A Compilation of Pets from the past few days
NutmegAgain – Orion
I’m really happy to share a couple of snaps of my new dog, Orion. One shows him in his dignitude, the other shows him in full-on begging mode.
His bio: Orion is a 3 yo Newfoundland (m,n) and he’s a Brown as you can see. He came to me from rescue in February, and I soon adopted him. He’s a big boy, even for a Newf, and he makes world-class slobber. A bigtime loogie-flinger. I am debating painting my kitchen cupboards a brownish color. No joke! Orion has all the wonderful Newf attributes: calm, affectionate, bonded. A very good boy indeed.
Cats Represent – Nancy’s Zeke & Zena
The dogs were lovely and noble. but I wanted some cats so here are the cats I adopted from a shelter in mid-April.
It seems clear to me that they came from loving homes that maybe hit hard times. Both cats came to the shelter with blankets and cat toys. I get a little weepy just writing that.
Anyway they were in the shelter for about a month and they show signs of small t trauma. They start and run if I move too quickly. They are finally realizing that they don’t have to bolt their food after all this time of being fed regularly.
Calypso the Old English Sheepdog
Sent in by SusicC, who said “Needs more cats!”
This is from FastEdD – Ed and De Dawg
Here’s Big Spotty, followed by Charlie. Charlie had a career as a pharmaceutical lab testing dog who lived in a box. He’s now habitual panhandler who resembles a biscuit can on legs.
From comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Blanca the kitten was a foster. That’s the late Twinkle making sure my wife does not float away. The other was our original take-in back in Misery in 1996, Janey feeding her babies.
Open thread.
Pets by request should be a daily feature! (And I love the ‘napkin’ under the chin of the kitty sent by SusieC ).
seconded,……… we are going to need it from now to November.
What fun! When I lived in New Mexico, pets were often given Spanish names: Oso (bear); Noche (night), and the like. If I were to have a small brown-ish dog again, I’d probably call it Whiskey (a little brown licker…).
@jackmac: I believe that’s a bib, not a napkin. :-)
@jackmac: Seems fitting for this to be sandwiched between the RNC post and the Ukraine post.
I thought Janey was sitting on two pairs of furry slippers, artfully arranged, until I read the caption.
I admit to having a crush on Orion.
That color cat has orange and black kittens?
I so do not understand. And that’s ok.
@WaterGirl: Orion is a noble pup.
@mrmoshpotato: My two kitties are siblings.
Cats in the same litter can have different Dads.
Don’t ask me how that works.
@WaterGirl: Your crush might fade a bit cleaning up after him. He really is the sweetest and most affectionate digger of gigantic holes under the porch in the mud. Then those giant plate-sized webbed paws are an excellent way to track the mud everywhere. I am very lucky.
@WaterGirl: so pretty. Many years ago I had a tabby that looked alot like yours. Sweet kitty.
@WaterGirl: Oh. Duh.
Thank you for this, WG and contributors!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
We miss Janey to this day and it’s been almost 20 years since she left us.
Many cats and dogs that are not purebreeds, have mixed genes. Which genes express as dominant in the offspring, often varies in a litter.
Sugar was a Lab/Rottie/Shepherd. She turned out to be mostly Black Lab, some of her litter mates, mostly Rottie, others, more Shepherd.
Digger, was a Belgian/Border Collie cross, but looks wise, he was all Belgian Shepherd.
@WaterGirl: Okay. But it sure looked like white fur!
I love all of them. Keep the pet posts coming, please.
zhena gogolia
Love all these pics. A balm for the soul.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I hadn’t caught that those guys were yours. I updated up top.
@jackmac: Oh, it is white fur. I just think it looks more like a big than a towel. :-)
Plus a variety of different grandparents/great-grandparents…
As for multiple Dad’s… mama-to-be kitty is in heat multiple days… multiple tomcats in the vicinity = multiple daddies.
I wonder if that’s what coined the phrase “Who’s your daddy?”🧐🤔
@NutmegAgain: I could probably deal with that. But he does look like he might be a drooler? A friend of mine had the most handsome wonderful dog that would lay his head on your knee and then leave a big slime mess. That, I’m not so good with.
With apologies to Orion if he takes offense to my query. :-)
@Jackie: One of my sweetest dog memories is of being 21 with a cocker spaniel that was in heat. It was her first heat and she was too young to be spayed yet.
All the dogs were coming around, and lots of them were quite, well, let’s just call it pushy.
But there was one older dog who was quite the gentleman. He would jump into the open car window and stay there all night. It was like “hey, I’m over here if you want me.” So sweet.
If you saw the pups on Day Five of their life – posted yesterday – I received a Day Six post, too. I will put that up tomorrow.
@WaterGirl: Awww🥰
I would like to pet everything here.
Joy in FL
Thank you for the photos and for just taking time to make this particular post. Our BJ animals are so awesome <3
So, Watergirl, we can send you photos of our furbabies?
I just love these pet posts! We really need a bit of joy.
My cat buddies look fine amongst all their peers. I especially like the cat on duty, preventing their person from floating away and the cat on the knees thus preventing any needless standing and walking away.
Thank you, Watergirl.
@WaterGirl: Looking forward to Day 6! Those baby puppies are adorable!
@WaterGirl: Oh yeah! I’ve had Newfies for more than 30 years*, and Orion is hands down the most impressive drooler/flinger I’ve ever had. Interesting, he’s drooling much less as he continues to get used to living with me. But it’s still a lot! He’ll leave a drool slime trail wherever he smells something yummy or potentially edible. And he was drastically underfed in his prior home. So much so that the vet indicated real concerns on his 1 & 2 year reviews. No worries, he’s up to the 130lbs which is his sweet spot. Now, I have to find more clever ways to hide anything anywhere that a dog who’s about 5+ feet standing on his hind legs will snitch. You have to just laugh about it and get out the miracle sponge.
Thank you WG!
@NutmegAgain: I may have to come visit. My first
nannydog was a big black 120lb Newfie.rikyrah
They are all so cute🤗
Salutations, Ms. Watergirl !
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Oh, so did I until I read your comment! I was further confused by the caption beneath her photo being about stopping someone from floating away, whom I had to assume was invisible except for their slippers.
Orion is a very handsome boi. I have a soft spot for big shaggy dogs like the one I grew up with.
@Maxim: The “floating away” pet was the one standing on the woman lying on the floor.
Yay, pet pics! There’s so much doomerism all over the internet, as if somehow that will help us keep fighting. This is refreshing!
@Yutsano: Welcome any time. He came from the most terrific rescue org., That Newfoundland Place in Coventry CT