I don’t have anything to write about other than that JD Vance has also declared war on post-menopausal women, many of who are divorced or widowed after a lifetime of putting up with another man’s bullshit. This will not end well.
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Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
He’s the gift that keeps on giving.
I’m tempted to ask him his thoughts about men with erectile dysfunction.
zhena gogolia
And many of whom are happily married to non-assholes!
Are you talking about the guy who filibustered funding to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan by reading Dr. Seuss?
Betty Cracker
He phrased it “post-menopausal FEMALES,” which is even more offensive somehow. He’s lucky his mamaw doesn’t rise from her grave to thrash him with an extension cord!
Even Tommy Tuberville is like “WTF, dude?”
@Betty Cracker:
IIRC, “females” is incel speak.
@Betty Cracker: Well, he’s not going to criticize post-menopausal males.
What does Usha see in that potato face, I wonder. He also insulted his MIL who is a professor and a provost in California. What an ingrate. Pissing off your MIL is never a great idea.
He also called Indians weird. Now KH will get 90% of the Indian American vote instead of the getting around 70% that Obama, Clinton and Biden got.
They probably call him potato face to his face in Telugu.
That would seem to insult a lot of non-Indian grandparents too.
@schrodingers_cat: Wonder if the Indian Americans will donate to Kamala even more now
Almost Retired
@Baud: I’m more interested in Vance’s thoughts on Peyronie’s disease.
Malign Dementia/Creepy Weird 2024.
Please proceed, GQP.
@Baud: True. It would. May be there is something to Omnes’s theory that he is a Democratic sleeper agent.
@Devore: I bet they would!
JD Vance must be thinking “How come Trump gets to insult everybody and get away with it? It’s not fair.”
@Baud: He is like the Temu version of Trump, that’s why.
Ah…isn’t this illegal?
Well, leaning in on ‘weird’ is a bold strategy, I’ll give him that.
Yes, that never happens in other cultures.
I’m beginning to think the crazies claiming Vance is a space alien may be on to something.
Chet Murthy
@Baud: He’s really bad at this. I mean, if he were any good, he could have said something like:
I mean, it’s not even hard (sure, it still takes a bunch of lies, but still) and he can’t manage it. How the fuck did he get a law degree if he’s so bad at the speaking-to-persuade thing?
Well, except that the kind of long range planning required has not, in the past, been a Democratic core competency. Unfortunately.
Nope, the Logan Act isn’t enforced
See Nixon, Reagan, etc.
yeah, the ‘females’ thing is totally incel-speak, it’s so creepy. Reducing everything to biological function (in the service of his stupid couch-fucking penis, he assumes).
I posted this downstairs but he also (just today, I believe) said that he didn’t think suburban women were worried about abortion rights, they “cared about normal things”
let’s see, direct insults to childless women, menopausal women, cat women, suburban women? He’s running out of women to insult, but no worries he’ll get to urban women and exotic pet women soon.
Meet our new dog Daisy 9 week old border collie
busy, busy,busy,asleep
Almost Retired
@schrodingers_cat: JFC, doesn’t her mother teach molecular biology at UC San Diego, something she continued doing even after she stopped ovulating? Vance makes Sarah Palin seem like an inspired choice. The appalling level of racism against his own wife’s family is breathtaking.
@Chet Murthy: He should have asked ChatGPT. Can you translate this from incel to something less offensive?
Tic…. tac?
I’ve seen that bit before, and honestly find it a bit stale. He should smash a watermelon all over the press pool. They’ll love him for it.
Yeah… Potato face (I’m with ya totally on this one @schrodingers_cat: ) LOOKS less condescending than Ted Cruz does in a still photo, but then he opens his yap and insults most grandparents everywhere with an extra dig at his… own in-laws? Creepy and unwise.
I would estimate that the percentage of conservative Christian white grandmas in Ohio who a) rearrange their lives significantly to help out and hang out with their grandbabies and who yet b) consider their own lives as having additional purposes beyond this is frickin’ high.
ETA: Baud, I probably sound like a broken record agreeing with ya re: winning elections is work work work, I don’t think any one thing will give a guarantee. But this JV character… talking about chiming in and doubling down on stuff that would make you edge away from someone at a bus stop (per some KamalaHQ tweet I think), he’s a pro!
@Almost Retired: He knows they are better than him in every way. I think potato boy is just jealous.
Congratulations on your new owner, so cute.
Almost Retired
@schrodingers_cat: That is exactly right.
I read that earlier today and was appalled at how many levels of insults that this idiot can say in one horrible sentence.
Insult his MIL, check
Insult his wife, check
Insult his marriage, check
Insult Indian women, check
Insult the institution of marriage, check
Insult grandmothers, check
And I think he was trying to make a cool inside joke that all men would go ha, ha, he’s so cool, amirite? Ugh! Instead of being cool to all the dude Ross, he looks like a creepy uncool misogynist idiot.
@lamh47: potentially a Logan Act violation but apparently no one has ever been successfully prosecuted under it
And this doesn’t even mention the pussy-grabbing, dictator-humping, traitorous, orange shitstain who wants to bang one of his own daughters.
Paul M Gottlieb
He didn’t say “post-menopausal women,” he said “post-menopausal females.” The use of the term “females” is the infallible tell of the true misogynist, since they regard women as more like to some kind of domestic animals instead of fellow humans
He’s the Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged of Woman insulters
Clearly, they’re seeing the polls that show that the race they thought was in the bag has completely flipped. They see the crowds and energy of the Harris/Walz rallies, and it drives them crazy. So, they’re flailing and angrily saying the quiet parts out loud.
Harris, in particular, pushes all their buttons of race and gender and their worldview says she can’t possibly win. But she is… and it’s killing them. They’re only answer is to double down on the racism and misogyny.
They… Just… Cannot… Bear… It.
So how did this guy get into Yale law, anyway?
All part of the campaign’s master strategy to capture 100% of the incel vote.
Almost Retired
@Paul M Gottlieb: It could be worse. He could have said “post-menopausal sows.” Waiting for that audiotape to surface.
Hard to believe, but I believe I despise Vance more than I do Trump. A nearly insurmountably high bar, but he cleared it.
@M31: Yes, I appreciated your posting that other outrage, just had to get back to work. What’s that line about when your enemy is screwing up, don’t interrupt them or something? I think I’ve seen “gift that keeps on giving” like 5 times today, so true.
@Chet Murthy: How indeed? I guess grievance is his one note.
@Almost Retired: This comment thread is giving me life tonight. Did you ever see that “Misses Palin” comedy video, by the way? But yeah, she’s a brilliant statesman (wording?) by comparison.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: Look, it would explain a lot.
@twbrandt: legacy admission?
He’s building one heck of a legacy… Just think of what couches will have to say…
@Paul M Gottlieb:
@mrmoshpotato: At least one of his own daughters.
@Mousebumples: he was the first from his family to go to college, so he wasn’t a legacy admit. Maybe they had a fake hillbilly quota.
@sdhays: True.
@Scout211: typo alert: “dude Ross” was supposed to be “dude bros” but I guess autocorrect was busy watching an episode of Friends tonight. 🙄
@zhena gogolia: and a whole passel of ’em VOTE!
I have kids, am not in menopause, don’t have a cat (right now), and I live in a city….. and I’m totally fucken offended by this asshole.
I was looking back at my “memories” on my Book of Faces, and I had written some years ago about a conversational strangeness that I encountered multiple times: I was vegetarian for many years, and occasionally it would come up in conversation. There were multiple times that I would say that I was vegetarian, and the person I was talking to — often no more than an acquaintance — would reply, “Wow, I bet you’re regular.” Like, what the ever-loving fuck? Why do some people, including assholes like Vance, feel like they can talk about other people’s bodies, menopause, poop schedule, weight, whatever?! It’s so fucken bizarre.
Vance hates women😒
Oh Christ it’s this asshole again.
The Harris/Walz social media comms team is on fire.
She/her family have more wealth, and the choad is emasculated by that.
Oooh, that’s good. Did you invent that? I plan to steal it.
Citizen Alan
@Almost Retired: Vance does not have the excuse of senile dementia. Also, while his childhood was troubled, I don’t think Vance was physically abused as I assume Trump was by Fred.
Chet Murthy
@twbrandt: You jest, but lemme tell ya a story.
Now, I was all-fired proud of myself, and for sure, I was a smart kid, sure/sure. But when I got to Cornell, I learned that it was pretty likely that one of the reasons I got that NSF fellowship, was that I’d been a kid from a shitKiKKer small Texas town. Not a lot of smart kids come out of those hellholes (gosh wonder why) and so the NSF had a policy of putting a thumb on the scales for ’em.
Affirmative action for crackers. But hey, they did it by zip code, not by paper-bag, so I got the benefit.
sentient ai from the future
@Betty Cracker:
gotta distinguish between them and the post menopausal males, who are actually cool and good
@Scout211: Just came up with right now.
Vance apparently spent a lot of time being interviewed by obscure incel-adjacent podcasters in his pre-Senate years. The point would be to make himself a name in crazy world as that guy who went to Yale or whatever and got rich and is still totally cool.
This interview was in 2020. I wonder how many of those the Dems have dug up and placed in a lock box, to be dribbled out whenever they feel like jerking his little chain.
Also, as stupid as the podcaster (“post-menopausal females”) sounds, Vance sounds WAY stupider at the end when he’s babbling some nonsense about macro-economics and how it makes great sense for his highly educated, professional scientist mother-in-law to take a full year off work so that he and his wife don’t have to. I mean… WUT.
sentient ai from the future
the society of the indian subcontinent is famously, homogeneously anti-racist and anti-misogynit
Chet Murthy
@hitchhiker: There was a time when this was what vetting and oppo research was all about. It sure seems like TCFG’s campaign has forgotten this. Then again, it’s such meticulous work, I can’t imagine anybody who works for him has the work ethic to do it right.
Kamala HQ is sooo damn good at this.
Hahahahahahhaha!!!! Thanks for the laugh.
Oh my goodness! She’s gorgeous! 🐾❤️
I don’t have kids, but I do have lots of nieces and nephews. Do I lack a direct stake in the future of this country?
Vance seems to think that people only care about the future for the sake of their own progeny. I checked online to find that he has a half-sister with three kids. I wonder if anyone has told those kids that he doesn’t give a shit about them?
@lamh47: I saw Ravid’s post on Laura Rozen’s Twitter feed. She also reposted Fred Walton’s report that State Department special envoy Amos Hochstein had a long meeting today with Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri: “the US talks to Hezbollah indirectly through Berri.”
Laura Rozen is a good news aggregator, and she also reposted this headline from The Beacon|Kansas City:
The Beacon|Kansas City says they “publish news that empowers well-informed and actively involved communities.”
@Kelly: Cute! Those eyes <3
@rikyrah: he should probably come out of his closet, but he won’t.
Chet Murthy
@RSA: I don’t have kids,, but I’d like to retire and live comfortably to a ripe old age. Who will farm the food, run the power plants, make the appliances, run the cities, staff the hospitals, be my doctor, my nurse, and on and on and on? These people will need to be educated, fed, housed, clothed, get vacations, have their own children, and on and on and on.
You can’t eat money, J Divans.
Vance is a poster boy for traditional Indian parents everywhere selling the virtues of arranged marriage to their reluctant children. See we can find you a better match than J D Vance
ETA: I wouldn’t be surprised if the Usha V’s parents were not initially thrilled with Mr. Hillbilly.
And it would serve him right.
I have fond memories of my production-floor co-worker from Azerbaijan, who taught us how to say “the boss is a cabbage-head” in Russian.
@schrodingers_cat: Vance is advertising that marrying an Indian woman comes with free childcare.
Fake Irishman
@Chet Murthy:
The real question about your education is what college you were in at Rice.
“never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”
I always heard Napoleon, — looked it up and he said something pretty close (“when he is destroying himself” hahaha works for me) then filtered through many others.
but yeah, the Harris campaign is wise to just keep going with their feel-good tour, spreading the joy, and needling the MAGAs as necessary with a quick but rapier touch, and oh yeah have they been doing it, reminding people of the insanity of Trump and his mini-but-somehow-grosser-me
@RSA: He’s probably told them himself.
Chet Murthy
@Fake Irishman: Yeah, uh, I made a mistake and chose Sid Rich (back when it was single-sex). So, y’know, got to postpone actually learning how to behave around women for an extra four years. Sigh. Though I was such a …. feral robot until sometime in my 30s, that maybe it made no difference.
I’m gonna guess that they’re kind of bent.
sentient ai from the future
as i asked before, i seem to recall that LGBT+ parents have trouble accessing fertility services or adoption in some areas.
we got that totally solved, then, the issue of minorities who want to be parents and are thereby asking to have a *clears throat* direct stake in it?
@Geminid: Laura Rozen is a veteran reporter on diplomatic matters; I believe she is on JustSecurity’s editorial board. Rozen writes long-form pieces for her Diplomatic Substack, and mainly uses her Twitter and BlueSky to aggregate reports from other reliable journalists. I encountered Rozen through Cheryl Rofer’s posts.
Harris/Walz campaign once again going around the media and speaking DIRECTLY to voters. Ha!! Seethe media, seethe!
It’s a clip of a full conversation you can see tomorrow via the link given, and I’m sure will be on the nets.
LOL. This is new to me.
@sukabi: The obvious answer! which did not occur to me.
@HumboldtBlue: that’s just outstanding!
totally on point for current times
@lamh47: That is so good, it is now a rotating tag.
lol and I just noticed that this is how Vance uses the word “weird” — (“weird, unadvertised feature of marrying an Indian woman”) — not prompted by Harris and Walz.
So that’s what he truly thinks is weird.
What a rancid piece of shit, and also, just not a normal human being who lives in the normal world.
Dim gwerth rhech dafad.
(Welsh saying: “not worth a sheep’s fart”)
@cain: He is gross.
Did you receive the e-mail about the NYC meet-up I sent on August 9?
@NotMax: NotMax, is it too late to put up the meetup post tonight? I sent you email asking what would be a good time of day to put it up.
She would definitely take away his couch privileges!
Chet Murthy
@RSA: Did you know J Divans is a bigamist? He took his furniture wife’s name!
ETA: I didn’t coin it! I’m just doin’ my part to spread it ’round.
Frank Luntz is saying Trump is committing political suicide.
@Albatrossity: Or just cover it in plastic.
Early evening (blog time) maybe? Perhaps on a Friday or sometime over a weekend?
You have a more intimate knowledge of the ebb and flow of blog engagement than I.
@NotMax: Ha! I see our comments crossed in the night as we were typing them.
Chet Murthy
Ooh, I just saw this pop up: https://nitter.poast.org/ericswalwell/status/1823817240791191558#m
Swalwell and his campaign really hit this outta the park. I’ve been saying for years that MAGAts wouldn’t leave their female relations or their wallets in a room alone with TCFG, and yet they were completely OK with leaving our Republic in that room alone with him.
Ohio Mom
I’ve said this before, though it’s a few years off (if I’m counting correctly, four years) I am hoping that Vance’s embarrassing behaviors help to sink his Senate re-election bid. It’s mortifying to have him represent me.
I know, memories are short.
lol now I’m reading that RFK Jr. has approached the Harris campaign to lobby for a cabinet appointment
hahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha
That dead bear from Central Park would be a more effective cabinet secretary.
@NotMax: I think during the week gets more eyeballs. Maybe early evening tomorrow? (Thursday).
I’ll tentatively schedule it for 6pm ISH tomorrow.
Perhaps he’s not worried about prison, now that he’s got that Supreme Court immunity ruling and plans to flee to Venezuela. Taking all that lovely, lovely money that the RNC has collected, of course.
@Ken: BTW that’s a direct quote: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4828533-luntz-trump-committing-political-suicide-harris-intensity-advantage/
Heh. Checked that e-mail account this afternoon (my time) about an hour or so before your reply showed up today.
Thanks in advance.
@WaterGirl: lol the number of times that the real thing people are saying is “I am not a crackpot” and “don’t put it in the newspaper that I’m mad” has gotten way too high lately
This is a really nice idea. Reminds me a bit (in a very different way) of the 30 minute biographical ad / video Obama did in 2008.
Here’s the YT link for this…https://youtu.be/WkwZ_A49hb8?si=sSBoW5RwLv1y3a7H
Sister Golden Bear
@lamh47: As other have said, the Logan Act is (almost?) never prosecuted. OTOH, as LBJ said, make him deny it.
S Cerevisiae
@Lyrebird: I think the line is from Napoleon: “never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake “
ETA- beaten by M31, hard to be faster than an entire galaxy
@Ken: Most of the Ohio grandmothers I know of any ethnic background watch grandchildren or would like to if the mothers said okay. My sisters-in-law all do. My Mom did.
My Mom said she would never watch grandchildren. Then she did, the moment she had them.
That doesn’t mean she liked the kids’ father at all..
@S Cerevisiae: aka “Please proceed, governor”
Going way out on a limb, I’d guess they are not bent over double with admiration now.
@matt: Luntz: “The issues and conditions favor Donald Trump.”
I guess Luntz assumes the electorate is thinking “The Democrats fixed the economy, so now it’s safe to vote for the Republican.”
Fake Irishman
@Chet Murthy:
Oof. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were there, but wife was at Brown. Was Beer Bike still a live bike race through Houston back in your day? (Now Sid Rich’s men’s team just tries to lose in the most creative way possible)
Chet Murthy
@Fake Irishman: I graduated in ’86, and yeah, it was a live thing. I have to say, looking back, the culture was pretty toxic. I had friends who were nice people, but the general culture of Sid Rich was ….. toxic.
You can’t forget what you never knew. The level of ignorance of those around TCFG is hard to overestimate. (Note that ignorance is orthogonal to stupidity, which is also a specialty of the house.)
S Cerevisiae
@cain: that was so brilliant!
Chet Murthy
@Fake Irishman:
I never attended, but people did train for it, both riding and drinking. No idea what the race course was back then. I last visited Rice when a sibling graduated in 2000. last time before that was giving a talk in 1991. No other times. I mean, it’s in TX, and I don’t visit TX as as rule.
I’m thinking Dubai, more like. More congenial than Venezuela, where there are a shit ton of people who are not fond of yankees. Long as you have the bucks, Dubai has the welcome mat out. Or Paraguay maybe, hang out with the Nazis.
Wow indeed!!
@Ken: I think Luntz knows better about “conditions and issues” favoring Republicans, and is just throwing them a bone. His core analysis is devastating for the GOP.
@Geminid: the fact that he’s not out with a bunch of pro-Trump focus groups, tells you something!
Praying that, by the end of the year, it can be retired as no longer relevant.
EDT In deference to our friends in Ohio, should probably retain until he’s turfed out of his Senate seat….
Uncle Cosmo
While his running mate is committing settee.
@Chet Murthy: Will Rice for me, we were neighbors.
The Lodger
@Chet Murthy: Wait.. I read his book, and he was raised by his own grandparents. How weird and un-American was that?
Citizen Alan
@lamh47: How many people were on the Zoom?
@wjca: Sad day when I had to move good luck with your asparagus from published back to “draft”. Also sad to let go of Squeaker of the House.
Uncle Cosmo
Cabinet? Shirley Ewe Geste. Bottom shelf in the broom closet, tell him to bring his own roadkill.
Sister Golden Bear
Therein lies Trump’s problem.
The dollar goes a lot further and n Venezuela, just sayin’.
@lamh47: ROFL!!
Georgia business owner is doing his part to get Kamala Harris elected president.
Chet Murthy
@Regulon: I had a good friend, Bill Aitken, who was in Will Rice. He was a well-adjusted person.
Sister Golden Bear
@lamh47: Iheard Luntz said he was planning to do a focus group with undecided young women—but had to cancel because they couldn’t find them. They’d all already decided. And it wasn’t for Trump.
@S Cerevisiae: lol galaxy and yeast, together at last
@H.E.Wolf: Potato face, Cabbage head, just terms of endearment, amirite?
@Danielx: Dubai is an attractive place for the wealthy, but Trump might not like the neighborhood. Iran is right across the Persian Gulf, and the Iranian Revolution Guard Corps will not forget the assassination of its charismatic leader, General Soleimani, that Trump ordered.
The Orange Churl would be looking over both shoulders too, because Yemen is several hundred miles to the west. In early 2022, the IRGC blew up some Emirati oil infrastructure with drones they fired from Yemen, just to show they could do it.
Fake Irishman
@Chet Murthy:
I taught a term there in 2014. Wife graduated in ‘05. The university as a whole is a pretty diverse quirky live and let live sort of place. Some tech-bro/rich kid stuff, but a lot of really impressive people with good heads on their shoulders come out of there.
And as for Texas, well, we’re working on it. We’re not there yet, but the trend lines are good.
Chet Murthy
@Fake Irishman: Oh, even when I was there, it was filled with smart kids. I got a great education, and no complaints whatsoever. I was only speaking about Sid Rich (when it was single-sex). As for Texas …. well, I’m no longer holding my breath. Maybe someday Texas will turn the corner. Maybe not. I’m done with the place.
I will love you forever for that statement – my reply is always “too much information”.
@Chet Murthy: I finished in 84 and had been living off campus. I think you must have been there later.
@Ken: He’s thinking that inflation and immigration favor Republicans. I can’t really say he’s wrong about those things.
Well, he can hardly remain a Republican pollster if he says that the issues favor Harris now, can he?
Admitting that (economic) conditions favor the Democrats would be pushing the envelope. Better, careerwise, to just say it’s an enthusiasm gap.
@Sister Golden Bear: That’s in the article I posted as well. Luntz is really flipping out.
Good one. Well done.
@sab: When we told my parents that we were adopting my mom immediately said: “I’m not going to watch them.” OK, mom, but I didn’t even ask. I wasn’t surprised.
My MIL was very happy to have a grandchild and occasionally would watch him.
@Baud: The really interesting part of all this (since JD wants to talk about *policy*)
is that her employer gave her time off and kept her job available for her after she was done helping raise the children
It’s almost like human cultural practices and employer norms about worklife balance are *more important* than raw gender biology in terms of what choices people make about parenting, and how families are able to meet their child caring needs.
“Tell them Groucho said, you’re just another onionhead.”
– Todd Rundgren
West of the Rockies
@Ohio Mom:
Maybe he’ll pull a Palin and quit before his term is finished (and then get a program on the Discovery channel: J.D. Vance’s Appalachia.
@schrodingers_cat: Temu Trump! I love it!!!!
Chet Murthy
@Regulon: Yep, graduated in ’86.
@Almost Retired:
Give him a gold medal! That would piss off his boss BIGGLY!
Spent a wonderful day with the BF, and my brother and sis-in-law. Toured the Frank Lloyd Wright UU church in Madison, WI, then did the medium-length (2.25 hr) tour of Taliesen. Followed that up with a visit to the WI capitol, a look around UW and the fabulous Memorial Union (BF did undergrad at UW). Capped it all with Italian dinner al fresco back by the Capitol. Really a top 5 day of summer!
Oh, and JD Vance is probably the worst VP campaigner in my lifetime. I thought Sarah Palin was bad, and her stupidity was pretty freakin’ legendary. But Vance is too green and arrogant and foolish to even be ‘junior varsity.’ He’d be cut from any team except Trump’s. Ha-ha!
Chet Murthy
@Betsy: What I’d read was that she’d taken a sabbatical? I don’t know if it was a paid sabbatical, but typically those are built into the academic career schedule: every N years you take a year off for sabbat.
@lamh47: Does everyone refer to Walz as “feisty grandpa”, or is that a one off on the podcast I listened to last night?
@Ken: It happened specifically because the grandmother in question works for the University of California, which gave her time off and kept her job open for her.
Dumb, ungrateful Shady Vance doesn’t even acknowledge the importance of employer practices in achieving work and family balance. It’s amazing how as a Republican he is free to talk about the benefit to him of such asemployee-friendly, family-friendly policies, but doesn’t think they should be required for other people and their families.
Once again, in his world, women are just supposed to pop out children and not remain childfree — that would be selfish and not invested in the future of the country — but Republicans are certainly NOT going to support any policies as a society that would help women be mothers.
Maybe if you’re both vegan…?
@Ken: It happened specifically because the grandmother in question works for the University of California, which gave her time off and kept her job open for her.
Dumb, ungrateful Shady Vance doesn’t even acknowledge the importance of employer practices in achieving work and family balance. It’s amazing how as a Republican he is free to talk about the benefit to him of such asemployee-friendly, family-friendly policies, but doesn’t think they should be required for other people and their families.
Once again, in his world, women are just supposed to pop out children and not remain childfree — that would be selfish and not invested in the future of the country — but Republicans are certainly NOT going to support any policies as a society that would help women be mothers.
@Betty Cracker: JD probably thinks ‘A Handmaid’s Tale’ is a roadmap. And apparently. A woman’s only, only acceptable function is as a breeder. Good to know…
@M31: Binders full of women!
John Revolta
The Mouse is plumbing new depths of cartoonish evil
The woman informed the waiter that she had severe nut and dairy allergies and he “guaranteed” that the dish she ordered was allergen-free. She collapsed 45 minutes after eating and died in a hospital despite using an EpiPen.
@Paul M Gottlieb:
There. That’s it. You have put your finger on their attitude exactly.
@Scout211: ignore family-friendly employer policies that helped his mother-in-law do that —CHECK
Specifically, she was on a sabbatical from the University of California, which kept her job open for her after she was done with that period of caring for the child.
Any normal person would conclude that it would be good public policy to require employers to have family-friendly policies of that nature, if we want American women (not “females”) to have babies — like he says he wants them all to have.
But Republicans are not normal and JD is weird.
@HumboldtBlue: LOVE THIS! ♥️
Prometheus Shrugged
@Chet Murthy: She would be eligible for a sabbatical in her capacity as provost, but not in her capacity as teaching professor (a title formerly known as lecturer). However, the University of California system also allows for a variety of other family leave (e.g. child care or eldercare), so she could have also taken advantage of these programs. I don’t know for sure–she’s not in my department, though I’ve had some interaction with her. Anyway, the important thing is, as everyone has said, that Vance–like most glibertarians–is completely oblivious to, and insulting of, the privilege that he enjoys.
It might be how he comes across. But in the real world, his kids are a bit young for that.
The Supreme Court’s rulings on Trump have basically said “If you win, you get off free. If you lose, we have no further use for you.”
@Ken: Just arriving to the thread, but — wasn’t Vance partially raised by his grandparents? Isn’t that their surname thst he took? Weird.
karen marie
@Baud: He said that?
karen marie
@schrodingers_cat: Do NOT insult Temu like that!
Did someone say cabbage?
That also reminds me of one of the funniest skits I ever watched — James Acaster and the cabbage war.
@Kelly: what a doll baby! Such beautiful blue eyes.
Trivia Man
Has anybody asked trump OR vance for their tax returns yet?
@wjca: I actually think that the people trump is listening to (Tucker, Elon, Junior) are so deeply embedded in their incel bubble world that they simply don’t see anything that might spoil the illusion.
Remember when Jared persuaded trump that firing Comey would give him a big boost with American women, because they were all so mad at Comey for screwing HRC?
That’s the kind of distorted logic that produces a JD Vance as VP. Plus, as trump himself said, JD liked him more than anybody else did.
@Kelly: so cute! Looks like a spunky little joker 😁
Heh Great news! (For Dems. Not so much for MAGA😉)
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Frankensteinbeck: the incels are wanna-be bene tleilax.
@Scout211: not that I have any love or sympathy for JD’s equally grasping and power-hungry wife, but I hope after this is all over Usha divorces him and takes him to the fucking cleaners. I want him selling dick-enhancement pills at 3:00 AM.
Change his name then to ED Vance?
I dunno, I’ve seen suggestions that FL could be in play… 🤔
On Golden Pond introduced me to the expression “suck face”, and more modern parlance adds “leopards eating peoples faces party” making that imagery a bit too graphic for me.
@brendancalling: Why? She’s supporting everything he’s saying and doing. She can go eff herself just like he can.
@karen marie: Check the comment Baud is replying to. Vance didn’t say it himself but he agreed with the podcast host who did say it.
karen marie
@Chet Murthy: I would well believe they saw nothing wrong with any of the wild shit Vance has said. He merely expressed what Republicans believe.
“Looks good, boss!”
karen marie
@HumboldtBlue: That is a good one!
Have you seen “Are you Dave Gorman“?
It’s an amazing trip. Then you can watch his series, also on youtube, ” Modern Life Is Goodish.”
@Kelly: All white border collie? Unique, and beautiful blue eyes. Might need sunblock on her nose for extended sun time; I had a friend with an all white dog who would put sunblock on the top of her muzzle after a skin cancer scare, and because the vet recommended it.
Footage of the T & V campaign in action.
@Betsy: Yup–the UC system has many issues, but as a public university, they follow state law. That’s how us ~scary California liberals~ roll.
@schrodingers_cat: heck, that logic worked on me just now. J divans is a cautionary tale–a warning for bad children everywhere.
Came up on a shuffle earlier and I’d forgotten how good it was.
Bonnie Raitt – Slow Ride
@StringOnAStick: Daisy has several black patches that don’t show these pics. She’s currently having a vigorous wrestle with a towel.
I see what you did there.
Kyle Schwarber hit a grand slam tonight with the Phillies down 5-2 to give them the 6-5 lead, and it still pales in comparison to DougJ.
Mr S, who’s from Ohio, well from Yellow Springs, just said “Moron from Middletown.” Sez it all (and don’t get me on Dewine, who’s also from Yellow Gulch). This Vance creature is from Middletown. OK.
For tRUMP to flee the country while under indictment (documents case etc.) would require more than a dash to the airport shouting “Take me to Dubai or wherever” Others would have to be involved Secret Service, air crew , flight planning etc. As usual tRUMP is running his mouth and has no clue.
I found this random video of a big group of Walz’s former students who did an event supporting him:
On a related note, I think the architects of Project 2025 have not thought through what’s going to happen to the widowhood rate if they succeed in taking divorce thoroughly off the table.
What a tribute.
In this video, there are a lot of great testimonials from students in this video. One that stood out to me was a Korean-American woman who reflects on growing up in rural Minnesota in the 90s and what the Walzes meant to her. Worth sharing with folks.
Viva BrisVegas
@Betsy: Didn’t Vance also describe his mother in-law’s help as “weird” and that he would have preferred cash from her to hire a proper babysitter.
@3Sice: He doesn’t have the strength or physical dexterity to smash a watermelon.
I thought he was raised by his own mamaw and papaw.
Maybe he didn’t read his own book?
@Chet Murthy: Not just persuasion but coherence. Graduate of Yale Law School not bringing his best.
Chet Murthy
@Kathleen: Yes! I mean, sure, maybe J Divans isn’t the best YLS has to offer, but still, you’d think that even a middling-to-mediocre YLS grad would be better than this.
@Chet Murthy: Plus he gives me “Suspect #3” in a L&O SVU lineup vibes.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Couch Fuckers is ignoring by the same logic the whole biological purpose of males is to be a sperm donor, and Vance should have been eaten by an ocelot by now (it goes without say Vance would never meet the standards of Pallas Cat and found sadly wanting. In that alternative universe were JD Vance is a stone age hunter gatherer, his body will be found with a note saying “flesh is both pasty and slimy, I am so disappointed, try better you hairless monkeys”)
Pittsburgh Mike
@Chet Murthy: Or perhaps they did vet him and thought “Nothing bad here.”
@Baud: Please, go tight ahead. And, thank you.
@twbrandt: “So how did this guy get into Yale law, anyway?”
He maxed out on the evil sociopath scale.
Uncle Cosmo
Secret Service code name could be “Champ:” **
Fits, though “Chump” might fit better.
** More properly colcannon, if Wikipedia is to be believed –
but who’s counting?
Uncle Cosmo
Nope. Kzinti. A race whose females are non-sentient.
And before anyone gets shirty about Larry Niven (who IMO has been a damn fine sf writer despite his glibertarian tendencies), let me remind all & sundry that this descendant of the Doherty oil fortune designed his “ratcats” as a near-parody of toxic human masculinity who lost every war they ever started with humans because they exploded into rage at the slightest provocation and always attacked too early.
I saw some polling which claimed the top demographic for the Trump campaign was divorced white males. Vance is sure leaning into that base.
I always go tight.
@frosty: If your parents’ response was no surprise, I gather you did not enjoy your time with them. I’m sorry you had that experience. Childhood is a lot better with parents who really want to do the job well.
Glad your MIL was helpful.
Paul in KY
@Baud: Please proceed, dingus….
Paul in KY
@schrodingers_cat: I hope they are slagging him all the time to his face. Ha!
Paul in KY
@M31: Maybe he can insult stay-at-home, ‘trad’ moms too!
A guy can wish….
Paul in KY
@Kelly: Sure is a cutie!
Paul in KY
@twbrandt: Diversity admission: White but inbred hillbilly yokel. Checked a box.
Paul in KY
@twbrandt: You beat me to it! Liked the ‘fake’ part.
Paul in KY
@Chet Murthy: Gotta use what you got!
Paul in KY
@schrodingers_cat: Good point! I bet he’s the poster boy for ‘Bad Decisions in Marriage Partner’.
Trump only cares about post-menopausal women for their residual trade-in value on the new model (and Vance’s key value raising his kids).
Of course, if Trump allows himself to think of them at all.
Once stuff starts saggin’, they get gross, creepy and weird to him, not like his Ivanka.
Paul in KY
@emjayay: If he keeps on keepin on in his incel, asshole, creepo way, he’ll make Sen Liebersuck a better choice!
Paul in KY
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Stone age JD Vance would have run into a flint axe or fallen into the cave fire or maybe have been the one sent into a cave to scout for cave bears (after he’d been slathered in sheep tallow).
Paul in KY
@Uncle Cosmo: Have always liked Mr. Niven’s stories. Especially his Ringworld series (at least the 1st 3 books).
He’s not a space alien.
Space aliens are more human than that. And smarter. After all they’ve figured out how to travel in space, he seems to be having a hard time getting oxygen to that thing in his head which most humans think with and he uses to store stupid and hate.
@Chet Murthy:
How the fuck did he get a law degree if he’s so bad at the speaking-to-persuade thing?
That’s why he has to have money, it’s the only thing he can use to persuade people to think of him as human.
he looks like a creepy uncool misogynist idiot.
So, he’s living up to who he really is……
They’re only answer is to double down on the racism and misogyny.
Well, at least they are true to who they really are. Assholes.
It is actually quite simple.
They think/believe they are better than everyone else. They must be better – look how different they are….. They have just never had the concept of better/worse properly explained to them. Or they are so simple they can’t understand the concept when it is explained to them – but no one has ever done the explaining forcefully enough to get it through to that whatever it is inside that thick skull.
It is difficult to feel entitled unless you actually are. vance wants to be entitled but he’s earned doodly squat. Which is a way to say he’s earned nothing because first and most of all he thinks he’s superior to everyone else. And of course humanity doesn’t actually work that way. People like him rarely to never figure that out. They are too busy patting themselves on the back.
shitforbrains is also seemingly riding towards/over the last horizon. Planning his last meal. His only answer is to double down on the racism and misogyny, because that’s all he’s got. Really, it’s all he’s ever had. He’s never found that clue – mainly because while he’s been looking, he has zero idea what for. He’s the idiot that thinks money gets him everything, while the reality is that a reasonable life is not actually something that can be bought, it has to be lived. And he doesn’t even get that breathing is autonomic – till it isn’t. He got far more unlucky when he cheated his siblings out of their inheritances, because it put him someplace he had zero idea how to live in. He thought he knew because he’s always been a pompous ass who thought he was the top of the heap. He was but it was a heap of dog _ _ _ _. He just didn’t know or understand the difference.