I’m running out the door, but it doesn’t look like anyone has set up for this rally, so here it is.
Seems like a rowdy crowd! Meanwhile JV Vance had 10s of people at his…(not posting anything related to him, but on twitter and threads search Fours Seasons Landscaping and it will fill you with joy – weirdos).
Looks like a couple people showed up in Eau Claire, Wisconsin for Harris/Walz 👀pic.twitter.com/kXubNmhuOp
— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) August 7, 2024
Otherwise, open thread. Try and play nice. I’m off to (another) birthday lunch – as all birthdays should be at least a week long.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Great looking crowd turnout based on the video in the tweet!
Hilarious. The gardener in you will appreciate this one, TaMara.
It’s been a loooooong eight years. I think there’s a lot of pent up demand for erasing the Trump stain from our political system.
Scrub it good. Beat it with rocks. They like 15th century tech.
What a difference 2 1/2 weeks make! From dark gloom of probable doom to bright sunshine of realistic hope and joy! Biden deserves huge credit forever in history books as one of the all-time great political ju-jitsu moves that knocked a Trump campaign trotting toward probable victory in November totally off-course and struggling for traction against an unexpected supernova of energizing force in Kamala Harris.
Let’s continue to use the Stalker Tour-Vance and Nervous Breakdown-Trump memes going!
Oh wow, Stat News — a legit medical news outlet — has done an analysis of Trump’s cognitive decline:
Oops already posted
15thC cleaning tech? Let’s go all the way back to Roman-era tech and beat them with a pole in a stone tub full of urine
omg here you go, let’s see if this slogan can take off:
“Tampon Tim is going to stop the red wave”
from here:
Battle Cry of Freedom for the win! Starting at 1:00 minute on the CSPAN:
@BR: about time!
I really want Dems to pound on this: why isn’t trump out on the campaign trail?
And bigger picture: why does he keep saying “we have all the votes we need”, etc etc? We know he and his evil little minions have been ensuring that corrupt election officials are in all the
rightwrong places in the swing states.Start sounding the alarm now, Ds! Normies are notoriously slow to catch on, and the media’s even worse.
New: Heritage president Kevin Roberts is delaying publication of his book amidst Project 2025 backlash. Unfortunate for him, as media matters already has a galley copy and I’m blogging it as I read through:
zhena gogolia
@BR: As Levenson said, let’s see if our neuro-board-certified MSM reporters can get on this story.
@BR: And this from the link:
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MazeDancer: Oh glad I caught you.
Can you send me an email address for the cover reveal thing? Send it to dawinsor (at) dawinsor (dot) com.
I thought the Secret Service was now discouraging outdoor campaign rallies, or is that only applicable to the orange menace?
I understand Shady Vance is holding a competing rally, but it’s been held up because the phone booth he wanted to use is occupied. Any minute now . . .
Happiest of Birthdays to you, TaMara!
I missed something? Happy Birthday, TaMara!
JD Vance douchecanoes across the tarmac to steal the VP press corps.
Love that the USSS greets him.
Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) posted at 1:08 PM on Wed, Aug 07, 2024:
The fact that they are trying to Swift Boat Time Walz over his 24-year military career shouldn’t come as any shock, considering that Trump’s campaign manager is Chris Lacivita — the architect of the original Swift Boat movement.
@zhena gogolia: I want them to say Trump should remove himself as a candidate.
@WereBear: I assumed her birthday lunch was for her but I’m often (usually) six chapters behind the plot twist.
Best of all possible worlds. We get to keep slagging him for their fascist bullshit but he doesn’t get any book sales out of it.
@MazeDancer: OMG he’s trying so hard and only manages to look even more pathetic 😆
Ouch! I love the song, and I think it’s perfect for the occasion, but I wish the singer had decided to do it justice, or maybe that they had a singer who could do it justice. The decision to suddenly shift to falsetto for several bars was–how shall I put this?–ill-advised.
Getting a crowd sing going would have worked. It’s simple enough that it would make a good crowd sing.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Tim Walz unleashes hell on Earth
Alexandra Petri in the WaPo
@BR: Goose. Gander. Liquid poured upon. All that all that.
zhena gogolia
@Kathleen: Don’t hold your breath.
When my brother was serving in the Peace Corps in Central America, he perforce did his laundry in the stream near his cabin. Lots of scrubbing on rocks. His socks wore out fast.
Well christ, that’s a revelation!
When I was in the Peace Corps in Central America I hired a neighbor lady to wash my clothes by hand for a couple bucks per week. They came back starched, folded, perfectly white, and even my jeans were pressed.
I liked the falsetto; it fits with the ghostly image of the forgotten heroes of the Civil War.
Central Planning
Since this is an open thread… does anyone remember the link to (I think an x post) that was instructions on how to make the MAGA weirdos feel bad by comparing them to Trump with phrases like “It’s great you see your values in a presidential candidate”?
I can’t seem to find it. Can someone point me to it?
@Mr. Bemused Senior: WaPo doesn’t let non-subscribers read gift articles anymore with out giving them our email. It would be nice if we could read an excerpt when jackals post gift links because WaPo stopped letting us read for free.
This is what we get when we click on a “gift” link:
@TBone: While they wait, the local Fox station is covering his speech over a nice two shot of the VP and her VP.
Boring. Also, he exudes repellancey.
ETA Oops, now they are covering the cars abandoned by foks who parked and started walking to venue.
@zhena gogolia: I was just being silly. I know it’s futile.
In the past hour, MSNBC has had a segment with Chuck Fucking Todd, and now Peter the fuckwit Baker is on the screen.
@MazeDancer: I call it negative charisma.
@Scout211: I did not know that. Grrrrr. Thanks for the info. I shall refrain from further gifting of the links!
@HumboldtBlue: Must Flee TV.
Steve in the ATL
On a related note, to each his/her/their own, but I find “acrobatic swimming” to be really strange.
On the other hand, watching the pole vaulting reminds of playing the decathlon game on an Apple ][ some 45 years ago….
...now I try to be amused
Biden giving up another shot at the presidency for the greater good is up there with Washington’s retirement IMO.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@gratuitous: Haha. It’s too bad phone booths are gone from the landscape, because that paints such a great image. Vance standing outside the sliding door looking anxious while the person inside chats away. “Can you hurry it up? I have a rally here in 5 minutes!”
(And the person does the classic thing every person hogging a phone booth ever did… turn their back and keep talking)
Cognitive decline. Hasn’t the (actual) author of The Art of the
StealDeal (1987) said tRump has a functional vocabulary of 500 words? Or maybe he was talking of a more recent time period?SiubhanDuinne
Jesus, that crowd! It’s like Woodstock for political
They say never read the comments, but I did read the comments on a Daily Show Tim Walz video, and it was gold:
lol, angry looking Chucky Doll with bad eyeliner
Of course, Gov Walz walk on music iss now The Boss.
Wonder if Bruce will play the convention?
Sure Lurkalot
@Scout211: Here’s a link to the Petri article!
Before we all conclude that the simplicity of Trump’s speeches are indicative of his cognitive decline, we need to also entertain the possibility that he’s intentionally chosen to tailor them to the cognitive level of his audience. Of course, these two options aren’t mutually exclusive.
@Steve in the ATL:
I had an unrequited love affair with a pole vaulter in college. Every time I see pole vaulting I think damn that was really stupid. I should have jumped him.
Eu Claire, eh? Perhaps the fever has finally broken.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@rikyrah: The original Swift Boat ad had a bunch of people saying “I served with John Kerry” who had never met Kerry. I wonder if he’ll try that one again.
Jay C
And speaking of the Stalker Tour: I read somewhere that the Trump-Vance campaign team (if there even IS such a thing) is already cranking out excuses for JD’s pathetic turnouts, on the (dubious) premise that these events are “by invitation”, and that they weren’t planning on, or wanting, huge crowds.
sure, guys; whatever you say…
@WereBear: I have a theory that dovetails with an earlier one, to wit that one reason the Republicans have been so flat-footed — for two and a half weeks now!! — is that THEY don’t understand how much their ideas (such as they are) and their attitudes and their candidates are DESPISED by people, and by HOW MANY people. It seems like they had convinced themselves not only that they were cruising to victory but that they were doing so because they were more popular, that they were in the right place for the time. They didn’t understand how much their lead — slim as it always was — was due to the media tearing down the Dems for them (Biden Old, inflation!) and not to anything they were or said. And so all they’ve got is Greatest Hits of Eight Years Ago, and the Felon mostly sits at home surrounded by grifting ass-kissers and posting rambling half-crazed tweets that only his cult (and fewer and fewer of them) pay any attention to.
At this point, I think our greater worries are (1) our own turnout and (2) them ratfking the election.
Steve in the ATL
@MomSense: take your shot now with the French pole vaulter!
Ah, well there it is. I have been reading about the Civil War recently, so I imagine it sung at the time by the men themselves. Possibly by the men of the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
@MazeDancer: I missed it – which song(s)?
tRumpturds’ solidarity ear-gauze was preceded by conservaturds’ mocking Kerry with their purple bandaids.
Say hello to Anthony, Anthony Ammirati.
@HumboldtBlue: As Ray Charles said, the night time is the right time.🎶 If at all, I might add here.
Just FYI – lately, like just in the last week, I’ve been seeing the term “rizz “ as something a person has – he’s got rizz. Just learned that’s kid-speak for charisma.
Let’s just not have WaPo links. Fuck em. I mean honestly, these media outlets are useless.
A twitter feed of Tom Nichols is more useful than these chuckleheads and I don’t remotely agree with that guy at times.
Sure Lurkalot
So today I finished the last episode this season of Maddow’s “Ultra” podcast; thus, TIL that the “fake elector” scheme was ALSO contemplated in 1956 by Joe McCarthy’s supporters, and the “stolen election/wait until January” scheme was part of Nixon’s shtick in 1960. Obviously didn’t work/didn’t have enough normie-Republican support either of those times, but damn; history may not repeat itself, but it sure AF rhymes.
Sounds kind of sus.
@Jay C:
They were trying for turnout and results like what happened in the UK.
@M31: A little gross but hilarious!
Sure Lurkalot
Many reasons why Trump is not actively campaigning:
@Steve in the ATL: I think the height bar already did that…
Watching the event. Someone fainted during Walz’s speech, so he paused until they were revived. He cut out the jokes from his speech, showing a more serious demeanor.
Happy Birthday!
This is what we get when we click on a “gift” link:
I keep a burner email account for this type of thing, or as KatKapDC has mentioned, you can just enter any old fake email at gmail and it will let you read. I tried this for the Petri article and it worked.
@Torrey: Wisconsin’s contribution was the Iron Brigade. I learned that song from someone who learned it from veterans of that war.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Scout211: drat! Sorry about that
@Sure Lurkalot: thanks
@BR: I rarely watch clips of him (trying to avoid nausea), but the few I’ve seen recently were rather shocking. The way he was rambling, repeating the same words over and over, and avoiding anything specific–he really did seem lost. It was bad enough that I actually felt a twinge of pity for him. It’s like Reagan all over again. People like Vance are going to exploit the hell out of him if they can.
@cain: I really love reading Alexandra Petri’s columns so I clicked over to do so. There are a few good news articles on WaPo and Alexandra Petri.
I would really love it if WaPo links or any other articles jackals link here included an excerpt of a paragraph or two of the article instead of just posting the links in the comments. But that’s easy for me to do because I’m usually on an iPad. The majority of the commentariat reads balloon-juice on their phones and I do understand that copying and pasting excerpts from articles while on a phone is a big pain.
I also would like a pony to improve my balloon-juice experience. 😉
Matthew Dowd (@matthewjdowd) posted at 11:59 AM on Wed, Aug 07, 2024:
here is what i find absolutely incredible and so representative of the best of America: two people were born just months apart in 1964: one a black asian girl in Oakland, CA; the other a rural white guy in small town Nebraska. each grew up miles away from each other but with struggles and each took different paths: one became a successful lawyer/prosecutor, the other a public school teacher and football coach. they each grew up loving America and also knowing we can do better. they each have a zest for life, a joy of living, and are incredibly welcoming. now they are on the ticket together running for the most powerful offices in the world. a true picture of America in the 21st century.
Oh my, that sounds positively criminal. I’ll do it!!
What I loved about that perspective on Trump is that when the WH staff got him to understand a problem that was complex, he always would go out in a speec h or a press conference, and say “You probably don’t know this” or give a grade school explanation of the complexity and act like he was the smartest in the room even though anybody with any analytical skills had already grokked that it was complex and/or his explanation would miss the point.
Such is the life of a career dumbass and why we can not go back.
Minor, no make that a major correction.
@Sure Lurkalot:
He’s a coward who doesn’t want to dirty his hands with whatever idiocy they are trying to provoke.
See also 1/6/21
Yeah, that and the “only in America” that Harris said really got to me.
There’s someone on Mastodon who I like to read who is originally from Singapore and lived all over the world and now lives in California, which is the first place she was able to marry her wife and live a normal life. She reminds people on the left who are down on the US that there is really no better, more diverse, more accepting society anywhere in the world, and she has lived in all the places people talk about:
@Sure Lurkalot: She’s a treasure, ya shore, you betcha.
Steve in the ATL
I’m holding out for avatars and threaded comments!
Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) posted at 2:35 PM on Wed, Aug 07, 2024:
JD Vance sniffing around Kamala Harris’s plane is some desperate shit.
The man has tarmac envy. He will probably buy a Cybertruck to compensate.
Sure Lurkalot
@cain: I support not posting direct “gift” links to FTFNYT and WaPo content but how is posting feeds from Musk’s garbage propaganda engine ok?
@Sure Lurkalot: Thank you!
I have the archive bookmarked but I usually forget to check it when I get a paywall. I have to remember that. Now to read.
Look at the overflow crowd!
@prostratedragon: Eau Claire has a university and that part of western WI has sent Dems to congress quite a bit.
It’s also in the TC media market, so a campaign hitter there gets you MN coverage for free (and will get you market time in La Crosse a least, and likely get picked up by most stations in WI as a highlight).
It’s a great campaign stop in WI.
Steve LaBonne
You can also read WaPo and FTFNYT stories for free by pasting the URL into archive.ph.
@Steve in the ATL:
and upvotes and downvotes!
Oh! Happy Birthday, TaMara!
eta 🎂🍨🥂
Steve in the ATL
@HumboldtBlue: I would totally upvote this comment, and post a gif!
Almost Retired
I’m stuck in traffic so I listened to Fox so you don’t have to. They’re pounding the San Francisco liberal tolerant-of-street-pooping angle, and now they’re pushing the “Minneapolis is a comparable hell scape” angle.
Also, evidently Walz was an assistant coach and not head coach (gasp!! Give me a moment to find my smelling salts).
And Shapiro was included in the final three because he is Jewish and wasn’t picked because he was Jewish.
Clearly they are still trying to settle on a strategy.
Yeah, wevs.
@Sure Lurkalot:
-Keeps firing people
-Erratic orders to staff paralyzed all planning
-Waiting for Ivanka to go with him
I haz a sad for the first time about not being on any social media. I am a Philly gurl so I had to look at Raw Story for my Four Seasons Total Landscaping fix. I fear I am missing out on better humor. A few xits were in the article I found, but I know my Philly peeps can do better! Has anyone found anything more on that to share?
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@HumboldtBlue: During my brief time at LGM I found down votes to be a great pressure valve to stop me flying off the handle about whatever.
Up votes are addictive. That’s bad.
So I’m conflicted.
@Steve in the ATL:
I’m told he’s (got) the whole package.
Sure Lurkalot
@Scout211: Alexandra Petri’s latest was too good to miss!
@JML: But August? That’s a great turnout for early August.
(I noticed MINNESOTA signs, and realized they’re not far away, as the car drives.)
Missed edit window, correction of KatKapCC’s nym.
@Lily: he’s in the bunker right, doing all this, isn’t he?
@cain: I posted the (gift link) Petri article in an earlier thread – using Duck Duck Go, I had easy access, no strings attached whatsoever.
But it’s Wapoo, so I only clicked once.
Everytime I’m tempted to join Twitter, Elon does something that snaps me out of it.
@bbleh: Yeah, it’s so easy to believe your own bullshit. Happens on the left as well, but religious fundamentalism supercharges it.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: up👆 OR down 👇 . Which way do you want to go? [Labyrinth helping hands]
Trump is melting down, and I am here for all of it.
@H.E.Wolf: at the Colonial Plantation, we did our laundry in a huge cauldron over a large open fire, stirring with a big paddle-shaped stick. Like proper witches.
@different-church-lady: 😂 LOL sassy!
@Jeffro: Born to Run at this event
@rikyrah: I actually saw a cybertruck in the wild this morning. It had its lights on (rain) and the lights go in a band all across the top of what I guess is supposed to be the grille.
How embarrassing for the poor driver!
Thanks, all!
Alexandra Petri, the excerpt:
. . .
@Marleedog: Put in Vance’s email!
@Scout211: careful asking for a pony. Fate often perversely meets you half-way in and gives you a horse’s ass.
Sure Lurkalot
@Almost Retired: Stuck in traffic AND listening to Fox? Isn’t that like crossing the streams?
@Steve in the ATL: I’d settle for a Like button…
@HumboldtBlue: hot dish!
Liberal redneck on Tim Walz on the ticket.
@Ishiyama: Thank you!
@Misterpuff: I hate idiots who think they’re smart. It’s worse when they mean well and I have to force myself to be nice. (The asshats are fun to jerk around.)
@Scout211: it’s a PITA, but burner emails were created for just such occasions. Apple has a service where they generate a random email address you can give out instead of your real one. I’ve used it on more than one occasion.
@BR: I’m not someone who owns an American flag or really does any outward displays of patriotism, myself, personally. But I also don’t get mad when people (especially people like Obama, Hillary, Biden, Harris, Walz etc.) speak about America being the greatest for this or that or “only in America” because:
1.) it’s campaign speech and many Americans react positively to it,
2.) it counters the myth that Dems “hate America” that Republicans and the MSM have perpetuated forever
3.) I know damn well that none of them are blind to all of America’s many faults and
4.) there are many aspects where America really is somewhat unique and/or has led the way, in ways that we should be proud of.
So I love seeing Dems reclaiming Patriotism in public. I may roll my eyes at times, but I generally think it’s a good thing.
@Scout211: I left a gift link to her funniest column ever (IMHO) a couple of days ago but I’m sure it got buried. Did you read the latest from RFK Jr’s brain worm? I laughed so hard. I think it was in WaPoo on Monday.
@BR: Yes, that’s what I love about America as well. All this outpouring of support for Kamala is restoring my faith that our multicultural society CAN survive and thrive.
@Misterpuff: Trump is that loudmouth know-it-all (in a completely opposite sense than eg “young sheldon”) whom you hopefully spot before you inadvertently take the open seat next to him at the bar and realize you need to invent an excuse to move elsewhere. Like, now!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Mr. Bemused Senior: She chose doooowwwnn?
News from Teen Vogue is a cool million dollars was spent on camo hats at the Kamala merch store.
Initial run of 3,000 sold out in 30 minutes. So you can pre-order for an Oct delivery.
@WereBear: Lab mice in a maze have a more complex thought process than Trump.
New rotating tag!
Steve LaBonne
@UncleEbeneezer: I can be as scathing as the next left-wing person about the reality of America and its history, but I also fly a US flag at one end of my porch (and a Progress Pride flag at the other) because I want to rub the assholes’ noses in the fact that they don’t own our flag. In fact they’re the ones busy desecrating it (black and white, blue line) or flying it upside down.
@Steve in the ATL: I read that as aviators and was going to ask for your mailing address.
As for avatars, the Sunday that John Cole rolled out avatars (they were gone by the end of the day) is a day that shall never be forgotten.
NYT at it again with “man on the street” interviews with “independent” voters who happen to be die hard GOPers and the NYT, who doesn’t really do investigative journalism anymore, forgets to look up basic facts:
“puffy headed couch fucker wearing guyliner is the real man of the two”
Like when he told an audience at an HBCU that “you probably didn’t know this, but Lincoln was a Republican!”
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@WaterGirl: I missed that but I look at the no-login web form that we use to comment and my imagination runs wild with possibilities.
Steve LaBonne
@BR: I don’t believe these things, which have been going on for a LONG time, are just sloppiness. Because all the “errors” are in the bank’s, that is the Republican Party’s, favor. So, FTFNYT.
I see the WaPo question has come up again and been answered. Yes, it’s true that you can enter any old fake email you want and it will work. You don’t even have to “set up an account” — you enter a fake email, it says “Thanks now you can start reading, check your email for a link to set up a password” and that’s it. I used something like “fakeemailhahaha@gmail” last time.
However, I assume at some point, someone at WaPo will realize how lame this paywall is, that it’s akin to drawing a door on butcher paper and taping it up in an empty doorway. If they ever make it so you have to use a real email, you can always use archive.ph. Just paste in a link and it will show you the page. You won’t be able to watch videos and cannot always access comments, but you can read the article.
Acyn (@Acyn) posted at 2:40 PM on Wed, Aug 07, 2024:
VP: Hold on, you know what, the courts are going to handle that part of it. What we’re going to do is beat him in November. https://t.co/4Kbbatw3JG
@Steve LaBonne:
Completely agreed. DougJ has had the NYT’s number for forever. It’s not incompetence or randomness, or else it would happen as often in favor of Dems. But it doesn’t.
Steve in the ATL
@WaterGirl: [shudders]
@KatKapCC: I just hit random letters for both, like [email protected] and it works
zhena gogolia
@rikyrah: That’s good.
Turning off javascript enables one to read as much as one cares to at WaPo anytime. Without the interruption of having to enter any information.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@NotMax: If you’re inclined to give the Washington Putsch traffic…
The rally in Detroit had to be moved to a hangar at the Detroit airport because over 50,000 people RSVP’d! If you live in the Detroit area (as I do), ya might want to avoid I-94. The rally is scheduled for 7pm.
I just found an earring that had been missing for a month from one of my favorite pairs. I choose to credit Harris/Walz for this miracle.
Did anyone see Fetterman on MSNBC earlier? He was asked about Shapiro and he blew a gasket. Said Shapiro’s old news and why are you trying to discuss him while Walz is on the stage right now?! The interviewer tried again, and Fetterman cut her off and said we should be discussing Walz. ‘Twas a thing of beauty 😁
Acyn (@Acyn) posted at 2:58 PM on Wed, Aug 07, 2024:
VP: So let us be clear, someone who suggests we should terminate the constitution of the United States should never again have a chance to stand behind the seal of the President of the United States. https://t.co/KUdGQ0MPIC
@Steve in the ATL:
Ooh la la!
Mon Dieu!
la caterina
@Jackie: Let me guess. Was the interviewer Katy Tur?
@Jackie: PA proud!
It’s so weird. The MSM collectively decided, absent the slightest evidence, Shapiro had the inside track.
I can understand. Morning Joe, especially Joe, is still trying to figure out why Harris did not pick Shapiro. It’s as if the entire pundit class decided that she should pick Shapiro and is now offended that she didn’t. It’s becoming offensive.
I only saw some clips, read about his biography, and thought he sounded pretty good. Judging by the response of the Democratic voters so far, sounds like we all agree.
Steve in the ATL
Truly unprecedented!!!
@WaterGirl: The simplicity of the site is one of it charms.
@eclare: They are addicted to Dems In Disarray stories so they are trying to create them.
@la caterina: No, but it was during her hour. Ali Vatalie? I think?
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@eclare: Analysis of a decision that didn’t happen, free from new information.
That’s what I call News!
ETA: Seriously it’s like they think the power to decide the nominees is theirs by right.
I was in the car and heard some of the Eau Clare rally where the crowd burst into chants of “Thank you Joe” after KH brought up Pres Biden and how much he had done. The DNC is going to be a love-fest for Biden.
*This belongs here not in the “Absurdity” post
@TBone: at the Colonial Plantation, we did our laundry in a huge cauldron over a large open fire, stirring with a big paddle-shaped stick. Like proper witches.
Kent – good workaround!
TBone – I have fond memories of the Whale Of A Wash laundromat, in the years just after I finished college. Throw all the clothes in 1 load to save money, who cares if the white socks turn grey from being washed with the jeans?
Did someone say laundromat?
Good heavens.
Most humans have some level of cognitive decline as they get older. But when cognition is low to began with the decline takes less total time and often declines faster.
The above is from a former mental health counselor. Me. Plus I’m now the oldest – and only one left in my family. So I’ve learned from both schooling and watching. And what I’ve heard in SFB over not all that much time – he is. Declining and at a not insignificant rate.
@NotMax: Damn: can’t find the parody (UK) of that that ends “not a real man – doesn’t wash his boxers”.
Omnes Omnibus
He is just trying to get rid of me.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: How many time do I have to ask you stop posting my email?
@prostratedragon: I hate busy, rectangles everywhere, movement, and flashing. I’m sure it shows on BJ.
Steven Holmes