In the last comment thread, two commenters mentioned that they’re uneasy with the couchbilly stuff, as well as interpreting Trump’s comments in the worst possible light. (The example was Trump telling his supporters not to vote. It may have been taken a bit out of context.)
First, the couchfucking: I’m not overly offended by a joke/meme that says that Hillbilly Elegy contains a scene where JD fucks a couch. It’s a fairly harmless joke and, let’s be frank, he does look a bit like a couchfucker. Couchfucking, at worst, would cause some abrasions and stains, but it’s a pretty harmless act. Contrast that with JD’s endorsement of a book that says this:
[T]his year, Vance endorsed a new book co-written by a far-right conspiracy-monger that calls progressives “unhumans” and claims they are waging an “Irregular Communist Revolution” against American civilization.The book, Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them), was written by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec. Posobiec is a well-known alt-right agitator and conservative media personality who promoted the bonkers Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Lisec is a professional ghostwriter. And their book professes to be a history of communist and leftist revolutionary abuses over the decades—but with a twist. They claim, “For as long as there have been beauty and truth, love and life, there have also been the ugly liars who hate and kill.” And these “people of anti-civilization” have always gone by different names: communists, socialists, leftists, and progressives. The pair contend these folks—be they the Bolsheviks of Russia or the BLM activists of this decade—are better called “unhumans.”
JD thinks its A-OK to call Democrats pedophiles who run a child raping ring out of a pizza restaurant, and “unhumans”. A joke about intercourse with living room furniture is nothing compared to that.
Second, Trump’s gibberish: Serious candidates for President speak with clarity and precision. When they misspeak, or their remarks are misunderstood, then they issue corrections themselves or via their campaign. Biden is a good example of this. Sometimes he mixed up a word in a sentence that was clear. That doesn’t require a correction (unless he caught it himself). But if he said something that was misunderstood, he or his campaign cleaned it up.
Trump just pukes out gibberish. We’re left to fish whatever meaning we can out of his stream of nonsense. If we don’t give it the most charitable reading, well, that’s life on the big ranch for grown up boys and girls. He can either start speaking more clearly, or his campaign can clean it up. But — if they clean it up, he needs to consistently stick with the cleaned-up version, because serious candidates for the most powerful job in the world need to be consistent in their statements.
Trump is incapable of clarity and consistency, and that’s just too fucking bad for him. It’s a huge mistake by the press to give him infinite mulligans because “that’s just Trump”. We’re the opposition to Trump. Our job is to hit him every time he talks nonsense, and part of hitting him is to make uncharitable interpretations of his verbal diarrhea. Doing otherwise gives him a pass that no other serious Presidential candidate has gotten in any race that I can remember.
Finally, this isn’t to be critical of those commenters — Trump and Trumpers have really coarsened our political conversation and I understand not wanting to engage. I just see it differently.
(The QAnon endorsement stuff is via LGM.)
You fuck one couch …
Dear Harris for President social media people:
More of this please.
mali muso
Yeah, I think the time for going high when they go low (all due respect to Forever Flotus) has passed. Bring the fight to them and mock loudly. Bullies need to get knocked back on their heels.
It’s not up to us to ‘ interpret’ his gibberish.
It is up to us to AMPLIFY IT
Make it more and more known
He IS as horrible as we believe him to be. On every level.
and phuck anyone who spent 4 years trying to gaslight us as they tried to normalize him.
I don’t even understand the couch phucking thing…Imma stay in my lane on that one
Splitting Image
The thing about Vance is that he’d actually be more endearing if the couch business were true.
There are some really weird fetishes out there and it would be a novel change to meet a Republican who was into a harmless one.
I don’t know if I speak for anyone but myself when I say this, but fuck that noise. I’m tired of our side finding something really effective and putting down the shiv because it’s not fair. Trump babbles gibberish, take it in the worst possible light; make them clarify and explain, and then do your best not to understand what their tortured logic is that makes whatever the Orange Rapist said into something approaching sense.
Don’t do this for literally any of them, not a one: don’t do JD Vance a favor and explain that he didn’t fuck a couch, make HIM DO IT for fuck’s sake. STOP HELPING.
@mali muso: Rah Rah Ree! Kick ’em in the knee!
Rah Rah Rass! Kick ’em in the other knee!
Vance is looking worse and worse, much worse than I’d realized. Giving Posobiec/Pizzagate a positive blurb is bottom-of-the-barrel and requires a no holds barred response.
Sister Golden Bear
I’ll treat Trump and Vance with the same respect they’ve shown women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, etc. etc.
They’ve been lyirng folks like me being pedophiles and calling for us to be eliminated. I think a little of their own medicine is entirely justified
As E.F. Goldman said; Fuck ‘em.
Omnes Omnibus
They are deeply weird and unpleasant people. This needs to be highlighted. The reason the couch fucker meme caught on is that it is so very plausible.
JV’s issue positions are so unpopular, couch fucking may give him a 2 point bump.
“Finally, this isn’t to be critical of those commenters — Trump and Trumpers have really coarsened our political conversation and I understand not wanting to engage. I just see it differently.”
I see it how you see it. Better to make a few coarse jokes than to stand by and let Trump get people killed.
…and the goats all go on strike…
Betty Cracker
Agree. The furniture fornicator wants to eliminate women’s autonomy. My only dilemma about amplifying the sofa shagging tale is whether or not “couchfucker” should be hyphenated. I think yes.
Also, it’s wonderful to see you posting more, MM! :)
Once again, can we all refer to the wisdom of President Lyndon Baines Johnson:
“I know he’s not really a pig fucker. Make him deny it anyway.”
@Sister Golden Bear:
Also, I can’t not appreciate an email that wishes a happy anything to “everyone except JD Vance.” Meaning even Trump is included in the “happy” wishes, but not Vance. It nicely fits the “no one actually likes him” vibe that’s quickly building around him.
@Ishiyama: C’mon, he’s fucked more than one.
Olympic update:
USWNT up 3-0 at halftime against Zambia.
Math Guy
it is enough to highlight the positions and public utterances of Republicans. If those positions and utterances are vulgar and obscene, then that’s on them.
@Omnes Omnibus: That is so true. That’s why Walz would be a good VP candidate. He’s already said it and has no hesitation to say it again. Hell, you don’t even need to make stuff up to point out their weirdness.
Steve LaBonne
@jackmac: Straight into our veins.
Splitting Image
So the New York Times released a poll today….
… and one of the people quoted – the inevitable Democrat-turned-Trump voter – turned out to be the con artist who put a human finger in a bowl of Wendy’s chili some years back and filed a fraudulent lawsuit.
You have to wonder how hard they must be looking to find just the right Democrat-turned-Trump voter to give a quote when they come up with a con artist with her own Wikipedia page.
Once again we’re bringing Emily Post to a knife fight.
The MSM cleans up Trump’s utterances because that what their owner’s want. If normal people who are not paying attention start to hear all this incoherence, they will not get their tax cuts. One of Trump’s latest statements to replace military generals with Football coaches and/or NASCAR drivers would produce weeks of coverage if said by a democratic candidate for any office. Yes, it is our job to amply this nonsense, but when you talk to people who are not deeply as engage, they cannot believe it.
As for the couch thing, Vance goes around saying all so of untrue and vile things about us, so I have no sympathy for him. Also, I am not into kink shaming.
We live in a crass age. I mean, c’mon, it’s everywhere. For one side to just say “ew” and not fight fire with fire is, well, let’s say it’s a bad judgement call. Did he probe the chifforobe? Don’t know, don’t care. Keep hitting him.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Besides, let’s not pretend that calling Trump and the couch-fucker names or highlighting their weird fetishes is even within the same galactic cluster as what they’ve said about women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, etc folks.
Steve LaBonne
I mean, people are saying that VD Jance fucks couches. It’s out there, so we have to report on it. We’re just following New York Times journalistic standards.
“It wasn’t a couch. It was a loveseat.”
Chief Oshkosh
Just toured the Anne Frank House. Between Trump’s comments about how his grand-nephew should be left to die because he has a congenital disorder and Vance’s supporting a book that calls about half of his fellow citizens “unpeople,” it is so clear that It Can Happen Here.
Excuse me. Our communist revolution will be VERY regular. We take our fiber every day!
I’ll repeat this again: the diet soda thing he actually said is far weirder than if the couch-love thing was true.
@NotMax: The seat only said she loved him.
@Steve LaBonne: Not only that, we have to do 193 articles about it.
@Betty Cracker:
Once again the wonderful Ms Cracker has gotten right to the heart of the matter. Couch-fucker or couchfucker. Hyphenated, for sure.
Isn’t there a saying “if you are explaining you are losing”? Make ’em explain what Trump meant. Why should we be charitable in our interpretation?
@Chief Oshkosh: I have seen the Anne Frank house too. Oh my, what an impact. It not only can happen here, it is happening here, at least the demonizing language part.
Looking up that Democrat-turned-Trump voter in their contacts list? Scrolling is hard.
@Betty Cracker: I love you.
Sister Golden Bear
And one reason I’m not in a generous mood today….
A 17-year-old transgender girl was stabbed almost 20 times at Miami International Airport this weekend. The girl who’d been living in the non-secure area of the airport after her parents’ kicked her out of her home, was ambushed “without provocation” while sitting on the floor eating a meal. Security footage showed her attacker staring at her before taking a butcher knife out of his backpack.
This is the sort of terrorism that Republicans are stoking.
JD is short for Jizzed Davenport.
Make him deny it.
At least it wasn’t a mattress. That would tag him as a Posturepediphile.
Captain C
@Betty Cracker:
I go with no hyphen because I think it works a little better rhythmically (the hyphen seems to give it a little pause, at least in my head), and I like the fact that “J.D. the Couchfucker” or “Vance the Couchfucker” sound like they could be a character from a William S. Burroughs novel. Of course, YMMV. And the more we debate this, the more people are reminded that J.D. Vance’s did-he-or-not couchfucking is one of his better attributes, what with the misogyny and support for Project 2025 and other wack shit.
Sister Golden Bear
@Splitting Image: “Very fine people” amirite?
@Sister Golden Bear:
Jesus, that’s horrible. I hope she survives the attack. And I hope he rots in jail.
Steve LaBonne
@Sister Golden Bear: I’m a nonviolent person but I have a strong impulse to do physical harm to parents (or rather, sperm and egg donors) like that.
@NotMax: Get out. :p
“I dunno, have a beer with him if you want. But I wouldn’t leave him alone in my living room if I were you.”
As I said in the other thread, I don’t think the couchfucking is a lie that emerged from Democrats at all. This is the kind of joking/trolling that happens on reddit and similar sites all the time. It isn’t even political most of the time, and when it is Democrats are usually the targets. Considering what a target-rich environment everything to do with Trump is, I’m not going to tut-tut them just because the meme that caught fire didn’t happen to be true.
@Chief Oshkosh: 💜 thanks for that report.
Why are the video feeds of Kamala Harris so shitty?
@different-church-lady: There’s stuff on Vance that’s much worse. I think this couch thing is fine but of limited reach. There’s nothing wrong with pushing it so long as Dems don’t ignore far more potent lines of attack.
@Sister Golden Bear: When we tell you they want to genocide us we are not being hyperbolic.
(that’s not meant to be a reply to you specifically, just for clarity)
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Carryover themes from the couch:
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”
“Make the sonofabitch deny it.” aka Pig Fucker (non hyphenated) Politics.
Reiterating Hair Furor’s gibberish: the only way it’ll get amplified is we do it. We all know our Failed Corporate News Media Corpse won’t do it.
@Sister Golden Bear: Absolutely horrendous. And made worse by the fact that millions of people think it’s completely fine to treat a human being this way.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
FTFNYT should be asked that every day:
Where are your 193 articles about Felonious D’s age and obvious mental decline?
Man I hope subscription cancellations never end with them.
Couch-humping, range-rogering, fridge-frottage, barcalounger-boning, davenport-diving, hassock-harassing, lamp-leering…will no-one speak for the appliances and furniture?
The couch thing is fun and we’re allowed to have some fun. IMO.
@trnc: I laughed so loud that I startled my cat. Hehe
$8 blue check mistermix
@Betty Cracker: My guide is “motherfucker”, which isn’t hyphenated. Though I think some people write “mother fucker”. It’s a tough call. Also, I’m not the guy to ask because years of writing code make it almost impossible to put punctuation within quotation marks, so there’s that.
Good to see you around, too, btw.
Betty Cracker
What say y’all to this? (via Tampa Bay Times)
My view? I respectfully disagree with Mr. Meade. The possibility of “serious dialogue” went bye-bye when crass conman Donald Trump became the undisputed leader of one of the two viable parties.
I don’t think regular people who’ve been convicted of crimes and then turned their lives around should be hounded about their past. (This excludes the incorrigibly criminal Trump.) Ex-felons who’ve paid their dues should be able to vote, work and rebuild their lives. But good luck erasing the social stigma attached to the status. It’s inherent.
Some coherent & still usable Trump quotes. Sarah Cooper and Helen Mirren lip synching “The Tape,” (That link’s bad.
the Access Hollywood recording of him bragging to Billy Bush about assaulting women. Mirren and Cooper excel. (But content warning)
When did that change?
@Betty Cracker: Oh fer fuck’s sake.
Why should we believe it’s a “mistake”?
@Betty Cracker: Oh no, there we go again committing the worst sin a liberal can commit: using words wrong.
@Betty Cracker
Another term besides couch/sofa/davenport is chesterfield.
“New choice of the men in America.”
@ALurkSupreme: They’re not wrong, they’re just fighting a battle they’re going to lose right now, and that isn’t helpful to be having at this exact moment in time.
But given that this is their specific area of activism it’s understandable they’d be annoyed by it.
Old School
@Splitting Image:
Did the Times delete the quote? It doesn’t seem to be there now, anyway.
Edit: Yes. Archive has a copy.
@Captain C: I vote for 2 words, both capitalized. As in JDCF Vance.
@Old School: Yep, they got busted.
@Betty Cracker: “F-word”???????
Oh give me a break
And also, he’s unrepentant, lacks any remorse (or even the human ability to feel remorse), and probably the greatest risk of recidivism ever seen. I have zero compunction about calling him a damn felon.
@Sister Golden Bear: I met so many good kids in the 80s and 90s whose parents discarded them for being gay. That poor girl. God I hate the Right. I hope she recovers.
@different-church-lady: I don’t think this is about using words wrong, I think, given what this person has focused their activism on, the entire idea of using being a convicted felon as a line of attack is fundamentally offensive to them.
Trying to push back on the cultural normalization of seeing criminals as bad wrong people, rather than people in bad situations is kind of their job. That it doesn’t apply to Trump so much doesn’t mean it isn’t harmful to their objectives in trying to change the culture.
I don’t think we should weigh this very much against the value in using the existing cultural norms to hurt Trump right now, but I get where they’re coming from and it isn’t wrong as such.
@Betty Cracker: When the ugly-ass shoe fits, point out who wears it. 34 times wears it.
They’re trying to shunt it aside as “A crime that’s never before been a crime so isn’t one now.” Possessing weed this isn’t, Trump is a convicted criminal who wants to be president.
@different-church-lady: We know TCFG has to have heard the jokes about his new favorite son and the couch… It’s gotta be making him furious 😂
Betty Cracker
Did y’all hear about the Third Lady’s upcoming memoir, scheduled to drop this autumn, which is creatively titled “Melania”? (AP) Dear God, imagine being her ghostwriter!
Mr Mix-
i agree with your second point 1000%.
I’m sure I’ve seen analysis somewhere that the scattershot nature of TFG’s commentary is purposeful because it allows him to dog whistle to various deplorable constituencies while maintaining deniability or at least exhausting the onlooker. Highlighting awful and or dumb stuff that he says is a holy calling.
@Scout211: Please don’t do that (putting scores, partial or final on the board). Some of us can’t take a couple of hours out of the work day to watch the Olympics and we’re hoping to stream a match or an event later.
I, for one, think that any intercourse between a man, and a couch, possibly involving the use of rubber gloves, is his own affair, and no concern of mine, and I don’t find my opinion of JD Vance changed by the scurrilous charge of “couch fucker”.
Wait, you’re saying *sexual* intercourse? Oh, well, that’s pretty fucked up. When they said *intercourse* I assumed they meant polite interactions and brief conversations. What, you don’t apologize to your poor couch for that tremendous fart you blew *straight* into its primary breathing organs, the cushions? Geez. And people call me weird.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Betty Cracker:
Now, if the title really was “Melania?” with the question mark, it might be worth reading as the title would give an indication of what tone it might take.
Otherwise, my guess is this will be one of those books that only sells cuz some reich wing group buys a shitload of copies with money donated from the rubes.
Joke ‘em if they can’t take a fuck.
When the kinkster in question wants us all making babies every time we bump uglies, I have no problem shaming him. You can’t make couch babies.
@Betty Cracker:
I want to marry this comment.
I have been thinking the same thing about mistermix. Thanks for saying it out loud!
@gratuitous: Okay.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Somebody needs to do a Dr Ruth take on the couch fucking. Sounds like a SNL skit waiting to be written.
I’m sorry, have you read Balloon Juice for the past couple of days? 2 people may be uncomfortable with it, but more than 2,000 have been talking about the *couch-fucker.
If Betty Cracker thinks it’s hyphenated, it’s hyphenated.
Steve LaBonne
@Jackie: I’m sure TCFG is sofa king tired of hearing about it.
@mali muso: yep this high road stuff is for suckers and losers. Politics ain’t beanbag
@Kay: That’s kind of where I am too. I know it’sa vice but we need this right now.
The line about not voting is not new, he’s been using it. “Don’t worry about voting, spend your time watching other voters to make sure they don’t cheat.” He’s singling that he’s not planning to get the most votes and doesn’t care; he’s planning to win through lawsuits and allegations of fraud.
@Scout211: Thank you.
“The better the cushion the better the pushin’.”
@Betty Cracker: It’s not like Trump has even served time yet.
@Betty Cracker: Gonna head to the bookstore when it drops and move the copies to the Abnormal Psychology section.
@HumboldtBlue: Restoration Hardware… however
@HumboldtBlue: We should check on JD’s status with Bob’s Discount Furniture, though.
And I see Ksmiami is another great mind…
@Sister Golden Bear:
that’s heartbreaking. Just horrible. That poor child.
And, yes, this is the atmosphere that the Republicans have created.
The best thing I saw on this:
@Sister Golden Bear: Florida is a hell hole. Sorry BC
@NotMax: Really takes on a whole new meaning, doesn’t it?
Well, this is one of the things where the horse race definitely plays an editorial role. “That’s just Trump,” means “no one cares.” The people reporting *on the election* will blow off Trump’s stupidity and inability to string a sentence together, because Republicans are saying that’s just fine and dandy, they didn’t want an intelligent human being, just someone they think they can manipulate.
And the people reporting on US News doesn’t want to say “Today, Trump made a complete ass of himself,” because they don’t want to run “editorial content” saying Trump is bad.
What you want, now, is noise. TikTok and Youtube people doing supercuts and demos, some of whom could insist this is an important Trump announcement about the investigation (“oranges… the oranges of the investigation”), because expecting they’re going to see their Trumpy-Bear roar, then seeing him piss down his own leg, is a double shock.
(NB: bears don’t roar. Also: it’s surprisingly difficult for a man to piss down his own leg, so *mad props* to their Trumpy-Bear for accomplishing it daily.)
YES. The orange menace made his dehumanizing fascist tendencies clear during his own primary back 8 years ago.
People waved it away then.
I will stay out of most of the joking around because it’s not my forte, and because so much about this election is deadly serious. And MVP’s opponent is an adjudicated abuser, a convicted felon, and an unapologetic fascist.
Even fking Reagan, racist starter of campaigns with reminders of murders of African Americans and Jewish allies, denier of asylum to people fleeing US-trained death squads, would not have had “mass deportations now” posters at his rallies.
@EarthWindFire: Representatives from West Elm, Pottery Barn, Design within reach and Mitchell Gold were unavailable for comment
@Betty Cracker: As someone who was involved in the 2018 effort but doesn’t remember the name Desmond Meade, it seems to me that this is giving him visibility and a platform to start a serious discussion again. If he wants to waste it scolding us for doing it wrong, that is his business, but I’m not going to worry about him. Harris was a prosecutor. Trump is a felon. There are no lies told in any of this.
@Ksmiami: This is not a problem unique to Florida. It’s not even unique to red states.
@Ksmiami: If JD Vance fucked a Design Within Reach couch, I will be pissed. I guess he is a fake hillbilly.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes. These huge beer gut wrapped in plastic flag humping, neck bearded, zombified, scared pos ppl should be hounded and ridiculed at every turn.
@Betty Cracker:
No baby.
Uh uh.
Prosecutor vs the Felon
Take away Law and Order
Lean into ‘Kamala is a Cop’
Do that Uno Reverse on both.
bring a GUN to a GUNFIGHT
Betty Cracker
@Sister Golden Bear: I hope the poor kid is okay. Thank you for consistently calling out Republicans for fomenting anti-trans terrorism. FL GOP especially are culpable.
TELL IT AGAIN for those in the bleacher seats.
They get no benefit of the doubt.
Lives are at stake.
@Eolirin: Florida – esp – Miami was a haven for tolerance but DeSantis et Al have screwed the pooch. Yes, other places are bad, but Florida’s devolution has made it particularly egregious.
The couch-fucking is a lie. So is everything else about Vance. Meh. Have at it, I say.
@Suzanne: Don’t worry, DWR probably wouldn’t let him in.
@Betty Cracker: my view lines up with yours.
Also, I hope and pray that in the future, we can use this heightened awareness of problems in our justice system among conservative whites to make life better for everyone involved. (ETA: like Roger Stone’s wife was inconvenienced when they came to arrest him. Hmmm. Let’s make that the new limit for distress, not the “it’s okay to murder an ex-gf like Breonna Taylor and shatter her new bf’s life because of a tip about some other guy” limit.)
In the meantime, I LIKE THIS BILLBOARD. (Link goes to DKos story about MadDogPac putting up billboards with the two candidates and two words, PROSECUTOR FELON)
Emily B.
Hard yes on calling out Trump for the impenetrable gibberish that comes out of his mouth. Some of it is dog-whistle stuff, I’m sure, but overall it seems like he just can’t get his thoughts together.
Today, it sure sounded to me like he said (on Fox) that he has plenty of votes and doesn’t need any more!
@Betty Cracker: Given that the history of this nation most emphatically derives from the British tradition, and given that it is the ultimate source of our very notion of law, and justice, given the magnificence of the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and the very Constitution itself… and of course, we must speak briefly of “providence,” the understanding that we may not know “God” or “the gods,” but we can hope to place ourselves on the right *side* of the divine – if divine there be.
Considering all of these magnificent sources reflecting the infinite, seeing the prisms split the infinite to the visibly possible, I think “couch-fucker” should be hyphenated.
@Sister Golden Bear: Anyone in Florida have room for a 17 year old?
Mark Hamill
The emotional whiplash between Joe’s withdrawal on Saturday, to realizing we’re going to elect the 1st woman of color as our next President is probably closest you’ll ever get to knowing what it feels like to make the jump to hyper-space. 🤯
11:54 AM · Jul 25, 2024
@Ksmiami: But they have all revised their return policies
Betty Cracker
@Lyrebird: Love it! There are several pro-Trump billboards in my area. Makes me wish I had the scratch to put up a giant PROSECUTOR – FELON billboard.
If the couch thing is literally something made up and put online as misinfo, and we’re essentially running a post-truth thing here and literally trying to get people to believe it, I’d be a little queasy about that. But as a “well he seems like the kind of person who…” thing, it’s pretty fun.
@NotMax: Mr. Vance, when did you stop pushin’ the cushion?
@Ksmiami: But the comments from Ashley Furniture could not be released because this is a family show ;-)
@Betty Cracker: Frankly, I’d refuse to call him a felon, so as to avoid hurting his fee-fees. “We’re not supposed to call him a convicted felon, because that would stigmatize him. We’re not supposed to think of him as different, and evil, just because he’s convicted. But what can we do? I suppose we could just call it the “f-word” and instead of calling him Trump, we can call him F Trump.”
@Betty Cracker: Don’t tell me — the subtitle is Becoming, and there’s lots in it about her childhood on the south side of Chicago.
@Ksmiami: Sure, I just don’t want people to fall into the trap of thinking this is a problem only of geography or politics.
Youth homelessness everywhere is heavily driven by kids coming out or being outed to their parents.
And violence against LGBTQ+ folk knows no borders.
The north refusing to recognize it’s own racism is a large part of why desegregation ultimately failed to accomplish what it was supposed to. I don’t want us to repeat those mistakes by ignoring that this is a problem in pretty much every community.
@Lily: excellent find!
I’d forgotten about the “furniture shopping” part!
Exactly! Except quit taking it so easy on trumpov and Vance, for Pete’s sake!! ;)
I see on BlueSky the usual suspects are trying to revive the “Kamala is a cop” (as a bad thing) in response to her statement condemning the Hamas graffiti at Union Station. Several of these same users are also saying in the same breath that Israeli civilians aren’t people because they are “settlers”.
If you see young people getting sucked into that stuff, shut it down. No efforts to sow division for 100 days can be allowed to take root.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Betty Cracker:
This guy is running a PAC that puts up anti-Trump billboards:
I’m actually more interested in the likelihood of finding an R operative who actually put a HUMAN FINGER in a bowl of chili.
Seriously, have you *ever* tried to look for someone with that specific need in mind? “Needs to be able to find human finger that is no longer in… uh… active use.”
@Betty Cracker: I wonder if Melania Trump expects her lesser half to lose this November. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.
Tony Jay
I’ve been thinking this over quite intensely for the last few minutes, and I can understand where Vance might be coming from.
Couches are really nicely made. Curves in all the right places. Plenty of zips to hold in that plump stuffing. Nice legs. Creases and gaps a guy can get lost in. Cushiony bits you can move around with your hands to get properly comfortable. You can dress them in a range of different coverings depending on your mood; smooth satin, tactile corduroy… leather.
I mean. All in all, who wouldn’t fuck one?
Never has a presidential candidate metaphorically drooled, onstage, so much, and nobody’s pointed out how full the spittoon is.
Splitting Image
@Old School:
Thanks. I was trying to find another source. Should have looked at the Archive first.
@Tony Jay: Well, me, for starters, I wouldn’t.
“Sofa, so good. In fact, it was divan!”
James Donald BowmanJohn David BowmanJimmy HamelJD VanceBetty Cracker
@Geminid: Every time I see a photo of the scowling Third Lady and her repulsive mate, I imagine a thought-bubble over her noggin that reads, “Why aren’t you DEAD yet?!?”
Purely speculation!
@Betty Cracker:
I strongly disagree with Mr. Meade.
The contrast in the Prosecutor vs the Felon lies in the stereotypes we apply to those labels and how the people occupying those labels defy the stereotypes. The Prosecutor was the elected attorney general from a ‘weak on crime’ state who is a black woman, and the Felon is a wealthy white male.
If those stereotypes weren’t being challenged, then yeah, it’d be a Willie Horton style message, but it’s the opposite of that because it’s designed to challenge that. Why are voters giving the felon legitimacy that they would never extend if that person looked like Kamala Harris, and why are they assuming the Prosecutor is less competent which they would never do if that person looked like Donald Trump.
So no, if you want to remove the stigma, you can’t do that without removing the stereotypes around the label.
@SomeRandomGuy: “You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me. I’ll get you a toe by this afternoon.”
@SomeRandomGuy: Well, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez has sponsored the Preserving Woodworking Traditions and Blocking Government-Mandated Monopolies Act, which is written to protect YOU, yes, YOU from The Big Government That Wants to Keep You From Severing Your Fingers. Maybe you should ask her if she has any spare digits lying around.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
More couchness with an unintended double entendre.
If you’ve lived in Denver for oh, anytime in the last 50 years, you’ll know of American Furniture Warehouse. The CEO, founder and for the longest time, TV pitch man for this company:
Jake Jabs.
I don’t even really like bawdy jokes and the couch thing is funny to me just because… it’s a couch.
It’s ridiculous in the best way.
I was probably one of the ones grumbling, but I’m certainly not telling anyone to stop, (as if anyone has any reason to listen to me). I won’t be joining in, but carry on.
@Eolirin: Trump can get the right to vote once he does his time.
Then he can be like other ex-felons in Florida, owing a debt of gratitude to Meade and his movement. Assuming he could be arsed to vote.
Also, it took me a ludicrously long time to “get it” :)
@KatKapCC: ooh, I like it! Gonna do that too at the college bookstore here (if they bother selling it).
Years ago, I found an Anne Coulter book outside the store in a clearance bin and several pedestrians and I had a great laugh out loud together!
Well put.
@Bupalos: Yeah, but, they lied about everything about Biden, and we’re just fibbing about the best kind of sticky-rat-fucking.
It’s not *as* good as inventing “santorum” to give ol’ man-on-dog a swift exit to every political career he attempts… but it’s close. The point is to get people laughing, and joking, really. When you’re too bent down, too stressed, too dour, and you’re not having fun, you’re already losing the game.
When your opponent is laughing because you’ve got a couch-fucking meme going, they’ve got to figure out a way to fight back, and, suddenly, a blast of lies won’t get them out of the problem.
Remember: Trump’s big thing is “they’re laughing AT US when I’m not President.” Well… we can laugh, now, because he can’t do destructive things until next year at least. And he has always been the ripest target for scorn ever.
Nothing will unbalance him as much as the realization that people really are laughing. At him. Me, I want to start a rumor that a rancid fart is now known as a “donald” in Russia.
Princess Leia
@BR: it is already out there in the left, suggesting she will use Rico to go after protesters like they did to in Georgia to those who were trying to stop CopCity. I hope they are thinking about all that as Gaza is SO huge among the youth voter age folks. She will need to thread a pretty fine needle, and soon.
@Tony Jay: Look, Democrats aren’t shaming him for fucking a couch. We’re the party of ‘love who you love’. We’re shaming him for not being honest with himself, refusing to accept his true self, that he’s objectum-sexual. And he shouldn’t be ashamed of that, he should embrace it. He should have been honest enough with himself to write about it in his book.
And one of the consequences of his unwillingness to be honest about himself is that he’s covering for it by embracing a set of policies that quite clearly seeks to reduce women to the role of a couch. And that’s really unfair and damaging to women just because he’s in the closet, and he’s only there because couches don’t fit in closets and he’s liberated from those temptations.
Martin: just to reply to your comment in reply to mine in the previous thread about the “bro code” and such. There is a real need to get men to campaign to men in support of her. I was curious and watched the youtube video of the Black Men for Harris video call and it was powerful — there’s a certain affirmation that can be provided that way.
I’m just reflecting an undercurrent I see in group text chat among friends, who are all cynical about Harris, with the usual “she can’t win” stuff. Most of the group chat is them talking about sports stuff I could care less about, and despite all being centrist Dem voters (none of them are on the left really), there’s a clear hesitance about Harris. I had to shut it down at least once by saying optimism is self fulfilling just like cynicism is.
@SomeRandomGuy: It’s a lot easier to get a human finger than you might think.
@topclimber: I am undecided on cf-shaming Vance, but I do insist: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s couch”–especially if the neighbor is me.
zhena gogolia
@Geoduck: Yeah, it feels to me like the kind of hysterical “Holy shit, you’ve got to vote” video that everyone was so excited about in 2016. This is serious business. But I don’t really give a flying f–k.
Omnes Omnibus
@SomeRandomGuy: I’ve got a guy….
To these assertions I will vouch:
A kangaroo has got a pouch.
A lazy person has a slouch.
When I’m in pain I holler “Ouch!”
And J. D. Vance once fucked a couch.
Tony Jay
That’s cool. Leaves all the more rampant phwoarniture for me and J.D.
And let me tell you, sofa, so good.
Trivia Man
@Eolirin: Im ok if they keep pushing this PROVIDED THAT every statement they make on the subject includes something like “Former President Trump is a convicted felon of 34 charges but even he should be entitled to vote.”
“Melania Trump is coming out with a new book, written by her speech writers – the famed team: Copy & Paste.”
Back to the Veepstakes talk – the new bit with Beshear talking to a Diet Mountain Dew…a bit much. He’s definitely getting high on his online supply and pushing the boundaries a bit. Even though he is still the most natural political pick, strategically, for the party, I feel like he’s going to slip back a bit. Seems like the vibes around Kelly are picking up. The fact that Whitmer is campaigning in PA on Monday with Shapiro gets my hopes up – part of me wants the Dems to go all-in on the all-woman ticket.
@BR: Right but the ‘she can’t win’ isn’t a product of that.
In 2007, it was white voters that were lifting Obama up as a candidate. Black voters were NOT on board, because they didn’t think he could win. Once they saw Obama’s performance in Iowa, the whitest-ass state in the country, they started to believe and got on the bus, and got on HARD.
So the dynamic I suspect you are seeing isn’t that you have a bro code in your social group that is preventing men from backing Harris, it’s that you’ve over-indexed on the idea that all other men have that code and you won’t be able to convince them. If they couldn’t back Harris due to the code they’d be saying she’s unqualified, not that she can’t win. You have the same problem as black voters in 2007 who overprojected the degree of bigotry on the electorate. My response was to try and break you out of that same thinking. Hillary won the popular vote in 2016. There are enough men who will vote for Harris, we just have to do the work to convince them she can win so they’ll actually vote.
@Sister Golden Bear:
@Omnes Omnibus:
What astounds me is that there is likely enough people that will vote for these shits. I cannot call them human because they are so anti anyone but themselves and they will sell out everyone else for pocket change and the ability to screw over everyone else.
How the hell does humanity in this century have this many people that hate everyone, including themselves? And I say this because they seem to be working to destroy everything but them. Which if they succeed they will have to do so completely because if they take power and have any success at all it will destroy this country. They just might be worse for humanity than Vlad. And at least his greed is mostly monetary. Their concept is to create a society that gives no one anything. No life, no education, no jobs, they are out to destroy life as anyone knows it in this century.
@Tony Jay:
Any davenport in a storm.
@Splitting Image:
It’s probably a paying gig – meaning there is a market for that and people are being paid to be a Democrat turned Trump supporter.
I get absolutely no sense that Whitmer is interested. She’s not auditioning.
@BR: Oh no, how dare she be mean to Hamas!! They’re so sweet and wonderful!!
I really wonder what the hell is wrong with some people that they can get themselves to be vocally and gleefully supportive of a literal terrorist organization. (Rhetorical thought because we know the reason.) And “settlers” my ass.
@different-church-lady: What diet coke thing?
@Martin: Black voters may have been right in 2007. They could not know the financial meltdown was coming the next year. That hurt the Republicans a lot, I think.
Let me put it a different way — this particular group of friends from college isn’t particularly progressive, but like I said they’re centrist Dem voters. Their wives are progressive. They are very bro-y about sports. At least one or two of them didn’t like Clinton because of her voice and because she’s “unlikeable” and I sense in what they’re writing a bit of the same stuff but dialed down a bit.
They will vote for Harris. But what I want to figure out is how to budge them from “eh, I’ll vote for her because Trump sucks” to “she’s the next Obama”. And I know some of their friends — friends of friends — who are pretty similar in voting and personality. So I’m extrapolating that we need a way to reach them peer to peer.
I’m mostly a lurker, but I would like to thank the entire community for the terrific posts over the last few days. I am enjoying reading it all and have not bothered to read anything else online. Keep it up guys you are all doing great!
Trivia Man
@gratuitous: I also vote for distinct, clearly named Olympic open threads. But it isn’t me doong the work to make them so… 🤷🏽♀️
@Betty Cracker: There is a time and a hyphen rule for all seasons.
Couch fucker JD Vance.
That couch-fucking sumbitch JD Vance.
Presumably we’ve all noticed that Trump, Cruz, and Vance all have anus mouths. It’s part of what makes them Backpfeifenesichten, along with being doughy pantloads and, you know, nazis.
I’m almost laughing at your comment at 152.
A very good summery.
Saw a TRUMP sign today beside a “Democratic Coup!” sign. Both were huge and Red, White and Blue!
In the next yard there was a small black and white sign with an arrow pointing back to the big signs: “those aren’t our signs –>”.
I think we’re passed the era of “when they go low, we go high” unless cannabis is involved.
Besides, it’s a damn couch – it’s not like it is an exploited class. I mean, it’s JD Vance, a total dick.
Even at our worse, we are nothing like these assholes whose messaging is actually dangerous especially as augmented by the media.
Tony Jay
Like most righty-uptighty types, Vance likes his off-the-books lounge-love to remain secret, kinky and a little bit dirty.
It’s not worth getting into it if you’re not getting away with it.
@PsiFighter37: I want Beshear in Kentucky. The people there really need him to keep the feral knuckledraggers from ruining their state.
But if Harris believes Beshear adds the most strength to the ticket, she should pick him.
OId Man Shadow
Look, man… folks just spent a month slagging our own guy, one of the best presidents I’ve been alive for as a senile old fart who couldn’t put sentences together.
Don’t start getting squeamish now. Make the fucker deny that he fucks couches. Hell, make him deny that he fucks sheep.
Jump on ever misstep. Scream about every goddamned crazy conservative bullshit these fuckers have put their names on. Make them own Project 2025 and Agenda 47 until it’s the only goddamned thing the media asks them about at every appearance, until your granny who doesn’t watch news knows about that shit and associates the cretins with it.
They bring a knife, you bring a gun. They bring a bigger gun, you bring a goddamned tank.
They drew first blood. Make them fucking regret it. Sherman didn’t stop until he hit the coast. Neither should you and I.
Then, when the fight is over and they’re begging for mercy and offering concessions, then you can have the discussion about how nice we should be offering terms.
“Are you young, in the military, and have no kids?
JD Vance thinks you should not get a vote.”
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Tony Jay:
A couch seems so last year……
sung to Pat Benator Heartbreaker:
🎶 “JD’s a couch fucker, shit slinger, a rat jerker! Wash your hands after you meet him!” 🎶
Every accusation is a confession.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
hahaha – legit LOL’d.
Chet Murthy
@Sister Golden Bear: Who brings a butcher knife to the airport? I gotta wonder if this was premeditated. Ugh. I hope the girl will recover, and goddamn that bastard needs to go away for a long, long, long time.
How does couch fucking even work?? I mean it’s one thing if it’s rich, Corinthian leather but the scratchy, plaid corduroy mess we all had in the 70s would be – well…ouch..
@BR: Do you know who is organizing the menforHarris call?
@Betty Cracker:
If only you had some software on your iPad that could turn that into a reality. Something for all of us to see. :-)
@cain: That’s the spirit.
Imagine young JD Whateverhislastnamewasbackthen watching that old Chrysler Cordoba ad and getting all manually rhythmic as Ricardo Montalban intones about its “fine Corinthian leather” seats.
Or, you know, don’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@Martin: Just call my guy. He’ll set you up. Just tell him I sent you.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
My mom liked that one!!!
I don’t know. I just saw the link.
@BR: Got it. Well, one thing I’ll point out is that sports fans love backing winning teams, and love backing underdogs. Give that angle a shot.
Tony Jay
“Where We Go One, We Go All!”
“Wha…? Woah! Woah! WOAHHHH!”
“Sorry, Mr Vance. Got any Miss Mouths?”
@OId Man Shadow: Sherman reached the coast, turned North, and burned Columbia!
“There has not been such an army since Julius Caesar!”
@OId Man Shadow: Make him deny he had a threesome with a couch and a sheep!
The best political talent of his generation knew exactly what he was doing:
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: I hear the couch left him when it found some suspicious paperwork. Vance was buying another couch on the layaway plan.
@Kay: Oh, I’m glad Obama found something funny in
the whole thingthat rumor.(Edited: I doubt he found anything funny about “the whole thing”.)
Harrison Wesley
Since Jaydee has hit the campaign trail, I suppose he’s bowing out as MC for this year’s Couchella?
Trivia Man
@MomSense: No spoilers – you have to read the book to find out how! The answer may surprise you!
*the original joke did include a specific method. I am not planning to give details until we get an after dark thread. It plays into some specific teen boy legends/ jokes/ DIY advice. Having been a teen boy once i am aware of the advice.
It’s only a sofa if it is from the Sofa region of Kentucky. Otherwise it is just a couch.
He didn’t fuck the couch.
He made sweet, sweet love to the Davenport.
Citizen Alan
@Ruckus: I still think it’s the lead paint.
Then where does doll house furniture come from?
FYI I am not all that uncomfortable bullshitting about Vance’s furniture fetish. As lies go, this is one that was and is meant to be a joke. The original was semi self refuting with page number references.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve moved a LOT of cadavers in my day.
And the market for body parts is largely unregulated. If you know how to find the brokers, you can just order body parts. Like, anyone, because it’s not regulated.
Finger would be ~$100-$500 range if memory serves.
It’s very Obama to be “amused” at rumors.
I’ve said this several times:
God help those kids if JV gets it in his head that they aren’t his biological kids.
Protect Henry Gates Jr if Finding Your Roots finds out something that JV doesn’t like.
That goes for anyone involved with 24 and me, ancestry dot com, MyHeritage, etc.
Notice how we haven’t gotten one of those puff stories tracing back his ancestry to the beginning of time yet? (Maybe it’s too early.)
He seems like the type of insecure man who’d lash out maybe even with physical violence if his self concept of “my dick works” was threatened.
I’ve seen this.
Many years ago, I had a supervisor — white Irish Catholic, #12 out of 16 kids to Catholics who did not believe in birth control.
She was furious when her uncle joked she & her kids might not be 100% white.. I don’t know, maybe it was that she repeated the joke and I had no interest in hearing it. She wanted comfort (that it wasn’t possible) I didn’t give.
I mentioned OOA, (everyone on earth is between 15th and 76th cousins removed anyways) and she turned red and balled her hands into fists. Now, she had about a foot and maybe 60 lb on me and I was concerned she’d actually try to beat my ass so I mentioned the multiregional origin of humans so she’d calm down.
Good point — I didn’t think about that. Thanks.
There’s this thing tonight:
Show Up for Kamala Harris
Sunday night, 44,000 women gathered with Win with Black Women to support Kamala Harris, and they raised over $1 million.
White women, it’s our turn to show up.
JOIN US!!! All are welcome, please share with your people.
Thursday, July 25 | Virtual meeting | 8:30 p.m. ET
[FBI agent assigned to Martin perks up]
@Kay: Well, I wasn’t finding much funny about it.
@Betty Cracker:
I disagree on the hyphenation.
It’s a new swear word, which reasonably describes at least one person that we know of. At least currently one wouldn’t even need to know his name to know who is being discussed. Plus wouldn’t you want to know if someone was fucking your couch?
Hyphenating this term separates the concept of it as in fucking on a couch rather than actually engaging with the couch in a sexual fashion.
@Suzanne: Yeesh. I know a bit of that story. To share, they now have saws that can detect they’ve hit human flesh, and stop, before cutting off a finger.
And while the technology is cheap, there’s strong industry resistance to it. And I don’t know why. I’d assume it’s because of the machinery – you don’t stop a blade spinning at 1000s of RPM in an instant without a mechanical cost. But dude – *FINGERS*!
They care more about a single cell that isn’t even your own DNA, than a finger staying on the end of your hand.
In other news, Sanders is holding off on endorsing Harris because he wants guarantees he will have some influence in her administration.
Biden was the only senator who liked Sanders. Everyone else finds him insufferable. He got plum committee assignments with Biden that he is not guaranteed with Harris.
Anyone who thought he was supporting Biden for any reason other than opportunism is a fool.
@Ishiyama: Then Sherman made it all the way north to Goldsboro, North Carolina. Some of his troops had marched and fought all the way from western Tennessee to Savannah and then through the Carolinas.
Great Pyrenees are smart dogs. If they’re guarding the goats, Vance will never get within the same zip code.
@WaterGirl: Vance made a weird lame joke about liking Diet Mountain Dew gets him accused of being racist.
@Jeffg166: I’m attending! Looking for one for white dudes for Mr. Suzanne.
I wouldn’t call Bernie opportunistic in the way other senators are. He’s ideological and transactional. He wants his issues centered. He will give an endorsement in exchange for that. It’s why he’s an independent — he’s not exactly a team player unless he gets what he wants. It’s what makes him insufferable sometimes but also effective and compelling at other times.
Shouldn’t that be before/after?
She was one of his first and best surrogates in 2007-08. One of his few gaffes was commenting on how attractive she is. He apologized.
Of course he will endorse her. It’s a timing thing. They will have a uuge rally to announce it at the right time.
Here’s one, but I don’t know the organizers and don’t know if there’s a better one:
He is not well liked by his colleagues. Biden cultivated that friendship.
In a 4-3 ruling of perpetual stupidity, the fascist Republicans on the Ohio Supreme Court said Chicken Wings advertised as ‘boneless’ can have bones.
WTF? They then threw out a court case of a guy who suffered medical injuries from a bone stuck in his throat. Further proof GOP only cares about corporations, not people.
with someone like Vance, look at it this way….
it doesn’t talk back
it still will squeak and groan
no post-coitus awkward conversation about how good it was and wasn’t
and it’s not likely to share its secrets about your “manhood”.
@Chief Oshkosh:
As Terry Prachett’s Granny Weatherwax said, sin is treating people as things.
@MomSense: I’ve heard that rubber gloves may have been involved. That should provide prophylaxis.
My inner 12-year-old is giggling uncontrollably ovary “prophylaxis”, but I’m just saying, he probably didn’t need any skin grafts. Of course, he’d need a water based lubricant, to avoid breaking down the latex, and whooo, I hope he kept things cleaned up.
@Suzanne: I’m a woodworker and signed off on all student lab equipment access in my job.
There is not a single woodworker I have ever met that opposed SawStop and comparable tools. Many, many shops will not use saws without brakes now. Many, many insurers will not insure shops that use saws that lack brakes.
In our case we needed to pull saws from use because our insurer dropped coverage after accidents at other universities. Saws with brakes allowed us to reintroduce them.
I can’t believe no one has posted this yet, If I can’t sell it:
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
wingnuts are sayin “the couch was asking for it” because of its provocative upholstery
Martin, I’m seeing in a lot of political analysis basically a mirror of your comment about the chess asymmetry between Harris and Trump. They aren’t realizing the underlying dynamic you highlighted, but it’s playing out and people are seeing it and they are like “wow, she can attack him in ways he can’t defend and he can’t attack her the ways he was attacking before”.
So, I REALLY want Harris to throw out a stump speech line that JD Vance believes that women deserve all the same rights as a couch. That would land so hard.
@Geminid: His LG is a Democrat. Picking Beshear means she gets 2.5 years head start in trying to convince Kentucky to keep the governorship in Democratic hands. It’s a worthwhile gamble, because Beshear will never win a Senate race.
@Martin: As much as that would be entertaining, it would land like a thud outside of Twitter.
@Sister Golden Bear:
That’s horrible.
All too true. Their cultists are being told that people like this girl are both evil and less than human, and that in their minds, that justifies attacks like this.
I hope she can get the help she needs to recover and build a life for herself. I won’t say what I think of her parents, the string of obscenities would break the margins.
@PsiFighter37: Guarantee the audience at a rally would get it.
@PsiFighter37: You sound awful certain about Beshear never winning a Senate face. I think he’s good enough to take Rand Paul. But like I said, if Harris believes Beshear adds the most strength to the ticket she should pick him.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch: Obviously the couch skirt was too short.
Brooklyn Dad Defiant shares a meme that is frickin’ hilarious! 😆
@Citizen Alan:
Never heard that as a side effect of lead poisoning.
A side effect of gross ignorance sure, but not lead poisoning.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
ActBlue has raised $214,576,677 in the last 4 days
Chet Murthy
@MomSense: my memory from 2020 is that one of the reasons Sanders was nice to Biden is that they’re both old farts together. It’s a guy’s club. Hopefully President Harris will blow that shit up. Fucking guys club.
I want her to stay firmly above it all. Let the rest of us go after these GOP degenerates.
@Chet Murthy:
Biden is literally (he loves that word) one of the only Senators who likes Sanders.
@Kay: I thought the other Republican candidate would have a better chance and it sounds like Kendrick thinks likewise. But I don’t think Sheriff Lamb is good enough to beat Ruben Gallego.
@Ishiyama: You can write a 1000 books and is it JD the writer? But just fuck one couch; that’s all they remember you for.
Almost Retired
I think the JD Vance meme brings up some interesting regional linguistic variations. Like the issue of soda vs pop vs coke, the question is whether he’s a couch fucker, a sofa fucker or a davenport fucker. In California where I live now, it’s soda and sofa fucker. Where I was born in Iowa it’s pop and davenport fucker. We are a big and linguistically diverse country.
@Almost Retired:
I’m not opposed to Davenport Diddler.
@SomeRandomGuy: It was her cousin’s.
@Geminid: He might win an open seat race, but he won’t win a Senate race. It also depends on national circumstances, but look at the likes of a Steve Bullock – popular 2-term governor who got destroyed by double digits in a deep-red state at the presidential level.
@Martin: I’m not shaming anybody. The guy likes couches- so what?
@BR: Yeah, I have a lot of experience with institutional politics. It was something I didn’t have much interest in until one of my bosses told me I was very good at it, which was a little concerning to him given I wasn’t trying. I started trying after that.
I tend toward a view that politics is craven, distracting, etc. but I learned that while it can be those things, it can also counterbalance appeal to authority, stereotype, tendency toward non-decision, etc. and be quite powerful as a tool to advance a minoritarian position, overcome institutional bias, etc. I employed a lot of that during my Covid work because holy shit were institutions incredibly dysfunctional during that time. What was always most notable were the lessons when something that looked likely would fail, and something unlikely would succeed, and the lessons there very often came down to that kind of analysis, where opposing policies, approaches, etc. were well matched and could stall out, but where bringing in a party from a different part of the institution could cleave through that effortlessly.
That infuriates me. That poor young woman. I know people who are part of an organization that provides Aunties and Uncles for trans people who need family for life events like weddings and baptisms. Maybe we need parents who will provide homes and family for trans youth who are cast aside by terrible family. I would do it. I’m going to see if there is an organization that does this.
Harrison Wesley
So a “couch potato” is a guy with ED?
Did he take the slip covers off first?
@Betty Cracker: For me, labeling Trump as the felon he is, is an entry point for talking about his pervasive and unrepentant commitment to criminality and crime-adjacent activities.
If Meade wants to also take the opportunity to call out felon negation that’s fine with me. But then let’s also talk about how TFG is a bad example for his cause. It should be more of a “despite bad apples like Trump….” argument
Almost Retired
@MomSense: I think the Davenport Diddler was arrested in the Quad Cities in 2022.
I remember around 2016 an adage that Trump destroys the reputations or lives of those who work for him. (Also, here’s a Gary Trudeau poster w faces of all his eagerly criminal associates now convicted or indicted. Doonesbury: )
Then there was that book “Everything Trump Touches Dies” by a turncoat GOP operative.
Anyway, the destruction of Vance is ahead of schedule. Everything moves so fast these days.
@Almost Retired:
We need Kamala VA polling. She’s up over Biden in NH and NH is fairly “white working class” – I mean, very white and fairly working class. I’m dying to see VA.
Chet Murthy
@Lily: josh Marshall’s “Dignity Wraith”
Are you worried about VA? I know Biden was slipping there, but if she’s not doing well in VA we’re cooked anyway. What I’m waiting to see is what’s going to happen with WI, which was Biden’s stronghold (and I never expected I’d see or say that).
It’s a huge mistake by the press to give him infinite mulligans because “that’s just Trump”.
Alas their accounting departments do not agree.
Well, I am just calling J.D. a couch potato.
Like a kipfler potato, for example.
@Kay: The Wason Center’s Virginia polling seems to be fairly accurate. They’ll have one out soon, and then a couple more before the election. They’ll do the last one right before.
No. But I want to see anyway.
Aziz, light!
Seen at Costco today: MAGAt-hat couple wearing shit-eating grins and “I’m Voting for the Convicted Felon” T-shirts. I’ll assume they won’t be swayed by any ridicule of Don the Con.
@Kay: I fervently wish people would stop using the word “coronation” in any context regarding this process. The connotation of the word is incredibly problematic, and it feeds into the notion from the right (and elsewhere) that Harris doesn’t deserve the nomination.
Biden was down in WI as well. I mean we have a chance now but we don’t have much time and the Olympics will siphon attention from the election.
@BR: I wonder how your group would respond if Travis Kelce endorsed Harris alongside Taylor Swift.
@PsiFighter37: I know about Steve Bullock.
@Betty Cracker:
Under Florida Law, the 34 Felonies Rapist Pedo cant even vote legally for himself.
And Mr. Meade misses a key point. The people who’s rights to vote he fought for, served their time, paid their penalties, ( that they knew about), and many still don’t have the right to vote because the Florida Rethugs changed the rules.
34 Felonies (so far) Rapist Pedo guy has only been convicted, he has not served any time or paid any penalties.
@MomSense: Sanders is gonna be 83 in September. Maybe he’s getting a little soft in the noggin, too >:(
I just googled that and the 1st two entries were pieces by Betty Cracker (crediting JM) :
2018 Dr. Jackson’s Reluctant Conversion to Dignity Wraith
2019 The Latest Dignity Wraith
(The usual stellar BC writing.)
VFX Lurker
Yeesh. Are you in a swing state, perchance?
(…though I wouldn’t be surprised to see shirts like that in our crazy Shasta County here in sunny California).
@MomSense: We’re still pretty far out as far as polling goes. It’s not unheard of to have 10 point swings over the last 90 days of a campaign.
Most notably, there aren’t a lot of likely voter models out there yet. I think GOP turnout will be down from 2020. It’s pretty clear the GOP was relying on Dem turnout being down more, and it’ll be hard for Harris to match the 2020 Dem turnout which was HUGE, but I think we’re much more back on that trajectory. My position is that the ONLY thing that matters is getting that turnout to 2020 numbers. If we get that we win, and we win by a lot.
HAHAHAHA! I did parent three boys -through the um teenage years and of course I did watch American Pie so I get that boys are a little odd at times. I’ve found a lot of guitar picks, change, legos, playmobiles, french fries, and dirt between couch cushions but this is well outside my purview.
I can’t remember if they are pro Kelce or anti Kelce, but I don’t think they’d be swayed — they’re all educated professionals. I think some of them like to vote their pocketbook but also don’t like the GOP’s side of the culture war and they know Biden has been better about both. I think peer group influence is the way to reach them, but I’m not the right messenger because they all see me as the leftmost of the group.
(About sports they’re super opinionated and I know none of the names of the players they talk about — diehards for certain players and hate other ones and always debating what’s going to happen with trades and injuries and whatever. I can’t keep track.)
@Aziz, light!: You’d get a can of peas thrown at you if you did that at Costco here. Take that shit to Walmart.
We are in uncharted waters this year. I’ve been sharing some of the couchbilly comments with my mom. She loves them and said “people are having fun finally” and I think this is an important quality that has been missing until now. For all of our faults, Dems have the creatives, the clever people, the fun people. Can we build the enthusiasm and convert it to the votes we need in such a short time? I don’t know, but I think our odds are far better now.
@David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch:
I can’t find anything about that. Link?
@Anoniminous: ActBlue ticker, tracking donations by week, from Sunday to Saturday
ETA: Scrolling back, the highest week they recorded was Sept 27 2020, with a total of $219,655,343. Looks like we’ll best that this week!
Aziz, light!
@Martin: Portland, Oregon. Sorry if we are not up to your standards.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I have to think given all of the talk about Project 2025 I’ve been seeing online will help somewhat. JD Vance is seen simultaneously as a laughingstock AND a dangerous creep who’s saying bizarre shit that pisses a lot of people off. There’s a lot of excitement. I hope we can sustain it until November.
It’s Tumblr I know, but I’ve seen posts floating around that are positive for Harris
Post 1
Post 2
They talk positively about how progressive she was as a prosecutor, particularly her strong and substantive record on trans rights.
One even reflects on how dumb “Kamala the Cop” thing was in retrospect:
Trump would crush his own children to suit his beliefs. We have folk here asking to go easy on him? Why is it some people think in order to show you are fighting the good and just fight you must do so with one arm tied behind one’s back? Talk about fairytale gibberish.
@cain: thank you! Having the dithers over the potential hurt feefees of a mango mussolini and a chinless fuck who are busy using not so coded language to justify condemning large swatches of people back to second class citizenship or worse. Puleease…
Sister Golden Bear
@Belafon: They need to get her the hell out of Florida once she’s recovered enough to do. There’s a reason why Florida is literally on “do not travel” lists made by and for trans people.
Steve in the ATL
Truly. I’ll be incommunicado once the breakdancing competition begins!
@Steve in the ATL:
Ooooh, I didn’t know you were into poppin and lockin.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Sister Golden Bear:
I had a trans man co-worker go to Florida to train to be a tattoo artist a few months ago. I was flabbergasted why he would even consider doing that
Steve in the ATL
@Martin: I think you mean an 8-pack of cans of peas
Fake Irishman
You know, we Dems aren’t perfect, but over the years, we sure do seem to have made a significant number of what you might term “high-quality hires”, haven’t we?
Thank You
Steve in the ATL
@MomSense: more into sarcasm, but seriously—who thought that breakdancing is an Olympic sport?!
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Martin: Wow – you’re like Walter Sobchak!
Villago Delenda Est
@Aziz, light!:
Accessories after the fact to insurrection and treason.
Fake Irishman
Well I guess we know JD is OK with some forms of birth control.
Vance should do a tell-all with Zach Galifinakis on a very special episode of “Between Two Furns “
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Anoniminous: try this (link)
@Jay: sadly that’s not clear. It wasn’t a federal or FL conviction.
Steve in the ATL
@Aziz, light!: some glass company here in Lexington KY has billboards all over town that urge us to “make glass great again!”—yes, with the quotation marks.
I was not aware that woke DEI libtards had ruined glass.
Villago Delenda Est
@VFX Lurker: Oregon has its pockets of insane people. Places like Gresham (to the east of the ruins of Portland) and Josephine County, home of Art Robinson. Then there’s just about everywhere east of the Cascades, where tumbleweeds outnumber people.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Sister Golden Bear: God, I hope she makes it through. And that she finds love and support waiting for her.
@Steve in the ATL:
Have you tried it? I admit I was a bunhead, but I used to do challenges with my students where if they were able to do some variation I gave them, I would do hip hop or break dance so they could laugh at me.
There was also a very cute boy I dated back in the early 80s when I was in NYC. He was from Brooklyn before it was turned into Epcot Center. I did go to some fun parties and tried my hand at basic BASIC break dancing. It is tough.
@Fake Irishman: Yes, and now the Hiuse Class if 2018 is starting to move up. Rep. Ellissa Slotkin is on track to be Michigan’s next Senator, and Rep. Abigail Spanberger will be a heavy favorite to win the Virginia Governor’s race next year. That was a very talented class, especially the women who flipped red seats that year
Ed. Another member of that Class, Deb Haaland, moved up to Interior Secretary in 2021.
@Aziz, light!: Not a matter of being up to standards, but our Costco has a very liberal customer base – moreso than the community. Just think the difference in that little culture is interesting.
I haven’t seen a Trump sign/shirt/bumper sticker in over a year.
Villago Delenda Est
Then he took a hard left and took extra pleasure in devastating South Carolina.
@Steve in the ATL:
I’ll be watching for the Snoop Dogg content.
@SomeRandomGuy: StopSaw had a patent on the technology and were charging a lot for the use of their patent. Their saws were not cheap, their volumes were not huge, and they quite rightly feared that the Mass and Asian Manufactures would put them out of business if companies like DeWalt or Milwaukee also made tablesaws with the StopSaw feature.
Then via customer feed back, they discovered that most of the people and companies that were buying their saws, were doing it for the quality and other features, that the Mass brands don’t have.
So they released their patents into the wild, and a few years later, realizing that the tech was “free” but nobody else was adopting it, the Government brought in a rule and put a deadline in place.
You will an occasional chair from time to time.
Sister Golden Bear
@Martin: Vance just needs to accept his true self and come out as intersectional.
Well, I won’t ever have to worry about your giving me the finger. You’d want your money first!
VFX Lurker
Fair Economist
@MomSense: I just got rid of a couch my son had left in the garage and holy cow there was a lot of stuff in there! Not just change and wrappers but things that made me wonder “how did so many of these get there?”.
Nothing that makes me think he had joined Vance’s couch lover club, tho.
Fair Economist
@Sister Golden Bear: Good one!
Anthem of the Week 🛋️
“Don’t use ridicule” against the most ridiculous political figure in generations has to be the worst advice ever given to anyone.
@Betty Cracker: On this issue of felons and voting rights, I have a different view. No citizen should ever lose their right to vote. Ever. Politics affects everyone, everywhere, asn we all have a right to have a say in how we are governed. In a more just system, the numbers of prisoners voting should be so low it wouldn’t really matter anyway (if voting doesn’t matter, why are they trying so hard to stop us?). Then that right would not have to be restored. Universal franchise. Prisoners lose enough rights, they do not need to lose that one. It is enacted on a racist premise that more felons are black (and Dem voters), and black people should not be able to vote.
MAGA terrorist arrested.
Not arresting these yahoos fast enough.
Sister Golden Bear
@Chet Murthy: Apparently the man accused of stabbing that poor trans girl was unhoused and also living at the airport. Don’t know much else about his backstory other than he’d been arrested in Miami-Dade County on low-level offenses in 2023.
princess leia
Do you think Vance will be dropped for Haley? She’s all over the news today.
Cognitive dissonance + admitting TFG is STUPID:
“Everybody is excited about her & that scares me” + “they need to outsmart her.” SAME WOMAN not ~1:30 later, “she’s not that smart” & agreeing w/ everyone else if she wins it won’t be an honest result.
So if Harris ” not that smart” and she can’t possibly win honestly why are you afraid that “everybody is excited about her”?
Racism is so weird.
ETA: I’m not sure why another commenter Wisconsin teacher is so for Trump, given the beating Wisconsin teacher unions have taken. Her comment about being fired is just…lady you work for a union. Unions have more protections from being fired than at-will people.
Sister Golden Bear
Make that fewer rights. Because it’s true.
@Sister Golden Bear:
Jesus fucking Christ
Not only the attack but also the scum shit “parents” who kicked her out of her home.
Chet Murthy
@princess leia: that’d be …. interesting. A woman, and one o’ dem dusky-hued types, a furriner [chew chew spit] if’n I ‘member right.
If there’s a VP debate it’d be lit, what with all Haley’s harsh (and accurate) criticisms of TCFG. And her adverts would make great footage for Dem ads. Of course, I think it’s better if C(ouch)F(ucker) Vance stays in.
Best video I’ve seen all day. Brit version of The Daily Show.
The Mash Report message to conservatives everywhere! 😆
Pretty good statement from Harris on Gaza — threads the needle (to my eye, anyway):
@Shakti: In America, there’s also a bigger stigma about having even “one drop” of Black ancestry, including things like “and check the hair! Sometimes the SKIN can fool you, but the hair reveals the truth”.
There are a lot of people, taught from childhood, that Black people are a different race, and should be kept separate from whites, in the sense of “no breeding”. I can’t speak for your situation, obviously, but it might be relevant. Someone taught that premise, even someone who thought it was BS, might see it as a particularly nasty thing to say.
I won’t say everyone who talks about the Confederacy or their “heritage” is a believer that Black people are a literal other race, but, seriously: how do you justify slavery otherwise? You can’t. And typical Republicans won’t go for “relative to their time, and the teachings of their society, blah blah blah” because it already won’t fit on a bumper sticker.
When I was young, I didn’t believe that people like that – true believers in divinely created racism – really existed. They do. It doesn’t make a lick of sense to me, but, I was raised by a decently liberal mom.
Heh. This is probably a bit about what Nietzsche meant about the abyss staring back into you – when you realize there’s such moral vacuity in the world, it’s like, “maybe nice guy rules don’t work against this.” They do, but just like fighting any set of bad guys, it’s slow, painful, and it seems unfair that our enemies are so surprisingly dedicated to believing biblical bigotry.
Sister Golden Bear
There’s a huge need for this. LGBTQ+ kids make up a huge percentage of the unhoused kids living on the streets, and trans kids are about half of LGBTQ+ total.
Sorry, don’t remember the exact numbers offhand, but they’re shocking. Many of both these trans and queer kids end up engaging in survival sex/sex work to get by. This also includes queer/trans youth who are over 18, and therefore aren’t eligible for foster care.
@princess leia: No.
The right wingers are frothing themselves over JD Vance’s marital and child having choices so I can’t imagine Haley being slotted in.
Or Haley accepting it and being the third choice VP candidate. :
Then again, Haley abandoned her self respect a while ago.
Villago Delenda Est
@Martin: Good. More of this, please.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Sister Golden Bear:
That’s fucking horrible
princess leia
@Chet Murthy:
Lol thank you! interesting on so many levels! agree that Vance is so bad it is good for us.
I read a New Yorker profile on Vance and that couchfucker deserves every sneer and joke thrown his way. His views on women and his worship of “2 parent, 1 income families” is horrifying. How someone who was raised by a strong grandmother can have such archaic views of women is amazing. He is anti-abortion, anti-birth control and anti working women. And his snide cracks about people who don’t have children make me seethe. I’m married 37 years in September and we are both proudly child-free. And no disrespect to the folks on BJ who have kids, but we all need to be able to choose our own path in life.
@Sister Golden Bear: The attacker just happened to be packing a butcher knife? Unh huh. Sounds premeditated to me.
@Sally: And in the irony of ironies – we could have a President who is not permitted to vote!
(yes, I know, FL, but …. )
princess leia
Hard to see the integrity there at all. Do you think Vance will be dropped? Maybe Elon will audition.
@different-church-lady: Sunday.
Sister Golden Bear
Saw a big booth at a major intersection across the street from Stanford University. I’m not sure if it’s a troll or naive optimism, given Palo Alto is deep, deep blue. Yeah we’ve also got our Peter Thiel types, but that’s not a huge market.
I’m tempted to circle back to ask if they’ve got any “Felon 2024” and “Breeders for Vance” t-shirts. Because yeah, I’m that petty.
Citizen Alan
@BellaPea: My theory: People like vance are psychologically broken by the internalized suspicion that their mothers would have been much happier in life if they’d been aborted and that the world might be a better place without them in it.
@princess leia: The MAGA people hate Haley. I don’t think Trump would go that way. And under these circumstances Trump might not be able to land candidates who might have accepted the VP slot if Trump had made the offer before the convention. His prospects looked consiflderably better then.
If he decides to make the switch, Trump will find some ambitious politician who’s wiliing but they might not be much better than Vance.
But Vance sure is a clunker. I thought well, he can’t be as bad as DeSantis because no one could be but now I’m not so sure.
@BellaPea: Plus, to add to the obvious, you already had a stake in America, if you happen to be living in it, childfree or “quiver full.” You will, perhaps, meet children, or, teens, or, younger-than-you people, and you likely will want the world to be okay for *them* too. I mean, seriously: you can’t care about your best friend’s kids?
@Betty Cracker: I’d say Mr. Meade should come back once the Donald has served his time.
Chet Murthy
@SomeRandomGuy: Even out of pure self-interest[1] we childless have an enormous stake in the prosperity and well-being of the next and following generations: when we are old who will wipe our bums, feed us, build our shelter, make our clothes, fix the roads, staff the hospitals, take care of us, when we cannot do those things for ourselves? You can’t eat money after all.
[1] And I stand firm on the position that part of being a progressive is being able to see past one’s own self-interest, to the greater good, b/c we believe we’re all in this together.
Total respect to you both! Didn’t take it as anything against my family, which is pretty much kid-dominated, and I appreciate your using your intestinal fortitude to read that profile. Yecch. And I wanna add that as someone who wanted to be a mom for my entire life, his put downs of people who don’t have children are disgusting to me, too! And should be to anyone who claims to care about children!
I am SO GLAD he pulled some of that shyt against Taylor Swift, who unlike me is tall, blonde, gorgeous, and internationally famous. So glad bc it is blowing up in his face!
And no insult – you could be just as tall and blonde and gorgeous as TS :-), or maybe just regular folks. But for election purposes, JDV insulting the Sagans – who I think were vocal about choosing a child-free life together – is not going to move any normie voters like the public idiocy of slamming an icon!
unhoused people often have a weapon for self defense. A kitchen knife get’s a pass from the KKops who hassel them as long as they insist it is “only for food and cooking”, where any other knife is seen as being a weapon.
In part it’s because “troll bashing” is endemic, and also because there are some sketchy people in any group of unhoused people and there are outside people who prey on them.
And of course, any Democratic PAC can file the same type of “paper terrorism” lawsuits the ReThugs were threatening.
@Sister Golden Bear:
I have two bedrooms and a lot of love. I’m going to look into this.
zhena gogolia
I tried the couch thing on a normie tonight at dinner. They couldn’t even understand me, and to the extent they did, they thought it was stupid.
David 🌈 ☘The Establishment☘🌈 Koch
@Citizen Alan: The couch would have been better off if Vance had never been born.
Not at all. You just need the whole quote. (Or should have been quote):
” When they go low, we go high. And then stomp down. Hard.“
The Lodger
@HumboldtBlue: I need to get a reference to “sectional intercourse” into this thread somehow.
@Jay: Thanks! I just saw this, and (with CFS) had never had the energy to look up the current state of the saw, so to speak. Sounds like my info was way old.
(That happens a lot. Information sticks to my head, but the year in which I learned it isn’t usually relevant.)