I hate the fact that my new sunglasses make me look like I should be in my pickup truck making angry videos about critical race theory, but man are they dark and super comfortable.
These sunglasses want to fly a “Let’s go Brandon” flag.
These sunglasses put raisins in potato salad.
These sunglasses pulled you over for a broken taillight and smelled weed in your car.
These sunglasses don’t season their chicken breasts.
These sunglasses don’t moisturize.
These sunglasses stormed the Capitol on 6 January.
These sunglasses think covid is a hoax.
These sunglasses don’t understand why they can’t say that word but rappers use it all the time
These sunglasses love chick-fil-a.
These sunglasses are just asking questions.
These sunglasses think if you don’t love America you should leave it.
These sunglasses frequently say “we’re a constitutional republic not a democracy”
These sunglasses listen to joe rogan.
These sunglasses have strong opinions about who should play women’s high school sports.
These sunglasses are looking into buying a cybertruck.
What do you think these sunglasses do?
These sunglasses take selfies in their F-150s (they’re underwater on it, BTW) and then put them on their dating app profiles. They also send dick pics.
These sunglasses don’t run.
Those sunglasses know that Biden’s poor debate performance caused the fall of Fort Sumpter.
Old Dan and Little Ann
I have a pair of similar shades in my car and my wife’s car. If Dark Brandon can wear them so can I.
You lost me at raisins in potato salad. Also, for the record, potato salad should be in the germanic vinegar style
I mean, I see these sunglasses aren’t very reliable in their opinions/actions, but just sayin’.
Uncle Jeffy
Those sunglasses don’t do any of those things. Their wearer, on the other hand, could do any and all of them. But I don’t think the model does them.
Just wondering what my Transitions lenses say about me.
Biden wears sunglasses, so I wouldn’t worry about it. Probably help if you smile. Can you smirk? Put a bumper sticker of Joe in his corvette on your vehicle. Or if not, how about an animal rescue group?
You are old enough not to care anyway. I think wanting to be able to see while driving is pretty universal.
Those sunglasses think Kid Rock makes good music.
Mike E
Those sunglasses want to wash your
Trans AmSubaru, shirtless, while blasting FreebirdMaxim
Those sunglasses think women ought to know their place.
Don’t sweat it. Think of how a flag can be perceived. Looks good.
@Maxim: These sunglasses can’t get a date.
Those sunglasses allow Cole to go undercover.
@Suzanne: These guys also send pics of themselves holding stringers of fish. But the fish are always Bass, and discerning women know it’s Walleye or fuck off!
Not the sunglasses, my dude. But they look good on you.
These sunglasses owe child support in three separate states.
Robert A Savell
Jerry Garcia Tribute Band
Bobby Thomson
They DON’T wash their legs
Lacuna Synecdoche
John Cole @ Top:
These sunglasses collect Grateful Dead bootlegs.
I have nothing to add to this prime collection of snark.
Other MJS
Nah, you look like Biden’s stunt double.
@Geminid: I told Raven that about fish pics….. I think he was offended.
Listening to Joe Rogan would be a good thing. Different points of view and not automatically rejected. Think of some of the more academic guests he’s hosted. If you want to do guilt by association, anyone who’s interviewed Kissinger is a monster. Colbert did a silly loving tribute to him.
But yeah… ROGAN! GRRR!””
For the record, I enjoyed his long form style, but never created a Spotify account to keep listening. Maybe when I get my PW probs resolved.
And the GOP folks I know are quite adept with the seasonings. I hope we can at least all agree that German potato salad is an abomination.
Those sunglasses are not going to keep the wind out of your eyes when riding a motorcycle.
Central Planning
These glasses make me irresistible.
Hamlet of Melnibone
@Geminid: Bass are fun to catch, but there is no reason not to release them. They aren’t very good eating. Bluegill are better tasting and they are endless, whereas harvesting Bass will hurt the fishing pretty quick.
@aaronsmiles: I laughed.
Everybody’s had inspired comments.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
This. Those sunglasses eat ice cream, drive a Corvette, and have no patience with malarkey. Wear ’em with pride, and to hell with any Trumpist who thinks they’re looking at a fellow traveler.
Chris Johnson
@LanceThruster: Welp, that’s a dead giveaway. You’re a troll :D
Joe Rogan. FML.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Those sunglasses prevent us from peering into your soul.
Those sunglasses pair well with a fedora. Those sunglasses grew a beard to disguise a weak chin. Those sunglasses wonder why nobody wants to work anymore. Those sunglasses are looking for a godly wife who wants to serve her husband.
Omnes Omnibus
Wayfarers would have made you look like the drummer from a jazz fusion group. Would that have been better?
Chris Johnson
Those sunglasses wear their own sunglasses. At night.
So they can so they can. :)
FWIW I think its more the beard than the sunglasses that signal the MAGA male.
Sister Golden Bear
These sunglasses know that they’re aviators, not wrap around, so they’re Riding With Biden.
BTW, looks like Republicans will still be getting their freak show on, since their Holocaust denying NC gubernatorial candidate—who recently gave a speech about how “Some folks need killing” is still scheduled to be one of the convention speakers.
Central Planning
These glasses fly my flag upside down.
Those glasses don’t wear a mask (unless they’re storming the capitol, and then it’s a flag or camo balaclava).
ETA fixed autoincorrect
I think they make you look like you’re about to point a funny-looking pen at me and make me forget I ever saw a UFO full of aliens cruising the street.
those glasses are made for walkin’
and that’s what they’re gonna do
one of these days these glasses are gonna walk all over you….
Hunter Gathers
Pretty sure that they don’t roll on Shabbos.
The Moar You Know
Just how big is your head, Cole? Holy crap, I think you must take a size 9 in hats.
@Sister Golden Bear: I have gold aviators, I feel that they are semiotically liberal. Oakleys, OTOH….. pure incel.
The dudes who wear the baseball cap backwards and then put the Oakleys on backwards over the brim of the cap….. just blows my mind. (In a bad way.)
karen marie
Maybe I don’t get out enough but I think you look very cool in those sunglasses, John Cole.
@Sister Golden Bear:
But still “Trump Allies Try to Bully Dems, Media to Shut Up About His Fascist Plans,” Rolling Stone.
Sunglasses look nice.
Agent Foster Grant?
/midnight run
Andrew Abshier
The sunglasses bitch and moan that they are not Oakleys.
The glasses look cool, Cole :)
Apparently Burgum and Rubio are officially out. It’s gonna be Vance, isn’t it? Oh gross.
ETA: talk about growing a beard to hide a weak chin.
@Chris Johnson: I put the Rogan comment into Google Translate and it said he’s “fair and balanced.”
@Suzanne: I still wonder if Ivanka or something will be the pick. Trump/Trump on those signs… Unconditional loyalty, etc.
Re – sunglasses, I agree that they show you’re ridin with Biden.
Those sunglasses throw out the cat asleep in the good chair.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: Oakleys are fine if you are actually doing something outdoorsy or athletic. Like athletic clothing or cammo, they belong in their proper place. Outside of it, they are a warning sign.
@Mousebumples: Maybe it’ll be Ralph Lauren of Arabia, Prince Jared bin Suckup.
@Omnes Omnibus: Sure. But, like, most of us just have one pair of sunglasses that we wear for everything. Oakleys look deeply silly outside of their context.
John Cole
@The Moar You Know: It’s fucking massive. My drill sergeant in basic training told me my head was so big if I was a cowboy I would need a 12 gallon hat and they had to special order my hats in the army.
Like a lot of glasses on middle-aged white guys like us, those glasses pierce the veil between parallel universes just enough to scare the living shit out of us at how very nearby the universe probably is where there’s a red hat up top.
When sunglasses are outlawed, only outlaws will wear sunglasses. To the tune of David Allen Coe’s Long Haired Redneck.
Dorothy A. Winsor
You look like a member of ZZ Top
These sunglasses leave the toilet seat up.
@Suzanne: lol, who knows. We’ll know when we know. Not like it’ll affect how I vote.
Yeah. NBC just did one of their big, bold, ‘somebody important died’ screens to tell us that it is indeed Vance.
These sunglasses think “keep your laws off my body” is about seatbelts and helmets.
These sunglasses have a tattoo of “Mom.”
Ah, so Vance it is. The evil bastard.
Chris Johnson
@JWR: How’s that gibe with the claimed pivot to a unity platform? Any clues?
Vance should try to keep in mind that Trump kinda-sorta tried to have his last VP killed.
And vaccines!!!
ETA: UGH. Just turned on the news. J. D. Vance. Ugh ugh ugh. Also yuck.
J. Arthur Crank
@aaronsmiles: OK, that one is funny.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: I tend not to lose or break sunglasses so I still own some from as far back as 1984. I do have two pairs that I currently wear a lot. Tortoiseshell Wayfarers and a pair of inexpensive black ones for bike riding, playing in the woods, etc. I chose the black ones because they bore no resemblance to Oakleys but were lightweight and polarized.
Sister Golden Bear
Those sunglasses are stained with mustard, in a Subaru in the middle of a field.
Sister Golden Bear
@WereBear: And a “no ragrets” tattoo.
The Moar You Know
@John Cole: not just my eyes then. Looks like those glasses are going to last three weeks before they break at the nosepiece.
12 gallon hat lol
if Trump’s head were 2 inches wider he’d be really dead now
KayInMD (formerly Kay (not the front-pager))
@Mike E:
I was thinking Grateful Dead, but same same.
The Moar You Know
@Suzanne: Trump’s too trusting. Vance gives me the creeps. He looks like the kind of guy who would have his boss whacked.
@Chris Johnson: Well, I just heard Tommy Potatohead Tubbs say that 1) J.D.’s not a politician, and 2) he speaks his mind.
Now that that’s cleared up, I’m off to answer other deeply thoughtful questions. ;)
Let’s see.
Vance has stated in the past that he never liked Trump, called Trump an idiot, refused to vote for Trump in 2016.
Could get interesting.
Omnes Omnibus
@The Moar You Know: That’s my feeling as well. Iago to the core.
That must have pissed off a few Radar O’Riellys.
The shades are fine, if evocative of the ’80s. I didn’t get contacts until I was a growed-up adult person and ever since I’ve been a sunglasses junkie. REAL sunglasses compared to frickin’ clip-ons or prescription ones are just vastly better. IDK how many I own but like guitars (so I’m told) there can never be enough.
Let’s ask the experts.
Now go out and get yourself
Some thick black frames
With the glass so dark
They won’t even know your name
And the choice is up to you
Cause they come in two classes
Rhinestone shades
And cheap sunglasses
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Those glasses should have Truck Nutz hanging from them.
@Suzanne: THAT was different. Never happen again, nope, nosir.
Lost my parlay on Possum Queen, did I?
@The Moar You Know: Vance looks like a guy who’s a slavish bootlicker to his boss and then takes out his frustrations by abusing women and animals, IMHO.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@The Moar You Know:
Given the ZZ Top reference above, I hope they’re cheap. If you’re like us, all you do is constantly lose/break them so cheap is the way to go.
Observation on sunglasses: CO mountain recreation has always been a competition between certain groups that often break down along political lines and this goes back to when I was first here in the mid-70s.
One one side, you’ve got the gentrifying white professionals who have flocked here over the last dozen years and their outdoor experience is largely what the hippies of my generation were about: hiking, backpacking, etc. To them the REI store downtown is literally St Peter’s Basilica to that approach to outdoor recreation. You can’t find a pair of sunglasses in there for less than $300.
One the other side, drive out to a Cabelas or Bass Pro that dot the Front Range, similar outdoor ethos only the emphasis is on hunting, fishing, ATV-ing, etc. One commonality? The price of sunglasses, you can’t find a pair in any of those stores for less than $300.
An actual example of both-siderism. :P
Nah, the angry video sunglasses are Oakley wraparounds.
Those sunglasses have Goose as a wingman.
These sunglasses and this beard have a fuzzy guitar and get their money for nothing and their chicks for free.
EDIT: Dang, late for the ZZ reference.
@Suzanne: Vance and his Neo feudal beliefs can go to hell
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’m ashamed Ohio ever voted for him for Senate. What experience does this guy even have in politics? He hasn’t even been a US Senator for a full term. Pretty sure he hasn’t had any previous elected office experience either
Mai Naem mobile
These sunglasses don’t wear tie dye coveralls.
@The Moar You Know:
Threefold “Amen.”
El Cruzado
Those sunglasses have strong opinions about several long-running popular sci-fi franchises.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): he was a suck up at a hedge fund and wrote a really bad book. That’s it. I’m not sure he brings anything to the table. Haley would have scared me more but Trumps a sexist pig so….
Isn’t Vance the one that said women should stay in abusive relationships to keep the marriage together?
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Vance is deep in the Peter Thiel circle. This is probably a mercenary attempt to gain access to the billionaire’s wallet.
@Omnes Omnibus: I have Duane retraction syndrome and thus have been a longtime glasses wearer. I hate wearing contacts, so I have to get prescription sunglasses. I treat them like they’re made of gold, since it’s always an expensive proposition to replace them.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): He has all the poli experience of an escalator-descending Trump in 2016. IOW “perfect.”
“No more politics as usual!”
Excuse me, can I please have some usual politics for a change?
Dems should just repeat these 3 and only these 3 things about Vance:
1. remind me what happened to Mike Pence?
2. Vance called Trump a dangerous idiot in 2016 what does Trump think about that?
3. Vance argued against rape and incest exceptions for abortion just a few years ago
that’s plenty, rub it in, simple message
These glasses have a failure to communicate.
@Omnes Omnibus: My youngest son was a high school baseball pitcher up until his recent graduation. He had Oakleys for the field, but informed us he needed a *different* pair of sunglasses for driving, vacation, etc.
When I sensibly asked what was wrong with his expensive! Oakley sunglasses, he said “If you’re wearing those off the field, you look like a douchebag. I don’t want to look like a douchebag.”
I really couldn’t argue with him.
Captain C
Perhaps not the Biden Campaign itself, but an allied PAC or Super PAC could run ads with direct quotes (and video if they can get it) from Vance saying how awful TCFG is on shows TCFG is likely to watch. That would make things very interesting indeed.
Also, if the press (with a few notable exceptions) wasn’t so blatantly in the tank for TCFG, they could ask a few innocent questions along these lines, of both. “J.D., previously you said TCFG was an idiot and you would not vote for him. Why did you flip-flop on this issue?”
The sun glasses are cool. Aviators. They were a thing when I was growing up. Everybody was wearing them.
I want to know about the blue tie dye. Are you back on the bus (so to speak)? Go to a Sphere show John. You’ve got 3 more weekends. You won’t regret it.
Captain C
@Suzanne: While making dozens of plans to get rid of his boss (one way or another) that he’ll never actually execute.
These sunglasses make legal rulings based on “fuck you, that’s why”.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Remember that he pisses us off and that is all that MAGA is really looking for.
Mai Naem mobile
I don’t know who this woman presiding over the RNC today but her botox has messed up the left side of her face near her lips. Either they overbotoxed or the botox needle hit the wrong area.
Captain C
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): That just means they’ll compare him to Obama. “Hey, if the [deleted] could do it, surely a rich white man like J.D. would find it a piece of cake.”
These sunglasses get bitten by dogs and clawed by cats.
Captain C
@Ksmiami: I didn’t read it (though I did read Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds to Hillbilly Elegy), but didn’t JD essentially underbus his family in his book? Maybe that sort of thing looks good to TCFG, who has generally shat on his family his whole life.
They can reuse their old “Trump Pence” signs. Just get a sharpie and change the Pe to Va.
Am I the only one who finds it odd he found two with such similar names? I bet he like how they sound with Trump.
@aaronsmiles: This seems to have won the thread, and early too.
@Princess: Or “TRUMP – PEN
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): but he has all that sweet Peter Thiel money
Omnes Omnibus
@Mandarama: Your son was correct.
Sister Golden Bear
@John Cole: DId he also talk about you having a fivehead instead of a forehead? Oh wait, that’s Matt Gertz.
@Captain C: pretty much- he’s actually a fairly mediocre pick in my view. It’ll be easy to show that both of them are a bridge to nowhere
@Captain C:
I do believe Attorney General MVP Harris is going to eat him for breakfast at the VP debate. That’ll be fun.
Also, VANCE and PENCE (hmmmm, V-P) are only different by two letters.
Steve in the ATL
Wife and I have this same issue! WTF?!
So he’s just like us!
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: yeah, that REI flagship store is freaking awesome!
Mai Naem mobile
Arizona’s delegation just had the woman who threatened to lynch the Maricopa County recorder(a Republican) announce the delegates for Arizona. This was followed by the NC gubernatorial candidate who has said some people just need killing. Real change of tone here.
Cheryl from Maryland
Those sunglasses want you to audition for ZZ Top.
What these sunglasses have here is a failure to communicate…
@Uncle Jeffy: Metaphors are lost on you as well, aren’t they?
Were they cheap?
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Steve in the ATL:
They print money there faster than the Fed.
The Biden Accomplishments Guy (@What46HasDone) posted at 2:38 PM on Mon, Jul 15, 2024:
J.D Vance is a DEI pick. No way he would’ve been picked with that thin a resume if he wasn’t a white man.
Another Scott
@japa21: Indeed.
(Twitter version.)
I’m remembering the stories that he wanted to back out of picking Pence once he supposedly decided on him (with Manafort’s help)….
I don’t imagine too many people are going, “well I didn’t really like TCFFG very much, but now that he picked JD, well, I’m all in!!11”
Pour one out for Krisiti Noem. She had all that work done for nuthin’.
How about someone who said Kissinger was a friend of theirs? I think that would be worse than merely interviewing him. After all, an interviewer potentially could have asked Kissinger some pointed questions about his role in sabotaging LBJ’s Vietnam peace initiative in the fall of 1968. (Fuck LBJ anyway, but fuck Nixon and Kissinger even more.)
well damn, that sews up the dumbass low quality white guy vote, Biden is doomed I tell you doomed
Emily B.
These sunglasses do their own research.
@Captain C: Don’t be too sure that he won’t execute those plans to get rid of the boss. Of the handful of candidates for Trump’s VP, Vance is voted most likely to make sure Trump doesn’t finish his term.
Luther Siler
Those sunglasses picked JD Vance as their running mate.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Nice to see state-level candidates for office make pointed statements about the Hillbilly Jester:
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: that’s what I think
Those sunglasses wrote Hillbilly Elegy.
These sunglasses think “aviator” is about them, not people who fly aircraft.
Doubling down on the Ohio Valley, “American” ethnicity vote? I guess helps in PA, but yeah, they need the money.
Do you believe it was the campaign’s first option?
These sunglasses empty the swimming pool into the server room, right after they move some boxes.
Captain C
@NeenerNeener: Perhaps that’s his appeal to Thiel in the VP spot.
Doctor K
These sunglasses stand for the flag and kneel for the cross
I think I may despise Vance even more than Trump. Trump’s a dry run to see if we’re ready to be suckers for the Antichrist. Vance is Gollum with a degree.
I wonder if Ron Howard, Glenn Close, Amy Adams, etc…… will look in retrospect on their choice to make that shit-pile of a movie and what they did to elevate that schmuck’s profile and feel badly.
@M31: he’s more mediocre than Pence. It’s not Even close.
consensus is that JD Vance is a lickspittle Yalie who brings nothing to the table
@Ksmiami: ok that’s gotta hurt lol
“Mike Pence, too dumb and incompetent even for Indiana”
These sunglasses eat a dry chicken sandwich because mayo is too spicy.
Captain C
@M31: Except perhaps Thiel’s money and supply of young people from which to suck blood.
I think you’d be great at a ZZ Top cosplay conference. :)
Miss Bianca
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: These sunglasses look at Cole’s tie-dye T-shirt and say, “Fuck, man…where am I?”
@Suzanne: I wonder too. Although: when Trump-Vance loses, we can call it Hillbilly Eulogy.
Vance is Hillbilly Opportunist, no?
Captain C
Those sunglasses say “I am going to Noodles at Cactus Jack’s in Ahwatukee this Sunday and I’m bringing my best weed!”
@Elizabelle: Hillbilly Eulogy is perfect.
Central Planning
These sunglasses pronouns are “Fuck/You”
Poe Larity
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I think he meant American Hitler in a good sense.
zhena gogolia
Great post, John
I think those sunglasses make people play ZZ Top songs at full blast from their SUVs.
Tim in SF
This is the funniest damn post.
We clearly run around in different circles.
These sunglasses want to go buy some leather chaps & vest, engineer boots and a muir cap.
I’ll be in my room.
@M31: Reassures big business and Peter Thiel, I guess?
Really, I think that’s it. If Trump kicks it they’ll have a corporate Thiel-owned stooge in office.
These sunglasses will make everyone respect your authoritah!
BCHS Class of 1980
Those sunglasses on that face are also not working on The Winds Of Winter.
Wilson Heath
These sunglasses are birth control goggles in urban and coastal areas.
These sunglasses think Kelce has sold himself short.
These sunglasses think Kelce has sold himself short.
These sunglasses see right through your bullshit, and hone in on the truth!
These sunglasses are pants optional.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
On the other hand, looks like we got a senate opening!! Let’s try to fill it with a Dem!
Also Jack’s gonna appeal:
I love this.
Need someone like Lalo Alcaraz or Mike Luckovich to draw a cartoon of Trump as a sweatshop boss with a bunch of kids sewing the “Va” patches on apparel.
lol – it turns out JD Vance’s wife is a south indian.
https://mastodon.social/deck/@[email protected]/112792706102450407
Fuckers are already trying to make her more white. This comment:
“She has more European physiognomy though. Her bloodline is probably a mix of early macedonian invasions.”
What the fuck is he going on about? Macedonian invasions? JFC..
Sorry got to adapt a ZZ top song:
These glasses are worn by Nickelback groupies.
@Emily B.:
Good one.
These sunglasses want to tell you all about crypto.
Mark von Wisco
What kind of monster would even think of putting raisins in potato salad!
I wish I joking. The very idea makes me a little nauseous.
I’m feeling a Luke Combs vibe from the sunglasses + beard
Chief Oshkosh
The wearer of those sunglasses is confident in his place in the universe.
@JoyceH: Transitions are swing sunglasses.
I think they kick ass, John. Comfort and looks. What else is there.
Those sunglasses grab all the headlines.