I hate writing this, because you know I try to focus on the good around us to balance out all the chaos. But I woke up this morning to news that Pride flags were being ripped from homes and unfortunately anyone in CO paying attention to the news, was pretty sure why it was happening. This is so vile, I’m placing the email and tweet below the fold. Please skip this post if it’s triggering, I will totally understand.
A resident spoke with FOX31’s Gabrielle Franklin about some pride flags that were recently stolen in the Denver area. The incident occurred after Colorado GOP’s recent messages to burn pride flags.
Earlier this week, this hateful, vile, email and tweet went out:
COLORADO, USA — The Colorado Republican Party marked the start of Pride Month with a mass email attacking “godless groomers” and a social media post calling for the burning of all Pride flags.
The state GOP’s move to the far right after a series of electoral blowout losses continued with some of its harshest anti-gay rhetoric in recent years.
The Colorado GOP’s mass email titled “God Hates Pride,” read, in part, “The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children.”
The message to Colorado Republicans was headlined with an image reading “God Hates Flags,” a nod to the anti-gay slur on the picket signs of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church.
The party’s message was signed by chairman Dave Williams. A post from the Colorado Republican Party on X, formerly Twitter, read simply, “Burn all the #pride flags this June.”
Valdamar Archuleta, president of the Colorado Log Cabin Republicans and a candidate for the heavily Democratic 1st Congressional District in Denver, renounced the GOP’s endorsement as a result.
“The morons running our state party made it extremely hard for some of us to accomplish our goals for Liberty,” Archuleta posted on X.
In a follow-up statement released Tuesday, Archuleta said he could not accept the endorsement of the Colorado Republican Party, calling the party’s email “just hateful” and “disgusting and offensive.”
Republicans are speaking out – but most of them are just tsk-tsking and saying it doesn’t represent Colorado Republicans. Really? Did the email and tweets not come from the official Colorado GOP headquarters? You bet they did.
At least one is taking a solid stand:
Here’s the link to the Facebook post (no account needed to view)
But the shameful award goes to El Paso County GOP – that is where the Club Q shooting was – for their official statement agreeing with the ugly email:
I have lived here long enough to know CO’s recent hateful history – moving back just before Amendment 2 was passed (see all its ugliness here), an amendment so homophobic that businesses refused to darken Colorado’s door for a decade and made the state change how ballot issues could be worded – this one was worded so confusingly folks weren’t sure what they voting for – and so unconstitutional it was struck down quickly. It was the beginning of the end of Focus on the Family’s influence.
I have watched our state go from red to purple to deep purple (I hesitate to say blue, because, you know, this stuff still exists). Our governor is a gay, married, father – who won election and re-election handily, we have our first transgender State Rep. the amazing Brianna Titone, and PrideFest draws an average of 500k participants in Denver alone (there are pride parades all over the state). But there is clearly a lot of work still to do, because this kind of hate cannot stand.
The Republican party in Colorado is in the dumpster, which it deserves. It’s broke, can’t afford to pay any staff or support candidates and the Chairman is stealing what money they have for his own campaign (allegedly, ahem). This was his statement this morning:
Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dave Williams told FOX31 he believes the incident is “likely a hoax,” saying in a statement: “We make no apologies for saying God hates pride or pride flags as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority, and the only backlash we see is coming from radical Democrats, the fake news media, and weak Republicans who bow down at the feet of leftist cancel culture.”
I am ashamed and feeling a bit helpless by the vileness – it’s dangerous and I wish I could say it doesn’t represent our state, but until I hear more outrage, we are all complicit.
I welcome any ideas on how best to support our friends and neighbors, not just in June, but always.
I’m going to take the dogs for a walk and then work in the garden for a bit and take some of this rage out on bindweed. I will try and have some kindness for you tonight or tomorrow.
Melancholy Jaques
There are many puzzles in the American political world, but few are as puzzling as the Log Cabin Republicans.
The Republican Party has gone off the deep end, and it appears that way too many people who call themselves republicans are just fine with it.
@Melancholy Jaques:
The snake bit me again! Why does it keep doing that?
Narrator: Your snake “friend” fucking hates you.
@Melancholy Jaques: I spent time at a gay campground near Louisville catering to the well-off during the Obama administration. The racism of the GQP is too attractive, and after all, they’re all nice quiet respectable gay men that would never be bothered.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Most people aren’t deep thinkers. They picked a team. Their family and friends are on that team too. They don’t worry about anything else.
My shocked face is at the cleaners ATM.
@Omnes Omnibus: And few of them seem to realize that the team they pick in this case reflects their core values. Being D or R is a huge reflection on who you are as a person at this point in time, just as picking NSDAP vs. the Social Democrats was a values call in Germany in the 1930s. This isn’t the Yankees vs. the Red Sox here. This is, to use MLK Jr’s words, the content of your character.
Maybe folks will believe those who have been telling you that all the anti-TRANS stuff was just the gateway.
It was ALWAYS about the larger LGBTQIA+ community. They are coming for all of them. Period.
And, any rights that you have been able to obtain.
Bet on that.
@Melancholy Jaques:
Clinging to the Whiteness…clinging to the Whiteness…and all that should come with being a White Male in America.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@trollhattan: You can borrow my “shocked but not surprised” face, assuming it isn’t confiscated and burned by Customs.
@rikyrah: They’re coming for everyone not in their tribe. That’s what the root of it is. They want to eliminate or enslave the rest of us and have sole rule on top.
Of course, once they have achieved their goals, they start eating each other. But that’s small comfort to the millions they kill first. How long do you think it would take, if they had their way, before they started nuking our own cities?
@Omnes Omnibus: Mindless
Old Man Shadow
Theft. Terrorism. Blood libel.
The GOP is an openly Nazi party now.
Echoes of the statement, “the people who burn books will end up burning people…”
Birds of a Feather. They’re attacking DOLLY PARTON as a SINNER for crying out loud!
Lookit THIS 🤡
This author needs more than her fee fees hurt.
@Old Man Shadow: 🎯
@TBone: Of course they are. They’ve always hated Dolly Parton because she’s a woman that is not afraid to show how smart she is, speak her mind, and take liberal stances against her own tribe. She also gives a huge amount to her community and a surprising lot of Tennessee will hear no evil about her, no matter how right wing they are. She’s a community icon there and she damn well earned it.
@Omnes Omnibus: The absolute truth in this statement explains very much of our politics and why the billionaires invest so much in propaganda. Because. It. Works
@ArchTeryx: Although I didn’t need that explanation, I’m glad you know that stuff also.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Melancholy Jaques: Reading a piece about a black MAGA congressman, and similar questions arise.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Classic “Republican Detachment Disorder” (h/t to Driftglass all those years ago).
From an economic standpoint (which might have had resonance with the GOP 25 years ago but in today’s GQP, means nothing), they realize that PrideFest in Denver results in 550K people (which is mentioned in the post) spending 550K people’s worth of monies into the state economy.
There’s a reason why corps with a shitty (and I do mean shitty) track record on things like this, (here’s looking at you the Coors family), are big-time sponsors of PrideFest. Of course while Coors the corporation supports it, the odious Coors family still shovels tons of money to anti-LGBTQ+ groups (I saw specifics earlier in the week but can I pin them down now? Of course not).
@TBone: I think it was more for the benefit of other readers. I figured you already knew the score. IIRC, you’re a trans woman, or am I thinking of someone else?
Log Cabin Republicans are people who hate taxes, hate business regulations, and also (not so incidentally) tend to be misogynists and racists. IOW, the GOP speaks for them in all ways… except the inconvenient one of their gayness.
There are and always have been people who are members of marginalized communities whose own identity is more aligned with their financial status and/or social status. They may even resent being pat of a marginalized community because that’s “not who they are” – and I can actually understand that. I can understand wanting your identity to be something you choose, based on more than your color or religion or gender.
The problem is one those kinds of communities refuse to grapple with: the homophobes and theocrats in their own goddamn Party are the ones who insist on defining them by the things they don’t want to be defined by, and want to kill them.
Imma sit this one out with my popcorn. The Dolly Stans will gather this idiot.
@CaseyL: And kill them they do. As I said in an earlier thread, ask the rich Jews in Germany and parts of Poland what happened when the Nazis came to power. Oh, that’s right – you can’t. And most of the loot stolen from them remains in German hands or in Swiss bank accounts.
If true, then it’s God who is wrong.
@ArchTeryx: You’re thinking of someone else. I’m a hetero white woman raised as a proud tomboy, taught to think about equality in all matters. I just assumed that every Jackal here knows that about Dolly so good on ya!
@rikyrah: I fukn love you
@Baud: I would love to have a megaphone big enough to shout out FIND A BETTER GOD. YOURS STINKS and be heard all over the country. Possibly the whole world.
Because most gods stink.
@Baud: I fukn love you too!
Dolly is a better Jesus than ANY evangelthuglican.
Maybe it’s no longer political suicide for people to say “American governments don’t give a fuck what you THINK your god says.”
@TBone: My apologies. My memory for names is utterly wretched, and I have several transfeminine friends in my circle. I wave my Ally flag proudly, and give them a safe space to be themselves.
I’m still quite pleased to meet you. Yeah, I can sound too know-it-all because I’m a teacher and tutor by (ex-)profession, and these days I feel pretty extreme urgency to tell people, even people in my tribe, what the score is. Because too damn many don’t get it. 2016 proved that, and left permanent scars in my already fucked up psyche.
A Ghost to Most
Good thing the only power the GOP has in Colorado is to do hateful stuff and throw hissy fits on the Capitol steps.
@TBone: I’ll say one thing about Dolly Parton that you might not have known before: I absolutely love her. She showed me one can be a Southern woman and still be smart, clueful, and with it. I remember her joking once that having a brain bigger than her boobs was a real burden at times, but one she was very grateful to have. And by doG I feel the same way. My friend from Loudon, TN, a fellow who calls himself the Last Tennessee Liberal, worships the ground she walks on and for good reason. I’d be honored if I ever got the chance to meet her. She fights on the side of the angels.
@ArchTeryx: right back atcha about meeting! I’m also terrible with names (but have photo recall ability for faces and visual cues). My mother’s entire family were teachers (only one aunt currently is alive) going way back – on our family farm property in Tioga County, the remains of the one-room schoolhouse still stand. I have antique School pamphlets listing the teachers and pupils, giving honors, and poetry, to all the surrounding community members who came to our farm to attend school. Aunt’s deceased hubby, my uncle, taught the deaf at Galludet, rode his bicycle to school every day, and raised honey bees. He taught me juggling and sleight of hand as well as American Sign Language.
Thus we have Clarence Thomas as one of the most powerful White Supremacists in America.
@ArchTeryx: HUGS!!!
We all bear similar scars as yours, all of us thinking, feeling human beings.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Not for the first time.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Does God have a history with Dolly?
It doesn’t matter which god you worship. All gods are made over in their believers’ images.
Bacchus is cool.
As I understand it, if someone goes on your property to steal your Pride flag, you have the right to shoot their ass.
@NotMax: I saw The Ramones at a now-defunct bar club in Philly called The Bacchanalia. Up close! Ah, memories! But I stayed out of the mosh pit. Oh to be that young again!
With permission, I’ll join rikyrah on the bench. It would be some kind of extra presumptuous of me to think Dolly Parton needs my assistance against this schlub.
@counterfactual: Lots of gay men love the misogyny too.
@matt: how about no, pelt them with flaming poo or other similar projectiles while capturing the entire affair on video?
@matt: 😔😓😖
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: ‘most of us are just allies that sanction the bigotry, not active participants’
The modern sanitized version of Bacchus, yeah. “The God of Good Times.”
In classical myth, he used to send his Maenads (demons, sort of) out to rip people limb from limb.
The good news is that, with their usual awesome competence, they are diving into the “eating each other” phase without waiting to achieve their goals.
What are we, North Korea?
Melancholy Jaques
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
The African-American Republican makes more sense to me because it’s a career opportunity. I don’t see any Log Cabin Republicans in the senate, the cabinet, or on the supreme court.
@Baud: 😆 when they named him Dotard I was so impressed! That’s why I use that term of endearment so frequently. L.O. FUCKING L.
Everyone who uses the ‘Republicans won’t learn until they’ve had a few really bad elections’ line, take note. No, they’re not that rational and opportunistic. They’re bigots and assholes, and they only get more extreme when they lose.
Melancholy Jaques
I’m afraid that for far too many people, it is.
Steve in the ATL
@Melancholy Jaques:
Totally agree. They hate you and want you to die of AIDS so why do you vote for them?
I’m also puzzled by my wife’s love of Log Cabin syrup. HFCS? Get out of here! Obviously a less important issue than Log Cabin Republicans, but still disgusting.
Colorado has what’s called a Make My Day Law: https://www.denverpost.com/2017/01/31/colorado-make-my-day-law
‘the occupant of any dwelling may use deadly force against an intruder if the occupant thinks the intruder has committed or intends to commit a crime or might use physical force against the occupant.’
The sad thing is that the CO GOP sends that shit out because it knows that far too many people on their mailing list will either approve it or at least not be repulsed by it. Not repulsed enough to abandon the GOP and/or vote Dem. We all know Republicans who don’t personally hate LGBTQ People (their friends, family, co-workers etc.), but they all tolerate LGBTQ-phobia.
The behavior of the California GOP over the past 3 decades certainly supports that.
@wjca: We don’t want them to learn. We want them to lose. And California GOPers are precisely the model.
Everyone has an off day now and again.
“Swear to Olympus, you rip off one limb and you’re marked for life.”
@TBone: I call on God to come down and explain his vision for humanity.
@wjca: Same for Oregon GOP.
“Naked apes? Bad idea. Live and learn.”
Citizen Alan
@Melancholy Jaques:
Not to me. The Log Cabin Republicans are no more confusing than the existence of Clarence Thomas and Amy Coathanger Barrett. There will always be members of minority groups who are willing to betray their own people in order to curry favor with the bigots because they think they won’t be harmed but instead embracd as part of the overseer class. Even in the concentration camps, they had the kapos.
“Naked apes? Bad idea. Live and learn.”
Dogs are walked and it may be too hot for weeding already. But it aint’ too hot for Dolly (as mentioned in comments) this seems appropriate here:
@matt: How handy that theft of one’s flag is rather exactly a crime.
And one more before I continue my day:
Apparently there was a fundraiser in Philly to court black R voters – “Congress, Cognac & Cigars”
Villago Delenda Est
This, this, a thousand times, this.
Sister Golden Bear
I need to get to an appointment, so I can’t throw out specific ideas, but I’ll just say this: “Ally” is a verb. Even small things like flying a Pride flag — or an ally flag, here’s an example, and another (with dinosaurs!) — yourself this month helps
More thoughts when I’m back in an hour or so.
Villago Delenda Est
@TaMara: The Federalist is more accurately called The National Socialist.
@Citizen Alan
Will the Log Cabin Rs be flying the rainbow flag upside down?
Villago Delenda Est
Villago Delenda Est
@Kelly: To our north, the WA GOP has openly called for repealing the 17th Amendment and opposing democracy in general.
@NotMax: 💙
Steve in the ATL
@ArchTeryx: you are thinking of Sister Golden Bear. Who wore a hat at the B-J SanFran meetup in 2017, in case you were wondering.
ETA: and I see she is here now!
Villago Delenda Est
Like ketchup on hot dogs. UGH.
@NotMax: 💙👍
@Sister Golden Bear: That Allysarous is right up my ally…I mean alley.
@TaMara: *rubs hands together in anticipatory glee
Steve in the ATL
Steve in the ATL
@Villago Delenda Est:
lots of Chicago natives on this blog so you should get tons of upvotes!
@Villago Delenda Est:
no lie told..the utter horror
it’s crazy,…we’ll put an entire salad on a Hot Dog in Chicago..
but, no ketchup.
@TaMara: you have inspired me to plug this Netflix series again, starring Dolly’s 9 to 5 co-stars. It is hilarious and heartbreaking all mixed up together and hashing it out like great families do. I think Jackals who love Dolly would love it like I do.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Also a bank.
And a handheld gaming controller.
Boy, they sure are cavalier for people who literally have Trump and Back the Blue flags all over the place that are looking pretty flammable…
@Damien: They often count on Democrats not acting the way they do.
So Willow TV got the exclusive rights to the Cricket World cup in the U.S. They’re now going to make bank. US v. India is going to be lit. Wed at 10:30 eastern
ETA: There’s some connection with Fubo TV. Not sure exactly.
@Baud: And a girl’s name, sometimes a boy’s. In Scotland!
Ally Gallacher (1909–1964), Scottish football manager
Ally Law (born 1997), English YouTuber and urban explorer
Ally McCoist (born 1962), Scottish former footballer and manager
Ally MacLeod (1931–2004), Scottish former footballer and manager
Ally Maxwell (born 1965), Scottish football coach and former professional footballer
Ally Shewan (born 1940), Scottish footballer
Ally Taylor (born 2001), Scottish footballer
“We expect an audience in the tens.”
“Of thousands?”
“No, just the tens.”
Cricket coverage on the radio is the weirdest thing ever.
Sorta related, today John Rodgers is writing about reducing the power of rural reactionaries by repealing the Reapportionment Act of 1929.
I’m heading out for my first kayaking trip since my 88 year old Mom’s health went to hell in August.
@NotMax: Heh. I wouldn’t be surprised if the US audience triples, at least. If people can access it.
@trollhattan: I wonder if I more mainstream channel will pay Willow for the rights to air the US games.
John R. (Taylor’s version) is here to tell it.
“Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”
Steve in the ATL
@trollhattan: “he is now lifting the tea cup to his mouth and taking a sip. Over to you, Vern!”
@TaMara: The joke is on the evangelicals. Christ already came back…as Dolly Parton.
@trollhattan: I googled the score and it was “US won the Super Over by 5 runs”.
Ok, then.
Strangely enough, would also work as a radio ad.
The Tennessee Holler video of Tom Hanks interview with Amanpour at Normandy
Wisdom for the ages!!!!
@Baud: The US has a cricket league. https://www.majorleaguecricket.com/. There are six teams and two stadiums.
@Belafon: How do those six teams play in two stadiums?
@ArchTeryx: “How long do you think it would take, if they had their way, before they started nuking our own cities?”
That would destroy too much white-owned property. Rounding up the vermin and shipping them to happy joy joy vacation camps would work better. But really, who would actually propose to round up the vermin and ship them to processing camps? (wearing my sad, sarcasm face.)
@TBone: Wow, another Tennessee Holler fan.
@Villago Delenda Est:
“…WA GOP has openly called for repealing the 17th Amendment…”
Any mention of the 13th, 14th and 15th yet?
Reecie @BlackWomenViews (@ReecieColbert) posted at 8:35 PM on Thu, Jun 06, 2024:
Byron Donalds is a propagandist foot soldier of the ⚪️ Nationalist Republican agenda to undo the progress of the Civil Rights movement. Invoking Jim Crow as a time of Black families being together and attacking the Great Society programs that were explicitly anti-poverty and to foster racial justice is not just stupid, it’s insidious. Grifters are trying to foster Black apathy and disillusionment so that the Ed Blums, MAGA judges, and Republican electeds can easily continue working to dismantle protections and programs that have irrefutably lead to racial progress.
Reuters Legal (@ReutersLegal) posted at 7:10 AM on Fri, Jun 07, 2024:
The U.S. Supreme Court held that the federal government has been under-funding Native American tribes that administer their own healthcare programs for 30 years and must pay potentially hundreds of millions more going forward @brenpiers https://t.co/ozAtwnNYUm https://t.co/0PijYnzKvt
I guess this was the good part of Jim Crow.
Michael Coard (@MichaelCoard) posted at 6:37 PM on Thu, Jun 06, 2024:
Exactly 73 years ago in June 1951, a Black man, Matt Ingram (who was born on 6/6/1910), was arrested in Yanceyville, NC for the crime of “reckless eyeballing with intent to rape” for allegedly MERELY LOOKING at a white female from 70 feet away. He was found guilty by https://t.co/yhuVRzCSuh
Which is the exact reason why so many of those states didn’t opt-in for Medicaid Expansion.
Eddie Glaude’s Profound Balding Pattern! (@GullahRehabbed) posted at 9:38 AM on Fri, Jun 07, 2024:
If the Deep South states expanded Medicaid through Obamacare, ~93% of Blacks would have health insurance.
Besides their heinous hatred for LGBTQ+ people, it’s also remarkable that the’d go with a “God hates flags” theme right after Alito got caught with his MAGA pants down not once but twice over flag-flying.
In related confirmation that First Principles were always bullsh*t, National Review is selling two dumb as heck $197.00 “Sam Alito” flags (caution, NR link). One is a crap knock off/total confusion blending of the gadsden flag and the appeal flag, with Sammie’s B&W line art visage and “Appeal to Law” as the, uhhhh, punch line. The other is too moronic to spill words on.
@jimmiraybob: I know where Pigeon Forge is too! 😉
@jimmiraybob: Raises hand 🙋🏻♀️
Love them
Republicans are Nazis who want to kill us all. That’s it. That’s what is at stake.
@rikyrah: are they softening us up before they go for our jugular veins??? Sleight of hand???
@RaflW: The only strategic variation from “double down” is when Dear Leader shits his pants in public.
@TaMara: “I am ashamed and feeling a bit helpless by the vileness – it’s dangerous and I wish I could say it doesn’t represent our state, but until I hear more outrage, we are all complicit.”
The next few days would be an excellent time for Democrats, progressives and moderates to go out, buy (or dig out of storage) Pride flags and fly them. I doubt that very many CO Republican voters will say boo to their crazed leadership.
So it becomes incumbent on 1000s of straight allies to do what this moment calls for. Hundreds of flags popping up in neighborhoods and on businesses across CO would send a clear message that the broader community is not scared, is not backing down, and thinks the GOP is wrong wrong wrong.
And if cost is a barrier for some Coloradans, I bet we could whip up an online fundraiser to buy flags in an instant. I’d be first in line to give.
@Ksmiami: come sit by me. I’m ready, willing, and almost able. What I lack in physical strength, I make up for in cunning. They will not conquer us.
Any household object of heft can be a defensive weapon.
Does it even need to be said that people usually stay together in families in times of poverty and repression simply because there’s not a lot of options and that’s pretty much the only support network left available?
This kind of thing reminds me of the “Ostalgie” thing you see with Germans who miss the DDR because there was more solidarity and togetherness back then. Well of course there was more solidarity and togetherness back then: you had an economy that was fucked up and a government you couldn’t trust! “People stuck together” because they didn’t have a choice: any institution higher up than the family or the group of friends who lived on the same block as you was either unwilling or unable to help its people, so every possible societal function was dumped onto those two institutions. That doesn’t mean you’re doing something right, it means your society isn’t working for its citizens.
it was 5-4 with Roberts
Captain C
Dunno, why do you keep picking up the snake that bites you?
(Maybe they’re deeply closeted humiliation fetishists?)
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@rikyrah: I heard an interview of Bryon Donalds with Joy Reid (on her MSNBC show) and she didn’t put up with any of his BS about Jim Crow days.
@TBone: if anyone knows upending, it’s this fucking guy.
Stare Decisis rings hollow in their mouths, slap it outta there!
@TBone: I’ll take Dolly over that bitch, any day of the week.
@rikyrah: thanks, I just read the reporting thanks to you! I still think it’s a trick. To pacify before they come in for the kill.
Captain C
@CaseyL: I had a former Facebook friend who fits this description. He’s currently well off, and has pretty much been a Republican since I knew him in elementary school. Last I saw, still thought the leopards wouldn’t eat his face.
@TBone: I drove through Pigeon Forge – and Dollywood – way back when to backpack in the Smokies.
@brantl: bazillions of people agree, that is for certain. OfAuthor will get her comeuppance.
@jimmiraybob: 💙
Captain C
@Steve in the ATL:
“Well, they want to lower my taxes and keep Those People out of my neighborhood. Besides, they only want the icky LGBTQ+ to die horribly, not me. Right?”
@wjca: I’m perfectly happy with the national GOP ending up exactly like the CA GOP. Seems to be what’s happening in CO as well.
There will likely be some uptick in violence as a result, but it’ll break their backs as a politicial force, and that is far less damage overall.
What kind of low-life human do you have to be to read that statistic and think “we can’t have that now, can we”?
welp, isn’t she special. reminder to the god-botherers everywhere, bearing false witness is a sin. coveting your neighbor’s happiness, security, success and peace of mind is a sin. Jesus commanded his followers to stop nitpicking about the mote in their neighbors’ eye and start worrying about the giant Redwood tree in their own eye/s. And no, neighbor doesn’t mean only your fellow godbotherers and Prosperity Jeebus Worshipers. It means exactly who you know it means. All the people you hate and don’t want to admit are equal to you in the Goddess’ eye. Oh, and a nice ‘fuck your feelings’ to you too, assholes.
@WaterGirl: The kind that wear “Fuck Your Feelings” tee shirts.
@artem1s: her version of Jesus must be hiring. Authority to judge Dolly is the stock option hiring incentive. 🤡
@RaflW: This.
Sounds especially cute coming from a religious
tradition/spasm embracing an adulterous lying convicted felon as a God-given Savior David-avatar leading his flock to the promised landTBone
@scav: it’s a cult. An especially blind, obnoxiously dangerous, and stupid one.
The most awful part is how high up into the echelons of power in this nation it reaches.
@TBone: I don’t think so. It’s important to remember that there are nine *people* on the court, and as individuals, even though 6 of them are partisan hacks there are still things that matter to them as individuals and you get idiosyncratic results when a case intersects with their personalities.
Gorsuch has actually been surprisingly decent on native rights issues, for instance, despite being awful on almost everything else. Roberts as a swing vote here makes sense since it’s not something that actively hurts his agenda to support.
The only trap here is thinking this means they’re moderating or will be more likely to make reasonable decisions in other areas. They aren’t and they won’t. But I don’t think this is a set up for anything either.
@TBone: I loved Grace & Frankie seasons one thru five. Season six started to lose me, and I hopscotched a bit thru season seven and bogged down.
Don’t let my whines about the last couple years deter anyone. The first many years are a ton of fun! Great chemistry between Jane & Lilly, and the rest of the cast and their storylines are worth it too.
“The only trap here is thinking this means they’re moderating or will be more likely to make reasonable decisions in other areas.”
That’s the precise trap to which I was referring.
@RaflW: howdy to you, my friend! The best families are the ones we choose, as that show so aptly illustrates. I chose well – I don’t post my thoughts about anything anywhere other than here.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I will go to my grave without understanding this.
ETA: Since others have already responded to this, I don’t feel like I’m hijacking anything at this point.
This is hot dog we’re talking about, not filet mignon. You put A-1 sauce on that filet mignon I just grilled for you, we’ll have words. But a hot dog is made from the parts of the cow (assuming all-beef hot dogs) that weren’t even good enough to be made into ground beef. There’s shit like esophagus meat in there.
So I’ll never understand why people get all weird about what other people put on a meat product that’s the stuff that was the leftovers from everything else. How can you be all pure about something that’s not the least bit pure? I don’t get it, and never will.
@TaMara: And I’m gonna be cheering that posse on every hoofbeat of the way. The Federalist assholes have no idea what sort of sleeping giant they awakened by attacking Dolly Parton.
@lowtechcyclist: 😆 I’m sorry I can’t help it
Think about pretzels?
@Eolirin: “The only trap here is thinking this means they’re moderating or will be more likely to make reasonable decisions in other areas.”
Indeed, cynical me thinks Roberts votes this way on these cases as a honeypot for our easily fooled media (most of them, Katie).
The descendants of those who scuttled Harry Truman’s attempt at National Healthcare because that meant de-segregated hospitals. And, if the medical system could be de-segregated, then why not everything else?
@scav: “We must follow the scripture!”
“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
“That’s in the vague part of the Bible. No one really knows what that means.”
@ArchTeryx: They failed with Taylor Swift, so obviously they’re ready for the big leagues.
@TBone: And all I’m saying is that that’s not part of their intention, so assigning motive to it isn’t really accurate. This isn’t a play to mask anything. It’s just an issue Gorsuch and Roberts happened to agree with the three liberal justices on. Those are rare but they happen. Doesn’t mean anything one way or the other, but I’m happy to take a win for our native communities under any circumstances.
@RaflW: 👍
@Belafon: “But, whatever it might be, it’s clearly one of the pre-forgiven ones (offer very much not available to all).”
@Belafon: There have been other Republicans that tried, and failed, to take down the Tennessee Queen. AFAIK, most Tennessee Republicans learned long ago – don’t come at the Queen. SHE doesn’t miss. They’ll (sadly) get all the votes they need to get re-elected without pissing off Dolly Parton’s many, many supporters.
Even a lot of hard-core people on the right in Tennessee will hear no evil about her. A bunch of carpetbaggers riding into town to attack her are gonna be leaving with their tails between their legs.
@Eolirin: me too, though warily. My Spidey senses detect incoming and, as RaflW said, they REALLY need positive press right now.
They write “me me me” books as was noted here earlier. They’re aware of how they appear is all I’m saying.
They know who is their prey.
@RaflW: I really don’t think so. This stuff doesn’t get enough attention to be effective PR, especially against the backdrop of the really awful stuff the court has been getting up to.
I mean, I think Roberts wants to be seen as a moderating force, for the sake of his personal legacy, despite having overriding goals that’re anything but moderate, and I think he’s very much concerned with going too far too fast in a way that, say, Alito and Thomas don’t give a shit about, but I think his decisions are usually rooted in his values and how he sees himself, like everyone else’s in the court. They’re still just humans, and the conspiracy such that it is isn’t something out of a TV drama.
Those values suck, but sometimes they coincidentally align with good things happening.
@TBone: if it was on South St around 13th, the club was called Bacchanal. Never saw the Ramones there, but I did see a bunch of other bands circa 1982-1985.
I did see the Ramones plenty of other places in NYC, Philly, Baltimore, and DC. First time was 1979 at UPenn’s Irvine Auditorium, and the last time was in DC on their “Adios Amigos” tour in 1995.
Omnes Omnibus
@Eolirin: Scalia was surprisingly good on 4th Amendment cases. Kennedy on LGBT+. Gorsuch is like that on Native American issues. It doesn’t mean they aren’t shitty over all. I would not read this decision as anything more than a something that this shitty Court got right. They do manage to do it on occasion.
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.
Coming late to the thread. I’m sure that others have noted that Republicans are becoming more open with their bigotry, sexism and racism.
I think, though, that they over-estimate the degree to which ordinary people agree with them.
Still, it’s going to be a hard fight to oppose these idiots.
@Eolirin: Voting in favor of Tribes seems to be Gorsuch’s thing. Not sure why Roberts joined; maybe just to say that the government can’t do anything right.
They are estimating the degree to which ordinary people will care enough to oppose them. Whether that’s an overestimate or an underestimate remains to be seen.
@ljdramone: you are correct! My memory is understandably iffy concerning those years 😆 and my extreme youth at the time caused me to cling to the very large Black man who accompanied (the excursion was his idea) much to the consternation of my then BF who tagged along. That BF turned out to be a pathetic loser, surprise, surprise, surprise! (read that last part in your best Gomer Pyle voice).
I bet your memories blow mine right out of the water!
@Sister Golden Bear: Besides my safe space, I’ve been using whatever spare money I have to financially support some LBGTQ+ friends I have. To me, at least, being an ally means you fight for the community, you take care of who you can take care of, put your money where your mouth is (to individual people, not rainbow-washing corporations), and accept folks for who they are, not who you want them to be.
I had an extremely dear friend begin to identify as male after knowing him as a woman for 10 years. I still occasionally misgender him, but he knows it’s because of habit and forgetfulness, not malice, and just corrects me. And I’m learning, though practice, to use the right pronouns. I love Micki to death, and I wouldn’t want anything else for him. Heart of pure gold.
One of these days I’ll have to see about introducing you to FrostFire, a transfeminine Native American (Choctaw Nation) and one of the absolute sweetest people you could ever hope to meet. Also a heart of pure gold.
@Villago Delenda Est: I meant to say Exactly! much earlier.
@ArchTeryx: 👍😍
@rikyrah: He’s only a short step away from, “The black family was even more together during the long-era of chattel slavery.”
I wonder what the ancestors would think of Byron kissing up to Massa Trump?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: This is probably correct.
There’s a logic to it. You swing at your strongest and most popular enemies, and if you lose, well, you lose, but if you win, you’ve proved that you can successfully take down even a juggernaut, which is great for your cred and gives everybody else like them – much less everyone who’s below them on the totem pole – another reason to think hard before they do anything that offends U.S. Republicans.
These miserable, miserable motherfuckers.
What sad, sad, unfulfilled lives they have.
Give the pups some love from their massive fanbase. :)
Show the bindweed who’s boss!
And thank you for the upcoming kindness post.
@TBone: Reminder: Dolly Parton was an investor in the Moderna Covid vaxx. So triple Salchow whammy on The Dali Parton of ‘Merica.
@Ramalama: gawd bless you for that reminder – I’d forgotten!
Sure Lurkalot
@rikyrah: Michael Harriot’s excellent thread on Byron Donald’s latest idiocy (h/t Wonkette) starts here:
I lived in Boulder just after Amendment 2 was passed. My college sent out a mailer to all incoming students of how LGBT students were welcomed and how they strenuously opposed the amendment. That letter did the trick for me. But, I was a super out lesbian, and even in Boulder*, it was a tricky time.
*Boulder was considered to be the weirdo outlier according to many other people in other parts of Colorado. Maybe it still is?
I was friends with many gay men, some of whom Log Cabiners. They were white and had money. They had very different mind sets about minding your own business, even when I brought up the Republicans nosing in all our business. Crickets.
@Omnes Omnibus:
One infamous counterpoint.
Also, google found this
OT – Just saw a headline on The Hill. “Strong jobs report presents conundrum for Biden”
DougJ nailed it and they all still can’t help themselves.
Comrade Misfit
@Melancholy Jaques:
Eighty years ago, they were known as “Quislings”.
@lashonharangue: Rotten to the core.
@Baud: They take turns.
@Baud: you are awesome
This is a very rare instance when I disagree. It wasn’t because Medicaid would help blacks. It was because a black man offered white people charity, and to a racist shitweasel there is no greater insult.
Wow. She must be a genius.
…and I would bet money that’s exactly the joke she was hoping people would make.
(Also, yes, I’m pretty sure she is a genius.)
Sister Golden Bear
@TBone: They came for Dolly. We ride at dawn.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: I said surprisingly good. I didn’t say great.
@Comrade Misfit:
“It is better to be the right hand of the devil than in his way.”
@Omnes Omnibus: You were thinking great. I could tell.
@Sister Golden Bear: 💙💜❤️🩷🩵💚💛🤎
Success for Rob Schneider too 😆
Bonus content: Four Seasons. I’m wearing my Gritty on a lawn tractor Four Seasons Landscaping T-shirt today. Proceeds went to Warnock & Ossof.
@Sister Golden Bear: Give their sorry asses an extra-hard kick for me when you find them.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
“Biden personally finds cure to cancer and here’s why it’s bad news for his campaign: no president who has ever cured cancer has ever been reelected.”
Shaping up to be a funfilled weekend!
Note to self: downtown ist verboten.
ETA But wait, there’s more.
Seeing plenty of crossover (get it?) possibilities.
Sister Golden Bear
It’s an intentional shout out to the infamous Westborough “God hates fags” church.
Annnnd, now the walk back has begun: CO Republicans And GOP House Candidates Call For Chair To Resign Over “Burn All Pride Flags” Message
Not that the other Republicans disagree, it’s just that you’re not supposed to say the not-so-quiet parts that loud.
@Frankensteinbeck: You’re probably remembering the whole “I won’t take Obamacare, but the ACA is OK” thing going on.
Random thought:
During the years of Jim Crow, Black families were *not* kept together. It would have been better for them, if they could stay together, but it was often impossible.
First, slavery was still rampant, but it required a criminal conviction. That meant, when a few new slaves were needed, the cops would arrest a few more Black people. Prison, and forced labor, don’t keep families together.
Second, anti-poverty programs tended to have “man in the house” rules – no welfare if a man lived in your residence, since that man would be expected to provide. If watching his children starve got to be too much for a Black man, he’d leave so they could get welfare.
This is one of the reasons why the Big Lie works; people don’t expect someone to make a patently false statement, like “Jim Crow kept families together”.
They really miss the mark with LGBTQIA+ issues. The trans community is low hanging fruit, and even most people that don’t understand, understand that the hatred towards trans people is wrong.
The youth don’t get it at all.
Peanut is the one who schooled me on proper pronouns and giving respect. As well as de-genderizing clothing (my favorite back and forth with her is panties vs underwear).
When I tell her the stories about the gay kids who came out when I was in High School (I’m GenX), she just looks at me weird.
I had her watch Angels in America, and we had a lot of back and forths about it.
Kosh III
“I’m heading out for my first kayaking trip”
Me too tomorrow morning on the Collins River in MIddle Tn.
Don’t want no Obamacare, but, keep your hands off my KYNECT (Kentucky)
And, then, they went right on, and elected the muthaphucka who told them that he was gonna take away their OBAMACARE. And, then, got up in arms when he tried to do it.
Kosh III
but calling sin out by name isn’t judgment. It’s adhering to Scripture.
BS Clearly you only hear what the pulpit pounder says and don’t find the truth on your own.
This isn’t the place for it so I’ll just remind you that Prince Jonathan and David had a commitment ceremony and when J died David lamented
“Jonathan your love for me was wonderful, passing the love of women.” Queen James Version
The Federalist Society tweet has 141 likes and 2.2k comments.
Tim in SF
I followed that link to the Facebook post to click Like. Only 34 people had done so. Kinda sad.
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
This is who the GOP has always been. The hippies were right and we all owe them a huge apology. the difference now is that a Black man was President and their veneer of civility broke and they started being openly racist. That’s what led to Dollar Store Mussolini capturing the White House while losing the popular vote by over 3 million – his open racism and hate.
Once they got that vaguely human shaped void of hate elected, they thought they’d won everything and they tossed the last shred of plausible deniability into the garbage. And here we are. With the Nazis openly telling us they’re Nazis. It’s an awful time.
Sister Golden Bear
I’ve heard similar things from friends with kids that age. Which is mostly great that it’s inconceivable to them.
But downside is that they don’t appreciate—or necessarily even know—what things were like, and how that still affects LGBTQ+ elders. And if they do, it’s generally at an abstract ancient history level. Whereas I have gay men survived the AIDS plague who went through months, if not years, where attend funerals every weekend, and sometimes had to choose which friend’s funeral to attend when there’s were more than one of the same day. The past isn’t past, it not even past.
There’s some young trans folks who are disdainful of late-life transitioners like—part because we don’t “pass” as well as a result of unwanted puberties—and think we were cowards for not transitioning in high school like they did. Oh you sweet summer children… Nor do they realize that while the current trans moral panic is incredibly hostile, we’ve been fighting for our rights for decades so yes they need to be prepared for the long fight.
Thank you for educating her.
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis:
I don’t owe anyone an apology.
Dan B
@rikyrah: I lived in northeast Arkansas during Jim Crow. As a white kid it was awful to see people prevented from living freely. The unspoken rules were truly overwhelming. I looked a black woman in the eye once and the look in her eyes was terror, abject fear my mother would report her for disobedience and for stepping above her station. People who romance Jim Crow were either sadistic or were not there. People like Byron Donalds were not there and are susceptible to a history filled with total lies.
Kosh III
“As many as 2,000 people are expected to flock Saturday night to the California state Capitol with a “Let Us Worship” concert and a Jesus March — both happening concurrently with the Sacramento Pride Festival this weekend.”
As opposed to 22,000 at Sacramento Pride.
@Dan B:
I will never forget a post from DailyKos. It was this young Black man who recounted a previous argument that he had with his father about MLK. The young man pursed his lips to complain about what MLK didn’t accomplish. His father would hear none of it.
I’m paraphrasing, but the father said..
MLK stopped the average White person from being able to terrorize us legally.
It was one thing to be subject to the abuse of the police force. But, what made Jim Crow so horrific, amongst so many other things…
Is that some random White person could terrorize you and there was nothing that you could do about it.
Which is the reason why I believe so many of those states created Stand Your Ground laws. Cause, they miss it too.
I’ve never forgotten that post.
@Dan B: I remember northern Florida being the same. When I was a child the beach at Daytona was whites only. Now it is a spring break hotspot for HBCU students.
West of the Rockies
I hope it’s a healing kayak trip! Ocean or lake/white water? (I’m an ocean kayaker.)
Captain C
Sure, if we ignore all the Black families who were torn apart because one or more of their members was sold down the river for profit (or were sold because they looked a bit to obviously like Massa or his brothers or friends, the reason for which is another big issue with chattel slavery, though probably a feature for anyone who would say this unironically).
Kosh III
The “call” for him to resign includes this whopper
“Valdamar Archuleta, the head of Colorado’s Log Cabin Republicans, has been one of the few GOP members to defend Williams. He said Wednesday that “I do not think Dave hates me because I’m gay. I don’t think that Dave is a homophobic person. He’s trying to get a reaction.”
They just need to have a honking big log cabin fall on them like the witch in Wizard of Oz. Worthless quislings and sell outs.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: The only time I thought “great” in reference to Scalia is when I heard he had died.
Captain C
@lashonharangue: “Biden just won 60+% of the vote and 400 electoral votes. Democrats control the senate 61-39 and the House 300-135. Here’s why that’s bad news for Biden and the Democrats.”
Dan B
@ArchTeryx: Having trans / non-binary friends is great partly because they transcend the rigid strictures of society and the residue of Calvinism. There’s a lot of joy and light in that. It’s similar to the authoritarians fear and loathing of drag queens. There’s a big heaping of wacky joy in great drag performances. And if you want to experience brilliance and deeply moving wisdom check out videos from Panti Bliss. She’s won accolades as a national treasure in Australia. There’s no “trans” without transcendence.
West of the Rockies
I lost a lot of fondness and patience for Frankie by season 5. So much selfish behavior.
Dan B
@jimmiraybob: I’d like to see Byron’s take on having his wife, children, parents, siblings sold to a different master. Family togetherness has a new meaning in the Dictionary of Byron.
@Captain C: I’ll take that headline 100 times out of 100.
@Captain C: I don’t think that brother Byron is too concerned with pesky context. (x100 for the Trump/MAGAverse)
Omnes Omnibus
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis: Remind me why I owe the hippies an apology. They inflicted tie dye and the Grateful Dead on us. And patchouli. Fuckers.
Gloria DryGarden
People who say they are Christian, yet tout “god hates____” are way off. To think god hates, that’s mind blowing for me. And horrid, and scary.
we’re circulating a meme today on Facebook,
“for pride month, I’m using napkins from chic fil a, to clog the toilets at hobby lobby”
delightful , even if negative and mean. I’m thinking of ways to further develop this mean imagery. Several Someones clogging up the works for so many people, need to get some obstacles in their lives. At least enough to stop them from ruining things for so many. ( applies to multiple challenging situations)
@Dan B: Judging from their photographs, his wife is white. That brings up a whole ‘nother realm of possibilities for ol’ Bryon under Jim Crow.
@Captain C: “With the Executive and Legislative branches unchecked and unbalanced, even if courts are able to reign in the inevitable excesses of Democrats, the backlash will be fierce.”
I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s an issue of little importance to him where he can look moderate without any consequences to his overall agenda which is extremely conservative. But as you say, the bothsidesers of the MSM lap this shit up like it was Dom Perignon.
@Kelly: Oregon GOP started to get the stench of California’s GOP when Bill Sizemore was the best candidate for governor they could dredge up from the slime holes. They’re starting to get a little smarter, like the closet fascist/failed Biglaw drone Rene Gonzalez in Portland. But the point remains: they don’t need to learn. They just need to lose.
Dan B
@SomeRandomGuy: I remember the anti-poverty programs that resulted in families led by “single” mothers. If the man was caught in the house, or reported by neighbors, the money was cut off. Heart wrenching stuff
The corrolary for LGBTQ people would be ending adoption and surrogacy. The next step would be taking children away from their same gender parents because same SEX parents are inherently obscene and corrupt “innocent children”. Too bad about the trauma of separation.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gloria DryGarden: Are you trying to summon ever sore?
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
@cwmoss: Rene Gonzalez ran on the “I’m not a Black woman” platform and, unsurprisingly in even liberal Portland, it was a winning strategy. No hint of fascism when all you need to be is overtly racist and misogynist.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: and men wearing sandals!
@Omnes Omnibus: God, I hope not. For all of his later insanity, Aaron Rodgers was actually sane when it came to his religious beliefs. He was not comfortable with his fellow athletes who went out of their way to loudly preach their version of Christianity. He liked to quote St. Francis “I try to preach the gospel to everybody. Occasionally, I use words.” The more right wing Packer fans really turned on him when he rejected their concept of a hateful God, stating that the God they speak of is completely unrecognizable to him. He was called out for not being a Christian.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You say that like it’s a bad thing. :D
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Villago Delenda Est: No, more like Völkischer Beobachter, the Nazi Party’s tool.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
Ahh, Portland Oregon – the least racially diverse major city in America!
There is so much anti-Black racism in Oregon. It’s a big fuckin problem.
@Steve in the ATL: Do you also hate guys wearing sandals at the beach?
@Gloria DryGarden:
I think there’s a distinction worth drawing here. I would say God hates gratuitous cruelty, for instance. But God doesn’t hate people, God loves each and every one of us.
Tony Jay
@Kosh III:
Thereby proving that The Gay Agenda is deliberately crowding God out of the public sphere. Something must be done! Preferably something with guns*!
*Any suggestion that “something with guns” implies violent action is a deliberate falsification by The Gay Agenda. In context it’s obvious that we meant firing guns up into the air as an act of spontaneous joy, as our ancestors did.
like a metaphor
I first read that as ‘pelt them with flamingo poo’ which would also work
@Dan B: They still exist. Disabled people are cut off the instant they get married.
Omnes Omnibus
@mrmoshpotato: Are you the guy? Asking for a friend.
Villago Delenda Est
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: Portland is weird, but has a long way to go in race relations. Eugene isn’t that much better.
Captain C
@Baud: How ’bout this one?
“Clarence and Ginny Thomas missing after their erratically driven RV disappears into a deep lake. Alito found dead with a wetsuit and two dildos. Bret Kavanaugh drives his luxury car into a concrete structure at 100mph, BAC found to be .37. Coathanger arrested for attempting to get a gratuitious abortion in Texas. Aileen Cannon defects to Russia. All in one week. Here’s why this is all terrible news for Democrats.”
O/T but worth mentioning: Alex Jones has agreed to sell everything he owns* to pay the Sandy Hook $1.5 billion judgement against him.
*Except for personal property, like his house, and the various assets he has transferred to his ex-wife and family members.
Villago Delenda Est
@a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio): I think the National Socialist Review, founded by William F. Buckley, is first in queue for the US edition.
Villago Delenda Est
@CaseyL: “Yes, Mr. Jones, the Hummels and the Lawn Jockeys, too.”
@Dan B: You’re damn right. Transfolks have taught me a WHOLE lot, and the gender revolution caught me completely by surprised. I’m an Old White Guy. But I’m also a scientist, and one of the core rules of science is: Always be willing to learn. So I let them become my sensei, and sure enough, I learned a ton. Now I am giving back to them for those invaluable lessons.
We’ve also had some really interesting conversations on the intersection of genetic sex, biological sex, and gender (social construct) and everyone came out of them learning something new. That’s the best case of all. Everyone benefits.
@Kosh III:
“…a ‘Let Us Worship” concert and a Jesus March…'”
If they’d studied the Good Book they could save some money and stay home:
Mathew 6.5-6 KJV (God’s true version):
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”
“But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.”
Gloria DryGarden
@Omnes Omnibus: if I knew what that was, I could answer.
im trying not to send out my desire for consequences for some of these folks. What if Mitch McConnell’s granddaughters all had pregnancy complications? What if a friend got hired to work in Mara largo and they stuffed shredded orange jumpsuit fabric down first floor toilets during a flood/ hurricane… The current harm happening to so many people, wakes up a streak of consequential, punishing imagination…
The birdwatching black man got a tv show out of that encounter with “Karen” in Central Park and now I need a friend w Netflix so I can watch it, and bump his ratings. I’m gleeful because she paid a price, and he came out in a better place.
@rikyrah: Byron Donalds straight up scares me. I’m glad there’s no way Trump is going to be able to put him on the ticket, because the signs would be Trump/Donalds 2024 and that just seems too silly for Trump, who is all about stolen gravitas.
But he’s going to be a really dangerous surrogate I think. His rhetorical skills are off the charts the way he can adapt to audiences, and he strikes me as the smartest person I’ve seen who is willing to speak for Trumpism.
What a piece of shit.
@Tony Jay: I’m trying to get my head around the term “Jesus march.”
This is a term the evangelicals use?
The heck was this about, I wonder?
Gloria DryGarden
@lowtechcyclist: brilliantly said. I agree w your distinction. Beautiful. Thank you.
Dan B
@Sister Golden Bear: AIDS was a terrible era. It did force many men who passed for straight and many well to do white men out of their closets either by getting sick or by being in a position where they could hide but not be able to be with their friends or lovers when they fell seriously ill.
At the same time I’m reminded of Chicago in the late sixties. There were only four gay bar, either directly run by the mafia or with silent partners. There was no music, touching was not allowed – a young goon in training or three would show up to throw you out. Gay people were fired. There were no promotions for any guy unmarried by twenty five. It frquently meant you were going to be let go soon. The police provided no protection against violence. In fact it was much like a police state. In one neighborhood a patrol car drove by every few minutes. A friend who worked for the police said there were two unmarked cars for every patrol car. And it was as bad, in different ways in Cincinnati, Columbus, and Akron, from my experience. LGBTQ people absorbed the beliefs of the oppressive society. They actually believed they were mentally ill, perverted, and incapable of loving or being loved – they were sex crazed empty husks.
This is the world the Christianist Nationalists and their cohort in the Heritage Foundation wish to rebirth. They are driven by a fervor that is not matched by today’s LGBQ, but probably by the Trans community.
I believe I suffer from PTSD from the stifling and frightening society I emerged into as a gay man. Minorities seemed to act out in even more extreme ways. Now that suffocating hateful attitude is ascendant.
Gloria DryGarden
@Bupalos: they’ve got the right to worship anyway. Jesus, fuck.
They don’t have the right to turn their discomfort and non inclusive practices into a societal wave of hate.
what about hating rape, and fraud, and millions of dollars of cheating, and hating racism, hating misogyny. Oh, wait, they don’t hate it…
they can shun and limit others, but don’t want any limits themselves?
@trollhattan: Who knows. If I had to guess (and I don’t, so why am I?) it will be about the growth of the destabilized right wing across Europe and the globe, including places like this that we’ve come to think of as our impervious models of liberal stability. And (for those of us inclined towards running away) one of those places we imagine we can flee.
If America sneezes, all of democracy catches a cold. You can’t run.
Tony Jay
Evangelicals just stick Jesus in front of everything. Instant branding. If they ever get their Gilead on properly there’ll be multiple Jesus Camps erected for heretics to ‘find Jesus’ in, therefore making it all super Godly and whatnot.
If they wanted to do a Jesus March properly, they’d each be dragging a sturdy cross around town while silently forgiving the contemptuous taunts of all us nonbelievers. But they don’t. They just self-made-victim their way through pro-freedom areas spewing bile and hawking God Hates Fags t-Shirts to the hatecurious.
Gloria DryGarden
I remember when American psychiatric association took homosexuality off the DSM book SO it was no longer considered a disorder, or aberrant. And the arguing w a friend in South America, when I told her my sister had come out as a lesbian, and the friend insisted, maintained, that the medial associations there said it was unhealthy, etc, all the words. Around 1980.
@Gloria DryGarden:
Speaking for many here I imagine, the only edit I would make is to say “If god existed, god wouldn’t hate people….” instead of simply “God doesn’t hate people…”
Minor quibble.
Dan B
@Kosh III: I’d love to see “The Ferragamo, or Manolo Blahnik(sp?), slippers sticking out from under a Log Cabin.
Who would be the Good, but not Too Good, Witch? RuPaul, Panti Bliss? And what would Randy Rainbow and Dan Savage roles be on the trek to the Rainbow City?
So many permutations!
Ha, that was my exact image! I was like “imagine how bad a ‘Jesus march’ would suck, for everyone”
@lowtechcyclist: There’s is that and then there is Oscar Meyer Weiners. Lawd. :D
I started off on that – I can still taste it – it was very popular as a kid. I never even heard of all beef hotdogs. I’ve always assumed hotdogs are oscar meyer weiners.
The rethuglican party has completely lost it’s way. It is a party of the 12th century at this point. SFB has shown them – or at least what they have “learned” as of late is that there is only one humanity. Which of course is complete and utter bullshit. As an old fart I’ve seen the rethuglican party lose more and more of their ability to see anything but a non existent history. They can’t imagine, well anything, so they think they need to revert to a past that never actually existed – that non existent history. And if they ever got there they would hate it as much as we do. I have no idea if it’s small minds, political blindness, gross stupidity, or all of the above together. Over my lifetime they have been losing actual political and humane reality. They want everyone to be exactly alike, which humanity has NEVER been. The political landscape of this country has changed, grown, become more diverse, than at any time in the history of humanity and they CANNOT deal with it. They are stuck in a time that actually never existed, I mean their guy is a useless POS, who might have been a small town councilman 200 yrs ago, but who is incapable of anything more than being a lickspittle jackass. Making him president again, at which he did an extremely shitty job the first time, would likely mean an end to this country, or at least total control by the extremely wealthy – which would be the same thing.
Tony Jay
They do something like that in The Philippines every Easter. People willingly go long through the whole Crucifixion thing like a load of Mel Gibsons. Really putting the Sad in Sado-Masochristianity.
No thanks.
@Baud: 🥰🥰🥰
@Ruckus: “It is a party of the 12th century at this point.”
Thank you. Sometimes, when I say the target is the 16th-17th, I think I can here the eyeballs rolling. 12th century works too (see People’s Crusade and following 12th century Crusades – like a Jesus march but with no Calvinism and more mayhem and killing).
Gloria DryGarden
@Bupalos: accepted.
Everyone has their own access to whatever is higher or greater, a resource, or spiritual sustenance, if one needs it. The way I say it is we each have our own case manager.
I’ve said it in a useful way , for talking to people who call it god, and think they’re connecting w something, (but perhaps some use it as an excuse for hate.) It’s a useful code word.
if I go to Al-anon meetings, I can barely stand it when people call it god, because there’s a very limiting Christian’y ( the icky judgement flavor) feel to it, in some rooms. But we discuss that it’s fine to create, come up with, your own idea of what’s a higher power. I’ve heard some far out versions, like bouncing thoughts off of several people, and taking a synthesis of what they said. It works, it fits for them, it gets them out of their own alone ego thinking. So there’s the Alan-on logic.
in my category of spirituality, we don’t believe in conversion. I’m happy for people to connect to what they connect to, that helps them. Just different case managers.
the story about there being a god (external or internal, that’s another discussion) has served many people, but not all. And I know it. For me there is a Something, but that’s what I need. I don’t mind if I’ve “created it”.
I love how Alice walker writes about god, in the color purple. She says god isn’t a he, or a she,
“He an it… It put the color purple on a tree ….when you walk by, so you notice It.” ( paraphrase mine). It’s a whole page, makes sense, her brilliant theology.
When I talk to my case managers, I call her/ them she. So I think Alice walker is a goddess.
I’m just keeping it simple to use the code word most often used by lots of people. That way, I can also hide in plain sight.
so please just translate as you need. I’m not trying to convert anyone. Nor will I be converted.
@Villago Delenda Est: I always put ketchup and mustard on my dogs, dawg – like a hoosier!
Gloria DryGarden
@Tony Jay: right?
So skewed.
I grew up going to episcopal church, and while a lot of that didn’t “take”, didn’t fit for me, I’ve got ideas about Jesus, and that skewed hating stuff is just so far off base I want to say it’s wrong. Morally wrong. And not backed by their biblio.
Gloria DryGarden
@Bupalos: forgiveness itself sucks, and is hard to do, but worth it. But they are dragging some heavy crap around town, trying to make it other peoples cross to bear.
great imagery!
Gloria DryGarden
@Gloria DryGarden: PS
my tablet won’t make god available to me. If I hit the I, instead of o, autosuggest doesn’t know about god. It doesn’t offer it to me, and I have to go in w the cursor to fix it. My android can be taught. I fear my apple tablet is anti-conversion.
good for a chuckle
Tony Jay
@Gloria DryGarden:
They’re just awful people. Awful, awful people.
Who the hell makes an instrument of torture and state punishment the symbol of their faith, anyway? Instead of being about Jesus’ life and ministry, the stuff he actually did*, they made it all about how awful his death was and how guilty everyone should feel, it’s like building a religion around the symbol of a noose or a bullet.
Which, now that I think about it, pretty much sounds like Evangelical Christianity.
* Yeah Yeah, I know.
And everyone here will swear up and down we don’t have a Jesus problem. LMAO. Protect the Bible, get the cross you stupid fucks.
@ArchTeryx: That’s only true for programs based on financial need like SSI, and only if the spouse is not also poor.
I spent five years as an SSI claims rep for the Social Security Administration.
@NotMax: watch out for thr Maenads, though
Kayla Rudbek
@TBone: “it isn’t how much force you use, it’s how it is applied” as Miles Naismith Vorkosigan said.
Miss Bianca
@A Ghost to Most: Don’t believe a word of that. The GOP has *plenty* of damage left that it can inflict in CO. I guess you must not live in a county like mine.
Apparently there’s been some pushback from some state GOP members over this, but the article sounds pessimistic on it gaining traction: https://kdvr.com/news/politics/colorado-politics-news/republicans-across-colorado-call-for-chairmans-resignation/
Gloria DryGarden
@Tony Jay: a friend just took a course from an eastern Orthodox priest and teacher.it turns out, the eastern Orthodox don’t make a big thing about ” Jesus died for your sins” . More about rebirth, renewal. How refreshing!
Uncle Cosmo
Even more accurately, the Herrenvölkisher Beobachter, the name of the official NSDAP newspaper extended by Herrenvolk or “master race.” (I’ve kept trying to attach that portmanteau to the FTFNYT but the rest of yinz insist on calling it the Vichy Times, so why not reporpoise it?)
Burrowing Owl
Thanks for sharing this, TaMara, even though it’s just the Republicans showing themselves. We put our pride flag out after seeing this in the local news—already several in the neighborhood, and every bit helps.
Sister Golden Bear
@Dan B: My therapist said that in her experience, all LGBTQ+ people—especially elders—have at least some degree of CPTSD from living in a hostile society, even here in the accepting SF Bay Area.
For me, OTOH, I realize it’s not the greatest for my mental health to be hyper-vigilant about closing following the anti-trans moral panic. OTOH, being hyper-vigilant about potential anti-trans/anti-queer threats has been one reason I’ve survived to be an trans/queer elder.