Hello all- just thought I would pop in and say howdy and that I am not ignoring you. Had a whopper of a sinus issues for a while, and then this was my view for the last two days:
I had several unrelated thoughts, one of which is we have not had a random Artists in Our Midst post in a long while. I think I might do one in a day or two- nothing official or planned, just a thread. The reason I thought about this was because I got a package from commenter Satby, whose soap and lotion I use almost exclusively, and this time she shipped some bulbs that she had dug up and while we were talking about my order, asked if I wanted some. Of course I said yes, so I am going to be planting those some time today.
That got me to thinking- how cool would it be if I had a whole section of my yard just dedicated to bulbs and the like from readers? At any rate, if you are digging up some bulbs and don’t want them, reach out to me and I will paypal you to ship them, and then maybe next year we could have a nice little flower display of everyone’s contribution. Or not.
I have to get back to work but I will shout at y’all tonight. There’s a lot going on.
Weird. It looks like daytime outside my window.
@Baud: It’s the John-bot that only posts during the day.
Oh, and John-bot, if you spend all day on a lawn tractor and then complain about your sinuses, you’re not going to get a lot of sympathy. Go get some drugs, maaaaan.
Riding mower, sinus issue. Riding mower, sinus issue. Nope, no idea what it could be.
Happy to see the other football evidently being played in West By Gawd Virginie. Fine game, those kids are gonna be in amazing shape once they’re playing 90.
I should have guessed by the AI generated picture in the post. Definitely not natural.
@Baud: Right! Yellow socks? Please!
Trivia Man
I wish I had my old iris patch to share, but that was 4 moves ago.
Dear Jackals: share your iris.
Masks help me with grass allergy issues. I don’t even need the N95s. Just the light weight light blue ones.
My siberian iris needs thinning. It’s the little low maintenace purple iris. I have done nothing for it for twenty five years, and every spring they all bloom dependably.
The soccer pitch is too close to the house.
Today is Hattie McDaniels’ birthday. They should make a movie about her life.
Zero turn. I see alot of hearing protection among the weekend yard warriors, but only the professionals seem to use kerchiefs.
Covid masks also work a wonder for smoke inhalation when grilling.
Ohio Mom
My day lilies will need thinning out. They should be blooming at the moment but the goddamn neighborhood deer ate all the buds.
@trollhattan: Yea because there are no injuries in “the other football”.
I think I can see the weight loss. Your legs look slimmer.
@Belafon: 💙
Gin & Tonic
Boy, your lawn has really increased in size. You probably cut down all those pesky trees, right?
@raven: The fuck you even going on about?
Uncle Cholmondeley
Wait. Is Satby still selling soaps and lotions? The Etsy storefront is “taking a short break” and I was told the Farmer’s Market stall was closing down this spring.
Gin & Tonic
@Uncle Cholmondeley:
She’s usually present in the morning threads, but ISTR her mentioning that she was phasing that out and might be working on consignment only?
We have a pretty big bulb garden. The problem is that they’re spectacular for a couple of weeks and then nothing….
@JC “There’s a lot going on.”
I’ll say. Not least is, via Rolling Stone, that Sam Alito got caught on an open mic (the reporter used her real name and no skulduggery other than using the hidden recorder), letting his right wing non-neutrality fly — like a flag, perhaps?!
“I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference,” Alito said.
Yeah, his way of living together (italics above are RS’s) is with liberals capitulating and tolerating being a disempowered 2nd class citizenry.
I had my yard mowed this Saturday, it looks great. I use a guy who lives down the street who is much cheaper than the guy before. Plus I like keeping business in my neighborhood.
Your yard got a lot bigger all of a sudden. You must have gotten rid of the willow :)
How’d you wind up being groundskeeper for the local futbol pitch?
I have no bulbs in my container garden. I do have strawberries, but they take over anyplace they’re planted because they propagate like crazy. Even across pots. It’s uncanny. I had a big die-off over the last year, though (I suspect, through overcrowding as the pots got too full), and am now down to just six.
What the fuck does that even mean?
@RaflW: Nothing we didn’t already know about Alito. You’d hope that being caught with his pants down, as he was with the flags, that he’d try harder to at least appear impartial, but his kind of asshole usually doubles down. So it will be with this story, and with Thomas and his little bribery habit as well.
“The libs made me not be peaceful.”
@eclare: It means he thinks he’s King Solomon. And that his “inferiors” should be, at the very least, banished from his fiefdom.
Asshole with a permanent position overseeing Americans.
@eclare: Reading the article, it means he’s a winger and liberals make him want to fly American flags upside down, or gadsgen flags, or whatever the fuck trolly far-right freaks fly.
He’s just confirming that he has no foundational principles and revels in the power his majority holds on the court.
I gravely dislike Roberts, but contrast his careful answers to similar questions recorded that night. Roberts is still a f–k for what he’s doing to voting rights, Dobbs, etc. But Alito is just way out there saying “We get to set the rules because we’re conservative, not because we’re actually interpreting the constitution or settled law.” He’s an asshole. With far too much power.
Yep. Kill the baby.
@smith: Agreed.
All the more reason Senate Dems need to hold hearings on SCOTUS and embarrass the fuck out of those guys. Decorum be damned. Though the hearing can be conducted in very calm and careful terms, the content needs to be as bare knuckles as possible.
Get deep into Thomas’ effective bribery. He wanted to quit. Right wing funders swung into place to pay to keep him on the job. That’s corrupt. Period.
And Alito’s flag-flying, his unguarded comments, his speeches to RW groups, all of it needs to be stitched up in a compelling narrative and spoon fed to our somnolent press. And repeated. And repeated.
Too bad Durbin is a doormat.
I know!
zhena gogolia
@Belafon: I love her so much.
Mr. Bemused Senior
And how is $300K/year starvation wages? Sheesh.
@John up top: “almost exclusively? 😭
just kidding JG!
@Uncle Cholmondeley: @Gin & Tonic: due to requests not to quit entirely; I still sell my stuff but now via email, or my local customers text me. I can offer the Farmers Market prices, which gave me a fair profit without charging more for etsy’s rapacious fees. And I still do the etsy deal of free shipping for a total purchase over $35. The catch is if I have to make it, it will take 6 weeks to cure and ship. But, since I still make soap for me and other vendors, I always have stock. skinluvvers *at* g mail dot com.
Trivia Man
@satby: TIL an alternative to using @ that may be as effective for preventing bots harvesting email addresses. Use “monkey tail” skinluvvers monkey tail gmail should be plenty clear for a human.
I found out many languages call the @ a monkey tail
@Butch: Put different blooming phases in. Fall bulbs have early, middle, and late season blooming; spring bulbs bloom early-mid-late summer, or in the case of cannas all summer long once they start. I sent John some mid-season pink cupped daffodils and some hardy gladiola (mid summer bloom), but he passed on the cannas because you have to lift the bulbs. So I have two boxes of those to still plant. They grow more eyes every year. If anyone wants cannas, email me!
Cuteness break: howling lessons.
@Trivia Man: interesting! I haven’t had it harvested yet, but I’ll remember that option, thanks!
O. Felix Culpa
@prostratedragon: Well, that caught my little dog’s attention!
We have some Asiatic Lilies in a container that we divided and put in another pot last year. The repotted ones seem to be doing well, but lagging a month behind in blooming. Could be transplantation recovery or being in a slightly shadier spot. Got it at Home Depot according to KrackenJill – I have no recollection of it.
I had some white globe-type alliums that didn’t bloom this year. Digging down to the bulb, I discovered dozens of bulb babies, which had caused the lack of flower. Too crowded!
When did I plant those, anyway? Before I replant, or foist them on unsuspecting bloglords, I am wondering how often this particular variety reproduces? It was a lot of digging.
West of the Rockies
Completely off topic, but whatever became of the heinous Orly Taitz?
@zhena gogolia: There’s a picture I saw not too long ago of her, with Bette Davis, getting ready to entertain black WW2 troops. I would like to get a copy of it someday.
@eclare: 👍😡
@Uncle Cholmondeley: And if you happen to be visiting South Bend, I’m making “British themed” soaps for The Great British Treat House at the market, so some fun different scents: Lemon Curd, Victoria Sponge, Earl Grey Tea, Sherlock Homie… it’s a kick!
@West of the Rockies: WOW, have managed to relegate her to the dustbin of my brain until just now. Don’t know if I care enough to look that up.
Who are you again?
Sandia Blanca
@soapdish: OMG that is hilarious!
@Belafon: here ya go
@TBone: Thanks.
@wenchacha: Can’t say for sure, but when bulbs quit flowering well they should be split. I dug the daffodils up after 6 years, which was pretty long, and from about 12-15 initial bulbs I got well over 110.
Everyone on the street got some, and I still have more. I sat down to eat lunch and recoup before I get back to planting all this stuff I dug up, and this post caught me by surprise. Now, back to work.
@prostratedragon: TYVM for the Nitter link!
“No video with supported format and MIME type found.” Thought it might be due to my recent installation of Privacy Badger, but disabling it didn’t fix it.
ETA: It worked on different browser. Some of the pups seem like more attentive students than the others.
Old Man Shadow
It’s okay. I’m not that needy.
Just throw me a few cat/dog pics every now and again and I’m good.
Here is the audio of Scalito. Smarmy, pompous, I am out of adjectives right now and those two don’t do this justice
From the conservative view point, they’ve become second class citizens for over 70 years, from at least the time of that no good bad terrible Brown v. Board of Education decision was handed down, and probably for longer depending on what court case or they feel destroyed the underpinnings of REAL America.
@satby: Thanks! I have a pair of larger purple globes, and now I wonder if they have bulblets as well. I think not all globes make more bulbs.
I’m also wondering if it would help deter their deer from my raspberry patch if I filled spaces between plants with alliums? I have what think are schuberti alliums all through the patch but the deer continue to prune the raspberries. Fencing them in just seems like too much work.
@satby: I’m well behind the curve here. Do you have website listing your wares?
John, I love your jackal garden idea. My daughter and son-in-law did something similar for their wedding; they asked for tulip and/or daffodil bulbs, and now have a gorgeous display in the spring; little blooming reminders of friends and family. I’ve got (of course) some tulips I’ll send your way :)
@KrackenJack: not anymore, but if you email me I can send you a list.
Poe Larity
I had to mow on weekdays as the youts used the field on weekends.
@wenchacha: deer can be pretty persistent about eating those delicious treats. Not sure more alliums would help. Fencing is probably the best solution.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@3Sice: I second the particulates mask , John—not only will it block pollen but also dirt, grass bits, and other stuff you shouldn’t breathe.
@O. Felix Culpa: 😄😄The ancestral call!
@West of the Rockies:
Crawled back into the slime from whence she sprang.
The Thin Black Duke
@Belafon: Here you go.
TBone beat me to it!
En garde, deer! :D
philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) posted at 9:42 AM on Mon, Jun 10, 2024:
The South Carolina Department of Education said AP African American studies will not be offered in the state’s schools anymore https://t.co/6gjinkvU7l
@rikyrah: ALL American studies matter, doncha no.
Melancholy Jaques
That comes as a total shock.
21st Century Republicans are as openly racist as George Effing Wallace.
I haven’t caught up with the blog news yet today, so ignore this if it’s already been discussed. Elon’s pay package is being voted on this week and CalSTRs has announced they will vote against it.
. . ,
LOL. Yeah, go to Mars, Elon. Please
Love the bulb idea! If I had any lying around, I’d send them to you, John.
Looking forward to seeing pics of your garden!
Alexander Vindman shouldn’t be ignored. “The Trojans ignored Laocoön’s warning not to admit the Trojan horse. That didn’t end well for the Trojans.”
@Melancholy Jaques: 21st Century Republicans are as openly racist as George Effing Wallace.
Oh, far, far worse. Really.
In his first political campaign, Wallace ran as a (relative) liberal. And lost. His analysis/reaction: “They out-n—ered me. I’ll never be out-n—ered again!” And he never was. Not so much from conviction or personal views on the subject as from cold political calculation. So, more like some senior Republican politicians than like the MAGAts, who are true believers.
No pictures available. But they have a dark blue outer rim, and fade to pale blue near the pupils.
@Mr. Bemused Senior:
Hey, that kind of income doesn’t fund a private plane, or membership in the toniest of private clubs, and only the most modest of yachts. Thomas is not a billionaire, but thanks to his dear friends, he’s able to live like one. Sadly, that knowledge is probably what’s keeping him from retiring. The goodies were in kind, so he probably doesn’t have the sort of nest egg to allow him to continue live the lifestyle he’s so eagerly become accustomed to. And once he’s a retired justice, I somehow doubt that Ginny would be getting those lucrative contracts from right wing causes. Live entirely on a justice’s pension? Perish the thought!
Speaking of which – anybody catch India vs Pakistan at the new cricket stadium in New York – the T20 series. The pitch was apparently not great because of rain. India barely beat Pakistan.
Still, it was a decent match and while India wasn’t great at bat, they ruled on bowling and catching.
ETA thrilled to be able to catch cricket at a U.S. friendly time zone. I think we’re going to see cricket take off in the next 5 years.
Do you know why Pakistan is playing India so soon after losing to the US, while US vs. India is not until Wednesday? IOW, why does the US have such a long break?
No idea. I’ll have to ask my wife and her ex-huband. They know it better than I do.
@TBone: the author’s semi antipathy makes me want to scream “YOU obviously don’t have a uterus!”
Link to Vindman is at the end of the article.
Ben Cisco
@wjca: Thank you for this, was about to weigh in.
Didn’t mean to cause any family drama.
@Cole – I have fleurs if you are interested. Email sent to your BJ email.
He’s 140-times more asshole than the average worker, so why not?
@lowtechcyclist: well played
@rikyrah: I was working with a couple white maintenance guys at an HBCU. We walked by a closed library door with an “African American Studies” sign. Then one said, “how come they don’t have White American Studies.” I kept my mouth shut.
“We’ll have that after we replace enough of you that you’re a minority.”
ETA: I support banning all college courses on European history.
@The Thin Black Duke: Thanks.
@Scout211: His heart is in shitposting on Xitter.
@TBone: Alexander Vindman’s brother Eugene has a good chance to be my next Congressman. He’s running to succeed Abigail Spanberger in the Virginia 7th CD. The district runs along the I-95 corridor between Prince William County andFredericksbirg, and west to the Blue Ridge.
Vindman jumped on the race last November with a shock-and-awe campaign launch. He’s networked into national Democratic circles and that helped raise $1 million dollars the first day. Since then he’s maintained a huge fundraising lead over the other Democrats and is expected to win June 18.
Rep. Spanberger won in 2022 by a little over 4% and she is a formidable politician, so were gonna have to work hard to put Vindman over the line. He won’t lack for money though
Melancholy Jaques
Orval Faubus or Lester Maddox, then?
@Trivia Man: Oh man, I’ve got iris. And so many other bulbs that we have been digging because the house we bought seems to have been planted and overmatured – crocus, daffodils in various sizes and colors, Siberian iris, other kinds of iris + things I’m not even sure what they are called. Nothing appears to have ever been broken up and things are WAY congested. We split off 6 hunks from a single peony plant last year and now we have 7 peonies lining the street in front of the house. Plus the original is still huge!
We are taking up a patio, laying a new walk and relocating a bunch of garden, plus making some new beds, so it means taking up large parts of the crowded areas. There will be plenty left over.
Hands up if you’re looking to get some bulbs!
@Baud: lol – we don’t have any family drama. :D I know my wife’s ex watches it a lot.
@Geminid: 💙 I was aware of that and I hope he wins!
Yes! We can’t make white people feel bad about all the terrible things they did to other white people!
Omnes Omnibus
UN Security Council voted 14-1 for I/P ceasefire plan. Russia abstained.
@cain: They might learn why the Founding Fathers wanted to separate church and state.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Sounds good. What does that mean as a practical matter?
@Baud: There are 20 teams in 4 groups of 5 each. So in each cycle of matches, one team is idle.
Thank you.
Ha. I wish someone would design that course.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: No idea, except that having support from the international community is probably better than not having it
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@satby: I didn’t know you are supposed to lift cannas! I bought 2 plants about 5 years ago, stuck them in a half wine barrel, and they bloom all summer and have really filled in the barrel. It was disconcerting the first fall when all the vegetation died back to the soil, but now I am used to it. Same with the callas and peonies. But cannas are my favorite with their long bloom time.
Dan B
@Trivia Man: My excess Iris are all Pacific Coast except for one Louisiana Iris that doesn’t like the shade that has engulfed the area. Pacific Coast Iris are barely hardy here in zone 8b, just upzoned to 9a. Same is true of the four flavors of Alstromeria – but… Cornell has hardy ones! And the Alstromeria is too close to the house (neighbors, downtown, etc.) depending whether they are bred from runners or clumpers.
I’m giving Alstromeria and PC Iris divisions to Mike in Oly on Thursday. One of them ‘Aztec Gold’ is a vigorous clumper. It keeps obscuring my big splurge pot. I bet Mike in Oly has a bigger garden.
@Mart: “Because every day is Children’s Day”
@Pennsylvanian: *hand up* If you drop watergirl an email, you can get my contact info from her. Depending on what part of the state you’re in, we might be able to do a meet-up where I can pay you for your bulbs with a beverage of your choice!
@rikyrah: Same people who want Confederate statues to stay up because “ history” don’t want people taking African American Studies. Mmmhmm. South Carolina, your hood is showing.
Dan B
@rikyrah: I’m not surprised at South Carolina canceling AP African American studies. I’m surprised there was one. They hope that people will stay in their place. These straight white people want everyone who’s not like them to stay invisible just like “the help” did back in the Good Old Days. Any contact with people not like them makes their skin crawl. The feeling is mutual.
Dan B
@Melancholy Jaques: I saw Irval Faubus speak. He warned that “Republicans would cut off the dole!” Republicans, at that time wanted to invest in infrastructure to attract businesses and give locals a good start. They were still Lincoln Republicans at the time. Only white people were in attendance.
Sure Lurkalot
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan):
Canna lovers…we’ve stopped planting them (they’re annuals in Zone 5 unless you winter them in the garage) because they get overrun with japanese beetles and eaten to shreds. They actually seem to attract more beetles to our yard. We gave up on roses too for the same reason, they destroyed every single bloom at bud stage (though our climbing rose variety does not seem affected at all).
Wondering if anyone has the same problem….or solutions?
@Leto: Will do!
Would love to meet up, but this Pennsylvanian moved to Maine a few years ago (shocking EVERYONE we know), so probably not an option! We don’t really know that many people since we moved during the pandemic, so I’m happy to have people to foist off our surplus bulbs to!
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): Depends on your zone. I’m in zone 5b/6a as the winters get warmer, but the ground can still freeze, and cannas are tropical.
@Sure Lurkalot: I use diatomaceous earth for non poisonous bug control, and Safer bug spray for bad infestations. Don’t have much of a problem with insects.
Trivia Man
@wjca: Dreamy. Imagine if you and Elizabeth Taylor crossed genes.
@Pennsylvanian: email John at the contact info, he’ll take them!
Trivia Man
My favorite transplant was in SLC at my first house. A friend wanted his ild rose bush gone so we moved it to my place. Based on the home snd the root ball size we estimate it at 50-70 years old. Made the move well – and even though we took every bit of root we saw, he had a volunteer the next spring. Much smaller so he kept it going. Lovely pink shade.
OK, it’s a bit… specialized, but there are niche OnlyFans channels that are quite successful.
@rikyrah: What the actual fuck?
OMFG, do we really need a new book about Trump and The Apprentice?
No, we do not
Yes, she’s pretty. We get it, you stupid creep.
Ugh. More fodder for the political press. Release date June 18.
Gloria DryGarden
@wenchacha: I have the purple and the dark lavender alliums. I more and more of them. should think deer would love to eat them, might be the only way to slow their reproduction. Seeds. Bulblets… and often they aren’t even buried 6” deep. I’ve started deadheading them. And digging out bulbs to share. In my dry mostly unwatered yard in the land of short grass prairie (13” rain is a good year) the alliums are flourishing in heavy clay. The tulips and daffodils are princesses, and have to be fed, and planted w expanded shale for drainage, and even prefer our wetter years, or personal watering. But the alliums, oh man. Getting around. The allium “hair” gets little bulblets on top. I bought a bag of 6, but now I might have 50.
Other MJS
@cain: We don’t see John’s face much, but I’d recognize his legs anywhere.
@Pennsylvanian: I’ll take some, and I also want to contribute to the Jackal garden 😀. What a great idea!
Sure Lurkalot
Don’t want to alarm anyone but I’m not sure if the lawn mower operator is wearing pants. Inquiring minds probably don’t wanna know.
@Other MJS:
I mostly recognize those slippers he wears. :D
Could be a new series. We take pictures of our gams in different place and we have to guess “Pants or No Pants”.
Baud can’t play.
@Sure Lurkalot: Japanese beetles are a problem for a customer of mine because they chew up her roses. So, I hang 2 or 3 japanese beetle traps this time of year, maybe 70 feet from the roses.
The traps fill up with dead beetles, so they work to some extent, but I heard an experienced horticulturalist say the traps attract distant beetles so I’m not sure they do much except reassure my customer.
There are products that combine fertilizer with a systemic poison that is supposed to kill bugs that eat the plants. I bought some to apply to the roses, but then I read the warning pamphlet attached to the container. It had all kinds of warnings, and a notice to doctors to administer atropine to counter poisoning. That got my attention because atropine is used to counteract nerve gas exposure. Since the familily dog runs in the same space the roses are planted and the owners are terrified of her eating something poisonous, and that ruled out the systemic approach.
But I’ve applied organic rose sprays that seem to work. Japanese beetles here seem to come by Memorial Day and leave by July 4th, so 3 or 4 applications are sufficient
Gloria DryGarden
@Geminid: please say more about the organic rose sprays.
I’m tired of daily foraging w a bowl of soapy water. I have a beautiful red repeat blooming climbing rose, and if I could keep those shiny j beetles off it, I’d get to see it actually bloom on repeat.
thise systemic poisons frighten me, might kill bugs, and bees. There are already way less bugs than in previous years.
@Gloria DryGarden: I am at best a semi-pro when it comes to plants, and I don’t remember the product’s name. But among others, Bonide has a line of organic insecticides that might suit.
Mrs. Alito starts complaining about having to see rainbow Pride flags in June, Pride month. “You know what I want?” Mrs. Alito says. “I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag, because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month.”
@Delk: Reminds of my theory that Sam is afraid to cross her. She’s a mean one.
@Delk: Lordy.