I don’t know what to say except that it doesn’t matter whether this is what we waned Or not.
This is what it is.
We have to pull together from here. Starting right this minute.
by WaterGirl| 72 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
I don’t know what to say except that it doesn’t matter whether this is what we waned Or not.
This is what it is.
We have to pull together from here. Starting right this minute.
Comments are closed.
I’m sick. I hope Kay is right, but I’m afraid she isn’t.
@japa21: It doesn’t matter. Let’s not go there.
This is where we are. Debating whether it’s a great thing or disaster is not going to get Dems elected in November.
Time for us to be grown-ups. it is what it is.
Thanks WaterGirl. I hope we can see Nelle’s thread reappear soon.
I don’t plan on being charitable about this. Fuck all of you who reinforced the narrative and helped this come to pass. Enjoy being “right” while democracy dies.
I’m still on team Let’s Do The Work. We have Not Trump. That’s what matters.
John S.
For those claiming he wouldn’t endorse Harris, Biden just posted this:
Mr. Bemused Senior
I refuse to succumb to doom but my first thought was, “I hate this time line.”
Never mind, I’ll recover my optimism. Soon.
They pulled off the coup. Fuck.
Omnes Omnibus
As am I. But everyone better fucking come together for Harris right fucking now.
@Scout211: Yeah, I’ll put Nelle’s thread up again sometime this week.
@debit: I’m with you. I’m all-in for Harris, of course, but damn the fucking press and all the spineless Democrats who amplified the bullshit narrative of the past month. I’m so damn terrified right now.
I am sick
@John S.: Thank you for posting that. The media narrative “he didn’t endorse Harris” had already begun. When do we stop getting caught up in the insta-news, people? I was fairly certain he would endorse her.
@rikyrah: Same here. We have no real allies.
John S.
Biden knew the narrative had set in and he wouldn’t be able to overcome it. So as he has done throughout his entire career, he used his political instincts to do what is best for the country.
Now it’s time to move on, rally behind Harris and beat the fucking shit out of Trump and his MAGA goons.
Quaker in a Basement
Trump is too old. And insane.
Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Raskin and all the rest–they own this custerfuck now. They treated this great president and decent man like dog shit on the bottom of a shoe. Damn them all.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Any of y’all on the Harris can just step up train who thinks the Donor Coup is over, I wish I had your naiveté.
So they managed it. How nice for them.
Now is when my true mettle will be tested. I am committed, no matter the outcome of this election, to remaining steadfast in my convictions. I will take my cue from those who have persevered, and do yet persevere, in the face of the most adverse conditions.
I will remember that no regime ever has the scope and reach it would like me to believe it has. I will do what I can, while I can. I will remember not to obey in advance (thank you, Prof. Snyder.)
Fuck these mother fuckers and anyone who supported it. Fuck. Them. I will never support another one of them ever again. Ever.
This blog is going to be insufferable for the rest of the day. I’ll check in for Medium Cool.
After this news, coupled with Steeplejack’s passing, I need a time-out to properly process and grieve.
New Deal democrat
I agree. Eyes on the prize. We *must* defeat Trump. For ourselves, and also for all the other innocents like the Ukrainians who would suffer.
I would vote for a head of rotting cabbage over Trump. I encourage everyone who is furious now to engage in whatever activity (or vice!) calms them down, and then return to continue the fight for common decency and against evil.
well, fuck.
@japa21: no, she can go fuck herself along with the rest of her crew. And spare me the tone police, I did not stutter
It matters where you put your gaze. I’m furious if I look in some directions. So I’m going to history and look at how hard others have worked, suffered and persevered.
But if the FNYFT or whatever the order of initials are comes after Harris, I may blow a gasket and put off my cataract surgery because I don’t want to be able to read what comes next.
I feel betrayed by my team. And yet, they can be cocky because, yes, we have no other choice but to support them. Arrogant. They mistake our fervant desire to defeat facism as support for their power.
It’s what republicans wanted. Theyll start filing the lawsuits tomorrow. Hope Biden says f you all and goes and lives in bermuda or wherever.
AM in NC
@Mousebumples: Yes, this please.
Scott S.
@WaterGirl: agree 10000%
Sure Lurkalot
So much for little d democracy. Unfortunately, I have little faith the billionaire betters give a fuck about big D Democracy. An already sad day infinitely sadder.
She speaks for me.
The Chanteezy Is Real
I don’t trust the majority of White Voters. Don’t convince me.
This is exactly what the GOP and the media wanted. They could not argue their case based on policy or results, so they fell back on gaslighting and lies. Piss on every leftist–and there are more than a few on this blog–who called for Biden to resign. This is the way that fascism has come to my country, and they have unleashed hell. The amount of suffering that will ensue will be enormous.
@schrodingers_cat: Hell, I don’t trust the majority of white voters, and I am one.
@Mousebumples: thank you. Me too. This hurts but I have to breathe through it and decide what I can best do to get the Dems elected in my town, my state my district and whoever else I can help maybe keep an at risk seat or flip a flippable seat. I can not change what’s been done I can only try to affect what’s going to happen next
the white dudes and donors will have their little opinions, but it needs to be clear that that runs ONLY to the VP choice
I’m glad he did this and with grace. I know some of you believe that this was all orchestrated by donors but there are millions of Democrats like me who looked at the situation and saw a man who just wasn’t up to winning. Now it’s time to get behind Harris. I’m not buying AOCs line so I think Harris will be in and I’m not going to worry until I see some better evidence otherwise. Time to increase my donations.
@Omnes Omnibus: 100%
I’m wondering who she’ll pick as a running mate.
Fuck no to Phillips, if you ask me.
Yep. The last 9 years have been a real shitshow – things happening that don’t make sense, lack of leadership, lack of control. After dutifully avoiding Covid for 4 years, I got tagged last week taking care of my wife. Not sure where I dropped my guard, or even if I did – roll a D100 enough times and eventually it’ll come up 100 – but I left the novid ranks despite my best efforts.
When this happens, we try and anchor ourselves on things that are known and stable and predictable. Reject public outings, embrace knitting. Joe was one of those known and stable and predictable things in 2020. And now that’s (sorta) gone. This place, even more than Joe, is many people’s anchor thanks to our FPers, the familiarity we’ve built among the commentators, etc. Don’t throw that away – we’re all going to need it.
Since even before the debate, some commenters haven’t found particular comfort with Biden as the candidate. That’s out of their control. They worried that things they probably couldn’t even articulate left them feeling like we were going to lose in November, and be stuck with Trump again. That’s a reasonable feeling to have. And for them, Biden stopped being as known and stable and predictable as he used to be. For others, they grabbed Biden more tightly as Trump seemed to once again evade accountability, and even more after the assassination attempt that introduced a variable we don’t know how to factor for. That too is out of their control.
Who the nominee will be is largely out of all of our control. Some don’t want anyone but Biden and may not want to engage in the question. Others have different opinions. None of our opinions will matter much, and that sucks ass – for everyone. But it is what it is. We’re going to have to trust that a ticket will be named quickly (we still have the Ohio deadline as a possible complication to choosing a nominee before the convention), and we’re going to have to find our security in that ticket – even if it’s not who we might prefer.
In the meantime, we have this place, and each other – if we don’t turn on each other. Everyone is anxious. Don’t fault people for that. Be understanding. We’ll have a ticket soon, and that will focus our efforts once again. Go smoke a bowl if that’s what gets you through. The DNC isn’t relying on us to operate the heavy machinery.
Not been commenting much, wasn’t thrilled about this panic undermining Biden. Since he has now dropped out and further endorsed Harris, I am only here to say I am all in behind Harris and whoever emerges as the VP. We must focus on beating Trump. That is where my energy will be.
@SatanicPanic: Contrary to the belief of my detractors here, I have no interest in gloating. My only interest was ever in winning the general election. I think the circumstances around all of this are quite sad and I know there are going to be hard feelings about it for some time.
But at this point, the most important thing to do is win. We have to beat down the ascendant fascist movement in this country. If Trump wins, America as we knew it is gone forever.
Harris 2024!
@John S.:
@Cacti: Same. All in for Kamala!!
@WaterGirl: Thank you WG. Let’s do this.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Cacti: Whether you have been right or wrong about any particular thing, one thing has always remained true.
You’ve always been a shithead. You’re a shithead loyalist when it suits you and a shithead traitor when it suits you.
This is a fuckin tragedy. A stage of Shakespearean bloody dead is nothing compared to this. A tragedy for the world for now and the future. Damn. Wish I’d given up drinking so I could start again.
O. Felix Culpa
@rikyrah: Me too. I’m sitting at home trying not to cry. I’ll work my heart out for Kamala, of course, but I don’t have a good feeling about this.
Well, they got the scalp they’ve been after. Now let’s make those motherfuckers choke on it.
Chris Johnson
Woof. Just got home to be greeted by this. Thoughts:
(1) This was Joe’s choice, the whole time. I trust him to be aware of the situation, all the manifold situations. I trust him to be aware of the strength of his Vice President, and I trust both of them to be up to speed on the dirty trickery. It could be a judo move: while he’s got power, and he does still have power, throw things THIS way.
(2) had he died I would be 100% Kamala or bust. If he wants me to be 100% Kamala or bust, he’s earned that many times over. Hell, on Bernie’s request I was Hillary or bust, and she turned out to know so much better than everyone assumed she did (press, anyway). If there is one person on the planet who’s up to speed with all Joe’s trying to do, it’s Kamala. She’s literally getting the same briefings.
(3) I’m still kind of in shock. If I need to scream and rend garments a bit, I’ll give myself that grace. I figured trusting Joe meant he would refuse to give up and fight literally everything for four more years. Instead it means figuring out what he’s aiming for with this, and covering his play.
(4) So I guess we’re not going to have any more trolls, huh? XD XD XD o_O
@Scout211: Right.
The press has done their own version of wagging the fucking dog. Keep posting pieces about background whispers until it is true.
But wtf do I know? I had an opinion, and I don’t get to see how my idea would have turned out. I’ve had a whole lot of ideas about how this country works, how people think, and I ought to know by now that I am probably an outlier. I don’t know how people come to some of their conclusions.
Sure as shit, I guess we hammer how old their convicted felon is. And how much his veep choice is an ass and a lickspittle. But again, I know so very little about this, obviously.
@debit: No one commenting here helped bring this to pass. People had different opinions and reactions. None of us knows if this is a good or a bad idea. I don’t think any of us is privy to inside information on Biden’s health. And just about everyone here will work to get the Democrats elected up and down the ticket.
I think we will soon see the full strength of what Harris is bringing to the table. She has the skills and force of personality to demolish Trump and effectively prosecute the case against Dobbs and the hard-right turn of the GOP at every level.
And while Democrats who called on Biden to step down are now hated by a large portion of the party, Kamala never uttered a word of criticism of the president. She can unite us.
I think Biden has given us a powerful gift as a party by endorsing Harris. The CBC will soon do the same. Despite the nonsense of a contested convention, I expect us to very quickly pull together as a party thanks to Biden’s grace in lifting her up. She is the most underrated talent of her generation, and Biden saw it.
That’s about the size of it. What’s done is done and all we can do is the best we can with the situation at hand.
Trivia Man
Data point of 1: I was on my bike ride today (12 miles!) and passed a house I always notice that is loaded with Biden signs and local races. For the first time I saw the residents, an older white couple on their porch having a cool drink. As I rode by (slowly, it was up hill) I hooted KAMALA OR BUST and they very enthusiastically hooted and clapped along with me. I voted for her in the 2020 primary and have no doubt she is capable to step in at any day starting… NOW.
Thanks WaterGirl. You’re right.
All I know is I am done donating to candidates, let George fucking Clooney pay for this shitshow, the only donations will be for get out the vote groups that you endorse, I am so done with this nonsense
I recall when there was serious skepticism about whether America was ready to elect a black man President. The popular wisdom was: No way. But we did. Twice.
I’m hoping the popular** wisdom is wrong again.
** And it is the popular wisdom. Even if not so much here.
As before, there is only one acceptable outcome. Do your grieving, blaming, whatever you need to do to work it out, then be ready to put all your energy into the fight. This is an all hands on deck moment if ever there was one.
I’m not so sure. But if so, it may become a serious case of “Be careful what you wish for!”
This is the only sane and pragmatic point of view available at the moment.
@Martin: This is more gracious than what many folks who criticized Biden deserve, myself included. The doubts about Biden’s mental acuity stirred a furious storm of ageism alongside it, and I recognize that my own posts here did not do enough to distinguish doubts about Biden’s mental acuity from the offensive and hurtful idea that he’s “too old,” two very different things.
It is a testament to Kamala’s character and strength as a candidate that she engaged in none of this. She will unite us, and we can win.
Bighorn Ordovician Dolomite
I’m in. Full steam ahead, I wouldn’t have done this, but we are here and it’s once again time to step up and save the country.
@John S.: exactly. Those of us who have been letter- writing, postcarding, canvassing, etc., etc. etc. – – my hubby and I have sent out over 1000 postcards for blue wave postcards at this point and we are not slowing down – – are all in for the Dems, no matter what. For us, it isn’t just Biden/Harris versus Trump; it’s democracy versus Trump. That’s our focus, and that will remain our focus. And we don’t need a bunch of doom and gloom from people who are ready to crawl into a hole because Biden stepped down, either. The fascists only win if the good guys give up in advance.
I am not giving up. Don’t any of you give up, either.
Fake Irishman
This is a really self-aware comment, thanks for acknowledging some places maybe where you saw you could have done better. And your larger point is totally right: one of the things that makes this moment so fraught is that it’s tough to sort out legitimate concerns about age from ageism and ableism.
For my part, I started very thoroughly in the Biden stays camp, but I’ve been seeing a lot more wisdom in Kay’s comments in the last week. I generally trust her political instincts and experience, though we occasionally disagree and lock horns here.
We have both an opportunity and a peril here, but one thing that’s been a constant in all the pass the torch folks is that their statements have gone out of the way to praise everything Biden has done thoroughly, while being very careful about naming alternative candidates (the second you do that, you put a lightening rod on them — especially for Harris who has been walking through minefield the last month, so far, very ably showing here readiness to step up while being completely and aggressively loyal to her boss.
Chris T.
I’ve said before (and will now repeat) that I’ll vote for the D candidate whoever it is. I’ve also said before that I worry that Kamala Harris will have a rougher time with a lot of mushy-middle voters (than Biden did) because (1) she’s female and (2) she’s not white, probably in that order at this point.
I’ll also now mention that way back during the primary voting for 2020’s election, I voted for Harris: not on the idea that she’d win, but on the idea that this should get her primed for winning someday. Let’s hope “someday” is now!
@debit: just so.
@geg6: this.
@rockstar: one thousand percent. I’ve already donated more this cycle than the entire rest of my life combined and now look. Fuck it.
Raoul Paste
I plan to send a letter to President Joe Biden at the White House , thanking him for his seevice
I hope he gets millions of these
Gloria DryGarden
Dear WaterGirl,
The last two threads have 802 + near 500=1300+ comments.
Is there a way I can search my name, or another commenter’s name to follow up on what one person has said, and who responded to them? I understand you can do this, but can we?
It’s otherwise so intense. (10 more adjectives, yes)
Grateful for all the voices of calm, and reason here, including yours. Thank you for this thread.
Kamala Harris for President!
Gloria DryGarden
Correction, the next 2 threads, 1350 comments, and counting.
A way to search would be a boon.
To those who are pissed at how Joe was driven to drop out, I get it but it is not about you, or Joe. It is about the future of the USA. You have to get behind the nominee. And if you want the nominee to be Kamala, work to that end.
And motivate yourselves with the notion of how sweet it will be when Trump is defeated again, and this time by a woman, a Black woman, an Asian woman.
And remember Trump has just lost his “my opponent is a doddering old fool” card.
Paul in KY
@Mousebumples: I think Sen. Fetterman would make a great running mate. Assuming he is fine & ready to whup ass, etc.
Paul in KY
@Trivia Man: Kamala or the deluge!