Listen to this. She’s gonna win.
— Renee ?? (@PettyLupone) August 8, 2024
This is what’s actually behind the Great Vibe Shift.
Trump is now functionally the incumbent insofar as he represents The Past in a way that Biden also did, but which Harris very much does not.
— Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) August 8, 2024
Q: Can you comment on Trump’s litany of criticisms today?
Vice President Harris: I was too busy talking to voters, I didn’t hear them
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) August 9, 2024
It’s been 2016 since June 16, 2015. White people get tired too.
— Open Source Stupidity (OSSTU) Starfish (@IRHotTakes) August 7, 2024
Remember, social media peep: Sharing is caring!
Vice President Harris: When you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. We stand for the people. We stand for the dignity of work. We stand for justice. We stand for equality. And we will fight for all of it
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) August 8, 2024
Some of the Walz analysis you’re seeing has nothing to do with his record as a centrist congressman and then liberal governor but is just pundits being unhappy people they don’t like on the internet are happy with the pick.
— Adam Serwer ( Aug 7, 2024 at 7:41 AM
Hey @JDVance, did you forget what the USMC taught you about respect? Tim Walz spent DECADES in uniform.
You both deserve to be thanked for your service. Don’t become Donald Trump. He calls veterans suckers and losers and that is beneath those of us who have actually served.
— Captain Mark Kelly (@CaptMarkKelly) August 8, 2024
Remember when John Kerry was Swiftboated by Chris LaCivita who is doing it to Tim Walz now? Guess who funded it? Harlan Crow, the billionaire who has been lavishing freebies on Clarence Thomas.
— Jane Mayer (@JaneMayerNYer) August 8, 2024
Come to think of it, denigrating the worth of a soldier’s service based on whether he deployed to a war zone is… kind of like denigrating the worth of a woman’s citizenship based on whether she happens to have children.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) August 8, 2024
I’d add that there’s more than one way to express racism and scolding Harris for being so dumb as to pick Walz is one approach to nudge-nudge-nod-winking at that particular trope.
— Boston Tom Levenson ( Aug 7, 2024 at 8:01 AM
I can’t blame Captain Obvious for enjoying this week almost as much as I have…
Peak journalism is that when you finally get a chance to ask the candidate a question you ask about when they will take more questions.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) August 8, 2024
Heh. End of the month is still several weeks away.
I hope her first interview is with Pitchbot.
Good Morning, Everyone 😊 😊 😊
Good morning.
BrooklynDad_Defiant!☮️ (@mmpadellan) posted at 5:30 AM on Fri, Aug 09, 2024:
HOLY SHIT, I can’t believe we missed this incredible speech at UAW by Kamala Harris, because networks were busy letting trump lie his ass off.
This is our next President.
That’s not fair. The networks were also swiftboating Walz.
🪷 Madam Auntie VP Kamala Harris for PRESIDENT! (@flywithkamala) posted at 6:01 AM on Fri, Aug 09, 2024:
🚨🚨 League of United Latin American Citizens, the nation’s oldest and largest Latino civil rights group, will endorse a presidential candidate for the *first* time.
Salome Strangelove (@salstrange) posted at 5:36 PM on Thu, Aug 08, 2024:
Are there any clips of Jake Tapper or the other couchfucker pearl-clutchers ever expressing as much outrage and disgust toward women in this country losing our rights as they have over a con man getting memed for being creepy?
Weird for a civil rights group to have never endorsed, but great.
Sgt. Scribbles 🤣 🤣
Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) posted at 0:45 AM on Fri, Aug 09, 2024:
They actually think JD can peddle these vicious smears from behind the armor of his vet status and not invite scrutiny of his own service & how it stacks up against a 24 yr vet who had already retired once & reenlisted after 9/11. JD brought the Sgt. Scribbles moniker on himself.
John Reinan (@johnnyasheville) posted at 10:42 PM on Thu, Aug 08, 2024:
Fact check: Walz’s National Guard records show that Vance’s claim of ‘stolen valor’ is false
.@rochelleolson is on the case, that means this is all you need to read.
Dear FrontPagers:
LarryO ‘s show from yesterday deserves a post all of its own. The way he lit into the MSM
Jason Kander (@JasonKander) posted at 3:25 PM on Thu, Aug 08, 2024:
Memo to the Trump campaign:
The Swift Boat BS is a trick play run in the Super Bowl. Everyone knows about it now. You can’t just bust it out again and expect it to work the same way.
I’ll tell you why.
1. 9/11 was 23 years ago, and the fear of a 9/11 world that existed in 2004 doesn’t bleed into everything anymore. As much as I wish national security motivated voter behavior like it once did, it doesn’t. (And if it did it would be muey bad for the guy who saluted the North Koreans and will do anything to sit next to Putin in the school cafeteria, but I digress.)
2. John Kerry’s campaign was substantially reliant on his strength as a decorated Vietnam Veteran, and therefore his credibility to take on W was vulnerable to any attack – no matter how unfair and slanderous – on his military record.
3. While I and many others admire John Kerry for his courage to come home and speak out against the Vietnam War, it was deeply polarizing to his own generation of veterans, and that resentment among some of his fellow veterans had been building toward him for decades by the time he ran in 2004.
4. Kerry had been reluctant to release his military records. Tim Walz has been totally forthcoming and honestly I bet the dude would turn over his dental records, his step counter, and his screen time metrics if you asked.
5. 2004 was a different world, man. Anyone who questioned whether we should be in Iraq was said to be against the troops and even though W avoided Vietnam and had less than stellar attendance at his Air Guard unit, even an icon like Dan Rather had to resign after pursuing that story. I mean, the Dixie Chicks got canceled, and the Dixie Chicks are incredible!
6. Tim Walz has released all his records, been very candid about what he did and didn’t do in the military, and has broad support from those he served with. Also, he’s running for Vice-President, not President, and it seems to me his time as a teacher, a coach, and a Governor is more central to his political identity and qualifications than his 24 years of service in the National Guard (which is admirable and impressive in and of itself by the way).
7. Kerry was actively criticizing his opponent’s military record and inviting the world to decide the campaign at least in part based on the comparison. I have never heard either Kamala Harris or Tim Walz or any Democrat for that matter attack JD Vance’s military record. I served in Afghanistan with the Army, and it would never occur to me to criticize JD Vance’s service. Nor would Tim Walz ever do so. Vance served for 4 years and deployed to Iraq. Walz served for 24 years and was deployed to Europe to support active duty units deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan (back then, prior to the optempo taking a toll on the active component, this is what the Guard was mostly doing at first). They should both be proud, and I’m sure that’s exactly how Tim Walz feels about it.
8. We’ve learned a lot since 9/11, and one of the things we’ve learned is the danger of “gatekeeping” military service. At a time when suicide among veterans who served in combat zones and veterans or active duty troops who didn’t are both far too high, we’ve learned that reenforcing the inclination veterans have to compare their service to others and then think less of themselves … is dangerously harmful. I’m not kidding when I say we’ve learned that talking about Tim Walz the way JD Vance has been doing might actually do a lot of harm to the millions of servicemembers who completed their service without being deployed to a combat zone. It’s a dangerously cynical game and JD Vance knows better.
In conclusion: This attack isn’t about directly hurting the Harris/Walz ticket with actual voters. It’s a decoy, a running back throwing a pass or a punter throwing to a lineman. They’re counting on the media’s limited knowledge of how the military works to slow momentum and indirectly make voters think there’s a scandal.
There isn’t.
Non-political day starter.
If you can get past the chintzy wig, it’s a type of informative amusement.
Another Scott
@rikyrah: Thanks for that. +1.
The choice is Harris or Trump. Team D or Team R.
Eyes on the prizes.
Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) posted at 6:22 PM on Thu, Aug 08, 2024:
On Fox News, Jesse Watters gives a “White Dudes For Harris” hat to Harold Ford Jr. and says “You are white, right? Are you half?”
Harold Ford Jr. is Black and both of his parents are Black.
I keep trying not to binge watch Youtube… but please. As if I could.
I saw something on Xhitter that has been kind of stuck in my craw for the last couple of days: there’s some supposition — nothing more than that — that TFG has PTSD from the shooting in Butler. I wonder if that’s true. Would possibly explain the extreme tired look, the lack of campaigning.
I could not watch the Trump smear fest yesterday so I’m catching up on the lowlights this morning (and in comments yesterday).
I was amused when I read that Trump really botched the tired Kamala/Willie Brown smear from ancient history. He made it about him.
I wish these fact-checks could be immediate, but at least the media is actually fact-checking, sort of.
LOD was fantastic last night. And, MJ is pretty good this AM.
@Suzanne: He’s stressed, he’s traumatized, he’s disordered…
If the Republicans want to bring up military service, there is one candidate who was old enough for the Vietnam draft….
In the overnight thread there was a discussion about Trump quitting. Will never happen. He is using campaign funds to pay his lawyers (I have no idea how this is ok, but I guess it is). If he quits, then he has to pay the lawyers himself, so he will ride this as long as he can. If he loses he is incented to challenge the results just so he can continue to use campaign funds for his private legal problems, so with a loss (please god!), expect him to challenge right up to the inauguration to keep the cash flowing.
@Suzanne: Flashbacks to his post-COVID “I could have been one of the diers” moment, maybe?
(And how dare spell-check underline “diers”. The Orange One himself used the word, and if anyone can claim the mantle of Humpty-Dumpty….)
I am of the ‘Letting people see Trump directly rather than hearing what the press says he says is a good thing’ mentality. In 2016 he was much more coherent and pretended to be more moderate outside of his rallies. In 2024 undecideds hear him and think “Hitler must be stopped.”
None of those Twitter videos are playing. They are lagging. Bandwidth issues at X?
@Baud: I’ve found that using the app gives you a higher bandwidth than using the web. Funny about that.
It’s working now.
They all play for me and I have slow internet.
Oh, I see that it’s fixed for you now.
If you’re a Democrat and you serve in the military, Republicans will happily spit on you.
@MattF: Yeah, exactly. Like, the crazy and nonsensical seem to be ramping up rapidly. We know the guy is a germaphobe, and doesn’t exercise because he thinks it’s bad for him or something. It actually seems at least plausible.
I would actually like someone to fund Willie Brown a nice vacation in Fiji with no phones or internet until after the election, though. Last thing we need is him deciding that he can make a little cash dishing on his relationship with MVP Harris from 30-odd years ago. He’s a washed-up hack and needs to go away quietly and stay in retirement where he belongs.
Should be in an open thread, but I’ll be out & about for a while: some curious intertube/facebook? occurrences. Both have happened multiple times.
I’m using iPad/safari, & when I go to post to fbook (friends only, not public) the process is tap the square with the up-pointing arrow, chose my send/post target. Just mentioning this so it’s clear I’m not trying some incorrect procedure.
Posting to my fbook page from TPM, if and only if the article is Republican anti-abortion shenanigans, the page flashes less than a second and drops before I can post. Has happened numerous times. If I copy the TPM url and then paste it on my fbook page, it posts.
New Deal Dem’s bonddad econ blog: I post his work to fbook occasionally. Usually successful. Several times, not sure any of the articles were on specific topics, fbook automatically and immediately denies the post as (paraphrasing) spam and an attempt to get likes. Attempt to get likes? I’m posting to friends, not public, and I have less than a dozen! I’m basically only on fbook for restaurants, theaters, & other arts. Happened yesterday trying to post his “good unemployment stats ex-hurricane” article.
SpongeBob SquarePants has a newsfeed on TikTok.
New Deal democrat
I am going to be a *little bit* of a Debbie Downer here.
I think the Harris/Walz team is repeating the mistake John Kerry made in 2004, being too passive in the face of dishonest attacks that are repeated over and over (and amplified by the milquetoast political press).
Imo, Walz in particular needs to attack there hit pieces head on and hard, in three prongs:
1. Flaying the dishonesty (girls start menstruating as early as age 10; the tampons are being provided in schools for them, a good thing. Nothing in the act requires that boys be provided them, and school districts aren’t. Walz put in for retirement, and was granted retirement, months before his unit got any orders to deploy.)
2. Use the opportunity to list all the good things you’ve done, like providing free school lunches for all children.
3. Attacking the GOP for how low and dishonest the attacks are, together with “Is *this* the best you got??? These obviously disprovable lies??? Every American should take note that for any future attacks how false their first attacks were.”
Since the press has also reverted to their 2016 form of granting Trump $$$millions in free air time, go out of your way to pick a fight with them about it. The public doesnn’t like the press, and attacking them – especially when it is warranted – is a winner.
I am glad this is getting some press. It was so ridiculous sounding yesterday when he was babbling about it. Morning Joe has spent some time on it this AM. WaPo has a piece up too.
Of all the questions that could be asked of Trump, they ask him about Kamala Harris’ previous relationship with Willie Brown?
Nothing about taking Egyptian money, his upcoming sentencing, his military deferments, his hysterical overreaction to Monday’s minor and temporary market correction?
Just a pathetic performance by the press.
Seconded. Epic.
For those who haven’t yet seen it, here’s the scorching linky.
Time to start demanding Trump’s tax records. Past time.
@Frankensteinbeck: I agree with you.
Damn. Fix.
Seconded. Epic.
For those who haven’t yet seen it, here’s the scorching linky.
@rikyrah: 🎯
Betty Cracker
@Suzanne: The multidimensional combover is more disheveled these days too, which is probably a tell for the orange fart cloud’s mental state since he’s admitted in the past he “styles” himself. In past years, you could clearly see the comb marks in each layer, which held even in a stiff breeze because individual layers were sprayed down. Now the hair on top is sort of arranged into a teased bouffant without clear definition.
New Deal democrat
@p.a.: Hey, first of all thanks for the reposting! (Since I am not on any social media).
Interesting that you mention yesterday’s post, because about 4 hours after I posted it a Wall Street firm ran with the same story (i.e., that the big recent increase in jobless claims was provably an artifact of temporary layoffs in Texas due to Hurricane Beryl). Gee I wonder where they got that idea?
@Scout211: Trump really is just doing word association now isn’t he? He’s not actually processing the questions or what’s being said around him, he’s just latching onto a word and going into a rant.
That this is being treated as normal is insane.
Lawrence showed it all last night, complaining about the media putting their thumb on the scale for trump. Relatively short and to the point, it was a great speech. Would have taken 10 minutes away from trump’s drivel if there was a political media capable of following the democratic candidate as well as the weird old fool.
@Betty Cracker: I’ve also seen some supposition that he’s on Ozempic and that he’s developing Ozempic face.
Whatever is happening, it’s definitely showing up in his generalized appearance.
It really was Chernobyl-a-lago yesterday.
@NotMax: I like the Einstein wig. It’s bold.
IIRC, he thinks you have a certain amount of exercise you can do during your life, and die when it’s used up.
I’m no big fan of Harold Ford, but Jesse Watters’ overt racism is absolutely disgusting.
I love how when Don Jr posts a gross meme about Walz, everyone thinks that Don Jr is gross, and when internet rando (hallowed be thy name) posts a gross meme about Vance, everyone thinks Vance is gross
@Betty Cracker:
Was hoping to catch you on a thread. Did you see this?
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@SiubhanDuinne: It is. He is on that channel every day, being the “good” Democrat feeding the media’s preferred narratives.
Definitely a he knew what he signed up for type situation.
The Venn diagram of grossitude is a perfect circle.
@rikyrah: Can you imagine being in a combat unit and one of the people you depended on for your survival was Shady Vance? There’s no shame in being an office worker, but I wonder if there’s more to it than that with this guy.
It helps that Vance is actually gross.
That was a lot of blood for a nick. Thinners, so maybe he had a stent installed. I could see long covid keeping him from his adoring fans, or maybe cancer treatments.
Agreed. Wonder if that question was posed by right wing media or mainstream media.
Also, I really hate that people are taking individual polls at face value especially when they’re showing outlier levels of demographic support.
I really don’t think we’re going to see Harris get 46% of the white vote (if that happens we definitely take NC and GA, and maybe Florida. Texas might be close enough that Allred can beat Cruz if he outperforms Harris by a couple of points. I’m not holding my breath). It was always implausible that Trump was going to get 30% of the black vote, etc.
The most likely explanation if a poll is showing you an odd, ahistorical, result is that the poll is wrong. Polls are extremely error prone. Sometimes there is a real shift, but that should show up in more places and be borne out by other measures as well.
@Quinerly: I hope the campaign goes with mockery here. They should start an “I was in a helicopter with…” meme.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
And it’s 2024 and Trump is babbling loon now.
@rikyrah: Kander nailed it.
He seems to not be as Orange anymore – he looks kinda wan now.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@rusty: He can’t quit. This election is existential for him personally in a completely different way than how it’s existential for the nation as a whole. If he wins, America dies; if he loses, there’s a significant chance he’ll die in prison, and even if he doesn’t, his self-image will be shattered in a way that’s probably non-recoverable for a decompensating demented narcissist like him (the word “demented” was chosen very carefully here).
His hair as a metaphor for his brain, huh? I like it. Works well with trying to conceal his hair loss.
I have a vague memory that he once said something about having a fixed number of heartbeats allotted and if he does anything that brings his heart rate up he’s rushing through his predetermined quota and will die sooner. Something like that.
Duplicate deleted
110%. Unbelievably pathetic. No, wait…it’s quite believable at this point. Pathetically pathetic is more like it.
Betty Cracker
@Quinerly: Holy moly, that’s amaze-balls!
If the helicopter did indeed crash, I bet Tim Walz could fix it.
With his Leatherman.
@p.a.: Are you posting just the link for that last thing, or are you posting text with the link?
If you are posting just a link, that is doing stuff that lazy spammers do so see if writing some text with it helps.
@New Deal democrat: You know, I never knew what the “Tampon Tim” thing was about. I just shrugged and thought Republicans were weird.
They are attacking him because he passed a rule about keeping backup menstrual products in school offices so kids don’t get sent home from school for being poor? Damn, that is low.
@NotMax: Don’t have time to watch the whole thing right now. But one thing I noticed in LOD’s semi-rant was that he said the MSM hasn’t learned from their mistake(s) in 2016 (re: Trump coverage/idolatry). I think he’s wrong: they’re doing it on purpose,
David Firestone of the Times sums up yesterday’s gonzo presser quite well here:
The Darkness on the Edge of Trump
No one could hear the question. I am gathering it was something about Brown helping her career. I still haven’t read who asked it.
I go with what LOD said last night about the sound. It was on purpose that no one could hear the questions.
Another Scott
Which reporter? Which news outfit?
The questions asked shape the coverage. Readers deserve to know who and what organization is shaping the coverage.
Old man with narcissism and obvious signs of dementia who lies about everything, who tried to overthrow the government the last time he was in office, who has a fascist blueprint to destroy the Constitution, whose hand-picked SCOTUS says he cannot be prosecuted for anything if it was an “official act” (which they get to define), who loves dictators like Kim and VVP and wants to join their club, whose incompetence in office directly led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands in the US and millions around the world, etc., is asked about some 30 year old anecdote about his opponent.
This is what’s important??!!
Didn’t watch, but agree.
@3Sice: If you are talking about trump’s ear, there are a lot of blood vessels in the ear, the body’s way of fighting frost bite.
@Starfish: No, they’re attacking him because you can read the law as suggesting said menstrual products also be provided in the boy’s bathroom (even though the law doesn’t actually say this).
It’s an attack on trans inclusion.
@Jeffro: “Trump has lost his bearings”? Maybe they’re with his marbles.
He’s not a germaphobe. It’s an excuse for him to avoid coming into contact ordinary people.
A true germaphobe wouldn’t have had sex with Stormy Daniels without a condom.
zhena gogolia
@Suzanne: The day it happened, I thought, he’s never going to do another public event.
Um, wut?
Yup yup. Scalp and ear wounds tend to bleed profusely.
@rikyrah: Hard to describe how much I hate Jesse Watters and his work. Not gonna click, but yikes the Fox News people really wanna party like it’s 1859.
@Eolirin: They provide menstrual products in bathrooms and don’t make kids do the walk to the nurse’s office while bleeding where they are handed a giant pad that is cumbersome and does not fit properly?
Well, after all, bacon is one of the four basic food groups. As well as being all seven-layers/strata of the “food pyramid” that the USDA publishes.
ETA: Possible typo in my first sentence: it might actually be all of the four basic food groups. Yes, I like bacon. What of it?
@Starfish: Yep!
And if Walz and the Minnesota legislature weren’t also going out of their way to be trans inclusive this wouldn’t be getting talked about at all.
You act as though their job is to ask relevant questions about key issues of the day so as to better elucidate a candidate’s thinking for the public, where as they see their job as getting to the bottom of the ever-important boxers vs. briefs matter.
@jonas: Trump also said something about gas being $7 a gallon.
Trivia Man
@Scout211: perfect opportunity for new memes! a helicopter is a good, simple, understandable visual fr a cartoonist. Endless possibilities! Highlight his irrational fear of normal things (We are going to crash! in a normal trip), terrible memory (Willie somebody… what’s the difference?), and compulsive liar.
If I could draw – outside the drug store is a helicopter ride with t on it. Screaming WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE hanging on for dear life.
It’s possible that the two consecutive weeks of ever-increasing optimism has led us to get a little sensitive to any hint of a return to the bullshit. Today, it’s SwiftBoating, refusal to call bullshit on Trump’s MadLib ramblings, and just a general failure of the media to acknowledge that Trump is deteriorating before our eyes.
I don’t think SwiftBoating matters this year. People old enough to remember the first time have seen that act already, and the youngs don’t care. It’s previously been tried against Walz without success. Also, for once we’re not actually at war. Kelly, someone with credibility, is already responding to the extent a response is needed. That “issue” will probably earn a shrug from the populace.
Trump’s MadLibs aren’t going to get better; they’re going to get worse. Eventually it won’t matter if major papers are ignoring it. Either it will get obvious enough for all, or Trump will be in seclusion and reduced to incoherent internet trolling that makes the covfefe post look like Coleridge. The same with his physical appearance. Posts have already noted the changes in his cotton candy combover, but there is other stuff, too. The youngs all — all — know about Ozympic and its side effects. At Trump’s age, going from overweight to being much, much thinner just makes him look feeble. The previous, fatter Donald will look healthier by comparison. It’s going to become a meme on TicTok and elsewhere and the NYT’s silence won’t matter. Trump is going to do a slow-motion version of Christopher Lee being exposed to daylight in a Hammer Films Dracula pic and I’m here for it.
Substantively, the election is Roe vs Dobbs, competence vs incompetence and criminality. We win those. It’s also young vs old, optimism vs hate, normal vs weird. We win those, too. The diversionary stuff isn’t as important. But for those who worry, the campaign seems to be paying attention to the small stuff as well.
@Quinerly: Wait did he say it was currently $7 a gallon or that it would become $7 a gallon?
@Eolirin: With girls sports on weekends, the opposing team would get the boy’s section to themselves.
Just put it in all the bathrooms. The boys will live on, unshriveled. Maybe more of them will go the drugstore and get some when needed.
@New Deal democrat: I half-agree, but only half. The upside of engaging is that it pushes back, gets your “side of the argument” out there, gives you an opening to counterpunch. The downside is, it spreads and to some extent validates their attack. The question is which approach results in less NET damage to you. And a big factor in that is whether and to what degree the media push back on the falsehoods on their own. They can’t be DEPENDED on, certainly, but *IF* they decide to do so, then let them do it for a while, and pile on when and if you think it’ll help. If they don’t, or don’t push soon or hard enough, or worse yet amplify it, then take it on.
I dunno whether the time is yet ripe. The early media reporting was bad for Walz, but now it seems they’re becoming a little more balanced.
Trivia Man
@catclub: and Vance’s tax returns at the same time. I haven’t seen either mentioned yet by the press. The audit story won’t work – I bet a doughnut his new excuse is “I can’t release them while the court cases are still going on.”
@Starfish: I’ll give it a shot!
I have always hit the “appeal” button but never hear back from fbook. Shocked! Shocked I say!
@WereBear: I agree, and it’s the sensible thing to do. I saw someone brought up poor kids being able to snag something for a family member that might need it as another benefit too.
But the right is hyper fixated on bringing trans panic into everything, so here we are.
Another Scott
Oooh. Flashback.
Of course, that question was from a 17 year old girl at an MTV event.
The White House press didn’t all have brain worms back then.
The nickname of former Congresscritter Tex Sensenbrenner derives from his family’s tampon business (Kotex).
The helicopters are laughing.
@SiubhanDuinne: I think it was an attempt to support Trumps recent attacks on Harris for “turning black”, which is him not understanding multiracial identity. Since it’s a dumb attack, the support is kind of chaotic IMO. It’s such a dumb attack that most of his supporters don’t understand it but are trying anyway. They know about multiracial and are unable to see that Trump is more ignorant than they are.
@SFAW: Ok, but he seems to imply that the inability to access bacon leads to financial ruin. Or something? The dude is losing it, bad.
If true, then we’re idiots.
@Baud: Yeah, we should never have gotten any less sensitive to the bullshit than we were before the two weeks of increasing optimism.
I’m afraid I can’t keep up with the 400-comment threads. Had this one shown up here yet?
The UAW speech really was good (the clip I watched)
Sean Fain said on the Progressives for Harris call that Harris walked a picket line with UAW in 2019. I always forget there is more manufacturing in CA than anywhere else.
@Baud: No, just dogs tired of getting hit and who flinch when they hear a newspaper being rolled up.
@gene108: that is a germaphobe that understood scientific germ theory. Trump makes up his own science and believes it. It doesn’t make real sense, but then a lot of phobias don’t in a pure sense.
@Suzanne: I suppose it’s possible, because for most people that would be an extremely traumatizing event, and he cares about himself more than most people care about themselves.
Trivia Man
@WereBear: there was a comment above from a woman who said “my brother had tampons in the bathroom because we shared a bathroom. He’s fine.” Same response for so-called transgender bathrooms. You mean like the one in your house?
I love dogs. But their one flaw is that they are loyal to those who are not good to them. I hope we’re not dogs.
@Trivia Man: I bet fear of helicopters is not that uncommon, especially after the death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter
Making fun of people may be the tone of the Trump campaign, but it is not the vibe that Harris and Walz are going for. They are doing their work, unbothered, and helping out where they can. It is amazing to see all the people who were under consideration for the VP position solidly supporting the final outcome. It let’s us know that they are serious about democracy being more important than petty nonsense.
My inner curmudgeon approves:
@Scout211: So what would the headlines have been a month ago if Biden had mixed up Willie Brown and Jerry Brown? There won’t be any headlines about TCFG doing it, or any breathless speculation that it means he obviously has dementia and must step down from the Republican nomination.
If you didn’t watch the Trump press conference – watch it. I know media have cleaned it up (gross and biased herd behavior, as usual) but ignore them and watch it like you’re a normie. There’s something (new) wrong with him. People will see it.
Trivia Man
@Another Scott: Does trump wear boxers or briefs? Depends.
(The Bob Dole version of the question recycled because it’s timeless)
Google Sisi.
@Eolirin: as I recall it was mixed in with the babble on the price of bacon. He launched into something about Biden depleting all our oil strategic reserves.
Trivia Man
@NotMax: I am a footnote to this footnote. I ran for congress against Tex and heard that story on the trail. Spoiler: I lost.
@Frankensteinbeck: “Morning Edition” mostly talked about what he said, and only played one extremely short clip of what he said. They did say it was disorganized chaos, or something similar, so there’s that. I don’t expect them to theorize about his mental status based on it though, for some reason with him they don’t want to go there.
@Kay: I was startled how thin he looked. Face, shoulders.
Same old tiny accordian hands, though.
I thought this was funny, too: trump just can’t get over what happened to President Biden
(did any of my fellow HAMILTON fans start hearing “What Comes Next?” in the back of their minds after that last line? LOL)
Yup. Just completely seething day and night, Donnie. Absolutely.
@SFAW: Coffee, coffee is my favorite food group, and bacon isn’t coffee. (I’m a vegetarian but one of the greatest aromas in the world is still the smell of bacon cooking in the morning. The smell of fresh coffee and bacon in the morning when camping is the best analogy of heaven I can imagine.)
Ok, you’ll have to Google Biden and Sisi or you’ll get hits about the empress of Austria.
Fat, salt, nitrates, burnt crunchy bits… you’re right!
Trump has this new angry yet smarmy behavior where he includes media on his team “well, you saw it too” – things like that. It’s truly a new level of horrible. It has to be seen to be understood.
This must be what he’s like when he’s trying to be ingratiating – it’s somehow worse then when he’s insulting.
O/T but interesting news from Paris. In a stark contrast between the US healthcare system and socialized medicine, US Olympic athletes are taking full advantage of free healthcare at the Olympic village.
. . .
I’m sure Biden shares his feelings with Trump regularly.
@New Deal democrat: I agree that they should hit back hard and fast and not let up on the attacks back. You can’t depend on the press to report your side of the story, you have to make them report on it based on what you say. Walz needs to change his stump speech to do all of what you say, and they’ll be forced to report on it. Plus doing that whenever he’s interviewed whether they bring it up or not. Don’t let this impression be made with the voters. We think the attacks sound stupid, but we’re politics followers, not normal people.
@jonas: inflation zombies
No sh*t. Posted a link here a few weeks ago which included a quote from a proponent which flat out said it allows stores to instantly increase prices on hot days on stuff like bottled water and ice cream.
That particular article also included the nugget that the price labels could be changed “by employees” as fast as every ten seconds.
@Jeffro: 💜😍
Another Scott
@Soprano2: The press doesn’t want to make any conclusions these days (“Sun rises in the East? Opinions differ!”).
PPP and similar outfits should be doing relentless polling on TCFFG’s statements and actions, and pushing the results.
The press loves, loves polls. “Numbers are objective! We can’t be accused of ‘liberal bias’ by reporting numbers!! Give me more numbers!!11ONE”
In a new poll, 73% of likely voters think that TCFFG is dangerous and would not allow their minor children or grandparents to be alone with him. TCFFG said that American voters are dangerous and he will take vengeance. Back to you Ailsa!
@oldgold: I agree, my respect for the press has dropped A LOT since TCFG came onto the scene. I’m not sure they could make it more obvious that they want him back as president. They babble about asking “the hard questions”, then when they get an opportunity to do that with TCFG they don’t. Did they ask even one question about the other cases against him, or about his upcoming sentencing on 34 felony counts?
@Kay: I think it’s along the lines of what I alluded to earlier in the thread (#74) and just now (#123)…he has come completely undone by the combination of President Biden leaving the race (so, no cakewalk, no revenge, no automatic get-out-of-jail free) and VP Harris/Gov Walz doing so incredibly well (so, a black woman is kicking trump’s ass once again, and doing so joyfully)
He’s cracking up. His over-the-top rhetoric (per that piece at #73) is beyond anything he’s ever tried to pull before. You’d think the planet was about to blow up, like Krypton, according to trump!
@Jeffro: OH. He is thinking of the 25th amendment! Now he wonders if those around him are just using him and will depose him after he wins. Goody. I hope so.
All his former aids who are now urging republicans to vote for Harris could encourage paranoia too.
100% valid criticism. The NYTimes cleaned it and literally turned it into a policy speech – 3 minutes where he said “Left, Left she’s on the Left nobody has seen anything like it, well, you saw it .”
Then he forgot Walz’s name. Then he forgot the word “man”. They’re all hacks.
@Jeffro: He may be starting to worry that two days after he’s sworn in, there will be a freak “accident” with an exploding sharpie and, viola! President Vance.
Count me out. Don’t care for the stuff at all, the lone exception being German’style potato salad.
Diff’rent strokes and all that.
@Betty Cracker:
Still looks like he has a gilded dead ferret on his head either way.
@Quinerly: Joe Biden did deaw down the strategic Oetroleum Reserve when oil prices surged acouple years ago. I beleive tge administration has made a couple limited purchases to refill it since. Each time the federal government turned a nifty profit. They can do that again next month if they want to generate some positive news.
The U.S. is now the world’s top oil producer by a wide margin over Russia and Saudi Arabia, so a topped-off Reserve is not as important as it was a a couple decades ago. Still, Republicans like to gripe about the Reserve so maybe Biden will show them up with another partial refill.
What shocks me about the coverage is they’re adding words. Not adding words in a quote (too obvious) but adding words in analysis.
A barbed critique of Left wing ideology – what? He said “Left, Left, trans” eleven times in a row. It’s no longer cleaning up- now they create an alternate fantasy press conference with a normal candidate.
@NotMax: I remember that (I bitched about it at the time) and it’s why my hackles are raised. I’m glad the scam is still getting some press coverage and I love Senator Casey so could not resist.
I seem to remember Walmart was (is) involved.
@Quinerly: He himself sees it in his face. Note how the orange cake is thicker and darker now. Apparently he thinks that will better hide the deepening crevices on his face.
I think it’s even worse than that. It seems that he can’t feel happiness unless he’s hurting, people, so when he sees people who don’t like him feeling joy it makes him want to hurt them even more. It’s gross.
Completely agree. Anecdotally, it’s what the normies in my life have been saying, almost incredulously. That they’ve forgotten how bad the vibe of this guy is and how it’s even worse now than before. Even a couple of nominally Republican (aka, non-MAGA) co-workers have commented on it.
@zhena gogolia: Yeah but he needs the adoring crowds like you and I need water, he won’t be able to give that up.
As one reporter pointed out, NYT reporters have their email addresses in their profiles and they do read emails even if they won’t reply. That reporter encouraged ordinary people to work the refs and send in their thoughts on individual articles.
@Gvg: he might be thinking of that, but I bet the prospect of flat-out losing (and to her especially) is top of mind.
Win, and he can keep firing people at the slightest whiff, real or imagined, of treachery. He can self-pardon and no one can stop him, and the massive grift resumes & continues until his dying day.
Lose, and he potentially spends his final years in prison. No riches, no power, no adoring crowds. America’s greatest loser.
@Baud: Ha ha. That is what I thought when you wrote “google Sisi” – I thought maybe you were planning a group trip to Vienna
@NotMax: Interesting, the ways of nicknames.
Trump telling us we all face a dark and catastrophic future under a …guy whose name he can’t remember just doesn’t pack the same punch.
This is actually interesting. It was put as “your heart has a finite total number of beats, and once you use them up, it stops.” Unlikely to be true.
HOWEVER, if you do exercise and lower your resting heart rate, you will extend your life by this theory.
that, or being flattered by his inner circle, or being adored by his beloved MAGA rally crowds
truly psycho stuff
comrade scotts agenda of rage
He’s not quitting because…jail.
He’ll never see the inside of a cell but he’s scared shitless of that possibility nonetheless.
He’s simply running another of his legal “run out the clock” tactics he’s been doing for decades.
We’ve mused about who comes after Felonious D, how they won’t be able to “keep the nutjob base”, etc. I’m not so sure it’ll be that hard plus every Never Trumper will faithfully go back to being a RWNJ.
I will lay odds he won’t make it to election day. Or if he does, there will be something* that happens with him that will deliver us a Kamala landslide.
*he says the N word, the C word, collapses, or does something so bizarre the press can’t ignore. I feel it in my bones. Trump is going to implode. It’s coming.
And remember 9/18 is just around the corner.
And when a hacker manages to infiltrate the system and reduce the price of every item to a nickel….
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Republicans disappearing is a perennial liberal fantasy.
@Baud: That’s what I mean, there won’t be any reaction to him doing that AT ALL. Their reaction to anything TCFG does it “It’s TCFG, that’s how he is, what can we do?”
I know you watched it. Has to be experienced to be understood. I’ll be honest – I was thrilled. I think he’s a wholly malicious and negative force and I think it’s great that whatever happened to him makes it harder to obscure that. He’s Bad News. The cultists, like the NYTimes, will create a fantasy press conference but any normie watching that sees it.
Reposting another heads up for President Biden’s interview airing Sunday on CBS:
I will repeat my rhetorical question:
If Kamala Harris said this to the press: “If you asked me about the peaceful transition of power and instead I told you that I had the greatest crowds and mine on January 6th was even bigger than at ML King’s speech at the March on washington, How crazy would you think I am?”
What would happen?
Wee hours fumble fingering strikes again. Fix.
And when a hacker manages to infiltrate the system and reduce the price of every item to a nickel….
No. I know. But I can’t keep making the same observation about the media for years on end. I know we need to because so many libs still don’t get it, but it does become tedious.
@NotMax: I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your
networknewsletter ☺️Quinerly
Yes. I remember. As an aside, I heard some MSNBC pundit in the background while I was in the yard late yesterday say that when Trump was talking “policy” about oil and the reserves in that presser he was “at his best.”
Not me. I took that bet in 2016 between the end of the primaries and the conventions. and lost.
Matt McIrvin
@Quinerly: There is literally nothing he could do. He was right about Fifth Avenue. He’s been musing fondly about Hannibal Lecter. If he appeared on national television naked and announced he was going to eat everyone’s firstborn baby, he’d still get 45%
Predictions that he was going to drop out or stroke out were rife in 2016. Didn’t happen.
That is why my rhetorical question.
@gene108: That’s bringing rational thinking to an irrational habit of mind. He’s known to be at least somewhat “weird” about germs. I agree that he doesn’t behave in coherent ways about it, but I do think he’s displayed phobic tendencies about infections.
Anyway, I have been thinking more about the potential for a trauma response to the shooting. The wheels are definitely coming off the guy. Even more than expected.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Exactly. I spent a year dealing with the “Trump of Denver with all the associated psychological issues”, an asshole developer (who even the City’s notoriously tight asshole developer community hate) on an historic preservation battle. That description is from a former City Council person.
We learned that with the press, he could prattle on endlessly, not unlike the Orange Fart Cloud, but they’d edit him down for written and televised media so that he didn’t come across as the loony asshole he is.
But it worked to our advantage in public meetings in front of commissions and City Council where he’d spew nonsense and we’d look at each other and say “Please let this guy continue, he’s our best weapon”. It also helped that when he’d lie (which was basically when he opened his pie hole), people were there to fact check and contradict him from the City side.
Again, I learned up close and personal just how awful people like that are and when allowed to go unedited when they’re being unhinged, damn that’s powerful stuff. Keep it coming without something like the Totebagger Radio filter.
Another reason the media is an impediment.
@Kay: “The cultists, like the NYTimes, will create a fantasy press conference but any normie watching that sees it.”
Sadly, not 100% sure that any normies watch press conferences.
The good news is that if they do, it will probably be in October, when we expect Trump to be even more incoherent than now.
It was a little flat yesterday. Looked like that ferret had spent a lot of time frozen flat in RFK Jr’s roadkill freezer. Under a bear cub.
Ferret needed a fluff before being arranged on his head.
Here’s a video clip of Lawrence O’Donnell last night:
Susie Madrak says:
Call it out as the bullsh*t it is. Repeatedly. Every goddam time.
@rikyrah: I checked, and it like Anne Laurie’s got you covered, if she didn’t, I would have.
Garrett Haake
Here’s my full exchange with former President Trump on mifepristone. I understand the questions at today’s news conference were very hard to hear.
This was the only good question. A completely ordinary policy question. Trump has no idea what mifepristone is. If they had asked him questions like this since 2015 he would be gone. Ask him what NAFTA stands for, ask him what HUD does, ask him about EMTALA. He doesn’t know what any of it is.
Brings new meaning to fluffernutter.
Steve LaBonne
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: This is why Josh Marshall Xitted that the Harris campaign should pay him to do a presser every day.
Yeah, the NYT will keep doing cleanup.
Btw, for those who don’t know: NYT email addresses are [email protected] so like [email protected] or the like. Send those emails (polite but savage).
More good news:
Disgorgement is a great word. Hint hint New York!
@Matt McIrvin:
8-9 years makes a big difference once you hit 70. He is under probably the most mental and physical stress in his entire life. I won’t even speculate about what medications he is on. And whether he is abusing them. He eats crap. There are reasons he is hunkered down and hasn’t left Florida…..and not campaigning.
We’ll see.
If he gets 45%, isn’t that a landslide for us?
Ivan X
@rikyrah: same dude also called Trump’s press conference “flawless.” Flawless! Flawless. Without flaw! That guy’s jaw must be tired. But, even better that he just outs himself as a straight racist with that hat BS.
@Quinerly: WOW! The detail is amazing! Caitlin is def multitalented!
short of him actually keeling over dead, he’s going to make it to Election Day. he HAS to run to stay out of prison, his failsons HAVE to keep him propped up or their whole grift/fortune goes kablooey, and his evil minions HAVE to stay all-in because no one else will give them the opportunity to harm the people they want harmed.
Maybe there will be one thing that happens, but more likely he’ll just keep deteriorating steadily and turning more and more people off until the GOP is down to its hardest core. Not 27% unfortunately – that’s what Fox is for, to prevent a total collapse – but even in the low 40%s that’ll be enough to produce a landslide.
Biden 2020 + North Carolina gets us to 319 EVs. After that, there’s not too much that can realistically be picked up – Texas? Florida? That one district in Maine?
I’ll be interested to see if he loses it publicly and clearly enough that he outright calls for violence against his opponents and gets arrested for it. I don’t want that to happen, but I don’t think he’ll be able to control himself as the walls close in.
@Steve LaBonne
Were I a member at Mar-a-lago (FSM forbid) I’d be extremely dubious when it came to drinking the water.
Your last paragraph adds an angle that I hadn’t thought of. Interesting.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: It sounds like Georgia and North Carolina are the main swing-ish states that have Trumpy election officials who might just nullify the vote. That makes the “southern route” harder and also makes a landslide less likely.
I honestly think a Trump win is more likely than a Harris landslide. If we go to bed on Election Night thinking Harris is running away with it and wake up to find that Trump mysteriously won, I won’t be that surprised.
Hakeem Jeffries’ Twitter account:
@Jackie: 💛
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Then give TCFG more air time to remove all doubt for the normies
Kayla Rudbek
Mr. Rudbek woke me up this morning with the news that there was a tornado watch. We had to go down to the basement and listen to the weather announcements for the all-clear. And the governor of Minnesota is running for VP – I felt like I was a kid again. Although the local weather announcers here in Northern Virginia don’t hold a patch on WCCO or KSTP.
Has any explanation been given as to why Trump has remained in Florida this summer as opposed to moving up to New Jersey as he has done for many years?
@BR: I don’t speak Polite.
Omnes Omnibus
@WereBear: Sensenbrenner absolutely hates that nickname.
If you only read the celebrity “prestige” reporters on that press conference you would have no idea what actually happened during it. Jeffries is right. It was that bad.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: I think the one thing certain about the aftermath of a Trump defeat is that there will be one hell of a lot of recriminations flying around the Republican Party.
Party leaders will do well just to stave off the grudge-fest until after the election. They’ll try to because they still hope to salvage down-ballot candidates.
Of course, those would be amazing. Time for my perennial observation. If Obama wins 17% of the white vote in Mississippi in 2008, he wins. he won 11%.
@Matt McIrvin:
I still think it’s a coin flip but we’re getting there.
@Quinerly: No, that’s the most votes ever for any ex-president in the history of America.
@Quinerly: Shades of Lucille Bluth there: “It’s only a banana, Michael! How much could it cost? Ten dollars?”
Wasn’t going to mention it, ascribing it to a one time glitch except have been receiving this message multiple times during the past several days when refreshing a page here.
I’ve gotten that. Happens on occasion.
Matt McIrvin
@Quinerly: Trump at 45% would be a solid win for us, given the way the third-party candidates are polling. “Landslide” is a word I reserve for the kinds of wins Republicans got in the 1980s. That hasn’t happened since then.
(Dukakis actually got 45.6% in 1988. But the electoral map was a beating on a level I can’t imagine happening to a Republican today.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Jeffro: Don’t think in terms of an EC landslide. Think in terms of an up and down the ballot landslide. Retake the House, improve our margin in the Senate, recapture state legislatures, etc. That’s the landslide goal.
Paul in KY
@Suzanne: Hearing that round go zinging past your ear has got to do something. Even to a weirdo like TFG.
@Suzanne: That’s a lame excuse for Trump on twitter.
He must have had pre-PTSD from before the shooting because he looked pretty damn awful before, and he was barely campaigning before.
@Kay: yup
I thought that Firestone piece was spot-on though…trump was so over-the-top with his comments that it’s like, “what planet are you on, sir?” He was definitely describing Mordor. I dunno…when I look out the window (or check my 401k, or read the latest jobs report, or…), I do not see Mordor.
@Baud: Good thing that’s never happened to me. I have no idea of WTF any of that is.
Omnes Omnibus
PTSD from avoiding STDs in the ’70s. It was brutal, man.
@rikyrah: I’ve spent some time thinking about how the campaign can respond to the attacks on Walz, without denigrating JV’s service, and I think I found one that does it and keeps a theme going:
For the military members, we absolutely understand this. Junior enlisted (E3) versus senior enlisted (E9). For civilians, they should get the football reference. JV versus professional. And it’s a bit of an extra burn there too. Skipped past varsity, college, straight to NFL.
@OzarkHillbilly: I was using Matt’s referenced 45%.
Obviously, no crystal ball here. I do think we are completely in unchartered territory. Who on June 9 would have predicted that Biden would step aside? That we as Democrats would transition to Harris with such ease? That our ticket would include a camo wearing veteran, ex football coach?
Every day seems to bring something new.
OT: Olympic break dancing starting now!!!!!
Edit: first competitors they showed were the women from India and Afghanistan. The woman from Afghanistan is having to compete under the Refugee status. This is really cool.
We need big enough margins to prevent Fox News from being able to credibly present the election results as too close to call. That’s it. I think the best way to that outcome is a breadth of states, which it seems like the Harris campaign is doing. Because we don’t know which state election officials will go rogue yet, so we have to hedge our bets.
@Quinerly: My Atlanta friend suggested that if Trump decides to bail on hls campaign he’ll manufacture a medical emergency to justify it. That might save a little face, and JD Vance would book the “L” instead of Trump.
I still think the more likely outcome is Trump staying in until Election Day, but a lot can happen in the next 12 weeks. I am starting to look at this as a Republican problem though, and not a national one.
I tend to think the value of Dobbs is over rated in this cycle – I think it will help but no more than a lot of other things will help, but medication abortions are to me an underexplored topic and probably have the capacity to hurt Republicans in a whole new way. When we talked to women during the Ohio referendum younger women focused on medication abortions. It’s how they understand abortion – it’s 40% of all abortions and it means the abortion is early and the person who goes that route IMO values privacy and agency more than the average person. These are women who make their own decisions. Harris can’t go wrong telling them that Trump said in that press conference that he would be willing to ban medication abortions without Congress.
@Quinerly: I was using trump’s words.
eta: tho for accuracy I should have left the “ex” out. trump still thinks he’s president.
It’s a WordPress thing.
@Matt McIrvin: Agree. I was using your 45% referenced in your comment.
good point – will do
I’m excited about 2 months of NFLTG “Immune” Uncle Joe followed by a President Harris with House and Senate majorities might do.
I think Tim Walz has been saying “we can sleep after the election” (or after we’re dead?)…we’re going to need to keep going like gangbusters after the election, too!
Forget that. I’m taking a nap.
@OzarkHillbilly: 👍
Walz said as much during the UAW speech yesterday — that Trump would ban abortion without congress no matter what he says now.
And of course using federal agency or executive action to effectively ban medication abortions means the ban operates in states that now allow abortion. She should say “in all 50 states”.
@NotMax: Speak English man!
Break dancing is a sport?
What a world, what a world.
Bonus quote.
“Sport, as I have discovered, fosters international hostility and leads the audience, no doubt from boredom, to assault and do grievous bodily harm while watching it. The fact that audiences at the National Theatre rarely break bottles over one another’s heads, and that Opera fans seldom knee one another in the groin during the long intervals at Covent Garden, convinces me that theatre is safer than sport.”
– John Mortimer
@Leto: Thank you for the notice. Obligatory
And ofc Snoop is there at the breakdancing competition. Some killer stuff so far.
Matt McIrvin
@Leto: I don’t think they have to mention Vance’s service at all. The attack is just based on lies.
Make a clip on just that – for social media – and use both the name of the drug and “medication abortion”. I would say “a federal ban – all 50 states” Dobbs blowback is fueled by women talking to other women. These women are younger and private. They have to pass it around their networks.
@NotMax: that’s the same thought that I had! I read an article on how it got here, and apparently the World Dancing Federation wanted tango or salsa added, but the IOC was looking to bring in a younger audience. And I gotta tell you, so far this is really cool.
OMG, the Australian woman breaker (they’re called breakers) has a damn PHD in breaking. She earned it from the University of Australia, where she also teaches on the subject. Like… whaaaaaa? Haha so cool!
They’ll need to get Harris to say it then and make a clip of it.
@Matt McIrvin: Kemp and Raffensperger wouldn’t go along with Trump’s scheme to negate Georgia’s presidential vote in 2020, They both won their 2022 primaries afterward, so I don’t see why they would help Trump out this year.
Why are you shocked. Just more of the gaslighting bullshyt in order to continue to normalize him. In order TO NOT report what is the obvious. Because, if they did,
If they did him like they had done Joe Biden…
This entire race would be over.
Omnes Omnibus
@Leto: This is what you need to remember when watching that event.
@Matt McIrvin: they don’t, but if they feel they should this is simply another way to highlight a difference but without the perception of calling his service into question. Plus it’s another way to call him JV :)
I’m out. Mulch to spread. Dayhike later. My AZ Dec 5 week long drive about to firm up.
I’ll leave this here.
I’ll hold out for the Greco-Roman lightsaber competition. That’ll snag the young’uns.
If they want young people, they should make Boomer Hunting an event.
He is definitely gonna call her the N word.
And, he’s gonna try and stalk her like he did Hillary at the debate.
And, the Vice President is SO not going to tolerate it.
Not only that, she’ll fight back, and slice him up. Emasculate him, right on that stage, and that’s when he’s going to blow.
only slightly off-topic: George Conway keeps talking about trump’s “Cluster B” of personality disorders, and I wasn’t familiar with the term, so I looked it up
yup, he’s right!
so…it’s pretty much “all of them, Katie” The entire cluster.
Thanks GOP!
At least there are now WSJ op eds questioning Trump’s fitness. That’s a big change.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Saw a poll this week that has support for Florida’s Amendment 4 (codifying Roe) at 69%! As folks here probably know, FL requires a 60% supermajority to pass ballot amendments. DeSantis and the Christian nationalist weirdos who support him and Trump are lying about it nonstop, but that’s a strong level of support that necessarily includes a ton of Repubs and Indies. I’m not sure it will pass but feel hopeful.
@Omnes Omnibus: they basically just had that song playing for these two women. Same beat, same rhythm. There were 300 songs approved for the competition, and they’re all selected randomly. That’s part of the difficulty for the competitors. They need to be able to adapt to the music that’s played.
And because closed captions were enabled for the YouTube video, as soon as the first note was plucked, the caption “groovy rap music” popped up on the screen. Luuul
Edit: for the next two competitors here, they have this Latin-Spanish infusion mix going. It’s good! People in the crowd head bobbin along with the music, cheering, having fun. Good stuff!
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: The fact that NC was the only state I could even see as a plausible potential pickup in 2024 was the thing that made me nervous about this cycle from the beginning. It makes the path to winning narrow. There aren’t too many states the Democrats can afford to lose. We could get to a win without Georgia, to name the most likely loss of Biden’s 2020 states, but that’s basically it.
The surge of enthusiasm for Harris makes it possible to dream about getting other states, but it’s hard to see the mechanism. They’re also likelier to have Republican election officials who will be an obstacle.
@oldgold: Agreed. It was pathetic. I kept waiting for one tough question.
And what was with the lack of microphones for the reporters? Trump looked hard of hearing all night. Was it to keep reporters from making statements or does Mar-a-Lockup not have modern AV?
Holding that in reserve from the winter Olympics biathlon.
I’ve watched Harris for two decades, and she really has risen to the occasion in such a way that even I’m surprised — she is now exuding confidence and command in every room she’s in. Whereas Trump is looking a bit frumpy and tired. The visual contrast at the debate will be of a future president vs a has been.
What are the reporters going to do? Complain about Trump?
She’s a much better messenger on abortion than Biden was. BJ’ers will get mad at me but I think it’s true. He could never really get past his religious training on it.
Obama was excellent too. Obama chose this route where he focused on the agency and dignity of women that was like getting a drink of water after a long thirst. I used to tear up listening to him- it’s so nice to finally be understood.
She has grown a lot in her time as veep. Even I’ve noticed it.
I think that’s a reasonable question, but if Harris spends her press time talking about Trump, or responding to Trump, then she’s not using it talking about her plans, her governing philosophy, and what she will do as President.
It’s the same problem as saying “Harris should respond to his lies in the debate” – NO. No she should not. She can and should say one thing – “He’s lying. If his lips are moving, he’s lying” – and that’s ALL.
She should spend her time in the debate talking about what SHE will do, what SHE believes, and what HER ADMINISTRATION will be about.
Responding to Trump makes this all about Trump.
I love him. Did you read that the rumor is he is being $500,000 a day to be at the Olympics?
@suzanne: I believe the obvious weight loss is most likely due to Ozempic. It does have side effects.
@Matt McIrvin: I’m going to think very positive and work very hard for the ticket while also noting that even if we a) don’t add NC and b) lose both GA and AZ from the Biden 2020 totals, we’re still at 276 EVs.
Thanks for weighing in with this awesome comment. Have a wonderful day.
Here’s an article on it: Everything you need to know for breaking’s Olympic debut
@Betty Cracker:
Wow. Ours never polled better than 60. Election was dead-on with the polling too, so that’s a good sign for you. There’s no comparison between Fl and OH though. There’s almost no commonality between the two states, IMO.
It’s just that if referendums actually tracked candidate elections the United States would have been 60% D long ago. They don’t.
@Ken: close, but missing caffeine and nicotine. so nope.
@NotMax: especially in the server room.
@Quinerly: I didn’t see that, but I’ve seen where people are calling this the Snoop-Lympics because dude is basically everywhere! He’s been spotted at so many of the events, just hyping all the athletes, having the best time. Just the thought of that, along with breaking in the Olympics, are just so funny to me.
Biden could NEVER carry the abortion message. His faith got in the way. I always thought he got tripped up trying to discuss it.
Obviously, a different story with Pelosi and the same faith.
Edited to add…I love how Walz talks about abortion with such ease.
Though it is an argument for Dems to bear hug the referendum in Florida and force the GOP to come out against it. Trump could surprise folks and come out for it if the polling is good enough, but my guess is he will just issue word salad statements on it.
And yeah, Harris is a really strong voice for reproductive freedom. It’s the one line in her stump speech that she says with such force and passion that it’s like she’s going to break the microphone.
“All right, ‘fess up. Who’s the wisenheimer who sneaked Ave Maria into the mix?”
Did you see him with Martha Stewart? Love them together.
@Betty Cracker:
They were passing around someones internal Florida polling for a district that includes part of Miami – is that Dade county? Anyway – it was a good Latino number. Not enough to start winning FL again but better than it has been. We’ll see if more of that shows up.
@Kayla Rudbek: we’re under the same, plus flash floods have inundated the strip of land between my house and neighbors. Thank gawd the dirt guys showed up last week to complete the regrading we had done to reroute water away from our foundation/basement! We won the water war in the nick of time! It came down in literal sheets of rain.
Celebratory 🎶
All around apropos
@Kayla Rudbek: I heard about those tornado warnings when I was listening to WTOP* yesterday evening. There were also tornados in the Maryland suburbs last month. Those DC weather people are earning their pay this summer!
* I can’t pull in WTOP’s home station, 103.5 FM, but their Fredericksburg transimitter comes in fine here at 107.7 FM; here being Greene County 50 miles to the west.
WTOP is a good news source. They feature the CBS network news twice an hour, and national politics is local news for them. They have their own “Capitol Hill” and “National Security” correspondents who yak away about their news beats (although these might be shared with CBS).
I’m hoping that the normie “wine mom” world is still buzzing about Harris and that Walz adds to that buzz (because he comes across as a real ally), and that that there’ll be real volunteering that comes of it.
Right. And IMO Florida still holds potential for Dems and Ohio really doesn’t.
Marcy Kaptur used to say “Ohio has a choice” – we could have gone with MI and WI and MN or with IN and KY. We chose the second option. It’s a damn shame.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: Fair enough.
There’s a real shortage of actual state polling from after the switch to Harris, except in a few swing states like Pennsylvania which still looks hairy and close. I saw some scary polls that showed Trump beating Harris in Virginia, but they were hypothetical matchups from almost a month ago taken while Biden was still the candidate, so under current conditions they might as well have been from the Triassic.
Captain C
He may implode this way, but based on the last 10 years, the FTFNYT will report such verbiage as “Dear Leader Bestest Preznit Ever Trump excoriated Kamabla for her racial and gender views.”
Or if he physically collapses the FTFNYT will run a headline and six paragraphs about his accusations of a ‘Democratic stun ray’ before getting to his actually keeling over.
Hell, if he starts dry-humping Maga Habs in the middle of a televised interview, she herself will write it as , “Trump creatively expresses love and support for women.”
@Quinerly: I turned away from the channel just before that. Again, such a funny friendship haha
As a retired mental health professional, I know it’s fun to make armchair diagnoses, but here’s a warning from the Alzheimer’s Society UK that I agree with:
And the DSM version of “personality disorders” is a far cry from the DSM version of “personality traits,” no matter what George Conway asserts.
Chief Oshkosh
@Geminid: Uh, they and the rest of the GA Republican Party have put into place many, many new laws and rules that will suppress voting and will allow for chaotic vote tallying and chaotic certification. They aren’t doing this to help Trump. That might be a side effect. They are doing it to increase the probability that a Republican-controlled GA state apparatus will be able to nullify several elections, whether local, state, or federal.
@Betty Cracker:
And I realize I always ask you about South FL and that’s not where you are, but it’s all I hear about :)
here’s Brian Kemp, still walking that fine line:
Too late for Joe!
Snoop and Flavor Flav being the Olympics Ambassadors…
didn’t have that on my 2024 Bingo Card….LOL
A good visualization of the Trump to New York Times translator:
@Kayla Rudbek
A long, long time ago I had a paid internhship in the news department at KMSP.
I just don’t think it’s necessary. Voters can and should make a decision on an appearance of capacity and competency. They are on wholly solid ground doing that. It’s part of an ordinary evaluation of a candidate. No one has to diagnose anything. They can simply watch and say “he doesn’t seem up to this” and that can be a perfectly rational decision. No one has to defend an ordinary voter analysis with a fake science gloss. Of course they don’t need a professional evaluation to make a decision on competency. They’re not having him committed. They’re making a hiring decision.
THEE Kurt Nice (@KurtNiceHHL) posted at 11:41 PM on Thu, Aug 08, 2024:
I don’t give AF about a MSM interview. So they can do her like they did Joe Biden? Nah they can fuck right off.
@rikyrah: I don’t think any of did, but we’re all here for it :)
@Chief Oshkosh: I still don’t think Kemp and Raffensperger will do this year what they wouldn’t do in 2020.
Matt McIrvin
@Chief Oshkosh: I expect to see a serious move away from popular election of the President, toward the original 18th-century norm of having electors selected by state legislatures, in Southern states that have increasing Black Democratic votes.
Paul in KY
@Geminid: His minions would try ‘Weekending at Bernies’ him before admitting that he had to drop out. All their evil careers are completely bound up with his.
If I have two candidates for a job and one seems competent and mentally fit in the interview and the other doesn’t I don’t need a medical opinion to make that decision. I have enough information.
@Quinerly: Depending on the sentence I am very curious how that is going to play; signs point to uh not great.
Can’t lie kinda pleased that sentencing was delayed.
@rikyrah: say it again, for the people in the back.
@Captain C: found at Atrios, seems the FTFNYT is getting the picture, at least this one time
@Quinerly: This is the curse of feeling obligated to be fair; it’s technically true it was “the best” he did least obviously deranged would be a more accurate and honest frame but it was the area where a random listener would be least likely to assume he is wholly deranged.
Interesting how the mirror image of this obligation is regularly applied to Democrats maybe telling is a better description than interested.
Paul in KY
@CaseyL: Agree. You can’t get down in the ‘details’ about whatever whopper he spews up. Just have a goto phrase like you said and then pivot to the many, many ways you are a better choice than him.
When I say that I am SO GLAD that Illinois is a decentralized system, voting-wise. Each county controls what happens as far as voting is concerned. And, that includes cancellations/voting purges. The thought that anyone outside of Cook County could think that they could purge the voter rolls of Cook County – is infuriating.
They made an attempt a few years ago to move to a more centralized system, and folks were like, ‘ nah, we good. ‘
Matt Murphy
Glenn Youngkin, Jason Miyares, and Winsome Sears are laying the groundwork to steal the election for Trump in Virginia.
8:05 AM · Aug 9, 2024
Winsome? Really?
Chief Oshkosh
@Geminid: Agreed, but point is, Kemp and Raffy won’t need to take a direct actions outside of the law. They and their ilk have already put structural tools in place that increase the probability that the actual election outcome can be set aside, if not permanently, at least for a good long while.
Who here has heard about the “Washington primary” method of predicting national political trends?
Paul in KY
@rikyrah: Avery Brundage must be spinning in his grave. Good! That guy was a POS.
Oh wow, this billboard of JD Vance — they need to put this everywhere:
The barcode is a nice touch.
AM in NC
@WereBear: Plus it allows boys to bring supplies home to their female relatives who may need them and not be able to afford them.
@Kay: I watched part of it, but he seemed the same to me. What am I missing?
Ah, I see you answered it. I didn’t see much of that part, so I missed it. He’s so, so needy, like a 1-year-old constantly needing reassurance from mom and dad.
The whole ease in front of a camera is gone. He’s visibly upset thru the whole thing – his face is mask like too. That might be the weight loss drug. Something happened to him. He’s rattled.
@Chief Oshkosh:
Georgia enrages me.
That entire thing from a couple of weeks ago, with the phucking website where you can CANCEL SOMEONE’S VOTER REGISTRATION WITHOUT A SIGNATURE
is a big deal with me. The thought that someone could sit, with a Voter List, and just pay people to cancel folks’ voter registration electronically is terrifying.
Will remind people – this is the state that allows for voter’s registration status to be CHALLENGED…and, it doesn’t have to be done in person, and can be done THOUSANDS AT A TIME.
@Kay: I saw that part where he was groping for the word “man”, and I wondered how many stories the NY Times would do about that. Then I decided it would be none.
@Kay: They want him back so badly it’s becoming too obvious for even the casual observer to deny it. All those softball questions from yesterday, it makes me wonder if they were provided by the campaign or agreed to beforehand.
Well, it’s a D plus 6 national environment according to “the Washington primary” (which might be crackpot).
Washington the state, not DC. Supposedly we need a D +6 environment to have a shot at winning the Tester race.
Just wanted to impart that cryptic good news.
Well, you know, they do look so much alike…….
They really do. But we have no choice. We have to get around them. I don’t think normies credit complaining about media, it sounds like whining, so Harris and Walz shouldn’t do it, but their surrogates absolutely can just so media will hear it.
We just don’t have the belief that all media is “fake” is on our side and frankly I don’t want it. It’s a dead end.
Jamelle Bouie: here’s why trump, Vance, and the GOP hate being called “weird”
Omnes Omnibus
@KatKapCC: They are both brown people. In a way.
Will Bunch
The only thing more shocking than the allegation that a US president took a $10 million bribe from a foreign dictator is that said bribee held a TV news conference and not a single journalist asked about it
7:40 AM · Aug 9, 2024
scary lawyerguy (@scarylawyerguy) posted at 9:30 AM on Fri, Aug 09, 2024:
v telling that the media thinks it’s a greater sin not to talk to them than to stand up in front of them and lie to their faces.
For what it is worth:
Former Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham, Thursday morning before the news conference wrote: “He’s panicking. I’ve seen this play many times. He thinks his team is failing him & no one can speak better/’save’ his campaign/defend him but him. He hates the coverage Harris is getting & thinks only he can fix it.”
This is why I think more press appearances like this from his $18 million room is good for us.
oh hell no to a ‘ centralized’ system. Nope.
Pesach Lattin (@pesach_lattin) posted at 8:44 PM on Thu, Aug 08, 2024:
Texas has suspended the voter registration of 2 million (democratic) voters until they “verify” themselves.
The New York Times is the #VichyPress (@Needle_of_Arya) posted at 8:37 AM on Fri, Aug 09, 2024:
This event exists in the context of TX AG Ken Paxton openly admitting that Biden would’ve won Texas had his office not acted to suppress the vote.
This massive voter purge is happening only because the TX GOP fears a late voter surge that could finally put Harris over the top.
@Kay: They’ve always “interpreted” what he says, it’s just getting worse and more obvious because he’s worse.
@Trivia Man: that district is WOW counties, right? I grew up in that district and while I’d vote for you, it’s tough for any Dem to win when Sensenbrenner was in office.
Kayla Rudbek
@Geminid: climate change is definitely here. I remember Mr. Rudbek’s youngest brother asking me when I first started dating Mr. Rudbek if I (Minnesota Yankee) had ever been near a tornado, that was how infrequently Northern Virginia had tornadoes back then
An advocacy group has filed a cease-and-desist order against the cancellation program.
Here’s the letter itself.
Georgia’s Voting FAQ website says you need to be registered at least 30 days before the election, which would be September 5, so I hope that cease-and-desist gets traction fast.
For Tony Jay:
@KatKapCC: it was the softest of soft ball questions meant for Trump to rant on that Kamala is where she is because she fucked Willie Brown over 30 years ago. And the horror….he was still married.
Trump is so compromised that he blew it. He could have used up a good 15 minutes saying she is a DEI slut.
I want to know who asked the question.
@CaseyL: great news! I am curious about how/who enforces the Order.
@catclub: The press literally seems to believe that they cannot question any of the crazy things he says or ask any questions about what him being like that means about him mentally. Any normal person who had never been exposed to him before would ask if he were crazy after listening to him ramble on for a half-hour. I think they’re so used to hearing it that the craziness doesn’t even register for them anymore.
LarryO, Roland Martin, Maybe Maddow and Joy Reid.
I wouldn’t do shyt with CNN
Nothing with Stephanopolous- phuck him
Maybe Leslie Stahl
Fox is a non-starter
My recommendation to the Harris/Walz campaign, not that they need my advice, is to absolutely play favorites in the Media. For every “conventional reporter” interview do 3 with your favorites. If they get mad, point at Trump.
8:23 AM · Aug 9, 2024
I would have guessed October 5th
Oops. You’re right, of course.
@rikyrah: This is just some window dressing from Youngkin. USA Today’s article starts out:
Glenn Youngkin has achieved nothing of consequence as Governor and is unlikely to do so the remainder of his one term. He couldn’t even get a measly basketball arena for Alexandria. That was the latest Youngkin project to be stopped cold by Senate leader L. Louise Lucas.*
But when Youngkin finishes his term and hits the county and state Lincoln-Reagan Dinner circuit, he’ll tell audiences, “… and then I issued Executive Order 35 protecting election integrity, and then I issued Executive Order 43 which….” Youngkin is a very plausible man and they’ll lap it up.
* Last October, after Youngkin and Wizards owner Ted Leonsis told a press conference about their arena scheme, many observers believed the project would go through. Not so Senator Lucas, who posted:
Senator Lucas is not in fact a Dumbass and Youngkin didn’t get his arena either.
DFW Sports 4Life (@Kennymack1971) posted at 8:30 AM on Fri, Aug 09, 2024:
Now….Vice President Harris did stop and take questions from reporters and given the opportunity to question her what did they ask her about? Policy? Vision for the country?
Nope. Got damn Trump.
The “she won’t answer tough questions” thing is unserious.
Jeveryday (@jujukus) posted at 7:57 AM on Fri, Aug 09, 2024:
Not a single journo asked about Project 2025, asked why Trump instructed GOP Congresspersons to block the border security bill, nor asked Trump to clarify why he has said he doesn’t need the votes.
@Matt McIrvin: I mean, Georgia probably won’t do that and while NC might, we don’t need NC if we’ve won MI, WI and PA, and we control those states, so they’d have very little incentive to try to flip or nullify their votes when the Harris DoJ will go after them for it and it won’t change the outcome.
Florida is potentially in play if Trump sees a 3-4 point collapse in support. It’d need to be 5-6+ to put Texas into play. So I could see a sequence of events that puts Florida into play. Less sure about Texas. But if Allred runs a couple of points ahead of Harris it’s possible he could knock Cruz out if it’s close there.
Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) posted at 8:29 AM on Fri, Aug 09, 2024:
Swift Boating JD (AKA Sgt Scribbles), the early years: Here JD is in 2022 lambasting Barry McCaffrey as a failing General who swilled wine while kids died. Actually he led the decisive attack in Gulf War (see ‘left hook’) and earned three Purple Hearts. It’s a pattern with JD.
@danielx: Lt. Governor Sears was born in Jamaica; “Winsome” might have been a more common name there than it is here.
I served in the USN 1/70-7/73. I was discharged 5 months early because Vietnam was over and the military had to down size from war level numbers. And it screwed with the new captain of the last ship I was assigned to for my last 2 weeks, who was a complete pompous jackass and had pissed off most everyone who worked in the Pentagon – from the top down.
And I didn’t mind one second or one bit.
All of us in the various segments of the military did different things, were assigned to different posts, but we were all a small part of the whole. Some went to war, some scrubbed pots and pans. Some operated and maintained ships. I had to work on equipment from the pointy end to the back end, from the bottom of the ship to the top of the mast, and run a department for that. Some did other stuff. Everyone had a part in the overall business of ship warfare.
Others did other jobs other places at other times. Including this ass JDV.
Kayla Rudbek
@Geminid: I am very glad that Senator Lucas prevailed. There wasn’t any room to put that arena in at Potomac Yard. And I agree with her that there are better ways to spend the money.
@Chief Oshkosh: This will certainly bear watching Election Day, but I still doubt that Kemp will let the Trump forces steal the Georgia election even if he can.
But here we are getting into predictions which will prove out one way or another in 12 weeks, so I will leave it at that.
@Eolirin: Clearly putting the cart ahead of the horse but Cruz losing because Trump collapses would be such a sweet perfect nightcap to this entire business.
Beyond the obvious in that it would gain an extra and vital Senate seat for six years.
My personal schaden would be freuded.
Apply all necessary caveats about wish-casting but I’m going to wish-cast this.
@Kay: I agree. That’s why the “weird” word is so efffective. It’s vague and can’t be disproven because it’s so vague and every person has their own definition of weird so the power is in the person observing the weird behavior. Armchair psychiatric diagnoses are easily disproved or at least questioned. And the focus should be on Trump’s behavior and how he doesn’t seem to be able to answer questions, tell the truth or remember facts, not on the accuracy of some armchair diagnostician’s diagnosis of Trump.
@Kayla Rudbek: We still haven’t gotten big tornados like they do out West. Ours typically are f1s of short duration. One hit a community near me a couple years ago, and when I drove past a couple days later I saw a big oak that was uprooted and a little ways down the road a row of pines had their tops halves snapped off. No injuries were reported. It was a nice, moderate Virginia tornado.
@rikyrah: “It’s a dangerously cynical game and JD Vance knows better.” Any phrase with JD Vance knows better is a sure loser, that assumes facts that not only aren’t in evidence in this case, but aren’t likely to be true in ANY case. He’s a professional ignoramus. He PRACTICES.
Trivia Man
@Mousebumples: It was a long time ago, before redistricting. I knew i had no chance* but I refused to let him run unopposed as a House impeachment manager.
*I confess that for about, literally, ten minutes i thought i had a chance. I gave a barn burning speech that brought the house down and i saw a glimmer of hope. But mostly i was nothing more than a symbolic nuisance and i knew it,
I know nothing about sports podcasters, but interesting that some of them are turning on Trump and talking up Harris:
@CaseyL: I’m with you. First and foremost she should keep presenting her positive vision for the future and nurture the ++++ vibes of her campaign. Let the contrast be evident.
If on top of that she flags his lies as such and promises to follow up on them, all the better. But she shouldn’t let his rambling be the focus of the debate.
Very good find.
Everyone that serves is supposed to do the job they are trained for and assigned. Some go here and do this and some go somewhere else and do that. Some stuff is dangerous, some extremely dangerous and some basically a walk in the park. Climbing the mast of a ship and then climbing out the yardarm to work on equipment, the safety harness being a rope you tied around your waist, may not be the same as a firefight in a jungle but if anything goes wrong it is extremely likely that you will die. I did that on several occasions. My in port watch was carrying a loaded .45 caliber pistol with orders to shoot to kill any one coming on board who didn’t belong – my decision if they did or not. The military is not a place to play games. Even I respect someone who did similar – even if he is an absolute first class jackass.
It’s also obnoxious because Conway’s own opinion is enough. He doesn’t need to bootstrap it off an “expert” to give it some borrowed authority. Elections are about voters impressions of a candidate. They don’t need any more authority than to say “I think he’s unwell”. We’re not using a medical or legal standard here. I thought John Edwards was shifty and unreliable. I can not support him for just that reason alone – I don’t need a criminal conviction or a psych eval.
Captain C
@rikyrah: I suspect this pattern is because JV knows that if he had ever faced real combat, he would have pulled a Brave Sir Robin.
It’;s like when non lawyers say they disagree with a SCOTUS decision and lawyers say “oh? are you an expert?” They don’t need to be an expert. The onus is not on them to do an expert analysis. They have enough information to make a perfectly rational decision as to their own opinion.
@Matt McIrvin: Too bad for them that we have a near lock on enough states with over 270 EVs that what they do will be basically irrelevant.
GA and NC will need federal intervention so we can turn them into VA. We’ll need that for the senate. But as long as PA doesn’t go the way of Ohio, we don’t need to worry that much about what the red states do with their electors.
@NotMax: I don’t know what that is, but it doesn’t operate like a link.
I loved when she called his interview the same old show and I can picture Walz saying aren’t you sick of it. Trump is exhausting. It’s all whining and complaining and bragging. He’s so damned needy. He’s an emotional black hole and I think everyone but the cultists are tired of it.
It may be true.
Being shot at is not all that pleasant. (This I know of personally) Being hit even less.
But to me the major issue is his mental health and ability. The shooting may have brought on a tad bit of reality to him and that would likely affect him a lot, seeing as how his view of reality is dim at best.
Oh no I totally agree, it was easily his worst issue as far as how he addressed it. He’s uncomfortable with legal abortion but can’t say so, that’s why he did all the mealy-mouthed statements about it.
@NotMax: Damn, what a useless end user error message for someone who doesn’t have admin privileges. Word Press for the win /s
I apologize if this had been posted already, but no Democratic candidate for president has won the white vote since LBJ in 1964.
I saw a TikTok where a woman was like..
Trump is broke.
He don’t pay his bills.
Nobody will let him rent their place without $$$$ upfront.
The Secret Service doesn’t want him doing anything outdoors. So, they want him to do indoor rallies.
And, those cost more $$$.
Yesterday’s ‘Press Conference’ was just a way for him to do a rally.
His biggest supporters did attend.
@Scout211: Boy I agree, most people who haven’t dealt with this in the real world have no idea. Even people who have dealt with it don’t get this. I think Biden shows normal signs of aging, not dementia, but no amount of talking about this can convince some people who think they saw dementia during the debate.
Many people live in their own world(s). They are mostly worlds of impossibility and have little to do with reality. SFB lives in his own world, he is the classic personality for that. And when reality intervenes into that world, it’s like a 4 alarm fire at 2 am – in a huge pot dispensary. Nothing makes any actual sense.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: It’s working the refs. The Republicans hammered away at the “liberal media” for 40 years and eventually it had an effect of cowing them.
@Ruckus: Yes the impact of traumatic or intense events has aot to do with where the individual is at physically and mentally when they occur. As well as their history.
I’ve been in enough situations that when well rested and not otherwise stressed that events that may have otherwise had a major long term impact can roll of you and the opposite holds true.
As well as th context that those things occur in.
So I wouldn’t be surprised if our boy Don is absolutely shook by what he experienced and has zero healthy ways of processing it. Wouldn’t be surprised if this adds an extra layer of desperation and acting out on his part as the campaign ticks away.
@Kay: Tell that to my friend who posted on FB that Biden’s family was engaged in elder abuse for letting him run for president because according to her it’s OBVIOUS that Biden has dementia and cannot make decisions for himself. Both of her parents had dementia, so that’s why she believes this.
Matt McIrvin
@Eolirin: If the Republicans can really rig the vote in Virginia we’re fucked.
@Kayla Rudbek: The billionaires want a bidding war for the public to cover most of their expenses. Taking Virginia out of the competition reduces the deal team owners can get. Win win.
People are awful, and not just Republicans.
He was right about the aftereffects of the Voting Rights and Civil Rights acts, just wrong about for how many generations it would last.
The Confederacy remains quite enamored of the Republicans.
Another Scott
The only time I recall him laughing in public was when he was telling many of his vile “jokes” at the Al Smith Dinner (34:03)
Always be punching down, that’s DonOld.
@Kay: Maybe he was affected by being shot at and almost killed, although I think it’s more about how their whole election strategy was completely upended. All the attacks on Biden they had planned are no longer useful. There was an article by Tim Alberta in some publication where his campaign managers were crowing about how easy it was going to be for them to win this election. All of that, down the drain now. It’s gotta be eating at him.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Baud: well, some people. Not naming any names.
@Another Scott:
He’s their party personified.
@Mr. Bemused Senior:
You can name me. I’m awful in my own way.
Was it just me that heard Trump say gas was $7 a barrel? Because if so I want to buy some barrels of gas
Ive heard the same thing from a lot of people. Perceptions matter in politics. Not fair but that is the way it is.
WAPO headline on my feed. I didn’t click and not linking.
@Ruckus: Some gave all, all gave some.
@Soprano2: Why not both though I do suspect that the turning of the campaign has played the larger role in his mental and emotional state.
@Baud: Where’s my fainting couch?!?
Stay away from it, JV!
@Dave: he absolutely won’t get the help he needs to process what took place. He’s definitely someone who views getting any help as looking weak, and “you can’t look weak”. It’s been his mantra for 77 years now, and it won’t change.
May 23
Rising gas prices in California and the Bay Area have been making headlines. That’s perhaps putting it lightly.
With the median gasoline price in the U.S. hovering around $3.66 per gallon at the time of writing, reports that some gas stations in California are now showing prices of more than $7 per gallon for regular are certainly concerning.
@Baud: Seriously, though, if Trump hears about this, we are literally 1 minute to midnight on him dropping the n-bomb.
“You want ‘spicy’? I’ve been wanting to say this for years!!!”
@sdhays: guess we know why so many couches were wrapped in plastic back in the day…
@Soprano2: They should leave the clinical diagnoses to those with expertise and access.
But Trump is losing some cognitive ability over time, and he didn’t have that much to start with. Here’s some analysis:
Is it normal aging or is it an early sign of something worse? That’s not ours to say. Is it likely to affect his performance over the next 4 years? We are allowed, nay, encouraged to form an opinion.
@rikyrah: yep, LarryO’ came out on fire last night. Good for him, it needed to be said.
Poor guy’s mind is too far gone to realize he hates her.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@K-Mo: Trump is under a lot of stress these days. Good, the more the better.
@raven: Yep. My overriding take on this whole thing is that Vance and his intended audience have a childish notion of what service to your country is. (And Ruckus, thank you for yours)
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: There is a difference between disagreeing with a legal decision because you think the end result is bad and being able to say that the result is legally incorrect. Lots of things are legal that IMO shouldn’t be and vice versa. The same is true of making a call about someone’s health. Saying you don’t think someone is up to the job is very different from saying tje obviously have dementia or Parkinson’s. Layman can make one of those calls but not the other.
Headline just now
That’s how you do it, team Harris. I approve of that message.
@K-Mo: It’s their playbook.
Matt McIrvin
@raven: Aaahh, I was wondering what the hell that was about.
@Matt McIrvin:
Even that is from May.
@sdhays: I thought it was bad policy for Virginia to steal the Wizards from DC. The Commonwealth needs an economically healthy District of Columbia for its own good. Regional relations are not a zero-sum game anymore, if if they ever were.
Anyway, as good or better a user for the Alexandria site will show up before too long. Youngkin just wanted a feather in his cap.
Oh boy, popcorn time. Queen Liz at the helm fires torpedo at Musk.
MuchExactly like Trump, Musk thinks he’s above any law or regulation.trollhattan
@Baud: Hey WaPo, “tax” is just three letters.
@CaseyL: A few nice quips would be fine. Like listening to a Trump lack-of-response and saying something like “wow. does he get another chance if he fails to answer the question at all? i don’t know what that was.”
There can be an element of truth to this. Easily. Having dealt with this in elders I am a bit more used to it than many others. However it does depend on the person. I know a 98 yr old woman who a year or Maybe two ago would not be considered all that old – from a standpoint of mental agility. But she is aging out, as all humans who last long enough do. I call it senioritus. If you live long enough you will get this.
Another Scott
@Betty: Made me look. – Side Effects:
Checks out. [/unqualified remote diagnosis]
Citizen Alan
The same journalists who were obsessed with proving that al gore was a serial liar will have absolutely no interest in Donald Trump claiming to have discussed Kamala Harris’ relationship with willie brown in a helicopter while it was crashing when it was actually jerry brown and the helicopter did not crash. No democrat could survive telling a story that was such obvious nonsense.
@trollhattan: “Lie” is also just three letters.
@Soprano2: I speculated on the late-night thread that the popular reaction to the assasination attempt may have disappointed Trump. There wasn’t that much sustained sympathy and support, certainly not as much as Trump thinks he deserves. After a day or so most people were like, “Meh, another security SNAFU…too bad about the firefighter though.”
My basic reaction was, “Good thing that kid missed. This could have been awkward if he hadn’t.”
@Omnes Omnibus: my father died of dementia a week ago and honestly dementia is pretty easy for people to diagnose. I did. It was a full eight months after I was convinced he had dementia that a doctor finally got around to diagnosing. When someone talks to you like you’re someone else, what other disease would it be?
Trouble is Trump hasn’t done anything that obvious. He’s always had a loose grip on reality so his nonsense doesn’t really tell us much. People are going to hate this but I think Biden seemed worse to me. Freezing up and staring into space was something my dad did a lot.
Citizen Alan
@Lyrebird: I hope his mother calls in and tells him on the air how embarrassed she is by him.
Another Scott
@Chief Oshkosh: @Matt McIrvin:
They’re trying, but it’s not clear that they will succeed (or if they do succeed that it will last).
Made me look. Wikipedia:
Things go in cycles, on many things, and progress often invites pushback. But humans as a whole continue to get smarter and continue to demand progress. They see what is possible and want it for themselves and their progeny.
The reactionary forces are losing.
We have to keep pushing forward.
Amazing things can happen with just a few more seats in the House and Senate. That’s the beauty of representative government. If good people want it and work for it, they can make it happen no matter what the reactionary monsters want.
There are many, many more good people than monsters. We have to remember that.
@K-Mo: Whatever Trump’s neurological status is, there is an overlay of emotional stress that is also a factor. He’s under stress like he’s never been before, and that can mess with a person’s mind.
Citizen Alan
@Starfish: The issue is not that he is rationally or irrationally afraid of being in a helicopter crash. The issue from what I have heard of the story is that he apparently believes he was in a helicopter crash that did not, in fact, crash.
Fair Economist
@Ken: He *should* worry. Based on this latest press conference, they’ll 25th him on the 21st of January if he gets elected. He is not competent to be President.
Vance would be nice and compliant, too. He put up with being one of Peter Thiel’s blood cattle. He won’t cause nearly as much trouble for the Republican’s paymasters as Trump does.
Lost his bearings?
SFB has lost far, far more than his bearings. I call this aging out. It’s like a car with far too many miles on it. It burns oil, rattles, leaks oil that it hasn’t burned, runs like a 98 yr old sprinter (which BTW is not in any way running), and costs more to run and keep running than just buying a new car.
Joe Biden is not that old in the bigger picture but he is not a teen either. And I give him credit for seeing the bigger picture, that sure he may have gotten elected again, but far more important, should he even run. I really do appreciate what he has done for this country, but everyone at some point has to step down. And he has seen and understood this. Many people never do. Take SFB and Joe Biden. Joe is 4 yrs older than SFB – in time. In aging he is several years younger. I had a cousin who made 6 months and known other humans who are over 100. It is an individual thing, this aging process. I know a woman 20 yrs older than SFB and she is smarter and a far better human. (But then that’s not all that difficult….)
Omnes Omnibus
@SatanicPanic: Dementia could have been a reason for Biden’s debate performance. But it wasn’t. I can respect people who said the guy who showed up for the debate couldn’t win. I will disagree with them. I will not respect those who diagnosed dementia, Parkinson’s, or any other medical condition. I don’t think this is an unreasonable take on my part.
He had marbles?
Surely you jest…..
I’m a little surprised at folks being hesitant to comment on trump’s mental state, personality disorders, dementia, sociopathy, etc etc. We’re spitballing (albeit on a top 10,000 blog ;) But whatevs.
Citizen Alan
@Quinerly: He would have to say the N-word or whatever on live TV. Otherwise, the media we’re just edited out of the recording and deny that he ever said it.
@Omnes Omnibus: how would you rule dementia out though? It’s not a disease that you can really do that
Omnes Omnibus
@SatanicPanic: I said what I said.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@SatanicPanic: Are you a doctor? Any sort of clinician? Have you assessed him in person? No?
You don’t make rulings one way or the other.
@Omnes Omnibus: I see
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: there are plenty of conditions that don’t require medical training to recognize.
If you spend an hour in midday sun with no shirt on do you need a doctor to tell you why your skin hurts?
If you’re downtown and there’s a young guy having a loud conservation with someone not there do you need a doctor to diagnose or do you have a pretty good idea what he’s suffering from?
We diagnose Trump with all sorts of maladies and no one goes “gee we need a psychiatrist to know if he’s a narcissist “.
@Jeffro: it seems like fair game to me. I’m not a doctor tho
@Omnes Omnibus:
Earlier in my life I was a pre-med student and a mental health counselor. (I didn’t end up going farther)
And I fully agree.
First one has to be taught how to do those things properly. Second one has to see more than reporting AND see it up close to diagnose. And even as a mental health counselor I couldn’t make actual diagnoses of mental health. And we discussed our mental health clients with shrinks, to learn to be better counselors – but diagnose them? NFW.
I’ve never once in 9 years attempted to diagnose Trump’s physical or mental condition.
I don’t care if others want to because Trump is scum who can find others to speak up for him.
He’s suffering from having an asshole think he has a mental disorder, instead recognizing he has ear buds in and is talking on the phone. Stop being an asshole. MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS.
@Leto: oh groan you know what I mean
@SatanicPanic: In the case of the young man, actually, no. Don’t have a clue what he is suffering from. Thus proving Omnes’ point.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@SatanicPanic: Just admit you think his brains are pudding and you want to eat them, zombie.
@rikyrah: I tried to track down info on the normal closing of Maralago for summer. Apparently it is usually closed from just after Mother’s day to Halloween. The question I have is who is with him there? is the clubhouse closed? Is it open now?
Here’s the only reference I could find to summer closings from an article in 2022.
@SatanicPanic: and you know what I mean.
@raven: Yesterday, $4.19 a gallon at the local Costco.
Bill Arnold
PTSD is likely.
Maybe more amusing: if [elderly felonious] DJT’s ear was actually grazed by a bullet, he came within a centimeter (or two) of a serious head wound of the sort described for one of the heads of the Beast in Revelation 13
If he forked Christian eschatology by chickening out on a proper head wound (or it was just pathetic [demonic] combat heuristics), he’s in deep trouble with Satan et al.
@Another Scott: Low blood sugar can look like someone being drunk or high. One of the main things I saw in my husband, though, was an inability to articulate anything verbally. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he was unable to form the words. It’s scary as hell the first couple of times you see it, especially if no one has told you it can happen so you have no earthly idea what’s going one. He put his vehicle in the ditch and totaled it as a result of having a low blood sugar episode. It was a miracle that all that happened to him was a broken nose and soreness from the impact. It doesn’t happen anymore now that I manage his insulin and most of his diet.
That is a misreading of what I said. Commenting on his behavior in laypersons’ terms is good. Making an armchair diagnosis from the ICD or DSM is not useful for many, many reasons.
Ex: he seems confused, weird, can’t remember, makes it about him, melt down, temper tantrum, looks tired, isn’t all there, talking gibberish, can’t complete a thought, etc, etc, etc versus using actual ICD or DSM diagnoses.
@scribbler: give me a break. You got Leto up there claiming I’m talking about some random young man, when you all know what I’m talking about. Go to the downtown of any large city and you’ll see young people, usually men in terrible shape, in fucked up dirty clothing having loud, angry conversations with people not there. Sure it could be they’re on PCP or something weird or they just have schizophrenia but it’s not really a mystery that it’s one of the two.
People here get hooked on the term diagnosis as if I’m talking about placing Biden or Trump in a mental institution. But in reality we diagnose people all the time with a good enough reason to make decisions about how to interact. If you need directions do you bother the man yelling at ghosts? No, you do not. And if your presidential candidate is showing worrying signs and people are saying “I think he’s got something going on” you can ignore that, but then you end up blindsided by a shitshow of a debate performance.
@SatanicPanic: Problem is, it’s not always so obvious. Different types of dementia are different, and people display it differently. My husband still knows who I am and who other people are, but he cannot remember that our cat died until I remind him of it. If you talked to him for five or ten minutes it might not be obvious to you that he has dementia, you’d just think he was old and slow.
ETA – sorry for your loss, it’s a tough road we’re on.
@Leto: yes I gather you’re playing dumb
Start with every state that has something related to abortion on the ballot. There will be folks who normally vote Republican, if they at all, who will turn out for that. And the “Mind your own damn business” line will resonate. Certainly not all. But even in quite red states, a few percentage points can make a world of difference.
If I were on the Trump campaign staff, I would be freaking out over those. Also the various Republican Congressional campaign committees.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@wjca: Local candidates can be helped even in red states that seem out of reach. If they are elected and prove effective, it may even gradually improve the lot of Democrats across the whole state over time.
It ain’t all about the President.
@Soprano2: the last few weeks of his life were so awful. I’m going to sign up for trauma counseling. I’m so sorry about your husband, this disease is cruel.
I agree with everything you said, I’m just taking issue with the idea you have to be a doctor to recognize what you see. When my aunt saw my grandma shrink away from someone she’d known her whole life at a family event, she knew my grandma had some sort of memory disease. And she was right, it was Alzheimer’s.
It’s just like that- some days they’re normal, some days it’s so obvious that anyone could see it. What would be the alternative explanation for my dad talking to me like I was someone else? What else could it be? If there’s no other possibility then you kind of have to admit that people can accurately guess what’s wrong.
@SatanicPanic: I am very sorry for your loss. I have dementia in my family too and it’s devastating to deal with. But I just fundamentally disagree that we can or should be trying to diagnose in either case, whether it’s Biden having a difficult debate performance or a scary young man yelling at himself in a park.
@SatanicPanic: I’m getting therapy now, it helps me stay sane. Plus I joined a FB group for spouses who are caregivers, they’ve been very helpful. Good on you to get some therapy, you need it after going through that.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@SatanicPanic: @Soprano2: first, I offer my sincere condolences and best wishes to you both.
Both of Bemused Senior’s parents suffered strokes and a long, slow slide. It was difficult and painful. She was deathly afraid of the same happening to herself.
Added a couple of critical (IMHO) words you missed.
I’m not sure that JDV knows much more than how to breathe and to crap out his mouth. (Sorry if that offends anyone, but that’s how I hear it)
As someone who served during the Vietnam war, although I was sent elsewhere, I see no advantage to anyone on the right side of politics. My best friend, who I met 2 days after I was discharged, was in Vietnam, in the Marines. I’ve heard stories for over 50 yrs of what it was, from an on the ground Marine.
Bill Arnold
An alternative is something like “I counted at least N lies[falsehoods], but the fact checkers can handle them”, then continue on with her answer to the question.
karen gail
@Ruckus: Reminds me not just of my father, he was USN during the Korean mess; he worked in the boiler room in bowels of ships. He always said his biggest fear was an idiot with a wrench.
But also a good friend served during Vietnam (he put in 28 years before calling quits.) He was a supply sergeant; one of those forgotten soldiers that made sure the bullets got to the people who needed them.
@Mr. Bemused Senior: I hope theres legal euthanasia if I ever get dementia. At least in the end stages. I had a lot of great days with my dad before it got really bad. We were bodysurfing together two months ago. But his time in the hospital was too much
@scribbler: I didn’t watch the debate because I’d seen his Juneteenth performance and I knew something was deeply wrong. For the record I don’t know if he has dementia I just don’t think you can rule it out.
@Soprano2: I’m lucky the hospice care company is offering me a year of grief counseling, hopefully we can talk about the trauma because I’m struggling with that. I don’t know if I can truly grieve yet.
Another Scott
@Bill Arnold: Biden was good with Ryan in 2012.
[ snort! ]
Pretty much my (obviously poorly expressed) point.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Another Scott: ah memories. The zombie-eyed granny starver. Good times.
Citizen Alan
@Soprano2: Do what I do when confronted by MAGAs saying crazy things. Ask them “Did your cult leaders tell you that?”
@Another Scott:
The awl (sadly no longer) live blogged that debate with the volume off and it was one of the funniest political posts I’ve ever read.
Another Scott
Made me look – – TheAwl – Liveblogging Joe Biden And Paul Ryan Debating Without Sound.
@Another Scott:
The whole thing is brilliant. I really miss that blog. The daily weather reports were poetry.
@wjca: It’s worth noting that Voting Rights Act lawsuits have created a second Black-majority district in both Alabama and Louisiana this year.
Virginia got its second Black Representative by means of a VRA lawsuit in 2016. That was the 4th CD won by the late Don McEachin. Rep. Jennifer McClellan represents the 4th CD now.
Sorry I don’t like Marines, I had bad experiences with them.
@Scout211: Thank you for this. Unfortunately my grandma has dementia and I was very upset when people use it as an insult. My grandma and people living with dementia do not deserve to be compared to Trump in any way.