I'm gonna get over this pretty quickly. I think it's what Donald Trump would've wanted.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) July 14, 2024
HAHAHA! This billboard is currently up in Milwaukee where the RNC is being held! All of the MAGA lunatics will be forced to see it as they head to the convention. Amazing placement by the Biden campaign! pic.twitter.com/Bz0wT4QDQm
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) July 13, 2024
Penzeys Spices welcoming Republicans attending the RNC in Milwaukee. ?? pic.twitter.com/2E4EDnxUZc
— Will County Clown Car (@WillClownCar) July 12, 2024
As Trump continues to try and distance himself from Project 2025
Here's a little preview of the set-up happening for next week's Republican National Convention
The Heritage Foundation
-who are the literal authors of Project 2025
Are also a primary RNC sponsor
Weird, right? pic.twitter.com/JbQm1dNtXA— Mona (@Monaheart1229) July 11, 2024
Per the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, “Think tank behind Project 2025 conservative blueprint signs on as RNC convention sponsor”:
… The Heritage Foundation, the D.C.-based think tank that produced Project 2025 — a series of policy plans to overhaul the federal government — is among the sponsors of the convention in Milwaukee next week.
The group is touted as a convention partner on the RNC host committee’s website. And Heritage plans to hold a day-long “policy fest” in downtown Milwaukee on Monday, the opening day of a convention in which Trump will officially receive the Republican nomination for president.
Project 2025, which in part calls for an expansion of presidential authority, is separate from the Trump campaign’s “Agenda47” policy priorities and from the RNC’s own platform, though a number of former Trump administration officials were involved in crafting Heritage’s plans.
The Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation has been a longtime financial backer of Heritage…
… Heritage’s presence at the Republican nominating convention is yet another sign of the think tank’s influence. In addition to the day-long policy discussion Monday, billed as “Fighting for America’s Future,” the group plans to host a social event at a bar near Fiserv Forum Wednesday evening, according to the convention’s event calendar…
zhena gogolia
Penzey’s took their sign down, at least for now, out of respect.
I don’t necessarily agree (I’m a bad Christian).
In need of respite.
Sunday music (with some bold fashion choices).
The FBI is of course investigating yesterday’s unfortunate event. They’re also investigating the hack of a system associated with Heritage’s data.
Guess what Project 2025 says about the FBI.
BBC: “The document labels the FBI a ‘bloated, arrogant, increasingly lawless organization’. It calls for drastic overhauls of this and several other federal agencies.”
I’ve seen other verbiage saying P25 calls to defund the FBI, certainly something a number of R congresscritters have openly said.
@zhena gogolia: Ditto. I fear that “going high when they go low” just leads to unilateral disarmament.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Little over a week ago, I mentioned seeing a billboard in the southern-ish stretch of metro Denver.
Finally found the group/person behind it complete with a photo:
As the PAC founder put it after last night:
Good work, Nick Anderson!
Penzey’s is great, just made an order last night before even seeing this lol
p.s. Penzey’s has a sale going on (ends today) where you can get a $50 gift card for $35.
I don’t know the timing but the Dems should point out that Trump thought the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi was pretty funny. When a piece of shit like Vance is interviewed that should be the first question.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The Riechwingers claimed the reason the assassination attempt was able to happen is because there are female secret service against.
zhena gogolia
@Senyordave: Don’t hold your breath.
Citizen Dave
@Lapassionara: Yes, agree. The Rs will be back to attacking soon enough. Last night had ABC on, and them and elsewhere were sure ‘both-sidesing’ the ‘rhetoric needs to be toned down’. But, the Orange guy, seconds after the incident has the wherewithal to do the fight fight fight and arm pump? Who does that? Seems to me it was ‘game on’ from the jump.
Anyway, EuroCup Final at 3 p.m. eastern
Love Penzeys. Used their Southwest seasoning and cumin yesterday for our homemade, Sweetgreen, Guacamole Greens salad. Amazingly had taken a 90 minute news break, and continued purposely a nightly news broadcast blackout, so when I first saw the news it just seemed like a small plot point.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
The ineffable Frank Coniff (TV’s Frank from MST3K fame):
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Citizen Dave:
Headline our Failed Corporate Media Corpse is basically writing:
@Lapassionara: My thoughts as well
Lest we forget, Viktor Orban’s cronies fund the Heritage Foundation legally. Like a gratuity, but well beforehand.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Love it!
@zhena gogolia: The Washington Post (via Apple News) has a quote from some “random” asshole Republican in Wisconsin that it “hurts [his] heart for [his] country” and I almost vomited in my own mouth. Republicans have been literally reveling in political violence and violent rhetoric for years, and NOW it “hurts your heart”? Fuck you, man.
Empathy for Trump voters? Sorry, no. I don’t even need to list the ways that they have not shown empathy to others.
They will not appreciate it, there is no point.
I am disappointed that Penzey’s caved.
I’m gonna say, after all these years it would have been the irony of the decade if Trump was assassinated with an AR-15.
Thanks for this Anne Laurie, I don’t think I could have taken a morning of fretting. This is much better. I have signed myself out of twitter (meaning, I have to consciously sign back in – go find my password, etc) to force a break from the lunacy.
I’m going to continue to stay away from the news and touch grass today (walk the dogs before the sweltering heat descends, give the ducks some nice cold pool water, etc).
I hope everyone else takes a mental break, too, from the batshit crazy.
Also, and I cannot say this enough, PIE IS GOOD
I mean, they’re really not wrong about the FBI. Even if, like all right wingers, their real beef with it is that it doesn’t always do exactly what they want.
Funny how mass shootings are just the price of unrestricted, 2nd Amendment, freedom loving America until something like this happens. I’m not sure that Mr Trump’s party hasn’t done too good of a job of making people “used” to this everyday AR kind of violence for them to get too much political mileage out of it.
IOW the fight is still before us. Off to write postcards to swing states and ignore the noise machine for today.
@NotMax: I watched ‘Once Upon A Time in Hollywood’ again last night, and that video is giving me a flashback – the female vocalist resembles the girl who plays Squeaky!
Brad Pitt is always an antidote for me, and yes, I am a sucker.
Tony Jay
That’s a message to run with. Shove it right down their pie holes.
@Citizen Dave: The same guy who went to the bunker during BLM protests is fist-pumping seconds after he has actually been shot at. How weird is that?
Same. I filled the birdbath (high today 95) and have fed the pup and kitty. I am avoiding news today.
I think I’ll start Cardinal. Has anyone watched it?
@MagdaInBlack: hinky
@Chris: Yeah, “bloated, arrogant, increasingly lawless organization” could describe almost any law enforcement organization in the country.
Also weird: Rep. Ronny Jackson said on social media that his nephew was injured (grazed in the neck) at the rally, but is fine.
NWS has issued excessive heat warnings for Monday and Tuesday for a stretch of the east coast and piedmont from NC up through most of MA, so that’ll be fun.
Yeah. This smelled fishy right off the bat.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage
The MAGAs are coming
To whine and bawl
As efgoldman said
Fuckem all
– Burma-Shave
I miss efg. But that’s a damn good Burma-Shave jingle.
@Chris: I’m just sayin’ that would not be my first reaction. But, adrenaline is a funny thing.
Finally read a bit of common sense this morning re reactions to last night’s assassination attempt:
Allegedly, Trump chooses his Secret Service agents. So they are loyal. Would do anything for him.
Like wait to let him get his shoes. (Why were his shoes off?)
Not bodily carry him quickly off the stage. Stand up to be a better target. Not stop photographers running forward.
Leave a rooftop unguarded. The one spot left open. Ignore dozens of crowd goers telling them there is a guy on the roof.
Except for the snipers who had the shooter in sight and waited for him to fire. That is the weirdest footage.
Violence is wrong.
But I cannot ignore all the holes in this.
And how the GOP so quickly united in the same “Dem yelling at Trump did this”.
Guess there is no chance at an Epstein story now.
Sorry for venting. Just so angry.
Another Scott
@Chris: But, of course, they are not actually interested in “defunding” or “reforming” the FBI. They want their own cronies in charge, they want to purge anyone there who doesn’t do what they want. Fascists don’t reduce their own power. They lie about everything. Don’t accept their statements at face value.
Eyes on the prizes.
Penzey is right here, also too. I saw a headline yesterday that Biden was taking down ads for some period of time. Showing some understanding of the dangers of political assassination attempts is not a bad thing if we want to have a rational, functioning political system going forward. Feeding our lizard brains – even from a position of righteousness – is dangerous.
Thanks for this, AL.
Hang in there, everyone.
Joey Maloney
Good morning all you New Worlders. Writing from 7 hours ahead, can I just say this was a heck of a thing to wake up to this morning?
Comrade Scrutinizer
@eclare: Cardinal 1963 Otto Preminger movie or Cardinal the 2017-2020 series?
S Cerevisiae
The cult is going to use this to deify him even further- “our god cannot be killed! He is truly the chosen one!” And he is going to milk it all he can.
Blasphemous bastards.
@eclare: It’s always been my philosophy that I don’t let other people’s behavior control how I behave. That’s probably the way the Penzy people feel, too. The sign will probably be back tomorrow. Having empathy for others is a sign of strength and humanity, not of weakness. I don’t particularly feel bad for the people who are so unaware that they can tell a reporter they don’t know where all the violence and hate comes from while wearing a shirt that calls Biden a “luna tick”, but that’s me. I wish Jordan Klepper would have been the person to question her. I think a lot of people will see that interview and shake their heads at her cluelessness.
The series? Watchable but overall average.
@eclare: just started season 4 last night. It’s good. Nothing amazing, but perfectly watchable TV.
@TaMara: I agree, I hated to use it but it makes things better right now.
Joey Maloney
I imagine when the SS tackled him they knocked him right out of them. I was pretty old before I realized that whenever you see one shoe sitting by the side of the road, it likely belonged to someone who was hit by a car hard enough that they came out of it.
The Black Swan Theory was developed by Nassim Taleb. He described a Black Swan event as having three attributes:
First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations. Second, it carries an extreme impact. Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable.
In the very recent past two black swans have landed in our nation’s political pond. Both seemingly highly favorable to Trump. Is there a flock circling? Will one, two or several land before the election. If so, what are they? Who will they favor? Given the very nature of Black Swans, these questions are not answerable.
My point is that if anyone tells you how this presidential race is going to end more than three months out, remember that at anytime a Black Swan may splash down and change everything.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
This is my news source this morning. I don’t have the stomach to read any coverage, because my stomach lining is in knots (is that a mixed metaphor? What do stomach linings do? Roll over in their grave?) just imagining the right-wing rhetoric.
I am glad TFG is essentially unhurt. I hope he doesn’t take this as an excuse to stir up the gun nuts even more for “revenge” but I won’t be surprised if that happens. Eyes on the prize. I just want to keep my head down and get to Election Day and then Inauguration Day.
@Comrade Scrutinizer:
The series on Hulu
@TBone: Elaine “Spanky” McFarlane.
@TBone: My sister bypassed a chance to meet Brad Pitt. Her environmental company did a lot of work for his dad, who invited her to the lake over Labor Day one year. All the family was going to be there, including Brad. She had other things she wanted to do over that weekend so she said no. I’ve met Doug, Brad’s brother. Every now and then Brad comes home and makes an appearance at a bar downtown. People here try to stay cool to give him some space.
S Cerevisiae
I just wonder how his narcissistic brain is going to process this. If what someone says is true and he turned his head just as the bullet passed and the turn saved his life- will he take this as a sign of his invincibility? Or will his innate cowardice take over because he must have heard the bullet pass centimeters from killing him.
I think he’s going to come out thinking he’s Jesus.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I wound up thinking of Gandalf this morning (as you do):
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
@oldgold: As a child bookworm, I was convinced that randomness was merely not enough information.
@MagdaInBlack: Adrenaline is weird stuff. I think it was his showman’s instinct to do that.
Of course he thinks he’s divine. He’s a malign narcissist.
What is the logic behind the prediction, that this attack means Trump will cruise to victory? Because I am not seeing it
Does this make him more sympathetic to white people?
@Honus: thanks!
@Jackie: I don’t know, I think all the MAGAs were already going to vote anyway.
@sdhays: Maybe not the USPS Postal Inspection Service, but yeah your point probably stands for almost all.
So the shooter appears to be from Bethel Park, which is a suburb right down the road. (Actually, I will be going there today, as I need to pick up a few things at Target.) I wonder if I am going to hear anything about him in the upcoming days from anyone I know. One thing I have really noticed about living here is that there are a lot of long-timers and they often know each other.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: all of this.
@Soprano2: Yeah, that was the adrenalin pumping. He is human after all, no matter how degraded a specimen.
I seem to recall trumpov calling for his “Second Amendment People” to save him from losing to Hillary Clinton, just about eight years ago exactly.
This is of course on top of cheering on the folks who tried to run the Biden/Harris campaign bus off the road, retweeting pictures of Biden bound and gagged in the back of a pickup truck, and encouraging rally attendees to beat on any protestors.
And then there is J6…
Don’t take any shit from the MAGAts in your life, folks: he’s been stirring shit up for a long, long time.
Do you think the Journal Sentinel could have whitewashed Project 2025 any more thoroughly? Makes it sound like a college term paper.
You might be right, but Taleb would say, you are doing this:
“human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable.”
One conclusion I’ve made from reading a lot of true crime is that the world is full of bizarre and random, even unbelievable, juxtaposition of events. Unless it is studied we would never know.
Simply the universe randomly going about its business.
With so much instability in the system, maybe unlikely events are simply going to happen more often.
@Soprano2: 😍 I would never pass up a chance like that, but my priorities are frequently mismatched to those of most people 😆
I’ve been in love with him since the late 1980s and he only gets more handsome with age.
Thanks for sharing!
@schrodingers_cat: I think that he’ll get a sympathy vote, or that this shows how tough he is so it’ll impress some people. I don’t think it will have an effect on anyone who wasn’t already going to vote for him.
and yeah, why were his shoes off?
@oldgold: Of course! We are a story telling species.
Nukular Biskits
Good mornin’, y’all!
@Soprano2: The question with every election now is always margins. That subset of people who aren’t cleanly affiliated with either side and who often make their decisions on really weird things. So…. are there people who were squishy (maybe Trump, maybe Biden, maybe neither), and this motivates them in some way? I genuinely don’t know.
If I haven’t made it abundantly clear, these people piss me off. For two reasons. The first being that they’re oblivious or totally morally transactional, and both of those are bad, IMO. The second being that they now have outsize influence. Winning some of them over is necessary to win. I hate that.
@Geminid: A normal person would be more humble and grateful to be alive after an experience like that, but because he’s a huge narcissist he’ll be more arrogant than ever, convinced that not being killed means he’s invincible.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I like that. That’s actually a very calming quote to carry me through the immediate future.
@Soprano2: Yeah I am not seeing that at all. Its wishcasting on the part of his fanbase in the MSM and punditry, which is substantial.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Honus: Lately I’ve seen people attributing his weird stance to neurological issues of some sort, connected to the dementia.
But in prior years I seem to recall people looking at closeups of his feet, and that there seemed to be lifts inside the shoe so his heel was barely in the shoe.
That would certainly cause the shoes to fly off easily.
@schrodingers_cat: The logic, such as it is, is that this incident will fire up his base while attracting sympathy votes from the uncommitted. I think it does present a political opportunity for Trump if he can exploit it effectively and not turn it into one more grievance to whine about. I am sceptical that he is capable of doing that though, at least for very long.
I came by here this morning to read sane comments and that was a good decision. Now I’m going to follow Tamara’s lead and go work on a quilt commission. For a the bird lovers out there, the block of the day is called “Flying Swallows.” Tricky block, but very cool.
The kitty and I have a routine when I go to the quilt cave. I have a grooming glove she now loves (at first she hated it) and she is insistent that it be used. Loud purring and half-closed eyes ensue. Then she asks for a treat. Once that’s done, she parks herself in front of the window and monitors the yard and I can get to work!
Last night one of the commenters asked for a pet topic. I really enjoyed reading all the pet stories the last time we had one. I think another would help us, you know?
I’m with Magdi Jacobs, as usual. I don’t think this will move a single voter away from where they already are. Political violence is bad and I’m glad most of our side are responding as such. That said, I’m also not really mad at the people who are making jokes or pointing out the obvious wrt gun violence in the US, even though I’m personally not joining in on the fun.
Today will be spent making soap (hi, satby!), hamburger buns (hi, Tamara) and three layer nut bats.
Yeah, agreed.
One thing I have learned from working with many healthcare institutions and having to learn about their business and their patient populations….. things we think of as “rare diseases” aren’t really that rare when one considers how many people there are. Add up a few rare things, and they start to look pretty routine. My own sense of risk perception has changed over time. Like, if you told me there was a one-in-five chance of something bad happening….. holy balls, that’s a really high chance! But if you told me I had a one-in-five chance of winning a million dollars….. I would think that was a really low chance.
zhena gogolia
@Soprano2: And I don’t think that will go over well in the long run.
We had a rare Summer thunderstorm this am. At Wimbledon, No-vaxx is about to go down two sets to Alcaraz. And it looks like the idiots pushing to replace Biden are finally moving on to the next shiny object of conversation. Aside from the increasing prospect of political violence, not a bad morning.
Another Scott
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Yeah, it seems pretty clear that he has giant lifts in his shoes.
It explains his gait walking down ramps and lots of other stuff, also too.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I’d forgotten about that but now it’s flooding back. As Tbone quoted from another thread:
“Play facist games, win fascist prizes”.
@MagdaInBlack: Adrenaline plus whatever performance stimulants he is on for his rallies.
@UncleEbeneezer: I agree with you and Magdi. This is not going to move a single vote. This doesn’t make him a least bit sympathetic to me. But I am not a white people. I turn off my TV whenever he is on.
Update on my home invasion. They got the fuckers. I was not the only one who got hit last night. I was just the one that flipped out. And the amount of damage I dealt created a trip to the hospital where they got picked up.
So Shun Japanese knives effective home defense weapon. Thank you Williams & Sonoma.
The SO is freaked out and will stay with her sisters for a bit. The nieces heard about it are all “and then tito stabbed him “. It was a lot less badass than they seem to think. Was a frantic rush out of room, grabbing what I could and rushing out the door naked (I sleep naked).
I still do not remember most of it all. I sort of know what happened. But I can’t really explain it. I was up, we were in the hall, I grabbed kitchen knife, and rushed em. They were out. It was a frantic scramble. I think they were as shocked as I was when I tore after them.
But my nieces seem to think I’m Batman. Even though it couldn’t have been more than 20 seconds and 50 feet including out the door and the stairs.
There was nothing great about this.
@Joey Maloney: still doesn’t explain why they stood there and let him put them back on in an active shooter situation. And I can’t believe they let him stand up and pump his fist, becoming a perfect target. That’s what immediately struck me yesterday when I saw the video.
Lynn Dee
Excellent tweet choices, Betty! It’s gonna be max stupid for a while, so the laughs are much welcomed.
zhena gogolia
@eversor: OMG. I’m glad you’re safe.
@eversor: I’m very glad you’re okay. Thanks for the update. I saw your comments about what had happened this morning.
We had a home invasion a couple of years ago and it was scary as fuck.
zhena gogolia
@Honus: Nobody can ever stop him from doing anything.
@TBone: I don’t know how old you are but I loved that song and Spanky has always been a favorite of mine.
He was already likely to repel viewers/voters during the RNC; just think of the crazy, messianic shit he’s going to say now.
Lately, whenever I click on a Twitter link, it’s blocked with a message that “Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection” has caused the link to fail.
And I realize the world seems like a much nicer place ever since that happened.
Twitter is toxic at the best of times. I can’t imagine visiting it today.
Nukular Biskits
“three layer nut bats”?
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Like you, I don’t think he or his campaign is capable of doing that. The GQP has been all about whiny grievance politics since Obama was elected, well, at least more to the forefront. Thus, they’ll do what they know.
I almost did a spit-take when I saw that my predicted high for Tuesday here in NoVA is 102°! Going up to “only” 96° today.
Thankfully you’re safe. Take care of yourself.
@Jeffro: Also, the republican congresswoman who said a few years ago that if they couldn’t succeed at the ballot box they might need to resort to the “bullet box”
Here are some random thoughts:
is PA an open carry state? If so, is there a federal law that would make an exception for campaign events?
some say they noticed him and pointed him out to law enforcement. Since he was a local, do you suppose LE thought he was one of the “good ones”?
what would make a 20 year old do something that would lead to certain death? Suicide by cop?
@Nukular Biskits: Um, you know, between the wings and body, you layer in the chocolate.
Shoe question answer posited by Satby on Twitter: Trump wears lifts, so shoes fall off more easily.
And timing at the start of the GOP convention…
When are we getting the shooters social media. health records, funding sources?
Nukular Biskits
LOL! It finally dawned on me that was a typo. A little mental fog this morning as the result of too much yardwork in the heat yesterday followed up by a few beers last night.
No, it does not.
And seriously, who thinks he has the sense to stop calling people vermin and tone down the violent rhetoric so that he can revel in his victim status a few weeks?
I expect the Republican convention to have all the subtlety of a Nuremberg rally.
I think Trump is a legitimately big guy, and I doubt anyone can tell the difference between a man being 6’0″ or 6’3″ when he’s standing alone on a raised stage.
Bill Arnold
That was not a fist. That was a “show fist”. A fist is tight, with the thump reaching to the second finger. That image has the thumb resting next to/half over the index finger, and facing partially out.
It would break if it hit anything hard.
Convicted felon Donald J.Trump has never known how to make a fist. A man that presents as macho, in his late 70s. T
here is only one DJT image I have found with a proper fist, where some Tae Kwon Do master, hungry for publicity, had Trump pose with him, and that master would not accept a fake fist. (I know such things including correction of posture/hand positions, having been taught by such a master.)
How to Make a Fist (wikiHow)
@Lapassionara: Tom Nichols said on Twitter he thinks he’s a Lost Boy. I’m not sure what that means but it sounds like someone who is alienated from society.
@Honus: I am so old that I love it too. Childhood memories of Mom and me in her huge, aquamarine colored Chevy, playing the radio and dancing in our seats on our way to the Woolworth’s Five and Dime for helium balloons!
In matching sundresses that we made by hand 😍😆 and her matching kerchief not able to cover the beehive hairdo!
Chris T.
No, but there was something good: operant conditioning. This works best if the reward or punishment is immediate, and your punishment was. The invader(s) (insert apostrophe where appropriate) lizard brains will have acquired a bit of wisdom.
Kayla Rudbek
@Quiltingfool: do you take commissions for t-shirt quilts? I have a bunch of old college shirts that I would like to have put together…
Kayla Rudbek
@eversor: I was shocked, as I didn’t think Arlington had much problem with crime. Glad to hear that you are doing as well as can be expected.
I love everything about this!
@Bill Arnold: Ya but..you know what i was getting at 😉
Miss Bianca
@eversor: wtf?? I go on a social media break for 24 hours and all kinds of hell seems to have broken loose in the Interim.
Hope you’re ok, at least relatively speaking.
Tony G
Regarding Project 2025 … I’m not the first person to point this out, but the people (trying to) advise Trump are not as smart as they think they are. For Trump to pretend that he’s never heard of “Project 2025” is so absurd that, perhaps, even some of his idiot base won’t believe it. What they should be doing instead is just picking out the most anodyne parts of the Project (if there are any) and emphasizing those. The damn thing is more than 900 pages long, so not many people are going to investigate the details of this tome. (And, of course, the mainstream media is worse than useless on this issue.)
@Kayla Rudbek:
We don’t. But with the rise in homeless camps if you live in a ground floor condo like I do theft is rampant now. Also our laundry area now has to be locked as shit gets stolen constantly. What was a small amount of utterly harmless homeless around certain areas which most of us gave money to has grown into a vastly more aggressive and larger group.
I’m a vet and do combat sports for fun. I’m also six feet 200 and a white male. For the most part I don’t get shit. The SO is 5’4, Asian, and all of 120 and she’s been a target several times. So our “stranger danger” levels are not the same. She wants out of here and into Fairfax VA burbs because of this stuff. Now it is going to have to happen.
Arlington is odd. Where we live is majority minority and does have a crime issue. Cross the road and it’s all white with houses in the million dollar range and crime just doesn’t happen. But we can’t afford that. So now we are going to move out of here. Our local Safeway (which we rarely used but was walkable) did close due to rampant theft.
I wasn’t in serious danger. It was a robbery and I brought the violence to it very rapidly.
I didn’t get a solid look on anyone and I was just in a frenzy and on auto pilot.
While I’d be fine with staying here there are now atleast 6 more GOP voters and Asian women who are utterly convinced having black people around makes them less safe and want out to the burbs.
So FFX white land here we come. Le sigh.
@Chris T.:
I’m not sure that works.
Look normally I like fighting. I love fighting. But I normally do it with other people who want to do it as well. There are rules. People do get hurt and that’s part of the fun of it all. But at the end you shake hands and hug. It’s a very positive experience.
This was a frantic scramble where all parties were shocked and I brung the pain as fast as possible and honestly I would have killed them given half the chance if they didn’t bolt. I wasn’t right in the head. I’m not sure what I thought. Instinct kicked in and I was going for the most lethal items that were the closest and even that was just a gut reaction. I didn’t have a plan. It was just a frantic scramble that ended really fucking fast. I haven’t slept. I’m still high off adrenaline.
But having time to think about it I know that my SO and her family are going to say “blacks and homeless” and we are going to move to a whiter area. The catch being I know the darker homeless people here and while they do cat call my SO they aren’t a problem. They are harmless. I also don’t know that the people here were dark or were homeless as I didn’t have the time to process shit and it was dark. It was just a mad dash and scramble and I was faster. 20 seconds is a long ass time. But I wasn’t looking or caring about shit and I wasn’t thinking.
I have to talk to the cops later again but I don’t know what I could tell them. Like I dunno what happened. I was sleep, then I was up, then it was down the hall, then it was out the door, down the stairs. There was no time to think.
But I know that my SO has not liked this area for a bit due to homeless people, darker people (and she’s a dark coffee skined Asian) and this is going to be the reason we move from here.
I’m just glad she wasn’t here for it.
They were “identified” due to having go to the hospital but I can’t tell who it was. Confronted with a line of people I wouldn’t know. It was that fast and quick. I was just quicker and meaner.
This whole thing fucking sucks. I feel quasi guilting for really hurting someone. I’ve called my lawyer (family member) and given her my gun… though it was with a knife and that’s been taken into evidence but I still have a lot of knives so I’m not sure what that solved.
I’m just petting the cat and watching horror movies, eating pizza, then ate a cheeser, and my friend brought gummies so I’m stoned off my ass now. I know I should stay sober and try to remember it but I just can’t now.
I’ve been to war. I got set off and just hurled myself at it. I feel fucking horrible. Not just at the violation of my space but that I really did hurt someone. It’s not about forgiving them now it’s about me forgiving me. I didn’t want this. I don’t like that I did it. I don’t like where it’s leading my family. I just really want it not to have happened.
@eversor: If you have to move I hope you’ll find a place where you and yours can be safe and happy. Maybe you have friends familiar with the suburbs who can point you to some good options.
Citizen Alan
@S Cerevisiae: At this point, I think we should respond to such claims by loudly pointing out that he has fulfilled one of the prophecies of the antichrist by surviving an assassination attempt with only a head wound. – Revelations 13:3
Citizen Alan
@eversor: Glad they got the perps. I’ve been following your updates with interest and it is a cool story. Makes me glad I took you out of the pie filter. :)
The sister and brother live in FFX VA Dunn Loring. They have good condos off the METRO. I can afford it.
@eversor: glad you’re OK. Yikes
Liminal Owl
@eversor: Wow, glad you’re safe. And nice work facilitating their getting caught.
Liminal Owl
@eversor: reading further… so you’re not entirely OK. I’m sorry to hear about the guilt, and I hope you can soon find a way through/past it.