CNN reports that Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) will be the running mate for Kamala Harris.
Now back to my post dissertation vacation
by David Anderson| 26 Comments
This post is in: Elections, Elections 2024, Kamala Harris for President
CNN reports that Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) will be the running mate for Kamala Harris.
Now back to my post dissertation vacation
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Let’s go! Balls to the Walz!
I shall dance a waltz in celebration.
I thought we were supposed to know first! I’m happy, I like him, but any of the prospective candidates would have been fine.
Let the games begin!
I’m pro That Guy! Now on to the beat down and ass kicking on the orange churl and his lil sidekick.
Trivia Man
That Eau Claire rally will be informative. If he can fire up that region we might get an extra House seat.
As long as he didn’t have intimate relations with living-room furniture, it’s good.
Kosh III
A great choice!
Note: I’d vote for Harris even if she picked Zaphodbeeblebrox.
Here’s the Post’s story.
YAY!!!! Walzing with Walz!!!
To be fair, I’d celebrate whoever Kamala chose!😁
eta: This just popped up on my newsfeed 😂
I also just emailed AL and WaterGirl thinking we could use a new thread for this. Great minds, etc
Let’s go!
A great choice from a deep bench.
Blog favorite! I am super sure that the Harris team was checking the balloon-juice comment section to see who was our favorite. We put Walz over the top!
Glad we dodged a bullet on this nearly top 10k site. Walz seemed to have the fewest negatives, which conventional wisdom currently considers the way to go on a topic (VP choices) whose first rule is “Do No Harm.”
He’s likeable, has little or no Gaza baggage, and dishes out the “weird” diss very well. And he’s the Dem most impervious to an “elite” accusation since Harry Truman (who had different baggage as a product of the crooked Pendergast machine in what would later be called Misery).
mali muso
I sure hope that CNN isn’t messing with us, but if it’s true, I’m jazzed! He’s been my favorite in the Veepstakes. Let’s go!!!
@Scout211: I’m glad that the BJ Gold Seal of Approval TM still means something… :P
@Kosh III: hey Zaphod Beeblebrox was cool! And, it turned out, also smart.
And I’m RILLY happy with
Midwestern Santa ClausWalz!But as noted, I’d have supported her 100% whomever she picked!
Now, back to work, dammit! There’s an election to win! (Several, actually.)
He was my pick.
I thought Tim Walz would be the best governing partner for MVP. He has executive experience and time in the House. Also, he was a sergeant, which will be a much needed perspective to the National Security discussion. During the vetting period, it shown he is a decent individual which will be a great counterpoint to TCFG and the weird one. Note: It the Harris team decided on Sharpio or Kelly to get their state I would have been fine with it.
Fuck yeah!
Attempted Chemistry
Another Scott
As I said downstairs…
@Baud: +1
I’ve mostly stayed out of the discussion about the pick. They all had their advantages – we’ve got a deep bench.
It was fun seeing the pundits spin themselves silly trying to be first with some breaking news about who it was (and how self-important and plugged in they tried to show themselves to be – and a preview of the attempts to get leaks from her administration and shape the news coverage. I’m sure she’s taking notes.).
Eyes on the prizes.
Excellent, especially since his main competition seems to have been Shapiro, who’s always been at or near the bottom of the list for me. He just never looked or felt right for the job. Anyway, happy, happy, joy, joy, Harris/Walz it is!
From WaPo article – be interested to know if the campaign wanted this leaked, or if the three people (who knows if this is true) couldn’t shut up when called by the Media
Please note that it was the busy academic Dick Mayhew that won the Great Vice-Presidential Race!
Now back to the grind. Which isn’t very exciting for me right now.