If you want to follow along on SCOTUSblog.
I’ll copy the short summaries as each one shows up on their website.
I have these scheduled for Thursday and Friday mornings, as well.
Here we go!
In Murthy v. Missouri, a dispute over the government’s communications with social media companies during the 2020 election season and COVID-19 pandemic, the court holds that the challengers — two states and five social-media users — do not have a legal right to sue. Opinion: 6-3 (good)
The court rules in Snyder v. United States, that federal bribery law does not make it a crime for state and local officials to accept gratuities that may be given as a token of appreciation after the official act. Federal law, the court writes, “leaves it to state and local governments to regulate gratuities to state and local officials.”
Opinion: (official WG rating: that’s fucked up)
I have these scheduled for Thursday and Friday morning, too, at 9:30? Is that too early, since the opinions don’t start coming out until 10?
One of my kitties has already weighed in on the rulings – by throwing up breakfast on my pillow.
@WaterGirl: awww, I’m sorry kitty had to weigh in in that manner.
I am also nauseated every time.
Murthy dismissed on standing.
Well, first decision seems to be non- controversial, throwing out the challenge to the feds’ limiting damaging social media postings, on standing.
@Baud: That’s good, right? At least, it seems like that would have been good in the before times, before the right wing comes back like evil little energizer bunnies until the find an approach SCOTUS can find a way not to reject.
The worst three dissented, so I assume it’s good.
@Baud: Good!
I wish Misery lacked standing to file frivolous election crap cases here in PA. 😡
@WaterGirl: The suit was brought by right wingers in Louisiana and Missouri, if that helps.
Anonymous At Work
@Baud: Fourth and goal, and SCOTUS punted hard. Majority: “We don’t want to rule on this.” Butt-hurt MAGAts: “Okay, we’ll create better cases.
Addendum: Unless the opinion also reads, “Fifth Circuit, unless you have seriously analyzed standing, we’ll treat your opinions as if they had been written in crayon,” I will assume that that the Fifth Circuit will still send cases without standing to SCOTUS to embarrass multiple alma maters.
@Anonymous At Work: That’s what I was trying to say at #6, but you said it better!
“It’s so much easier when you start with the answer you want and then work backwards from there.” ~ SCOTUS 6,
probably. Most assuredly!TBone
@Baud: WTAF
A bribe doesn’t count if it’s paid after the fact. Righto.
Please remember to tip your Congressman.
@Baud: 😓
Local headline:
Ooooh! I fear the aftershocks!
Really, “shakes” is doing a lot of work here.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: Lack of standing epitomizes the way right wingers try to control other people’s actions that have no effect on them. Anti-LGBTQ? Abortion? Book bans? Everything.
“Quid pro quo, but pay me later.”
“States rights” makes an entry here: SCOTUS says the states have laws around gratuities, and the Fed Gov isn’t going to usurp that.
Not sure if this is a harbinger of any other cases, though.
Anonymous At Work
@Baud: It’s not “bribery” unless it comes from the Bribery region of France. Otherwise, it’s merely “sparkling malfeasance.”
@Dorothy A. Winsor: 💙
Okay, that made me laugh through the tears.
edit: where do you and Omnes find these rulings before they are up on SCOTUSblog?
@Baud: Did Thomas weigh in on this one or did he have to recuse himself? /s
@Dorothy A. Winsor: yeah, but it’s also used to shield corporations from consumer lawsuits.
Ya know, the lackadaisical pace of rulings by this Roberts court is going to make it a lot easier for Joe to expand it.
J. Arthur Crank
@Spanky: Is that “shaking” the result of all of the SCOTUS dropping?
Justice Jackson got in a good one in her dissent:
I wonder if we’ll see more language like that in dissents: “The majority decision could only have been reached by a court as profoundly ignorant and corrupt as today’s Court.”
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: SCOTUSBlog livechat.
That’s it for today.
@CaseyL: “atextual”
*chef’s kiss
I cancelled my WaPo sub a few days ago, but I’m still receiving the newsletters. The headline of this morning’s (with the preamble “The morning’s most important stories, curated by Post editors” : “Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters.”
I couldn’t read because I’m not a subscriber. My first thought was “Okay, they just interviewed self-proclaimed Independents who are really Republicans ashamed to admit it” but hey, could be wrong.
This tying-themselves-in-knots to normalize Trump is just…
@Baud: HA! Slight savor of, hmmmm, blatant ass-covering for personal behaviors with, hmmmm, can it be a temporary abandonment of — how to say it? — slavish mind reading and adherence to originators intent?
@Baud: these motherfuckers. I can’t even with this shit. All I hear is LooneyTunes That’s all, folks!
I hope the bumpstocker 6 get syphilitic dementia.
@Anonymous At Work:
It’s a good think you’re not clerking for one of the Corrupt 6. They would probably go with that one.
@WaterGirl: My first father-in-law, who did believe in bribery, defined an honest politician as one who stayed bribed. The crooks took the money then did what whatever. The honest ones treated it like an oral contract. So in that context after the fact gratuities make sense in that sleazy world.
Me personally, I think whenever it is paid it’s a bribe and a bad thing for public officials to be taking handouts.
Can someone translate for the non-lawyers what the judgments mean?
@Kristine: here’s a gift link so you can read. My quick take is that it’s the usual low information voter problem.
J. Arthur Crank
@Baud: So can President Biden proceed with his “kick various Supreme Court justices in the balls with his special edition ‘official act’ Nikes” program, or is it on hold for another day?
@CaseyL: Back in the day I preferred another candidate to Katanji Jackson Brown. But I love her now.
@schrodingers_cat: Snyder case makes after the fact bribery entirely legal so long as those who could be tipped to set up laws preventing it locally choose to make it so.
@schrodingers_cat: Here’s an explanation of the social media decision; Curtis vs Missouri:
@Baud: For real?? Geez. Lazy and cowardly!
Sure, if the respondents think democracy is not having to respect minorities, women, the environment, health rules…
Slightly OT, but great news from a compassionate president!
Bribery after the act is now legal.
“I will pay you on Tuesday for a sweet-heart contract on Friday.”
@Kristine: It’s this kind of thing that makes me think I better not watch the debates. I am practically tormented now by the question of how any of this can even be happening, how seemingly well-functioning, more-or-less kind people can think this way.
@Jackie: That brought tears to my eyes. Joe, the “do the right thing” President.
@Anoniminous: So long as the check is post-dated, can one hand it over early?
The standing decision isn’t great law, even though it caused a good result in this case. But the fact that Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch diissented shows again how results oriented they are.
@Anonymous At Work:
It’s not “bribery” unless it comes from the Bribery region of France. Otherwise, it’s merely “sparkling malfeasance.”
nominated for rotating tag.
@WaterGirl: See what I said back at #25.
Unfortunately, the Roberts Court has always been pro-bribery.
Dems kicked Menendez to the curb for nothing.
A bit tricky. Usually a financial institution forks over the cash when the check is present. To prevent that a formal post-date notice accompanied almost certainly by a fee has to be filed or given to the teller when the check is presented. But that transaction has to dated which gives an evidence trail to follow.
Better to just wait.
So the cowards are only releasing two opinions today? Lazy asses.
@Baud: It wuz the gold bars what got him.
Another Scott
To be clear, taking horrible, laughable, cases and then sitting on them for ages rather than quickly slapping them down hard is yet another reason to Fight For 15!!
@geg6: Lazy? Or cowardly? Could be either!
@Jinchi: the bumpstockers are still hiding things say my Spidey senses. Propublica, we need more digging in the dirt!
@Anoniminous: Aaahhhh. Tricky indeed. Still, somehow that strikes me as catnip to the legally inclined, especially when given the keys to hot-wire the system in their favor.
Another Scott
@Jinchi: There’s also a picture of McDonnell holding up a bottle of “Thunder Muscle” (or whatever it was) in an endorsement of some briber’s product.
He was a shameless crook, selling his office. And everyone knows it. But the SCOTUS didn’t care.
And he got away with it.
So happy that my tax dollars are being spent to defend this shit. 😡
I get the newsletter too. One from yesterday had this headline:
Well, I’ve never seen as many Palestinians become suddenly dead as we have in the past several months. Ask me if I give a damn about Israelis’ gloomy moods.
Rod Blagojevich has entered the chat.
The unSupremes extended their session into July, so don’t expect any💥 until next week… or beyond.
getting rid of menedez is a good unto itself
Chief Oshkosh
“I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.
ETA: Anoniminous beat me to it.
@scav: It’s a good thing you guys are making me laugh, because that’s a terrible ruling.
It’s almost like they are trying to make sure the SCOTUS members can never be convicted of bribery.THEY ARE MAKING SURE THEY CAN NEVER BE CONVICTED OF BRIBERY, NO MATTER HOW BLATANT.
Rage and tears, that’s all I’ve got for this corrupt Supreme Court. And of course working to get Dems in every position everywhere so we can start the pendulum moving in the right direction again related to corruption.
Lazy and cowardly! We are simpatico!
@Kristine: I read that article. The voters they were talking about were 18-25 years old, sometimes vote and sometimes not, but the scary part was that all Trump’s whining about being picked on by the federal government has gotten through to them. They don’t know what Biden has done to defend democracy, but they believe Trump that he’s being targeted by the deep state under Biden.
I think Biden should put out some ads showing how Trump has been a “victim” of government since long before he was president: the civil rights agreement of the 1970s regarding discrimination against black applicants, the charity fraud, the Trump University fraud, details about the false electors and the pressure on Pence. Make the ads short and easily understood. There’s a long history of Trump being “picked on” for good reason.
Could you imagine for a moment that the SCOTUS would extend the bribery logic to a murder for hire case, if the payor withheld payment until after the fact and called it a gratuity?
Of course not.
Two-tiered justice forever.
@WaterGirl: Nooooo, if they thought that could apply to themselves, I’m sure they’d recuse!
Ever since they overturned (if that’s the right legal word) VA Gov. Bob McDonnell’s bribery conviction, it’s been pretty clear that about the only way the Bogus Scotus is going to let a bribery conviction stand is if there’s a signed contract where the recipient signed a contract saying what they’re doing and what payment they expect in return.
Rob Roser
Re: Snyder, if you can’t give the puppy a treat after he follows instructions, how are you supposed to train them? Think of the lobbyists.
Supreme Court
Almost Retired
@WaterGirl: Criminal law professors are quickly updated their Syllabuses everywhere to account for this helpful primer from the SC on the proper execution of a bribe.
@Anoniminous: stollen
Seems to me the perfect example of tip now for a deed to be done later is awarding someone a Supreme Court seat so they will later overturn Roe.
@Anonymous At Work: My guess is that the decision on the merits will wait until after the Presidential election.
Since this is an open thread, lemme drop this in from GZero:
What horrible people they are.
The piece goes on to point out that divorce rates are near a 40-year low. So much for no-fault divorce undermining family stability. Just like with abortion, it’s all about control.
Daoud bin Daoud
@Baud: So the Extreme Court has ruled that bribes don’t count if the bribe arrived after the paid-for decision. Uncle Thomas must be very relieved!
Given the oft-heard comment that low-info voters don’t start paying attention until (late?) August, maybe those ads are being queued up. If Biden himself is referring to Trump as a convicted felon, I can’t help but think the supporting evidence will follow in short bursts through September/October. 🤞
I can’t wait for Joe to shove this down TCFG’s throat with a smile tomorrow night!
Or maybe young voters can decide that former presidents should be above the law.
Chris Johnson
At some point they figured out that if they say ‘Trump SHOULD BE trusted more than Biden on democracy’, that’s an editorial and invites disagreement.
If they say ‘Trump IS trusted more than Biden on democracy’, that’s an intention and the more of it they can put out uncontested, the truer it is! As long as they are trusted. And it defies disagreement. The only catch is, they are now propagandists pushing a line. But if there’s money in that…
Just replace ‘IS’ with ‘SHOULD BE’ on something like that and you have a window into editorial intent.
CNN is allowing ABC, CBS, Fox, and NBC to broadcast their debate. If the networks don’t like CNN’s requirements, they’re free to air “regular” broadcasting, IMO.
Why “early next week”? When there’s such a golden opportunity to release the Trump immunity decision next Friday.
Hey, Friday’s the usual day of the week, right? Right? Why does is matter that you can’t get more low prifile than a Friday that’s also the day after a major holiday?
@Chris Johnson:
Excellent point.
Mueller She Wrote xit about the new classified docs photos released by Jack Smith yesterday. Good question, IMO. You don’t get answers without asking questions.
Photo & xit at link
@Baud: It’s also highly questionable that those voters are “key” since they are a very low-propensity group (18-25 sometime voters according to the synopsis above). I wonder what the gender and racial breakdown is among this “key” group.
They should be careful what they wish for. Laws such as they want could convince women that marriage is not a great idea.
Comment lifted from elsewhere
Wonder if they shouldn’t have hidden their magical “hey-presto! the bribery has vanished!” decision in amidst a variety of boring, less self-serving cases. Less of a risk than it might be with a less abject press, but still, given the pong of RV reputation that surrounds themselves . . .
Angelo Carusone, President of Media Matters and Ben Rhodes, former Deputy National Security Advisor under President Obama join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House with a look at how right wing media, and Fox News specifically are setting the expectation for their audience that it is not possible for President Biden to win a second term without some type of nefarious activity, stoking the same lies that fueled the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Coup ongoing.
@Anoniminous: So great. Replaced the photo up top.
@Almost Retired: It’s like we are living in some Bizzaro World.
@Anoniminous: Only if you’re a state or local official, and only if there’s no state or local law saying otherwise.
This is to enable the illiberal managed democracies of the red states to go as corrupt as possible in favor of the oligarchs who already run them, but it won’t affect most blue states, I would think.
I’d say we need a Cute Kittens post after this absurd ruling, but I fear that we need to reserve the Cute Kittens post for the rulings later in the week.
@Josie: Women already seem to be viewing it that way; part of why divorce is the lowest it’s been in 40 years is because marriage rates are falling off a cliff, especially for non-college more rural folk.
Good. If marriage is the equivalent of selling yourself into slavery, women with self respect should reject the offer.
If men don’t like it, they can vote blue.
@Baud: Yep, and this is why making no fault go away is just an enabling act, because in order to reverse that trend, they also need to make sure that women can’t access education and financial services without a man being involved. It’s going to be extremely difficult to bring us back to the 50s, but they’re gonna try really hard.
Mike S. (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
@scav: Nah, SCOTUS’ legalization of after the act bribery is not going to make the news because TCFFG is hinting he MIGHT name his VP pick as soon as this week. My local TV news is running off to follow that squirrel.
Don’t tell the 2nd Amendment people that.
New rotating tag.
@artem1s: @Anonymous At Work:
New rotating tag.
@lowtechcyclist: The only “social ills” they can think of are that women don’t know their place.
@Anonymous At Work: I’m trying to imagine the situation one would punt on 4th and goal (presuming that’s going to be inside the 20 at least). And I guess it might be interesting if you were on say the 15 to have your QB roll out and surprise punt a worm-burner from outside the right hashes across the field towards the pylon on the opposite side through all the traffic, creating a fumble when it hits one of the opposition or in confusion they try to secure it.
But that’s all I can come up with.
@Anonymous At Work:
Rotating tag
@Bupalos: I think you have a number of big penalties and negative plays. Somewhere I might have a note of a play in a lower college division which was something like 4th and goal from the team’s own 35 yard line…
The release of the presidential immunity decision will be timed by Chief Justice Roberts to whichever day around the July 4th holiday he thinks the fewest citizens will be paying attention.
Cold duck ’em all.
@Timill: Um, no. It was TN v GA in the SEC on Oct 8, 2011:
@NotMax: 💙
@Baud: So it’s only a bribe if you get the money up front. (F’ed up my username, dammit)
Look, I will be out of town when the decision is handed down so I’d like to prepay my gratuity.
@jimmiraybob: Sorry, we can’t do layaway plans yet.
@Belafon: “… women don’t know their place.”
I heard a Republican MAGA wannabe the other day say, that as a black man, he felt he should say that women have gotten too mouthy.
Steve Herman@[email protected]
SCOTUS inadvertently released its opinion in EMTALA abortion case earlier this morning, according to Bloomberg Law reporter Kimberly Robinson, who explains the justices “are poised to allow emergency abortions in Idaho, suggesting the Court shouldn’t have gotten involved in the early litigation.
I guess females bleeding out in the hospital waiting room was something they didn’t want to be blamed for
“Dear Mr. Trump…”
@Baud: So is this when trump says, thank you my supreme court. That is something he’d get nailed on.
@Jackie: Taking a pardon implies (wrongly, I think) an admission of guilt; can a President remit a sentence in a way that says the subject isn’t guilty, or that the crime, isn’t a reasonable crime?
Mr. Bemused Senior
Don’t you mean “cold-clock”?
@jimmiraybob: “On the one hand, I could lose my right to vote, my job to a white man, and even more people might feel like they can shoot me. On the other hand, I could have a woman to slap around. Choices.”
Bill Arnold
The gratuity in question was $13000:
I wonder if a suitcase full of 100$ bills (or gold bars, depending on the politician involved), or a wallet with a similar value of bitcoins, would similarly arguably be a legal gratuity, even though much more anonymous. (assuming any work-arounds for money laundering, and declaration as income).
Maybe we could do a Homely Kittens post? Hmm . . . might be hard to find. 🤔
Randal Sexton
Found this on bsky: “But the law’s treatment of gratuities is more nuanced. Gratuities are typically payments made to an official after an official act as a token of appreciation. Some gratuities can be problematic. Others are commonplace and might be innocuous. A family gives a holiday tip to the mail carrier. Parents send an end-of-year gift basket to their child’s public school teacher. A college dean gives a college sweatshirt to a city council member who comes to speak at an event. A local businessman gives a judge an RV and flights to a five star hotel. A state legislator’s neighbor drops off a bottle of wine to congratulate her for her work on a new law.” (This is a very lightly modified excerpt of justice “I Like Beer””s concurrence
@Baud: Is it likely that they accidentally released the decision?
@Dagaetch: Thanks. And boy is that fucked up. Trump’s bullshit themes are resonating with way way way too many people. Basically looks like Trump is making more hay where it matters from the prosecutions than we are. And the numbers on the number of people who don’t believe elections are fair anymore are terrifying.
I don’t know how you craft a message about voting to support democracy to this crowd. I tend to think that while Biden is of course right that Trump is a major threat to democracy itself, that may simply not be a campaign issue he can effectively exploit. There may be too much blowback with that. I don’t know. People are going crazy, it’s hard to know how to approach this.
@jimmiraybob: Isn’t that the guy the MN GQP has chosen to run for senator? Why, yes it is.
@Spanky: Both, most likely, almost inevitably, both.
Please keep them as scheduled.
My theory is that the south has run on labor arbitrage for the last fifty years.
That’s going, going, gone… for reasons that aren’t related to political policy, but regional political elites are going to keep trying to hammer square pegs into round holes because their monied interests are demanding it.
How long they can work petit bourgeois resentments, while not delivering a 1985 workforce (and returns) for the ownership class, are the crux of the current GOP dynamics.
I don’t know what they gain by doing it.
@Randal Sexton: “A billionaire funds a quarter-million dollar RV for a Supreme Court justice…” It’s the little thankful gestures…
@Mr. Bemused Senior
Nope. See here.
@Almost Retired: Syllabi.
@Baud: It depends on when they release it. It takes away a talking point at the debate. imo
@Daoud bin Daoud: I bet Uncle Thomas got paid up front.
@Daoud bin Daoud: People should make a point of that this gets Trump off for his threat/bribe to Zelenskii for armaments, since they wouldn’t get them until after doing the “favor”.
@Baud: Yeah, but our corrupt Dems somehow manage to make a ton more money. I mean, the GOP are cheap, they’ll sell out their country for about $10k – $25k.
Dems, require millions.
ETA – they require meanings and they still don’t sell out their country- they just like being personally rich.
CNN just announced the ruling on emergency abortions being okay.
double post
isn’t that an german pastry?
@Anonymous At Work:
A+++ comment.
Oh, I’m glad. People would die. Are dying.
@rikyrah: Someone answered, yay! I will leave them at 9:30.
Let’s just not forget that the “pro life movement” sought to deny life saving treatment to pregnant women in emergency situations. They’re so nuts only this nutjob court stopped them from killing us.
@MomSense: I thought so, too. Now it’s a rotating tag, so we can enjoy it again and again.
Anyone have a link to voter turnout demographics for the NY primary?
@Kay: I still think it was intentional in order to take it off the table during the debate.
Not stopped. Delayed until after the election.
@cain: Simple economics. A lot less supply on the Democratic side.
@JPL: Thank God. Looks like we will be able to save lives.
@MomSense: I haven’t but I think it was low. One pro Bowman precinct had 19 people turn out as of 6 pm. It was apparent early on that he was going to lose..
@Baud: yup
Mr. Bemused Senior
@NotMax: yes, yes, I’m just playing along. Not that I’d ever advocate violence, goodness no!
@Timill: Yes I think I might have actually even seen it happen before with the Browns, I just think “4th and 42” just isn’t really “4th and goal” anymore in any sense that is being used here. I was trying to think of how anyone could conceivably punt in what we actually think of as 4th and goal.
CNN is echoing Bloomberg, adding that there was confirmation of an opinion draft posted erroneously.
CNN says it hasn’t seen the draft itself.
Take things with a grain of salt, but maybe things wont be as bad as was feared.
@WaterGirl: I see your new Representative, Nikki Budzinski, will play for the Congressional Women’s Softball Team tonight. She and a bipartisan team are playing one made of Congressional reporters. Other Democratic ballplayers include Sharice Davids, Mary Peltola, Kristen Gillibrand, and Brittany Petterson, Miss Bianca’s new Congresswoman.
Sounds like a remand, perhaps.
ETA maybe improvidently granted.
@Geminid: Sounds fun. Better now that the heat wave has broken.
Anonymous At Work
@Baud: Murthy dismissed on standing now. I foresee Elmo posting about how President Biden is braindead and what we see is an animatronic robot and everyone needs to take to the street with guns. Feds politely ask Elmo to quit that shit. Elmo can then sue to re-open Murthy with proper standing.
Anonymous At Work
@WaterGirl: Let us hope that the Congressional team learned how to slide from Chase Utely and Ty Cobb. MLB made a rule to prevent more broken legs after Chase did that. Ty Cobb used sharpened cleats and would slide with legs up, to see if you really wanted to make a close play.
@JaySinWA: They are waiting until after the election.
@WaterGirl: I’m a hundred miles southwest of DC, and the heatwave here hasn’t broken yet. Hopefully there won’t be a thunderstorm.
At least it’s a night game. I saw some pictures Rep. Budzinski posted from last year’s State Fair and she looked like a very cheerful tomato. Budzinski is really light skinned and sunburns easily.
@Mr. Bemused Senior: don’t you mean “coldcock?” 😆 It’s similar to getting your clock cleaned. I mean, oops, cleaning someone else’s clock.
Another Scott
There’s been some discussion of Biden’s recent pardons of military members. A FAQ:
So, it’s a good thing, and apparently as much as Biden could do on his own. Here’s hoping judicial actions are low-cost, quick, and easy, and that DD 149 forms are processed quickly and accurately.
@catclub: it is! But Dotard mispells it that way so I was piling on.
Reddit comment on Snyder
Captain C
@lowtechcyclist: And even then, not if it’s made out to Justice RV-Vacation or Justice Inquisitor.
Kittens are the everlasting gobstoppers of cute. No need to ration them.
@MomSense: If you’re still reading – the link to the current New York results is here and includes numbers of voters.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Shorter Alito:Triumph of the Will and women who might die from an emergency are too “emotional”
They’re reversing their prior order to let women die. Justice Brown Jackson smells a rat, she implies the corrupt extremists want to do it, but just not a few months before an election.
@JPL: They vote for whatever is good for the Republican Party. A whole series of martyrs on television killed because of red states’ medieval anti abortion laws, it turns out, is not good for the Republican party.
And if they overturned EMTALA the fireworks would just be getting started. People dying in the streets and patient dumping would once again become routine. Nevermind what would happen in a COVID style pandemic WITHOUT EMTALA.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: Well, that, and putting front and center that, to his, the Evangelical and similar minds, when presented with the trolly problem, the easy decision is to run over the woman, even if the life on the other track is only a potential or dying one. Run her down. Certainly puts the lie to all those dramas where the tearful husband decides (to a swelling musical score) to tell the doctor to save his beloved wife over that of his child. Wonder how soon such a husband will be charged and imprisoned for such a decision.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: CNN is now saying that it looked liked a 5-4 decision with Barrett ruling with the liberal justices. Imagine the optics, oh my! Roberts would need a fainting couch.
@whatsmynym: I see Daniel Goldman breezed through the 10th CD primary with 64% of the vote. Goldman barely squeaked by in the 2022 primary, winning in a crowded field with less than 30%. But now that Goldman’s in I think he’ll hold that seat as long as he wants.
Local Democrats speak highly of John Avlon, who will face Republican Nick LaLota in the Long Island 1st CD. Former Rep. Mondaire Jones is running against Republican Mike Lawler in a district based in north Westchester County, while a Mr. Mannion will face another freshman Republican in an upstate district
@ArchTeryx: They’ll wait until next term.
Do you have a link? I don’t see how they would know that. Also, one of the other right wingers would have needed to cross over for it to be 5-4, and that means Roberts or Kavanaugh.
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Geminid: goldman’s kind of great. i was wary when they redistricted us out of nadler’s district, but goldman has done an excellent job.
@Baud: At this point it’s just speculation that the court was trying to save face. I guess Barrett sided with the other females and the males were in denial. So only one would crossover
It wasn’t Paula Reid but the court commentator with dark hair.
@Baud: Bloomberg needs to release the opinion, imo. CNN knows Jackson accused the court of kicking the can down the road. Not sure how they know that.
Looks like they were the only ones fast enough to download the opinion. I suspect the opinion will be issued tomorrow at this point. Putting the premature other opinion out there might confuse people.
Roberts has really lost control of this court. It’s a mess.
Yup. I knew they would always choose the fetus over the woman.
I still can’t believe the Biden Administration had to bring a lawsuit to ensure women could get life saving care in an emergency room. The plan on the Right was to deny this to women.
They hate us. The conservative women hate other women too.
It seems like Barrett has been inching away from the other 5 this term. I wonder if she’s noticing the hate in her right wing social circles. (Pure speculation on my part}.
@Baud: I think she suddenly realized 1) the whole MAGA plan for women; and 2) that she is a woman.
She’s a woman. She may be against abortion, but she does recognize the danger to women.
@japa21: Even that would be a step up from the usual Fundevangelical attitude towards women, which is that we are fungible, disposable, and anyway “God” can save a woman bleeding out if “He” wants to (and if God doesn’t save her, it’s because she deserved to die).
@CaseyL: But suddenly it’s all God Helps Those Who Help Themselves to the little blue pill. God not getting blood properly corralled in that instance is not to be endured.
@JPL: The thing is, when it comes to abortion and the health of the mother, Catholics have a loophole called the doctrine of double effect. If you do something to save the life of a pregnant woman, and the baby dies as a result, as long as the first intention was saving the mother, that’s okay. So Barrett as a Catholic can rule with the liberals in comfort. So could Kavanagh, Thomas and Alito but then fewer men would have the chance of scoring hot younger wives when their old wife died in childbirth, and we can’t have that.
Captain C
Is Vance trying to tell us something about his own marriage here?
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
I would think Roberts since he voted against Dobbs
Testing new device
Justice Thomas has a paper coffee cup on his bench, with handwriting that reads “Gratuities gratefully accepted”.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: great news, seriously fabulous
Gloria DryGarden
Can these after-the-fact bribes and gratuities be taxed, at the very least?
Most people are expected to report and pay taxes on gratuities. They found a way to keep at least some of wait-staff tips to no longer be under – the-table. Sheesh
Fucked up is right.
Running out of swear words
Katrikiya madre Kali sera.
@lowtechcyclist: My God, what is wrong with those people? They are sick in the head. I think even the Catholic Church doesn’t think you should put up with being beaten.
@Josie: I agree, doing away with no fault divorce is a good way to make the marriage rate even lower.
If they are bribes, they are taxable income. Just like any other income, legal or not. (That’s how they nailed Al Capone.)
But if they really are gifts, then the giver owes taxes on any amount above a threshold (something like $14k per person per year, last I looked).