If you only watch one thing today, watch this. Powerful. Inspirational. Memorable.
If someone can find this on YouTube I’ll gladly embed it. In the meantime, do yourself a favor and watch.
BREAKING: Gen-Z leader Isaiah Martin just perfectly laid out what is on the line this November and why we need to get out and enthusiastically support President Biden and Vice President Harris. Retweet so every American sees this powerful clip. pic.twitter.com/RLKbvUATb8
— Biden’s Wins (@BidensWins) July 1, 2024
Open thread.
If you’re on social media, spread the word.
Indian Jones’ worst nightmare: Man in China caught smuggling 100 live snakes in his trousers
They only caught him because he had to keep shoving them back into his pocket.*
* not true, I just couldn’t shake that image
Not yet on youtube.
I love this man and his message. Everything else is chatter. I’m going off of the computer and back to writing post cards.
Of course it’s a POC that’s sending out this message. They understand exactly what is at stake in this election, unlike far too many white liberals. That’s where the term “woke” came from in the first place, after all – POC. Having the scales removed from your eyes and the truth about your position in politics and society laid bare. And that sort of political astuteness is the mortal enemy of the Republicans.
They have had targets on their backs since the country’s founding. But there’ll be a lot more guns aimed at those targets with Trump in the WH once again. He intends to finish what he started, and Project 2025 is a straight road to genocide. He gets it. We (as in white people) bloody well need to. Some of us have targets on our backs, too.
The New York Times is the #VichyPress (@Needle_of_Arya) posted at 8:26 AM on Wed, Jul 10, 2024:
the Venn diagram of folks calling for Biden to step aside include those who voted against Nancy Pelosi as Speaker
they all have bad political instincts
Pelosi wound up ascending to Historical Figure™ status in her successful opposition to Trump’s agenda
@prostratedragon: Thank you for checking.
That is exactly how I felt when I first saw this yesterday. I watched it again after i put the post up a few minutes ago.
Anyone know if that Stop Project 2025 sign design that was shared from BlueSky (?) a couple days ago has been made into something that can be purchased or shared or what have you?
It’s the type of sign that probably should get a lot of prominence.
I’m not on that platform or other SM currently, but yeah.
This also too is a four minutes well spent. Joyce Vance writes:
@hrprogressive: not sure if it’s the same but here’s one
This continuing lunacy about replacing the President just needs to stop.
There’s the first thing of completely disenfranchising 14 Million Democratic Voters, who, when given a choice, chose Joe Biden for their nominee.
Then, there’s the thing about giving up the power of incumbency. There are inherent advantages that an incumbent has when running, and we have that now, because President Biden is the incumbent.
Then, there is the entire structure of a campaign.
BIDEN/HARRIS have raised 250 million dollars.
BIDEN/HARRIS have set up the POLITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE in all those battleground states.
NONE of that is transferable.
Then, there is the matter of EVERY STATE having its own election rules and regulations about how candidates get on the ballot. You have to pass hurdles in each of those states.
No, seriously…what record …because, surely they won’t be running on the successes of JOE BIDEN as to why THEY are the better candidate.
@OzarkHillbilly: Sounds like he was happy to see them.
@TBone: Chilling and absolutely taken from the pages of Project 2025. About the only thing they didn’t mention – possibly because it would be taken as extreme hyperbole – is the planned genocide they intend to execute. Those “camps” are meant to be far more than detention camps. They intend to concentrate undesirables for easy control. IIRC, at least one Heritage Foundation apparatchik was quoted as saying those exact words, but the press quickly suppressed it.
I thought dick jokes were deemed too crass. I guess mine were 🙄😆
@ArchTeryx: 💙 it’s not a simulation! The ad is, but the plan is real!
I hear you, loud and clear.
This is exactly the message: it’s a CHOICE between Biden (and his team and policies) and the Felon (and the nightmare he and his people would usher in). And NOT to choose IS to choose. The rest is just media white noise (pun intended).
I don’t get why Pelosi thought it was a good idea to make an ambiguous statement (or any statement at all) today. She has to have known that the in the current NYT media environment it’ll just get taken out of context. That’s the juice for *yet another* news cycle, that’ll carry us to the end of the week.
@bbleh: 👍💪
Sir, this is not the Complaint Dept. It is a Wendy’s.
@ArchTeryx: Also, if you’ve ever spent time in Black Spaces (for the sake of this assume political ones), and by that I mean spaces where non-Black people are really just visitors and expected to listen not speak, be on our best behavior and understand they can ask for us to leave at any time…spaces where shit gets real and they don’t have mince words to avoid hurting white feelings, you will see something happen all the time:
Someone will bring up something crazy/stupid and the response will immediately be “That’s the stupidest, craziest shit I’ve ever heard. NEXT!” In those spaces, they don’t suffer fools and if you act foolish you get clowned, insulted and shut-down quick. They don’t have time for the bullshit because they CAN’T have time for it, with all that’s on the line for them.
Whereas in White Progressive spaces, in my experience, we bend over backwards way too much, to always hear people out and often let just a couple assholes continually push conversation long past their expiration date. It lets trolls command the debate. A big part of this whole mess to me is just watching a lot of White Centrists/Progressives trying to act as if the Dem Base has to adhere to OUR STANDARDS. But that’s not how it works. And it’s a really bad look.
@rikyrah: STANDING APPLAUSE!!! Thank you.
Make no mistake. These are concentration camps, and I fear for the LGBTQIA+ community. They will find a way to put them there.
@UncleEbeneezer: Basically, the white progressive spaces embrace wholly the Paradox of Tolerance, and sow the seeds of their own destruction. “Nacht Hitler, uns!”
The POC progressive space is under no such illusion and know exactly where the Paradox of Tolerance ends, so they are relentless in banhammering trolls and shutting down nonproductive idiocy. Even I had a panic attack over all this shitty “Biden must go!” crap from the media and senior Democrats, and the Jackals here soon set me right. I needed that. Badly. So do a lot of other idiot white progressives.
@rikyrah: I know a number of people in the LBGTQ+ community, many of which are my friends and some of which are in my inner circle. Preparations are quietly being made in case of the worst, and some of the younger, more naive people are being educated just what is at stake here.
@BR: Yeah, but we don’t have to amplify it here.
@UncleEbeneezer: yesterday I saw that on a rerun of the TV show ‘In the Heat of the Night’.
Archie BunkerCarroll O’Connor never looked so good as he does on that show.Hubby loved the movie on TCM and now watches ‘In the Heat’ every day.
It’s better than complaining about the heat.
@BR: @WaterGirl: concur w WG. The MSM are now at the point of searching for ANYTHING, even the slightest hint of a crack, they can hang their defunct Narrative on, so they’ll parse and cherry-pick until they find something they can amplify, and then they’ll run it into the ground.
“While the former Speaker’s words were supportive, her tone and body language appeared less so, leading to speculation among some that perhaps support for Biden’s defiance is not as solid as the campaign clearly wishes it were.”
Biden said it, the campaign keeps saying it, AOC said it — the matter is closed. Let’s move on, folks.
Mike E
The kids are alright.
I just returned from a prostate biopsy and boy, I really hope it was worth what I’m experiencing right now, yeesh.
@ArchTeryx: good work
@Mike E: heal quickly my friend.
@ArchTeryx: speaking for a few of my near and dear, we’re training and arming. Just basic household defense, done properly and with all the appropriate precautions, but ain’t no way we’re gonna be the ones without guns or the skill and will to use them if it comes to that.
For those who prefer Youtube over “X”:
Mike E
@BR: again, she’s got no more fucks to give and treats media interaction with barely cloaked disdain. She’s Nancy Pelosi, Gollum to a right many assholes so I give her slack. People at the other end of the stream know what’s at stake so she doesn’t have to paint a picture.
Meidas Touch has a side-by-side: Biden vs TFG last night. Clear explanation of why Isaiah Martin is yelling, for those who don’t get it.
THIS is how we do it!
Katie Porter bringing down the house.
@bbleh: amen brotha
Mike E
@rikyrah: since we are diagnosing from afar, I hope certain people here there and everywhere get treatment for their Biden-must-go mania.
@Mike E: Ouch.
Al Rennick
After watching Isaiah Martin, watch these videos from presidential campaign veterans:
Why David Axelrod thinks Biden is ‘dangerously out of touch’
Why James Carville thinks the Democratic Party needs to pivot
@JWR: I had a post with that video scheduled for 1pm, but if you guys are gonna keep linking to it, I guess I’ll just go ahead and put it up now! :-)
@bbleh: Whether that ends up being useful depends on what is sent after them. If it’s the military, it won’t do much good. If it’s just a bunch of redneck redcaps, then we fully intend to take as many of them with us as we can in this house. And we live close to rural NY, so that is definitely the bigger threat here.
Otherwise, it’s us arranging to ship them the hell out of red states and here into NYS, helping them get jobs, and live in a place where there WILL be total resistance to a Trump regime.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Porter wasn’t ready for the “next step up” irt the CA Senate primary and pooped big time in the aftermath….
But, she’s dynamite in the context of the House so it’s nice to see her form there shine again.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
No. Fucking. Nonsense.
It doesn’t matter what Democratic wanna-be OR Democratic has-beens want.
Why anyone would want to continue talking about WHAT IF is beyond me.
The matter is closed.
To quote Omnes:
If i hadn’t gone to catholic school, I would have made that “Jesus Fucking Christ” but they drummed into us that you will go to hell for saying that, so I won’t.
Lydia Reeder
Thank you for posting that uplifting call to action! Elsewhere, I guess that George Clooney is now calling for Biden to step down in the editorial pages of thee NYT. Does Clooney believe that we can wave a magic wand and replace Biden with a newer, younger version? Ta-da. It all makes me want to throw up.
Fred Guttenberg (@fred_guttenberg) posted at 7:14 AM on Wed, Jul 10, 2024:
This is the campaign. This is who they are. This is the choice. Watch this video and then understand that President Biden must win reelection.
I hope every worried Democrat, Independent, and Republican who knows that they can’t vote for Trump watches this. Thanks
Qondi (@QondiNtini) posted at 10:15 PM on Mon, Jul 08, 2024:![]()
The way Lawrence took off his glasses to rebuke the disrespect of a Black woman
@Al Rennick: go shit in your hand and clap for dragging those ancient dead enders here when there’s adults getting their shit together to defeat fascism. Go shit in your hand and clap.
David Darmofal (@david_darmofal) posted at 7:50 AM on Wed, Jul 10, 2024:
Six Democratic tickets this century. The three all-white ones lost. The three with a Black candidate on the ticket won.
@BR: From what I’m gathering this morning, is “everyone” seems to be in a quasi holding pattern until Biden’s VERY IMPORTANT Press Conference tomorrow evening. “Everyone” seems to think this will be the make or break moment for Biden’s presidency. 🤷🏼♀️
ETA changed interview to press conference. Apparently it will be held following the conclusion of the NATO Conference.
@rikyrah: thank you, been waiting on this since the NATO speech happened!
@ArchTeryx: I don’t think there’s any shame to having momentarily panicked. I didn’t, but I totally could have. I get it. But within 48 hours enough people had said “Okay let’s all calm down here” that I think most reasonable people were already heading in the right direction. But two weeks later?! After several FP posts, the CBC, AOC all effectively signaling “enough with the bullshit!” Now it’s just ridiculous, distracting and harmful to our cause.
Yes, this! (And thank you!) Part of what Pelosi said, which should’ve been her only point, and not wrapped in that stupid Dems Freaking Out sort of language, was this:
Time has already run out, as far as I’m can tell, so everyone has to chill TF out about this crap. But should Biden win in November, and then suffer a debilitating stroke or whatever, then we’ve already got a strong, perfectly able candidate in Harris. And then all the pundits can play their stupid “pipe dream ticket” games.
What a crook
Justin Parmenter (@JustinParmenter) posted at 6:22 AM on Wed, Jul 10, 2024:
NC gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson boasts he sold a “successful small business.”
Turns out he and his wife closed their daycare after DHHS caught them falsifying their own criminal background qualification letters. https://t.co/NFPHXrIkGN via @ChalkboardNotes #nced #ncpol
Thank you.
This is coming down to “damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t” isn’t it.
Does anyone have a link to reports of trumps mental decline? I know many have speculated in the past, but now it’s all crickets.
@UncleEbeneezer: And the funny thing is, I wasn’t panicking about keeping Biden. I always knew keeping Biden was our most viable option because for Jeezum’s sake he’s the incumbent and so, effectively, is Trump. Replacing an incumbent with a non-incumbent this late in the game would be an utter disaster.
I was panicking about the sturm und drang actually convincing Biden to quit… and what that would mean for all of us. I think a lot of Jackals actually though I was panicking about Biden staying.
@Jackie: sure, except first it was the ABC interview last Friday. And then yesterday or Monday (its sort of a blur at this point) was THE make-or-break day for the Biden candidacy. And I’m sure as each Maximum Crisis point passes, a NEW one will emerge, more important than ever!!
It’s just newsertainment. More clicks and higher ratings means more advertising revenue. I’ve stopped clicking — look in once a day, confirm SSDD, move on.
Mike E
@laura: can I say that I welcome your input here.
ETA also, pie is your friend.
Is there some reason we avoid direct links to TikTok, using X as a go between and asking for a YouTube varient?
Here’s a link to the TikTok original. https://www.tiktok.com/@isaiahrmartin/video/7385729635239218463
@WaterGirl: I added the Youtube link just because it’s possible to link to on Facebook, which site is not “X” friendly. I know! Put both up! ;)
PS. Also, I think it’s sort of odd that Youtube versions of The Lincoln Project videos aren’t available on their “X” page. Oh well.
@Mike E:
OUCH! I hope you have ice packs and gel packs in the freezer!
Feel better SOONEST!
When I click over to X to read tweets, every ad that turns up in the comment stream, Every Ad, is for a MAGA organization of some type. We already knew that was Musk’s happy place, but damn.
He always does a Press Conference at one of these things.
And then you see the American press asking nonsense, stupid-azzed questions
And the foreign press asking questions of substance.
It’s quite glaring.
@bbleh: I’m only the messenger… I did put “quotation marks” around ‘everyone’ to point out how seriously I took it.
@rikyrah: It’s going to be a media feeding frenzy – which I guess is “the test of how Biden does without the aid of the teleprompter?” 🤷🏼♀️
zhena gogolia
@prostratedragon: Wow.
zhena gogolia
@laura: Haha, I love you.
@rikyrah: All I can say to that is yippee! (Not to the awful behavior and falsifying records, of course.)
But this surely helps us in North Carolina!
@JaySinWA: TikTok doesn’t behave very well on Balloon Juice.
And more often than not, Tiktok won’t play for me on my mac. It’s like russian roulette – maybe it will and maybe it won’t!
@JWR: I wasn’t being critical, just practical. :-) Have to stay flexible around here!
Quantum man
@Mike E: I had one of those years ago. It was god awful. Hope you recover quickly. If you have a riding mower stay off of it for a few days. Hope the results are negative for cancer.
Al Rennick
David Axelrod and James Carville know way more about presidential politics than dummies like you.
@Jackie: lol sorry agreeing not criticizing. See also #28
@bbleh: 👍🏻
@UncleEbeneezer: I agreed with this 100%. There’s a thread of toxic positivity on here which gives the the “just asking questions”, “what if this impossible thing just happened” WAY too much oxygen and allows them to dominate them conversation and depress our fighting spirit. It would be comic if this were not as serious as a heart attack..
Like the guy in the video said, the stakes are too high and the threat is real. It’s time to get serious and focus.
And sorry for all the typos! lol
@WaterGirl: Thank you for the info. I see some WP themes seem to have TikToc issues.
@rikyrah: full disclosure, I prefer the direct-shame approach that I invented, saying “what’s up with the old-man cooties bedwetters?” Fuck the logic – ask them at what precise age will no one ever have to listen to them *ever again*. 81? 82? “Can we just stick you in a home, like in Coma, waiting for you to die so we can re-use your organs? Oh, don’t worry – you’ll be kept in a medically induced coma, and all your needs will be met, until you die, and we auction off your organs. What else will we do with useless old husks? Let them assume leadership positions, until they can’t, and then their Veep takes over?”
It feels like such a tidal wave at this point. I am starting to be confused about the way forward. Pelosi was way too equivocal in her interview to be seen as fully behind Joe staying in.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Al Rennick:
Haven’t read the comments yet but I like this guy too.