I’ll lead with the important stuff:
President Biden, in a surprise phone interview on MSNBC on Monday morning, said he’s frustrated by the discussion about his fitness and the calls for him to step aside. “Any of these guys that don’t think I should run, run against me. Announce for president, challenge me at the convention,” he said. Biden also sent a letter to his party’s lawmakers in Congress on Monday, insisting that he would stay in the race and calling for an end to the drama within the Democratic Party. The letter comes amid rising calls from within his party for him to step aside after his poor debate performance.
Also, I was surprised/not-surprised to see that the Member of Congress from Rochester, Joe Morelle (NY-25) is on the list of “senior” House Democrats who supposedly want Biden to step down. Louise Slaughter, the absolute stalwart that he replaced, is rotating in her grave. (The others are Adam Smith, WA-9, Mark Takano, CA-39 and Jerry Nadler, NY-12). This is based on a Zoom call with Hakeem Jeffries last night.
The last time I wrote to Morelle was when he was dragging his feet over the first Trump impeachment. He finally signed on once it was clear the way the wind is blowing. Seeing him in the vanguard of those recommending that Biden step aside is a bitter laugh moment. He leads when he should shut up, and he shuts up when he should lead.
That’s all I have on this topic, as if enough hasn’t been said yet.
strange visitor (from another planet)
so disappointed with nadler
eta- frist?
Trivia Man
“Put up or GTFO”
right on, joe!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@strange visitor (from another planet): wondering if that’s a NYT readership thing.
Times Runs Four Above-The-Fold Stories
Calling For Biden To Withdraw From Race
Why This Means Biden Should Step Aside
A Times Media Analysis
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
This information is apparently full of errors.
Al Rennick
Harris and any other Democrat would be a stronger candidate against Trump than Biden, but if he refuses to drop out he needs to take multiple cognitive exams asap and hold at least two White House press conferences per month right up until Election Day.
Note to self: Do not feed the troll.
The Seneca Project (@senecaprojectus) posted at 10:39 PM on Sun, Jul 07, 2024:
“This isn’t an Aaron Sorkin West Wing episode.”
WATCH: Seneca Project Co-Founder @TaraSetmayer pulls no punches while discussing the impracticalities of @JoeBiden stepping aside on @AymanMSNBC. https://t.co/K54nLyG7GH
Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) posted at 0:18 PM on Mon, Jul 08, 2024:
Great work by @JuddLegum here: a list confirming that Trump lied about Project 2025 and implicitly showing us the *reason* he lied.
The reason is this: this is *his* plan; written for him by *his* team; and he *knows* most Americans oppose it.
So he must *hide* his involvement. https://t.co/PNyYljaxn5
Truthfully, I don’t know if we’ll be better off if Biden stepped aside for Harris or not. But doesn’t his relative lack of exposure to unscripted at length interviews, his entrenched attitude and the extreme wagon-circling give anyone hesitation here? If he appears another time as he did during the debate in the next few months, it’s going to go from a hemmorhage to a bleed out. I mistrust the polls as much as anyone but trends within the same ones are concerning – that’s the difference between consistency and accuracy. You can have issues with the latter but with the same methodology still show valid and useful information in the former. And as much as I also hate the SCLM (that’s so called liberal media if anyone forgot) there’s a whole lot of smoke that not just high level donors but people are telling Biden’s team he needs a course correction and fast. This week is critical. I can only support who and what we have but have to ask if we’re really still the infamous “reality based community.”
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: I do wonder why anyone takes him seriously. He shows up only when something negative happens to Democrats and then tries to throw fuel in the fire. Again and again.
2 new accounts saying pretty much the same thing. We are being trolled.
Just got an email from the President and Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
He is in it to win it.
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t know either. And have you noticed how the goal posts of what JB needs to do keep moving.
Also too, Gaza sealions are now yes-butting Joe Biden’s candidacy.
Mike E
Another one sent to the penalty box, three are now out on good behavior.
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t think he’s real. It’s too well done, the declarative statements, lack of argument, subtle allusions to facts that don’t actually exist. But I could be wrong.
Surprised me to see Nadler joining the chorus- anyone know if there’s a story behind that?
@Al Rennick: Say he takes those exams and does perfectly fine (which is absolutely the most likely outcome) – do you possibly imagine that anybody will say, ‘I’m dreadfully sorry I slandered Joe Biden, please accept my apology?’
Nope, they will continue banging the drum that he must step down. They will move the goalposts and declare that the results aren’t really conclusive, that they are rigged, or somesuch knavery that I can’t even begin to conjure.
A cognitive test is this year’s version of the birth certificate.
So, thank you for your concern.
Gin & Tonic
The russians struck a childrens cancer hospital in Kyiv with a Kindzhal missile today. There are fatalities.
jUst aSsKing KweSchuns has entered the building
I smell fear
@Hildebrand: Noooooo please don’t feed it.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Gin & Tonic: The Russians are monsters and Trump is their enabler.
Dorothy A. Winsor
OT, I see Biden signed a Parkinson’s bill into law last week. Gee, I wonder if that’s why a Parkinson’s specialist has visited the White House repeatedly over the last year.
Mr DAW has Parkinson’s. This bill is a good thing.
$8 blue check mistermix
Here are my reasons for being very skeptical of replacing Biden:
I think this reality is just as real as the panic over Biden’s debate performance, while fully acknowledging that good faith Democrats can look at it another way.
What I really am not enjoying is wimpy behavior by “leaders” (like Morelle’s) — if you want Biden out, say it in a big person voice, not a whisper behind closed doors. I’m also not appreciating stuff like Schiff’s nonsense from yesterday about the possibility of a “decisive” win by Kamala Harris. Whichever D ends up at the top of the ticket (Biden or Harris), it’s going to be close, because we’re a closely divided country
And of course the DC press has been in a complete swivet over this because they’re so relieved to go back to the status quo of shitting on Democrats and ignoring the fascist rhetoric from Trump.
@schrodingers_cat: New York Democrat Tom Watson thought he detected Chuck Schumer’s and Hakeem Jeffries’ influence in that letter. This was speculation, but I wouldn’t doubt that they decided it was time to head off the stampede and advised Joe Biden to that effect. There seems to a lot of mutual respect between the three leaders.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Al Rennick:
To quote from Asimov’s Foundation (Part III: “The Mayors”, Chapter 1):
“In short, gentlemen, the government [of the planet Terminus] is of the opinion that it knows what it is doing.”
Spoiler: the government was correct in its opinion.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Geminid: I’m glad the congressional leaders acted. I’ve been picturing Nancy Pelosi if any D House member had walked away from Biden. Nancy knows how to cut a bitch
Geez the bed wetting at LGM continues apace. Disappointing.
Tony Jay
Fixed for accuracy. Epstein/Trump and Project 25. Every day in response to every question. Embarrass the fuck out of the plastic-wrapped noisemakers.
Carthago delenda est!
@$8 blue check mistermix: as to (2), note that the Narrative puts the burden on Biden to prove that there has NOT been significant cognitive decline. And as usual with proving a negative, anyone who wants to (say, I dunno, most of the media and the entire Republican party) can say it’s not yet been proven to their satisfaction.
And it’s worse because his recent appearances — including ones WITHOUT a teleprompter, eg in WI — where he does perfectly well — forceful, energetic, and btw making points about the Felon — simply don’t get coverage because they don’t fit the Narrative, thus no “proof.”
It may simmer down a bit but it won’t go away, not now, and not even if he’s re-elected. Seems like the campaign’s strategy now is simply to say “oh shut up and go away,” which may be having some effect, but I dunno whether it’ll be sufficient.
Maybe threatening their owners with punitive audits? The Felon would do that.
And as to (3), yeah, it’s One Weird Trick to make everything ok again. Na ga ha pa.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Watson was speculating, but I would not be surprised if the two leaders spoke to the President. Schumer and Jeffries strike me as very astute when it comes to practical politics, and they know their caucuses well.
Wait wait. Mayhap all the trolls merely be still more evidence of the utter strength of the Biden economy!? Corporations and the mega-rich have such lashings of extra money sloshing about that they are pushing towards full employment by hiring people (or some combination of artificial intelligence and genetic stupidity) to flood anywhere people congregate with random noise and white logic? Sort of a CCC (Chattering Civilian Corps) to bookend their Professional league. And it’s gone global. The Biden Economy is powering the world!
No. He’s done unscripted interviews, speeches off teleprompter, interacted with actual voters at rope-lines and other events, and it’s all getting ignored. I don’t have a problem with any of it.
Likewise, what does ‘entrenched attitude’ even mean? That he says he’s gotten the nomination and they should stick with him? That’s the objectively right answer – if he thinks he can do the job and can win, he should be defending his position. Likewise, when the media and republicans come for your candidate you should protect them – not just shrug and let the arsonists control the discourse.
Why would any of that raise concern? He’s literally doing the exact thing a responsible campaign should be doing, and going out for more phone calls, discussions and speeches is the right thing to do as well.
Mostly repeating myself from yesterday, but any elected Dem politician with a digital account or with a microphone stuck in their face whose first, last, and only comments aren’t about Dobbs, 2025, 34 felonies, tRump’s planned backstab of Ukraine, Jan 6… should be told they’ll face primary opponents next time around. The Orange Shitstain provides such a target-rich environment, any Dem pol who ignores it should be considered an idiot or fraud.
$8 blue check mistermix
@Tony Jay: Yes, and abortion, especially the “Roe enabled post-birth abortions” shit that Trump spewed. Trump just told the forced-birthers to tone it down in the Republican platform, which means we need to hit it harder.
Mike E
@rikyrah: @TaraSetmayer 🤩🤩🤩🤩
@Sid: No idea, but Nadler’s been an interesting rep. He was very reluctant to investigate Trump early on, for example.
@Hildebrand: I get (and agree with!) the idea that candidates should have a lot more pre-requisites for the job. A mental/physical check is a good idea in general. It’s not a good idea here, because it buys into the whole “Joe is crazy” framing. And you’re exactly right – if Biden did take the tests and passed them, the usual suspects would yell about how being forced into taking the test was weak and disqualifying, and can you really trust the results anyway because he’s obviously in decline etc.
There’s no upside to it at all.
@$8 blue check mistermix: First off — and especially as a front-pager — WTF are you doing responding to/amplifying these off-repeated troll talking points from a new nym?
Secondly: I can’t take anyone seriously as a ‘political expert’ who posits that Joe Biden stepping down as president (in favor of Harris) is the best course for a potential transition.
The amount of chaos that would create in certifying the election alone makes it a non-starter (there is essentially zero possibility of the House confirming any Dem VP).
The other dispositive reason is that putting Mike Johnson a heartbeat away from the presidency is just asking for some stochastic terrorist (or Heritage Foundation Dark Web hire) to take out Harris.
In normal times it might have been the preferred path, but it is political suicide (and potential POTUS homicide) to advocate for it in this moment of history.
@$8 blue check mistermix: Like the other Ranking Members, Morelle was asked to give his honest opinion by Minority Leader Leader Jeffries. That’s not the same as “whispering” behind closed doors. Morelle was wrong, but Jeffries was right to ask him his opinion and Jeffries wanted a real answer, not a loyalty pledge.
@CHETAN R MURTHY: lol – I know. Moment of weakness.
$8 blue check mistermix
I’ll repeat what I said in response to another commenter yesterday — when I’m able, I give people with a reasonable argument a reasonable response, at least once. You sometimes don’t know who’s a troll and who isn’t. In yesterday’s comments, the person to whom I responded made some more reasonable comments. When a community starts defining “troll” as “someone I disagree with”, then the community starts shrinking and turns into an echo chamber.
Yeah, you’re right about the risk of Biden resigning (Johnson) but what does the alternative look like? Some form of weird lame duck with questions about who’s really in charge, questions about why Biden is still President but not fit to run, etc., etc. That’s one big reason that I don’t see replacing Biden as a smart political strategy.
Ironically Mr. West Wing himself, Lawrence O’Donnell (who was the main political consultant for the show as I understand it, and played Jeb Bartlett’s father), has said there is no path for anyone else but Biden.
Also there’s a scene in the West Wing about what happens when Dems cross the president — Josh Lyman takes care of them:
Chris Johnson
@E.: I honestly think some people are just freaking out. They’ve gone full helicopters (that could mean ‘fascist’ and sometimes that is what they’ve gone, there are people who just lose the plot and want THEIR god-king to beat up the enemy god-king, but I mean more like the guy in Apocalypse Now. ‘His methods are… unsound…’)
I think especially when there IS a lot of coordinated action, it’s wise to remember people just panic and lose the damn plot.
You can lose your damn mind sitting around and going ‘gee, now this one is pulling out talking points that are usually only found in THESE threads, what if it is all an elaborate plot and it’s all masterminded by some secret Blofeld, and it’s trying to fish out a reaction from ME that will bring the hammer down?’
The thing that grounds me on days like that is this video from LazerPig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBAnt_w8vvY
He’s saying that Putin (who is running the coordinated action) deeply and earnestly believes conspiracy theory is TRUE. All the Kremlin runs like that. All the bad actors from Russia to 4chan are in love with conspiracy, and think it’s the secret to winning all the everything. And they’re all of them stupid and wrong.
And that goes for troll attacks. Some of ’em are what we know happens. Some is regular people going full helicopters, they’re panicking, losing the plot because they’re seduced into the conspiracy chaos zone.
And this is of course why Le Pen rules France. OH WAIT OOPSY THERE. No she don’t. Nor do the Tories rule England.
We’re up. Don’t go full helicopters, we got this. It’s just trolls and panic. This is not the superweapon they think it is. It’s their best shot but is doing about as well as the Russian Army, who were supposed to roll over Ukraine in a matter of days.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, …
There are too many bad leaders out there. Good leaders are very valuable. We shouldn’t throw them away for stupid reasons.
(via 3YearLetterman)
@MisterForkbeard: Yep – it’s a ‘you can’t win’ situation.
I saw my first jerkoff truck in the wild today. It wasn’t being driven. It was on the back of a flatbed (for a fathead?) with 2 dissimilar vehicles. Not sure that counts as being towed. Maybe going to a Carmax or similar after the driver said FTS. I wonder how much those things depreciate off the lot new.
I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or take off my hat and bow my head in solemn remembrance.
I laughed. And pointed. And Nelsoned*.
*Ha ha
Someone missed the Stern interview that was front paged yesterday I take it?
$8 blue check mistermix
I just don’t think a smart politician says much on a Zoom call that everyone knows will leak. The speaker has a whole host of staff and whips who Morelle can contact to express his concerns, where what he says is more likely to stay private.
Example: one media outlet mistook Mark Takano for Ted Lieu. Lieu immediately went to Twitter and said that he didn’t say a word during the call. I thought that was a good indicator of the smart move from someone who I think is a pretty good politician.
I just now listened to Biden’s interview with Howard Stern from April. Amazing. If anyone is still concerned about the infamous first 20 minutes of the “debate”, listen to this interview. Biden talks about the environments in which expressing himself fluently becomes more difficult. The “debate” was rife with such challenges.
Also, a powerful contrast-and-compare with TCFG as to humility, and being a lifelong learner, and sharing credit, and respecting people who died serving their country, and having a loving and supportive family, and on and on.
It was my first experience listening to Howard Stern — he sounds like Alan Alda!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MisterForkbeard: I see Comer is already accusing Biden’s doctor of being part of the “Biden Crime Family.”
@Hildebrand: hey I’ve succumbed too!! We gotta keep each other on the wagon eh!
@B1naryS3rf: No. He’s done a number of interview. What’s happening is you’re not being exposed to them because he’s doing lots of local interviews and the national media doesn’t care about those.
Tony Jay
@$8 blue check mistermix:
Just constant, merciless hits pumelling every vulnerable spot in the Hench Party’s saggy, uncoordinated defence. The corporate media will try to bend observable reality to create a Stench-friendly narrative (of course they will, bad people, etc) but Democrats should just ignore that and punch, punch, punch.
“These are just some of the reasons that prove how right America was to reject the toxic ideology of MAGA Republicans and the criminal fraud they’ve chosen to lead them in favour of Joe Biden and his proven record of job creation and respect for the rights and freedoms of all Americans” Etc etc.
They’re desperate. They’re right to be.
@schrodingers_cat: 100% agree!
My tongue hurts from biting it so many times this past week.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
After an hour of digging, yup, fake news.
Wish there was a way to delete it.
The sheer disrespect that MSM pundits have for the Democratic primary voters who voted for Biden is stunning. The implicit racism and elitism is worse than any MAGAT I am looking at you NYT editorial board, pod bros and Ezra Klein.
The implicit assumption is that these editorial board elites will change the top of the ticket and Biden voters will just fall in line. Because what other options do minorities have, am I right? Their smugness is revolting.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Another Scott: To get the full impact of that socks request, you have to notice that the tweeter is “Michelle,” a woman.
I still think my worst interview question outranks hers: Does your husband approve of your working full time? (from a dean)
john b
This statement from Biden is kinda missing the point: the only real way he could be replaced is if he steps aside from the nomination. Many of the delegates are bound by law to vote for the result in their state. And a prospective nominee WILL unnecessarily wrench the party apart if they put up their name without buy-in from the WH. Biden can’t pass the buck like this. He can make a decision on what is best for the country — I trust that he has that in mind.
I personally am not sure what the best specific path is for the Dem nomination right now, but from my perspective I think that Biden currently has the energy / aptitude to be President. I’m less sure about his energy to do the grueling work of running for President (all while doing the actual governing part too).
Not sure if it’s been discussed among the several Biden threads but how many of you are disgusted as I am that Adam Schiff is getting in on the act.
NBC news website:
Can’t these democrats just keep quiet if they are not going to give a rigorous defense of Biden
I made a lengthy comment last year about my discomfort with Biden’s age because of personal experience of physical deterioration with a group of similarly-aged friends.
I won’t go into it again, but I concluded then that — in spite of those misgivings — the advantages of incumbency, along with his strong record in actual governance, meant that we simply had to white-knuckle it to the finish line. That there were age-related risks to his re-election odds, but the only rational choice was to support him strongly all the way.
Until now I have never brought back up those thoughts, because once the path becomes clear, why continue to muddy it with worries that are beside the neccessary path of action?
Nothing that has happened over the past couple of weeks have changed that assessment. Yes, his debate performance did whiten my knuckles some, but not my resolve — nor belief that he is still the best, if not only choice, to defeat Trump.
@$8 blue check mistermix: Jeffries chose to hold that meeting and chose the format too. That’s not on Morelle.
Ohio Mom
The New York Times reported today that a Parkinson’s disease expert has visited the White House EIGHT times in the last few months. Obviously suspicious!
Until you read in the comments that Biden was working on bill to increase funding for Parkinson’s research and must have been researching the best directions to take the research.
In other words, he was doing his job. Shame on the NYT. Again.
@Renie: He was on the bash Garland train early on, when did the Zoom with BJers. So this doesn’t surprise me.
@john b: He knows that. But he’s not going to do it unless the cowards prove he needs to. And they’re going to have to do it the right way, by getting the majority of the party to go along with them. He’ll step down if that happens, and then pack and move to France.
Mike E
tbf all of Putin’s efforts are paying off with 14 years of Tory austerity stunting children’s growth by 4 cm, capped off by the own goal/economic suicide of Brexit, and France is a step closer to authoritarianism. Tony Jay can speak to this better but in the UK it’s hard to high-five when you’ve cut off your own arms. We here in the States can’t let out a sigh of relief either even when Joe gets reelected, Congress and the courts being obvious concerns.
You mean it’s worse there than here? 😳
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I don’t trust the candor of Biden’s inner circle at this point. Too many people whose livelihood depends on saying all is well in the kingdom, regardless of whether that’s actually the case.
I also don’t see an easy solution to any of this.
@Mike E: Tara’s been on 🔥! She’s been a great pro Biden advocate.
@Jackie: By an order of magnitude at least. Loomis is an outright troll of his own blog readership, and the others aren’t much better (at least on this topic). The only sane front-pager there is Cheryl Rofer and she is the least prolific poster.
The commentariat there is a mixed bag but dominated by Eeores, cynics and ‘people-clearly-smarter-than-you’.
$8 blue check mistermix
@Renie: If you’re interested, I wrote a post about Schiff’s comments yesterday: https://balloon-juice.com/2024/07/07/adam-schiff-is-wrong-about-the-election/
Some of the commenters were upset because they thought I cherry picked that quote that NBC news ran with. In my view, Schiff, who as we all know is a smart lawyer, picked that “argument” because it supported his desired conclusion, which is to substitute Harris for Biden. If you want to see my response to those commenters, here it is, with more context where he repeats the same thing: https://balloon-juice.com/2024/07/07/adam-schiff-is-wrong-about-the-election/#comment-9248565
The bottom line on Schiff, who I know is/was a fan favorite here, is don’t make a hero out of your favorite politician, because you’ll be in for constant disappointment.
Old School
@john b:
I don’t see any passing of the buck.
@Ohio Mom:
Oh god they really have descended to the NY Post’s level. The Post tried to pull that BS the other day.
Any NYT reporter on any topic who isn’t openly embarrassed by their affiliation with the paper should be, and should be made embarrassed. The reporters like to think that it doesn’t tarnish them, but now it does.
Omnes Omnibus
The Dems are putting ads on Milwaukee buses in advance of the GOP convention to remind people that Biden is working for them.
@BR: We need Joe to see that clip! 😂
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I was being interviewed by a small group of faculty and staff for an internal promotion (college administration), and a professor asked me if I didn’t get the job, would I quit?
Not on a level with did I have my husband’s permission to work outside the home, though!
@Cacti: Actually, I see a real easily solution: Donate, GOTV, postcards, talk to your friends and family to make sure they vote. I realize fretting is a much easier choice, but it’s not a solution.
$8 blue check mistermix
Agree on Cheryl.
LGM has an order of magnitude more comments on any post than B-J, and it is definitely a mixed bag. But I’ll note that the “Biden should quit” posts incurred a ton of pushback in the comments.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: funny how that works. On some people 🙄
Meanwhile, there is an outstanding subpoena issue…
Old Man Shadow
My message to Democrats in general is:
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s fantastic! Props for using Dark Brandon.
@john b:
Since he’s done it before, multiple times, I’m pretty sure he knows what campaigning entails and whether he’s up to it or not.
@Jackie: @CHETAN R MURTHY: @comrade scotts agenda of rage: @db11: it definitely has become more than a little strident. I think there may be some we-will-PROVE-we-were-right-all-along! going on, same as in a lot of the MSM. Like, they’re invested in the Narrative now. And I suppose it’s good for clicks. But as I’ve observed there a couple times now, it’s driven me, at least, away for a while. I’ll look in maybe 1x/day. BJ is an island of sanity by comparison.
@Omnes Omnibus: Love it! I’ll be curious to see if there’s anything similar here (i.e., R messages on buses) when the Dems come to town. I kinda think not–this is such a blue state, and it’s not like Rs have a lot of cash on hand, IIUC, so it doesn’t make much sense.
@Jackie: in comparison, around here the beds are bone dry.
zhena gogolia
@Sid: He’s an idiot.
@stinger: And I think he’s smart enough to combine functions; make Presidential behavior an implied campaign talking point.
@Omnes Omnibus: thanks, that’s also a great meme to share across the nation.
randy khan
I was looking for the sarcasm tags on that one. (“Any other Democrat?” Come on.)
@stinger: I’m curious what happens to john’s coworkers when they get a sniffle.
We have almost no inflation and record low unemployment. We have the best economic recovery post-COVID of most major economies. Biden’s age has been more of an asset than an impairment. He knows how to get shit done.
Mike E
@bbleh: never go the full Firedoglake.
@bbleh: Same for me. I’m not generally keen on most of the people that dominate that blog, but there’s often a number of insightful and interesting perspectives from several of the less strident regulars there.
But these days it’s simply unreadable from the get-go.
O. Felix Culpa
@Mike E: Excellent point. Now that was a sad crash and burn, and entirely self-inflicted.
@bbleh: you’re not wrong.
Salty MAGAtears are a perfect way to stay hydrated! Also, very moving video of French populace cheering ✊
Josh Marshall’s response to Catturd’s lie about France (many more tears to drink at link, also):
I won’t watch; if there’s anything of interest, Lawrence O’Donnell and/or MJ will mention it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@stinger: Cripes. Did he think you’d just flounce away?
Chris Johnson
@Jackie: He wasn’t able to get Tim Pool this time? He’s sinking :D
Another Scott
@john b: (repost)
Biden is doing the job right now. He thrives on work that would kill most of us.
The commenters at Political Wire have gone completely around the bend. I always thought they were, as a group, sort of vacuous, but now they are totally nuts. And the article summaries chosen by the owner seem to be selected to cause everyone to give up. I won’t be going back there soon, if ever.
@randy khan: Which comment are you referring to?
Hunter Gathers
@$8 blue check mistermix:
Seeing Loomis use backhanded Antebellum ‘compliments’ against the site’s readers and donors is something to watch.
His students must hate his ever loving guts.
Prometheus Shrugged
@Ohio Mom: Uh oh, this puts me in an even worse light for most of you here after yesterday. I swear I refuse to read the NYT, and I had no idea the topic was already hashed out at LGM. So all I can do is apologize again and say that I was trying to process otherwise inexplicable (for me) events over the last week in the way that I know how and through discussions with people that I trust. I should have just kept quiet. One further note on my trolldom: my most immediately prior hot take posts on this site were concerning 1.) dogs and the 4th of July; 2.) mocking the Cybertruck; and 3.) a shared love for tuna sandwiches–i.e. hardly the typical domain of trolls.
Captain C
@Hunter Gathers: I wonder if Loomis a) notices that he tends to criticize people for things he does/lives himself, and if so b) gets off on it. His skin is a molecular monolayer thick, if that.
@$8 blue check mistermix: That’s a problem generally with Congressional “stars.” They have strengths to be sure, usually as communicators, but people often think they excell their colleagues in political judgement and that is a very different thing.
I thought of that last weekend when people expressed consternation when Jaime Raskin went a little squishy on Biden last weekend. They were surprised at his lack of political judgement.
But why would Raskin be especially astute when it comes to practical politics? He’s a Constitutional Law professor who won a primary for an open D+20 seat, and has had a smooth electoral path since. He’s never had to learn what contemporaries like Colin Allred, Sharice Davids and Abigail Spanberger learned by flipping red seats and holding them.
john b
the assumption of bad faith or the minimization of concerns of people looking for the same outcome as you is a pretty bad look. And, no, I’m not some troll coming around to stir shit up. I’ve been here ?15? years. I saw the quote in the OP in the news this morning and thought it was a bullshit frame by Biden and seemed defensive.
I’m not a media elite, I’m just no longer sure Biden is the best bet to beat Trump. But I will support the decision that Biden makes — because it is his choice. There is no world in which a challenger could come up without his stepping aside and pretending otherwise is insulting to the intelligence of those he is speaking to.
@CHETAN R MURTHY: Should be noted the bedwetting is among the “staff”, the commenters are almost universally telling them to knock it off. EDIT: I see this has already been mentioned, carry on.
@Another Scott: Thank you. I remembered seeing that yesterday and didn’t know where to find it again.
Everyone passing around that Tweet that most all the CEOs of the media are Trump donors really should take note of this:
“Readers added context they thought people might want to know
The media CEOs named are verifiably not Trump donors. The CEO at CNN is British and ineligible to donate.”
I really think a little research is needed. So, I Googled “CNN CEO.” Clearly, he is a British citizen….Sir Mark Thompson (Chairman and CEO).
Pick a name and utilize the Google machine. I suspect the entire Tweet is inaccurate.
@BR: that was from months ago. He needs to be doing that NOW. So that means very little to undecided or wavering voters’ perceptions. And could he do that interview at say 8 pm?
So convincing. 🙄
Hunter Gathers
@Captain C: I’m a 48 year old white dude working on my teaching degree and, to be honest, Loomis is like most of the white male professors I have dealt with – they go apeshit at the drop of a hat.
@Hildebrand: They’ll want him to take the long test, which takes 3-4 hours. Then that won’t be enough either.
Last night on the local Philly CBS news station, they had a piece about Biden’s visit to a local black church, as well as another stop at a campaign office in the area, then his trip over to Harrisburg. Regarding the local black church, they interviewed a few people, and to a T, they all said, “I’m enthusiastically voting for Biden in November.” They mentioned how he was helping black people via jobs, and appointments to the courts. Not a mention of any of the shenanigans that the perl clutchers are so desperately peddling.
The people who had Biden’s back in 2020 are the same folks who have his back now. #ridin’withBiden
$8 blue check mistermix
@Prometheus Shrugged: I remember responding to your comment yesterday. You weren’t being a troll. Don’t feel bad about it.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Mike E:
Calamity Jane and the Hamshers of the Apocalypse! Or as longtimers here remember them, firebaggers. While the content and tone are definitely reminiscent of those days there, the front pagers aren’t grasping political ‘playuh’ careerists the way she so desperately wanted to be.
I’d gone back there after probably a decade of having forgot about them for those same reasons but finally bailed, again, last year after butting heads too often with LeMeow over economic stuff and getting tired of Gloomis’s increasingly hastily-done grave pieces full of mistakes and nasty little asides having nothing to do with the person.
Mike E
@Josie: needless to say, Daily Kos is in full-blown trollmageddon. I got a DK warning ticket when I called out an obvious popping jay one note commenter (but my comments were upvoted despite my transgressions, heh). Tony Jay is correct about Joe’s strength going into November as evidenced by the sheer volume of interlopers we are seeing now.
I wish he’d added: “Let’s talk about Trump’s Project 2025.”
Hey, I’m trying to learn how to link to things here, so tell me if this doesn’t work, but this AP story contains a link to the Spoutible Town Hall with the D Senate candidate who has a shot at unseating Voldemort, I mean Rick Scott, in November’s election tonight at 7 p.m. The Dark Lord, I mean Scott, is not well liked and I think there is a non-zero chance Mucarsel-Powell can pull this off with an abortion initiative also on the ballot. Spoutible to Host Virtual Town Hall for Senate Candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
@Omnes Omnibus: yes! I love this sort of thing!
O. Felix Culpa
@Another Scott:
QFT. I couldn’t have done his schedule when I was in my forties.
@Al Rennick: Love when trolls volunteer early in a thread for the pie filter.
$8 blue check mistermix
So true. I think a MoC’s political ability is in inverse proportion to their PVI rating. Another example: Nadler’s district is D+34 . His big political risk is a primary opponent.
Tom Q
@Another Scott:
Unfortunately, that fact is being (I have to say deliberately) concealed from the public. Last night I had a talk-me-down call from a long-time politically involved lady, and she was all “Why isn’t he getting out there?/he looks weak!”. When I said, a la that tweet, that he’s been getting out there plenty, she was surprised (and I’m not sure she totally believed me). The press is seeing to it that only evidence that supports their crusade gets full public airing.
I could not care less what the national media covers. I’ve given up on CNN entirely and almost all broadcast news before then. To the best of my knowledge all interviews since the debate have been either questions supplied, short or specially planned. I guess we’re not talking about this: https://www.axios.com/2024/07/08/biden-interview-wurd-radio-host-resigns
Not a good look. Biden’s team and Biden himself appear increasingly tone deaf to what would help mitigate the damage from the debate.
O. Felix Culpa
@Prometheus Shrugged: Truthfully not calling you a troll, but some trolls operate by initially commenting on innocuous topics and ingratiating themselves to a community, and then shift into troll mode when the bat-signal goes up. Sadly, we need to be on alert in this parlous times.
@Quinerly: just like the Russians were unable to donate… whoopsie!
G.D. its still “Ground Hog Day” with with these “just asking questions” trollsters.
zhena gogolia
@MagdaInBlack: It really is.
O. Felix Culpa
I’ll take that reference to Trump as synecdoche, shorthand for the full fascist package that we’re fighting. He mentions Project 2025 plenty in other contexts. We really can’t micromanage everything that Joe and other politicians say in isolated comments. They’re hitting Dobbs, Project 2025, protecting Social Security, etc. etc. every day.
Omnes Omnibus
@B1naryS3rf: It is fun to watch the goalposts move in real time.
@B1naryS3rf: Then you need to do a better job of seeing what he’s doing before you comment about him not proving he’s able to do the job.
Old School
We did talk about this yesterday in the comments. It’s not unusual for campaigns to suggest what they’d like to talk about. The host said she wasn’t pressured to only ask those questions. She asked them because they were good questions.
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: For a certain value of fun. Agree that the goalposts are remarkably portable.
I am listening to WH press secretary’s daily briefing. I highly recommend BJers trying to catch it.
Mike in Pasadena
To everybody who advocates for Joe Biden to “step aside” I say: I hear you, but until you throw your hat in the ring, hire campaign staff, bring a full legal team on board, buy advertising time on TV and radio, get on the ballot in 50 states and resolve the lawsuits against your ballot access, and raise the money to help you accomplish all of the above and a lot more your opinion is worthless. In Wash Post comments I noted the above info and got a reply, “Ezra Klein in NYT lists four or five great candidates.” Well, isn’t Ezra brilliant, bully for Mr Klein. Now, back to reality. Has anybody on that list put a national campaign together? Are any of them ready to run? Is a single person on that list actually running? It’s July 8. They better get busy.
O. Felix Culpa
@Old School:
I’d take it one step beyond your comment: it is the done thing for campaigns to suggest what they’d like to talk about. It would be political malpractice not to, and political reporters know that full well. A day ending in “y,” and another ginned-up press hit job.
@Leto: yes…I get it.
I just have a thing against sharing info that hasn’t been verified. The Tweet is everywhere. And on my FB feed. I think before we hang our hat on this, it’s worth an attempt to verify. It didn’t pass my smell test.
I am not the enemy here. I would bet most listed in that Tweet are not Trump donors. I will eat a lot of crow if proven wrong.
VFX Lurker
I got seven comments into this thread before I had to pie a stranger. Can’t wait for more pie targets to out themselves in this thread.
EDIT – and I found another one, who I had pied on other devices, but not this device. Here, have some pie.
@O. Felix Culpa: Hell, I interviewed Abby Hoffman one time and he handed me a list of questions he would and and list of questions he WOULDN’T answer.
Standard practice.
@moonbat: Link worked 😊
@bbleh: This is what I’ve always suspected too. People who really didn’t want Biden and made arguments that he was too old, took this 20-minutes of debate performance as an opportunity to end-zone dance on how they were right all along. It’s funny because so many, like the LGM front-pagers, are well aware of the history of Media/Centrists trying to rat-fuck Dems over manufactured bullshit. Hell, much of how I learned to understand and recognize that phenomenon (as well as the Murc’s Law truth of our political landscape), came from directly reading Lemieux, Loomis, Campos etc. Disappointing but hardly surprising
Like, do Loomis/Lemieux/Campos even acknowledge the fact that they are posting shit in alignment with Chris Cilizza and Jonathan Chait?
Paul W.
@strange visitor (from another planet):
Very disappointed in him as well, he replaced Maloney who I did not feel like we were getting a good trade on (he is crochety and not really responsive to the new generation, though Maloney was barely better).
@Jackie: Yay!!!
@moonbat: I have a “Dump the Pump” t-shirt from one of his last efforts . . .
So, let me get this straight.
We have to believe Joe Biden, who’s occasionally misspoken, occasionally gotten himself turned around, and was occasionally old fashioned when it would have been better to be forward thinking, to be telling us the truth.
And we have to disbelieve the Republican Party, which *always* lies about *every* Democrat.
We have to think that Joe Biden who had old man cooties, and answered each question with clear understanding of the basis of the answer, showing strong preparation, is a disaster, while the guy who doesn’t care about the question, only about what might make him look good, babbled nonsensically.
We have to think that the false rumors started about Joe Biden having problems, which have been trumpeted by every Republican who typically goes all-in on lies, are in fact false rumors. Okay, and, more importantly, we shouldn’t just repeat the hateful slanders about our nominee, because they are a) hateful, and b) false.
And we have to think that Joe Biden can beat Mr. “OMG ELECTRIC BOAT! SHARK! HELP, SHARK, HELP!” (“and we laughed our fool heads off; everyone knew that shark wouldn’t help ‘im.”).
Wow. Obviously, this is a truly difficult question. We can either agree with evil, and help it succeed, using its own tools (deceit, hate, indifference to human suffering), or, we can try to do the right thing. The only possible right thing.
“Destroy the ring, or surrender to Smeagol.”
What? No, Trump is just Smeagol, a disgusting, elderly, weak and venal creature who only wants power because it gives him that special tingle “right down there,” but he’s ready to deliver power to the real autocrat – possibly his Veep who will konk Trump over the head, assume the Presidency (under the 25th Amendment), murder the President as an official act, and claim full Sauronship, to destroy the “vermin” who “murdered our hero!”
So, I guess that’s the question. Why are so many Democrats ready to surrender to fucking Smeagol? Looking at it from one perspective, I get it – they’re like whipped dogs, unwilling to remember what it feels like to run with a proper pack.
But they’ve got a choice. Show some actual courage, or surrender to Smeagol.
Convincted felon pedophile rapist.
Should be the only thing coming out of a Democrat ‘s mouth
@narya: It was for some college tour he was doing with Jerry Rubin back in the day.
God, I researched for that interview and had to throw all my research out the window. :'(
A Librarian
In the midst of all this, I’m wondering what some of the unions are up to regarding backing Biden and pushing back against the MSM messaging. I haven’t heard anything from my AFT local yet, but it’s summer, and things don’t usually happen much when the deliberate bodies don’t meet. (That being said, Dr. Biden did visit our local’s annual conference as a keynote, so I don’t expect any shifts away from supporting President Biden and VP Harris.)
This is the sort of thing I’d go to LGM to see — usually, labor topics come up over there — but…
No lie told
It’s hard to counter the argument that Democrats aren’t a bunch of limp wristed pube gargling surrender monkey fainting goats (sorry went Navy there, fuck you) when they do it constantly.
People like a fighter. Nobody likes the guy who sees his friend in a fight and then tells him to give up and curl into a ball. They like the guy who leaps in the fray. Nut the fuck up or shut the fuck up.
@A Librarian: Some hints on twitter that the unions are communicating with the D Congressional reps but have not yet gone public.
@Tony Jay: Chris Bouzy in his great Spoutible interview/talk asked the question (paraphrase): Why hasn’t one single journalist asked Trump why he should get security clearance with 34 felony convictions? It should be one of the first questions of any debate.
O. Felix Culpa
Good point. Campaigns put parameters around what they will and will not discuss. Thanks for the reminder.
As you say, it’s standard practice.
Folks, let’s aim for a little pattern recognition here. If the press can turn email server practices into something nefarious (Clouds and Shadows!!!11!), they can do it with anything. Suggest approaching the latest OMG item that the press horks up about Biden with multiple grains of salt. They’re on a mission, presumably not from G-d.
Mike E
@SomeRandomGuy: interesting stuff, but it’s clearly the repubs hollering like hit dogs and not just these days but always. Pound the m-f’ers.
@Mike in Pasadena: Also…people on those lists have told us THEY SUPPORT BIDEN!
Prometheus Shrugged
@O. Felix Culpa: Thanks. I’m also smarting from the shocking (!) realization that my 15 years of frivolous and dumb comments on this site have apparently gone completely unheeded.
@Belafon: Exactly.
Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) posted at 0:36 PM on Mon, Jul 08, 2024:
The MAGA mob runnin’ away from Project 2025 is tramplin’ the other MAGA mob runnin’ away from Roe v Wade.
@rikyrah: rooting for injuries!
O. Felix Culpa
@Prometheus Shrugged: Not completely. I remember your nym. I have also been an intermittent commenter, so I don’t expect to be in the forefront of people’s minds either.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Apparently he did. Of course, he himself was the type who might do that!
It’s always projection.
Tony Jay
Absolutely should be, shouldn’t it?
Now if I can just put my finger on why the great and good of Infotainmentland might be falling down on a job a wooden spoon with a face drawn on it could master pretty easily….
Thread’s probably dead, but I am still honing my linking skills. Chris Bouzy pointing out that the song the press has been singing the last couple of weeks is nothing new.
@cbouzy on Spoutible
ETA Nailed it! Finally. lol
Old Dan and Little Ann
I was thinking a few weeks back that BJ has been troll free for some time. Then the debate happened. How curious. I’m with Biden / Harris all the way. Also, I’m never fucking voting for Joe Morelle ever again.
I just called his office to ask if he really forcefully call[ed] for Biden to step down. No straight answer from the staffer but was told to look for a press release announcement on this topic within the next few days.
@$8 blue check mistermix:
This, 100% – I might not agree, but I’ll show up and engage (politely). If not there is always pie, but I have pie’d anyone – I’ve learned to scroll past and sometimes the responses are interesting.
@eversor: When we’re scared we attack each other rather than the enemy. Hell, sometimes we just do that. (Republicans do it too-just ask Kevin McCarthy-but seemingly less frequently.)
I don’t know why we can’t seem to learn that the best defense is a good offense.
@Tony Jay: Yup. MSM have been struggling in recent years and are desperate for relevance. Sadly, they know there’s always a market for Dems In Disarray and they really want that 2016 attention again.
I keep posting this on a dead thread, but here is what Josh @ TPM said:
I have a long, long relationship with the Washington Post. We lived in Northern Virginia when I was growing up and my parents always had a subscription. Used to read the comics pages to my younger sisters when I learned to read. Lived in D.C. during Watergate. Thought they did a good job during the Trump administration.
So, I called their subscription department this morning to politely bitch and told them I was seriously thinking of dropping my subscription. Actually talked to two people, both of them young. The first let me finish my spiel, then said she was transferring me to the digital department and please hold. Seemed to take a while, but I realized that was because she was giving Person #2 some background. Unloaded even more on Person #2, and found him receptive. (He let slip that “a lot of us are concerned.”) If I’m going to cancel, I want the higher-ups to know damn well why. Was assured that he would pass my concerns up the line.
Passing this on to urge everyone to make some noise, whether it’s to the paper you subscribe to, or your representatives. I called my two PA senators over the weekend and left messages urging them to stand loud and proud with Biden. (Planning to follow up with letters and emails later this week.)
@cain: I have been forced to the conclusion that white liberals are simply unwilling to face up to the racism and nativism of their own family and friends. Of course, I learned that in 2012, many still seem to refuse to accept it.
@dkinPa: 💝 from a fellow PAian
If this video doesn’t move you, you’re not living. Parisians when the news dropped:
I’m gonna be the guy with his hand over his mouth when WE WIN here.
The implicit assumption is that these editorial board elites will change the top of the ticket and Biden voters will just fall in line. Because what other options do minorities have, am I right? Their smugness is revolting.
THIS, a thousand times this.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
The observations about the head clowns at LGM and the push back they’re getting in the comments is similar to what’s an ongoing thing with David Fucking Axelrod.
It’s gratifying to see somebody with his audience (he has 1.4m twitter followers) get constant blowback in the comments for the crap he’s spewing. Damn near every one is variations of “Why are you doing Trump’s work for him?”
Okay, I wanted to see that again. Have never said this before to you, but thank you for that comment.
@UncleEbeneezer: I don’t read LGM as often as I used to – in fact, I don’t even *try* to read it on a dull day – because too many of the posts are too self congratulatory, or, too ironic.
“Hold on a moment – am I supposed to feel clever for seeing how stupid you sound, or stupid for thinking you sounded clever? You know what, I don’t care, I’ll just read something where I don’t have to question.”
I do know when I see information there that I read as “good,” it’s usually been good – in fact, I say “usually” only because I may have forgotten times it *hasn’t* been good, rather than because I remember times it hasn’t. So if I want to know what a decision (like the immunity decision) actually means, I’ll stop by LGM special, but there are probably better places to go.
I must confess, my respect has been significantly reduced. You’re right – too many Republicans say shit, where it’s clear that they don’t mean it, because they said the exact opposite ten minutes ago, but they weren’t paying attention, because they only wanted to slime a Democrat, not make a factual statement. I used to think “our side” was too good for that – that we’d remember what we said, because we meant it.
@CHETAN R MURTHY: They’ve gone insane. I hope Cheryl Rofer walks out on those pathetic cowards.
@schrodingers_cat: I’m really disappointed in the Pod Save guys, they should know better because they’ve been in campaigns!
@Gin & Tonic:
That is just sickening beyond words. Fuck cancer. And fuck Putin.
O. Felix Culpa
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
*What would Occam’s Razor say? Applies to all so-called pundits still banging away at “Biden must go.”
@TBone: I will as well–thanks for the clip.
This. We know he can handle the job because that’s exactly what he’s been doing for the past 3.5 years, and he’s been doing it better than anyone else who’s been in that office in the past 70 years. One debate performance is no reason to change that assessment.
Yes, sometime in his second term he might get too old for the job. If that happens, I have no doubts about MVP Harris’ ability and readiness to take over from him. But there’s absolutely no need to worry about that now.
@Omnes Omnibus: Good! I like how they’re counterprogramming things against the RNC.
@O. Felix Culpa: “If the media was being paid by Trump to help him win, what would they be doing differently?”
O. Felix Culpa
@Soprano2: The Pod Save guys lost themselves in their white guy cleverness a long time ago.
@TBone: Thank you for that. A beautiful sight.
I love Marshall, but why does he (and so many others here) keep leaving out left-Progressives? In another thread I listed a dozen or so Very Online Leftists/publications who have pretty large platforms, who are pushing all of this bullshit, all day long. It’s extremely disingenuous to pretend like Progressives somehow aren’t jumping in on the action too. MAGA, Centrists, Pundits, Conserva-Dems, Libertarians, Independents and Progressives are ALL fueling this. It is, in no way, confined to any particular ideological spot/branch on the political spectrum, and we need to be honest about that.
@Omnes Omnibus: Love those! Dark Brandon returns.
@Omnes Omnibus: Brilliant! Although the wording on the Social Security bus could be misinterpreted. I know what it means but some enterprising Republican could take that and twist its meaning. Otherwise I love it!
O. Felix Culpa
@japa21: Exactly. Although I’m not sure that they’re being paid by the Felon, at least not directly. [Open to evidence to the contrary.] So what does that make them?
Tony Jay
Get the invoice squared away in advance?
Nah. It’s a mostly pro-bono misinformation campaign.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@O. Felix Culpa:
That’s been Atrios since, well, practically since the beginning.
OMG! FTFNYT just published an article breathlessly reporting that, although the Biden team say Biden only saw a neurologist once a year for 3 years, that a Parkinson’s expert showed up 8 times in the last 8 months on the logs. What are they hiding? Nowhere in the story is it mentioned that after this Parkinson’s expert visited, Biden signed a bill about Parkinson’s! They’re just flat out openly lying now! I’m sorry I cancelled my subscription last week so I can’t cancel it today.
@Gretchen: Even people who have Parkinson’s don’t see the specialist that frequently. Jeeeezus.
Also if they were “hiding it” wouldn’t they falsify the logs? I know that’s illegal, but ISTR that Trump did it.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
If they were truly trying to hide this, why record this doctor on the official logs in the first place? Doesn’t pass the smell test, especially given the context of Biden signing a bill into law dealing with Parkinson’s recently. This is absolute bullshit
@Jackie: Oh my, yes. Much, much worse.
@schrodingers_cat: This is the exact line that Farrage used to cement Brexit. It’s populist nonsense, but quite effective.
Mike in Pasadena
Tony Jay
There’s no ‘if’ they knew. They knew. They’re openly trying to deceive their readership with tabloid tricks.
Heritage media my arse.
the pollyanna from hell
I’m tired of watching the rapist sell bibles. If we vote him down can I stop watching?
I just saw a statement by Joe Fing Machin. Any guesses as to what he said?
Edit OK I’ll go ahead and give the answer. This guy, this barely-a-Democrat, this egomaniac, said “I think the election is winnable. I have always said Trump is a danger to democracy. You can’t call it now. This is ridiculous.”
Edit again: should say “this ex-Democrat”
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@BR: Lawrence has been clear since the beginning of this BS that the idea of replacing Biden was crazy and stupid. He was the first commentator to discuss campaign finance funds problems, etc, plus throwing overboard the power of incumbency, dissing the sitting VP (and pissing off black women, and lots of other people), etc. He’s been great. While Chris Hayes has been a real disappointment. He even had an Ezra on to discuss replacing Biden. ARUGGGHHH.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Hell has officially frozen over
O. Felix Culpa
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): LOL. True.
zhena gogolia
@Eyeroller: Wait a minute. It sounds as if he said the right thing, no?
O. Felix Culpa
@zhena gogolia: He said the right thing, yes!
@O. Felix Culpa: As Nancy Pelosi might say, “Good for Joe Mancini!”
@john b: Most of the delegates are “pledged” by the rules of the DNC. Biden has about 3800 delegates. As far as I can tell there are only 7 not pledged to him for the first round. I think the supers don’t vote unless needed to break a tie?
Biden can presumably release them.
The party can change the rules, but that would really upset voters. People of now do not want to go back to when a party selected candidates (except maybe in a real emergency like after a plane crash.) The votes weren’t even close so anyone except Harris is not going to seem legitimate.
Quite a few states but probably not half have laws requiring delegates to obey the polls or face legal consequences (not necessarily serious though). Surprisingly not all specify that its just the first ballot, or that they are released if their candidate says so or is incapacitated. Some seem to make it permanent, some require 2 rounds. Some say they have to have permission.
Biden is going to win on the first round unless the highest people in the party lose their mind.
Remember how much people liked the virtual roll call last time? I think this is about ruining our conventions visual fun, among other things. We need to make fun adds from not just Biden but all kinds of Democrats and start putting them out. Serious too because the fall of Roe and the other Nazi stuff is sick, but the republicans are sour.
@zhena gogolia: He did. Somehow he managed not to backstab. He also may know a bit about running a tough campaign. Plus he’s also old.
O. Felix Culpa
@Geminid: Hehe. Our Nancy, sticking the shiv in with a smile.
@Old Man Shadow: Thank you.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: and yet even Atrios is sounding caution about this whole dump Biden campaign.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Omnes Omnibus: Thank you for posting this.
@O. Felix Culpa: I remember her calling Manchin “Mancini” once. Evidently that was his family’s name when they emigrated from Italy to West Virginia in the last century. Pelosi was using it in an encouraging way, saying she knew her “friend Joe Mancini” would come through on some piece of legislation.
Old School
Looks like there are lots of tornadoes in Texas and Louisiana as Beryl passes through.
Here’s hoping all jackals are safe!
I was just about to post this. It’s NY Post level misinformation. The NY Post did a story on it yesterday. Everyone pointed at the bill signing link and said WTF. And then the NYT prints the same garbage?!
@Quinerly: Its too good to be true.
Not that I don’t despise the media. They are terrible. But it goes much further and deeper than democrats and republicans.
That is what Biden is doing. On the offense – good for him.
It’s an eye opener. At the same time they are going after Biden, they are bringing up the same stuff about MVP Harris. The same damn stuff.
Captain C
@BR: The FTFNYT’s new motto should be “All the news that fits our agenda.” Or better yet, “All the news that fits Pinch the Lesser’s Agenda.”
Gloria DryGarden
@Captain C: pls submit this idea for nyt building front photoshops, from thread Saturday/ Sunday. Excellent way to state it!
Because he was particularly picking on Schiff. It is Schiff a senior Democratic and future senator that got on a program and said some stupid shit.
Progressive’s biggest star AOC did not run away from Biden and actively supports him. She didn’t get on a program and said “yes, i have concerns..”
I’ve pointed this out before, the only people participating in this circular firing squad are not the younger politicians. It’s the same people who have been around for awhile and of a certain age.
Interesting. Mark Warner has put out a somewhat more conciliatory statement. 15 minutes ago, on Twitter:
@cain: OMG, she has Parkinson’s too??
This is interesting to me, because I called Mark Warner’s office literally an hour ago; talked with a very polite and quiet young woman, who read me a statement, maybe 3 sentences basically saying Warner was listening to constituents.
“Oh, so he’s not taking a stand yet,” I commented.
This twitter statement is longer, and mentions Biden by name.
I mean, it has plenty of wiggle room. Maybe those “voices” are to tell him to step down.
But maybe it’s dawning on some that Biden is the strongest candidate, thus the attack on him by the plutocrat-owned MSM.
Old School
If Warner wants to have a conversation about how to best prevent Trump’s lawlessness from returning to the White House, let me suggest to him that a good way is to not try to kneecap your nominee.
Glad I could help, Mark.
patrick II
If I had a choice, Joe would be ten years younger. But he is not and he is our best (and at this point only) chance to beat Trump. What we could use is some assertive Democrats going after Trump the same way the Republicans and media come after Joe.
Having said that I am pretty pissed at him that he wasn’t more careful to get some rest in the days before the debate instead of traveling however time zones and restless nights got his defenses down and he caught a cold. While he contends that he is still fine and his age shouldn’t matter, he should also realize he isn’t 21 anymore either.
Aussie Sheila
@Mike in Pasadena:
I can’t believe people here are still arguing about this.
Biden is a great President
The NYT and the rest of them are bored and looking for clicks
No one in the prestige media respects Dem voters and especially primary voters. I recognise exactly the same phenomenon here. It makes all of us work harder, once the candidate is selected.
AFAIK, Biden has been selected by the overwhelming majority of his Party . That should be the end of it.
Oh, and Ezra Klein is an idiot savant when it comes to actual politics, as opposed to writing about policy. Why anyone would listen to him is a mystery.
I went to bed while this debate was raging, and I wake up to feed the cats and it’s still raging.
Discipline and focus are their own force multipliers. That’s all I have on this topic until the Convention puts it to bed forever.
@cain: Okay, that makes sense. I forgot he was specifically talking about Schiff and age.
Yeah, when it comes to elected Dems, I’m actually happily surprised that younger, Progressive ones, are resisting jumping to pile-on Biden despite pressure I know they are getting from their supporters. It’s smart politics and good for our coalition.
Fair Economist
@$8 blue check mistermix:
Yep, it’s clear from his multiple public appearances and the ongoing competence of the Biden administration that he *is* fit to be President. Calls for him to step down from the nomination are in bad faith. If he did, they’d attack him for remaining President. If he resigned, they’d attack Harris (the only possible replacement because only she could access the money) for covering up.
The attacks are in bad faith and bogus and it’s time to show we have a spine and stick up for the best President of my life. Starting with a boycott of the NYT. We’re their audience, and if we break them, the media will be a lot more reluctant to run these bad faith attacks.
@Old School: Truly.
@Aussie Sheila: The NYT isn’t bored and looking for clicks. They are explicitly out to take down Biden. They succeeded with Hillary. They succeeded with the President of Harvard (much lower stakes for the country, but they cared a lot about that). They have a goal. I am not sure they are even doing it explicitly to benefit Trump except that he’s the default beneficiary of their vendetta.
When I saw that the White House Press Corps complained that the Former Guy used to come to the briefing room to speak to them, I realized that some of this really is driven by petty personal spite. The President talked to us so we were important! We’re not as important to this President! We don’t care that the last President told us to drink bleach, he spoke to us!
I’m not entirely sure what the problem with the NYT is but Biden ignoring them is part of it. There is certainly more to it, however.
The debate is still raging because some Democrats won’t accept defeat and shut up, so we keep getting a dribble of “top Democrats” in the House and to a much lesser extent the Senate calling for Joe to step down, which keeps the press going.
Placing focus back on the locus. He’s a pedophile, a rapist, a fraud, a liar, and we have the receipts. These receipts are particularly heinous (trigger warning):
Not gonna quote from it, but make the pigs lie in their shit
The testimony is sworn.
@Bupalos: You are proving my point by calling me Nigel Farage just because I don’t agree with you and look up to you for leadership.
@Aussie Sheila: Hi there.
192 stories is not “bored and looking for clicks.” It is election interference.
I hope Putz Sulzberger’s repulsive crusade earns him a place in Harvard Business School modules. As in, what not to do.
@Eyeroller: I think Nepo baby publisher AG Sulzberger is fascist-curious, and executive editor Joe Kahn is also a child of weath and privilege. He’s been so bad he’s made me pine for the clueless wonder previous EE Dean Baquet.
There is something really bad going on with the FTF NY Times. This is clinical. It is an unholy brew over there.
@Elizabelle: They are trying to do Biden what they successfully did to Hillary.
Focus on the locus (Timothy Snyder sez):
Odie Hugh Manatee
They’re in a position where they can assist TFG, kneecap Joe and not spend a penny of their personal cash in doing so. They run the presses and decide what’s fit to print. That’s power and they are applying it.
Money isn’t the only thing that the wealthy have to offer.
@Quinerly: If he has a Green Card he can donate. You have to be a citizen to vote.
@schrodingers_cat: And so much more blatant about it.
Fuck ’em. Putz can die in a fire, and take his “leadership team” with him.
@TBone: This sounds like argle-bargle to me:
If I am right that much of the energy behind the Biden pile-on is displaced fear of a regime change, much of the media will continue to generate fascist froth for Trump, whether or not Biden is the Democratic nominee — unless, of course, journalists confront their fears, and keep the issue of regime change inside the story, and provide a constructive alternative alongside personal criticism.
Journalist do not “fear” Trump. They frickin’ love him.
Aussie Sheila
On reflection I agree. They do seem to be actively trying to put Biden and the Dem party down.
Which makes it all the more important for people to hit back re trumps outrages and for elected Dems to STFU.
I look forward to watching the Convention and to Biden giving them a good verbal spanking. Members would love it, the Press would have to report it, and any ‘go’ at that rag can be portrayed as ‘people v elite media’.
The disrespect shown towards activist Dems is simply outrageous. Some of it I suspect comes from people who never got over their favourite not winning in the Primary in 2019/2020, and who not so secretly despise the kind of people that though Biden would be good.
Now they have egg on their face because he has been so good (apart from Gaza), and they can’t stand that they were wrong.
Another Scott
Spread the word.
The pestle’s in the vessel and the burden’s on the Biden.
@SiubhanDuinne: Sometimes I hate being old and getting these references.
@Eyeroller: Covering Trump is less work and more lucrative.
Another Scott
Dave Whamond comic today.
Eyes on the prizes.
(via Mastodon.social/explore)
This was genius, sorry if it’s already been shared. This is how you handle Laura Loomer, watch til the end.
Another Scott
@satby: Indeed. Brilliant. Thanks.
@Elizabelle: Can Nadler be far behind?
@Another Scott: appreciate your share of the cartoon above, shared to FB. Good stuff.
@Elizabelle: MSM didn’t really expect a pushback.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Per the comments in the link, six year old piece but I’m sure lots of people had never seen it. These items are great to bring back from time to time.
Great comment by Jess Piper:
One of the only things Billy did right…
FYI, the auctioneer was Billy Long, MO-7 (southwest MO) and yes, he’s an auctioneer. Typical good-old-bubba from red, rurl Misery who’s also your typical Orange Fart Cloud bootlicker. Thus, while he might have ridiculed her with that bit, he was as much onboard with her agenda as the next RWNJ.
@$8 blue check mistermix: Late to this thread, but I just called and emailed Nadler’s office to express my fury at what I called the panic and cowardice of certain Democratic representatives. And I said that if he gets a primary challenger, I will be voting for them.
O. Felix Culpa
I’m sure you’re right. After sandbagging Hillary and getting the president of Harvard fired (I’m sure her having the audacity to be a black woman had nothing to do with it), they set their sights on the biggest scalp of all–the President of the United States. I’m glad that the allegedly woke Dems are finally waking up to their shenanigans and pushing back.
Drawing on the late lamented Tom Petty, I Won’t Back Down.
@strange visitor (from another planet): My late pal, Bernie the Attorney, secular Jew with no group affiliation that meant much to him, but by the tribe’s metrics (Jewish mother), that’s the demographic slot that others might choose for him. As a keen observer, he saw various movers and shakers up close and personal. One of the things he shared with me early on as our friendship grew was an LA Times article “It’s a Sin to be a Sucker in Israel” and it described traits in a manner not much different then descriptions of New Yorkers. On my first trip to Manhattan I was a laid back SoCal West Coaster waiting for the crosswalk light to change, and a couple days in I was off to the races cross the second it looked doable. The pace is faster there.
Anyway, what I learned rather quickly was how consistently accurate he was in seeing around the curve, even on pronouncements gauged longshots. The nickname I gave him was a variation of Nostradamus. What he would say about Nadler is AIPAC doesn’t care if it’s blue boosters or red boosters. They might even prefer Trump’s brashness in supporting some extreme item on the Zionist wishlist like relocating the US embassy. They’re certainly savvy enough to play one side against the other like divorced parents competing for love, or the children pulling the same crap with the parents.
Enough paying attention have read the tea leaves, and a loss by Biden or somebody else looks a possibility, and much of the calls not to break ranks smacks of desperation. Those jumping ships early enough can retain credibility by being steely-eyed realists willing to acknowledge the inevitable, whereas those maintaining the required narrative at all costs are Animal House Kevin Bacon “Remain calm!” Not an enviable position and if it plays out that the stay the course folks were correct (only way to confirm is stick with the battle plan, and even then, falling short will be on those not keeping the faith), then all power to them. The bedwetters just like lying in their own shame; we never doubted the outcome for a moment .
Following whatever outcome, each side pointing fingers saying told you so. Changing horses will be parsed on how the numbers moved compared to Biden’s expected percentage with generous speculation of how successful the patient’s stabilization one could expect. Berners watching the palace intrigue from the wings will be like that meme of Planet of Apes actor with noose around neck looking over saying, “First time?” The ratfvcking Adam Schiff did boosting Garvey to kneecap Katie Porter is a playbook they’ve seen before, and that as long as the right pol is doing it, no harm not foul. That had better be a sure thing too, but Schiff has some friends with clout (clout being cash) so not much worry. But like with Trump/Biden, AIPAC is totally cool with Schiff or Garvey.
Now imagine Nadler was one of those upstarts that chafed at being in lockstep with the Zionist agenda. Wouldn’t matter his positions on anything else, he just painted a target on his back. As it is, not much the fear from those within the party, and has likely chatted high enough up the chain (party kingpins or donors or both) to confirm he had a green light much the same way Saddam got cleared with regard to Kuwait, though that was a double cross. No one is setting Nadler up for a fall, and anyone who thinks they can take Nadler to task will find they’re sorely mistaken. Jerry has got his thinking right where it counts, and where it counts concerns themselves little with Biden’s fate, or that of the republic. Until they see a threat to their arms and money spigot, every possible scenario is win-win.
In fact, this couldn’t work out better for them as imagine without the cognitive second guessing, that the complicity in genocide was enough of a red line the shave the margins to a tipping point. They wouldn’t like all the attention. They’d easily survive it, just that keeping the focus off them when it should rightly get more attention than it does is a big part of their success.
Nadler is the green light for others to decide which camp holds the most potential for their own future benefit. Is there much downside for those johnny-come-latelys now seeing the emperor has no clothes? Doubtful. No matter which power block gets ahold of the end of the bat for first ups, the 2028 cycle if we don’t actually have jack-booted thugs standing on our necks or starving us to death as if our lives had no more value than a Palestinians (or both) in the way of a New World Order, then the next “best hope” for regaining party power backed by the newest smartest people in the room will also assert that 2028 is too important for anything other than VBNMW.
See how that works? There’s not a single position one has to spitball that would be the kiss of death short of getting on AIPAC’s bad side. WWAD? Would policy “X” cause them concern, deplete their own clout, or raise issues they’d rather have chug along under the radar? No? Knock yourself out.
Joe is waiting to hear the voice of Glob and he’ll consider it. He heard voices (Shouting no less, like Quasimodo and the bells) from Trump’s podium though split screen couldn’t quite catch how Trump was throwing his voice at the time.
You want to sell the Biden is sharp and on point narrative? He doesn’t think he had the chance to watch his debate performance (but is not sure). Have him sit down with staff and run the tape, and Joe could show at what point shouting was taking place. That’s the kind of stuff Bernie the Attorney could cut right to the chase with. Assertion made, demonstrate assertion correct… damn Joe, you were right! How in the hell did we miss that?!?
I remember the ad with the smack talk and taunting about being ready to rumble, some sort of “bring it pal” line, and I think ending with the Brandon shades put back in place. I forget if that was one of the ones with cuts indicating cobbling it together from the best takes or not. There was also a commitment for the old one-two punch and a second debate. Anyone know if that is off the table?
Both the posters for Hillary and those Brandon themed have the glorious leader image meant to convey kicking 4ss and taking names.
I think every time I see some PR expert talk about corporate damage control re: some major screw up (oil spill, plane crash, derailment, ship disaster) one of the essentials I recall is enough acknowledgement of truth so it doesn’t come off as more predictable gaslighting to save one’s bacon. Team Biden (and those who love them) seemed to double down hoping throwing enough possibilities against the wall to see what sticks would do the trick. Reasonable doubt might come into play in a jury verdict, but is a horse of a different color here. Early voices saying this might be problem down the line were told not to worry, cracks in the narrative were dismissed as anything but how it was being interpreted (with the George S. Q re: the cognitive test, it is again asserted as not needed because his performance itself is the cognitive test – that certainly can cut both ways but it was him the doing the goodest job that was the metric he was willing to accept).
I’m sure barflies have insisted no recent test was needed for them to know they had no STD’s because they had no STD’s. My word as a person you just met at closing time and took home. Well, since you put it that way…
Recap. No risk for Nadler. Pre-approved. Send him a letter expressing disappointment. If it’s not one of the important names in his Rolodex, it is of little concern and will likely result at most with some staff handled boilerplate. Just enough to indicate they read some part if it, and then a shift straight to letting you know they are going to continue doing as they see fit, but thank you for playing our home version.
Anyone else insulated from the whims of the troublesome electorate can do likewise.
Twas ever thus. That would Bernie’s message from beyond the grave and I’d say he’s still got the shining.
Bad things for those unwilling to get their heads on right as this will go on their permanent record. It doesn’t take much to go on some enemies list. And good things, or at least the absence of potential bad things, for those that play ball. It’s a sin to be a sucker where lobby money is concerned.
@schrodingers_cat: This is a much younger demographic – it’s not 2006 anymore.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Yeah saw that after I posted it, sorry; but the method would be evergreen. Besides, in these fraught times a little humor is good.
@Eyeroller: I don’t think you read the same words I did? My reading led me to understand that he said journalists should fear Hair Furor, not that they do. He states that they fear change. The conclusion:
Old School
The video is from 2018, so I assume it was shared but it has been a while.
Edit: Should have refreshed. comrade scott got there first.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@satby: 👍
And they again make money from scared liberals.
We are their grift.
@cain: Not me. I don’t subscribe to NYT or have cable. I am still subscribed to WashPost and may junk that one soon as well.
O. Felix Culpa
@schrodingers_cat: Yeah, I’m leaning in the same direction with the WaPo. Haven’t pulled the trigger yet, though. I like Alexandra Petri and Jen Rubin, but I’m not sure their writings are a sufficient reason to keep my subscription.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Good! I wrote my rep and senators that if they wobble on Biden I’ll wobble in their next election. If you’re not there for Joe then I’m not going to be there for you.
Buckle up for the ride, it’s going to get rough in the months ahead as our enemies try to figure out ways to take down Joe and Kamala.
@O. Felix Culpa: My late husband had a subscription from 1988. I moved here in 1994. When I inherited it I shifted to digital except for Sundays, when I supposedly got a print version, mostly for coupons. I hadn’t gotten the print version for several weeks and then it showed up this morning. So their service isn’t even all that great anymore for areas outside their main delivery radius. (I’m at the edge.) It will be difficult to give it up but I don’t like the new management and I think Bezos’s subscription goal is delusional and can’t help their journalism. And apparently they’re going to use more AI to write articles.
Commenting at Balloon Juice since 1937
Morelle exposes himself as just another entitled middle aged white guy.
zhena gogolia
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I wrote Chris Murphy to say I’m disappointed, and Blumenthal to say, good answer (he said something like, “If I’m going to give advice to the president I’ll do it privately and not in the media.”) Everybody makes fun of Blumenthal for being publicity hungry, but Chris goes him one better. I was surprised. He didn’t quite call for Joe to step aside, but he didn’t say the right thing either.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Everyone keeps saying that but it is stupid unless they are facing primary challenges.
A withheld vote from any Democrat in the general election is half a vote for the Republican.
That used to be a reasonable choice but not now with the current MAGA influenced or frightened by MAGA Republican.
Expressing deep disappointment is okay ( somebody better might come along next election cycle.) Withholding vote against a MAGA just makes you look stupid or trollish.
zhena gogolia
@sab: I never threaten not to vote for them. I vote for all Democrats. I would vote for Sinema and Manchin if I were in their states (when they were Democrats).
ETA: Once upon a time I voted for Lowell Weicker when he was a Republican. Not sure I’d do that now, although I still love him.
Mike in Pasadena
@eversor: You are right. People want a fighter, not a quitter. That’s one reason why so many radical Republicans like trump.
@sab: they’re threatening to vote for a primary challenger. I imagine.
Credit where credit is due. Both BS and EW have made strong statements in support of President Biden.
@zhena gogolia: I used to vote for occassional Republicans. I didn’t vote for Ohio’s Mike DeWine, but at least he gave us Dr Amy Acton at the start of Covid ( thereby saving many lives) and even this summer Ohio school kids who need school meals will get them.
Newer crop Republicans would have to earn my marginal trust, and I don’t think any of them are capable.
As far as I can tell, JD Vance wants to starve all hillbillies and torch the cities. No one left but venture capitalists
ETA Foreign venture capitalists from Germany with New Zealand citizenship.
Odie Hugh Manatee
And their voicing support for Biden stepping down is them being Tonya Harding Democrats. Of course I would vote against them in a primary but I’m no longer supporting Democrats who insist on kneecapping the party. I am done with that.
Luckily I live in Oregon and my Rep and Senators have had the sense (so far) to stay out of it, at least publicly.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@zhena gogolia:
Good on you, we need to keep the pressure up on them! We need steady leadership right now. We don’t need any Nervous Nellies kneecapping our party and they need to know that they will pay for it if they do.
My vote will not be taken for granted.
@sab: This matter might be an issue in 2026 Democratic primaries, but if Joe Biden wins this November I think it will largely be forgotten.
This apparently violates accepted B-J commentariat laws. Sorry, mistermix….
No One You Know
If every projection is a confession, what if It’s Trump’s health that’s a problem, not Biden’s tiredness?
Trump isn’t under the scrutiny Biden is.
Just askin’ questions…
No One You Know
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: That’s interesting. I thought I saw a story that said some of these same CEOs were doubtful of Trump after a meeting with Trump showed his own significant declines. Forgetting people he’s met. Pretending(?) he has some foreign affair matter in Adghanistan. Claiming he pretends just to play with people’s minds.
@$8 blue check mistermix: Thank you. Sorry I missed it when you first posted. I agree with what you wrote.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Ugh Billy Long, he was my rep. The first time he ran his slogan was “Fed Up!” My husband said it should have been “Well Fed”. 😂😂😂
Chris T.
Clearly Biden must immediately stop all actual Presidenting and instead spend all day every day taking cognitive tests and doing impromptu interviews (with no teleprompter of course)!
Atomic batteries, tremendous batteries, to power! Fire up those electric goalposts!
Lynn Dee
Well, I guess the past week-plus has been an eye-opener for a lot of people. And by people, I mean Dems. I’m definitely not among the STFU and fall in behind Joe crowd. But I’m not among those calling for him to bow out either.
The debate was horrifying. Painful. More than just a mistake or a bad night. Pointing out that he’s better than Trump even in a coma, or his stellar 1st term record, and let’s see, what else? I know there’s more. Anyway, none of that is, or was, the point. The point for me was: Can he win? Can he beat Trump? After the debate, I no longer felt like I knew, but I was worried.
Aside: Saying he was elected by Democratic primary voters also wasn’t, imo, the point. Obviously, if he died, we’d need to replace him. So, how close to a theoretical death was he? I didn’t know.
I didn’t feel like I even needed to know exactly what the problem was. But I wanted a response. And that first week, up to and including the George Stephanopoulos interview, I didn’t hear or see someone who was in charge.
Well, whatever the answer to that question is, I felt like Biden’s call-in today to Morning Joe was exactly right. I almost never listen to that show (too early on the west coast even if I wanted to hear them), but I was up early today to work and had it on as I made coffee, etc. I didn’t hear the whole thing, but I heard enough to, finally, be convinced the debate — while not just a “bad night” (I do think it signals a real, physical vulnerability the campaign needs to be careful about) — is not the sum total of who Biden is and — fingers crossed — not something that will inevitably stop him on his way to a win.
Toward that end, I’m a little worried about the hour-long press conference on Thursday. Does it really have to be after the NATO summit? And how taxing is the summit likely to be for Biden? I have no idea. Surely they’ve factored all that in …
Anyway, Eugene Robinson had a good column today. I thought it was quite good. Here’s a gift link:
@Lynn Dee: I had not heard about a 1-hour press conference Thursday, but that strikes me as a very normal thing to do after a Nato summit. I wouldn’t worry about it. Biden does well in press conferences, and foreign relations are right in his wheelhouse. I think the timing of this summit is actually very fortuitous.
Lynn Dee
@Geminid: It strikes me as normal too. That wasn’t really my point.
Anyway, I’ve done enough fretting and stewing over the last week for a lifetime and should really just stop. I’m certainly not accomplishing anything with it!
Wonder what they’ll focus on that we can try and preemptively curtail?
@$8 blue check mistermix: Thank you so much for posting this, including the link to the PDF!
No human being is going to always be right, not before and not after their 80th birthday. But Joey O’Biden is no fool, and no fair weatheer friend to democracy.
@Lynn Dee:
What did I just read?
strange visitor (from another planet)
@LanceThruster: whatta useless, ignorant piece of shit you are. i’m from nyc. he used to be my congressman before redistricting. i’m a fucking red-sea pedestrian, you conspiracy-spinning fuckface.
Lynn Dee
@schrodingers_cat: No, that is not what I said.
Was that willful? Or maybe we’re just on different wavelengths.
@Lynn Dee: I paraphrased you, but it was a jist of what you said here:
Lynn Dee
Sorry. Missed your reply. Your paraphrase is also incorrect.