This is from drag queen Pattiegonia’s Instagram. And, yes, bottom left, JD Vance in drag at Yale Law. That’s the same JD who said yesterday that Tim Walz supports kidnapping kids who want to transition if their parents don’t agree. Here’s the truth on that:
Walz has never signed any legislation, nor expressed support for legislation, that would allow the state to remove children from their parent’s custody if they didn’t consent to gender transition treatment. Walz has come under attack from Republicans for an April 2023 law he signed that protects transgender patients, parents and healthcare providers from out-of-state laws that would punish them for receiving care. Among other provisions, the law gives “temporary emergency jurisdiction” to state courts to arbitrate custody disputes that cross state lines and involve a debate between parents over the care in question. It does not give the state the authority to remove children from their parents’ custody for declining to pursue gender transition care, a Minnesota LGBTQ advocacy organization director told the Washington Post.
So, as Pattie asks, is JD a bitter homophobe because he couldn’t serve? Your guess is as good as mine, but I’m not ruling it out.
(BTW here’s what serve means in this context. It’s short for a something that many might find offensive so don’t click this link if you don’t want to be offended.)
Sounds like Walsh wants to stop right wing parents from kidnapping children.
@Baud: I’m assuming you included an h by autocorrupt.
They are going to lean into every lie and every conspiracy theory. It’s only going to further make their base crazy. There won’t be any rational GOP politician in the next few cycles.
I’m happy about this because these rich donors and billionaires are going to have a hard time of it. They’ll have to go back to the Dem party and find some centrist to spend their money on. But we’re moving left, baby! Go fuck yourself!
Ball to the Walz… but not like this!
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
Dump has to be thinking JV is a Democratic plant
I learn something new every day here. This really is a full service blog! (See what I did there?)
Glenn Close, who played Vance’s Mamaw in the movie, has shaded the GOP VP nominee on her Insta:
Ouch! That’s gotta hurt, JD. Poor guy, he can’t win for losing.
Where was it that wanted a law that would remove children from the custody of their parents if they tried to get them gender-affirming care? Not Minnesota.
The candidate the promises autocorrect reform will get my vote.
We go from
Poorguy to guy[?] just like that. Such a shame for “JD” or whatever his name actually is.Actually astonished we have not one but two completely fabricated characters on the Republican ticket. At least sad Mike Pence was still Mike Pence.
Not a campaign strategist, but I’d probably reply to the attack: J”D Vance is closely allied with the very weird online people who bizarrely fabricated a basement under a pizzeria so that they could make up ugly, stupid lies about Hillary Clinton. Why would any comment about Walz’s public record of supporting families and their private decisions around healthcare seem like a ‘scandal’? He’s proud to stand with the LGBTQ community and the families who love their gay & trans kids.”
OId Man Shadow
Statistically speaking, I remain much more concerned about kids hanging out with priests, pastors, and youth pastors than going to family friendly drag shows.
Chip Daniels
Man…JD got served by that lady.
May have finally figured out where to find the face of sane republicans.
Milk carton.
@HumboldtBlue: that was good.
Omnes Omnibus
@RaflW: Too long. Just say “That’s a really weird thing to say.”
JV couldn’t serve even if he wanted to (and maybe he does!). Sad.
I heard Elon was allowing more porn on X.
I’m pretty sure we’ve all said it, or at least thunk it.
@Omnes Omnibus: we’ve dreamt about a good bumper sticker for so long, now we finally have it.
@OId Man Shadow: Yeah, but boy my evangelical in-laws were real salty when I said that we should keep kids out of churches for their own protection…
@Baud: more than what’s already on there?
Harris is up NINE in a WI poll. They’re going to get so much more nuts :)
I’m happy for Omnes.
Lady in the first picture looks displeased, although she’s not wearing a red cap.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: I doubt that.
JD is a liar. It’s one of the reasons he underperformed in Ohio, Ryan kept catching him in lies. I know Ryan lost but he was actually good at attacking JD and it worked, to an extent.
He knew he was lying about Walz on the trans kids and he knew he was lying about the National Guard. He’s a liar. Like his role model.
Open thread?
I miss satby. And Immanentize.
Check this out.
Trump is going to melt into a puddle of rage. Wait until the older polls start to drop off in averages. The NYTimes reporters may have to canvass for him.
@NotMax: Me too.
Not to keep harping on it too much, one more time (trying to vary times of day for this).
Putting out feelers about a NYC meet-up.
Will be visiting the area 8/22 – 9/8. Past experience is that people prefer the weekends. Looking at the calendar, Labor Day weekend seems a good choice.
Friday (evening) 8/30 or any time Saturday 8/31 or Sunday 9/1 or Monday 9/2. Please do chime in with preferences.
So far as venue, open to any and all suggestions. Initially thinking of either Pershing Square cafe (steps away from Grand Central Terminal at Park and 42nd) or a more funky spot, Washington Square Diner (easy access by subway, massive menu but no cocktails, beer or wine only).
@NotMax: I miss a lot of people. Including Steeplejack. :-(
Where did they go?
I don’t know what to think about “favorablity”. I know pundits love it! :)
There’s a clip of Harris that I just love. She was asked what her favorite swear word is. Just really a charming little back and forth. She was having a good time with that.
Almost for sure the NYT has some “emails” type story in the can for after the convention, and I’m sure we’ll hear about how Harris was “scolding” in the debate in a month. But the way they made the entire paper about Biden for a month inoculated our side (to an extent) against their crusades. Let’s see.
I suspect they’ll use the DNC to reset their attacks somehow.
@HumboldtBlue: Just thinking the Right will see this as proof she’s not black.
Steeplejack living on Threadkill Lane was one of the funniest things anyone has ever said here.
Cannot hazard a guess, only aware they’re no longer here.
This piece someone posted last night from Jamaica, written by Harris’s dad, was interesting:
I think the month long fight did help as compared to where we’d be if Biden had just given up after the debate. Hindsight, of course, and still speculative, but that’s what I think.
@Baud: It’s twofold, really:
1. If a rightwing parent kidnaps their kid, it gets immediate court attention
2. If a leftwing parent tries to get their kid healthcare that the other parent agrees with, it gets immediate court attention
So basically: Courts step in earlier to stop crazy parenting disputes. That’s great! Get it resolved ASAP.
@Kay: oooooh. That’s gotta leave a mark.
IMO (and this is controversial!) Democrats don’t respond to fear based appeals as much as Republicans do. Negative partisonship doesn’t work as well on our side. They’re better when they’re happy and they think they’re winning. I wish we could scare them with SCOTUS or Project 25 or whatever but I’ve never seen it work real well. Republicans are miserable and mean whether they’re winning or losing.
I think it’s true about Americans in general. I remember the hilarious phenomenon that pollsters always find — a significantly higher percentage of people say they voted for the winner in a presidential election than actually did. People want to be winning. Especially for an authoritarian movement, they need to feel like they’re winning, because strength begets strength, which I think is part of why Trump (both for his ego and his followers) denies reality.
Oh, I know what her fave cuss word is, it’s mine too, in fact it may be my fave word in the English language.
Republicans weren’t any happier when Trump was winning though and they were miserable thru his whole term. They never toned it down at all. It was all high fiving and owning the libs – that nasty, fake jubilation thing. Remember “liberal tears”? Thats how they were when he WON.
@NotMax: Sounds fun.
Kid visiting a friend there ATM, her first time in NYC, and the friend lives in a sweet part of town such that the kid took her 10 mi Sunday training run around Central Park yesterday. Living the life.
Oh, I agree that they are angry when winning or losing. But “strength” has to always be part of their equation — and I think the internecine fights they’re having now is because his support is a house of cards built on the image of strength.
@Kay: They got their fucking tax bill and their fascist judiciary and yeah, those wasn’t enough but sweet door prizes.
IIRC the tax bill sunsets in one or two years; one more thing to fight for. Plus, Clarence is looking olllld.
I love to swear. I’ve gotten so bad since I don’t have kids in the house. I’m a grandma now – I have to be more proper. I will go back to “shoot” and “dang” (dang is so they’ll make fun of me).
Another Scott
@NotMax: satby was in the Betty Cracker health update post yesterday.
I don’t recall seeing Imm recently. :-(
@HumboldtBlue: I hadn’t seen that . She’s laughing too much!!
Which happens a lot. One parent kidnapping the child in a custody dispute is the biggest source of missing children. The second biggest is runaways from abusive parents who do not want to be found. Kidnappings by strangers and other actual disappearances is a tiny portion.
This may be a random question to ask you, but how did you / do you teach kids to swear properly? Trying to navigate this now, because I’d like to rip off that bandaid and let my third grader read books that have such language, but also need to figure out how to not have him get in trouble in school or with the grandparents because he will almost certainly let words fly when he gets angry.
Ewwww. Phrasing.
She’s far too happy, joyful, cheerful and merry. IT HAS TO STOP!!!!!
@Omnes Omnibus: I was thinking press release, not at a mic. Out loud, yes that’s right.
@Maxim: I’m pretty sure that JD’s billionaire owner picks his minions for their ability to ‘serve’ and their inability to be open about it.
@BR: Kids in general pick the habit up from their parents, not books.
@NotMax: I emailed Immanentize, I’ll let you know if I hear anything.
I didn’t. I told them not to swear. I’m basically conventional, especially as to raising kids. I think they like adults to be adults and they need order and predictability. This is a small town and my oldest son’s bus driver called me once and told me my son was swearing on the bus and I did tell him privately (not in front of the youngers) that he has to be careful, because people get offended. He was probably 12. Other than that accomodation for him (he was really mature) I just banned it. My middle son works in construction and he will still apologize to me if he forgets and swears in front of me.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Inject more of this straight into my veins
@Another Scott:Immanentize didn’t respond to birthday wishes on hi FB in late July.
@NotMax: I got an OOTO saying he’s be back August 19.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Both of them are active on Twitter.
@Spanky: speaking to what I see over at BlueSky, the GOP is under the impression that the stolen-valor claim against Walz was a successful punch landed. It’s causing a certain element to parse combat zone rules versus on duty norms or some such shit that for some reason outweighs a guy who did 24 years and went up to CMD Sgt is somehow less trustworthy than a guy who did a public affairs hitch and never made it past Cpl. Has the same vibe as the gun nut arguments that you can’t complain about gun safety because you didn’t parse the jargon appropriately.
Who’s to say really, my guess would be that it allows certain folks to hedge their bets or entertain doubts that were less than likely Dem votes anyway.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, … (trying pasting into Visual editor…)
Good, good.
She is so good at this.
@Kay: You might say they got tired of winning.
Old School
@Old School:
Fighting woke isn’t cheap.
@HumboldtBlue: Gracias! That was epic lab.
Old School
4.4 earthquake near Pasadena. Hopefully all area jackals are safe.
I see, thanks. I feel like kids who learn how to swear *well* have a superpower for life.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
It is good. It’s fun because now they have to unskew the polls and they’re bad at it. They never really “got” the subgroup thing. They just scream “wrong!” over and over.
Swing States Poll: WISCONSIN Harris 51% (+9) Trump 42% . MICHIGAN Harris 48% (+5) Trump 43% . PENNSYLVANIA Harris 49% (+4) Trump 45% 1,500 RV, 8/8-11
VFX Lurker
I live in Glendale. I went downstairs to make a cup of tea; left my phone in the next room; felt the quake; came back to see the ShakeAlert on my phone.
My cats were not happy.
@Old School: OK, here. Good strong jolt.
Chief Oshkosh
I’ve found that the kids make even more fun of me if I say “Rats!” Somehow it’s additionally cathartic.
@Chief Oshkosh:
Rats is inherently funny.
@HumboldtBlue: That is so sweet 🥰
@Old School: It was pretty jarring. Walls shook briefly, but very very noticeably. Everyone poured out of their labs into the corridor to look at each other “was that an earthquake?”. No damage that I’m aware of.
@Chief Oshkosh:
I like “rats”. It makes me think of Peanuts. They don’t know what Peanuts is though.
I told my four year old grandaughter about “copycat” and she took it RIGHT to preschool. Good girl. Keep that alive.
@Belafon: “Autocorrupt” is perfect. I’m stealing that.
@HumboldtBlue: Would be nice if Doocy could be more respectful of everyone in that room and not make them into voyeurs for his humiliation kink.
This subject has been talked about here before, and I am of a mind that the 100-day campaign, whether by design or by necessity, was a brilliant stroke for several reasons, including the fact the media and the GOP did not have years and years to build a smear campaign against Harris, and then she chose the nation’s favorite teacher and coach and BAM! Winning.
Bill Arnold
People should also not forget the Vietnam-era draft-avoiding by the elderly felonious narcissist at the top of the GOP ticket.
Details: Donald Trump’s Draft Deferments – An overview of Donald Trump’s Selective Service records from 1964 through 1972, when he was classified 4-F (not qualified for military service). (Snopes, David Emery, Aug. 2, 2016)
Always weird stuff with these guys:
Harris 47% (+3) Trump 44% Kennedy 4% Oliver 1% Stein 0%
Jill Stein is doing well. Running for President is her only job. One would think she could get 1%
Is that a national poll?
@OId Man Shadow:
As you should be – do a google search on “drag queen arrested” and “youth pastor arrested” and the latter vastly outnumber the former.
@BR: Birds of a Feather flock together?
@BR: Dad was someone who, in his work environment, swore like a muleskinner. He learned very quickly to strictly suppress it at home, when his 18-month-old son (me) started cheerfully repeating what he hear from Dad. I don’t remember growing hearing anything stronger from him that an occasional “damn” or “hell”.
However, I later found out that he was capable of it. When he was a Battalion First Sergeant in Korea in 1971, he was once asked by his commanding officer, “Top, do you think you could tone down the language a little?” His answer was, “Sir, these are 18- and 19- year-old draftees. This is the only way I can get their attention.”
Yes. There’s a lot where Harris is up now. Most. I know they can only show Trump positive news so they must be relying solely on Rasmussen.
Just read this past weekend that you he served in the military under his second name. Not, JD Vance.
Grifting Russian Op Scammer
@HumboldtBlue: I can understand campaign season needing to be longer here because the country is so big. But I think a year, max. Never going to happen, though. Just like with the EC, for some reason this country loves clamping on to things that are demonstrably ill-advised, like barnacles on the Titanic.
@Kay: Who the heck is Oliver?
@Old School:
they are all grifting scammers
just waiting for their time so that they can fleece government funds.
@rikyrah: I saw a tweet/skeet/toot something the other day.
When you hear from Jill Stein, it’s like Groundhog Day. Time for another 8 weeks of gifting.
@rikyrah: Actually, grifting is her only job, and you could argue she does it well if she doesn’t even need 1% to keep it going.
@KatKapCC: Chase Oliver is the Libertarian candidate.
He walked into that one.
They will never be able to walk away from the FACT that they let the Orange Menace talk them not into passing that border bill.
It was the most right-wing thing they would ever get from a Democratic Administration, and they tanked it for him.
@divF: fuckinA!
I once tried to do forty days without swearing for Lent. Hardest Lent ever.
@KatKapCC: Libertarian Party Candidate.
You may remember him as Audrey Farber.
@Geminid: ROFL never even heard of him.
I’m in a meeting so I can’t watch this right now, but it sounds good?
Brian Beutler:
@Chris: lol, same.
With 2 littles, I’ve found if I use Good Place substitutes, it helps.
Fork, shirt, bench, etc.
Every year I think, “what can I give up this year?” And every year, I give up Lent.
It’s a difficult sacrifice, I admit, but I endure.
best of kamala harris (@archivekamala) posted at 8:57 PM on Sat, Aug 10, 2024:
This video is flawless!
@Tim_Walz saying that @KamalaHarris has brought out the joy in politics followed by her entrance while “Freedom” is playing! #HarrisWalz2024
@HumboldtBlue: Well, that quote kind of generates a tingle.
Fake Irishman
Interesting take.
Dobbs is something of a counter example.
@Mousebumples: Very good! Uses a lot of clips and headlines from all the slimy crap Trump did in the past as a businessman.
Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) posted at 1:22 PM on Mon, Aug 12, 2024:
There’s more than 14 hours leaked from Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, which trains political appointees “to be ready on day one.” In this clip, they suggest not using email as a way to avoid public accountability.
That would be hard. I could do speaking but commenting and texting would be difficult. I only text people I know well though.
zhena gogolia
@Mousebumples: Great!
@lowtechcyclist: Betty Joe Bioloski?
Fair Economist
And they will!
@BR: My parents never ever ever swore. The only swearing-related instruction they ever gave me was “Never.”
My peers taught me all the necessary vocabulary and usage, as they always do. The kids will figure it out no matter what you teach them or don’t teach them.
@Kay: Oliver?
There’s a reason I want to teach it rather than peers being the source — because half the kids out there learn from their parents that swearing is for punching down, and I don’t want that to be the lesson.
@HumboldtBlue: It’s funny to me that the media’s smear campaign against VP Harris for years now has been “Biden doesn’t give her anything to do.” It was never true, but it looks really stupid and ineffective now that she is on the daily campaign trail.
@Dadadadadadada: Dad, hell yes (Navy) mom? Never. Dad didn’t add the f-word until late in life. I blame Reagan.
Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal, a couple days after the Republican convention:
OT: Oregon passed the record for annual wildfire acreage. Now at 1.49 million acres. Previous record was 1.2 million acres in 2012. The 2020 fires we fled from totaled 1.1 million acres. This year and 2012 burned mostly in lightly populated eastern Oregon sagebrush and pine woodlands. The smoke has mostly stayed out of the Willamette Valley.
@Fake Irishman:
Maybe but I think some of the momentum on Dobbs is we did so well on referendums. They know they’re a majority. They’re winning on it. Roe is more popular than even I thought it was. Betty C said they’re above 60% polling on the FL referendum. That’s just extraordinary.
@Geminid: I mean, sure, if by “ignite imaginations” she means “make people try to imagine what the eff Trump was thinking when he picked Vance”, then yeah, spot on.
The “bad economy” propaganda was always bullshit but apparently it was bullshit successfully tied to Biden in voters’ minds. Kamala will face her own bullshit propaganda, so hopefully we do a better job pushing back next time.
Let us savor.
@HumboldtBlue: This is just going to make me hate people even though it will help get the correct person elected.
Can always depend on Our Lady of Stolichnaya.
I will never understand why they don’t retire. It’s so great and I’m not even full time yet.
Pfftttt, profanity enriches language.
It should be taught in grade school.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Along with cursive.
@Urza: Completely different type of serving. But yes.
@Geminid: Nothing about his shoes?
Especially with her drinking problem. She may not have many years left.
@Baud: EF Goldman. We could really use a bunch of fuck ’ems these days
This is definitely an EFGoldman year.
Not enough cuss words exist for this weird and creepy fElon Skum xit (trigger warning, almost):
@Dadadadadadada: My dad’s vocab included “gee whiskers!” and “gee willikers!” if something was really extra. On the other hand, near the end of his career somebody gave him a stamp that said, “Bullshit”, and he thought it was the funniest thing. He’d been in the army during WWII, so I’m sure he heard everything under the sun.
@Kelly: That’s fucked up seven ways to Sunday. Sorry, I love the Cascades et al so very much.
California has “only” 820k acres burned in ’24, 430k of which is the arson-triggered Park Fire. Lassen NP is closed, Lake Almanor evacuated and this one threatens to take out a lot of its remaining forest not already burned over the last half dozen years. They cannot catch even a part of a break.
@raven: It was Pig Night at the Om Mane Padme Sigma House…
@TBone: Where’d they get the Ivanka closeup?
@NotMax: Are there no taco trucks? (Actually plenty when I was last near Bryant Park).
@TBone: Whut the ??
Kayla Rudbek
@HumboldtBlue: we aren’t that far removed from the pre-Christian peasants who would practice human sacrifice to make the seasons turn
@KatKapCC: yes, I’m watching now. It does!
I’m hoping labor can help swing this race into a Reagan/Mondale level blowout to break down what’s left of Reaganomics.
The problem is, there’s no way to make that happen.
The longest stretch of each Presidential campaign, lasting more than a year, is between when candidates for the nomination start campaigning, and the first primary.
For example, the first primaries in the 2028 cycle will be in February 2028. Based on recent years, candidates will likely be campaigning starting in January 2027. Hell, they may start declaring in November 2026, right after the midterms are over. If there’s any real limiting factor on how early the Presidential campaigns can start, the midterms would be it.
It was not uncommon for Japanese women who reached a certain age to take up drinking and smoking. I’m guessing unlady-like language entered into it as well.
@trollhattan: 😆
Oh, you mean Vancy!
Let’s check the Weird Meter!
Yep, it’s pegged and about to blow!
This is great but I won’t relax until she is over 50%.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Fucking profanity enriches the shit out of language…when done well. We’re watching ‘Bodkin’ at the moment and there’s just something about the Irish lilt when using “fuck” that makes it sound just sooooo perfect.
It’s a wonder they don’t use “fuck” like a comma there, no matter the place or situation.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Same here but a big problem is how so much of neoliberal economics has become mainstreamed and adopted in certain policy areas by Dems.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: and the Scots:
comrade scotts agenda of rage
We need to build a new one that goes to 11, we’ll make a fortune.
@bjacques: If elected I refuse to serve!!!
lol phrasing
@zhena gogolia:
That in itself would be a twofer: if there’s anything learning cursive was good for, it was learning to curse fluently.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: it will need to go to Weird Infinity before this is all said and done!
@M31: 😎
Ha! That’s nice. The only thing I’ve done so far is swear and ride a bike again. My one grandaughter’s other grandparents are lovely people, but proper Methodists. I’m her trashier grandma :)
She’s really strong willed, which is great, but she also has to mind me when I have her so we butt heads sometimes. They test you.
I have been so pleased at the numerous Black Tik Tok creators calling out the Anti-Black bullshyt,and the nerve and audacity to suggest that Black people shouldn’t exercise their right to vote because of Palestine.
@Baud: Of course it’s taught in grade school. What else are playgrounds for?!
To Weird Infinity…and beyond!!
@zhena gogolia:
I take pride in my handwriting, always have. As someone who took handwritten notes for 27 years or so, you need to be quick and legible. What I found, however, was that I started writing very quickly for everything and that degrades neatness. I have to remind myself to slow down when writing, say, a letter.
@raven: Hey raven, there’s a photo I wanna show you, totally unrelated to the current thread.
It’s near the top of a promo page for a course from a mommy blogger, with a photo of her and her tow-headed children. I saw it and thought of your family right away.
@Chris: I have been trying out “Zeus Zap It!” instead of the GD thing. I am doubtful it will stick, ZZ it.
More Perfect Union
BREAKING: Banks, credit card companies, and more will be required to let customers talk to a human by pressing a single button under a new Biden administration proposed rule.
rule is part of a campaign to crack down on customer service “doom loops.”
12:06 PM · Aug 12, 2024
@lowtechcyclist: girding is in order…
@TBone: Elon Musk is that horrible noise, ruining your orgasm, on the Playboy Channel…
(Negativland, hailing from Oakland like Harris, deserve more play IMHO)
@bjacques: 😆😍
I was holding off on this for BJ after dark, but what the hell
🎶 Here’s to you Donold and Elmo
Vivian Vance, lol.
@zhena gogolia: Good to see you joking.
@rikyrah: THanks for shining even more light.
It’s not my story it’s not my place to say ^^^this, but [I feel like] it should be like a pop-up window on so many discussions. I can authentically say that I do NOT expect politically active Black voters to forget whose voices were raised dismissing MVP, I still want to slap (but won’t) the fool who dismissed SC Dems as “low info” four years ago, and no matter how many Arne Duncans Pres. Harris appoints, if I engage in criticism, I will try to do so in a non-dismissive-jerk way.
Glory to the Spaghetti Monster and praise to the POTUS!
Captain C
That would be counterproductive:
“Hi! We’re from the FTFNYT and—”
@rikyrah: Man, I’d say make him Prez 4 Life if that happens. The number of times I’ve yelled AGENT into the phone only to get a tinny “I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Let me repeat your options:…” in response.
I’m pretty sure she’s being serious there.
@Baud: Cursive/cursing combo struck me as playful. Like maybe she was in a much more relaxed state than a coupla weeks ago (like who isn’t around here?).
Uncle Cosmo
You mean the bricklayer’s assistant? The mortar-forker?? :D
@rikyrah: The worst experience I had with this recently was the IRS. Virtually impossible to figure out how to get a real person.
Uncle Cosmo
@Captain C: Not well played IMHO.
The trick is to open the door just enough to let the clown get part of one arm inside, and then slam the door on his hand or wrist hard enough to break it while screaming Get the f**k off my porch, you fascist bastard!!
@sdhays: Back when I was doing this, my trick with the IRS was to try to schedule an in person appointment. They put on a real person to convince you you don’t need one. But you got to talk with a real person.
zhena gogolia
@lowtechcyclist: Hahaha!
zhena gogolia
@topclimber: I’m relaxed until somebody disses Joe.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Chief Oshkosh: I’m fond of various scatalogical words myself, but I avoid the obvious one. I mostly rotate between “poop”, “skata” (Greek) and “scheiss” (German).
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Song for JV Vance.
Dressing up as a woman for a party, especially a halloween party, is not drag.
Here are two other locations that I think are good, if you need more ideas