Flash Fundraising!
This is our first FLASH fundraising for this cycle.
Campus organizers and canvassers in the South, including in North Carolina, are being targeted, with a rash of credible threats to their safety coming in the wake of the Trump assassination attempt. As the NC Black Alliance’s Deputy Director Marcus Bass explained:
Political violence and the backlash to efforts that invest in equity and justice are not new issues. Black and Brown communities have had to deal with the enduring threat of white supremacist violence, police violence, and legislative violence for generations.
But, for North Carolina organizers and canvassers, this feels different. Canvassers report being followed and verbally harassed. According to Marcus:
This week, in response to inflammatory statements following the assassination attempt, we decided to pause our canvass operations, along with several partner organizations, out of concern for the safety of our teams in the community. As we resume our field operations into the weekend, we do so with a heightened focus on safety and security measures.
This is where we can help. We’re already helping expand the Alliance’s campus voter engagement process in North Carolina from their traditional focus on the State’s HBCUs onto new campuses with majority or substantial African American student bodies. But the canvassers need to be safe during this unusual electoral season in NC!
And yes, we have an Angel Match! The usual rules of engagement, up to $100 per person, add your donation in the comments or by email to get the match.
The North Carolina Black Alliance (and other organizations in NC) are consulting with groups like the Trusted Elections Fund (TEF), an organization dedicated to preventing election-related political violence. Check them out at www.trusted-elections.org. TEF has a number of recommendations for the campus project, but security enhancements cost money, and these changes need to be implemented right away.
This heightened security threat was not in the budget, and we asked how we could help.
Here’s what we want to fund with this Flash Fundraiser:
Personal safety devices for all canvassing staff. These will include safety alarms (sirens and strobe lights).
Extra security personnel: Additional staff hours to coordinate the ordering and delivery of safety devices, organize buddy system teams, and generally check on, coordinate and react to security situations as they occur.
There are other measures the organization will be taking, but the safety devices and security personnel are the most immediate need. The Alliance believes this can be accomplished with $8,500, which will equip the existing canvassers, as well as the expansion team planned for the Fall. We’d like to add a cushion of an additional $1,500 for what we assume will be the inevitable unexpected security expenses, which brings our goal to $10,000.
Also, mark your calendars for a Zoom on July 30 at 7 pm Eastern Time!
This is a Zoom you won’t want to miss, I think, with the energized and engaging folks from the Campus Youth Project. I think you’ll come away excited and inspired and impressed with this group.
Almost Retired
Scary stuff. I’m in for $100. Looking forward to the Zoom!
In for $100. Thanks for letting us help.
Emily B.
Ugh. In for $25.
Donate $100.
In for $25.
Mrs Ragbag
In for $25.
Donated $100
In for $50
I donated $50.
$25 – stay safe out there.
Sister Golden Bear
In for a $100, not gonna let the bastards intimidate us.
$25 Donation
Another Scott
Thanks WG and everyone. Kudos to the people in NC (and everywhere) doing the work in the trenches.
The Pale Scot
I threw in a C note,
Pagan Bastards fuck them all
I put in $50 earlier, and here’s another $50. Happy to support the safety of these brave folks.
What else can I do–of course I’m in. As always thank you for an opportunity to help out just a tiny bit. Will keep up with post cards this year (last time I did them I sent it seems like I sent thousands to AZ–for Sinema but still)–as Scott says, eyes on the prizes even if Sinema ended up being the booby prize.
Comrade Scrutinizer
In for $50.
In for $25
VFX Lurker
In for $100. Thank you for doing this.
BCHS Class of 1980
Just threw $100 into the kitty.
Shades of the Civil Rights movement, 60+ years ago. :-/
Thanks for posting this fundraising opportunity.
Yes to keeping our voting-rights companions safe!
Next Tuesday’s Zoom sounds great. Thank you for the advance notice.
Another $50, noting the Zoom on my calendar
Let’s hope this isn’t just good news but also real : Bill and Hillary are supporting Biden/Harris:
Joy in FL
I just put in $25.
I have so much appreciation and respect for these folks who are doing this particular work. I’m so glad we can help them persist in safety.
The Zoom is now on my calendar.
In for $20.00
I added $25 to the pot
In for 25.
Orange is the New Red
I just donated $25.
Thanks to everyone who is donating!
In for $100. Thanks!!
In for $25. Saw a group of young men a couple of weeks ago in my Raleigh-adjacent town, with clipboards and shirts with the word “Vote” (couldn’t make out the rest). I was a bit concerned for their safety in that moment, and the crazies are clearly ramping up now.
In. the stuff you guys do is so valuable. thank you!
@mrstealyourcostcosample: Thank you!
If you want to be part of the match, you can either list your donation here or send email to watergirl at balloon-juice.com
Otherwise your donation still counts, of course, but it isn’t doubled with the match.
Spanish Moss
Gave $50
@Spanish Moss: welcome back! Seems like I haven’t seen your nym for awhile?
Delurking to say: In for $50.
@Weftage: Thank you so much!
In for $25, thanks WaterGirl!!!
In for 25: thank you WG and Angel
In for $25
Thanks WaterGirl, angel, juicers, and NC front liners!
Old School
In for $25.
Fair Economist
In for $100. And once again, thanks, WaterGirl.
@WaterGirl: oh, my b. it was $110. thanks
Warren Senders
In for $40. Thanks for keeping these initiatives front and center!
Spanish Moss
@WaterGirl: Thanks! I have been busy negotiating peace settlements between warring factions in both my family and my husband’s family. Totally separate wars, but it is so weird and stressful to have them happen at once. I am very over people who get upset, shutdown communication, then jump to all kinds of erroneous conclusions. I feel like the phone has become a permanent attachment to my head. It is so nice to come to BJ to destress and soak up the calm vibe.🤣
In for $100. You are amazing, WaterGirl. Hang in there.
Mr. Bemused Senior
And did you come to Casablanca for the waters?
In for $50.
Justin O.
$25 for the win!
@Spanish Moss:
And the sweet trolley and our fine selection of Aldebaran liqueurs.
@Spanish Moss: Oh my gosh, that sounds super stressful.
Peacemaking is not for the faint of heart!
So nice to see you.
@Justin O.: Thank you!
In for $110.
Thanks for doing this.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
I did $50.
Almost Retired
@Mr. Bemused Senior: “I was misinformed.” There is a Casablanca quote for any occasion.
In for $25
I’m in for $100. Great cause; sad that this group has to deal with such BS. It breaks my heart.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
In for $25. Thanks WG.
In for a hundred, thanks
In for $100
$50 for my beautiful state
I would like to donate $100. I’m confused on where I go to donate the money. Is there a link?
Any help would be appreciated.
@SFBayAreaGal: The link is the blue line up top, but here’s the direct link.
Thank you!
Put in $50 before the match was announced. Does that still count for the match?
@Dmkingto: Yes it does! (Since you told me about it.)
With extra thanks for the early donation. :-)
Count me in for $100
In for $50.
In for $25. Thanks from a North Carolinian.
In for $25. Thanks from a North Carolinian.
In for $50.
lol chikinburd
In for $25.
In for $100.
Thank you Watergirl for the link.
In for $100
I definitely dislike that this is necessary, but I really appreciate the work to reach out and see what’s needed, how fast-response funds can help, and creating places for our often-modest individual gifts to have outsize impact. I threw in $100 early yesterday when I was feeling a smidge despondent and went to the general 2024 Activism page. All I saw was a new campaign, “North Carolina” & “Safety” and at that time only $50 in the kitty, and said “yep!”
When so many PACs and other orgs are jamming my spam folder on my phone with texts, it was great to have a trusted place to make an “I need to feel some hope” gift. Thank you, WG.
@RaflW: Thank you for that!
I’ll add your $100 donation to the match spreadsheet, so you will be matched.
I’m in for $110.
$100 from me.
@quercus: Thank you!