This is an attempt to criticize a law that Walz signed mandating free tampons in boys’ and girls’ bathrooms in Minnesota schools. It’s more shitty anti-trans bigotry, since the possibility that an AFAB school kid would use the mens’ room just makes their head spin.
Of course, the notion that some poor kid would take a couple of tampons home to mom because it’s the 29th and her period started before her paycheck hit the bank isn’t something that those panty-sniffing assholes would think of.
Also, just in case you think Walz can’t get pissed when he needs to, here’s a clip where the football coach came out:
Gov. @Tim_Walz: Be part of the solution. If you truly believe in the people, invest in our children, invest in our teachers!
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) August 6, 2024
It’s not even a campaign. It’s a bunch of edgelords in the basement trying to out-meme everyone
chaya raichik is a good person for the Democrats to run against. I see that Ron ‘Bootsy’ De Santis is also running this exact angle against Walz.
Woo Hoo! That’s Minnesota nice in action. Nice don’t mean spineless.
Yeah boy, they do love them some nicknames. No strings attached.
Shit which will resonate with hardcore MAGAs and absolutely no one else.
Please proceed, assholes.
Command Sgt Major has entered the chat
I cannot imagine a planet on which JD faces this dude in a debate. I thought Kamala would be his worst opponent and I am happy to be wrong.
Steve LaBonne
@Spanky: I think they have genuinely lost the ability to communicate with anyone outside their weird far-right bubble.
These people are so freakin gross.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@EarthWindFire: They are very convinced that lady parts are repellant.
@EarthWindFire: Agree: deeply fucken gross.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Repellent and something to be monitored constantly. Weird.
I remember when my youngest went into junior high and they had some kind of health class. He came home incredulous that people have to pay for period supplies.
They are really, really, really bad at this. This is the fruit of MAGAt Wingnut interbreeding over 20-30 years.
I went to a small school, so I don’t know how things work in larger districts, but Away teams would use the Home team’s other gender’s locker room, so it makes sense to require gender accommodations in both restrooms.
There were other occasions where restrooms’ genders were adjusted as well.
@Trollhattan: JD Vance/Tim Walz debate: Hillbilly Eulogy (2024-2024) I’d hope that Vance would retire after this to spend more time with his chaise lounge, but he still has a few years to go as a Senator. If Ohio can pass the anti-gerrymandering legislation, hopefully we can send him packing after 1 term.
Omnes Omnibus
With no personal experience in this and since the ex-Madame Omnibus used carry 3-4 in every one of her purses just in case, is this something that is an unalloyed good thing? If you are caught short, you don’t have to beg a random stranger for one? I mean, wtf?
Grew up in Duluth, married a Minneapolis guy, and I LOVE Walz. If you can put up with Ezra Klein, it’s worth the time to listen to his interview with Walz the other day. Walz is thoughtful, focused, easy to understand, and very persuasive. The trump people will not know what to do with him, so I predict they’ll quickly start talking about how he doesn’t matter.
Hopefully, the “Kamala Crash” nickname will die a quick and painful death.
Tampon Tim is the best they could come up with?
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
He’s already conceding Walz will hold the VP office.
Normies are going to look at that and wonder wtf is the matter with these people?
Lincoln Project Twitter link for WALZ WORST VP IN HISTORY!!
Josh Shapiro also has been making a big thing of his move to get free pads and tampons in schools. One might get the feeling that this was a stupid attack they had ready to go against whomever she picked.
Normal people think that providing free tampons is as controversial as providing free toilet paper.
For fucks sake, they’re just things you need in the bathroom sometimes. Why would schools *not* provide them??
@Steve LaBonne: I’ve seen the theory that one major reason they got so complacent and siloed and unimaginative is that the media were doing all their work for them. It was “Joe Old” for MONTHS before The Debate, and nothing but afterwards, and … they didn’t NEED to do any real communicating outside their bubble.
Also at this point it’s an open question whether the Felon CAN communicate in anything but Greatest Hits of Tribal Code-Speak. His “rally speeches” were always kind of rambling improv, but it used to be there was some spark to them. Now … ??
@EarthWindFire: @Suzanne:
Republicans: Weirdly Gross Or Grossly Weird?
A Bearded-Spock-Universe Times Panel Discussion
@Omnes Omnibus: personally I thought that it was a rite of passage to ask the woman in the stall next to you if they had a spare, pass it under the dividers, say “thanks”, then make sure you both don’t exit the stall at the same time. Is that not a thing any more? What is this country coming too???
I hate the gutter trash MAGA movement and would like to choke it to the pt of death. There is not one redeeming, human quality to anyone in this group. We would be better off if they didn’t exist at all.
It’s possible that Walz will sink into the background as people recall that the important fight is Harris vs. Trump. I expect, however, that Walz will continue to surprise the commentariat with his political effectiveness. There’s more there than meets the eye.
The stock market is leveling because the economy is strong. Fundamentally.
I may never get over how US media stubbornly denied a good economy for four years. I feel as if it’s a very big lie that they should somehow be accountable for. They don’t quit either. STILL.
@EarthWindFire: Their problem is that they have so much conservative media that they constantly live in a conservative bubble and never communicate with “normies”. Liberals can’t live in that kind of bubble because we don’t have a whole media ecosystem dedicated to us, so we know that this looks weird and gross and hateful to most people. They don’t know that, they think it’s funny and clever.
@Suzanne: @oldster: listen, both of you are trying to convince me that women are basically human, and have basic human needs. And that we should… somehow… address those basic needs. Do you understand how that makes me feel? You know, my feeeeeeeeelings? This just feels icky… I mean, what would Jesus think of this? Just, ewwwwwww…
Did Eve have tampons in the Garden of Eden? Check and mate, libruls.
@Omnes Omnibus: For high school girls this is a big thing. Some of them are too embarrassed to ask even a friend for a tampon or pad, and don’t have the money to buy one from the machine. So yeah, it’s a great thing they did.
This shit has been going on since the 1960s. It got tamped down a bit after Watergate and ramped up gradually until we get today’s word salad that no normies even understand. And the media keeps playing along, going on sixty years now.
Oh no Tim did something nice.
Apparently the candidates do a shadow tour of their opposition. It seems Vance will be doing press conferences at nearby locations of Harris/Walz. Diary here: The author labeled Vance’s press conferences as the Stalker Tour. It works so well given there is a hint of truth behind it as he wants to track pregnant woman and his reputation so far. Let’s use it and promote it.
High school girls can’t vote. Creepy old wingnuts who think female bodies are icky can. Advantage Trump.
Chet Murthy
There’s another angle from which these sickos approach the question of whether women’s menstrual products should be available for free in restrooms: “the modal human body is (adult) male.” All others are deviations from this norm, and hence should have to pay for their deviations. Said differently, adult males are the unmarked category, and everybody else is in various identity groups. (“Why do you always gotta bring identity into this? Can’t you be normal like meeeeeee!!!”) You can see it in the similar attitude towards diapers: adult males don’t need diapers (ok, Diaper Don excepted) so why should they be helping to pay for the deviations from the norm’s need for diapers ?
That everybody was once a baby (and needed diapers), that everybody had a mother, simply isn’t part of their calculus. It’s all about what’s in the unmarked category, and what isn’t.
I think what the Morning Joe pundits are mad about is Harris didn’t follow their directions.
She’s confident. They’re not going to like that. This country and antiquated ideas about women – sometimes I despair. Do they not hear how they sound? Would they have issued orders on a VP pick to a man and pitched this hissy fit if he disobeyed? No. They would not.
It’s been successful for them for a long time. Can’t really blame them for thinking it’ll still work.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: They were free because money hadn’t been invented yet. Check and mate, bro!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Paradise was socialist? Uh oh.
I’m embarrassed that a grown woman is tee heeing over tampons. Ugh. Gross.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch: Talking about Walz in that apocalyptic way makes you sound like a god damned lunatic.
I can’t believe Tim didn’t make the kids work for their tampons.
@Soprano2: high school is such a stressful time of hormones, grades, peer pressure, all that crap. Anything we can do to help is a good thing, and this is definitely a good thing because of all the reasons you listed.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
David is a lunatic. It’s an open secret here.
From the man who wears a maxi-pad as an ear cozy.
Old School
I’m pretty sure that any time the market goes up, it’s because of an anticipated Trump victory. When it goes down, that’s because of failed Biden/Harris policies.
Next thing you’ll tell me is that Tim gave school kids free food.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: By “you” I didn’t actually mean David!
@Old School:
The theory also applies to individual stocks.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Good. It’s best not to address him directly.
@Leto: “@Omnes Omnibus: personally I thought that it was a rite of passage to ask the woman in the stall next to you if they had a spare, pass it under the dividers, say “thanks”, then make sure you both don’t exit the stall at the same time. Is that not a thing any more? What is this country coming too???”
I might be sheltered, but I’ve never had that happen to me. If it did, I’d have a panic attack first :)
@Old School: That word… ‘random’… what does it actually mean, anyhow??
Then they paved it and put up a parking lot
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
I can’t stop smiling 😁
side note: here’s hoping that this Walz VP pick helps raise the impression of the teaching profession, and helps draw many more young people into teaching.
because whew, our school divisions are hurting for people. and a sheer numbers shortage means they’re having to take whomever they can get, which is a quality shortage as well. our kids deserve better!!
@Kay: We had a two day stock market freakout because the unemployment rate ticked up some to a still completely normal rate and they didn’t get a rate cut announcement like they wanted. They’re tired of fighting inflation and want their zero percent Fed Funds rate back.
They know things are good but they want TCFG back, so it’s been in their interest to keep telling people the economy sucks. Of course for a lot of people “the economy” is the price of gas and what they pay for groceries, and maybe rent. That’s why it was easy to convince people “the economy” is bad.
@oldster: Free toilet paper? Shameful. Also, in extreme situations, the knockout centers of the toilet seat covers makes a reasonable coffee filter. Emergency situations ya know.
@Leto: Oh Avalune…
Please come collect your Airman. He’s got MAGA cooties on him.
Old School
Old School
Everyone goes into this with the lens they’ve lived with their entire lives.
This was written by one of my favorites on Twitter, and ICAM with her.
Not one phucking lie told.
Absolutely on point.
Steve LaBonne
@Baud: Hard-core Marxist Leninist he is. Children should have to work in meat packing plants to earn their lunch.
Harris/Walz campaign over $10 million since this morning.
fuck off, you trumpholes
TBH, I’ll be happy when the “vibes” craze passes.
@Leto: Also to note: the age of menarche has been going down for years, so lots of elementary schoolers also need tampons.
@geg6: Concur the siloization has been going on for a long time — they’re authoritarians (“sociotropic boundary maintainers”), that’s what they DO, that’s ALL they do!! — but I think the lack of any new ideas — even Reagan had some new ones — is kind of a new phenomenon. In the past, the media duly echoed their talking-points (the puke-funnel, the Mighty Wurlitzer, “Drudge is our assignment editor” etc.) but recently it seems they’ve let the media run on their own and haven’t bothered generating anything new.
My hope is that this is ANOTHER piece of evidence that the whole late-20th-century “conservative” reactionism that Perlstein has tracked so assiduously is FINALLY dying like the Whigs. Many — including Republicans — have said that the contemporary Republican Party is “intellectually bankrupt.” May their lamentations be correct and their predictions fulfilled!
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: and they taught CRT there!
anyone know who Walz was lighting on fire in the KamalaHQ clip?
They’re a menace, I swear. I hope no one is putting off making buying/selling/career decisions because of these shrieking ninnies. We all would have been frozen in fear for the entire last three years of the booming economy if they had their way. They harm ordinary people. They have to stop.
thanks for posting that. a good read.
@Steve in the ATL:
They turned Adam’s 100% male rib into a woman!
@rikyrah: have to agree completely
@Omnes Omnibus: As I understand it, too many girls were consistently missing several days of school every month because they couldn’t afford supplies. So this would also offend the barefoot-and-pregnant crowd.
@rikyrah: I hadn’t even thought of it that way, but she’s absolutely right. Maybe that’s why some of the press is so mad.
It’s weird to be so obsessed by the periods of teen girls. Fine, a position of a sane Republican, if any still existed, might be to say it’s too expensive to provide period supplies. Whatever. But to name the governor who signed the bill after a tampon as if imagining him, um, where a tampon goes? That’s just weird and gross. I don’t think Raichik should be allowed around young women. Needs a restraining order keeping her away from schools.
Steve in the ATL
@prostratedragon: society can only benefit from pregnant middle schoolers. Why do you hate America?
@Baud: And the first thing he did with it was …
The lack of any semblance of historical perspective on the economy these past four years, whether from reporters or politicians, has been astounding.
They didn’t want to give Biden one single bit of credit, that’s why. If they’d showed how historic his recovery was…we’d be looking at 1984 landslide territory (whether with him OR Harris leading the ticket)
@Baud: Women have periods and use period products beyond their teenage years. So this attack will backfire on the Rs.
OT News from India. Vinesh Phogat has qualified for wrestling finals at the Olympics. She was dragged and beaten by the police when she was protesting against sexual harrassment by one of BJP’s goons who also was in charge of the wrestling federation.
@Soprano2: That’s definitely one problem. But why do they think this is funny, even among themselves? Why’s Tampon Tim anything but ew, while weird is akin to a cuss word? Since it’s their media, they’re choosing this.
IOW, their plan worked.
Go VP!
Sure Lurkalot
Menstruation is ‘icky”, often unpredictable and most always uncomfortable. Having sanitary products readily available is one less thing women have to worry about for the 30-40 years most women use them.
When I was a young woman, no boyfriend of mine would willingly go to the store to pick up these products for me. I don’t remember even asking.
Which reminds me of the time my female college roommate came back to school from her summer at home with crabs. I was appalled enough that we were sharing a bathroom with the critters but then she (hysterically crying) asked me to go to the drug store to get whatever potion it was to get rid of them. Because she didn’t want anyone to know she had crabs, but it was OK if I was assumed to have them. Yes, I did it, having crabs is worse than other people thinking you do. Duh.
karen marie
@trnc: This is the first I’ve seen it. Why promote something you think shouldn’t exist?
@MomSense: At least it was a school where boys and girls got the same class together. Back in my day (and in a lot of places still, I believe), girls got a talk about “girl stuff” separate from the boys, the result being that a lot of teenage boys grow up with absolutely no clue about menstruation, period products, etc., unless their mom or an older sister schools them on it. Seeing a tampon or pad dispenser on the wall of all bathrooms in the school goes a long way toward dispelling the taboo around it, which is of course why wingnuts are freaking out.
@EarthWindFire: They think it’s funny because many of them have the sense of humor of 10-year-old boys, so it’s hilarious to associate a man with tampons. I think that’s the beginning and end of it. It’s one reason there aren’t any good conservative comedians, because their sense of humor never seems to mature much.
My dad who has impeccable political instincts told me that last night. He saw it as clear as day that the media would see Shapiro as “in charge” because, as he put it, “he shouts 20 decibels louder than Harris”.
@Omnes Omnibus: No you see,
ifTransgender Boys/NB studentsget their period at school theyare supposed to suffer.KatKapCC
Anyone who has ever had that moment of SUDDENLY realizing you need a pad or tampon and you don’t have one knows that free products in all bathrooms is a 100% good thing. It’s a special kind of hell waddling around with a stack of scratchy paper towels shoved into your underwear.
I knwo this sounds overly optomistic but if we beat them this time I think a lot of the nastiest grifters get frozen out – this gal, Rufo, the whole You Tube racist crowd. Republicans are going to get tired of losing. Some of them already are. There is apparently real anger at Trump for attacking the GOP Gov of Georgia and his wife, according to Republicans where I live. They are tired of the lack of discipline and Trump creating problems.
Old School
My daughter just texted one of her friends is a “Walziac!” and a “TIMBO!”
I did not know these names existed. The whole Walz culture is new to me.
The assault on the dirty fucking hippies has been going on a long time.
It’s really fucking weird that alleged adult women like Chaya Raichick are obsessed with the genitals and bathroom habits of children and teenagers.
@KatKapCC: This is why I have a travel kit of menstrual products in my tennis bag right next to my first aid kit. I teach a lot of girls.
the displays of Democratic unity are making the media crazy, and it’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
The praise for Walz being added to the ticket really seems genuine, whether it’s from fellow contenders like Shapiro or Beshear to people on the opposite sides of the big tent like AOC and Manchin. Governors, senators, representatives…dem electeds love this pick, probably because so many have worked with Walz before and know: he’s a good dude. He’s got empathy (foreign word to the GOP these days), he’s easy to work with, and he does the work.
Fun seeing my governor getting a nice day in the sun like this.
@Sure Lurkalot: Aw, that’s an oddly sweet story of your friendship :)
Sure Lurkalot
@Soprano2: Well, I’m not usually one to agree with the plutes but it was time for fucking Jerome Powell to tick the fed rate down a notch. I do worry about his finger on the trigger because he really doesn’t stand with labor and the working class and never has.
@Kay: “Timbo” is just fantastic. I love it.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Soprano2: You know these are the men who get furious and refuse if asked to grab something from that aisle at the drugstore.
I got over any discomfort with buying tampons, pads, yeast infection treatments, etc., within the first week of being married.
What’s weird to me is the people object to schools providing free period products to girls. What principle can possibly justify that that doesn’t also extend to TP and to face tissue.
Steve in the ATL
@danielx: to be fair to the hippie punchers, bell bottoms are freaking hideous
@oldster: They’re pretending to be outraged that they provided them in both boys’ and girls’ restrooms, ostensibly for trans boys or men who may still menstruate. As people have pointed out, however, there are a lot of scenarios where cis women and girls could also find themselves in the men’s room in need of a sanitary napkin, say if they needed one in an emergency and the girls’ bathroom was out of service or something.
@Kay: My son, who lives in Atlanta, told me about that. I went back and watched the video. It was startling. He absolutely shit all over Kemp. I guess this was another one of Trump’s dominance plays, but you wonder when his luck will run out. I am no fan of Kemp, but he is powerful. Kemp has his own political organization apart from the GA GOP, largely because the latter is totally MAGAfied and completely inept. Kemp could easily sabotage him in GA by simply not working very hard to get people to vote for him. If Kemp has ambitions beyond 2024, it would even be in his interest to do that and get Lumpy and his sycophants out of the way.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Some of us talk about history repeating itself or historical echoes and the Walz pick has that in spades.
As others have noted, the Obama/Biden vibe is there but folks have mentioned Minnesota Nice as one of Walz’s qualities. It hit me that the same can be said about Biden. Probably not a more affable national-level politician. The stories of him and everyday people on Amtrak during his Senatorial years are legion.
And yet, he has a spine, he got shit done. He served as that kind of person for 8 years as VP. Harris saw that first hand and saw it first hand as his VP.
Go with what you know, particularly if what you know is great.
New Deal Democrat reports credit conditions in Q2 improved, and look more like exiting a recession rather than going into one:
Matt McIrvin
Chaya Raichik is not just a stochastic terrorist but also one of the creepiest weirdos in the whole country. The “weird” attack definitely works there.
@Kay: I’m cautiously optimistic that if Trump loses this time he’ll be prison bound and finding someone to replicate his power over the party will be tough. The grifters will be at each other’s throats for a good while.
zhena gogolia
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Good comment. I agree.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Sure Lurkalot:
Off the top of anyone’s head, name the last Fed Chair who was?
@Matt McIrvin: she seems like one of the many people on the other side that is just terminally unhappy. Like Ted Cruz or Sarah Huckabee Sanders. GOP is the party for wet blankets
This is cool:
Former geography teacher Tim Walz is really into maps
I admit that I really love maps and atlases and loathe GPS navigation but I do use it because of the nice lady in the app who directs me. But maps tell me where I really am in the world and let me see where I might want to go.
A Republican here told me he wishes Kemp were the nominee. It’s just amazing. Trump lost them the GA Senate races and the state in 2020. To come out and attack the successful GA politician is really something. Trump is a nasty piece of work. He’s mad (and envious) so he lashes out. That’s all it is. Me me me.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I imagine a bit younger than most of the BJ commentariat (low 40s), but buying pads for my gf was a little weird in high school and never a problem after that.
Honestly, I was a lot more embarrassed buying condoms than I was buying pads or tampons. I never particularly got why it was weird. Or why your girl asking you to hold a purse for 5 minutes was threatening.
Dudes are weird, is what I’m saying
Old School
I see Trump has been repeatedly spelling Kamala Harris’ name “Kamabla” on Truth Social for the past couple of days.
@MisterForkbeard: Did you see the crap going around the right-wing internet about the small shopping carts being “emasculating”? Like…… are men okay?! There are really people who think like this?!
I never thought he was going to prison and I still don’t. I don’t have much faith in our justice system and rich/powerful people. But maybe. I would hope so.
@Soprano2: “We had a two day stock market freakout because the unemployment rate ticked up some to a still completely normal rate and they didn’t get a rate cut announcement like they wanted.”
Also, dirty little secret about the casinos we call our equity markets. The automated trading programs used by the big vampires are all tuned to similar set-points and strategies. This makes them susceptible to the kind of lemming sell-offs seen yesterday. Once real people reset them to more realistic behavior, things quickly reverse. Now if only someone could come up with an idea (e.g. a small transaction tax) that would eliminate the incentive to exploit minimal, transitory, arbitrage gains such behavior might cease to be a problem.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I said this in an earlier thread when Walz, geography and GIS came up:
Steve LaBonne
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: I was the custodial parent to my daughter starting when she was a pre-teen, and her mother spent very little time with her for a number of years after that. Being uncomfortable about menstruation was definitely not an option for me.
@Kay: One fucking slow down in the jobs numbers and the articles come out “Is the US economy really about to go into a recession?” – Answer: No, but we’ve scared you since you didn’t read the article, did you? And last year, the numbers consistently came in low and had to be revised way upward a couple months later.
And there was that “economist” ninny yesterday from some college declaring the Fed needed to cut interest rates by 75 points or whatever because the Dow Jones had a bad day. Larry Fucking Summers declared we’d have high inflation for 10 years under Bidenomics. Oops! No one should ever listen to these morons ever again!
Governor Shapiro listens to his constituents. In 2018, 17 y.o. shero Lily Minor led the way:
Our new PA budget shows our commitment to our values for all citizens
@Steve in the ATL
Did someone say bell bottoms?
I believe you, but it still makes them seem like creepy obsessive panty-sniffers.
Possibly because they are creepy obsessive panty-sniffers.
@oldster: didn’t we go through this thing a few years back with some state legislature where it was revealed that the looney right thinks that tampons in schools is liberal indoctrination against conservative parents? It’s parents who should decide what products are used and tampons specifically are the devils playground.
Mike in Pasadena
As a friend says, Republicans are strange, odd, and fearful about anything having to do with sex. First it is misogyny, then gays, drag acts, and trans. Now it is tampons because something something about lady parts. Eww. Full circle back to misogyny.
@Steve in the ATL:
You got me there. And I’ve noticed at a couple of Dead cover band shows that some of the audience members are not as attentive to personal hygiene as they should be.
But the same thing can be said about audience members at a country music show, and a much higher proportion of them. They tend to carry that whole common clay thing a lot farther than necessary.
None; their main concern is inflation, and their only tool is reducing demand, and the only way they know (or care to use) is reducing spending, and the only way to do it is see that the folks who have to spend all they get, don’t get as much. Fuckers.
@JML: Something was a spine stiffener. But then, since the other team fumbled the Unity ball, we need to pick it up.
And run with it. Then, I think you throw it on the ground and dance.
Hooboy — in that case, the devil really needs to upgrade his playground equipment.
I mean — tampons are useful and important. But seductive, soul-stealing fun? Not much.
@Suzanne: I didn’t see that. That’s amazing.
How does that even work? It makes it easier to He-Man the grocery store. How badass are you if you’re running a shopping cart in each hand, you know?
But seriously, I sometimes pick up coffee for my co-workers (because I’m THERE, why not?) and I’ve been asked why I don’t find it emasculating. I don’t understand what these dude think manhood is, because I can guarantee I never thought of it while picking up a shopping basket or treating my friends to a drink.
@Kay: I think if he loses this time the desire to protect him will disappear, because he’s definitely not going to win in 2028.
One more reason to avoid the right wing fever swamps, I guess. Is that really a thing, fear of small grocery carts?
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Governor Walz definitely just oozes Minnesota nice. Keep in mind, he’s also got football coach and Command Sergeant Major on call as needed.
sending this to my GIS person on the floor :)
I suspect it’s worse than that: “If they kan get there periods then they should be out of skool and making babies, to make ‘Murka Great Again.”
These assholes are that weird.
Michael Bersin
Fifty or so years ago. In high school I found that I was trusted as an adult male and not considered just another immature moron when a female friend quietly asked me if I had change for the dispenser in the women’s restroom. I did. I gave it to her. End of story.
i can’t find either word using Google search.
@Suzanne: it’s wild to me how much time these doods spend looking for ways to gripe about people taking their masculinity away. Sounds awful to live like that
Aware that Creepy Don recently appeared on a podcast , praising the host whose online claim to fame is sniffing seats after people have sat in them?
@Suzanne: yep. That was a Joe Rogan thing if I remember right. It’s like he wants to make grocery shopping a way to prove your physical fitness and if you can’t handle it, you should stay home. If I was a god, I’d turn him into an 80 year old woman 5’1 woman with arthrits and tell him that he cab feel free to use that deep cart. Not everything out there has to be made for you, muffin.
@geg6: Corporate media works to get clicks/money. And that takes hate and fear, not boring stuff about building the country and educating kids. And a lot of corporate “journalists” are rich people who hang out with other rich people. Sensible policies and sensible people don’t get clicks.
Ooh, that is very cool!
I’m not going to say I’m obsessed with maps, no sirree.
But… if you happen to have a map of the world big enough to occupy an entire wall, you could wander off for an hour or so and come back to find me still poring over it.
(This actually happened. I worked for a while for a company that had a HUGE world map spanning an entire wall of its conference room. I wandered in, saw the map, and…well… someone had to come fetch me.)
I recall Al Franken walking up to a white board and free-handing the US map, accurately, probably while running for senator. Knowing ESRI is rather on another level, but we’ll let Pompeo challenge Walz to the blank map duel.
@Suzanne: There are never enough small carts at the store I go to. I really dislike the big carts.
@Old School: What does that even mean? Never mind, who cares.
They seem to think coming up with the perfect diss nickname is their secret and only key to beating her, like they’re twelve or something.
Looks like they have their Walz arguments ready. DeSantis is is talking about how “he let that city burn” and Minneapolis “has been gutted.” MmmHmm okay weirdo.
@Trollhattan: ISWYDT
This shit pisses me off no end. Don’t want tampons in the bathrooms? Fine. Let’s remove all the toilet tissue.
Let those moocher boys pay for their own.
This is hidden/unrealized misogyny.
Sorry if it’s already been shared but here’s the YT link for the livestream of tonight’s rally. Should be starting soon!
I don’t know if someone posted this before, but this is really the kind of thinking we need to see in public life more (from 2008!):
And this:
@Suzanne: Small carts are one of the best innovations of the last 15 years! They make shopping so much more pleasant! I’m pissed now whenever I can’t get a small cart. For a couple years, I had to use the bigger cart so I could sit my son in the seat, but he can’t (and won’t) sit there anymore. Back to using small carts!
@HeleninEire: “Let those moocher boys pay for their own.”
Stop giving them policy ideas!
Citizen Alan
@Mike in Pasadena: There’s also the matter of men’s total and willful ignorance of how female biology works. Reddit is full of stories about (to give one common example) boyfriends getting angry that their girlfriends started their period when they were going on vacation together, which is apparently “bad planning” on the part of the girlfriend.
@Yutsano: haha :)
@Suzanne: The simply invent the weirdest shit to
complainwhine about. Just the absolute dumbest shit. I guess it’s what you do when you’re morally/intellectually bankrupt. You don’t actually have any solutions to the problems at hand, so you just invent your own problems. So weird, so dumb.Princess
OMG Walz promoted and signed a bill on transparency in concert ticket buying whose name was derived from Taylor Swift after he had problems buying tickets for her Eras tour!
Did they create this guy in a lab?
@Yutsano: He better not bring that in the house and track it all over my floors.
I didn’t believe it, either, until I saw it.
Like…. how much time do they spend thinking about this?! Aren’t they tired?! It’s fucken bonkers. Just…. get your groceries and leave the store. Get on with your day. Stop being insecure and self-obsessed and weird.
@E: The one I’m seeing is a bunch of people yelling about how he retired 6 months before his unit went to Iraq, and that some people in the guard didn’t like him. Therefore, liar and coward.
The irony of someone doing this on behalf of Trump (bonespurs, draft dodger) and Vance (a public relations officer who spent 6 months abroad and then ran home) is pretty big
@edgefigaro: I have smacked my shins a few times on the smaller carts, but they are indeed great when just grabbing a few items!
Omnes Omnibus
@danielx: Some of us are unlikely to be at either type of show.
@UncleEbeneezer: You’re a good dude. Being handed a pad or tampon when you desperately need one is like finding a treasure chest full of gold.
Shapiro is speaking at the rally now and the crowd really does love him. I get very excited when they break out into “We’re Not Going Back” unprompted. I remember the value and persuasion that “Yes We Can” provided as a rallying cry and the organic way the crowd breaks into those chants is great
ETA: Crowd now chanting “HE’ S A WEIRDO!” in response to Shapiro bringing up J.D. Vance. Totally organic.
@Old School: I’ve been seeing that “Kamabla “ but what is it supposed to signify?
Sister Golden Bear
Why it’s almost like folks like these have no business talking about children and teenagers — let alone being allowed within 100 yards of them.
@Citizen Alan: The things cis men do not know about our biology. I knew a guy once who thought we had to remove tampons in order to pee. Like…sigh.
@Princess: similarly (from 2022)
@KatKapCC: That is apparently quite common. In the age of the internet, there is no excuse for that kind of ignorance. I bet they have no problem finding all the woman degrading porn they want.
@MisterForkbeard: the reason I did a 365 tour in Iraq is because the 3 people selected ahead of me decided to retire instead of go, which then meant the assignment fell to me. I never once felt any anger towards them because I understood their reasons. They’d done their time. Thank you for your service, I’ll see you at the food court.
Also you don’t just retire in an instant. You do it at least a year out, if not longer. And a CSM will definitely have those conversations with his leadership because they’ll want to have a plan in place to make sure everything transitions as seamlessly as possible. So, so dumb. They’re not serious people, they’re morons.
C-spam link to Harris/Walz rally in Philadelphia:
@HeleninEire: It’s not hidden and it shows a complete lack of empathy with any female above the age of 11 or so. You can be way past child bearing age and still remember that feeling of not having what you need. Sure, call him tampon Tim and tell the whole world it’s okay to associate femaleness with derision and ridicule. They hate women. We get it.
Yes. But I think we need to go even further and teach people that most of us have it in ourselves the potential to go that path. How perfectly normal people get in that path. How to imbue people of a certain kind of moral fortitude so that people don’t. And by the way, we can’t stop at Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. We need to teach what happened in Russia, China, Cambodia. Not exactly the same as Nazi Germany and that’s what it needs to be taught, too.
Harris/Walz Rally Live (AP feed)
@Leto: Especially when you consider that most of them have never served in the military at all.
@JoyceH: I’m assuming “Kamabla” is maybe meant to make you think “blah blah” because of how they constantly claim she rambles and doesn’t make sense, and even make fake videos that are obviously manipulated to make her sound like a nut. Honestly, as a nickname, it’s as bad as Ron DeSanctimonious.
Shapiro does know how to orate. Goddamn.
I think that’s what he did — to the extent that his high school class identified the Rwanda genocide before it happened.
@Suzanne: I love’em because they’re easier to push around, a standard cart is too deep for me, and the smaller cart’s top basket is higher so it’s easier for me to put things in. Plus I’m not buying a lot of stuff, so it’s more convenient overall.
They’re so weird.
@Barbara: Meal Team Six, checking in!
Bwahahahaha – Watching Shapiro at the rally makes me think maybe, just maybe, MVP Harris & Co. have given us not one, but TWO consecutive conventions, with all the bounce and ENTHUSIASM that comes with that.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
@dm: Shapiro is knocking it out of the park in his endorsement of Harris/Walz
Well, that ought to peel away exactly zero votes from Harris.
Dakota Expat
So yeah. Intentionally avoided things today (well, also busy). But this Walz thing has me walking on air for many reasons (though like most of us, I would not have stopped walking on air no matter what or who Kamala Harris chose). Like Mr. Mix, I’m a native of the region (I’m from North Dakota, not too far north of Mr. Mix’s people; I went to college at a place very much like Mankato State, a place called Moorhead State University (back in the day) in Minnesota (I started out at Bismarck Junior College and migrated to Grand Forks for a year at UND; ended up in Moorhead to study with Tom McGrath, but another story). Anyway… Dakotan, Minnesotan, and living as an expat in Michigan now (since 1985).
So I’ve inclined toward Walz for many reasons (though I truly expected Kamala to go for Shapiro, and that would have been as fine as all). But Walz really does remid me of my people — my leftie grandfather who was total Non-partisan league and raised me thinking that being Catholic is as good as being socialist, two sides of the same coin). All that hunting, fishing, and progressive politics not separate things.
Short story: brilliant move by the Harris campaign. Cuts that faker and pretender Vance off at the knees. Neutralizes lots of the resentment of midland folks for the coasts (something I was raised to share as an orientation — hell we though Minneapolis was the arrogant east!). This is all good. I got Trumpie relatives, many of them. They’ll find it hard to not like Walz. Even the one near and dear relative who sent me the “Tampon Tim” thing with a chortle. Even he agrees that Walz is at least one of us.
@Anoniminous: thank you. Shapiro giving a great speech. New thread? One will do.
chris evans
Seeing a Black woman call a white dude to ask him to be HER running mate feels surreal. Let’s get this done!
@dc: It made me wonder…do they think we pee from our uterus, or that we grow the baby in our bladder?
@Elizabelle: Y’all be sure to watch the archived version of this later on Kamala’s youtube channel if you don’t have the opportunity now. This Shapiro speech has me ready to run through a damn wall for this ticket. The crowd is beyond electric.
Selina Wang (@selinawangtv) posted at 3:42 PM on Tue, Aug 06, 2024:
This morning when Harris called Governor Walz to share the news, he didn’t answer at first because it said no caller ID, a source tells me. So Harris had to call again. The second time Walz picked up the phone call.
You’re welcome.
And only one new thread?
Where’s the fun in that?
Sister Golden Bear
@Old School:
“‘Kamabla’ is almost certainly a wild swing that won’t connect,” Andrew Wroe, senior lecturer in American politics at University of Kent, in England, told Newsweek Tuesday. “It’s just not clear what it means.”
Hmmm…. “Bla” whatever might that mean. How what’s the over/under until Trump goes straight to KamaN-clang? We all know he’s dying to.
@edgefigaro: me too! They’re easier to handle and maneuver around the lumbering MAGAts, and I’m sure not buying enough to fill a big one.
@Trollhattan: free-handing a map of the US (and individual states) was Al’s party trick at fundraisers. he’d draw the map while talking to the crowd and making a few jokes, then auction it off to someone (or give it to a kid or something like that). He does that when signing books too.
Al’s a pretty good dude who got ratfucked hard, but also because comedy often doesn’t age well and comedians will do a LOT for a laugh. It’s too bad, because he was a good senator. (I have a great picture of Al sitting on the floor of a school at a district convention playing with a small child rather than glad-hand people trying to prove they were as funny as he was) but Tina Smith has been awesome.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@KatKapCC: There’s a whole Reddit category for this, called /r/badwomensanatomy
Personally I think it’s just a big vague cloud of “down there” which manifests whatever tool is needed for the occasion.
Now that you mention it …………
Yeah, it is a bit different
lol left the youtube live chat on, and while it has the usual racist trumpy shit on there (“Asian or African” seems to be the fave today) there is a LOT of pushback, like “Trump for Prison” and “Coach vs. Couch 2024” hahahahaha
turned the chat off, as is wise, but good for the folks enjoying the fight
May we all have a hype man like Josh Shapiro in our lives. #pumppump
@rikyrah: ONE OF US, ONE OF US!!
@KatKapCC: I’m just not sure how to tell them that I have them without it being super-awkward. My teenage students, I know I can tell one or two of them who are cool and they could spread the word. But for the younger ones I haven’t figured out a good way yet.
Watching the rally. I knew next to nothing about Shapiro, but he’s really good at this.
@Sister Golden Bear: that’s what occurred to me. And it really is both laughably third-grade and astoundingly unimaginative. Like … she’s Black?! Omg what a stroke of genius to remind voters of that! (Even tho, of course, she just became Black, right? Or is that not operative any more…? Is there maybe a website I can check so I know which points are still okay?)
Shapiro’s speech was excellent. Very impressed. Love the way he channels themes Obama first raised.
Neither he nor Walz were my choice. I think Walz provides a greater contrast with Harris and brings more new things to the ticket. Glad PA will have Shapiro for longer.
@Sister Golden Bear: Ohhhhh maybe it’s a throwback. “Blah people”!!!
Rachel Bakes
@Soprano2: Assuming the machines work which, in my experience, is rare.
@JML: wanna talk about a bit of comedy failing to age well? The black face Dan Akroyd does in Trading Spaces. Saw that the other night and nearly choked. And Al was in that as well as a doper baggage handler.
@UncleEbeneezer: I would imagine you might also have stuff like bandages, first-aid cream, etc. You could always just do a little “Hey FYI” speech where you tell them if they need anything, to check with you. If you fold it in casually, like “If you need a bandage or tissues or a pad or anything, come see me”, I think that might tamp down the awkwardness for them.
@Leto: yeah, Trading Places has some very sharp things to say about race & class and more than few jokes/set-ups that are seriously cringe and would never fly today. It can be tough. (and Al definitely got caught in that; he had a long career in comedy before turning to politics)
@Leto: I have often wished they would make a non-racist cut of Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Not a remake, Heaven forfend. But just rip out all of Rooney’s scenes entirely. I loved the movie as a kid, before I was old enough to realize how horrid that performance was. Once I got older and wiser, probably in college, I was like…nope nope nope.
@KatKapCC: Seriously, they don’t think. Don’t even wonder.
Today’s GOP is really about sticking it to the people they hate and revenging themselves against those they have imaginary grievances against. The GOP is intellectually bankrupt, but they don’t need any big ideas when they’re just about beating up on people.
Re: the GOP attack on tampons : )
Rumor needed to suggest GOP may prohibit tampon transport across state lines
@KatKapCC: there is a fast forward mechanism on most streaming (and other viewing) devices. No need for censorship of film history.
They look good together.
OK LET’S GO!!!!!
it’s wild that Walz didn’t know until a few hours ago that this for sure would happen
@TBone: Censorship of abject racism is perfectly fine, actually.
He must not read Balloon Juice.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@KatKapCC: At #198 I mentioned the subreddit called /r/badwomensanatomy. I went over to Reddit to check that I had the name right.
And saw this gem near the top. (Congressional Rep. Barbieri asks if you can swallow a camera to check the status of a pregnancy).
@BR: don’t they? What a welcome too!
@M31: he’s a natural.
I loved seeing them walk out together.
karen gail
@HumboldtBlue: I love the energy and the way that kids respond to him; he started giving out fist bumps and they took it to the next level with hugs. The joy on his face as the children hugged him is not something that is fake.
This is a cool side effect – when Tim Walz becomes our new VP, this happens:
Who was your choice?
now there is a wise man
@KatKapCC: It’s more about the 10 year old girls who may not even know what menstruation is yet. I’m definitely not ready for the “what’s menstruation?” conversation, lol.
@Leto: I found this post about what it takes to attain that rank enlightening.
This guy is like the whole damn package.
Love that Walz is standing behind her like a hype man :D
@UncleEbeneezer: Hopefully they will get that education at home. My mom explained it to me when I was 9 even though it would likely be years until it happened for me. And these days, many girls are starting their period much younger — 9 and 10 is more common now than it was back then.
@Anoniminous: Is it just me or is the feed REALLY quiet?
ETA: Hopped on another feed and it’s much better there. Also, I remain encouraged by how many rightwingers in the twitch/youtube livefeed are freaking the fuck out and screaming in the comments. It’s satisfyingly pathetic
Both of their smiles are just happy, warm, and make you want to smile as well. How can you not?
The official feed always has mic problems. Not sure why.
@E: De Santis is nuts.
I like the “WE WIN!” signs.
I guess the Trump campaign blew it last weekend with their signs. Their signs read “Kamala Harris YOU’RE FIRED!” But because the first line was in such a small font all you could see on camera was “YOU’RE FIRED!”
People were confused. I don’t think the campaign team thought that one through. LOL
Via Dan Froomkin, Press Watch
Can we have a new post for Kamala and Walz, please….!
@KatKapCC: I’ll probably just tell students that the first aid and any personal hygiene stuff is here in my bag and they’ll see it and spread the word.
I love how happy she is introducing him – especially when she’s talking about his impact on kids. She’s a great speaker.
Walz is just adorable.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
Kamala turning up the rizz to 150%
@Kay: I liked both Pritzker and Buttigeig. But tried not to be too invested in anyone. Above all, I wanted someone Harris felt confident would be able to be her number 2, supporting and not upstaging her. And I knew from where I sit, I couldn’t suss out who would do that best. I trusted her to figure it out.
zhena gogolia
He’s having the time of his life.
@MisterForkbeard: I can’t tell for sure, but it looks to me like she may not be using a teleprompter. At any rate, she is doing a terrific job.
Harris now calling him “Coach Walz”
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
Look how young this crowd is and they’re going nuts for Sgt. Walz.
To paraphrase Sally Field, “they love him, they really really love him”.
@KatKapCC: Some men don’t understand that the urinary orifice in women is separated from the sexual orifice because for them, it isn’t.
Interestingly, perhaps, only in female mammals are the reproductive and excretory tracts completely separate (normally).
@Lily: I like it!
Mike in Pasadena
@Citizen Alan: I did not know guys did that. I attended a small college for boys in Colorado Springs and never heard about it. (My school admitted women after I graduated.)
Betty Cracker
@Matt McIrvin:
Truth. It’s smart to make weirdo goons like Raichik, MTG, Rufo and other gross panty-sniffing busybodies the face of the party along with the hideous orange face that is now the Repub brand. They need to mind their own goddamn business, and Walz is great at articulating that.
@MisterForkbeard: Which feed has good sound? I was on AP and the sound was really low.
@Eyeroller: Right, I do get that people with their parts have one exit, so it makes sense to think that way as a kid. But like…by the time you’re a teenager, you should be aware that women have a different set-up inside, haha.
@Kristine: very similar to the Air Force Command Chief Master Sgt selection process. Yup, the best of the best.
This crowd is going nuts. Enthusiasm is so high, here.
Really great speech. And now we’re getting into the trump-bashing. This is also good.
@UncleEbeneezer: I’m watching Brian Tyler Cohen’s channel on youtube. He’s broken in exactly once to say “taking his team to the state championship is going to play super well” and otherwise has kept his yap shut. And I can actually hear Kamala.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
Linebacker! Which means he’ll blitz the weirdos early and often.
Know, I had not known that. And I think I liked it better when I did not know that.
Man, must be nice to get to hear someone talk about how awesome you are and have a crowd of thousands cheer in agreement. That’s gotta be a good self-esteem boost.
@lowtechcyclist: Politics as little more than hooliganism. That can last maybe for a handful of years, but short of true climatic catastrophe or something, it dies out. Even the Nazis imploded, and they had FAR worse conditions out of which to amplify and channel violent grievance.
@BR: Wow — really impressive, then.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
@MisterForkbeard: It’s Obamamania redux
karen gail
@KatKapCC: That is why all my purses had at least one or more of those free tampon holders that came with tampax tampons and loved it when we no longer had to carry those massive pads. There was nothing worse than not having change for the machine or worse it was empty.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@KatKapCC: well men have an all in one setup so I guess they could think (i.e. not thinking) that women do too. Didn’t they ever hear “men are fancy on the outside and women are fancy on the inside”? Does show an amazing lack of curiosity, intelligence, common sense, or what?
Anybody else tripping back to 2008 and the Obama campaign?
ETA: guess so
@David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch: Definitely feeling that way.
@Leto: The blackface was bad, but I will always laugh at Jamie Lee Curtis and Denholm Elliot in the same scene:
“Ya, I am Inga, from Sweden!”
“…But you’re wearing.. lederhosen..”
Ah. Like Betty C and Momsense.
Good on Shapiro. Fuck the Internet. Bunch of losers.
Team players all the way.
@Geoduck: haha, that’s still funny :)
Betty Cracker
@E: Walz has criticized DeSantis a lot, which I find endearing.
Ooh I like salty Kamala :D
Lol, JV Vance… breaking out them dad jokes. A+
@karen gail: They were ALWAYS empty, weren’t they?? So annoying. And ROFL at “massive pads”. When I felt brave enough, I think at 16, to start using tampons, I was like OMG THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER.
A lawsuit to stop the atmosphere. He’s the “President” of “Election Watch”.
An amazing number of grifters on the Right.
There have been many huge applause lines in both Shapiro’s and Harris’s speeches, but women’s rights over their bodies gets a few extra decibels every time. That issue can never be overstated.
Coach Walz…. ❤️Kamala
That would be Kamala and Coach.
@Anoniminous: yes
Can’t believe women don’t want to be second class humans.
I have a wife and 3 daughters.
Our family group chat it lit on that issue. And the disbelief that the right is trying to criticize Walz for signing a bill to put tampons into school bathrooms.
A month ago none of them were engaged in this election at all.
I went to the Dr recently and they handed me a clipboard with questions about my medical history
List of meds (Im an old guy), history of heart disease? No. Cancer in the family? Yes
Are you or do you think you might be pregnant?
Did I make a stink and demand the manager? Did I write my Congressmen demanding a law against this question being on a form they gave to a man?
Of course not, I checked “No” and went on to the other questions
Because I am neither a 12 years old nor am I a creepy wierdo conservative
Can I sue Cole for the BJ atmosphere?
This entire rally is just pitch perfect!
zhena gogolia
This guy makes me cry.
@zhena gogolia: I adore him already.
@Baud: But isn’t it mostly your fault?
Sure Lurkalot
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Yellen, albeit around the margins but heads and shoulders above her predecessors and successor.
Walz is just super likeable. Look at him – he’s so proud of his family. And he’s so proud to be on this ticket. Dude’s got a great skill in speechifying, too – sounds very authentic when he says stuff like “going after fraudsters”, like “fraudsters” is something he just says.
I really liked him before this speech. I like him more now. Especially how he emphasizes that Kamala is a happy warrior.
Look at this ticket GO!
Walz speaking now. He doesn’t have the intense fire of Shapiro. But he has a serious folksy way that is super natural and eloquent. All I’ve seen of him is the interviews and YouTube short clips. This is the first time I have seen him giving a speech. He is a very very good speaker
Trump must be going crazy about now. This does not look good for him.
And they called him Dances with Horses.
They both are leaning into “Joy”. That is great. Against the horrible hate on the other side.
They need to continue the “joy.”
Harvey Milk told us “you’ve gotta give them hope.”
Yes, the contributory negligence defense would be a hurdle.
@KatKapCC: TMI but I never liked tampons (won’t go into why but it was a personal thing). But I’ll note that in Evangelical type circles, there is concern that they will break the hymen so the eventual husband will not be able to be certain she is a virgin. This is not a realistic concern but it’s something many of them believe.
zhena gogolia
“that’s not even counting the crimes he committed”!
“That doesn’t even count the crimes he committed”
Why you do NOT piss off a CSM
NICE: “Violent crime was up under Donald Trump. That’s not even counting the crimes he committed!”
Violent crimes were up under Donald Trump… that’s not even counting the crimes he committed. – Walz
Sure Lurkalot
So is whining like a toddler about anything and everything you don’t like.
“Make No Mistake….Crime was up under Donald Trump”
“And that’s not even counting the crimes HE committed!”
@Anoniminous: I loved Kamala’s expression when he said that.
Anonymous At Work
Like Biden, Walz is a mensch to anyone that knows him. Attempts to make him seem nefarious or evil will roll off. Midwestern Radical Liberal Governor makes as much sense as Fundamentalist Radical Methodism. Conservatives better act quickly before Walz challenges Vance to a fish-off/debate or a serious discussion of local high school football.
zhena gogolia
I am sobbing.
“Is the Democratic ticket too likeable?” /NYT
I can’t think of anything more emasculating than worrying about how something is emasculating. It’s literally never crossed my mind.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Take that to the bank!
Ha! You can see that the commentariat likes the “crimes he committed” line
@Mark: oh man, Trump sure is. He made a completely wacko post about Biden fighting to take the nomination back from Harris at 4pm today. Completely delusional.
And don’t let Donald Trump play dumb; he knows exactly what Project 2025 will do to restrict your freedoms. – Walz
@Baud: dammit! Was just typing “Why Enthusiasm May Spell Trouble” etc.
Rough seas ahead, but for now very much enjoying the sun and the breeze!
@Baud: Are you Doug? Are you the NYT Pitchbot? 🤣😅
zhena gogolia
“I can’t wait to debate the guy”
@zhena gogolia:
Me too.
“I can’t wait to debate the guy.” Me too, Guv’nor, me too.
Daaaaaaaamnnnnn HE WENT TO THE COUCHES!!!!!
zhena gogolia
@KatKapCC: the subject of this front page (Chaya Raichik), who posted the offensive tampon Tim photo, is the Libs of Tik Tok lady who advocates censorship. Do we want to censor films and books?
OMG….couch joke
Goddamned, Walz up here making Vance couch jokes…. LOOOOOOOOOOL
Shots fired! Lol!
Damn – even threw in a sleep when we’re dead!
@UncleEbeneezer: I understand pads and tampons can useful first aid additions for gunshot wounds and large cuts. it would be easy to explain why you might have them, not sure how you make them comfortable about asking for them, though.
OMG. He went for the couch joke. And then “You know what I did there” and followed it up with “these guys are creepy and weird as hell, and that’s what you see!”
This guy is a master of the zinger.
BWA HA HA HA HA!! JD Vance couch joke!!
And Kamala’s expression.
“We’ll sleep when we’re dead.”
They are here to chew gum and kick ass, and they’re all out of gum.
This speech is excellent! Love it.
@Eyeroller: I did gymnastics as a girl so that took care of the hymen issue for me :P
I’m crying…….
Kamala looks really, really, happy
@CaseyL: I’ve been told that, and I’ve said that. Fuck yeah!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Yo, this Walz in a barnstormer. And he knows how to sell Democrats and what makes Harris a wonderful choice for President.
Damn……I need a smoke after that.
And I don’t smoke.
@Sure Lurkalot: Powell has sucked from the get go. The Fed is trapped in group think rk
The idea that Walz is just another safe Tim Kaine choice is crazy.
When he tries to push the applause lines he misses it a little, but in an endearing way. It sounds exactly like the college coach trying to rev up the student body.
@Kent: I seriously think that’s the social studies teacher in him. To be really good at it, you have to be able to connect and communicate quickly and well.
as a socstud educator, I am thrilled with someone who was in the classroom teaching the same stuff I did!
@TBone: I don’t want to keep having this conversation but I’ll just say there is NO comparison between a disgusting racist caricature and books about gay people. You must have a brain. Try using it. I’m done. I’m watching Tim and I don’t want to argue with you about something that should not be an argument.
I am crying for happy. How did we get this lucky?
Hell yeah, Walz! Not going back!
@Anoniminous: She really does. Compare that with the other side. Both Harrises and Walzes are looking ecstatic – and Trump and Vance (and their family) just always look smug or angry
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@TBone: Apparently we don’t want to offer hygienic necessities in bathrooms…👀
@Kent: I’ll see ya in the smoke pit. Damn…
@Bostondreams: I’m a science teacher so thrilled to see another teacher on the ticket. He must have been amazing to have as a teacher and coach.
@SiubhanDuinne: Because we’re right.
And our deep bench knows and acts like they know it because we’re right.
zhena gogolia
Let’s go!
OK Rachel, he was the linebacker coach. Easy with “he led the team to a state championship”!
zhena gogolia
She showed great judgment in picking this guy.
How the *fuck* is free food for kids in schools even debatable? How much could that possibly cost? A kid with 2 meals a day comped by a school is a hell of a good investment.
@Bostondreams: it’s also the senior enlisted leader. You’re typically talking to a large age rank, as well as a large experience range. And you gotta be able to motivate them all. It’s definitely a skill, same as teacher and coach. Lot of hats here.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Geoduck: That line wasn’t in the script. It just came out of Denholm Elliott’s mouth because he was genuinely puzzled why a woman from Sweden would be wearing a Bavarian men’s outfit. They thought it was funny so they kept it in.
@KatKapCC: See, in Evangelical-land, nice girls don’t do that sort of thing. But it can be broken or partially torn by any number of things during childhood. It’s a completely useless gauge of virginity, but has been used as such in many cultures for centuries. (E.g. in some cultures the newlyweds were expected to hang the wedding-night sheets on a fence or post or clothesline or something to show the blood. Even now there are some cultures where plastic surgeons offer “reconstruction.”)
@zhena gogolia: She really did. He is perfect.
I’m already seeing a lot of Trumpers yelling about how it didn’t matter because Trump’s rallies are bigger. They’re very afraid of this and decompensating badly
I remember some talk about how Harris had to find a larger, bigger site for the rally today after 57,000 people signed up to attend in under 24 hours. Do we know how many people showed up for this in person?
What part of “free” is confusing?
Thank you for the link!
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: who dis “we?” 😆
We had female legislators in Harrisburg, PA throwing tampons from the steps at the Capitol Building years before it was cool! 😎
As a student of history, I believe it is important to see what happened with eyes wide open so we can learn from it, not brush it under the rug for deletion.
Balz to the Walz!
@BethanyAnne: It has to be paid for by taaaaxxxes so it’s sooocciallism.
Oh for the love of……headline on the NYT front page: “By choosing Tim Walz, Kamala Harris passed on an opportunity to redefine herself, Nate Cohn says”
I’m not even wasting the effort to get the archive version, because I know it’s full of garbage. She doesn’t NEED to “redefine” herself, you sniveling little twerp.
@raven: from his wiki:
I mean I’m over here yelling at her saying he retired as a CSM. He didn’t, he didn’t complete the CSM coursework. He retired as a Master Sgt. But I’m not gonna correct people over it.
@MisterForkbeard: That was Detroit tomorrow (?) 47,000 requested tickets so they were scrambling to find a larger venue.
Tim Walz KILLT THAT!!!
Let’s FUQN GO!!!
@MisterForkbeard: capacity of the venue is 12k and there’s more there. It’s over capacity. I’m sure the 11pm news will tell us.
@UncleEbeneezer: You are a good egg!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@KatKapCC: So how is Kamala defined and how does Walz reinforce it? Legitimate curiosity but won’t even consider giving FTFNYT the traffic.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: Presumably RFKJr would offer only the bear necessities…
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: That paper is just a parody of itself at this point. Utter tripe.
@Eyeroller: Ah, you’re right.
Leto says it was at least 13k. Yeah, not surprising at all. Damn good turnout.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@rikyrah: I can see that.
@ron: That person on the receiving end of Walz’ comments at the FarmFest governor candidates’ debate in 2020 was Scott Jenson (R), who lost bigly.
Omnes Omnibus
This should have read: isn’t this something that is an unalloyed good thing?
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
In my book, it was always cool.
As a student of history, I believe it is important to see what happened with eyes wide open so we can learn from it, not brush it under the rug for deletion.
Neglecting health and reducing autonomy are the classic patriarchal weapons.
It’s funny the way you talk about history. Same thing I hear from Republicans, but seems they want to preserve the classic American myths as “history.”
@Timill: The bare necessities would be a damn sight better than what too many get.
Seeing as RFK only means to provide bear necessities, I can only assume that means an end to all vaccine programs and personal transport from RFK himself to a new mass grave situated in Central Park.
Kayla Rudbek
@Suzanne: I would reply that oversized shopping carts are a conspiracy to make you buy more. But it’s probably based on the idea that smaller = cute = feminine
Amy Klobuchar: Tim works really well with strong women. His wife is a strong woman, his Lt Gov is a strong woman, and when we’ve worked together he’s been very good.
Maybe another factor in why MVP chose him.
@KatKapCC: The NYT also felt it important to note that Walz’s decades-old drunk driving charge is “drawing attention.”
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@KatKapCC: I’m starting to wonder if they’re doing it on purpose. Are they trying to out pitchbot the pitchbot?
@Geoduck: I mentioned this in an earlier thread, but Newsweek’s article about it was headlined “Tim Walz’s criminal record explored”. Holy exaggeration, Batman.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Old news, who cares? /NytOnTrump
@Kent: Both him and his wife are teachers! My wife is thrilled!
@Leto: A native of West Point, Neb., Walz played football in high school and attended Chadron State College in his native Nebraska after a stint in the National Guard, then took a teaching job overseas. Upon returning to the States, he took a teaching and football coaching job at Alliance High School in Nebraska. Walz moved to Mankato West High School in Minnesota to be closer to his wife’s family in the late 1990s, where he was the defensive coordinator for close to a decade. His unit helped the school win its first state championship in 1999.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Can we maybe fix the margins at 194?
@zhena gogolia: That person on Twitter or TikTok or wherever that started that couch story must be feeling like they influenced history.
Omnes Omnibus
@KatKapCC: For me, it is the moment in Casablanca where Ilsa refers to Sam as a boy.
@Scout211: I use ARCGIS at work all day
@Peale: I’m old enough to remember the days when using a tampon was verboten for unmarried girls…supposedly it ruined your virginity by doing something to the hymen…no, really (same with riding horseback!!). And I imagine there are talibangelicals out there who still believe that…
@Sister Golden Bear:
just did a Google search for “Kamabla” (in quotes) and got “About 25,400 results.”
will check tomorrow, see if it’s growing.
Darn Frank
Just remember, Jan 6th is on a lot of MAGA republicans minds. Men and Women alike. When you jump over to the other side, it isn’t 27% it’s a heck of a lot higher.
I’m getting pushback on what has Kamala done as Vice President. And seeing lots of calls to war and violence.
Not going to be a lot a fun in the future even if it is looking brighter.
Since you asked, my answer is: I can’t say I ever thought much about it. I urinate in privacy, and so does my wife, and so did all my long-ago ex-girlfriends. I know where to find the clitoris and the G-spot, and what to do with them when I find them, but there’s never been a reason for me to know where exactly in a woman’s nether regions her urethra is located. Am I depriving my wife of some benefit by my ignorance? I can’t see how.
@karen marie:
I’m not too concerned that DT’s campaign is monitoring the BJ comments section for slurs since he seems to have an endless supply. I’m not sure from your comment if you think I made it up. I didn’t.
ETA: As expected.
My condolences, unless it has miraculously improved in the year since I had to provide tech support for it. Granted, it may have been worse on the support side than the user side but I heard no end of grumbling from our geographers.
@Chet Murthy:
Good points here.
It would be extremely unlikely that at least the vast majority of adults alive in the US today didn’t wear diapers as an infant. Some may not have because of money but it’s still rather unlikely. I would think it extremely unlikely that the vast majority of adults alive today does not know what a menstrual pad or tampon exists for either. It’s not like they aren’t openly on the shelves in markets.
David Anderson
@Sure Lurkalot: wtf on both boyfriends not getting you supplies and crabs….
Being completely selfish for a moment, but being completely comfortable getting a pack of pads or tampons plus a bottle of Aleve for friends and lovers dramatically increased the frequency I got laid in college. Naked self interest to see my partner as having real and addressable needs at the very least.