Every national political reporter should watch it, & most should hang their heads in shame. https://t.co/XXJ8fUsfeF
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) August 9, 2024
Lawrence O’Donnell’s monologue from last night is getting a lot of attention on social media, plus at least one request from a commentor here to front-page it. So, here’s an intro:
“It was 2016 all over again today … the same mistakes are being made” — @lawrence ?????? pic.twitter.com/CxfddzLjuX
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 9, 2024
And here’s the full thing, via MSNBC’s YouTube channel:
One thing does: they like him and want him to win. https://t.co/bCGIKmFG3Q
— Jean-Michel Connard ??? (@torriangray) August 8, 2024
in a word, epic.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
The Republicans have been telling the same lies for 40 years…that I can verify…
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
They’ve been lying about Willie Brown in a helicopter for 40 years?
BC in Illinois
Sympathy for the Donald:
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Baud: I meant the broad slate of facts related to policy making, but Willie Brown? Maybe. Probably.
I love that his expression in the full-video thumbnail looks like ARE YOU PEOPLE KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT? I sent that video to a lot of people last night.
Many in the current press corpse are people like Vivek Ramaswamy and J D Vance who want to be bully adjacent. They probably were either bullied or wanted to be a bully. They live vicariously through the Orange Bully.
Raoul Paste
I hope he keeps his job
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
The helicopter story thing is hilarious.
Thank you, LarryO
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
The helicopters are laughing.
Several commenters asked which reporter was the one who served up the decades-ago smear against Kamala Harris and her relationship with Willie Brown.
Who was it? Why is the press careful not to name this reporter. And what kind of reporter asks a question based on rumors from decades ago? “There’s been some discussion.” Really?
Who was it? Here’s my guess. It was a member of the Trump team in some capacity.
ETA: At least Trump took a swing and totally whiffed that answer and now his fake “helicopter crash with Willie Brown” has gone viral.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Only the ones who were identified human at birth…
Glad we got THIS out of the way.
The more you deny something so trivial….
@Raoul Paste
With all the added publicity and clicks his agent should demand he get a raise.
Omnes Omnibus
@BC in Illinois: Wealth?!
Some of it is that the press are lazy and Trump made their job easy and fun. Just report on his tweets and call it a day. The constant chaos made for good conflict too.
For the billionaire media owners it is even easier. Trump is a Republican. They’d rather have a fascist dictator than democracy. For them it is a no brainer.
The media has NEVER been our friend, but that went into high gear after the 1996 Telecommunications Act signed by Clinton and the media was allowed to consolidate to a few billionaire owners.
They want Trump. That simple.
That doesn’t narrow it down.
@Omnes Omnibus:
At least they didn’t include taste.
@trollhattan: He tightlines his eyes. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have lashes. She is artfully not lying, but not being straight-up either.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Have they faxed their credenzas yet?
What is tightline?
Mike E
He can call out the indolent free press every single show and it won’t make a dent. They’re shameless, it’s their superpower. Plus, their salaries depend on it!
I have been asking who the reporter was. I thought immediately it was a plant from Trump’s team. And Trump blew the question. Is his mind that fucked up or is his hearing that bad?
Trump loves gossip, smears. Loves to make personal attacks on women. It amazes me he blew his chance not to spend 15 mins on talking about Kamala’s relationship with Willie Brown.
Holy Hell! The kids (little ones) are all right!
This is hilarious!
@Omnes Omnibus
Q: What’s Weirdo McBeardo’s position on credenzas?
A: Horizontal.
Have watched that entire LO’D segment twice today, and a short time ago also saw this, which I thought made an excellent companion piece to the O’Donnell clip. Yes, it’s Rick Wilson/Lincoln Project — I know, I know — but it really is good. Do yourself a favour and watch it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Hell, I even question “man” at this point. Hutt, perhaps?
@trollhattan: no shame in looking your best when you need some sectional love.
Bravo for the Balloon Boy thread reference! That night was epic.
ETA: my god, that was 15 years ago!!
@Omnes Omnibus
Hut-Sut Rawlson on the rillerah and a brawla, brawla sooit
We were so young and full of hope.
(It was actually before my time here.)
Harrison Wesley
@Leto: I thought intersectionality was a lefty thing.
@Omnes Omnibus:
The Hutt of filth and waste.
The media is so mad that they did not get their brokered convention and Democrat in Disarray storylines. Their hate for MVP is the same as Biden. Her team does not leak, and it means they cannot do their horserace stories. Good
Meanwhile, Vance is all butt-hurt because some CNN reporter (Brianna Keilar) pointed out that Vance’s actual role in Iraq was actually as a “public affairs specialist”, not a “combat correspondent” – Vance never got anywhere near any actual combat, but spent most of his time in an air-conditioned office.
@trollhattan: oookay, so she DOES understand the difference between mascara and eyeliner, right? I mean, I’ve never worn either one and *I* understand the difference. Or is she [gasp!] perhaps being … not entirely honest?!?
I saw that piece this morning. I don’t watch press conferences anymore, so while I knew our wealthy media class goes full North Korean State Media when Trump is talking, what really stunned me is the fact that they no problem at all interrupting Biden in the middle of a sentence and screaming YOU’RE NOT ANSWERING THE QUESTION.
And as O’Donnell says, Donald Trump has never answered a question in his life. I really think he sees actually answering questions as a sign of weakness.
@Harrison Wesley: only when it’s a zero degree wall clearance unit.
Daily braving the ever present threat of paper cuts.
@Scout211: It’s where you apply eyeliner on the watery inside edge of the eyelid, the part that touches when you close your eyes. Most of the time, eyeliner is on the outside edge of the eyelid, past the lashes, but tightlining is a way of making your lashes look longer.
You can see it in photos. If you’re not wearing makeup, it looks like a small skin-colored line between the eyeball and the lashes.
I don’t think they would have been satisfied with anything short of conventioneers fistfighting while the Chicago PD bashed protestor skulls outside.
Instead they’re going to get Kumbaya and the Silver Bullet Band reunion? They’re not even showing up at this rate.
Meanwhile, Trump is stewing, stewing, stewing. SAD.
Yuck it up and enjoy the weekend libtards. Monday you shall feel the full visionary fury of one Mr. Elon Musk.
It may take identifying individual White House Press Corps reporters by name, on national TV, whenever they do something egregiously stupid to shame them into doing their jobs properly.
Then again, that’s presuming they’d have shame; perhaps they would get off on that kind of attention so much they wouldn’t regard being called out as incompetent as a bad thing. I mean, Peter Baker is still cosplaying as a journalist after being dragged.
I think folks have shared this Walz article from 2008, recounting how he taught his geography class about genocide back in 1993, but if not the whole thing is worth a read — really shows how well Harris chose and how lucky we are to have someone like that for VP:
I knew what it was, but I didn’t know there was a name for it. Oh yeah, he definitely tightlines, and as others have said, it has nothing to do with eyelashes.
I love O’Donnell for finishing the segment with Kamala’s entire speech at the UAW, after castigating the media for ignoring it in real time.
Hungry Joe
I feel petty asking this because it really doesn’t matter, but …
Have there been any close-up photos of Trump’s ear? Or, I assume that some press photogs are in possession of zoom lenses; have we seen any shots?
As I said, it doesn’t matter — just as it doesn’t matter if he was nicked by a bullet or by shards from something the bullet hit. I’m just (perversely?) curious.
I’ll gladly take Wilson on our side for this election cycle. Can go back to disliking him in 4 years. Hell, I now smile like she’s an old friend when Liz Cheney speaks. I even might would dig up Lee Atwater if it would help us. We need all hands on deck and assistance from all corners. I don’t need a lecture on Max Cleland. Great video. Thanks for posting.
(And, I know a lot here feel Jen Rubin has seen the light. I think if good old Mitt had a grandson running against an incumbent Harris in 2028, you would see her true colors. But at this point in time, I gladly accept her help.)
@suzanne: did you see that TikTok about his eyeliner? It’s pretty clear he applies it BEYOND the lashes too. The difference she shows between the official Senate photo and that one from a campaign appearance is … hell, that’s evidence.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
National political reporters hanging their head in shame?
I believe the “when pigs fly” reference applies here.
@3Sice: ha!
that “interview” is likely to be Waterloo for both of them
@Hungry Joe
“Not since the War of jenkins’ Ear have we seen such carnage.”
Fact checking Trump is irrelevant. Everyone already knows he’s lying, his supporters think it demonstrates astuteness or something. What the media needs to do is switch away when he lies, that’s the only thing that will work.
@Leto: Sectional healing, is something that’s good for me — Marvin Gaye
@bbleh: I saw some photos of him where it looks like he did winged eyeliner, outside the lash line, but I didn’t know if they were fake.
Here’s an explainer on tightlining.
Maybe the only time, in my many years of commenting, that I have posted a makeup tutorial.
@Hungry Joe:
I have seen several photos of his right ear and it looks like the aftereffects of a hangnail. Not “half shot off,” not sliced with a shard, there is nothing to see, assuming that those photos were taken in the last few days.
Science time. FYI.
@cmorenc: Her husband is active duty military. She takes the issue seriously.
@trollhattan: I’m waiting to hear from his couch.
The press gang is going to be shocked to find out Chicago’s near west side has gone all uptown.
Villago Delenda Est
@BC in Illinois: ….and no taste.
Retains the scan and is also accurate.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: “Hutt” is good, but I’m a trekkie first, so I prefer Pakled-Ferengi hybrid.
Citizen Alan
@trollhattan: I have never given any credence to the idea that Couch Fucker uses eyeliner … until now, after his wife felt the need to respond to the question by talking about his eyelashes. Since I assume that Mrs. Couch Fucker, like every American woman over the age of 12 certainly knows the difference between eyeliner and mascara, her statement genuinely reads more like a deflection than a serious response.
@Omnes Omnibus:
They were faxed to Credenza Clearwater Revival.
Any Robbie Robertson fans out there? It’s been one year since his death. Interesting piece on the litigation between his wife of a few months and his middle aged children.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@lowtechcyclist: how do you fax a credenza? I’m not getting this.
Villago Delenda Est
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Mr. Burns : You know, Smithers, I think I’ll donate a million dollars to the local orphanage. When pigs fly!
[both Burns and Smithers start laughing, but then a pig flies by their window]
Smithers : Will you be donating that million dollars now, sir?
Mr. Burns : Hmm, no I’d still prefer not.
@Citizen Alan: Also, no one would give a shit about him wearing makeup if he wasn’t trying to use governmental power to treat people like garbage if don’t conform to gendered expectations.
He has kind of hooded eyes and he’s got a pudgy face, and his eyes kind of sink in there. He uses makeup to make his eyes stand out more. Just be honest about it.
zhena gogolia
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Forget it, Jake, it’s BJ.
It was a strange evening many years ago, when some guy was arguing with everyone and promising to fax over his credentials. I think it had to do with a child floating through the air or something. And the phrase “the helicopters are laughing” factored in somehow.
@suzanne: more men should use eyeliner, it’s an easy extra few hot points
Where is Tony Jay when you need him?
We need him in Barnsley to find this woman STAT!!!!!
Villago Delenda Est
@Quinerly: Sad. Looks like the daughters have a case to me.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@zhena gogolia: ah, thanks. “no soap, radio!” Makes perfect sense.
Villago Delenda Est
@Xavier: Exactly. Just ignore him and his bullshit. Don’t feed the energy creature.
@Baud: We could mail them a credenza.
4 words: Trump Lie Bingo Cards
@SatanicPanic: Most people look better with eyeliner. There’s even “permanent eyeliner”, aka a tattoo.
My allergies make my eyes water a lot, so I don’t wear eye makeup often, but it looks good when I do!
@Quinerly: The proprietor of this here blog is himself a recovered Republican. Don’t think it serves us to shit on people forever for past deeds if they’ve shown genuine evidence of change. Wilson seems to actually want to make up for past misdeeds and I have no issues have an obvious angry, vindictive jackass on our side poking Orangemandius daily.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
NBC Nightly News is talking about the Trump helicopter story
@Citizen Alan: One of those “my statement that my husband doesn’t wear eyeliner is raising a lot of questions already answered by my statement” moments, you mean?
@SatanicPanic: @suzanne: absolutely concur that he can wear “guyliner” all he wants, and yeah it arguably does make him look a little hotter. But exactly as you say, he’s the VP nom of the party that is so hostile to anything outside rigid religiostic gender norms that it’s trying to OUTLAW them, which makes him not just a flaming (heh) hypocrite — aren’t they all — but also fair game for mockery of his masculinity.
Galatians 6:7 MFers.
I don’t care if Vance uses makeup. I just best not see him in the men’s bathroom.
(I don’t use snark tags, so use your good judgment).
Within the last two weeks, I think, a simple graphic was posted (in the comments?) that had simple responses to the Walz swift boating claims.
It was a simple table with 2 rows and 2 columns. Col 1 on the left was the bullshit swift boat claim. Col 2 on the right was the simple response.
I haven’t been able to find it again. Can anyone point me in its direction?
Many thanks.
O’Donnell’s rants are satisfying, but they’re as token as Fox News’ “real news” segments.
MSNBC permits O’Donnell to have his say because it gives MSNBC credibility as “independent” or even “liberal.”
He is considered “ratings bait” by management, nothin more. He’s done this sort of complaining before – in fact, I think he did it more or less constantly during Trump’s Administration – and it had no effect whatsoever on the news as MSNBC reported it.
Nor will it now – much less on any other news network.
@bbleh: Getting Alex and his Droogs vibes here.
My neighbors have rented an inflatable slide/pool for the backyard for the grandkids (I assume). It’s fun to hear the kiddos laugh and scream.
Is this it?
This from VoteVets?
Baud got there first. And bigger!
@trollhattan: eyeliner is not the same as the stuff that makes your eyelashes look longer or fuller.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: That’s the one I remember.
@Scout211: That’s the one. Thanks to both of you!
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in all my life.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Considering Willie Brown, Jerry Brown, and Gavin Newsom (who was on the trip with J Brown and Trump) have all called BS on it, hopefully that’s the angle NBC is going with. I will be entirely unsurprised if it isn’t, though.
@Baud: haha That backfired for trump, because he told a story suggesting that he knew nasty stuff about Harris, but instead it came across as what the hell is he talking about. In fact they now invented a story about Jerry Brown.
trump has to try harder with his lies next time.
I do believe people change. Reagan started out as a Dem and believed FDR was a true hero. I have been reading this blog from the beginning. I remember Cole in his drinking days and his Little Feat playlists. Only have had time to comment since 2016. More time since 2020.
With that said, I don’t know if there has been a true conversion with Wilson, Cheney, Rubin. Time will tell. (I was a political science/history major in undergrad and am old enough to have lived through and read about George Wallace’s and Lee Atwater’s conversions. Atwater’s was pretty much on his deathbed if I recall correctly. I even own a copy of Wallace’s last wife’s autobiography. Good read). At this point in time, I really, really like Rick Wilson and his way with words. I think he helps us and I gladly accept his help. However, there are quite a few commenters here who feel the need to lecture anytime anyone posts a Wilson quip/a Lincoln Project video. My comment was aimed in that direction. Glad to read a comment where someone acknowledges people CAN and DO change.
I’ve got no problem with Vance using eyeliner so long as he doesn’t start doing that cat’s eye thing.
Even foreigners saw Trump’s speech and went, what the fuck was that?
Very well said!
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Look in the sidebar. Find the section called Calling All Jackals. Click on Balloon Juice Anniversary (All Links).
Look down the list until you find Classics. You’ll find the faxing credenzas posts in that list.
FYI. Lock him up.
ROFL. On the helicopter fable, this quote from Willie Brown made me chuckle:
Truth. The man is not shy.
@Villago Delenda Est: really sad. If you want to read really, really sad, read up on Randy Meisner’s last years. Heartbreaking.
Gymnastics, y’all.
Also, Trump and Vance being weird-ass creepy fucks is gonna trickle down to down ballot races.
I don’t understand the scoring in breaking. I always guess wrong on who will win a round.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: This guy explains all of that very politely.
@NotMax: omg. My mom used to sing that song. The lyrics never made any sense and now I see why.
@HumboldtBlue: My favorite thing has been videos of cats pawing at the gymnasts while they’re flipping around the uneven bars.
Since the “unidentified reporter” asked Trump about the decades-old rumor involving Kamala Harris and Willie Brown because there was “some discussion” about it, which reporter will ask Trump the follow-up question to the helicopter crash with Willie Brown? Not only has there been “some discussion” about it, but that lie has gone viral and is all over the news today. It deserves a follow-up question, right?
Who will ask him about the lie? Any guesses?
Yeah, I can’t see it happening either. Cowards!
Nailed it. “He just wanted to be on camera.” Oh how I wish the press weren’t such desperate easy marks. It would be so fun for him to have a “press conference” where no press shows up.
Same same. Alone, late at night, scrolling through the BJ comments and screaming and sobbing with laughter.
Matt McIrvin
@Quinerly: Wilson still occasionally hippie-punches in a “liberals are doing liberalism wrong, here’s how” way. Rubin, I think, has gone over 100%.
Gymnastics, kitty version
Tenar Arha
@HumboldtBlue: that’s adorable. So excited!
@Matt McIrvin:
To be fair, we’re usually going it wrong.
Doesn’t mean we’re going to accept criticism from outside the house.
@Hungry Joe: I’ve been asking the same questions, and you should too.
It’s not simply the morbid curiosity of “taking a bullet to the ear”, it’s the bald-face lie about its severity and glaring refusal to even try to give an honest response to requests for comment from a competent physician. Barely-congresscritter ex-physicians that weren’t even there don’t count.
It got memory holed, very much a feature of fascism. We SHOULD be paying attention. I mean this one issue has even MY head spinning, and that’s saying a lot.
Captain C
@Baud: I wouldn’t be surprised if at least once a year for the last 4 decades some drunk Young Republican at some Republican social function they’re laughably calling a party falsely brags about partying with Willie Brown in a helicopter.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I was at bar and saw it on TV. Probably because of Olympics coverage. No sound, only CC, but from what I could tell, it sounded like that’s more or less how they reported it. Though underplaying the weirdness of his press conference yesterday, I caught it being described by Lester Holt as, “at times meandering and full of falsehoods”. They quoted Willie Brown, Jerry Brown, and Newsome in the segment
I mean, he confused two different guys who are two completely different races. Look nothing alike. That’s not a very good look if you’re being seen now as the oldest candidate in the race, who’s not doing many campaign events, and is trying to do a reset
@HumboldtBlue: I think that’s Martin’s district. He might report some on this race.
I wonder what happened to commenter James E. Powell. He lives in Ken Calvert’s Palm Springs-based district. I was hoping he would share his observations on Democrat Will Rollins’ effort to unseat Calvert, but Powell dropped out of this forum last year. I hope he’s Ok.
@CaseyL: I will bet my full stash of cyrpto currency that you are wrong this time.
@Matt McIrvin:
Like I say…wait until a Romney or Romney style Repug runs with the same views that Repugs have had for 50 years ….we’ll chat about Jen Rubin then.😉 You could very well be correct. Maybe she has come over from the dark side. Has she said who she voted for in 2016 and 2020? Cheney voted Trump both times.
Like I said, we should take all the help we can get right now.
@SiubhanDuinne: It all started when I was at work and pretty quickly I realized I’d have to catch up later because I thought maybe my co-workers would think I had gone off the deep end or was having a seizure or something because my laughter kept escaping me. Couldn’t hold it in. Went home later and settled back with some of the good oregano and a glass of wine. Decided to make the wine a white in case I spit it on myself. 🤣🤣🤣
@WaterGirl: This really is a full service blog.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
He’s seen that way because he is.
@Scout211: The whole thing is complete garbage anyway. Yes, Harris and Brown were together for less than two years in the mid 90s. And yes, while they were dating, he appointed her to an admin court for unemployment insurance issues and to the CA Medical Assistance Commission. Before dating Brown, Harris had been hired as a deputy DA in Alameda County. A few years after their relationship ended, she was hired as an ADA by the San Francisco DA. And after that, every job she’s had has been one she was elected to by the people — SF DA, CA AG, and US Senate. Now technically, it was Biden who chose her to be VP, but it was we the people who voted for the two of them.
So all this “she slept her way to the top” is a bunch of racist, sexist trash, and any reporter perpetuating it ought to get jabbed in the eyeballs and never invited to ask a question again.
Omnes Omnibus
@theturtlemoves: Cole got a lot of side-eye for a long time. Wilson probably will too. Time will tell.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Just proves Trump is color blind.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I would not be surprised in the least if he mixes up his two elder sons. He should have gone the George Foreman route and named Eric DJT III.
The Harris-Walz rapid response team is good.
MSNBC convinced my mother there would be 1968 style riots at the Democratic convention over Gaza.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
They are consistently proud of making liberals angry. They say so. They think it’s proof they’re objective.
He is validating their belief that what they want to be true is more important than facts. He speaks truthiness, therefor he is honest.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@trollhattan: I overheard three old guys in my building chortling over how the Democratic convention wouldn’t go as smoothly as the Republican one. I’m not sure what they’re anticipating.
R.E.M. – Crush With Eyeliner
I am becoming more and more convinced the Trump assassination event was staged. Notice Trump isn’t saying a word about it, if it were a real attempt he wouldn’t shut up about it, but he’s not saying a word and the media refuse to question him about it. Something is definitely off.
New bodycam video shows moment police officer saw Trump shooter just before assassination attempt
@KatKapCC: Maybe we should argue that Trump has slept his way to the bottom.
Harrison Wesley
@KatKapCC: Oh, the depravity! None of the sound Puritan virtues of, say, Donald Trump.
Matt McIrvin
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Probably the fantasy Trump was spinning about an enraged Biden trying to take back the Democratic nomination from the treacherous Jezebel Harris.
Eh, a lot of parents mix up their children’s names. Mine did.
@Matt McIrvin:
Biden: First Blood.
@hueyplong: Well I’m pretty sure he’s one of the worst lays in human history, so that would be the only direction it could take him.
I would love to be wrong.
Why do you think O’Donnell’s rant will have any effect on how networks do their news?
@Baud: They kept calling you Daub instead?
@topclimber: And you’ve already won.
Flanders Other Neighbor
As the odds of TFCG winning the election start to fade, so do the hopes of the J6
touristspatriotsconvicts of ever getting a pardon. Ha ha.Everything he touches really does turn to shit.
@HumboldtBlue: You’re selling me. If it were real, Trump would make Rudy’s noun-verb-911 seem like something Rudy only brought up occasionally.
So something is screwy.
Of course, a flaw in your theory is the hapless shooter agreeing to shoot close-but-not-quite and then get wasted by law enforcement.
@Flanders Other Neighbor:
Winning has so many benefits.
@Flanders Other Neighbor: I read that one of these assholes got twenty years today. Twenty fucking years. I hope he figures out how stupid he was.
@KatKapCC: ha ha ha, well done.
They are fired up in Phoenix!
@Quinerly: Like I say…wait until a Romney or Romney style Repug runs with the same views that Repugs have had for 50 years
Cool with me. I mean we’d all like to get back the Queensbury rules as far as politics goes, as opposed to trying to save the actual idea of Democracy. Hopefully Jen-Jen and Ricky maybe recognize the damage that they’ve done that brought us to this place where we have to link arms to save the country.
I think the beauty of Harris/Walz is that it’s a clean break from Vietnam/Reagan era that Biden-Trump represent. It’s long since time to put that era to bed.
At any rate, factions that unite to bring down a tyrant have been with us always, and America has managed that pretty well.
Matt McIrvin
Well, the cops do have the option of starting a riot if they want to make some bad news cycles and end our little joy party. Might be a thing to watch out for.
Mar-a-Lago. Shit. I’m still only in Mar-a-Lago…..Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker, and every minute Harris-Walz campaign in swing states, they get stronger.
Something stinks, and considering the actions of the Secret Service before and on Jan 6 mean I give them no benefit of the doubt of being involved.
It just doesn’t add up, and I guarantee that fat fuck did not take a bullet or even a fragment to the ear.
@3Sice: Is The End playing in the background?
for a couple of weeks i’ve been watching a bunch of Meidas Touch and Lincoln Project short videos, just to hear Republicans tear down trump.
@HumboldtBlue: I think something bounced off his head- the tiniest nick in your scalp will bleed like crazy. But there’s no way a bullet hit him.
But at this point I think people are kind of forgetting about that because he didn’t die or anything. This is America, people who were at mass shootings are a dime a dozen thanks to Republicans.
@HumboldtBlue: I counted at least 60 empty seats. What’s up with that. //
Matt McIrvin
@HumboldtBlue: A guy actually got killed. I don’t buy that they’d plan a fake assassination precisely enough that it actually kills a guy but not the fake-intended target.
I think the world is more chaotic than we are usually able to accept, and it’s full of violent dumb fucks. Trump and his fans were hyping it up to the heavens in the first several days but it fell flat when everyone realized the shooter wasn’t some kind of liberal crazed by liberalism. And then Biden stole Trump’s thunder by quitting the race.
Gin & Tonic
You have a sibling?!
@Matt McIrvin:
What was he crazed by?
@SatanicPanic: Also, most people here don’t really care for Donald Trump as a person. He probably noticed the tepid response to his narrow escape.
Where is here?
@Matt McIrvin:
Two guys got killed, the shooting victim and the shooter, and yes, that is what is keeping me from going full on conspiracist on this, but it’s still odd, and it still doesn’t add up.
@CaseyL: If it’s on social media over the next few days, it might make management begin to understand that totally blowing their credibility to back a loser is not good business.
More likely reporters who still try to live up to being journalists will stop falling for the same old shit.
OK–No way/s. That’s why I bet my crypto hoard. I’ve got nothing to lose.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Wanting to be famous is the usual culprit.
@Matt McIrvin:
No political manifesto?
@HumboldtBlue: The Secret Service screwed up, because they had plenty of time to make sure he was off the stage. Even if trump said no, they should have dragged him out.
@Gin & Tonic:
We prefer the term “clones.”
In some great news, if you’re not a raging asshole and a goddamn bigot:
Imane Khelif defeats Yang Liu to win gold in women’s boxing 66kg category
@Johnnybuck: 💚
So Russia starts a rumor, and the right wing in out country beleave without proof. great.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: All are one and one are all.
Missed the crypto reference in your original reply, so I missed the joke. So sorry: it’s been one of those days.
@HumboldtBlue: Excellent.
The famous “missing lyric” from Tom Waits’ The Piano Has Been Drinking.
@trollhattan: You wear mascara on your eyelashes, eyeliner goes under and over them on your eyelids. To me her statement makes no sense.
@CaseyL: There was a slight amount of hopium in there, too.
Huge Robbie Robertson fan. Did you see the documentary Once Were Brothers?
@BC in Illinois:
Sympathy for the Donald:
Yes. It was great.
Well, in man bites dog news, FTFNYT ran an article by Trump Fluffer Haberman in which he’s royally pissed off that the FTFNYT has cast doubt on his story about almost being in a helicopter crash with Willie Brown or Jerry Brown or some other Brown to be named later.
Haberman also described his press conference as “meandering” (which is like describing the sinking of the Titanic as “boat trouble”). He’s cheesed about that, too.
Trump is pissed off enough that he threatened to sue the paper, which is hilarious since FTFNYT is one of his biggest and best MSM apologists.
Fun Bluesky thread about it all here.
@Quinerly: She voted for Clinton and Biden.
Rubin was very early Never Trump, as in before he clinched the nomination, because she is a Jewish woman who is familiar with history, and she understood immediately that what she was seeing wasn’t going to lead anywhere good.
I was suspicious of her at first, but I noticed the way she publicly called out her media colleagues for their Trump coverage, and how in 2020 she came out hard in support of Stacey Abrams as a potential VP candidate. She also did a 180 on her previous Israel/Palestine position, though I don’t know if she’s swung back—I dropped my WaPo subscription a couple years ago.
@rodwell: Plus there’s the bonus Black and the woman part!
@HumboldtBlue: I am so happy for her!
@Baud: it figures he can’t tell browns apart
@suzanne: another reason I love this place.
Chet Murthy
@Quinerly: David Brock started off somewhat like Wilson, right? And today he’s a lion of the progressvie establishment.
Chet Murthy
@suzanne: A GF once explained to me that eyeliner makes the eyes appear bigger, and for white people with dark (e.g. blue) irises, it can offset the “beady-eyed” look. As in “beady-eyed blond”.
@Chet Murthy: He did. FWIW, he’s gay. I suspect that for him, as with Rubin, he realized that fascist turns historically don’t end well for people like him.
@Chet Murthy
And then there’s the Huckabeean smoky eye.
@Omnes Omnibus: Wow.
Not even if he identifies as a urinal?
Mr. Bemused Senior
@WaterGirl: thanks for the trip into the past.
This guy is really making me respect him more and more each day.
@Baud: Sorry. I meant here in the USA.
@Chet Murthy: Yes, your GF told you correctly. Vance has hooded eyes and there’s eye makeup tips for that.
None of those tips include “being an asshole”.
Villago Delenda Est
@WaterGirl: Yeah, very polite in the 11B version of “polite”. (11B is the Military Occupational Specialty Infantryman).
@CaseyL: Requires sign in. Darn! It sounded good.
Villago Delenda Est
@Suzanne: Hooded Eyes are also not caused by being an asshole. If it were, we’d see a lot of Rethugs wearing eyeliner.
@HumboldtBlue: That’s a bold statement, coming from Mesa, AZ. Most of Mesa is represented by the utterly odious Andy Biggs (and before that, the only-slightly-less odious Matt Salmon). Giles might have set his political career on fire here. Though more and more Mormons are turning away from Trump.
@wjca: Excuse you. He doesn’t identify as a urinal, he’s a fountain.
@Omnes Omnibus: Tell it brah. . .
I was thinking about this watching the O’Donnell video. Why don’t media outlets identify the reporter who is asking the question during press conferences, etc? They all know each other, it should be easy enough – have it on the bottom of the screen, the name of the reporter and the organization they are reporting for. Then we’d know in real time who is asking what questions, who is (for instance) yelling or interrupting Biden, etc.
@Chet Murthy: yes. Pre 2000.
Captain C
Gives ’em (yet) another excuse to slant, excuse me, balance coverage towards TCFG even more.
Cool on her voting for HRC. It’s been 8 years…I seem to recall her taking stabs at HRC and calling her “shady” and “unethical.” Water under the bridge.
My point is a lot of Trump’s policies have been Repug policies and in their platforms for years. I’ll take Rubin’s et al help now. Pleased to have it. The real test will be when MAGA is dead and buried. And Trump is gone. Where will Rubin et al go then? Will they stick with Dems and our policies and our mission? Time will tell.
As they (finally!) come to the realization that, to his christianist followers, Mormons definitely don’t count as Christians.** Which means, they are candidates for the concentration camps, too.
** Actually, as apostates they may be worse the Jews and Muslims.
Citizen Alan
@Matt McIrvin: I do think it’s a possibility that the assassin had no intention of killing Trump and had the deranged belief that killing some bystanders would bring sympathy to Trump and help with his election. I mean, it’s not any crazier than Manson’s belief that he could have people commit the Tate-LaBianca murders, pin it on “blacks” and trigger a genocidal race war. It was just happenstances that the kid was such a bad shot that was able to hit the guy he’d intended to miss. Or rather to hit the guy’s teleprompter since I absolutely don’t believe Trump took even the slightest graze from a bullet.
@trollhattan: Not defending him ’cause a person has a right to look as fabulous as they want to but pictures of him as a Marine also look like eyeliner. Not up to date on USMC grooming guidelines but he just may have very thick eyelashes.
@HumboldtBlue: Really he doesn’t recognize his party? The Republican party was terrible long before Trump? He doesn’t remember the Southern Strategy and Welfare moms?
Their policy positions may have been terrible. But I can’t think of a Republican Presidential candidate, prior to Donald Trump, who would have even considered sending a mob to Capitol Hill to try to force Congress to overturn the results of an election. Even W wouldn’t have gone that far.
Trump’s policy positions (more accurately, the policies he will allow to be implemented) may be just as bad; although I would argue they are substantially worse. But his utter indifference to the Constitution represents something new.
Chris Johnson
@Bugboy: Oh, man, it goes WAY beyond that. It stinks to high heaven and the implications are grave as fuck.
Assuming there was ANY sense of the man getting an injury of ANY kind that drew blood, where the hell did he go? Why is there no real doctor? One would think, in a media environment totally devoted to coddling Trump in every way, that they would be super interested in all the reports, but they are so strangely incurious in what happened at whatever hospital or wherever he got brought, presumably dripping ex-President blood.
If they had anything real they would be able to use that and trump it up into a heroic story. There is NOTHING, immediately after what’s supposed to be a dangerous situation. That implies that the media doing this memory holing are being strangely incurious for a reason, and THAT implies they know what it was really about: a big stunt, about which they may not ask questions for fear of revealing it was a big stunt.
For what it’s worth, I think there was a ringer in there somewhere with live ammo who shot the firefighter (who could have been any audience member) and that as far as Trump’s people knew, they were doing a theatre piece with no actual danger on site. And that implies the kid on the roof was a confederate, and probably firing blanks, and taking by far the biggest risks because anyone not in on it would immediately shoot him as an obvious threat. And the word was, getting permission to fire took many seconds, and interfering with the kid in any way took far too many seconds, and security was not responding…
And all this is what gets ‘memory holed’ because you don’t get to dig into the obvious… I mean, look at the guy’s ear. Not even trying to hide it now, nobody will ask. That reflects on the people not asking, very very strongly.
@wjca: Really “May have been terrible?” Sorry I’m black, I don’t have the luxury of viewing the pre-Trump Republican party three your rose colored glasses. pre-Trump Republican policies do a lot of damage to vulnerable people.