I have really mixed feelings about the “updated” end of Return of the Jedi. Sticking Hayden Christensen in kinda wrecked things.
@Villago Delenda Est: I agree. It didn’t make sense that Obiwan would look the age he was when he died, and Darth Vader would go back to gleaming youth. Sometimes it’s better to just leave well enough alone.
They exhibited the outward appearance of the age they saw themselves at as Jedi, rather than the age they where at when they achieved the enlightenment that allowed them to become Force Ghosts.
Obi Wan and Yoda never stopped being Jedi and were at peace with their ages, Anakin simply excised the entire Darth Vader period and saw himself as the Jedi he had been.
Also, who wants eternity as a humanoid Death Star?
@Villago Delenda Est: That’s because of his elevated, off the charts, midichlorian count.
When I got back from walking doggo after dinner last night I heard Ms. Joe talking to our daughter on the iPhone in the kitchen. I said to myself, “DAMN, but the sound is good on those things.” I called out “Hello!” and she answered, “Hi, Dad.” Walked into the kitchen … and there she was: She’d flown down from NorCal to surprise me for Dad’s Day. Pretty happy here.
I have really mixed feelings about the “updated” end of Return of the Jedi. Sticking Hayden Christensen in kinda wrecked things.
I think that “updating” a movie rarely ends well. Metropolis was redone in the 1980s with a then-current musical score. That version is only watched as a curiosity now because most people who would be interested in Metropolis would prefer to see the original version (or as close as possible to it.)
I don’t mind so much that Lucas constructed a version that tied in better to the movies he was currently making, but I wish he had restored the original at the time and released it as a definitive print of the original. The prequels are older now than the original series was when the prequels were made, and most people who get into Star Wars would probably want to see “where it all started”. The “updated” effects in the prequels are dated now too.
On the other hand, I suppose, the revised version of “Riddles in the Dark” became accepted canon in The Hobbit when The Lord of the Rings was released. I’m not even sure how many fans of the series even realize it was revised.
“I am your father. Now, hear my sick harp solo.”
Farthest I’ve been from the kid on Father’s Day since her Germany exchange trip. Miss the little scamp.
Happy Father’s Day, fathers, and everybody who helped out a kid “just because.” We need you, too.
Obviously, you’re not watching the Cubs, unless you mean minor league game to watch.
@mrmoshpotato: When you give up 2 home runs to a .139 hitter, and they are the only 2 he has hit, you have to wonder. We Brewer fans are enjoying the Craig Counsell era in Chicago.
For all things star wars I just got to robot chicken for that. The best redoing of Star wars scenes.
Just catching up to say 1) Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there, and 2) in addition to some very cool stuff, including a LEGO Viking Village to build with my kids and some spiffy Rhoback shirts, guess what I got for Father’s Day?
I haven’t been this nerd-happy in a long time!
Speaking of fathers, Fox has a new shtick ‘Bad dad’: Fox News bizarrely attacks Biden for not pardoning Hunter on Father’s Day Basically they are furious that they can’t go with “Biden has shown his corruption by pardoning his son”, which was their preferred line of attack. So now they have to pretend he is a terrible, awful, no good father who doesn’t love his son and THEY would all be pardoning their kids if they had gotten convicted of a crime.
@Hungry Joe: This is so delightful. I’m looking forward to seeing my dad in a few weeks. We FaceTimed a little while ago. He called Donald Trump a motherfucker several times and we listed the birds we see on our respective feeders.
@eclare: I have no idea what a lot of this thread is about, not a Star Wars fan.
To summarize, John seems to be implying that his father is a villain of galactic import. By extension he would be an abandoned son raised by hardscrabble people, destined to a heroic future, or possibly a princess with a similar heroic destiny.
Kind of like the Superman saga.
IOW he fails to do the thing they expected and robs them of an attack point.
“We attack you today for depriving us of a reason to attack you tomorrow to November. Brandonnnnnn!”
Spoil them, spin them up, hand them back. It’s the grandparent way.
@hueyplong: JPL claimed it was one of Trump’s supporters, so I assumed I had misidentified him as Trump. OTOH Trump is probably Trump’s biggest fan, so maybe we are both right.
@JaySinWA: I like to think you’re both right. It’s the romantic in me.
Heidi Mom
CBS Sunday Morning has a lovely 7-min. video of Pete, Chasten, and the twins. (Not sure about who can link to what here, so if someone would do that, I’d be grateful. It’s also on YouTube.) I was surprised to see that Pete authorized so personal a look into his life. Possible motivations: 1) He’s thinking about the 2026 MI governor’s race. 2) The 2028 presidential race is still a possibility despite his recent comments about how difficult such a campaign would be with young kids. 3) He and Chasten were offered a “Father’s Day” interview and decided that the representation of same-sex parenting would be worthwhile.
Happy mothers day, happy fathers day….. Do you observe these days when both of them are gone, along with their other kids and one is the oldest of the entire extended family now? Hell I don’t even observe my own birthday. I do know what day it is however. It’s on my drivers license.
Age is something we all go through, be it six months (a cousin) or many decades – and some actually get 10 decades under their belts.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: The whole story behind the portrayal of Darth Vader is pretty crazy. The person behind the mask in the first trilogy was David Prowse, a 6′ 7″ British actor/bodybuilder. George Lucas evidently didn’t think his voice was deep and menacing enough, however, so they redubbed all Vader’s dialogue with James Earl Jones, and then replaced Prowse *again* in the unmasking at the end of ROTJ with another renowned British actor, Sebastian Shaw. Poor Prowse. Nobody wanted to hear him or see him.
@Scout211: Also found this observation, which I thought was interesting:
The Shallow State @OurShallowState 1h
On this Father’s Day, Trump’s account posted its usual happy holiday message replete with grievance, false claims, and ALL CAPS – except – this was the FIRST time a HOLIDAY post of this nature had ZERO errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax. He didn’t type it. I’m not going to overstate what it might mean, except to say any change or tweak to his methods or behavior means something.
Since we know he’s becoming more demented, diminished, and discombobulated every day, I thought this was a noteworthy observation.
Either he has a staff member who generates Trumpian screeds as needed, or they’ve trained AI to do it.
@Baud: well, I had kids and don’t have grandkids either; them’s the breaks sometimes. I have exchange grandkids via former students, but it’s not the same.
@satby: My son and DIL have no children either. Both of them are only children. I worry about who will look after them when they get old
@Baud: Oh, yes. Lucas loved his performance physically, but Prowse’s British accent was sort of high and nasally and just wouldn’t work as a supervillian (outside a Bond movie or something).
@Baud: I’m not sad about it, it’s their lives and they have to live with their choices. I’m going to be long gone anyway, probably.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think their generation has expanded the idea of family well beyond biology to include friends more than ours did. So I think they’re likely to be ok.
To be fair David Prowse has a pretty strong south-west English accent, so I can understand them preferring the voice of Thulsa Doom over Worzel Gummage for the Dark Lord of the Sith. For context, I don’t think “Oi Luke. Oi be thy faaathaa” would have become as iconic.
And I suppose Lucas figured that it would be too on the nose to dub over an unmasked Prowse with someone else’s voice.
In 1990 Fred Trump bought $3.5 million in chips he didn’t use from Trump Castle Casino because if he had just given his broke son money it would have gone to Donald’s bankruptcy creditors. It was later declared an illegal loan and Trump was fined $30,000. Happy Father’s Day!
“Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big televisor, choose hover droids, landspeeders, sub space transceivers and ionic pulse engines. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and midi-chlorians. Choose multi-cultural diplomatic negotiations. Choose a moisture farm. Choose your Sandpeople. Choose cybernetic life-support armour and matching lightsaber. Choose a scoop-hooded-Jedi robe on hire purchase in a range of fucking browns. Choose X-Wings to fly and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing holo-vids, pumping fucking nutrient-soup into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last on a miserable Death Star, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life… But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got The Dark Side of the Force?”
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Little known fact, the actor portraying “Pizza the Hut” behind all that cheese and pepperoni was Dom DeLuise
I met Prowse ages ago at a convention. He was elderly at that point, but still a very sweet guy.
As I stated above I’m the oldest in the extended family now. And have only one nephew. One of my cousins has already passed and he wasn’t the oldest in his family. We are spread all over the country so contact is rare.
Life is what it is. It is most often not in any way what you expected when you were young, but sometimes, rarely, one gets the story right the first time. Anyone here have that experience?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Having kids is no guarantee you’ll have anyone to look after you. I haven’t told hubby’s daughter about his condition yet because we never see her. If something happened to me, she’d be responsible for him. She’d put him in a home and pay with the money I’d leave him. She’d never visit him, either.
@eclare: I, too, am an only child with no kids. Both my parents were only children…so I had no aunts, uncles, cousins. I do get a little chuckle that my father born in 1922 was an only even though his father married 5 times and his mother married 4 times. Quite the feat given the era in Alabama, South Carolina and North Carolina. Not to mention that that grandfather’s first wife and fifth wife were sisters. My parents were close to 40 when I was born. They dated over 10 years before marrying in 1959….obviously, very unusual for that time and generation.
@Tony Jay: except that in the original version Anakin appeared as a man who was of similar age to Obi Wan.
You and AL must have the same biorhythms.
Happy Dad Day to all the daddies out there.
Happy day to you, Blogfather.
Villago Delenda Est
I have really mixed feelings about the “updated” end of Return of the Jedi. Sticking Hayden Christensen in kinda wrecked things.
@Villago Delenda Est: I agree. It didn’t make sense that Obiwan would look the age he was when he died, and Darth Vader would go back to gleaming youth. Sometimes it’s better to just leave well enough alone.
That picture just confuses me.
@mrmoshpotato: It’s one of trumps supporters
@JPL: I thought it was Trump without the makeup / facemask
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yeah, that was pretty effed up.
I blame
ObamaHitlarySleepy Joe Brandon.SFAW
OK, lissen up: Han shot first.
Oh, wait … sorry, wrong Star
TrekWars nerd-splanation. Never mind.mrmoshpotato
@SFAW: Meh. I got a baseball game to watch.
Tony Jay
They exhibited the outward appearance of the age they saw themselves at as Jedi, rather than the age they where at when they achieved the enlightenment that allowed them to become Force Ghosts.
Obi Wan and Yoda never stopped being Jedi and were at peace with their ages, Anakin simply excised the entire Darth Vader period and saw himself as the Jedi he had been.
Also, who wants eternity as a humanoid Death Star?
@Villago Delenda Est: That’s because of his elevated, off the charts, midichlorian count.
(runs away from screaming mob of SW purists)
Old Dan and Little Ann
James Earl Jones looks silly without his mask.
Hungry Joe
When I got back from walking doggo after dinner last night I heard Ms. Joe talking to our daughter on the iPhone in the kitchen. I said to myself, “DAMN, but the sound is good on those things.” I called out “Hello!” and she answered, “Hi, Dad.” Walked into the kitchen … and there she was: She’d flown down from NorCal to surprise me for Dad’s Day. Pretty happy here.
@Hungry Joe:
That’s wonderful! Happy Father’s Day indeed!
Can’t be. Mets aren’t on for another half hour.
@Hungry Joe: That’s so sweet!
Splitting Image
@Villago Delenda Est:
I think that “updating” a movie rarely ends well. Metropolis was redone in the 1980s with a then-current musical score. That version is only watched as a curiosity now because most people who would be interested in Metropolis would prefer to see the original version (or as close as possible to it.)
I don’t mind so much that Lucas constructed a version that tied in better to the movies he was currently making, but I wish he had restored the original at the time and released it as a definitive print of the original. The prequels are older now than the original series was when the prequels were made, and most people who get into Star Wars would probably want to see “where it all started”. The “updated” effects in the prequels are dated now too.
On the other hand, I suppose, the revised version of “Riddles in the Dark” became accepted canon in The Hobbit when The Lord of the Rings was released. I’m not even sure how many fans of the series even realize it was revised.
“I am your father. Now, hear my sick harp solo.”
Farthest I’ve been from the kid on Father’s Day since her Germany exchange trip. Miss the little scamp.
Happy Father’s Day, fathers, and everybody who helped out a kid “just because.” We need you, too.
Obviously, you’re not watching the Cubs, unless you mean minor league game to watch.
@Hungry Joe: Happy Father’s Day!
@japa21: You haters!
@mrmoshpotato: When you give up 2 home runs to a .139 hitter, and they are the only 2 he has hit, you have to wonder. We Brewer fans are enjoying the Craig Counsell era in Chicago.
@japa21: Hahaha! Ow! Go Reds!
@Hungry Joe: daughters are the best! Mine did the same for my and my wifes birthday (our birthdays are 4 days apart)
For all things star wars I just got to robot chicken for that. The best redoing of Star wars scenes.
Just catching up to say 1) Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there, and 2) in addition to some very cool stuff, including a LEGO Viking Village to build with my kids and some spiffy Rhoback shirts, guess what I got for Father’s Day?
I haven’t been this nerd-happy in a long time!
Speaking of fathers, Fox has a new shtick ‘Bad dad’: Fox News bizarrely attacks Biden for not pardoning Hunter on Father’s Day Basically they are furious that they can’t go with “Biden has shown his corruption by pardoning his son”, which was their preferred line of attack. So now they have to pretend he is a terrible, awful, no good father who doesn’t love his son and THEY would all be pardoning their kids if they had gotten convicted of a crime.
The hypocrisy is huge, but not unexpected.
Slapdicks – all of them.
@Hungry Joe:
How sweet!
I have no idea what a lot of this thread is about, not a Star Wars fan.
@cain: No – grandchildren are the best, which is why I had them first…
Missed opportunity to troll. You should have said you’re not a Star Trek fan.
I don’t regret not having kids but I do regret not having grand kids.
@Hungry Joe: This is so delightful. I’m looking forward to seeing my dad in a few weeks. We FaceTimed a little while ago. He called Donald Trump a motherfucker several times and we listed the birds we see on our respective feeders.
Happy Father’s Day to all paternal jackals.
@Baud: Well played, guys.
Dammit! So true, I blew it.
To summarize, John seems to be implying that his father is a villain of galactic import. By extension he would be an abandoned son raised by hardscrabble people, destined to a heroic future, or possibly a princess with a similar heroic destiny.
Kind of like the Superman saga.
IOW he fails to do the thing they expected and robs them of an attack point.
“We attack you today for depriving us of a reason to attack you tomorrow to November. Brandonnnnnn!”
Spoil them, spin them up, hand them back. It’s the grandparent way.
@mrmoshpotato: :-) When I think about it, by the time we got married we already had great-grandchildren…
@JaySinWA: “I thought it was Trump without the makeup / facemask”
Wait, are you implying it actually isn’t?
Another Scott
Obligatory Giant Military Cat.
HFD, everyone!
@hueyplong: JPL claimed it was one of Trump’s supporters, so I assumed I had misidentified him as Trump. OTOH Trump is probably Trump’s biggest fan, so maybe we are both right.
@JaySinWA: I like to think you’re both right. It’s the romantic in me.
Heidi Mom
CBS Sunday Morning has a lovely 7-min. video of Pete, Chasten, and the twins. (Not sure about who can link to what here, so if someone would do that, I’d be grateful. It’s also on YouTube.) I was surprised to see that Pete authorized so personal a look into his life. Possible motivations: 1) He’s thinking about the 2026 MI governor’s race. 2) The 2028 presidential race is still a possibility despite his recent comments about how difficult such a campaign would be with young kids. 3) He and Chasten were offered a “Father’s Day” interview and decided that the representation of same-sex parenting would be worthwhile.
And the Felon posts a typically gracious Father’s Day greeting…
Happy mothers day, happy fathers day….. Do you observe these days when both of them are gone, along with their other kids and one is the oldest of the entire extended family now? Hell I don’t even observe my own birthday. I do know what day it is however. It’s on my drivers license.
Age is something we all go through, be it six months (a cousin) or many decades – and some actually get 10 decades under their belts.
@Heidi Mom:
That’s great. Good on CBS.
You do realize that was from 2021? Although it probably is still his message.
They have semi trucks to carry their hypocrisy around with them, so they never notice that it also falls out of their faces on a regular basis.
@Scout211: Nope, I missed that. But I came across this one, which appears to be this year’s gracious message.
@smith: Thanks? LOL.
That definitely sounds more like 2024 Trump.
@Jeffro: I am jealous! 😆
@Old Dan and Little Ann: The whole story behind the portrayal of Darth Vader is pretty crazy. The person behind the mask in the first trilogy was David Prowse, a 6′ 7″ British actor/bodybuilder. George Lucas evidently didn’t think his voice was deep and menacing enough, however, so they redubbed all Vader’s dialogue with James Earl Jones, and then replaced Prowse *again* in the unmasking at the end of ROTJ with another renowned British actor, Sebastian Shaw. Poor Prowse. Nobody wanted to hear him or see him.
@Scout211: Also found this observation, which I thought was interesting:
Either he has a staff member who generates Trumpian screeds as needed, or they’ve trained AI to do it.
@Heidi Mom:
Here’s the video
Thanks for the heads up!
His gait was legendary, however.
@Baud: well, I had kids and don’t have grandkids either; them’s the breaks sometimes. I have exchange grandkids via former students, but it’s not the same.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Rick Moranis was a much better Vader
My mother had the same problem. It makes me a little sad to think about it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@satby: My son and DIL have no children either. Both of them are only children. I worry about who will look after them when they get old
@Baud: Oh, yes. Lucas loved his performance physically, but Prowse’s British accent was sort of high and nasally and just wouldn’t work as a supervillian (outside a Bond movie or something).
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
@eclare: that was very sweet, thanks!
@Baud: I’m not sad about it, it’s their lives and they have to live with their choices. I’m going to be long gone anyway, probably.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think their generation has expanded the idea of family well beyond biology to include friends more than ours did. So I think they’re likely to be ok.
Well, his helmet was sure cool.
There are scenes on YouTube where you can hear Prowse speak Vader’s lines.
The other actors needed to have Vader’s dialogue, before the Jones dubbing, to get their dialogue in at the right time.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I’m an only child with no kids. I worry about that for myself.
Speaking of Rick Moranis and Spaceballs, can we all agree it would’ve been even better with a song or two from Little Shop of Horrors thrown in?
Tony Jay
To be fair David Prowse has a pretty strong south-west English accent, so I can understand them preferring the voice of Thulsa Doom over Worzel Gummage for the Dark Lord of the Sith. For context, I don’t think “Oi Luke. Oi be thy faaathaa” would have become as iconic.
And I suppose Lucas figured that it would be too on the nose to dub over an unmasked Prowse with someone else’s voice.
@Tony Jay:
Darth Vader should have been Scottish.
Heidi Mom
@eclare: Thank you!
Are you arguing that Darth Vader was crap?
I was thinking more in terms of Groundskeeper Vader.
@Hungry Joe: How wonderful!
@Baud: Vader’s retirement grease?
Haha. Exactly.
TheRealThelmaJohn xit:
Villago Delenda Est
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: “I’m surrounded by assholes!”
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Springtime for Vader and Pizza the Hut
Tony Jay
“Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big televisor, choose hover droids, landspeeders, sub space transceivers and ionic pulse engines. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and midi-chlorians. Choose multi-cultural diplomatic negotiations. Choose a moisture farm. Choose your Sandpeople. Choose cybernetic life-support armour and matching lightsaber. Choose a scoop-hooded-Jedi robe on hire purchase in a range of fucking browns. Choose X-Wings to fly and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing holo-vids, pumping fucking nutrient-soup into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last on a miserable Death Star, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life… But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got The Dark Side of the Force?”
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Little known fact, the actor portraying “Pizza the Hut” behind all that cheese and pepperoni was Dom DeLuise
I met Prowse ages ago at a convention. He was elderly at that point, but still a very sweet guy.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
As I stated above I’m the oldest in the extended family now. And have only one nephew. One of my cousins has already passed and he wasn’t the oldest in his family. We are spread all over the country so contact is rare.
Life is what it is. It is most often not in any way what you expected when you were young, but sometimes, rarely, one gets the story right the first time. Anyone here have that experience?
Darth Vader – the early years
Dave Prowse – Green Cross Code
I remember these from when I was a kid
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Having kids is no guarantee you’ll have anyone to look after you. I haven’t told hubby’s daughter about his condition yet because we never see her. If something happened to me, she’d be responsible for him. She’d put him in a home and pay with the money I’d leave him. She’d never visit him, either.
@eclare: I, too, am an only child with no kids. Both my parents were only children…so I had no aunts, uncles, cousins. I do get a little chuckle that my father born in 1922 was an only even though his father married 5 times and his mother married 4 times. Quite the feat given the era in Alabama, South Carolina and North Carolina. Not to mention that that grandfather’s first wife and fifth wife were sisters. My parents were close to 40 when I was born. They dated over 10 years before marrying in 1959….obviously, very unusual for that time and generation.
@Tony Jay: except that in the original version Anakin appeared as a man who was of similar age to Obi Wan.
Tony Jay
Well, yeah, and I can make that make sense too.
@Tony Jay: I don’t disagree with you on that premise.
Lol – yeah that thing always looked like a harmonica to me – like, that’s the best gadget they could come up with?
@cain: 👍👍👍
Also, vader blogs – it’s what he’s thinking between the movie scenes :-)