I regret to inform you that even though it is only 2:30 pm I have declared the entire afternoon a complete loss and will be going to take a nap on my king sized bed that is free of boxes of classified documents.
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Just made the same decision except mattress is only a full but I’m adding weed to the mix so that equals it out if not better.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Sounds about right. Unfortunately, I still have work to do. Ugh.
Well duh, the classified documents are supposed to be in the bathroom!
also, no Melania.
Old Dan and Little Ann
I have a friend who is down to his last few weeks due to a brain tumor. A bunch of our group kept him company for a few hours last Friday. It was Palliative Care Unit happy hour to share stories, drink whiskey, and laugh. My ailing friend was about as anti-Obama as one could be and he actually stole an Obama magnet off our fridge during a party early into PBO’s 1st term. I was hazing him and demanded that the next time I see him I wanted the Obama magnet back in my possession ferfuck’s sake! It got a chuckle out of him. Fuck cancer.
Nukular Biskits
Rub it in, will ya?
Some of us have to work for a living, ya know …
Musta been a helluva morning.
Same as Trump, then.
I endorse siestas daily! After the morning rain ended and while it was still cooler, I hauled 40lbs of potting soil up front, filled more pots, planted the last cannas and then used siesta time to bribe my biggest cat off the upstairs bannister because he’s decided it should really be a scratching post. But he’s a sucker for a nap in my room. So we just had one for the last hour.
I had a stark example of mortality this past weekend. 3 old friends passed away. They were part of my friendship group since kindergarten. Although we would lose touch with each other over the years, when reunited it would be like we never lost touch. Fuck cancer, heart disease and abjectly tragic happenings . I have raised many a glass to their memories and I know they would have approved and enjoyed a good laugh at the good times we had together.
Since I am a survivor of this social group, I am dedicating this Friday’s Halibut/Striped Bass fishing trip to them. They would approve.
All naps are good.
My comment went into moderation. The cause is a mistake in my email address. The mystery is how the mis-spelling happened ? I’m convinced that all electronics hate me.
John, based on your comment a few days ago about wanting to feed squirrels from your hand, I give you this: IRL Disney princess is a Canadian dude named Brendan. (sound icon top right corner of gif)
@chrisanthemama: Actually no Melania would be true of Trump as well.
@Anotherlurker: I’ve found it’s easy to fat finger my nym or address without noticing.
@Anotherlurker: Yowch. So sorry you got the triple whammy of loss, raising a toast to your friends and
to @Old Dan and Little Ann: your buddy, too.
Don’t know how John Cole is talking to my own inner automatic thoughts, but I will go talk back to mine before writing a bit more of what was due yesterday (sigh) and THEN nap.
It’s the heat, John. Take a little Spanish Pause to refresh yourself.
@Anotherlurker: Sorry to hear about your friends. Where you headed? My old guy group was going to Costa Rica and, following heart surgery, my friend had to bail so we didn’t go.
John, did you find your wallet??
Regarding old friends, I just a blowout with one and I’m thinking I won’t miss her when she’s gone. Hope I’m wrong about that part. I helped her get out of credit card debt and paid off her mortgage for her. Now she’s up to her ears in credit card debt again and yelling at ME about it because I had the nerve to tell her she should return some items to the store where her most recent plastic shopping spree occurred. We’ve been friends since we were 13 y.o. but I swear, this is IT. I’m out!
Old School
@Old Dan and Little Ann: @Anotherlurker:
Condolences on your friends. A downside of growing older.
First of my friend group got a knee replacement yesterday. We were both wondering when we got that old. That’s a surgery our parents and Aunts/Uncles got.
so sorry for your losses.
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
sorry about your friend. Phuck Cancer indeed.
Old Dan and Little Ann
@Old School: He’s my age. 49. : (
@rikyrah: Re knee replacements: most are done on Medicare so most people in the US getting them are 65 or older. However I’ve known people with no particular systemic issues who got one at around 50. Which is of course also old if you are 25.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Doesn’t a nap disturb your sleep at night? It does mine.
Old School
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
That’s rough. Combined with schrodingers_cat’s post about her mutual with a heart attack in his 30s, it’s too young.
Villago Delenda Est
Do you anticipate having nap assistance from the cats and dogs?
Villago Delenda Est
@Hoodie: Rome shuts down from 1PM to 5PM in the summer.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I do that too, but I stay down.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Me too. I avoid napping for that reason.
I can’t believe all the anti-nappites on Balloon Juice. I thought I knew you people.
@Baud: @Villago Delenda Est: I can do this all day long . . .
@Villago Delenda Est: Italy shuts down 1- 31 AUG. Then you need to know German because of the influx of tourists.
It takes all kinds to make a horse race. Even the rebellious ones.
Old Dan and AnotherLurker – My god, I am so sorry. It might be demographic inevitability – the older we get, the older our friends get – but it still hits like a freight train.
I have a dear friend who is a fair bit older than me, and an adored Aunt who ditto. Bless them both: they’re not letting age or infirmity slow them down one bit. I look to them as role models.
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
My condolences.
@Baud: Sorry Baud, no nap for me, I work for a living*.
*As if the Orange pay qualifies as a living.
@Hoodie: I love that movie.
Tony Jay
@Villago Delenda Est:
Watching the Euros I can confirm that England shuts down completely for 90 mins every three days or so. No movement faster than a geriatric stroll.
Watching Scotland was more exciting. At least they were pathologically shit. We’re just boring.
I don’t think they share a bed anyways. She’s probably in another bed.. with someone else.
@Lumpy: 100% agree
Yeesh! With friends like that …
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Same. If I nap for even just 15 or 20 minutes, I’m up until after midnight that night. Not worth it!
@emjayay: SIL hip replacement at age 34. Being very heavy and athletic takes a toll.
@trnc: it’s a shame, I love her despite her flaws and vice versa, but I’m not her punching bag, which I let her know in no uncertain terms today. She had a rough life, but so did a lot of us and my feeling sorry enough to help her out financially obviously didn’t help the root problem. I just found out it’s been an ongoing thing that she hid. We spent many hours getting her out of crushing debt and she’d promised to mend her spending – the kicker is, none of the mountain of stuff she bought on this spree is for herself! It’s for a grandbaby whose family is already well off AND who specifically told her they didn’t want any more stuff, they don’t have room for all the stuff they have already!
@Tony Jay: I wish I could watch Wednesday’s game between Czechia and Turkiye. Turkey’s 19 year-old midfielder, Arda Guler, looks like an exciting player. He’s one of only three 19 year-olds ever to score in the Euros. Reynaldo did in 2004, and an English player did in 1964
Re: Helping people – this applies to relatives as well. It seemed that the more we helped our daughter financially the worse our relationship became. So I have stopped helping. We see what happens.
More Bidenomics – Cracker Barrel is market testing interior updates to contemporary southern-ish (aka the “Joanna Gaines”), and Hooters is closing a bunch of locations…
Shakes head sadly.
@Denali5: good on you! I learned my lesson the hard way too!
Hootericus delenda est.
@3Sice: I’ve never set foot in a Cracker Barrell. Wish I could say the same about H👀ters!
@TBone: What a good friend you are. You paid off her mortgage! My cousin got divorced after his wife relapsed like your friend. He just couldn’t take it anymore. Ditto with my sister’s husband, who divorced his first wife for the same reason.
Based on their experience, I have come to believe that pathological spending, like alcoholism — is an exceptionally difficult addiction to break because most of your friends and family can spend money or drink with no ill effects. It’s easy to trick yourself into believing that your behavior is on the spectrum of normal. “But I’m just buying gifts for my grandbaby like everyone else does!”
It doesn’t seem like your friend is going to see the light anytime soon.
@Barbara: you are 1,000% correct. If I’d known how deeply rooted her spending addiction is, I’d have never lent the helping hand in the first place. She needed to hit rock bottom and be left there just like any other addict. That’s the only way! I didn’t know about her credit/debt issues until after I had paid off her mortgage. That’s when she confided in me about the other debt. And THEN finally told me about her brother’s hoarding problem (like the TV show ugh 😪). Live and learn! She’s truly angry with herself but decided to take it out on me. Nope!
I have a string of texts a mile long 😆😭 she would not STFU today!
@TBone: Sorry to hear that – especially since you’re trying to do the right thing for her.
PAM Dirac
@Tony Jay:
For sure and they seemed to infect the rest of the group. Both the games in the “thrilling” final day ended 0-0. Oh well at least that guarantees both Croatia and Serbia don’t advance.
I’ve been sort of casually keeping track of stories about restaurant chains closing or retrenching in the current economy. In virtually every single one, the lede is buried way down at the bottom: “The [fill in the blank] chain was purchased in 20XX by a private equity fund who financed the deal with debt, leaving the company unable to meet its obligations when prices and wages rose during the pandemic…” Red Lobster’s just one example.
gotta let it go.
@TBone: hang in there. it’s tough to cut someone off like that, but you can’t let them drag you down into their pits, and you’re not responsible for their bad choices, addictions, and problems. you were very generous before. it doesn’t obligate you for life.
Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) posted at 4:20 PM on Tue, Jun 25, 2024:
Higher education should open the doors of opportunity to students who pursue it—not usher in years of crushing debt. As MAGA extremists use the courts to play politics, I’ll keep pushing for congressional action to permanently codify the SAVE Plan!
@mrmoshpotato: I’m sure we’ll get back together and never mention today’s episode again by next year some time! It’s a girlfriend thang. But not another penny from me. Not one red cent. No gifts, nothing but greeting and other Hallmark cards.
@JML: thank you! I am determined!
@rikyrah: I’m trying like hell, venting here really helps!
@jonas: 👍
Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) posted at 0:09 PM on Tue, Jun 25, 2024:
The Joe Biden drug test disinfo/demand sounds like a version of the Obama birth certificate disinfo/demand: Make an accusation and then demand the opponent “disprove” it. Of course, we know from the birth certificate disinfo op that any proof will be discredited or otherwise
philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) posted at 9:55 AM on Tue, Jun 25, 2024:
Newbern, Alabama – a small town an hour away from Selma – will hold its first legitimate elections in over 60 years after a four-year legal battle
The proposed settlement will also reinstate Patrick Braxton, who sued white leadership, as the mayor
https://t.co/a2DI8QzgSy https://t.co/1sYfq27nPm
@TBone: The Cracker Barrell gift shop usually has odd items that make for excellent gag gifts. I recall entering a Cracker Barrell a long, long time ago and (not very) far away and found a Star Wars Darth Vader snow globe, when you pressed a button it lit up, blew snow around Vader, and played his theme song for 15 seconds. A Must Have.
Villago Delenda Est
@Leto: Definitely Paris shuts down for August, wasn’t aware that Italy did the same. I visited in July, though.
@rikyrah: exactly. Plus his penchant for projection means HE is the one getting shots in the ass!
Don’t get me started about Red Lobster. Tried to put out the bullshyt that ‘ Endless Shrimp’ bankrupted them. Instead of the muthaphuckas who sold all the real estate,and then forced the restaurant locations into a leasing deal that was outrageous.
@rikyrah: They’re now accusing Biden of getting jacked up on (gasp!) caffeine! What’s next? Are we going to learn he has an ice cream habit, too?
Sandi Bachom
(@sandibachom) posted at 11:18 AM on Tue, Jun 25, 2024:
Sidebar: Judge Cannon knows every single nuclear secret in those boxes. She knows he’s committed espionage
Miss Bianca
@TBone: sounds like compulsive behavior to me. Le sigh. Money issues can always be counted on to wreck relationships.
The sale-leaseback scam is common in private equity. Not just restaurants.
@zeecube: 😍🤣
That reminds me! In the basement in one of our moving boxes still unopened, I have salt and pepper shakers that were gifted to me in the year 2000something. Obama is the pepper, Biden is the salt! I need to dig those out.
Democracy Docket (@DemocracyDocket) posted at 2:52 PM on Tue, Jun 25, 2024:
NEW: Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signs two more voter suppression bills into law that will restrict voter assistance and make it harder for people to hold voter registration drives. Landry has signed numerous other suppressive election laws this month.https://t.co/2w5lXZIYEO
@rikyrah: someone elsewhere today mentioned that she’s doing treason.
@Miss Bianca: Ain’t it the truth! I should know better from my years working for divorce attorneys!
@rikyrah: Did your AC get fixed?
Pushing 100 F here in the Denver area. I went out to drop off my ballot, but I’m not going out again until that raging fireball overhead drops behind the mountains
@Anotherlurker: To old friends🥂.
“Blue Air” from Color Suit, Madeleine Dring
@thruppence: Wow.
I was in Denver on a warm day and the altitude made it feel hotter. Can’t imagine 100 there.
@prostratedragon: 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Back in the day they were hailed as “power naps.”
Tony Jay
I’ve tried to catch every game I can. It hasn’t been any kind of classic tournament yet, but the group stages hardly ever pop, even less so with the expansion allowing in weaker sides whose presence makes it easier for better teams to progress while playing conservatively.
That said, quite a few matches have had entertaining tussles and moments of skill. None of those matches have involved England, though. Southgate simply will not allow it.
@PAM Dirac:
I’ve seen other ‘big’ teams start slowly and pick up pace as the tournament progresses. (West) Germany used to be notorious for it. But by the 15 yard slightly underhit backpass of Grabthar, this shackled and predictable England team could put a room full of little blue pilled Bonobos to sleep.
Just out of idle curiosity, can anyone point to an example of a private equity fund purchasing a business, and the business emerging stronger? Even one? If not, what is their benefit to the broader economy?
The *broader* economy? You mean like for *regular* people? Bah! Flimshaw! There isn’t one. The benefits accrue strictly to the private equity partners who make out like bandits, regardless if they drive the company into the ground or not. In fact, there are scenarios where they make *more* money if the business goes broke. Lots of fees, bonuses, etc. involved in winding down operations, you know.
@Tony Jay: This is actually the first European championship I have been interested in. I have become a Turkiye fan, so it’s 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 for me.
They are a middling team though, but they can stand in until the Olympics when the Turkish women’s volleyball team plays. The “Sultans of the Net” are really something, and if they make it to the finals the whole country will shut down to watch them.
Seems like there is a flaw in the legal environment, if we are rewarding destruction withoit anything positive in return. No doubt correcting it properly (i.e. thinking thru the unintended consequences ahead of time — what a concept!) will doubtless be tricky. But at least worth starting to brainstorm on it.
@jonas: Shopko was a chain like a sort of downscale Target. It was found in smaller towns (ours is around 25,000 population) that could never have supported a Target. It was a nice alternative/competitor to Walmart. Shopko was bought out and wound up bankrupt, leaving countless small towns with fewer shopping alternatives and an empty building.
@prostratedragon: Beautiful piano! Thank you so much.
@Old Dan and Little Ann:
I agree with your last 2 words. (Not that I disagree with any of the others…..)
Many, many of the people I’ve known have had cancer. People I’ve known – and been related to have died from it. I’ve had 2 different types and been through surgeries, both minor and not quite so minor.
So you made it to 2:30 PM. Basically won the day then.
There is helping and there is HELPING.
The first is assisting someone with something. A tad bit of money when actually necessary, maybe more day to day type of xmas/birthday presents, a ride when the car breaks down, etc.
HELPING is going out of your way to insure that a person doesn’t have to do much for themselves – because often then they won’t.
People need to be at least somewhat self sufficient unless they are mentally or physically unable, because for most of us there comes a time that the most help available is what we do for ourselves.
@Nukular Biskits:
I worked for just over 6 decades, mostly physical jobs — I EARNED retirement.
And I am rather enjoying it.
I do wish it might be just a tad cooler, 90+ is a bit much for an old fart.
@wjca: I have one. Does Warren Buffet/Berkshire count? I’ve had a life-long romance with See’s Candy. Bought by BH and left to their own devices, not gutted, loaded up with debt and sold off for parts.
The quality and service have never declined. Honest, pure, delicious products made in the USA, and better than anything else on the market.
Warren Buffet may be the last great investor who had any interest in harnessing the value of good things done well.
You may well have something there. I suppose it depends on exactly how one defines “private equity”.
My sympathies for your losses.