Heritage in disarray, but their spirit will live on:
A leader of Project 2025 is stepping down from his role amid a power struggle over potential government staffing if Donald Trump wins in November.
Paul Dans, the director of the project housed at the Heritage Foundation, “will be departing the team”, according to a statement to the Guardian from Kevin Roberts, the president of Heritage Foundation. Dans is leaving “after pressure from Trump campaign leadership” and an “ongoing power rift over staffing control” for a second Trump administration, Roger Sollenberger, a reporter for the Daily Beast, wrote on X.
That’s the Guardian. The Post is reporting that Project 2025 is winding down its work, not a big surprise since they already shat out their 900 page manifesto.
Those fucks were really measuring the drapes in the Oval Office, weren’t they? Fighting over the who’s going to be on Trump’s staff in July is like a bunch of red pills fighting over baby names. More evidence: Politico just published this story Trump would ‘absolutely’ scrap Biden’s Air Force One colors, adviser says.
Contrast the terrible job Trump’s campaign did in the last few weeks to the last week of the Harris campaign (which is basically Biden’s campaign staff, but working for Kamala).
Edit: And like clockwork, Trump’s no-good terrible staff comes out with a statement that Project 2025 is dead at the same time that Project 2025 says their work will continue.
Not more than half an hour ago I was told by valued commenters on this very blog that Biden didn’t even have a campaign.
Great googly moogly, did you just bigfoot yourself?
Damn it. I saw the title and thought J. D. Vance was stepping down as VP candidate.
How can anyone in the US take Trump and his team seriously at all.
Identifying that you would change the colours of Air Force One? That’s a priority?
@Chris: That was my first reaction too.
I’ve wondered if TCFG would waste money redoing AF1 if he got elected, and figured he probably would since for him everything is about him and what he wants.
I thought JD Vance was stepping down too, that would make me sad because at this point I think he’s good for shaving a couple of points off TCFG’s numbers.
Don’t kid yourself. They are not stopping. Their evil henchmen will still be at work trying to destroy The Constitution.
Trump could care less about policy, and evil people like Stephen Miller will absolutely implement these disastrous proposals. Kevin Roberts has to be driven out of public life.
@different-church-lady: The thing that is true is that neither candidate was campaigning the way it was done in 2016 and before. They were campaigning more like what happened in 2020. I do think in a way we’ve forgotten what a real campaign looks like. TCFG was doing a couple of rallies a week, and almost phoning those in. He was playing golf and shitposting on social media the rest of the time.
The horrifying thing is that probably 35% of the US does. What is the matter with those people?
Someone mentioned this on twitter yesterday but I can’t find the original tweet, but I did find the clip.
shirley chisholm before passing away predicted a woman would become VP and then ascend to be President
Yes, because he designed a color scheme that was rejected. He is butt-hurt and it’s not fair! And it’s weird, also too. And not fair!
It’s been one hell of an underbussing for the P2025 folks. You love to see it.
And what’s with the giving a shit if people have kids or not? It’s not like they believe in any services or benefits like paid parental leave to support larger families. I swear, next we’re going to hear about plans for a national Mutterehrenkreuz award or something. It will be a huge gold medal with a picture of Trump next to a giant vagina giving one of his big, stupid grinning thumbs-up.
$8 blue check mistermix
Gerald Ford did, too…
Oh thank god, I thought this was a post announcing that Vance was off the ticket!
If we don’t pay attention to people having kids, then the right kind of people, IYKWIMAITYD, risk being outbred by the wrong kind of people.
You might call it a replacement. Although personally I think it’d be great.
Yeah he did.
zhena gogolia
@Chris: Me too.
I appreciate on some level that this is exactly the kind of color-scheme-switch that you’d use in a movie to signal that you were in a mirror universe in which good things were now evil, or to signal that the good organization was now under evil management, or whatever. Light blue paint scheme replaced by a darker one with red featuring prominently.
Sister Golden Bear
Watch for the 2025 Project to launch shortly—which our courtier classs will assure us is totally different.
I’m becoming convinced they are gonna try to get this into the House. One state, one vote, we lose. It could be a KH landslide and these Evil fucks are going to do Evil things (because the tax cuts sunset).
ETA: I hope we have a shitload of lawyers ready.
@Sister Golden Bear: Exactly.
Sister Golden Bear
As they themselves have said, Trump hurts the people they want hurt.
This is such bullshyt.
They are not stepping down. Or stepping away. Or whatever lie they’re trying to tell.
Hell no.
This is still the plan. They just didn’t think average people would be looking into it like they have.
Let’s GOOOO!
Harris takes 4-point lead in Pennsylvania; Casey up 5 on McCormick: poll
It’s TCFG priority. He tried to change the color during his
firstonly term. IIRC, the blue paint he wanted was too weighty for the plane to fly – or something akin to that.Baud
@Sister Golden Bear: Agree. The planning continues, but offstage. The Eichmanns and other “grownups” of the GOP will keep working while Trump’s idiot followers and Trump himself poise to flex over how America’s renewed greatness is implemented via an Air Force One paint color change.
@Chris: You weren’t the only one! LOL
@different-church-lady: There’s been a lot of that, lately.
I saw it on MSNBC yesterday. I think on Nicolle Wallace’s show? I thought that was awesome, and prophetic… 1972, I believe.
Jessica Valenti has done an excellent comprehensive article on Project 2025 and Abortion.
She goes deeper into all the ways Project 2025 comes after women.
I hope one of the Frontpagers sees it, and decides to highlight it.
Villago Delenda Est
I approve this message. Mass deport MAGAts to Russia, yesterday.
as seen on BSky
the gist is that by publishing their manifesto, the Heritage Foundation has violated their 501c3 tax status.
you could download their project 2025 from their webpage, attach it to IRS form 13909 and challenge their tax exempt status.
So the one guy decided to fall on his sword and they think that will fool us all, including the media?
I’m not so sure that is going to work. Well, maybe with the media.
But what will the new name of the 889 page (a few pages removed) report be called?
“The Better Future Project”
“The Best Future Project”
“The Greatest Future Project”
No, those aren’t quite right. Someone from the Dubya era needs to get on that since the GOP was so good at titles that were the opposite of the law or policy that the title was named for during those four awful years.
Villago Delenda Est
@Jackie: This is the utter dipshit who wanted marble countertops in the lavatories of his Trump Shuttle planes. Obviously has never learned one of the lessons of Monty Python and the Holy Grail: “It’s a simple question of weight ratios.”
But we still have Agenda 47. (Not for a second do I think P2025 has been scrapped.)
Villago Delenda Est
This this this this THIS.
Why are we still valuing commenters on this blog?
Villago Delenda Est
They’re weird creeps.
@Baud: I think we have to until the new barcode reader/scanner thingy gets delivered.
@Scout211: Thousand Year Reich?
@matt: the only poll that matters is election day – GOTV hard! Check those voter registrations in the red states.
I _want_ Texas! Take their electoral votes and the GOP will fucking lose their shit so badly because the presidency will be forever closed to them.
Project for a Brighter Future
@Sister Golden Bear:
this this
a thousand times
And, in all the Cletus Safaris, none of those ‘journalists’ have made it as plain as you did here.
@skerry: I’m very glad it wasn’t that, because literally anyone but Vance would help Trump more than Vance does.
Like many above my first thought was “Vance out?” and my second was “NOOOO! It’s TOO SOON!”
We need at LEAST another week of Vance doing unspeakable things to furniture, insulting women, and sticking his feet in his mouth and wiggling his toes! And of tying him ever more firmly around the Felon’s wattled orange neck.
He can’t leave yet. He hasn’t done enough damage!
I need to run, so I can’t track down the link, but Harris’s campaign has a great response to Trump’s claim that Project 2025 is over. Lol no, it’s not.
Musk did this 😡
My guess: Bibi talked to him during his recent US visit and said, “I like your work, come do the same thing for us.” and there it was.
Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride
@Dangerman: They’ve already said they’ll sue everywhere they can to keep our new ticket off the ballot. I’m sure Kay (and every other election law expert) is right that there’s no basis for those suits under existing law. But that last phrase is the kicker.
As we know, it takes just one loony right wing judge to buy one cockamamie theory to rule against us. Even if an appeal immediately stayed the ruling it could still create a lot of confusion. Or, if they lost in all the lower courts, they could try to stretch the appeal process out past Election Day. Or the Supremes could grab one of those appeals and either issue an instant ruling against us or drag things out further by requesting briefing on some theory even the plaintiffs hadn’t dreamed up. In any event, if there are “unresolved legal issues” as of January 6, the R’s could refuse to certify Harris’s election because “we don’t even know if she’s a legitimate candidate.”
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: You have to know these things when you’re a king.
“A user report”? Such power for a lowly Twitter drone.
@rikyrah: A number of comments saying that when people tried to post it on FB, it got removed as “spam”. Zuck sucks >:(
...now I try to be amused
The goateed mirror-universe Trump must be so good it would be hard to suspend disbelief.
Biden can federalize the election, and count the votes himself. Supreme Authority, Bitches!
@Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride: Judge Cannon just got back from the gym and rarin’ to go.
@Ishiyama: I like it. Dark Brandon’s Final Act.
Oooooo! And that totally would also cover his very very very important and compelling Interior Design manifesto. I mean, otherwise, Weird Eye for the (ever-so) Straight Guy?
Timothy Snyder
Ohioans gather 700,000 signatures to end gerrymandering in their state. On the ballot this November.
@rikyrah: this; once you start looking into it, you realize how utter nuts it is. There’s sections that contradict each other on stated objectives and goals. I said this in the mega thread below, but it’s a non-serious document from non-serious people. The entire documents purpose is a blue print on how to 1) politicize the entire federal government (eliminating decades long experience for toadies) and 2) deregulate basically everything. It’s the usual conservative fantasy that if you just eliminate the government, while also making the president a dictator, then ofc you’re going to unleash the power of the common man. It’s just utter bullshit.
And after reading the sections on the military, and Veteran’s benefits… just absolute fire the motherfuckers into the sun. Cosplay military asshats.
One might have thought we’d learned.
How weird are the Vanceguard techbros? Let me count the ways.
@piratedan: You can’t get it on their site, and it’s sold out. Peter Thiel must have bought them all up.
@lamh47: Yeah, I’ve mentioned that in other countries this is quite often how they get their first female leader. Not always, there are prominent exceptions, but it happens this way a lot. NY got their first female governor this way, OR got theirs. And usually after that getting re-elected or another woman getting elected is kind of NBD.
Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride
@Trollhattan: I like it, too, but it may be just a mite implausible. I’d be happier if someone could show me why this scenario is actually impossible.
Not sure that’s correct. 501(c){3)’s can advocate for policy changes.
@Chris: Me too!
@Dadadadadadada: I would not bet any money on that. Every one of them seems to be awful when looked at. Just slightly different awful. And Trump is not attracted to nice respectable…real old fashioned conservatives. Neither are his followers. If there is a 2nd attempt, it will also be bad. I hope we are ready with oppo research if that happens. If he starts doing badly enough, he might have to pick someone so unlikely that we didn’t research ahead of time. Because if the polls are bad enough even some republicans are smart enough to turn him down.
Hey snooze media! MAKE. TRUMP. SPELL. OUT. WHICH. PARTS. OF. PROJECT. 2025. that he agrees with, and which parts he doesn’t!!
He claims to have read it, not read it, agrees with it, disagrees with it, etc etc etc. ASK. THE. QUESTION.
Here’s my go-to piece on how there’s no way to separate the trumpov campaign and Project 2025, aptly titled, “The Impossibility of Separating Trump from Project 2025”
@rikyrah: Exactly!
And if Trump was not lying when he claimed to have nothing to do with Project 2025, how come his campaign is cancelling it? And if his campaign is cancelling it now, then he was lying then (when he claimed P25 has nothing to do with him) and he was lying then, who is to say his campaign is not lying now and that Project 2025 is still his plan?
West of the Rockies
And don’t forget Level 42.
@cain: I too have been dreaming of Texas going blue!
So I guess I must be the only one who glanced at the post title, misread the last word, and thought “OMG, QuiltingFool is stitching up Human Menstrual Tracker designs now. DO.NOT.WANT.ON.BED.”
@West of the Rockies: because there’s something about you?
@Scout211: Oopsie. Correction! I’m surprised jackals haven’t jumped on my mistake here.
They are not underbussed. Their job is done, 900 pages of policy have been published and distributed, and will be enacted in the next ReThug Admin, so it’s time for a summer break, then on to Project 2026 “Facist Boogaloo 2.0” where they come up with policies to “deal” with all those people they can’t deport, etc.
@Ramona: Me too. Every time we have an election, I think, maybe this time…..
ETA: It’s why I send a small monthly contribution to Beto’s group, Powered by People. They are committed to registering voters and getting them to the polls.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Ramona: I think the appropriate approach is to question whether his short term memory is failing every time he says he never said something he’s been recorded saying. Polls already show a majority of voters think he’s too old. Push a narrative that he’s old and senile and losing it. Basically do to him.what they did to Biden and use his I’ve never heard of that and I never said that reversals as the receipts. It gets that info out there and attributes it to him in a way that will drive him nuts.
Matt McIrvin
@NorthLeft: Right after Biden took office, I recall somebody asked Jen Psaki if Biden was going to change the Air Force One color scheme back, and I recall Psaki said something like “I assure you, the last thing on the President’s mind right now is Air Force One’s paint job.”
@matt: Woo hoo! Go Team Blue!
One of the earlier cheer out loud moments of the Biden administration was when they dumped the plan to replace the classic Kennedy AF1 colors with an attempt to turn AF1 into a gaudy copy of Trump’s trashy plane. They gutted Jackie’s rose garden but didn’t succeed in trashing her plane decor.
BTW, did you see that another clip has surfaced of JDV calling the childless sociopaths? Isn’t it weird that the thing he brags on the most is him taking credit for his wife’s achievement? Hey dude, did you tote those little nuggets for nine months? Then sit down and shut up.
@KatKapCC: One of the lead guys at Meta worked on 2025, so…
And, Biden’s ABOVE THE LAW!!!
@Josie: The Senate campaign against Ted Cruz might just do it this time….
That’s awesome!
(One down and only 49 states to go!) I have no idea how many states are gerrymandered.
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: That sounds like a good thing to do! He’s a senile pawn of Heritage…
@Ramona: He already tried the Schedule F (?) part of Project 2025 when he was the lame duck POTUS.
Summary at Wonkette, https://www.wonkette.com/p/rachel-maddow-flashlight-under-chin
And also here:https://www.american-doom.com/p/exclusive-pro-trump-swing-state-election
The Democratic Party is going to need a lot of good Lawyers, because Mark Elias won’t be able to handle this alone, and there may be a need to “seize” the ballots in some counties.
@Baud: I think even you might concede that this is not just a “change” to policy when it’s a comprehensive overview of remodeling the country via a 900+ page publication as a guideline to how the GOP should legislate.
@SiubhanDuinne: hahahaha stay out of my lane! If she makes that quilt, I get dibs!!
ETA I’ve wanted a Team Menstrual Cycle bike jersey for ages and can’t find one anywhere
Mike in NC
Fat Bastard and his Heritage henchmen cannot be allowed to distance themselves from Project 2025, a blueprint to make him fascist dictator for life and subvert the Constitution.
Michelle (@LoneStarLeft) posted at 2:07 PM on Tue, Jul 30, 2024:
Trump’s Project 2025 bans chemotherapy for women. https://t.co/pM6No25KbR
Kamala’s 🎶MOVING ON UP!!!🎶
Brandon Ames (@B_Ames21) posted at 1:10 PM on Tue, Jul 30, 2024:
Simone Biles is not a generational talent. She’s so good that they had to create a new difficulty level to score her. She has multiple moves named after her. She’s not a generational talent. She’s the best to have ever existed. And we’re all blessed to be able to witness it.
No, I wouldn’t concede that. Policy doesn’t stop becoming policy because there’s a lot of it.
Alex Cole (@acnewsitics) posted at 3:31 PM on Tue, Jul 30, 2024:
Reminder: Trump’s name appears in the Project 2025 Manifesto 312 times.
Jonathan Swan (@jonathanvswan) posted at 2:50 PM on Tue, Jul 30, 2024:
There are 3 months until the election. Trump has done no real transition work. How do you think they are going to staff 4,000 political positions. It’s cost free to trash Project 25 now for political reasons & then take their database to pick & choose from after winning election.
Add reaction
Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) posted at 3:13 PM on Tue, Jul 30, 2024:
Look. It’s obvious what happened here. Trump held a meeting on how to make it look like he has nothing to do with his own Project 2025 because it’s wildly unpopular, and they decided to ask the main guy to step down and take credit for it. Then they agreed they should threaten anyone who continues to associate him with his own Project 2025.
Trump IS Project 2025. Vance wrote the foreword. Publicity stunts like this don’t fool anyone.
That is an amusing development.
In case you didn’t understand what Trump meant when he told a gathering of Christians that if they voted this fall they wouldn’t have to vote again, Trump clarified that statement to Laura Ingraham.
So there you have it. Vote for me and then no need to vote ever again. Way to support your party, Trump. Ha ha. Just kidding, when has he ever supported his party?
And he was fine with losing last time? Suuuuure, Donald.
Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) posted at 3:35 PM on Tue, Jul 30, 2024:
The Harris campaign responds to the news with this statement headline:
“Project 2025 Isn’t Going Anywhere: It’s Trump’s Plan, Written by His Staff and the People Who Know Him Best.”
#1, do you have a colour printer?
#2, to you have a basic graphics program on your computer?
if yes,
#3, come up with your own design for the team logo, NYN, number, etc.
#4, buy the iron on printer paper available at some crafts stores, fabric stores or specialty on line retailers. Don’t worry too much about the volume, you can use the rest putting cat photo’s, dog photo’s, or smart ass comments on t-shirts or pillow cases.
#5, flip the image so it prints the reverse of what you see on the screen.
#6, insert 1 sheet of special paper into the printer, print image, check printed copy for quality.
#7, buy a plain cycling shirt in your preferred colours or colour scheme.
#8, Using the recommended setting on your iron, position the image where you want it on the shirt, and iron it on.
#9, let the shirt cool, then peel of the paper,
#10, admire your “art”
#11, start making shirts for the rest of your team.
@Jay: Democrats shored up some federal laws/rules to avoid this kind of thing, but I don’t know how many states have done the same.
I know when CA reworked our elections a few cycles ago the state went with a very late certification date with the expectation that it gave everyone plenty of time to identify and fix problems, and thus avoid the quick certification followed by a recount/recanvas process that other states have. And the idea is that by the time of certification, you should have no excuses why you can’t certify and there are real consequences to not being able to where the SoS can step in and certify on behalf of local officials.
And that was to help address problems with the rapid certification which would fail or be challenged pretty frequently and then devolve into this kind of muddled no man’s land of process, etc. (see Bush v Gore) because that was seen as a place where the system was vulnerable. The downside to CAs process is in tight races nobody knows who fucking won for like a month.
It sounds like Trumps people figured out that the fake elector approach was cut off, but if state certification could be thrown into chaos where laws were vague/incomplete they could take that to state legislatures controlled by Republicans and take that to Jan 6. Could work. Problem is that also throws all down-ballots into the same process because I don’t know how you certify one part of the ballot but not another. So you’ve now fucked all local and state races as well, congress, and senate. And the congressional races are reconciled prior to Jan 6 and could result in the GOP officials you need to pull off the Jan 6 operation to not get seated in time.
With Trump chaos is always a feature, but I don’t fully understand how stealing these underpants turns into profit.
Mike in NC
Let’s not forget Project 1776 which was denounced by historians as Trump’s White Supremacist manifesto. Joe Biden thankfully killed it.
He’s unpopular enough in the Midwest that he might even put Ohio and maybe Indiana in play.
@SiubhanDuinne: After giving the matter deep thought, my considered opinion is, yes. You are.😇
@Jackie: Alright, alright, alright.
First LV poll I’ve seen has Harris up 2 nationally in a 3 way race (7% undecided) (Biden was -2 in the same poll). Has her net positive on approval for the first time. 3% of Biden 2020 voters now say they will vote for Trump, while 2% of Trump 2020 voters now say they will vote for Harris.
Harris needs to be up at least 4 nationally to win, unless the deep blue states get less so. Undecideds usually break away from the incumbent but I’m not sure that applies here – we’ve never really had a matchup like this.
A lot of people who felt Hillary was going to win overlooked that she was always under 50% and the undecideds all broke against her. Harris at 45% is still concerning. You want to be at 50% to take the undecideds out of the picture. It’s a big improvement though, and I suspect the LV model hasn’t been changed to account for the new energy in the campaign. That’ll take a while.
@wjca: Honestly, we’re going to win Texas before Indiana.
@wjca: I sincerely hope TCFG can’t dump Vance or Vance quits.
TCFG would get a new VP teammate and HIS poll numbers would go ⬆️ in relief from semi-normal GQPers and undecided voters.
In many States it will feed the chaos, feed the stop the steal, require Court Orders, and creates the opportunity to spoil ballots, etc.
Somebody once said, “it’s not who votes that matters, it’s who counts the votes”.
And these people have put themselves in the position to count the votes.
@Jay: you know, I never thought of DIY. I do have all the requisite stuff and I’m married to someone with the graphics know-how. Thanks!
According to the ReThug “rules”, once on the ballot, Vladimir Futon can’t quit or be fired, he can only die.
But we all know how much ReThugs adhere to the rulz.
@Martin: yeah I’m in Indiana and Dems aren’t winning here anytime soon. Hell, the party is such a corpse at the state level that the Dem candidate for governor this cycle is an ex-Republican and her running mate was a pro-life, anti-gay marriage Dem right up until he accepted her offer.
I can live with that. Republicans lose Texas and they’re toast.
@Martin: We won Indiana in 2008. When’s the last time we won Texas? I know how we won Indiana too: the entire population of Hyde Park flooded into its northern corridor for GOTV. I was there. No reason it couldn’t happen again. Lots of sporadic voters there.
More troubling is that those descriptors fit so many of their weirdos that it could be about any one of them.
@SiubhanDuinne: LOL! I misread words occasionally and my brain goes “WTF?”
No, I WILL NOT be making “that” quilt…
I am thinking of making some sort of Cat Lady quilt, maybe a quilted postcard, who knows?
@Princess: What the fuck does 2008 have to do with anything? Biden lost Texas by 5.5%. He lost Indiana by 17%. FFS, we only lost South Carolina by 12. We lost Indiana by 19 in 2016.
I know, I know, Pence was on the ticket. We lost Indiana by 11 in 2012.
We have got some fucking work to do in Indiana before we win it back. Same with Texas, but Texas is at least heading in the right direction. That margin has narrowed each of the last 3 elections
I’d be running polls in TX right now. Biden was down by around 10, but Harris might change that. If it’s close, it might be worth putting money into given their Senate race doesn’t seem out of reach either.
Peke Daddy
@Soprano2: He’s scrapping JFK’s colors. Make that clear.
There was a post GOP bounce …for Kamala. Pretty sure there will be a post Dem convention bounce
…for Kamala nd her Veep pick. That’s when I am looking for Vance to have his Eagleton Moment and be replaced by a someone as creepy, but in a different way. Like Vivek or RFK Jr or (praise be) Haley dressed up as a Handmaid.
@Leto: Would you need artillery for that?