This Kamala Harris ad goes hard.
Her 2020 campaign was absolutely COOKING.
If anyone was curious what a general election against Trump would look like:
— Dream for America (@DreamAmerica_) July 21, 2024
I want to post a President Biden appreciation thread, but I figure I’d get this out of the way first.
We’ve all got genuine, reasonable doubts about the average American voters’ misogyny / racism, but here’s the thing: People who survive smallpox are immune for life — to *all* the various poxes. Back in 2016, even though Hillary got millions more votes, TFG was able to eke out an electoral-college victory because of a combination of basic sexism, years of GOP anti-Clinton propaganda, boatloads of foreign money, and the weight of James Comey’s thumb on the scales. Every bad thing that’s happened over the last eight years has spotlighted *just* how dishonest and destructive the GOP was, is, and wants to continue to be. They’ve gone mask off, and the sight is uglier than late-period Darth Vader.
I endorse this as the wisest of the *many* hundreds of comments I’ve read here in the past several days. Thank you, (original & significant) commentor Martin:
The last 9 years have been a real shitshow – things happening that don’t make sense, lack of leadership, lack of control…
When this happens, we try and anchor ourselves on things that are known and stable and predictable. Reject public outings, embrace knitting. Joe was one of those known and stable and predictable things in 2020. And now that’s (sorta) gone. This place, even more than Joe, is many people’s anchor thanks to our FPers, the familiarity we’ve built among the commentators, etc. Don’t throw that away – we’re all going to need it.
Since even before the debate, some commenters haven’t found particular comfort with Biden as the candidate. That’s out of their control. They worried that things they probably couldn’t even articulate left them feeling like we were going to lose in November, and be stuck with Trump again. That’s a reasonable feeling to have. And for them, Biden stopped being as known and stable and predictable as he used to be. For others, they grabbed Biden more tightly as Trump seemed to once again evade accountability, and even more after the assassination attempt that introduced a variable we don’t know how to factor for. That too is out of their control.
We’re going to have to trust that a ticket will be named quickly (we still have the Ohio deadline as a possible complication to choosing a nominee before the convention), and we’re going to have to find our security in that ticket – even if it’s not who we might prefer.
In the meantime, we have this place, and each other – if we don’t turn on each other. Everyone is anxious. Don’t fault people for that. Be understanding. We’ll have a ticket soon, and that will focus our efforts once again.
Finally, let’s keep this circulating as a foretaste of the Republican response to Harris’s nomination…
GOP strategy for the next few months:
— Jean-Michel Connard ??? (@torriangray) July 22, 2024
I’m feeling really empowered today – I noticed this morning my Jeff Merkley hadn’t endorsed Harris yet, sent him an email asking him to endorse, and got the endorsement email in my inbox this afternoon.
First-ish! Also, I think a side by side video of Harris dancing with the drum line and TFFG fist pumping to YMCA would be hilarious, and devastating for the latter.
ETA: I would have been, too, if I hadn’t taken the time to write a meddlesome comment!
BC in Illinois
From somebody I don’t know on Twitter: (edited)
She was my last pick in the 2020 primary if I recall, Biden wasn’t at the top either. But she has done great over the last 4 years. Certainly didn’t get the attention she deserved for all she was doing. Very glad I was wrong about him, or that he changed, either way. Even if she is the worst version of what I thought in 2020 its a far cry better than the alternative and I bet she surprises everyone with how good she is.
Ivan X
Ok, like, I know I’m being stupid and naïve, but can we not make it so hot and personal in these threads?
Can we not call each other names and insults? We’re all readers of this blog. We might be getting on each others’ nerves, but can we not flay each other?
A) there are a lot of people here who are relieved and/or happy it’s Harris and not Biden. I’m in this camp.
B) there are a lot of people here who are angry it’s Harris and not Biden, and feel they, and Biden, were cheated because of how things went down. I’m certainly sympathetic to people in this camp.
The B) camp has had barely a day to process their feelings about a shocking change of situation. I think they’re entitled to some rage and hurt for a period of time. When TaMara tried to give them a space for it, which I see nothing wrong with, I think it’s true that the a) camp came in and told them why they should feel differently. But at the same time, the B) camp has been telling the a) camp why *they* should feel differently, and should instead feel shitty about accepting an undemocratic process that trivializes their participation thus far.
We are not gonna get very far by telling each other how to feel. It’s just not gonna work. We’re definitely not going to get very far with outright hostilities. Let people mourn and grieve, and let people express their relief or happiness. Just keep on scrollng! It doesn’t cost you anything. We are not all gonna feel understood by each other, right now, and we don’t all need to. WE ARE ALL IN THIS AGAINST TRUMP.
Please, can we let everyone feel the way they feel, and give the wounded some space, so that we move the fuck on and elect Democrats around this country?
Good news everyone! Somebody poked Dick Durbin with a stick, he is alive and endorsing the VP.
Chuck will be along shortly.
O.M.G. YES! “the Anti-Trump.” I’ve been saying this for WEEKS and it’s totally true! There can be no fuzzing of boundaries, no mistakes, and no lack of clarity of WHAT SOMEONE STANDS FOR.
The Republicans know this full well of course. And they do not take kindly to challenges. It’s going to be UG-LEEE! Gird yer loins people, and practice yer shooting AND yer knife skills
And btw, PLEASE ffs donate! volunteer! vote!
And as noted above, ENOUGH already with the circular firing squad. We’re done with that now. Elect Kamala, THEN argue about Who Was Right All Along. Ok? Please?
I am among the very least of the valuable voices here. I’m trying to think of anything useful to say and coming up short. We’ve got one goal, right? Let’s do it.
Old School
Good luck!
@3Sice: And hopefully Obama, too, if he hasn’t done it.
zhena gogolia
@Old School: Yeah, that will be interesting. Maybe we can call him a “doddering old fool” again.
I was pissed at Jamie Raskin, but you know, he just called JD Vance a shillbilly, so he’s redeemed now
karen gail
@BC in Illinois: A younger convicted felon? There are so many that would qualify if they hadn’t bought their way out of charges; lets go with younger minor rapist. The GOP is awash with sexual offenders.
@M31: did he literally use that word????
SEIU, United Farmworkers, Building Trades, AFL-CIO
all have endorsed Harris
any others? Teachers’ union is supposed to be soon, not worried about them
@Ivan X: Thank you for this comment. I am one that is still in one of the stages of grief. I was originally a Kamala Harris supporter, so it’s not about her. I will happily support her, once I get over my grief. Maybe a day or two? And people grieve differently so I hope we can all give each other a break.
@matt: someone on bluesky said that’s what he said on NPR this morning
Shillbilly Eulogy, coming soon!
here’s more from today
“Rep. Jamie Raskin on MSNBC as he endorses Vice President Harris: “JD Vance has no convictions. But Donald Trump has 34 of them, so maybe he can share.” “
Also, since we’re intermittently talking monies, pleas consider donating to Josh Riley, a terrific congressional candidate for my mid-state NY district who barely lost to incumbent dickhead Mark Molinaro last time, partly due to our state party’s feckless counter-gerrymandering. He’s also endorsed Harris. He should win this if we have the general mojo
Ohio Mom
@M31: That’s a good line. I can’t wait to use it.
Ivan X
@zhena gogolia: Even if my view is that Biden couldn’t come back from that debate, I agree that that comment was obnoxious both to the President and those here supporting him, especially in that thread, and I was sorry the thread was closed before I had a chance to respond to the commenter, whose insights I usually value.
Ivan X
@Eunicecycle: I suspect you’re not alone.
I think a tweet about this was posted earlier by rickyrah (sp?) but here is an article, with the final updated number of attendees. Fired up!
The Grio
. . .
Im a pretty slow knitter but thanks to avoiding the internet these past few days I’m halfway through a toe up sock.
Betty Cracker
@M31: We heard Raskin say that in an interview this morning, and it cracked us up. I love Raskin.
@zhena gogolia: Last 3 weeks have been clarifying we have seen amongst those with little morality or scruples who let fear rule them. We are being in thread after thread asked to sing hosannas to these people because Biden stepped down. Its gross
@Ivan X: This is a good comment.
the GOP is so far gone in huffing their own farts that the ‘attack memo’ they sent out about Harris
is actual comedy. I thought it was a parody since that link is via the publisher of the Onion (!) but it’s real.
seriously, read it
• Kamala Harris loves Venn diagrams
• Kamala Harris loves electric school busses because she went to school on a school bus
• Kamala Harris recently discovered that electricity doesn’t smell
also they spelled ‘buses’ wrong. Busses means little kisses on the cheek. And I at least strongly associate electricity with the smell of ozone, but whatever, what kind of insult is that?
what a bunch of weirdos (and I don’t mean weirdos in the good way like Balloon Juice commenters, I mean creepy little shits that have serious problems)
I was Team Keep Joe, and remain gravely concerned that switching horses this late in the race just handed the election to Tubbie. But, to use that most useless of useless sports cliches, it is what it is. I can either sulk or I can get on board the Harris bandwagon. Well, if my concerns pan out, I will have four years (at least) for sulking, recriminations and general opprobrium toward Team Dump Joe. So may as well set that to the side for now and work on getting a dem win in November.
Regardless of how various democrats felt, it’s clear that the Trump campaign was sure it could beat Biden. It’s explains their choice of Vance as VP. They didn’t need to reach out to anyone or attract more voters, so they went with the person who wouldn’t let the constitution or legality stand in his way.
Now they are hosed. Good.
Omnes Omnibus
One advantage we have is that our opponents aren’t the sharpest bowling balls.
lol and I’ll add, one of the first things they ‘insulted’ her with was to say she was ranked the No. 1 MOST LIBERAL SENATOR
fuck yeah
@Ivan X: Yes, thanks. I’m sorry about my tantrum last night.
I’m in both camps right now, angry at how Biden was treated by the press, but also thrilled that it looks like it’s going to be Kamala. and they aren’t going to ditch her for someone else. I hope that tracks.
I didn’t appreciate being told how I should feel, or how any of us should feel; I also didn’t appreciate the insult thrown my way after I asked one poster to give us time and some space, but I’m a lot nicer today. I’m either coming down with something or getting over something. LOL.
As to the complaints that some of us were being childish using the pie filter, it does help some of us restrain ourselves when it comes to dealing with someone who is working our last nerve, acting like a troll or is an actual troll.
@M31: Why I just KNEW there was something about that Harris PERSON that I just couldn’t stand! VENN DIAGRAMS!! Why I’m told those were PERSONALLY invented by SATAN!!!
This really has scrambled their tiny little brains, hasn’t it? It’s kind of fun …
I was thinking today that the message that needed to get across is that the right is playing hardball, and we needed to learn to play hardball too.
It sucks what happened to Biden. He didn’t deserve it, but we need to hit them hard.
@bbleh: Someone posted that 2020 ad for Kamala on Twitter last week and didn’t explain when it was from, and totally confused me. It’s a great ad, but I thought it was new and just a bit premature.
karen marie
I called the DC office of my Republican representative (Andy Biggs – spit) to let them know that I live in “his” district, I am a Democrat, I vote Democratic, and that I’d heard Mike Johnson is very unhappy that Biden has stepped aside for Harris. I told Biggs’ office to “cry harder, motherfuckers.”
My only regret is that I don’t have unlimited funds to donate to the Harris campaign.
I tried asking for this. Did not go well. It will just be a matter of letting some time pass, I guess.
An extremely sophisticated data mining operation from data they bought from social media companies like Facebook and Google to micro target ads for specific possible voters, thanks to Cambridge Analytica.
A Channel 4 news special on Trump’s 2016 social media campaign is a little over 17 minutes long. I’ve never been able to find the entire thing to watch. The preview is very informative.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
ActBlue raises $100 million in 24 hrs
Small dollar donations are flooding their site.
See this graph ➤ 💵 (link)
@Omnes Omnibus: lol isn’t there a character in The Phantom Tollbooth called The Which
lol just looked it up, “I’m Faintly Macabre, the not-so-wicked Which”
yeah, dumb as a bag of hair, as they say
@kwAwk: it does, and that’s mostly on the media and also on some nominal Dems who just HAD to be RIGHT. But whatever, HE made the choice, I support it, and now we work to defeat the Felon, because the alternative is … historical-scale disaster.
Doc Sardonic
@karen gail: Matt Gaetz is tanned, Botoxed and ready.
karen marie
@M31: Busses/buses – same diff.
Ivan X
@karen marie: You are thread hero!
Chris Johnson
@BC in Illinois: Tucker Carlson is tanned, rested, and has an even better private line to Putin.
And, he laughs! Granted, it’s horrifying, but he does! He simulates human behaviors quite a bit better than Trump! Remember, it’s not too late for the Trumplings to kick out JD Vance and nominate Tucker Carlson for First Iago :)
@Eunicecycle: This is me, too. She was my first choice in 2020, disappointed that she couldn’t get traction and dropped out before I could vote for her, and thrilled when Biden picked her for VP.
I still need time to process yesterday because it started in such a terrible way, but I’m with Harris all the way. Come payday she’ll get some money from us.
@karen marie: NO
my 8th grade teacher told me ‘buses’ was the only correct way, and I’m not changing
lol ok fine, usage makes the dictionary not the other way around
Oh Jesus Christ can we stop coddling these people? They sowed division for the past month (and some for the past nine months). They were told and even begged by respected marginalized voices to stop, had it explained to them umpteen times why what they were doing was wrong and disrespectful and dangerous, but they simply WOULD. NOT. STOP.
They didn’t stop until they bullied the MOST PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE IN MY LIFETIME out of the race. And even now, after they got what they wanted for their little tantrum, the FPers (aside from Tamara and WG) are all rushing to pull some “Can’t we all just get along” shit?
Nah. What they did was a slap in the motherf***ing face to all of us and ya know, actions have consequences. Nobody owes them forgiveness or grace. They gave that right away when they refused to listen to us, abandoned our team and knee-capped our freaking President all against our wishes and votes. There’s no unseeing that and there are no do overs on this shit. They had a choice. We were all scared so that’s no damn excuse.
FFS- It hasn’t even been 24 hours, we are trying to mourn our beloved President that they destroyed and you’re here worried about their feelings?! I can’t even…
Ivan X
@opiejeanne: I totally feel like the pie filter is a useful tool that way. I have been known to temporarily pie. (But I also feel that when my last nerve is that exposed, maybe I need to like take a walk or something? Who knows.)
I think both camps is where a lot of people are. (Also, I didn’t even see your tantrum last night!)
@M31: Ha Ha-that is awesome.
Vance is not very good at this campaigning thing.
Threads @kamalahq
JD, they weren’t laughing with you.
@opiejeanne: I feel like this (picking Kamala as his VP) is a sign of Biden’s wisdom. He knew what the future looked like. Recall that it was widely reported that she kicked his butt in their debate during the primary. He didn’t hold that against her, but saw something significant there.
My postcards to send to NC voters have shipped! And the email also said that NC requirements have been met, no more postcards to NC available. Yay!
@Capri: in other threads, this was my point. Vance does nothing for the GOP ticket. Especially now
coin operated
From Kamala’s speech at her HQ in Delaware:
” Before I was elected as Vice President, before I was elected as a US Senator, I was the elected Attorney General of California…before that I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds; Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain.
So, hear me when I say…I know Donald Trump’s type.”
Kamala is going to play hardball
Mallard Filmore
title: “Every Single “Good News, Everyone!” in Futurama | adult swim”
la caterina
@eclare: Where did you order your postcards?
Harris was my first pick in 2020. Biden was my 7th or 8th. And he’s done great, I’m really happy with his presidency in general. Kamala getting a chance to win now is really fantastic – still hard, I think. Lots of racism and sexism in this country. But she’s great and the left really seems to be rallying behind her, to the consternation of the media.
Kinda excited to repurpose some of my old Kamala 2020 gear.
The commenter who provided this, whom I greatly respect, went too far here. Were Biden truly a “doddering old fool” he would NOT have stepped down AND he would NOT have endorsed Kamala.
Overlooked, in IMO, is the possibility of forces well-beyond Joe’s control (such as a possible health issue of which we are not aware) or leadership discussions (also of which we are not aware) which appeared contrary to the party’s and the country’s best interests — which is TO BEAT TRUMP.
I suspect there will be an apology from this person for a remark that seems disrespectful at best and ageist at worst. We all have lapses…
@Ivan X: I don’t anymore. He showed his true colors.
@3Sice: I think Schumer, Pelosi and Obama will hold off on an official endorsement for awhile. Just to help disarm (a little) the whole “how are dems cORorNaTInG her, so much for democracy” schtick we’ve already seen from the media and Manchin get into.
@M31: Wow. That’s a fantastic line.
@MisterForkbeard: Pelosi endorsed today
coin operated
@MisterForkbeard: Pelosi endorsed earlier today
@M31: GMTA
@M31: Then I am just clearly wrong. Good for her!
@Ksmiami: I think that he’s certainly a less buoyant anchor……
Nancy Pelosi endorsed Kamala Harris today.
ETA: Okay, not exactly the first to respond. LOL.
One of Biden’s greatest strengths is that he doesn’t mind being underestimated. This leaves the Republicans, led by a man who is boastful braggart, with a massive blind spot. The idea that someone would willingly relinquish power simply does not compute for them. So he’s effectively neutered their attacks on a number of levels:
I reckon a lot of the last week was Biden playing rope-a-dope, during which a whole bunch of organising was going on in the background, and we’ll see the fruits of that in the next few days. Pelosi’s already onboard, and I expect that shortly that the rest, having waited an appropriate amount of time will also step up.
@UncleEbeneezer: amen! The coddling and being the a-hole whisperer: “so and so has been here since Lincoln and what they meant…” blah blah. Try that condescending stuff on that Sunday night call with our AKA sisters and see if you don’t get your feelings hurt. WE are working on all levels but if we need time to vent, to be concerned, please stop trying to bully or tone police us back into the corner. I don’t need disingenuous apologies, just some fucking grace.
@BellyCat: You don’t know much about that commenter, do you?
@la caterina:
Postcards to Swing States.
VFX Lurker
@zhena gogolia: I pied that long-term, once-valued commenter for that disgusting comment.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Kamala is coming hard with two by four!
So do I. I’m not sure why the TCFFG campaign — or anybody — would consider that a bad or weird thing, let alone disqualifying.
Manchin just announced that he doesn’t want to be Kamala’s VP. I doubt very much she would want him as the Senate tie breaker anyway.
Fake Irishman
@M31: I believe AFT did last night. nEA will be along shortly in sure.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Ivan X:
Certain people here have been working that last nerve for months. They’re never going to give the rest of us room to grieve because they desperately need us to acknowledge their superiority.
Yep. Plus this is personal to Nancy, the MAGAts were looking for her on Jan 6, and one of them nearly killed her husband.
@Ivan X: good becauseI’m a little ashamed by it, but also still a bit miffed by the person I addressed. Yesterday wound me up too tight, between rage and joy, and I got very little sleep. My tantrum was at the frayed end of being awake too long.
Being able to peek under the pie crust to see what certain trollish ones were doing led me to remove one name from the filter in the wee hours.
la caterina
@eclare: Thanks!
I cannot wait to see this Joyful Warrior Princess of Color make the ball gargling thundertwat spit his Chiclets! We gonna kick some fascist ass this year!
Harrison Wesley
@karen gail: FL’s very own Balloonhead Gaetz just lacks a conviction, but he’s got that criminal profile, and the botox job indicates he’d like to try out for the veep slot.
Okay, my almost-50 ears are just not what they used to be, I guess. I cannot figure out what Danny DeVito is singing in that clip. Help please?
Besides being evil racists and misogynists, they are all just plain weird. Remember they thought comparing Joe to Mr. Rogers was an insult.
@Omnes Omnibus: 😆
They don’t have
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
Maserati Manchin is 77. yet he’s the first one to complain the candidates were too old. Either he’s a vampire or he doesn’t own a mirror cuz he can’t see his reflection.
“I’m gonna say the N word.”
Mike Luckovich’s latest cartoon, made me tear up
@la caterina:
Georgia, Montana, and Ohio are also out. They send the postcards, script, and addresses, you supply the stamps.
@Ivan X: One of the most basic elements of forgiveness is that the person who did the harm doesn’t get to demand or dictate the terms of forgiveness. It’s really freaking clear in this case who did the harm here. You can tell who they are because they are the ones trying to memory hole, downplay and rationalize what they just did and pretend like it was no big deal. It was a very Big-Biden-Deal. If that makes this space uncomfortable for them for awhile, that’s just the way it is. If it makes you uncomfortable, take it up with them and maybe urge them to apologize to the rest of us, acknowledge the harm they did and take some damn adult responsibility for their shitty behavior, instead of asking us all to go hug our abusive siblings.
Either way they made their bed, despite countless, sincere efforts to make them see the damage they were doing, and now they gotta lie in it.
And tbh, the smoke they are getting right now is really damn tame compared to what they could/should be getting. They are getting off really freakin’ easy for what they did. And it’s kinda gross that so many people want them to face no consequences whatsoever, in the name of collegiality.
Like where are the FP posts asking the sore-winners to apologize for lighting off a damn bomb in our coalition? That would be a damn good first step towards repairing the fault-lines here, imo.
The AFL-CIO endorsed today as well.
@opiejeanne: I used it when I got tired of the snotty childish condescension I was seeing. It saves me from reacting in a similar manner .😉❤️
Also, the Ground Hog Day here we go again bs got tiresome.
Luckovich is a national treasure. That’s beautiful. I’m crying.
@SiubhanDuinne: the Venn diagram thing is so weird!
I did root around and found this:
Harris had a video clip go viral where she talks about loving Venn diagrams, and it’s perfectly cute and a bit nerdy. She laughs a lot during it, too, so maybe that’s why it got picked up by the humorless woman-hating scolds of the right, but who knows. Fuck them
I think Josh Marshall has a great take on this
I had forgotten that, but yeah. That was some weird shit.
I don’t want to be Kamala’s VP either. I’m counting on her to respect my decision, and not try to pester me to change my mind. ;-)
Old School
@VFX Lurker:
Per Martin, he is not the Martin who posted that comment.
@kwAwk: just say it loudly and proudly when someone takes you literally, and body checks you. Shame what happened to you, but we have to hit them hard.
zhena gogolia
@BellyCat: It wasn’t him.
@BellyCat: I have not kept up with the latest threads, since I find it all too emotional for me to cope with, so I went back to look at the comment. Saying that the commenter “went too far” is the understatement of the year, especially considering the purpose of TaMara’s post. Respect is not owed to someone who would express themself in such a way. In my mind, it will taint anything that person says from now on.
ETA: So it was not our regular commenter who wrote that. Good to know.
zhena gogolia
@SFBayAreaGal: It wasn’t him. See above.
I just had a short walk with my Republican neighbor. I think she likes to try out what she’s frustrated about with the Republicans to me. Last time, it was her disagreement with the Republican stance on immigration. Today, it was Dana Perino. She remembered, years ago, Perino praising Biden for being a good man, but now that she’s on Fox, she is bashing Biden. My neighbor is watching the hypocrisy and not impressed. I’m sort of gentling her along for now.
@TBone: There is a bit of fan art I saw a little while ago: Kamala as Captain Marvel, holding Captain America’s vibranium shield.
@HumboldtBlue: Ohhhh. Okay, now I can hear it. I played it five times and was like “I’m gonna something something” each time.
zhena gogolia
@VFX Lurker: It wasn’t him. See above.
Well, I didn’t know until today that MVPKH is a VennNerd, but I think it’s adorable of her. Thank you for that clip.
@eclare: They complain that she laughs too much and her laugh is weird. I think she’s full of joy, nothing wrong with her laugh.
VFX Lurker
Thank you and zhena for posting this information. I’ll un-pie him.
zhena gogolia
@Josie: Just to clarify, it appears not to be the longtime commenter Martin but someone else using that nym.
Lacuna Synecdoche
WaPo Headline, directly under current top headline Harris Kicks Off Campaign:
Whose turn in the barrel is it now?
That’s fantastic!
Just in case anyone tries to reignite the Kamala’s A Cop bullshit that was one of the first smear campaigns out of the gate in 2019 (and was widely spread by Bernie and Warren supporters and Russian bots), here is a great article to bookmark about her AG years in CA.
She implemented many reforms that were aimed at making the Justice System better for Black, PoC and poor people.
Also, I heard recently that Harris was actually the candidate that Russia spent the most $ on spreading dis-information about, in 2020. I’m trying to find a link for that now (if anyone remembers that or has the story, please share), but that wouldn’t surprise me, especially before Biden got into the race.
@Old School: Then who got access to his device and email?
We don’t have great security here, I will admit, but one does have to have the nym and the email information.
edit by WaterGirl. The “Martin” commenting on this thread us not our long-term commenter Martin. I changed his nym in this thread to : “a differnt Martin, not our Martin” for clarity, but the replies are still to “Martin”.
Just wanted to let everyone know that our Martin has not lost his mind, nor has he turned into a total dick.
FYI, I have also written to the “new” Martin letting him know that he will need to choose a different nym. He just replied saying his new nym will be “motoran”. So we shouldn’t have this confusion going forward.
Just so everyone knows, WordPress allows the same nym to be connected to two different email addresses. So the new Martin did not get our Martin’s information. He simply entered “Martin” as his nym and his own email address for the email field. But they both appear as Martin.
The new Martin has chosen a new nym so hopefully we won’t have this confusion again.
I was certain that the person who was commenting earlier was not our Martin, and I wrote to our Martin to confirm that. So this matter is now resolved.
Yeah, Josh has been steady in carving up the mainstream media nonsense without adding drama of his own.
So the media got what they asked for – but not the reaction they were expecting. Their attempt to elect trump may have backfired & if that is the only good thing to come out of the last few days it is worth having.
I have read little anywhere in the past two weeks – but notice that the WAPO had nothing but pictures of trump front and centre for weeks – building to a crescendo after the shooting. No sign of Biden other than the odd article about age with pictures to match.
Suddenly, Biden is ALL OVER the post. Seems that resigning got trump off the front page. That can’t be all bad.
I am still processing what happened and why some democrats turned on their own – after a peaceful primary season – I will probably never understand but I am impressed that they are now supporting Kamala – I did not see that coming at all from some parts of the party.
Re – Manchin not wanting to be Harris’s VEEP… My apologies to Ryan Gosling, but I don’t want to date him.
Oh, wait, he never asked… 🙄
Betty Cracker
According to Maddow, Harris is about 500 delegates away from clinching the nomination. Eric Holder’s law firm is vetting VP candidates. Evangelical-whisperer Tim Alberta says some GOP strategists are regretting the Vance pick since he’s an extremist who doesn’t attract anyone outside the MAGA dope base.
@Lacuna Synecdoche: My first reaction, though I suppose it’s good that they’re finally getting around to it.
@WaterGirl: If this is the case then needless to say, this is a problem. I should not be able to create a nym WaterGirl with a completely different email.
@Ivan X: Thank you Ivan X, I really appreciate your comment above, and I am totally down for hoping for good things in spite of the likelihood of bad ones.
re: TaMara’s thread, iirc it came right after anonther (MisterMix maybe) thread that was all in if not for Group A certainly for Okay Forward Now!
Your comment is likely to be helpful, and I have no idea whether either of these will contribute. I have been thinking of taking a few weeks away from the blog, which might be a good idea, but either way, this is my response to some of what really hurt lately:
1. I myself will try to stick with saying how I see things, and without going “Oh gee commenter with a different identity let me say how in my view your concerns are totally invalid” or saying “well everyone knew… nobody wanted…” etc unless I polled everybody myself.
2. There is no perfect cchoice in any of these matters. There are a lot of smart and experienced people from all over the US and a few other countries besides commenting here. Not gonna find unanimity. Okay…
Here’s what I have no idea how to address:
There is good reason to believe that shyt stirrers – I mean full on trolls here – are going to keep on trying to stir shyt up. If someone, troll or commenter far more central than myself, repeats straight up MAGA or Putin talking points, or keeps on discounting huge swaths of Dem voters (like southeast red state Dems or Midwesterners or whatever), that makes me worry for the election and for this meeting place we have.
Ooooh that definitely clears some things up for me, thank you!
@Eyeroller: I completely agree with you.
But I can’t control how WordPress works. But I can see the email address associated with any comment, and, as I did today, if I see a nym that is already in use with a different email address, the new person will be asked to change their nym to something else.
I have no idea, but I’m willing to be they get paid in rubles.
And I didn’t even have to call his offices and yell at his staff. Senator Duckworth is on board too.
@tam1MI: It was just the same nym, not the same email.
@thruppence: Humble brag – I the most leastest voice. Please don’t @ me LOL (trying to be silly yet serious)
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Betty Cracker: Hey, we can get some things right after all.
Harrison Wesley
@Betty Cracker: I thought he was picked for $$$.
@Ohio Mom: I got this from Landsman. Thought you’d like to know.
Team Landsman!
This Sunday, join Rep. Greg Landsman, President Alicia Reece, and your friends and neighbors for a rally in support of Kamala Harris and the entire Democratic ticket!
Sunday marks just 100 days until Election Day. There’s a lot of work to do, but first, we hope you’ll take some time to come together as a community and celebrate this historic moment.
Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM-3:30 PM
Location: 1330 Tennessee Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45229
Sign Up Here!
Bring your enthusiasm, your friends, and your energy. Let’s make this rally a strong show of support for electing Kamala Harris and the entire Democratic ticket. Together, we can defeat Donald Trump and his allies this November.
Hope to see you on Sunday!
Team Landsman
Looking for an easy way to
@Betty Cracker: Did you see the Christian Nationalist preacher (spit) who called Kamala a Jezebel spirit? He said she’s even worse than Hillary in that regard because she’s not white.
There are a lot of women on Twitter clamoring for Jezebel Spirit T-shirts.
I am so relieved to hear this.
@Betty Cracker:
Where the hell did I put my tiny violin?
Fair Economist
@SW: That *is* a great take by Josh Marshall.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
This gay man might need one.
lol I need to make a Jezebel Spirit/Kamala Harris Venn diagram t-shirt
@WaterGirl: Years ago at my work we used WordPress for a site and I would bet there are plugins that provide greater security. It seems like right now it does not even check whether there is an existing commenter of the same name with a different email address. (Also commenter nyms should not be case sensitive.) That is a huge security hole, and opens the site up to spoofs and bots. A discussion with the developers might be in order.
VFX Lurker
@HumboldtBlue: Ditto. I am also relieved.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Old School: he’s not Our Favorite
MartianMartinThe Kropenhagen Interpretation
Find me a Republican who isn’t an extremist and I’ll show you someone who will never occupy either half of a Republican Presidential ticket.
Thanks, that’s my band name now.
@SW: thanks, that’s a really good observation by Marshall. I’d only add that even if Joe had announced he was stepping down and then instead of endorsing Harris, he advocated for a blitz primary or something, well, the same writers bitching about them moving too fast to crown Kamala would be penning columns about how the blitz primary was a massive error and they should just give the nom to Harris. No matter what the Dems did, these guys were always going to say it was the wrong thing.
Just popping in since WG emailed me to tell me this info and I’m so relieved. Because, wow, I know that upset a lot of folks thinking someone they respected said something so awful.
Carry on
Dan B
@eclare: My psycho-theory, purely amateur but it’s frequently been a good explanation of right wing weirdness, is that Mr. Rogers is kind. In their world “kind” is weak and, since it’s a dog eat dog world (anyone who believes otherwise is a fool…) the kind will get eaten alive or lead the country to lose “the WAR!!”
1. Women are weak and are the downfall of real men. Don’t look to closely at the helmet hairdos on many winger women.
2. POC and immigrants are lazy and easily corrupted. Don’t ask about who works very hard to keep the country running.
3. LGBTQ+ are effeminate perverts, except for lesbians who hate men and are manly (Don’t look for logic.) And they’re all dangerous predators. (Somehow the married ones are only in it for the sex and loveless life.)
They understand TCFG because he validates their beliefs. However he is a military idiot and fool who would surrender to Putin or Kim for some praise, money, and promises of prestige. Even extreme Hawks like Bolton realize this. As long as someone perceived as powerful and ruthless tells him he’s a macho dude he will fly into the flame like a moth. He lives in dread of being like Mr. Rogers. His father instilled this message.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
Y’all email me when that becomes available! Because I may need two.
Omnes Omnibus
New Poster for Harris
Captain C
@coin operated: He’s never going to debate her, is he? He’d suffer a total psychological breakdown and either storm off shouting incoherently or fall over into a fetal ball crying.
Permission given to add my name. So much attention today…
@TaMara: Hey I was replying to you too slowly on that thread – Apples to Apples? And I don’t know if there’s an easy way to do the one-line-at-a-time story game easily without a folded piece of paper, but I bet your family would produce some hilarious ones.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Like that’s a bad thing. Jezebel Spirit would have been a great D&D class.
Like I said in another thread, they’re not gonna twist themselves to not sound like 1950s Jim Crow, they’ll do it whenever they think they can get away with it. If not, they’ll push Lee Atwater’s methodology of dog whistles to the limit.
@Betty Cracker:
Vance is Ohio’s DeSantis
Thanks for the cleanup Watergirl. Appreciate it as always.
I hope to doG I’m wrong about what a Trump victory would mean. But I’ve been through too much hell in my life, and know too much history, to think otherwise. “Some people just need killin'” is all I need to hear. It’s what I’ve heard all my life.
Other than that, rather than a hopeless argument with an ableist sealion, I’ll instead say I’ve started work on my creative projects again as a distraction if nothing else. And that I absolutely love the pie filter. It saves me so much misery and despair during these trying times.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
My sister sent me this Harris message today to cheer me up.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus: Good one!
Man, I hope they don’t keep her from getting the nomination.
I want one also. If anyone finds them, please make an announcement here.
The problem is that the GOP took the mask off, and their voters said, “Fuck yes. Me likey!”
You know, one of the things I love most about being a liberal is the way we take the other side’s attempted insults and wear them with pride and sass. We did it with “Nevertheless, she persisted.” We took “Let’s go, Brandon!” and turned it into Dark Brandon. And just today, “Childless Cat Ladies for Harris” and now “Jezebel Spirit” t-shirts. It’s great!
@Omnes Omnibus: OMG. ROFL!!
zhena gogolia
I already have a Kamala T-shirt. It says “Dude Gotta Go.” Unfortunately, although it’s my favorite T-shirt (V-neck), I haven’t been able to wear it since November 2020.
@TaMara: Thank you for that thread, btw. It was closed before I got a chance to comment. That sort of thing was/is still much needed.
@Martin: So *you* are “our” Martin, the one with extensive highered experience and all that?
From whom I have learned a lot even though we might not agree, and with a track record of expressing firm views without writing off huge swaths of people with other views?
FWIW, I am really glad, too!
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
That’s good.
The Thin Black Duke
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: The cherry on top of this shit sundae is everybody remotely sane understood that Vance would be a gawdawful VP pick, but then the GOP went and did it anyway.
@opiejeanne: Dog whistles don’t work all that well when only the dogs in your own pack can hear them. They’re all already going to vote for Trump. Who gives a crap what they think, other than to defang their would-be meme by embracing it?
@Martin: Glad to see you are you again, and not some sockpuppet troll impersonating you. WordPress really sucks in some ways and this is one of them.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@The Thin Black Duke: You don’t have to think about accountability when you have an entire media apparatus to clean up after you.
The most striking thing to me about Harris’s speech at the campaign HQ is how relaxed she seems to be. If in the last 48 hours I was just promoted to be presidential nominee and defender against fascism out of the blue, I’d be freaking the fuck out.
@TaMara: There are some on Tee Public, in pink; some in other places. You have to look closely at the captions, because I saw some that looked like they were condemning the Jezebel Spirit, probably promoted by some repressive sect.
Everyone told me Bluesky is the place to be for politics and such, and while some big name accounts are there, wow is it slower and more boring (to me, anyway) than Mastodon. Way less interesting random stuff (political and otherwise) being posted, way fewer cat and animal posts, etc.
Still keeping an eye on it, but I don’t think it’s going to stick for me.
@Josie: Tee Public has them in pink. I just googled Jezebel spirit t-shirts and a bunch of different vendors came up.
@Martin: Another piece of evidence that suggests this was all planned, which means all the sturm und drang was… basically cover for Biden to do what he wanted to do anyway, which was pass the torch.
It worked pretty well, too. The Republicans were caught completely flat footed by it, which really surprised me. If there’s one thing they’re good at, it’s oppo research, and they didn’t just piss up the wrong tree, but in the wrong forest.
@SiubhanDuinne: Laughter is an excellent weapon.
Beshear is on CNN tonight
Definitely auditioning
Anne Laurie
@M31: Yeah, that Luckovich cartoon is gonna lead my Biden appreciation thread!
@Lyrebird: Well, I try to not write off people with other views. I’m sure I fail now and then, but I do try.
@chemiclord: The asshole tribe is dissappointingly large, but a decided minority. Their masters know that the only way for them to prevail is to fragment the opposition.
@The Thin Black Duke: There were slim pickings, and Trump’s fear of being outshone had pared down the field. I thought Youngkin would have been good pick, but that was the problem– he was too good.
@NeenerNeener: Joe Manchin is 76 years old with a daughter with an epi-pen problem. They keep floating up old men for god knows what reason.
@Kay: Does Beshear play well to your Midwestern ear (I dunno if you consider your hometown Midwest or Appalachia or etc.)? To my Californian ear he doesn’t. Not because of his (quite mild) accent, but just that he sounds robotic.
@Scout211: One of my father’s favorite pastimes when I was growing up was to watch the Republican convention so he could mock the delegates trying to clap in time to the music. They were always just a half a beat off. It was sad.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
So white, so sad, so predictable. :)
Harrison Wesley
Jezebel Spirit – a liqueur for the 21st Century….
Anne Laurie
@Martin: Thanks! (I *did* try to email you last night, at the addy attached to your comment.)
My gal Elissa Slotkin is +8
The Thin Black Duke
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Trump and Vance are two humongous turds in the Republican fishbowl right now. Even Industrial Light and Magic ain’t gonna be able to clean up this shitshow.
that’s funny because he was off and on to me – sometimes sounded good, other not
He does sound like Kentucky though and he seems to really want the job
@Kathleen: The cultural dynamics behind why white people clap on 1 and 3 is pretty interesting.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
That might be a challenge for them. Over the past eight years, they’ve gotten quite used to saying the (formerly) quiet part out loud. They may have lost the knack of doing dog whistles.
@Anne Laurie: Oh, whoops. Yeah, it landed in spam. Weird, figured watergirl correspondence would have trained it out of that.
No One of Consequence
@UncleEbeneezer: Preach.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@The Thin Black Duke:
All they do is double down, it’s in their playbook. They get away with that because there’s *no* accountability by the societal institution, the media, setup to provide that accountability.
@Kay: I’m waiting for Abigail Spanberger to be elected Governor of Virginia next year. With fellow ex-CIA Senator Slotkin just across the Potomac, we’re gonna show those Republicans some real Deep State!
Dan B
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Me two / too. Decisions: Do I get Crazy Cat Lady on the back or front and Jezebel on the corresponding reverse?
Lawrence Ross: An Ice Cold Alpha Man (@alpha1906) posted at 10:44 PM on Sun, Jul 21, 2024:
Lemme put it this way: My wife is a Delta. She has about eight BFF friends, and they’re split between AKAs and Deltas. They stay on group chat anyway. They’re already in action. Like…action…right now.
I met two young ladies who have canvassed for her and one of them told me an older lady came up to them and said “are you on a scavenger hunt?”
A scavenger hunt! That’s like an ice cream social
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I know! It was comical.
@Anne Laurie: Oh and yeah, my novid streak ended last week. Ms Martin got covid on the way back from France and I got it probably taking care of her. Unfortunately I got it stacked on top of a sinus infection, and that’s fucking miserable. Do not recommend.
Dan B
@Captain C: How much $$ for front row seats? And can I bring Mary Trump, Stormy, Jean, and Hillary?
@lowtechcyclist: Betting pool: We will hear and see word “uppity” in Political Propaganda’s copies and pastes on Twitter and in their “publications”. ETA: TBF since they lost “Joe so old” they have to come up with something NEW and that’s HARRRRRRRD!
@Kay: I like Beshear but I hope doesn’t get the nod. Kentuckians really need him as Governor, and he’ll hold that office until January, 2028. Then it will be time for Andy Beshear to run Rand Paul out of the Senate.
@Anne Laurie:
it’s so good *sniff
Natasha S. Alford (@NatashaSAlford) posted at 3:04 PM on Mon, Jul 22, 2024:
My 72-year-old auntie just called me out of the blue and said: “I have never sent money in for no politician. Ima do it for her.” The Kamala Effect.
Had me 😭😭😭
Ivan X
@Lyrebird: Your 1 and 2 are what I try to do as well, maybe sometimes better than others, but I try.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was ‘ableist’ of me to point out how hopeless your argument was. I’ll be more considerate next time. :-)
@Mallard Filmore:
We’re going to need the Angry Dome, way things are going around here…
And, uh, just in case we have an Angry Dome somewhere…
I call dibs.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: I saw a clip today of Vance speaking at a rally and making bizarre comments about being accused of racism for drinking a Diet Mountain Dew. Woof! Yep, another dud.
Captain C
@Dan B: Hopefully free, and yes!!!
@ArchTeryx: This just came out from Politico, which makes TCFG’s temper tantrums even more suspect; did his campaign know, but didn’t tell him?🤔
I legit thought he was saying “Hitler”.
Sad thing is, that works too.
@Martin: That’s a very interesting article, and I love that Harry Connick jr tricked the audience into clapping on the even numbers.
Listen to the clapping pattern in PussyWiggle Stomp, in 7/8:
Clapping on 2-4-6-7. Don Ellis starts it so the audience can continue it while he and the band play.
@Betty Cracker:
Bad. They’re just charmless and joyless. Kamala drinks iced coffee like a normal person.
Trump knows dazzle dazzle! He must know he picked a dud by now.
@Kay: We have ice cream socials at some of the mainline Protestant churches on the elite West Coast, but we don’t have taffy pulls.
West of the Rockies
@Chris Johnson:
Tucker Carlson tan, rested, and ready?
More like pasty, pudgy, and irrelevant.
Dan B
@Betty Cracker: Vance’s “Would Diet Mountain Dew make me suffer being called racist?” comment shows how clueless they are. He probably feels that telling n-clangs and hillbillies they’re stupid and lazy is charitable, “Only trying to help. Why are you mad at me?” He believes he knows the right answers and everyone else should listen.
I’m certain that some of them truly believe they are just being realistic, not racist at all.
Citizen Alan
@Martin: There’s a video on Youtube of Harry Connick Jr. playing jazz piano before a largely white crowd, and he got annoyed with them clapping on 1 an 3. So he effortlessly snuck a 5/4 bar into an improvisation to get them clapping on 2 and 4. You could see people in the crowd visibly confused and some of them even seemed angry.
EDIT: And after I post, I finally click through the link and see the very first paragraph discusses it! Lol.
West of the Rockies
Super well said!
@opiejeanne: Sorry, meant to include a link:
@SiubhanDuinne: Republicans are just deeply weird and dumb people.
@Kay: my spouse and I have a bet going that Trump fires Vance Apprentice style by the weekend
@Betty Cracker: plus he looks strange and has a ferret on his face
@eclare: hmm. You forgot joyless
@Ivan X: Well, I do want to step out on one thing you said, telling people what they should feel.
I don’t do that. Now, me, if I caught myself in an act of bigotry, *I* would be ashamed, even though I have an “excuse” of sorts.
Okay, but, let’s say I saw a debate, and that moment – THAT MOMENT – I decided Joe must go, what would be different?
I would CHILL THE FUCK OUT. I would let it sit. I’d take a chill pill if I had one, so I’ll make due with lemon water. And then, I would investigate. Is Joe sick?
Okay, but let’s skip the chill pill story, let’s go to the Sturm und Drang: start saying Biden must drop out, it’s like having to take grampy’s keys away, except, Grampy doesn’t have the WHOLE WEST WING MONITORING HIM. Ahem. Just saying.
Next, it was, “it doesn’t matter, he’s too old, he can’t win.”
You know? I don’t care, the whole argument isn’t what I would want people to recognize.
If you skip the “take a fucking chill pill” step, and blast into action, you can be hateful, and irrational, and that’s bigotry with a capital b. Um. Goedel would probably not approve.
I know, “but it’s just one man, not billions of people!” Well, baby jesus doesn’t care, or whatever claptrap you prefer. One act of bigotry is still one act of bigotry.
“But X is a valued commentator” doesn’t matter. “They’re a good friend,” doesn’t matter. “They probably didn’t mean it the way you said,” believe me – when I said I don’t know who is, or isn’t, a bigot, I meant it. I DON’T CARE.
But I do care if people can recognize *BIGOTRY*. If they can look at a PERFECT example of BIGOTRY and say YES! YES!THAT IS BIGOTRY!
Followed, likely by something like “But I didn’t do that! If *I* had done that, *I* would have been a bigot! But I didn’t! SO SUCK IT LOSER!”
Which, sure, suck it indeed.
@Citizen Alan: Getting the audience to participate is an interesting project sometimes. In the 1970s I played piano for a small church’s Christmas program that included Sweet Little Jesus Boy and had many despairing moments during rehearsals because of how the choir sounded on that number. I finally told the soloist to go listen to Mahalia Jackson’s recording at the library. He just grinned at me, he knew what I wanted, and he came back the next night and sang the appropriate “blue” notes in the right places, and the choir followed him. I was on piano and couldn’t very bend the notes for them, but I did “mistakenly” hit two adjacent notes together once or twice, between us we got them to sing in the cracks.
@Kay: I read “Is Sex Really Necessary” at an impressionable age.
A Man for All Seasonings (formerly Geeno)
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: This straight man might need one.
@Betty Cracker:
Actually I’m trying to figure what non-extremist would be acceptable to the Trumpista base and I’m coming up empty.
And good to see you !
@WaterGirl: Whew….
@zhena gogolia: Ive got that one too. It’s great.
@Kay: I like what I see, but man. I just do not see what he adds to the ticket.
I am still pulling for Shapiro or Pritzker. PA especially is going to be a lift. I will feel a lot happier if we can take PA WI and MI off the table.
I know we are all high on the new nominee. I am actually feeling…not great about the last few weeks, but definitely relieved. The rapid coalescing around Harris has removed one of my deepest fears of this whole process. It’s actually been kind of wonderful to see us all acting like we got our shit together.
But we need to brace for what’s coming. It is going to be hard. White men and women are going to be a lift. We need to shore up Latinos. And the kids who are all jazzed up to vote now? They better grab every friend and come through. Because I am expecting a real disappointment from my demographic. We’re going to have to make it up somewhere.
We don’t need to get flashy, or cute, or go extra bold. We need to lock our core down. We hold the Blue Wall and the coasts, and we should be golden.
@Martin: Real Martin or Evil Doppelgänger?!?!?1! //
@Martin: Hope you and she recover swiftly.
@Subsole: She needed 2 weeks but is good now. I’m still trying to get shit out of my lungs but getting close. Thanks. We’re all shotted up and thankfully have nowhere to be.
Brian Eno and David Byrne recorded “The Jezebel Spirit” in 1980.