Does anyone have any fucking good news? It’s all grim every where I look and killing my desire to read any news.
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Does anyone have any fucking good news? It’s all grim every where I look and killing my desire to read any news.
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Mifepristone safe for now.
We had FOUR Eastern screech owls in our back yard this week: two adults and two fledgelings. It was cool.
The Red Pen
New Episodes of The Boys drop tonight.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Labour has 19 pt lead over Tories in today’s poll
Old Dan and Little Ann
Rush Limbaugh is still dead.
Tomorrow is payday.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: As is Kissinger.
Payday is playday.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: And so is Henry Kissinger.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: And, so is Scalise!
Scalise is dead?
@Baud: Fat Tony Scalia.
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
As is Andrew Breitbart. That always makes me smile.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jackie: Scalia? To the best of my knowledge Scalise is still alive.
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
Same with Rumsfeld, Powell, and Lieberman.
Oh, and Ken Starr.
Ten Bears
Republicans in Ruins
Deer ate all my wife’s hydrangea buds and now I want to kill all of them. Oh, wait. That’s bad news. Yeah, as someone said upthread, SCOTUS told that ass judge Kacsmaryk and the Fifth Circuit to get all the way bent in a unanimous decision on whether the FDA can decide if mifepristone is safe.
The economy is doing great, Russia will get defeated, people are sick of Netanyahu- things will be ok if we make it happen.
Good news? My AC is rocking in this 89° weather, and I massively enjoyed dogsitting and hottubbing at my sister’s last weekend when it was much cooler.
it kind of feels like a lull before a storm, we have the DJT sentencing coming up, the GOP party debacle and then the Paris Olympics. Will be interesting to see which moves first, the Georgia case or the Fed case in Florida. I also expect more to follow on the SCOTUS justices as they continue to give the finger to everyone, the more indy journos they piss off. Also kind of wonder if some of these cases on the fringe start to break from Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona regarding the false electors slates. Plus there may be some movement on what the Perry texts will show.
I think the stridency from the GOP is representative of how scared they are.
We’re having classic TV dinner for dinner- I fried some chicken thighs and we’re going to grab a pair o cobs and I’ll mash some potatoes. Spouse thinks it’s living the good life. And salad- farmer’s market tomatoes, red onion and tomato slices with home made buttermilk ranch.
There is this lady with a squirrel who loves her very much but in the stalkerish 1980s way.
A malaria drug could be used to treat PCOS, a common hormone disorder
Early innings but looks promising.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
That’ll be sweet if it turns out well.
@Baud: Oh, hell, I meant Scalia.🤦🏼♀️
Whimsy’s stitches come out tomorrow. She’s destroyed two donut collars and one cone, but the last cone seems to be holding. Fingers crossed.
Luther M. Siler
@mrmoshpotato: And Reagan! Reagan is definitely still dead!
@Luther M. Siler:
192 Republicans just voted to restore a Confederate monument to Arlington National Cemetery, which features a Black ‘Mammy’ holding a white soldier’s baby, and a slave following his master into battle. The effort from Rep. Andrew Clyde R-GA lost 230-192.
mali muso
Headed to the beach tomorrow for a week-long vacation. Going to try to just enjoy it and not look at the news too much if possible.
@mrmoshpotato: So, not cooler by the lake today?
@laura: YUMM-O!
@MagdaInBlack: L O No!
We’re not France? That feels like good news today.
Still no cicadas at my Illinois home. So that’s our good news.
They seem to be almost everywhere else and they are very LOUD.
Kayla Rudbek
@Anoniminous: yes, it does look promising!
Texas Man in custody!
Buh bye, dumbass!
Ohio Mom
I passed my skin cancer check this morning. Okay, the NP froze off the same spot on the side of my nose she always freezes off but I’m not going to count that.
That’s what most of my good news is, conditional and subject to change. But I can live with that.
Like piratedan @21, I am optimistic about all sorts of things breaking our way over the summer.
@piratedan: you’re not the only one to think that. Kind of a meme now that Republicans hollering CONVICTION BEST NEWS FOR TRUMP EVARRRRR!!! is more desperation than anything.
@RaflW: But what if I want the extra worker protections and holidays?
Olympic swimming trials are taking place here in Indy next week, so they built an olympic swimming pool inside Lucas Oil (football) stadium. That’s pretty cool.
Rightie or leftie? Not that it matters legally.
Definitely one of those “when they tell you who they are, believe them” moments.
Eric S.
Good news: my vacation plans for August are coming together. I purchased my flights this week. Need to do some hotel planning.
I was just watching a video time-lapse of them building it. And holy cow is it cool. I wish I were going. It’s going to be awesome!
Now they’re trying to rename the ocean after the Felon:
@Starfish: Oh, I just mean thru June 30, unless LePen ascends, in which case 乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ
My tomato plants are looking really good, with lots of little buds and fruits blooming. We’re excited to have some nice cherry tomatoes to just pop in our mouthes, or throw in salads. Yay!
John Cole
@Starfish: I follow Glenda on tiktok I love her.
Another Scott
Some kinda good news, maybe.
One for Suzanne – – John Weigand – Cities with housing shortages are converting empty office buildings into apartments—here’s what they’re learning (a reprint from The Conversation)
Thinking outside the box, and having a pre-sorted list of potential candidates, makes sense. Yeah, one isn’t going to know the details about the various bodies buried in the basement until one starts digging, but that happens in new construction, also too. Anything that helps recycle buildings in cities, and gets people housing that works for them, is probably worth looking closely at.
More at the link.
Good result from the Supreme Court.
The port of Baltimore reopened today, as promised by its Democratic governor, Democratic Congressional delegation, and Democratic President.
The US men’s soccer team tied Brazil last night.
The stock market hit an all-time high.
Gas prices are down.
Found it:
Transforming an NFL Stadium Into an Olympic Trials Swim Meet
Please do not be dispirited by the garbage the MSM puts out. Yes, it’s a problem. But: they have reason to need to lie.
If you are dispirited, it is doing its job.
Ned F.
Trump’s 78th birthday is tomorrow. They’re going to Chuckie Cheese.
But 81 is too old.
Another Scott
@Starfish: “The peanut dish is empty! Hurry up!!”
Another Scott
@JoyceH: Yay!
I’m sure the doggo will be quite happy tomorrow!
Steve in the ATL
INTC: hold or sell?
@smith: As Jesus said, “Arise, take up thy cudgel, and follow me!”
My friend K has been out of work or severely underemployed since the start of the pandemic. She just got 2 job offers for dream jobs within days of one another, one of which she applied for four months ago and forgot was in the pipeline.
The new era stadiums are extraordinarily flexible. New stadiums in London, Madrid (a massive upgrade of the existing Bernabéu) and here at home are able to host a wide variety of sporting and entertainment events.
The Romans who built and ran the back of the house at the Colosseum would proud.
@smith: Which US city is going to be renamed ‘Trumpograd’ if he wins a 2nd term? My money is on Waco.
Steve in the ATL
@Martin: Uvalde
@Steve in the ATL: Intel? Sell. They’ve lost their moat. Microsoft is in full shift to ARM. They have no fallback market.
My mom had a home PT visit today and loved it. The PT is a young woman who lives in the same town and gave my mom hope that she will be able to climb stairs and fully recover.
New Deal democrat
@John Cole: okay, you like cooking. You watch TikTok, watch this guy but be sure to catch your breath after laughing too hard:
There’s about 2 hours of other recipes where that came from.
I’m definitely impressed.
I would devour that dinner!!
I was thinking about the tv dinners and the weird desserts. There was some kind of cherry or apple cobble concoction that I hated but sort of forced myself to eat because tv dinners WERE SUCH A TREAT!!
Celtics are leading the Mavericks 3 games to 0.
And in my leafy suburb, we have approximately 1 gazillion gorgeous baby bunnies, whiich has forced me to cage various garden plants in order to keep the babies from savaging them. Yeesh. Alas, our murderous turkeys don’t do anything about rabbits.
@New Deal democrat:
He is absolutely brilliant and a must-watch!
@lowtechcyclist: definitely! Same outcome for the Confederates though. They lost. Again.
It’s satisfying when the trash outs itself.
@Baud: violent RWNJ has boarded the Finding Out train at Fuckaround station.
New Deal democrat
@HumboldtBlue: And some of recipes are off-beat enough to be fun trying out.
(For the record, I did try the pinto bean recipe and he was right!)
Why would he have it in for people investigating Hunter?
Kayla Rudbek
And in good personal health news, I have driven my blood sugar and HA1C measurements back down into the low pre-diabetic range with diet and medication, and my doctor said that I can take less of the metformin. All I need now is a statin without freaking lactose in it (my triglycerides are lower but still too high) and to lose the last 20 pounds (I have lost almost 20 pounds since the diagnosis).
The HVAC guy is supposed to be coming tomorrow to work on installing my central air, so that’s good news.
My new dog has a cone for 7 days and two staples in her paw because she broke our dining room window in her excitement at seeing our cat out in the yard. That’s not such good news. I still haven’t heard from the man who can fix the window. Maybe he’ll text me tomorrow
We’re at a Springfield Cardinals game, and it’s perfect weather for it. We got on the kiss cam!
Peke Daddy
What HVAC system are you using to retrofit?
@Soprano2: The Kiss Cam! Sounds like you and hubby are having a fun date night!🥰
@mrmoshpotato: The one he installed for me last fall. At least that’s what I think he’s using. It’ll be nice, we’ve never had central air.
@Jackie: It is, although I forgot his seat cushion. I feel bad about that, he doesn’t have much padding anymore. I wish I could give him 20 of my pounds.
The good news here is we are finally getting some desperately needed rain and, so far, it’s been in manageable amounts. My garden is happy and a million tiny tree frogs have decided it is time to party. The bad news is about 40 miles further south it’s been in unmanageable amounts.
I was beginning to dread brush fires
zhena gogolia
@jonas: I first read that as, “Done ate all my wife’s hydrangea buds.” I thought, this is a new one, even for BJ.
One of the commendable things Felonious Trump did for the waters of Florida was to ban offshore drilling, so yeah, more of that
Sorry about your pup’s injury.
😘😘😘😘 Kiss cam is so sweet.
@MomSense: That IS good news. A good PT can be the difference between mobility and being stuck, as mr hitchhiker could tell you, and would, if anybody asked.
He went from, “this guy will never walk again” to functional community walking, thanks to a PT. Glad for your mom!
It rained yesterday in large amounts we desperately needed. Hoping the rainy season will finally get started as I am tired of watering.
I found a couch set I like after about 3 years of looking. My tastes don’t march with the crowd. It’s a nice scan design set which is a chain of Scandinavian modern sellers. Used in good shape. I wouldn’t be able to afford it new.
karen marie
@jonas: You’re hallucinating. They said, “Sorry, boys, we can’t help you but here’s a couple of roadmaps to help you make it happen.”
The “opinion” advised the losers that they should take it up with Congress and/or the FDA. When next Republicans have a majority in the House and Senate, it’s a pretty sure bet it will be banned. If Individual-1 is elected, he’ll replace the leadership at the FDA and have them rescind its approvals
Very sorry about your wife’s hydrangeas.
@Baud: the twisted conspiracy theory BS the cult spun up about the deep state, the swamp and the Biden Crime Family. Hunter’s guilty verdict was just a set up that somehow hurts Dotard. The FBI is in on stealing the 2024 election. Now I have to go take a shower to wash that off.
S Cerevisiae
Definitely have some good news, booked our flight to Paris this fall for a week there and a tour in Morocco. We can’t wait, it’s going to be amazing.
On Saturdays I walk dogs at a German shepherd rescue organization co-located with a kennel. This past week we had two adoptions. Yay!
O. Felix Culpa
I had a nice time bottle-feeding neonatal kittens at the shelter today. My foster kitten–aka The Terrorist–is learning not to bite my ankles. And I got my first set of hearing aids at Costco, so I am officially An Old, I guess. Cool thing is I can listen to music and podcasts on them.
@O. Felix Culpa: Which brand and model hearing aid did you get? I’m in the market but having to replace our primary car made me postpone the purchase at Costco. How are you adjusting to having them?
Good things: found a local fellah who will do weed whacking, brush hogging, rototilling and other jobs for me so I don’t have to. Newest dog (retired greyhound racer) has discovered that she actually likes pets and snuggles. The Detroit Tigers won today. Fireflies!! Brokenwood season 10 is available and season 11 is likely. US/Ukraine pact. Michigan’s leadership is doing good things. We have a big, fat garter snake in the yard. The orioles (the birds, not the baseball team) are constantly at our grape jelly feeder. Our Democracy held today.
The local movie theater showed “Rushmore” this evening. Packed. Definitely beats watching on a TV. (Didn’t notice a lot of masks, but we wore ours.
P.S. See there’s some chat about hearing aids. A topic of interest to me. I’m still using my Bose hearphones which are awkward but do some sort of job (and work well with the phone). One of these days I’ll make the jump to something newer and more straightforward … if I can get clear info about the bluetooth capabilities and the functionality of the app on an Android phone.
rebelsdad (aka texasboyshaun)
Here’s some good news! While I continue my Social Security disability claim, my county approved me for emergency SNAP benefits. I’ve turned in all my paperwork for the more permanent ones, and for GA. If approved, I’d get $277/month for GA until I’m approved for disability. Better than nothing, and though I will continue to have to beg for help from others for a while, it’s a blessing to have food in the house again and some hope.
rebelsdad (aka texasboyshaun)
@TBone: “The president’s son was found guilty through a legal process uninfluenced by his father. Here’s why that’s bad news for Joe Biden”
Trump: “I prefer presidents who get their sons (and daughters) off”
rebelsdad (aka texasboyshaun)
@MichiganderGail: I’m glad you specified, I would have been wondering why 12 or so grown men would’ve been eating grape jelly in your back yard. :)
@rebelsdad (aka texasboyshaun): yeah, a mental picture of that flashed across my brain – I was briefly very entertained by the visuals.
My dog loves her life and shares the joy with almost everyone she meets.
@New Deal democrat:
OMG, brilliant. I grew up with those ‘WTH are these people thinking’ recipes. I love pinto beans but in no way shape or form would I think of using them as a basis for a cake. excellent protein.
What’s payday?
O. Felix Culpa
@StringOnAStick: Sorry for the delayed response; I just saw your question. I got a Philips Hearlink 9040 RIC T-coil at the Costco audio guy’s recommendation. It’s an over the ear type. Not heavy or at all annoying, though, even with wearing glasses. I had the option of little ear buds that you stick directly in your ear, but knowing me, I’d lose them. Of course these things are not cheap, but they should last a while.
This is my second day wearing them and I like them. It tickles a bit in my left ear, but I assume eventually I’ll get adjusted. I can hear higher tones that I didn’t realize were there, e.g. the start-up beeps in my car. Haven’t tried them in settings with lots of ambient noise like restaurants yet. The app gives you the ability to adjust for your environment and to increase or decrease volume. The hearing aids are pretty easy to put in… and should get easier with practice. And the podcast feature works! I’m having fun with that.