On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Captain C
This is the last of my 2024, Arizona photo sets, just some random stuff from the trip.

At the concourse in JFK there was this bright pink player piano. When I walked up to it, it was playing some gentle jazz. Then it switched to a jazzed up version of ‘Love Me Tender.’

I found this typo amusing.

A row of planes at their gates.

The final board from our first Scrabble game (D, R, and me). This was an unusual game in that I won, which is not common with this crowd.

The fire pit at D’s place, where we played our second Scrabble game. Filled with glass skulls and misshapen marbles.

Our second Scrabble game. I finished third, a more usual result.

The Noodles show at Cactus Jack’s on my last night in AZ. The Noodles are a long-standing (over 25 years) Grateful Dead band that have been one of the mainstays of the Dead/hippie scene in AZ since the late ’90s. I often see a number of my friends there. While there were a few guys in tie-dye overalls, I’m pretty sure none of them was Cole. It was a fun show and a great way to wrap up my trip.
Cool fire shot.
Fun times.
Trivia Man
I love Dead cover bands. Most cost $10-$20 instead of $100+. Every one is different and the set list is always top notch. DSO is the best ive seen but not for a few years.
I love Scrabble – the empty TripleWordSqs are giving me a SAD
What a fun trip, thanks for the pictures and story. We bought a pink piano once but it was an upright.
Did the flames in the fire pit deform the marbles or were they thus beforehand?
Thanks for taking us along. Your trip pictures reminded me of drives from Tempe taken when son as attending ASU – great, fun times.
Captain C
@Baud: Thanks!
Captain C
@OzarkHillbilly: They really were.
Captain C
@Trivia Man: AZ has had some good ones over the years. Xtra Ticket is another good one, though they don’t play as much anymore since Dave Hebert (their Jerry) moved to Colorado. He’s also one of the people behind Steely Dead. Stella Blue’s Band is a good one in the tristate area.
Captain C
@Anyway: Yeah, this crew will happily deny (or make overcomplicated getting to) triple word scores if they can’t have it themselves. Makes it all the more satisfying to get one.
Captain C
@cope: I’m not sure about the marbles, but I think they’re the equivalent of factory seconds (D is a glassblower who does good business in marbles), but also possibly further deformed by the heat (but I don’t know if a fire pit gets hot enough to deform marbles).
Captain C
Glad you dug ’em!