Sent to me by AM in NC :
My text group of politically engaged women friends just forwarded this around to our group for us to sign up tonight. Thought I’d send it to you to pass on to the jackaltariat. I think Shannon Watts (behind Moms Demand) is one of the organizers.
Who wants to join the call, and who wants to attend and write up a guest post about it?
Also, who thinks that a White Men: Answer the call is next?
Open thread.
Not my lane..
Hope you get a good turnout of sincere people.
One short note: How many white allies, i.e., public officials have been calling out the DEI attacks on V.P. Harris for what they are. Please post. It seems to be rather silent in that space.
mali muso
I signed up and hope to be able to join.
Villago Delenda Est
I’ve already answered the call to the tune of $5 a week from now until November.
I’m torn on showing up. I don’t usually do any kind of web meetings so I would normally bow out. OTOH, I want to show support for Harris. I’ll keep it in mind and at least throw some money in.
LOL literally
zhena gogolia
@Villago Delenda Est: My monthlies to Biden seem to have rolled over to Harris.
Gov Walz did good pushback on the DEI stuff.
Signed up and sent it around to a few friends and family! Hoping there will be strong attendance.
I hope someone organizes a Veterans for Harris call. And they should invite John Cole.
@Lobo: If Kamala is a DEI hire, let’s get some more!
DEI is not a term Republicans get to trash.
Diversity: News flash, it’s where the world is heading.
Equity: Yeah, minorities wouldn’t need affirmative action if the US paid back all their stolen labor, freedom, economic and residential freedom ET Fukin Cetera for the past 400 year.
Inclusion: Because when your world is burning up you need everyone on board you can get to fix it.
You don’t have to be far along the woke spectrum to get that.
I just passed the link on to the dozen or so white women in my circle.
AM in NC
Thank you for posting this, and I would volunteer to write up the Zoom but I have a class tonight, so I’m going to be one of the people looking to read a write-up after the fact!
Couldn’t sign up because webinar has reached maximum capacity, so that’s good!
@topclimber: I’d like to see reporters ask them: “So are you saying these are BAD things? You’re against equity and think certain people should be treated as lesser-than? You don’t like inclusion and think certain groups should be excluded and that should be legal? What is it about diversity that makes you so uncomfortable?”
Make them say it explicitly. I know they’ll still weasel out of it, but put ’em on the spot.
Good opportunity to headline Blue Man Group.
Environmental groups ‘ecstatic’ over Kamala Harris’ candidacy and California climate record
Christ on a cracker, huge wildfire is burning an area north of Paradise, CA that managed not to be burned to a cinder during the fatal Camp Fire.
I hope they turn this sort of thing into communication with Gen Z. Someone needs to bridge that communications divide, because Biden was getting zero credit for climate policy among young voters despite real accomplishments.
Worth a repost. Our founding principles (ideals) and even the Statue of Liberty are DEI.
@rikyrah: Girl…same
What I hope is that they also have Black women as consultants for the call and have Black women speakers on the call as well when they discuss strategy and what not.
Particularly if they are going to talk about coordinating with the Divine 9 and folks within what looks like a multicultural coalition for Harris/???White guy (we all know it will be)
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@SuzieC: Was on a call last night, in the hour before Biden’s speech, with an organization called Force Multiplier. They had to ask Zoom to up their limit because they hit their previous limit (which I think was 1000)..
VFX Lurker
I signed up last night. It required entering my contact information. If they ask me to volunteer, I will request one of the introvert jobs (ex: data entry).
Looking forwards to learning what I can.
Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) posted at 10:39 AM on Wed, Jul 24, 2024:
Democrats won’t stake the election on this message, but it’s true:
Supply-side disruptions made inflation almost as int’l as the pandemic. But while it’s hard to say any western country “won” COVID, the US clearly “won” the recovery, and the incumbent deserves credit for that.
Hey you. If I knew Kamala would have brought you back, I would have supported Biden stepping down from the start.
I’m away right now but will be back full time next week.
That’s right! These discussions need to be had.
Daniel Wessel (@da_wessel) posted at 5:52 AM on Thu, Jul 25, 2024:
Steph Curry on Kamala Harris:
“Hopefully with her on the ticket, we’re winning the election. It’s a big deal, to say the least.”
Villago Delenda Est
We’re not doing much better here up north in Oregon, though most of the action is east of the Cascades. Still, threatening smoke seen to the east in Tracktown over the last few days.
Madam Auntie VP Kamala Harris for PRESIDENT! (@flywithkamala) posted at 8:11 AM on Thu, Jul 25, 2024:
Now every time the GOP talks about “freedom” they will unintentionally promote VP Kamala Harris’s campaign centered on it. #BidenHarrisChess
@Trollhattan: Oh, no. Not Paradise.
Any volunteers for someone attending the call to write something up for us about the call?
I would join, but my bedtime is 9pm. I’m not that old, but you wouldn’t know it from my lifestyle!
mali muso
I’ll do my best to summarize – depending on how long it runs, I may also have to head to bed. :)
A Good Woman
I signed up right away when the link came out. Happy to take a shot at capturing the call.
@TBone: How about this repost, from Ulysses Grant:
This is from a letter Grant wrote to his father after the surrender of Fort Sumter.
@Geminid: 👍
VFX Lurker
If I don’t get sidetracked (it’s 5:30pm Pacific Time), and if I can write something that others may find useful, I will email it to you.
Looking forwards to the summaries from others upthread.
@mali muso: You don’t have to write it up tonight. :-)
zhena gogolia
@Baud: My mental health has suffered sorely from your absence. And geg6 has left the blog.
@A Good Woman: @mali muso: @VFX Lurker:
Would love multiple perspectives. Remember when we had 4 different people live-blogging the Adam Schiff zoom – that gave us a much fuller picture than any one person could have done.
I will happily make a guest post compilation!
@zhena gogolia: For awhile. Until she is in a better place.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: I miss her.
@Baud: Hello, hello!
As ya’ll may recall, Kamala has always been my gurl, and I love Joe Biden. Was damn sure prepared to vote for him again. Will never NOT be pissed off about how this all went down, but ultimately I have to believe Joe Biden at his word that this was ultimately HIS decision.
And I appreciate Joe on purpose or not (I’d like to believe he was purposeful) endorsing Kamala instantly to get this ball rolling.
Like I said, Kamala has alway been my girl. My vote for Joe Biden in 2020 was going to happen whomever he chose, his choice of Kamala also ensure not only my vote, but me actually willing to volunteer for that campaign and help GOTV in my own small way.
The fact that I get to keep doing what I’ve always wanted, getting Kamala Harris in the oval office, is bittersweet, but I’m ready to fight.
So yeah…I’m back :-)
I’ve already signed up.
And fuck yes, there should be a “White Men Answer The Call” set up– you guys vote too, don’t you?
Villago Delenda Est
@Gemina13: Haven’t missed an election since I was eligible to vote, and that includes overseas stints.
@Trollhattan: An arrest has been made in that fire. Not sure if it was deliberately or carelessly set.
I got in! Couldn’t this morning. Yay! I sent the invite via email to every left leaning woman in my contact list. It’s super cool to know Juicers will be there too with me.
I signed up for the call and will join with my mom. She is the best phonebanker I’ve ever had. Extreme extrovert. We had to order some merch too. She’s fired up!
Regine Touchon
@WaterGirl: I’ll take some notes too.
@Martin: Oh shit, it’s way, way worse than one could imagine. Plus the fire has doubled in size since this a.m.
For the uninitiated, “Chico Man” is a close analog to Florida Man ’round these parts.
Trivia Man
@topclimber: Re: equity. Red lining mortgages was openly and explicitly practiced until about 1980. It is still very much practiced now but they have to use a fig leaf at the very least.
My suggestion for evening it up – property tax exemption for affected neighborhoods. That would escalate prices in that neighborhood and encourage upgrades on the houses with neglected maintenance. But only taken by owner occupied primary residence people. Raise the rates in other neighborhoods to counter the shortfall.
I thought I already saw a white man’s call link?
Shame its full. I presume they will have to do multiple because it’s amazing they can pack as many on the zoom calls as they do, but a national campaign is going to need more.
Times keep changing.
I joined! I can’t wait.
la caterina
@WaterGirl: Where do I click to sign up?
la caterina
@la caterina: Never mind. Found the link.
Well — I’ve been trying for three solid days and I can’t register. Don’t know what’s going on. I’d really like to sit in on the call this evening, but their system just won’t accept my registration. So I hope some BJ-er who participates can share notes with us later.
@zhena gogolia: I could pass a note to her if you wanted to write something at some point.
@Regine Touchon: Thank you!
Pink Tie
I just got in a few minutes ago — try again!
Erin in Flagstaff
I signed up this morning. My sister, aunt, and cousin are also attending (there are some smart women in my family)!
Regarding the “white women 2024” zoom call, my daughter tells me there are 100k on the call and it’s bumped to YouTube.
Search on the quoted phrase above and it should come up. Seems very good so far.
Some real emotion and fierceness on display.
They’ve raised over $1m just now. And Pink just came on.
@topclimber: BRAVA! You nailed it.