unintentionally hilarious cartoon here pic.twitter.com/NxBTg9sJT8
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) August 13, 2024
Per Voltaire: I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.’ And God granted it… Thank you, O Trickster Lord Murphy, for granting the fervent prayers of so many of us…
Does Trump's Twitter livestream crash like Ron DeSantis' did?
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 12, 2024
i guess they didn't need the redundant techs https://t.co/waVRdRfM6t
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 13, 2024
Glitchy. Tech issues. Uncomfortable silences. A complete failure to launch. And that's just the candidate. pic.twitter.com/fZgdE2KSg4
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) August 13, 2024
your reminder that Elon Musk is not an engineer, Donald Trump is not a successful businessman, and twitter is not a livestream interview app
— Jeff Tiedrich (@itsJeffTiedrich) August 13, 2024
bad at both, really https://t.co/U017DbaIXv
— Liz Skalka (@lizskalka) August 13, 2024
Meiselas: This is some of the worst slurring I’ve ever heard. Trump appeared to be in steep cognitive decline when speaking to Elon. pic.twitter.com/7neiPoQV16
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 13, 2024
"Don't forget I beat Biden. He failed in the debate," Trump says
"This was a coup of a president…He didn't want to leave. And they said, we can do it the nice way or we can do it the hard way"
Musk replies it's like they took Biden "behind the shed, and basically shot him."
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 13, 2024
Scab recognize scab. https://t.co/lDDUSp2XF4
— AFL-CIO ✊ (@AFLCIO) August 13, 2024
This kind of talk gets your bond revoked. https://t.co/FYnZMgcZ5H
— Janet Johnson (@JJohnsonLaw) August 13, 2024
They both manage to sound much stupider than usual when they're talking to each other. Remarkable.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 13, 2024
There is absolutely zero new in this discussion that you didn't expect from Trump or Musk, but Trump's lisping and slushing is getting worse and I just can't stop being an audio rubbernecker
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) August 13, 2024
Steve Martin is right, Trump sounded like Donald Duck, slurring his words like his dentures were coming out or something! pic.twitter.com/oTPGMIOnLO
— Faith Back Rub (@FaithRubPol) August 13, 2024
Are we sure he’s joking?
"Do I get paid for this, or not," Trump jokingly asks Elon as the Twitter spaces seems to draw to a close.
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 13, 2024
EXPERT POLITICAL ANALYSIS OF DONALD TRUMP'S INTERVIEW WITH ELON MUSK: This is the craziest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life and any Republican who walks away from this with unsoiled trousers is living in a fantasy world.
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) August 13, 2024
The reviews are in. Honestly great work @TeamTrump pic.twitter.com/yulPXs5Cxd
— Sarafina Chitika (@SarafinaChitika) August 13, 2024
At least Trump/Musk can count on the NYTimes to clean up their mess:
Not a single mention of Trump slurring his words or rambling incoherently in the @nytimes recap of tonight's Twitter interview
Unbelievable stuff from the same rag that diagnosed Biden with "clinical frailty" after the debate pic.twitter.com/TDSMUiJif5
— The okayest poster there is (@ok_post_guy) August 13, 2024
excellent in kind campaign contributions by Musk. Hope he files it!
— Alex גדעון בן װעלװל (@JewishWonk) August 13, 2024
Wow! Only 2.1 million people tuned in to Trump’s interview with Elon Musk! That is SIGNIFICANTLY LESS than the 70 million Trump claimed was listening! Is anyone surprised that Trump is lying about his audience again? pic.twitter.com/5S4B3D58lk
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) August 13, 2024
In November 2022, 70.2% of @elonmusk's 115,988,332 followers were fake – that meant 81,423,809 fake accounts were amplifying his divisive dangerously irresponsible bigoted adolescent bullshit. Soon after this he blocked @sparktoro's ability to check for fake followers.#BlockMusk pic.twitter.com/PmdgGViSqa
— GET A GRIP (@docrussjackson) August 11, 2024
No more fake followers / bots on twitter today, you betcha!
McArdle probably did. https://t.co/CBKO36BJ7o
— Clean Observer (@Hammbear2024) August 13, 2024
Who thought this was a good idea?…
For Musk, the essence of free speech is that rich people should be able to use their wealth to wholesale absurd slanderous lies about people with less money. It's called "Apartheid Freedom." https://t.co/1DxEVKOmkP
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) August 11, 2024
Biden would have beaten trump. The whole Biden is unpopular meme was a MSM cock-up. No, Dems don’t put on foolish outfits and make morons of themselves at rallies, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t behind Joe. Joe Biden was like a bowl of vanilla ice cream. There wasn’t anything spicy about him.
But in the end the choice would have been between a plain bowl of vanilla ice cream and a blast of bug-spray in your face. Trump wasn’t going to win. Go Team Harris!
Just bring back the Raygun. Finish us all.
I don’t think Donald is sounding worse than earlier this year. I don’t think he’s making any sense — but I don’t expect him to make sense to begin with — so that’s no different now.
What I wish I heard was the lisping and slurring that others are commenting on.
My mom died of dementia and one of the first signs of incapacity was her slurring her “s”; all “s” sounds turned into really noticeable “sh”. I still don’t know if that’s an official symptom of dementia, but if it were, I sure would be glad to hear it in Dirty Donald.
Maybe my ears just aren’t sensitive or maybe I’m afraid to hope that he’s as unhealthy as other folks seem to think he is.
It will be an interesting October if he’s such a stumbling drooling husk that many MAGA won’t vote for him because he can no longer be the leader of hate — and I do think most of them are terrible humans themselves who despise weakness. But are there factions who will be secretly gleeful planning to get Donald elected and then the first day he’s sworn in, depose him with 25th Amendment and get Vance/Thiel in his place?
I have been thinking of Musk for some time now as ‘Space Karen’, but after his interview with TFG, I think that ‘Waste of Space Karen’ is more accurate.
Betty Cracker
@SpaceUnit: Maybe, but the truth is both Trump and Biden are/were historically unpopular* candidates with persistently abysmal approval ratings. The correct choice was/is obvious to non-culty and engaged voters who take their civic responsibility seriously, but unfortunately, that group doesn’t decide close elections.
A “change” election, always favored by crabby electorates, wasn’t really possible in a rematch, but Biden is president, and Trump was president. The danger was that the morons who decide these things would opt for the closest thing to change on offer, i.e., Trump again. Now there’s a real change option, so hopefully they go for that.
*In an academic sense, it’s important to understand why a successful POTUS like Biden is unpopular, but for purposes of the current campaign, maybe it doesn’t matter? Sadly, it’s a fact.
The debate was a black swan event where Trump was at his absolute best and Biden at his absolute worst. It happens.
Despite that, undecideds said Trump was worse. Biden dropped support later, as white liberal panic combined with a full-on blitz war against Biden by the press convinced people he just couldn’t win. A self-fulfilling prophecy, that.
That description of Musk’s free speech beliefs is untrue. While of course he believes he personally deserves to say or do anything he wants and be praised, that’s only one part. In general by ‘free speech’ he means that liberals should be forced to endure the most vile hate speech as legitimate discourse. He’s been consistent about it for years.
Trump does seem to be declining fast, and he was already a mess.
Alas, all evidence says that the freak out after the debate pushed enough Democrats away from Joe that he was politically toast and the party with him. I hate it, but it’s true. It was the panic and the press war, not the debate, that did it.
Nukular Biskits
It’ll be interesting to see how many Republicans claim Trump “hit it out of the park”.
My guess is that most will either go silent today or find something else to talk about.
@Betty Cracker:
The popularity of our politicians is decreed by extremely hinky and unreliable media sources. I trust them as far as I could heave an anvil. Polls are bullshit.
Steve Crickmore
The X interview was basically just a long rodomontade by an old rich duffer, Donald Trump who sounded like your worst nightmare of a dry drunk rambling on and on, in horror about the street crime by the new kids on the block occasionally given nodded encouragement to keep going on by entrepreneurial, sychophantic, aparteid Elon. I thought the worst moment was when both men with a complete lack of any self-awareness of the events of January 6th and who was responsible for inciting the violence, of all the topics in the two hours, were the most hyperventilating about thugs in today’s political climate getting away with impunity with beating up policemen in America.
Imagine a world in which punditry focused on facts vs lies.
Election day 2016 11:30-ish am I was in a Y gym and CNN was on tv, and the #1 issue (don’t remember who was polled, it may have been exit polls) was “a change is needed.” I remember thinking, oh fuck…
because not only would Hillary be a continuation of a Dem admin, as a Clinton there was even more connection to the past.
We have so many plusses that just don’t exist in the cult. We have it all.
Twitter/ nitter.poast
Rex Huppke:
“Trump is really badly slurring his words. This is quite disturbing. Something is wrong with him.”
assorted replies:
“You know 1.2 million are listening live a see your a lying 🤥 🤡”
“it’s irrelevant I can still understand his message and that’s all the matters.”
Betty Cracker
@SpaceUnit: I agree polls are flawed, but it’s unwise to completely disregard them, IMO. There’s a reason virtually all politicians use polls to make important decisions. Basically, they’re the only pre-election data we have to work with.
I also agree the political press sucks big green gators, but I think attributing 100% of Biden’s woes to them is a mistake too. He didn’t get a fair shake, but there were plenty of organic misgivings about Biden among voters, and the debate performance confirmed them in people’s minds.
The press amplified it, but the panic was real. For evidence, check out the real-time reaction at this and any other left-leaning blog or liberals on social media platforms. It was real.
Everything Dolt 45 touches. dies. Musk provided the shroud.
Nukular Biskits
But it’s not a cult … 🙄
Seems like Donold kissed another empty firefighter’s coat with a misspelled name on it last night.
I’ve heard the song but never happened to catch that video. Thanks!
You can’t separate the two.
The problem with the debate isn’t that it wasn’t a good performance. The problem was that it wasn’t a good performance that specifically underscored his biggest perceived weakness. That’s what made it different than the first Obama-Romney debate. And people got really freaked out because, despite what some of the commenters here would like to believe, lots of voters were genuinely concerned about having an old person in the presidency and they had been saying so for a long time. Since, like, the previous election. It isn’t fair, but it is what it is. There have always been issues around imagecraft and projection and relatability and the presidency. But this is true about leadership at pretty much every level.
I really think that, in this case, the simplest explanation is the right one. Most voters really didn’t want to rerun the last election. I think there’s a bunch of psychological reasons for that (Covid, desire for generational change, frustration that shit is really hard even when the economy is doing well).
@hotshoe: ❤️🇺🇸💙
@NotMax: 👍 we were thinking along the same lines.
Rapid unplanned disassembly.
West of the Rockies
Same here. I did not hear pronounced slurring.
Where is Kanye? Why has that fool gone radio silent for six months? He’s another loud, ludicrous Trump enabler.
@West of the Rockies: he’s holed up on Ted Nugent’s ranch.
I also said a few times that the age issue was two things. At first, saying “he’s too old” was a way of saying that he seemed out of touch. But then it became a genuine concern about capacity and stamina. And that’s the harder thing, because…..
There’s a bunch of trends happening demographically right now. The country is the oldest it has ever been. We have a big generation getting old right now and we have a shortage of medical providers. We have done a good job creating life-extending treatments but have done less well with health-extending treatments, so almost everybody knows people who are having years-long and miserable declines in their health and cognition. And medical care at this stage of life is incredibly expensive and often wipes families out, and so their kids often don’t inherit anything at all. And it’s still mostly women who are doing the (usually unpaid) care work for their family elders. So when people are saying that they don’t want an old person in the presidency….. remember that many of them are bringing all of this emotional baggage to this issue.
@Nukular Biskits:
I’m in a mood tonight/this week/this month. Don’t mind me. But I have been wondering: what happens to the cult members when Dear Leader completely falls apart or dies?
I don’t picture that either Uday or Qusay can fill DJT’s place in the cultists’ hearts.
@hotshoe: rending of garments and lamentations until Jarvanka take over.
@Betty Cracker:
Biden’s hand-off to Harris was some master-class politics. Our political press didn’t see it coming.
I didn’t see it coming. But it doesn’t mean our pundits had any good intensions in mind while they were dragging Biden for being old and soft-spoken. They were just being their usual shits.
It is what it is, but I thought Joe was looking frail even before the debate, mostly when I saw him standing talking 1-on-one, usually with local media, not the national names. #yesIknowthismeansnothingre:mentalaccuityorability. When was the last time we saw him on a bike? It’s not just about policy.
Betty Cracker
@Suzanne: Good points. Living in the sandwich generation is tough; there’s no way that experience wouldn’t affect political attitudes.
Tangentially related: I read yesterday that the average age in The Villages is well north of 70. Whoa.
@dril says:
@TBone: Tell him to watch out for the mold……. oh, wait, that’s just Teddy’s breath…..
New Randy Rainbow! 😍
The lawyer or the con man:
Thanks, Digby!
Betty Cracker
I’m rewatching “Asteroid City,” which is confirming my initial impression that it’s a brilliant film. And that this vending machine should be real and installed in my home:
I’m a sucker for Wes Anderson.
@Betty Cracker: Of course it was real. I’m in a very blue community and nearly everyone I know thought Joe was done for. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I think Joe has his shit together enough to have engineered the whole handoff. We’ll never know and no one agrees with me but that’s what I think!
Lucre to be made setting up an Etsy store selling pre-rendered garments.
They’re trying to create BidenBros but unfortunately for them Bidenites put country first.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Yep!
Unrelated: are you ready for some football? My sis and I made plans for a game in November, and it’s been like a tonic for me, having something fun to look forward to! It must be doubly exciting for a person like yourself, a fan of a team with skills! 😂🐊🏈
@Betty Cracker: 😆
I still have an almost full jar of huge olives from the last time I had dry and dirty martinis. Haven’t been able to drink vodka for a loooong time after that night. About once every two years I remind myself why I don’t drink hard liquor anymore and this time the memory stuck real good 😂
I can’t even eat olives now.
@NotMax: 😆 Hulk Hogan is already on it!
@Betty Cracker
Canned martinis available for purchase for years at any gas station mini-mart here.
Whether Biden would have won is a moot point. Liberals are always complaining about how shitty society is one way or another. Biden supporters get to do the same when they get screwed by a shitty society.
@NotMax: blech!
Betty Cracker
@TBone: I think the worst hangover I ever had was after imbibing too many cocktails that featured vodka, orange juice and midori melon liqueur at a college shindig. Curiously, I didn’t fault the vodka or OJ, but I haven’t touched midori since. And more clicks on the odometer have occurred in the ensuing time than I care to ponder. Blarrrgh! It still makes me queasy to think of it!
Any port in a storm.
A well-made vodka sauce coupled with a bold pasta is one of life’s little delights.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Betty Cracker: As a side note, are you aware of the American Standard for Dry Martinis, ASA K100.1-1966, updated by ANSI K-100.1-1974?
@NotMax: now that I can eat!
The entire thing looks ridiculous😠
@Betty Cracker: 😂 I have the exact same memory of Midori from drinking grasshoppers one night in my early 20s 🤮🤢
I don’t drink green things ever since!
@Bruce K in ATH-GR
American Standard is a company known for manufacturing urinals.
@Betty Cracker:
Oh god Midori. There was a little Midori craze at the bars in Boston in the late 80s. I had a rough night after some Midori concoction featuring pineapple juice. Not a drop of Midori since.
@rikyrah: how do you really feel tho? 🤣
Oh wow, they’re replaying the Musk thing on MSNBC. Trump does sound bad. Worse than his usual.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
Symptoms of stroke include:
Trouble speaking and understanding what others are saying. A person having a stroke may be confused, slur words or may not be able to understand speech.
You know what would have really been humiliating for a guy (Biden) who didn’t deserve it? Sitting there, probably on screen in the background, while Trump mumbled along with an oath of office for which he doesn’t have the slightest regard.
Instead, the odds are improving that what Biden will be doing is smiling while Harris takes the oath on a bright, sunny but chilly day in January and Trump gets on with his long overdue task of a-mouldering
The real question is, Who Will Be Feeling Humiliated on Jan 20?
Between Musk’s claim that this was a DOS attack, the Roger Stone ‘I was hacked by Iran’ claim and now the claim of a Trump campaign office burglary in VA, I sense a foreshadowing of a ratphucking attempt by the Republicans against Harris/Walz now that the GOP have sufficiently immunized themselves in the media with a “we’re all victims of dirty pool” narrative.
@AnonPhenom: And so says the party of “Russia, are you listening?”
Betty Cracker
@MomSense: My horrendous experience was of that same vintage, only in Gainesville, FL. Someone had gone to the trouble of scooping out a heap of honeydew spheres to add to the Solo cups. I’ve got to stop thinking about this right now, or I’m going to hurl. Let’s speak of it no more! ;-)
Our overnight low in the low 50s last night. Still only 54 degrees r.n. Hot cocoa weather in August?!?! I’m not complaining because sleeping in this weather is ahmazing. But dang it’s chilly!
@Betty Cracker: 👍😂😍
@hueyplong: not me! I’m unconcerned.
@AnonPhenom: no one with a brain cell is buying any of it.
Ever seen The Big Clock (little gem of a film).
@raven: It couldn’t have worked out better.
When you think about it had Joe said he wasn’t running last fall, the free for all primaries would have left the victor bruised and battered and not in as good a financial position than MVP finds herself in now. Especially since TCFG went through a coronation.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
Most people believe he had a TIA (a brief blockage of blood flow to the brain that causes stroke-like symptoms)
@NotMax: All George wants to do is go to West Virginia.
“Unmitigated disaste!” right there in the headline!
@Betty Cracker: I’m so glad we had Euro/Copa and the Olympics this summer and, yes, I’m ready. Me’n the boys are going fishing at Murrells Inlet in October and I scheduled it during bye week. Our schedule, as you know, is brutal. At Texas during and F1 weekend, at Mama, at Ole Miss and we start with Clemson in 19 days!!!
Even the Rock of Gibraltar has its faults.
@NotMax: nope and now it’s on my list, thank you! The cast alone merits a watch!
@Steve Crickmore: This morning the CBS radio news reported on the technical problem and the interview. They included a soundbite of Trump honking out, “Anyone who votes for Kamala Harris needs to have their head examined.”
That sounded pretty weak, and I’m not sure Trump should be talking people needing to have their heads examined.
Charles Laughton’s evil boss role in The Big Clock is my favorite of his career.
@TBone: 😆
@Ocotillo: It was a masterful play by Joe Et Al!
@hueyplong: He’s so great, I can’t believe I haven’t seen this movie yet. Fixing soon
I don’t think they care if people buy it or not (anymore than Trump cares if people buy his lies). It’s about the media narrative (“both sides”/ false equivalency/ he said-she said bullshit)
@AnonPhenom: at this point, the tires on the bus are merely spinning. No traction, no forward thrust at all.
But you are correct, they don’t care. That’s always true with “any publicity is good publicity.”
@TBone: Jewish son in law and converted daughter. That’s not going to happen with this toxic mix of cultists. They would be well advised to stay far away though they don’t have sense so who knows. They can’t take over and they don’t have the following. Neither do the sons.
I don’t see anyone who does. Not only does Trump not like rivals, they are full of self destructive traits and keep blowing themselves up. Many are unlikable and they are bad at guessing what is appealing to those outside their narrow world. Trump is the only breakthrough and I can’t explain him. The Tv shows I guess. Maybe the lonesome Rhodes prediction parable is the only way. Consider Reagan. Keep an eye on Hollywood?
@Gvg: remember the Goya beans?
Judge rules against Robert F Kennedy Jr in fight to be on New York’s ballot
Liars gotta lie. Grifters gotta grift. They just can’t help themselves.
@TBone: You have to get yourself into a 1948 mindset in order to enjoy it fully, but I’m fairly sure you’re up to the task.
Got a chuckle looking at unexpected side by sides for TCM’s Summer Under the Stars schedule this month.
August 28: Marlene Dietrich
August 29: Leo Gorcey
August 30: Ginger Rogers
This. Sure, a lot of the panic was media-driven, but there was real stuff underneath it. I certainly don’t think our media’s motives were good, but maybe they pushed our party into doing what it really needed to do.
And for months, the polls had been showing that people were unhappy with having to choose between Trump and Biden. It’s hard to argue with that. And given the public’s response to Harris so far, it’s hard to argue that we haven’t given the people what they really wanted.
@hueyplong: 😂😍
@NotMax: they frequently show a fine sense of humor!
And Elsa Lanchester turns the loopy up to
@Betty Cracker: I remember the threads that night. People here were shocked, and they started lashing out at each other 20 comments in and this did not stop for weeks.
I was not too freaked out myself, and I talked my Atlanta friend off the ledge the next morning. Then he went through an interesting process. Much of the alarm stemmed from his belief that Vice President Harris was not up to the task of defeating Trump if Biden had to drop out. I knew he got his news from secondary sources, so I suggested he start listening to Harris herself speak at various campaign events. He did, and became a huge Harris fan within days.
@lowtechcyclist: It still wasn’t real, in the sense of the being an actual, functional, problem for Biden’s ability to do what he needed to do, at least against Trump in terms of campaigning and at all in terms of being President, beyond Americans, and especially the press being ageist and ableist and ignorant.
Biden was able to keep a campaign schedule and we see how Trump is not. He continued to be able to answer questions coherently even though his stutter has gotten worse. Though way too many people don’t get how stutters work, and that didn’t help.
Stepping down was the right choice but the only reason why was because the electorate sucks.
Stupid + stupid =/= 2 x (stupid)
Stupid + stupid = (stupid) * 2
at a minimum
Actually, I agree with you. So there, you old fart.
@p.a.: When was Biden last seen on a bike? He was filmed biking last week.
@raven: I’m starting to agree with you.
So old it was a pennyfarthing vehicle.
@raven: FWIW I agree with you. My evidence is his online spending. It starts to build late June and peaks July 1 then goes down until Harris takes over and it goes off like a rocket. I think he decided to step down in the first few days of July and the rest was kabuki to set Harris up — kabuki she was fully a party to. It worked.
No way he woke up that Sunday and decided, hmm I’m going to pack it in, then called Harris. No way.
Masters of the Me-niverse.
Ooh, that’s a nice one, and given recent trends eminently usable.
Since joining Balloon Juice, I’ve saved hundred$ on word-of-the-day calendars!
@NotMax: There’s a line up. I can never think of Leo Gorcey without Huntz Hall.
Central Planning
Don’t say that out loud! The media is already insufferable, and if they start to think they are the ones that caused Harris to win, they will be impossibly worse.
ETA – Not saying you’re wrong…
@Eolirin: “Stepping down was the right choice but the only reason why was because the electorate sucks.”
In my dark moments I think this too. An informed electorate with honest sources of information would help here. We’ve got a choice, really bad guys here that no matter what they say will make it worse for all of us, and these other guys there that in general will not screw things up and will actually do good stuff.
“Well, they’re both old, so what’s the difference? Guess I’ll just stay home on Election Day.”
Vibes. Jesus.
@Betty Cracker:
THIS! Thank you for saying this.
Excellent observation.
@Ocotillo: This.
I’d really like to think it was all planned out, but the evidence is that Biden really was planning on running until not all that long before July 21. (Pelosi, on the other hand, might just have planned it and seen how it would unfold. The best political mind of our time?)
Yes. Yes.
I also think that the analysis around here tried to make this about race in a way that wasn’t informed by evidence. Biden was not holding together his coalition from 2020. But he was losing Black and Latino voters, and young voters — who are over 50% PoC. The part of his coalition that was proving to be the most durable was older blue-collar white people! That is not to say that racism isn’t always at work, but I think the line that I saw around here about “Joe is too old because Kamala is too black” was absolutely, stupendously wrong. He was too old because a lot of people didn’t want to rerun the last election. They told us so. And most of those people aren’t reading Maggie Haberman! They genuinely thought he was too old!
Biggest delights, you mean.
God, I love pasta.
Tenar Arha
@Steve Crickmore: Seriously, I adore learning a new word, especially perfectly used. Thank you for “rodomontade.”
@Nukular Biskits: They will cheer the home run, regardless.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
lol that is hilarious, someone with a lot of experience writing technical specifications did that and it shows
“TABLE 1 Maximum Permissible Olive Dispacement”
I don’t hear any lisping or slurring either in Trump’s speech – but what does obviously stick out is “old dude rambling and ranting in repetitive but unfocused fashion – shouting at some clouds as he goes”.
The clip I heard on MSNBC sounded slurred.
Projection Donny, it’s always projection with these guys. Melon’s fantasizing who JV is going to pick as his VEEP once they ‘send you out to the
farmgolf course’ to retire.StringOnAStick
@raven: I’m another person who agrees with you.
Well damn!
Bill Arnold
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
Interesting! That’s a 50 year old standard (at the end of this month). What will people do when 60 watt incandescent light bulbs are only available as high-priced antiques?
Bill Arnold
I have boycotted Goya products ever since. (Liked their black bean soups; nevermore.)
@raven: Even if he didn’t do it deliberately, the effect on the race has been electrifying.
Personally, I think Biden knows what he is doing and is a good President. Our problem is too many Americans have no idea what good policy is and refuse to educate themselves.
@Bill Arnold: hard same. I won’t touch a single thing they make. Nope. Plenty of other brands.
Paul in KY
@HumboldtBlue: If you can’t do the physical stuff that the young ‘good’ breakers do & have to do to compete…then you shouldn’t be out there (at that competition).
That said, I have to hand it to her for going and doing her thing. Takes some skirt to get up there in a venue where you know millions of people will see and judge you.
Paul in KY
@Betty Cracker: I was freaking at the 1st 25 minutes or so of debate. Felt so sorry for Pres. Biden. Knew in my gut that this was 2 torpedoes to the side of the U.S.S. Biden.
Paul in KY
@raven: Our schedule is worse :-)
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@Betty Cracker: I went to a party in my 20s which featured “kamikazes” ( the name should have been a warning). I got drunk and I think I threw up. Anyway, I tried drinking them again (I know, slow learner) a couple of months later and my throat closed up and my body said clearly “NO, we are not doing that shit again”. Even though I have Irish, Scottish, and German background, I seem to have missed the drunk gene. Pure luck.