion did its thing). Between a refund/rebate on the furnace and a 0% financing, it made sense to also replace the 1973 (!!!!!) central air unit. It had worked, loudly and reluctantly and expensively, for the 18 years I’ve lived here but really needed replacement.
The new unit is so fucking awesome. 2 stage fan/blower so incredibly quiet and gentle.
Don’t cheap out in your big appliances as you age, peeps. The comfort quotient is real.
@twbrandt: I imagine the media corrections and apologies will be offered at any moment now…
Nukular Biskits
I guess I’m just still an amateur …
I need help with a cat problem. In April, shortly after my father died, I brought his cat, Bentley, back to California to join my household. Bentley is about a year old and seems like a sweet cat for the most part, BUT he only pees in his litter box rarely. The rest of the time, he pees on the floor outside the litter boxes (we have three cats counting Bentley, and five litter boxes), in the family room, or in the dining room. Based on the dried pee spots we found at my dad’s house, this behavior predates his joining our household. The behavior upsets my husband very much, and I have to admit it doesn’t thrill me either. None of the many cats I have had has ever needed to be trained to use a litter box. Any ideas about what we can do?
Indeed. Mexico — Mexico — elected a Jewish woman as president!
Thank God she wasn’t that woman.
@Etv13: We have that problem. Get a box of pee pads and put them on the floor under the litter box. He will pee on those. Then throw them out every week with the litter in the box.
We want cats to think inside the box but they rarely do.
It was 99 here today and is supposed to hit 102 tomorrow. Do not want. Yes, I will have some cheese with my whine, thank you.
karen gail
Recently heard comment that it had been fifteen years since that person graduated from high school; not much has changed for this person still living in same home as grew up. (Parents moved to Florida and gave them the house since it was paid for.) Still working at the same papermill father and grandfather did, still single since all the interesting people have left town.
Wasn’t sure what to say; but it has been fifty-five years for me. Lived in number of different states, number of different towns in those states, married, divorce, children, grandchildren, stepchildren. Had been a year since I had to put my Pitbull to sleep and started looking. Ended up being given a White Swiss/German Shepherd cross; he will get me back in swing of walking every morning at sunrise.
I walked away not understanding why they didn’t do something, baffled; especially, since this person is a Trump supporter. They probably walked away baffled as well, not understanding; after all they asked what country Wisconsin is in.
@Maxim: Ohio sucks because of Ohioans, but our climate is quite pleasant.
ETA Droughts are rare here. It snows in winter but not in summer. It rains, so you rarely need to water the lawn or the garden.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
how Jewish can she be if she’s married to Jesus?
“Mantequilla e-mails” doesn’t have the same zing.
Virginia’s motto is Virginia is for Lovers, but I think I like Ohio’s motto better.
@Miki: Amen to that. My HVAC system (unified heating and cooling in one package) died a year or so ago (it was about 20 years old, so not a huge shock) and the replacement is both quieter and quite a bit more energy efficient.
@sab: I’m about ready to become a climate refugee.
Gloria DryGarden
@Etv13: I used to use a litter box w a topper, so when my male cat liked to “spray” it stayed in. But I like the pee pads idea someone else suggested.
Remember the completely made up fauxrage over the “Obama flag” when he spoke in Ohio?
Yet no one bats an eyelash over the Dolt 45 cult’s flags.
three and a half yr old grand-twins were here for the last 36 hours.
we made an apple pie for their mom’s 34th birthday, marched around the neighborhood looking for puddles, pulled weeds in my yard, saw bunnies, saw a doe and two spotted fawns, ate apple pie, made a trip to the local nursery and bought a begonia after screaming through the aisles about how beautiful everything was, had a bubble bath, played endless games with tiny cars, read a book about how people have lived from pre-history until now, and — most important — said the words, “poop,” “pee,” “penis,” and “butt” about a thousand times.
I’m lying down.
@Baud: Bad boy. I am guessing your motto would make us scream?
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: I thought only Catholic nuns were married to Jesus.
JC is a serial bigamist, don’tcha know.
If I wasn’t afraid of being sued by Ohio for copyright infringement, I’d go with “Baud sucks because of Baud.”
My mom had a fall about a little over a week ago while at my sister’s house and didn’t go to the doctor. Welp – she has two small fractures in her neck! I went to meet with her care team today at the hospital and I was so impressed by the people and the facility. She will come home on Friday so I am busting my ass to get her room, the bathroom, and the kitchen ready for her.
The house is chaotic ATM but I can tell it is going to be great. It has such a nice flow and when everything is painted and decorated it will be beautiful.
Gloria DryGarden
@Nukular Biskits: can you get arnica? I forget when I’m injured, but those pills, and the creams that contain it really seem to help w strained muscles, that kind of inflammation. I really hate car accidents, glad you got to avoid it, thru sheer skill.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: And a bunch of Christianists got all in a dither when she thanked Jesus in her victory speech.
@Maxim: I am a climate refugee. Family here so not a difficult transition. House prices low. Climate fine. Rains a lot and snows in winter, Educated people are available for work.
ETA California bursts into flame between earthquakes. I have lived there . This isn’t bad publicity. It is what is.
“Let Baud be Baud!”
Or not. :)
Wow. Tough lady. I see where you got it from.
Dorothy A. Winsor
We went on a kitchen tour of our building today. The kitchen felt simultaneously huge and too small to serve the number of meals it does. I was impressed by the way the physical layout of the kitchen reflects the way prepping, cooking and serving the food. It took an hour and every minute was interesting.
I’m convinced it will be my mom and Keith Richards at the end.
Another Scott
@Etv13: WereBear might have some idea. Look around her site – WayofCats.
E.g. Dear Pammy, Cat won’t use their litter box anymore!.
HTH a little. Good luck!
Nukular Biskits
@Gloria DryGarden:
Gloria DryGarden
@NotMax: I heard she is an engineer, and has won a Nobel peace prize. She sounds interesting.
I’ve met Jewish people from Mexico. I had assumed everyone is catholic. But not so. Seems some very progressive folks are there, too. There is a womens rights collective that mails mifepristone to people in us who can’t get it.
Harrison Wesley
@karen gail: Isn’t Wisconsin somewhere near the country of Africa?
Cats and dogs often pee, where they smell pee.
So one of the key things is to eliminate the smell of pee in places outside the box where they pee’d.
I always used an orange oil based cleaner, diluted to take the smell of pee out of carpets, underlay, mattresses, etc. There are other products that work well as well.
Cats will also pee as a complaint that their litter box isn’t “clean” enough. We had all our cat’s trained to use the pine pellets for wood stoves as kitty litter. The urine breaks the pellets down into sawdust, you sift the sawdust and poop out with the usual tool, but in reverse from clumping cat litters. The waste is compostable, flushable, or can go in the garbage. Plus it’s $4.50 a bag at the hardware store, $9.25 at the pet store, for a 40lb bag. With 3 cat’s, that’s enough for 4 months.
As long as you keep up on sifting and topping the litter up, it always smells like pine, even when they drop a super pooper.
Gin & Tonic
Just got home from taking part in the great and venerable tradition of direct democracy, New England-style: the annual financial town meeting, in my case going on every year since 1730. The citizens determine town expenditures and revenues (taxes,) everyone who wishes can ask a question or make a motion, this is, in computer terms, “bare metal.” I love it.
Gloria DryGarden
@Nukular Biskits: it’s a homeopathic preparation from a plant, that people use for bruises and sore muscles. Little pills from the homeopathic aisle in your natural foods store, topical creams and gels also help. Amazon has it. OTC at the drugstore perhaps. Just cuz you tweaked your back, help it settle down.
meanwhile some people like to alternate ice w heat, look for online instructions on that. Feel better.
and the Reich wing morons, freaked out and claimed online that she wasn’t “Jewish”,
because in her acceptance speech, she thanked her husband Jeasus for contributing to her victory.
Moron Labe.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
One of my all time favorite movies. It was the first PG movie that my mom allowed me to see.
Gin & Tonic
We moved my then-99-year-old MIL into our house last November. Things didn’t go well. Feb-Mar of this year in and out of the hospital until we got a nursing home placement. Frankly best for everyone, most especially my dear wife, who is a goddamned saint. If it was me, MIL would have been put on an ice floe years ago. But she’s a remarkably tough old bitch, now 100.
Nukular Biskits
@Gloria DryGarden:
Yeah, I’m laying on heating pad as we speak
@Gin & Tonic:
You’re old.
Chet Murthy
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: We’re so old. I remember when that came out. I had a big crush on ONJ of course, like every other red-blooded Texas boy.
Where are you, generally?
Let’s just make the honest case that they’re pursuing the Hunter Biden case, yet, simultaneously, they’re challenging the Constitutionally of the Special Counsel rule.
@Gloria DryGarden: Well, if you’re gonna use homeopathy at least you’re suggesting it for a pretty likely inherently self-limiting condition that is centered around a subjective pain experience. Thank you for not suggesting magic nonsense for real problems.
Looks like Nikki Haley has won the GOP presidential primary in DC, for what it’s worth.
@Gloria DryGarden: She was part of the IPCC panel that won a Nobel prize.
She’s a climate/energy scientist in the vein of Californias energy policy (studied at Lawrence Berkeley lab where Art Rosenfeld worked). If the US wanted to build a strong partnership to the south, there’s no better person to be leading Mexico right now. Biden should go to her with a ‘how can we help’ attitude. This could be really good for both countries in terms of dealing with crime, immigration, climate change, trade, etc.
@Baud: I watched Juan Soto in his rookie year with the Nationals. He seemed like a Dominican version of Ted Williams: a tall, lanky doubles hitter with a keen appreciation of the strike zone.
@smith: Heh.
There was some reddit comment that she was pro oil and gas and opposed to renewables, but there’s a lot of lying by bots and propagandists there so I don’t know if that’s accurate.
If we close on the new house, Ponyo will have her own bedroom. She won’t be sleeping in mine and hogging the bed
ETA She will be sad. OTOH her cat friends will be happily sleeping with her.
@Gin & Tonic:
How long was that meeting? I mean, wow.
@MomSense: I love hearing about your new house.
it’s herbalism, not homeopathy, like putting aloe on a sunburn, witch hazel on a bruise or chewing willow bark for a headache.
Many homeopaths however blend homeopathy with herbalism.
I go with Robaxicet during the day, with a heating pad, and a nice coat of Tiger Balm Red and a dirty t-shirt at night.
@Gin & Tonic:
Wow, 100 years old. I don’t think I want to live that long. All your friends are gone. Your world becomes soooo small.
I don’t know how much time my mom has left, but I’m determined to make it fun and full of music.
Ohio Mom
@Gloria DryGarden: Ohio Dad had some (Jewish) Mexican cousins; when they left Europe, they couldn’t get into the U.S. because of quotas so they settled in Northern Mexico. The adult grandchildren eventually moved to Israel so I guess they are not Mexican Jews anymore.
In my family, one of my mother’s cousin’s family ended up in Cubafir the same reason. Somehow they made it to New York later on.
My DIL is going to bring her grand piano here! I’m so excited about it. Boys are going to bring some acoustic guitars to live here and we are going to have the living room be a music room.
Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but DIL has accepted a faculty position at Colby College in the music dept. I’m thrilled for her.
Vanguard sort of came through today, Now I have an account with an account number but nothing in it. This is supposedly progress. In “a week or ten days” they will transfer the assets.
Would have helped a bit if oldest sister hadn’t kept her married name a secret for fifteen years.
Sandia Blanca
@karen marie: For those familiar with menswear writer Derek Guy, he has a great tweet thread about “how to get milkshake stains out of a suit”: https://x.com/dieworkwear/status/1798124290417770526
Since we had to cancel our weekly pericope study group (the recommended scriptures from the Revised Common Lectionary), I went for my daily walk instead, picking up litter and recyclable cans and glass bottles along the way. Returned home, sweating, and my wife informed me that I stank. Needless to say I took a shower. In the afternoon we watched episodes of Jessica Jones and Daredevil. In the evening I colored The Open Book by Elizabeth Forbes on the Happy Color app. Watching AGT and sipping Hazotaki Small Batch whisky.
@Nukular Biskits:
Arnica gel. Look on Amazon or Google it.
@MomSense: My totally unmusical sister somehow got my childhood piano.
I don’t think it has ever been tuned. Should I fight to get it, or have they killed it by neglect.
Open Thread so: A dear friend who lives in Texas started to have severe bleeding at the end of this month’s period almost two weeks ago. So severe she goes to the ER. After being grilled 100 times about whether she is pregnant or not they make her an appointment to check for polyps three weeks away and send her home.
SHE’S STILL BLEEDING by the way. Five days later, she can’t sleep can barely lift herself about her day job so goes back to the emergency room where they tell her that her hemoglobin count is like 6.7 when it should be twice that. Her hemoglobin count was 6.7 the last time she saw her primary and they didn’t tell her.
So now, she’s getting a transfusion FINALLY! Her primary is giving her a prescription to stop the bleeding FINALLY! All this passive aggressive ass-covering by all the so-called doctors involved could have killed her.
I am so mad right now I can’t even talk. We have to beat these motherfuckers into the next century and beyond.
Damn, I don’t know. Might be worth getting it and then have a technician come and look at it.
@RevRick: I have an earworm thanks to you : I sing a song to the Saints of God.
I loved that hymn when I was ten years old. Patient and brave and true.
@MomSense: Thanks. I will fight for it.
I’m so sorry. I hope she can get a consult by a hematologist.
Ohio Mom
@sab: Leave the piano to your sister, they are expensive to move. Buy an electric piano, they are very portable. Okay, they aren’t as nice to look at.
@Nukular Biskits: I second her recommendation for arnica.
It comes as a topical gel and as little tiny white balls that dissolve under your tongue.
I get both from the local health food store. About 10 days ago, I tried to do something stupid in the yard with something that was far too heavy for me, and I fell backwards and landed hard. I took the arnica right away and made sure I did a lot of walking that day to stay loosened up, and I was amazed at how well I came through that.
@Gin & Tonic: Nothing like the meeting you walked out on last night, I take it?
@sab: Ah, Sunday School, when we actually learned hymns.
Gin & Tonic
Completely different.
That is awful.
@MomSense: Wow, that sounds so lovely! grand piano, music room, some guitars to live there for when the kids visit.
So happy for you!
Gin & Tonic
I’ve never denied that.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Nats fan here who’s seen Soto plenty on teevee and in person.
He’s incredible. Alas, he has the most hated agent in baseball which means the Fucking Yankees™ (from the late, great Steve Gilliard) will pay thru the nose for him.
But, he actually seems to thrive there so good for him.
@RevRick: My granddaughter has no church affiliation. This keeps me up at night. Hymns might hook her.
Gin & Tonic
Not quite an hour and a half. We’ve done this before.
@Nukular Biskits: Link
So you’ll know what to look for locally if you want to try it.
Another Scott
@cain: Lots of screaming on the right, so they’re trying desperately to control the narrative.
Also, this:
The press is increasingly sloppy. I look forward to the coming days when AI fixes everything.
Aren’t you??
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Chet Murthy: I was stuck in traffic today and there was nothing on the radio so finally I turned on the oldies station and they were playing music from the 70s and man was it great tunes.
Gloria DryGarden
@moonbat: exactly. I’d be spitting mad, too. This anti abortion thing is disrupting so much medical care, rippling out across so many peoples lives.
It’s deeply personal. It seems like most everyone must be only 2-3 degrees of separation away from someone affected.
@eclare: She has good health insurance through her work, but what good is that when every caregiver you go to is going to be hands off because of a chance you might be or might have been pregnant? To the point that they don’t even try to find out what the real problem is? I feel like every woman in Texas needs a rider on their insurance to have themselves airlifted out of the state for anything reproductive health related.
@Sandia Blanca:
I am in no way fashionable, or even fashion adjacent, but I love Derek Guy.
Gloria DryGarden
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: I need to get a 70s tunes station in my cars programmable stations. I don’t listen that much, but still. Maybe I’ll set up a pandora station for that. It’s not my usual choice, but it’d be great, sometimes
Why did you have to cancel the study group?
Piano’s are hard to kill, but expensive to bring back.
Another Scott
@sab: Progress is good!
Hang in there.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That’s horrible for your friend! It makes me mad that those doctors were making her jump through hoops. If I was them, I wouldn’t feel proud of myself and would want to leave Texas to practice elsewhere
@moonbat: if I said what I really think of the forced birther party, I’d be banned, but yes my rage grows every day.
Since I live in TN, I am so glad this issue does not affect me. If I were a young man or woman deciding where to go to college or work, I would definitely take these laws into account. I am sure the brain drain has begun, but when the full effects come into play, they are going to be immense.
I’m glad your friend is finally getting the help that she needs, but what an unnecessary and potentially fatal delay.
Unless the piano has huge emotional importance to you—and I mean huge—you’re probably better off getting a digital piano with weighted keys and a nice stand. Probably $600-800 tops.
karen gail
While I was dog hunting on Craiglist I was shocked by the number of people who are rehoming their dogs and want hundreds of dollars, a letter from your vet, home check and contract; while they are just too busy to give dog needed attention. Many of these dogs are months old, that would line up with someone got a puppy for Christmas.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jay: one of the bbcs 100 ____ women for what?
100 what? Women leaders, women who are amazing? Change makers, scientists? Cool, just not clear. I don’t know bbc lists.
too many clicks and links and rabbit holes.
@eclare: That is Texas. It’s like an experiment, how theocratic, RW, and cruel can they get before even the mouth-breathers turn on them.
@Gloria DryGarden: Thanks.
I’m hoping her doctors feel like it’s ‘safe’ enough now to actually treat her to solve the problem. And she’s the sweetest person, it’s unlikely she’ll do what I advise and sue the hell out of these guys for gross negligence.
@RevRick: If we get the new house I might actually try to get granddaughter to church. Her mother was seriously traumatized by bad foster parents who went to church and tortured children. Time to flip a leaf away from the bad times.
Gin & Tonic
Pianos are also well-nigh impossible to get rid of, unless they are ungodly expensive.
Gloria DryGarden
@eclare: it Tennessee safe for women? I thought you had abortion bans too?
Gloria DryGarden
@Ksmiami: yes. Rage. Yes.
A consequential election concluded this week in India. And the BJP has fallen well short of a majority on its own steam. Today was a good day. Tomorrow we fight again.
Politics of hate lost in UP, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Punjab. These are major states in India
Good night, I have been up since 5am following the results.
@Steeplejack: One of our group was having a cardiac MRI, one was out of town, one had a funeral, one was feeling ill, one had a homeowner issue, so the three of us who could have made it, decided not to. BTW, I am the lone UCC(Calvinist) pastor among the group of Lutherans.
@Gloria DryGarden:
@Gloria DryGarden:
No, it is not safe, it has one of the most restrictive bans. If I were college age or looking for a job I would not live here, and I went to UT.
The brain drain for doctors leaving is going to have a huge impact.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jay: btw thanks for posting this whole blurb about ms sheinbaum. I feel hope, having a nearby president of this stature and background.
Thank you for the updates and your insight.
Steve in the ATL
@sab: I had an almost identical ear worm tonight when I got on the elliptical: “O.P.P.” What jackal doesn’t love Naughty by Nature?
Gloria DryGarden
@Jay: so, she was one of the 100 women in this international conference/ conversation? This is deeply moving, I’m going to cry. That’s amazing. Thank you. I never knew about this.
@Ksmiami: Same. I tell you the terror that gripped my heart when she told me what was happening. That a woman could needlessly die because of laws a bunch of bible-humping ignorant men who know nothing about women’s health about drives me around the bend.
A milkshake that hit the bullseye. 🎯 Right smack in his face!👍🏻
@Steve in the ATL:
You’re being sarcastic, yes?
@Steve in the ATL: Sigh. Lost soul.
I thought you canceled the whole thing, not just one meeting.
@Baud: Not really. PEMEX is a state-owned oil company, and is pretty foundational to the nations finances. Turning it off isn’t really viable at this time. But she has stated clearly she supports a policy of energy generation off of renewables. She’d like to see PEMEX focus on fertilizer production to boost the nations ag industry.
If you’re obligated to support the nations oil company, that’s not a bad path to stake out. Mexico runs a small ag trade surplus but trails California in total receipts, which given they’re 3x the population and 5x the land area, and have a pretty big ag labor force is a bit weak. Pushing a domestic ag policy I would think would be well received.
@Gloria DryGarden:
It’s an annual “thing” by the BBC to try to bring global “womens issues” front and center.
and I am not trying to be dismissive.
The programs give voice to people and issues that are far too often ignored in the MSM.
@sab: I don’t know how old your granddaughter is, but I would make clear to her that you want to help her heal the trauma and rewrite the script. Invitation, not expectation.
You are right about the power of hymns. I’m sure that if you asked most people in former mainline churches to describe their spirituality, they’d point to some hymns.
Me? We Would Be Building and Peace, I Leave with You, My Friends and Let Us Break Bread Together
Gloria DryGarden
@Gloria DryGarden: rereading your prev comment, I see what you meant. I’m past that issue too, but I hurt for all the younger ladies. My cousins live in TN. There’s a daughter, a daughter in law, a granddaughter.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jay: every year. That’s great!
no you don’t don’t sound dismissive. Cuz of the word ‘thing’?
I am so moved to know this is happening. A good thing.
I don’t know what’s the msm?
For that humble, yet truly patriotic instinctive response to clean away the foulness of what just happened in OUR CAPITOL, he has permanently earned a place in my heart.
I hope he wins the primary and then goes on to win the Democratic senate seat for NJ!
@Steeplejack: Just this one meeting. We love each other too much to abandon our gatherings.
@Gloria DryGarden:
The law in TN is extremely restrictive, I would be worried about my female relatives. Depending on where they are in TN, VA and IL are options if they need healthcare.
Another Scott
It looks like we should be rooting for Farage?? Or at least for him to take votes from the Tories (but with any luck not so many that they actually win seats…).
(Emphasis added.)
Something something can only be failed.
Things won’t get better until the Tories are out. They might not get better under Starmer any time soon, but they would get even worse as under the Tories.
Fingers crossed.
Same here. Sounds like he will win the primary, on to the Senate, I hope!
@sab: some music schools accept donations of pianos people don’t want anymore and match them to people (usually students) who want/need them. The program I was familiar with, the organizers were pretty fussy about the condition of donated pianos they would accept; even so, they had to cut off donations after a couple years because the response was so tremendous. People donated some beautiful pianos — they just wanted them gone, but preferably to someone who would appreciate them. (The got-junk people wanted $1000 to dispose of my neighbor’s 85-year-old parlor grand, so she was thrilled when she found someone who wanted it, and they were thrilled to get it.)
Being grandparents is THE BEST!!! ♥️
Especially as a lot of California agriculture is based on folks from Mexico. (Whether here legally or not.) If Mexico’s ag sector was anything like what it could be, there’s a lot of experience that might well come home.
Be tough on California agriculture. Not to mention agriculture across the nation.
Steve in the ATL
@eclare: we went to a restaurant tonight called OBC Kitchen, so naturally that led to OPP cracks.
What up, Lexington KY?
Gloria DryGarden
@moonbat: eclare, ksmiami,
I’m into there being some big assed lawsuits.
politicians and judges are practicing medicine without a license. Bunches of them think ectopic pregnancy can be relocated. No clue about poverty, domestic violence, racism, crazy unhelpful families, incest and rape, difficult life circumstances, and all the medical things that can happen around pregnancy. And now they’re condemning women and their docs to wait until sepsis nearly overtakes them ( I hear it spirals down quickly), they’re endangering people in so many ways, and women age 10-54 can’t safely get medical care because a pregnancy might be involved. Every time, they ask when your last period was. And how many pregnancies. For medical reasons, it’s good to know. But big brother has no business in this. It affects the men in our lives, too. All the boys, and men, sons, husbands, and fathers, brothers, friends and cousins, who might lose the health or life, or the safety, of their female relatives.
is the aclu on it? This is cause for a bunch of class action suits.
I know everyone agrees w me here. I’m just so spitting mad.
I have a list of abortifacient plants, but no idea how to use them.
between now and the November election, how many women are going to go thru hell over this ?
Steve in the ATL
@sab: well duh!
@Gloria DryGarden:
MSM = mainstream media.
You are the best! 🥰 I tried my best to do the same for my dad.
@Steve in the ATL:
No love for OBJ?
Gloria DryGarden
@moonbat: well said.
terror is understandable.
I also don’t like the idea of women having to prove their miscarriage or their still birth, or being hauled off to jail over it. In the middle of the physical changes, and the emotional grief.
it seems abusive.
Gloria DryGarden
@Steeplejack: thx
(Still new)
there are really a lot of abbreviations on here. I’m catching on to a lot of them, but still slow on others.
sometimes I look it up on google, though I’m spending too much time clicking and on screen; sometimes I call my pal who lurks here, but he’s not always around.
@Gloria DryGarden:
It’s more about having to phrase it in the short form of “women’s issues”.
I am not a woman, but their issues are my issues too, same with Indigenous issues, LBGTQ2A, etc
MSM is Main Street Media.
John S.
@Steve in the ATL:
I’m down with OPP (yeah, you know me).
Not sure the same can be said for our average jackal. 🙂
@Gloria DryGarden:
Look at what that poor woman in OH who miscarried in a toilet had to go through.
@John S.:
Oh gawd, I do not need that earworm! The live version is extra awesome.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jay: of course women’s issues are your issues, too. I quite understand. I feel this way about lgbtq, and indigenous issues. It’s in my world, it affects the fabric and shape of society and community, it hurts when it’s bad, and it’s people I know and love.
I don’t think calling all of it womens issues is dismissive, I’m not nuanced enough. Besides, we women are a sad oppressed minority of 51%, but also we’re chattel, our position according to theocrats, is pretty low, and our uteruses are state property in many places now.
I don’t know if women are under the same threats in Canada, but it’s a jumble of weirdness in the USA. As a “minority” we just have to address all the so many issues that endanger and affect us.
Actually, I’m concerned for most of us not in the 1% billionaire class.
there I go ranting again. The world feels difficult.
im uplifted by the 100 women conferences, just to know of it. Grateful.
Gloria DryGarden
@eclare: I seem not to know.
Jail? Did they even give her pads, and some after care?
karen gail
@sab: I am a firm believer in lack of church affiliation, I worry more about the grandchildren that belong to a “Christian” church much more than those who don’t.
Steve in the ATL
@Gloria DryGarden: John S. and eclare can help you decipher “OPP”. Meanwhile, Subaru Diane can help with any questions about the Digital Underground. Did you know that she once got busy in a Burger King bathroom?
@Gloria DryGarden:
Charges were finally dropped, but not until every personal detail was all over the news.
@Steve in the ATL:
@Gloria DryGarden:
Unfortunately, the US/Canadian border is “open”.
So, the shit show that your ReThugs are piloting have crossed the border and are infecting the Reich Wingnuts in Canada, as they have since the 1980’s. So far, only Alberta, New Brunswick and Sask. have mainstreamed the crazy.
Steve in the ATL
@Another Scott:
Said no one ever
@moonbat: the whole edifice is illegal. It’s the establishment of forced religion on a secular nation. And we need to pressure the companies domiciled in women hating states
Sister Golden Bear
@Suzanne: One the architecture YouTubers I follow, Stewart Hicks, just did a video looking a 3D printing homes. The biggest drawback is the inflexibility it poses for potential future changes. Wanna remove a wall, get a jackhammer. Wanna move a window, get a jackhammer. Wanna add an electrical outlet, get a jackhammer.
Another big drawback is that homes he looked at leave the concrete expose (both inside and out) which has the distinctive “3D ridging” which is definitely an acquired taste (and a dust collector).
That said, while Hicks didn’t directly address it, 3D printing does seem more viable in commercial, institutional buildings as well as hotels and high-rise apartment complexes, particular for exterior structural walls and elevator shafts, where you’re not likely to be making major changes.
Hicks did think we should be doing more off-site prefab. Which IIRC is common in the Nordic countries, since components can be built year-round in factories and then assembled on site during the brief summers. I believe the ocean liner industry does a similar thing where entire rooms are pre-fab and then assembled into groups of rooms and then added the ship. Here in the Bay Area, there’s a builder who’s doing pre-fab apartments that stack together like Legos.
Another interesting possibility is using more wooden buildings. I saw a video about a 15-story apartment tower built almost entirely of wood. (The exceptions being the elevator shaft and floors for each level, which I assume was for noise reduction and fireproofing reasons.) The structural beams were so thick that when exposed to fire, they developed a char layer that preventive them from burning further, enough that they met fire reg.
Despite having to have the structural pieces made in Europe, the speed of construction and significantly reduced labor costs made it cheaper to do than conventional construction. Plus any unexpected tweaking was further easier to do with wooden beams than steel ones.
@eclare: Missouri had 25% fewer people apply to OB/GYN residencies this year. Top students don’t want to train where they won’t see the full range of care. MO says it’s no problem, they filled all their slots. With the students who couldn’t get into better programs.
@schrodingers_cat: sleep well!
@Etv13: start with the vet. I learned that a cat who seemed to lose litter training was diabetic. Treatable.
I’m in southern California. Almost all my family is also in California, which makes moving away a more difficult prospect.
@Gloria DryGarden: 70s music still seems current to me. My daughter refers to it as the soundtrack of her childhood.
Given that she’s turning 39 next month, perhaps current isn’t the right word. But music of the 70s never gets old.
@sab: I had the family piano for years, moving it around with me to multiple residences. I finally gave it to one of my brothers because he had young children, and I wanted them to have a piano in the house like we’d had.
Not long afterwards (a year or two, maybe), he and his then-wife sold it to pay a bill or two. He didn’t understand why everyone was furious at him, that it was the whole family’s piano and he’d just had it on loan.
Gloria DryGarden
@Gretchen: JFC
SHIT, What that means for future care, and for spotty care anywhere these people go, later.
Gloria DryGarden
@Nancy: no, it never gets old. It’s the best..
you played her your good music, so her childhood was carried in those sounds. But it’s the best.
( when I’m not soothing myself with lutes and greensleeves and Thomas Tallis, and palestrina)
Gloria DryGarden
@Jay: oh god, I’m so sorry. And I thought of Canada as a nearby oasis.
Gloria DryGarden
@Maxim: the piano story, on this dead thread
we had an upright, and dad used to play it, noodle around, play chord progressions, and songs, and bits of fur Elise. But the piano was on the third floor down, and mom couldn’t make the stairs anymore, so she stayed on the main, 1st floor. (we entered at street level, but the house was built into a steep hill, and went down).
I hired a friend’s husband who did piano moving and piano tuning, to come w some younger fellows to move that thing up two floors to the living room, via a dolly and some ropes, outside, up the cliff side. Dad was pretty happy that he could now play piano while hanging out w mom.
I don’t think I told him ahead I was gonna do that, I just sprang it on him, showed up one afternoon with the piano crew. It was a good surprise, and he wrote a piece about it later. It needed to be done.
Gloria DryGarden
@eclare: Nashville. Right in the middle. Maybe Illinois..
@sab: I’m one too. Went to CA for college, got homesick for seasons, moved back east. I remember sitting by the pool on campus as ash from the Lytle Creek fire fell on us.
Mid-Atlantic in the Piedmont is a good place to be.
@hitchhiker: wow that’s a wrap
Frank Wilhoit
@sab: Ohio, over the past few decades (and with a few bad years), has actually benefitted from climate change. All the seasons have become milder and later. A few decades is still “the short term”, though, and we may not think that it will continue.
Another Scott
@Sister Golden Bear: I remember that that one of the first big Disney World hotels was built with pre-fabbed rooms. They slid them into place from the side using a crane.
Lots of things can be done better / cheaper/ faster, but there are usually other changes required as well (e.g. removing overhead power lines for road access, etc). And there are labour and small business issues. Change is hard, but life is change.
Chris T.
@Nukular Biskits: I’ve hurt my back picking up a newspaper, or getting a single spoon out of a dishwasher. That’s the basic flaw with the human back, it’s just badly designed for the job.
Chris T.
@TerryC: One of those vehicles propelled by the dangerously flammable fuel called “gasoline”, eh?
(Seriously, sounds like things went well, for going so bad. I wonder if that’s covered under warranty?)