Please let this be AI, please let this be AI, please, please, please…
OMG there are more of them
— 🥀_ Imposter_🥀 (@Imposter_Edits) August 18, 2024
Text: JD Vance Full Family Kit (and I cannot believe I just typed that)
This is going to haunt my dreams tonight. Please someone tell me this is just some fake shit someone made and passed off as real. Because, just no. First it was diapers, then it was sanitary napkin ear pads, now this?
We have got to vote these folks out and pray they don’t reproduce.
Open thread
It’s enough to make mandatory sterilization seem like a good idea.
Too late! Can’t you see they’re preparing to reproduce?
What’s this about, now? I can’t keep up with all the weird GOP crap.
My gob can’t be more smacked.
Kind of Blue stands out, in ways that streak across the sky, or better yet, slowly roll in with the fog. It’s all rhythm and sound flowing in a wave. It just sounds different
This guy thinks it was too easy. You know, like, creating a generational sound… it was easy. Too easy.
@RinaX: Yes, context needed!
West of the Rockies
Yeah, a sperm donor cup with JV Vance’s round, hairy face on it is just a great way to win over independents and fence-sitters.
Please proceed, freaks.
Chet Murthy
@West of the Rockies: We can call them freaks, but Dems campaigning for office …. they can call it weird and everybody will know that they really mean “freaks”. Dog-whistles! Love ’em!
And yeah, those people are freaks, they all need therapy. I wanna say something like “this is what happens when you spend too long online in your Facebook chatrooms/echo chambers!” Get out and take a walk! Meet somebody at a coffee shop! Turn off your computer! Put down your phone!
VFX Lurker
I doubt it’s AI. The text doesn’t have that dreamlike garbled quality. I can clearly read the words on the hats, shirts, pins and cups.
However, like others upthread, I need more context for these images. I accept that they are real, but I don’t know what they mean.
It’s always easy to get somewhere after someone else builds the four lane highway.
What is even the point? To make JD seem even more creepy?
I have questions.
Are they collecting donations or distributing them?
Is this a cuckold kit?
Looking at the size of the cup, are they looking to combine donors?
Inquiring minds don’t really want to know.
West of the Rockies
@Chet Murthy:
Just so weird that these people think they’re being, what, clever? Convincing?
What are they going for with this?
@West of the Rockies
“My cup runneth over.”
Could be weirder. Could be s sippy cup.
(My browser settings block images (and videos) from X, so I’m going by the descriptions above.)
Chet Murthy
@West of the Rockies: I don’t know: it’s all so …. weird. But perhaps what they’re doing, is just what “reply guys” do on Twitter, eh? I mean, from what I understand, “reply guys” just try to “own” the tweeter to whom they’re responding. They don’t care about anything else, other than “owning” their target.
Maybe that’s what’s going on here: these people are just trying to “own” us dirty libs. I mean, remember that Vance has been on this kick about the essential gender purpose of human females being reproduction and raising of children, right? And our response has been “uh, no, females, *women* can have lots of purposes in life other than reproduction and childrearing, you weirdo” Maybe this is their way of replying to us, to say “haha no, what matters is reproduction, and here’s proof! A sperm donor kit! From JD! Take that, you dirty libs!”
I think it’s not coincidental that the specimen jars have Vance’s face on ’em, that the caption is “JD Vance Full Family Kit.” This is their way of saying “Nuh-uh, what matters is raising a full family! Everything else is unimportant! YOU are unimportant!”
OK, that’s just me speculating. I could be completely wrong.
@NotMax: Sorry I just can’t stop laughing.WITAF?
Anne Laurie
Pretty sure those are standard, widely-available clean-catch (urine) collection containers. Don’t know the context, don’t wanna look for the context…
@Anne Laurie: Vet med.
Srsly Cows and Ewes and yeah
what they are doing is mocking those that cannot have kids via the usual sexual means. In other words, shaming those that need IVF to have kids as if this is some kind of “ownage” (yeah, making fun of people that want to have a family but can’t). Just consider it one more confirmation that these are the same shitty people that mocked John Kerry for his Purple Heart by wearing band-aids with purple hearts drawn on them with crayons.
Chet Murthy
@piratedan: Oh hm! yes, I see it now! I think you’re right! This is just like those “purple heart bandaids” from 2004. Those mocked Kerry’s Purple Heart medal. These mock people who can’t have kids without medical intervention, and childless people.
Collection cups for either semen or urine, with JD Vance’s mug on it, held by one or two grinning MAGiots.
This beyond weird. It’s beyond bizarre. It’s a mass media zombie cult.
@Anne Laurie: They’re checking if the Ram has live sperm. That’s the context. Probably;
Damn skippy.
@Anne Laurie: That’s what I thought they were, although it appears they are multipurpose, including sperm collection.
Hideous, unlikeable, unfuckable morons. Next time we get a pandemic, I hope it wipes them out completely.
I keep thinking of the beginning of Idiocracy where they explain how we got that way. Smart people kept finding reasons to wait to have kids while idiots just kept pumping them out. Eventually the idiots took over
Amazing what you can find down the back of the couch
Wish I’d skipped this one. Jesus Fucking Himself.
Citizen Alan
@Shana: I hated that. It was a facile eugenics argument that fatally undermined what could have been a powerful message about the importance of education. Because if we ever do achieve the Idiocracy, it won’t be because “dumb people outbreed smart people.” It will be because of a persistent campaign by wealthy conservative elites to destroy our educational system because ignorant people are easier to control and manipulate.
These garbage humans aren’t flashing sperm donor cups or whatever because they’re dumb. They’re doing it because it’s just another way for vicious awful people to say “Fuck You” to people they hate.
Are these photos from a Pennsylvania rally, I wonder? Because this type of weird seems like something PA rumpers excel in. Pwning themselves trying to pwn the libs runs rampant here.
@Chet Murthy:
Makes about as much sense as anything. Their problem is, they’re so deep into their bubble that they come up with bizarre shit like this as attempted pwnage. Which doesn’t work if the people they’re trying to pwn have no idea what the fuck they’re trying to say, and just look and say, “that’s weirder than weird. And kinda ick too.”
Looks like a generic specimen cup used for urine samples.
Makes the “full family kit” even weirder.
Perhaps it is used in recruiting members, initiating them into Jackoffs for Trump.
Tony Jay
No need to overthink it. They’re just admission cups for the rally afterparty down at Orgy Arena. J. D. Vance’s handsome image is on there to aid in filling them to the brim. Slosh them at the door to get past security, toss them into the bowl at the centre of the Party Circle, and once the DJ drops the needle on Lara Trump’s cover of ‘I Touch Myself’ everybody reaches for a cup and the ripping and the tearing starts.
What? Democrats don’t know how to party? Typical.
@Tony Jay: “J. D. Vance’s handsome image is on there to aid in filling them to the brim.”
I was sure it was to avoid overfilling.
The likes of the FTFNYT will keep trying to eradicate it, but the “weird” campaign is, to this point, the most accurate attack on an opposing party we’ve ever seen. Who knew that their knee-jerk Double Down theory would be applied to “weird?”
This is the time to take the fact that they vote against their interests, launch an attack calling them “The Self-Harm Party,” and see where it goes.
Sure, it’s a variant of “tell them not to drink bleach,” but they’re hepped up right now and it just might work.
@Tony Jay: The sound track for the sperm kits should be the song ‘Masturbation Can be Fun” from the 60s musical Hair. MAGA is now full on weird counter culture.
Tony Jay
Sounds like imposing artificial limits on production to me. Socialists!
‘Weird’ is tearing them apart. They can’t deny it and still run a MAGA-turnout campaign, they can’t embrace it without putting their creepy brand of punch-down weirdness on display for normies to see and be repulsed by.
Keep up the job, Dems. Define these freaky fascists in terms everyone can understand, despite the best efforts of the media gatekeepers to drown the laughter out with the rattling of pearls.
Tony Jay
I pressed send, got in the shower, and immediately thought “Damn. Lara Trump covers The Beatles’ Come Together and refuses to pay royalties. On point on levels.”
Why did I fire my editor? Why were they imaginary in the first place?
These clowns are the weirdest fucking losers that ever existed
Dorothy A. Winsor
I don’t understand this. I think that says good things about me.
Liminal Owl
@Nettoyeur: the title of the song is “Sodomy.” (And now I have an earworm, argh.)
Make America Wank Again.
They’re wearing T shirts with their candidate in his victory pose after the shooting attempt, too. Really ugly subset of people. Pathetic, really.
Central Planning
I think I need to create an Etsy account or something. If people are stupid enough to buy sample cups with Vance’s face on it, I could think up any stupid shit to sell to those morons.
Tim Walz and his wife used IVF for their two children. Madame VP has no biological children but does have step-children. Vance has made mouth noises about childless people having unfulfilled lives. I wonder if these people think they are attacking the Democratic candidates with this strange behavior.
@VOR: The satisfied smiles of the couple in the last photo. They are just so hip and in on the joke.
But: good point about the Walzes and their beautiful family, through IVF. Those cups are going to land badly with a lot of people.
@HumboldtBlue: Excessive proof of why I don’t read critics. “Against Interpretation” indeed.
Not sure about the ostensible literal / metaphorical meaning, but I’m pretty sure what it REALLY means to these yokels is (1) a little bit “look how naughty we’re being, with — tee hee — sperm donation cups” and (2) a LOT “we BELONG, and this SHOWS we belong (and allows us — but only us — to be naughty).”
It’s like some incomprehensible mish-mash of something a bunch of third-graders get together and whisper about and snicker over. It’s valuable precisely because it doesn’t make any sense to anyone but them, and it has no other significance than that.
This seems like a good time to remember the Trump diaper wearers from a few months ago. Probably the same people.
Falling Diphthong
Project 2025 et al are opposed to IVF, and thus I would think to the message of these cups if logical consistency were a thing that worried Vance fans.
People like this are the reason why I never go to my high school reunion and if they had junior high reunions why I wouldn’t go to those either. Perpetually 12 years old is no way to go thru life son.
O. Felix Culpa
@artem1s: Same. My high school class is having a major reunion this year, and I’m giving it a wide berth. Too many RWNJs in the mix.
Snarki, child of Loki
So it seems that JD is going the “precious bodily fluids” route.
Someone should ask him about fluoridation, and whether he only drinks rainwater and pure grain alcohol.
Watch Dr. Strangelove to see how it all turns out.
@West of the Rockies: I think they’ve found their own natural answer to the birth control they don’t want anyone to use. That would work on anyone I know, male of female, as 100% effective birth control. I bet if you wave that in front of a woman, where she can see it, her eggs will go sterile.
@West of the Rockies: WTFK? Certainly not them.
@Central Planning: But could you think up stuff that was stupid enough ?
I sometimes wonder if people can get so stupid that they forget to breathe. And, more importantly, what age would typically be the onset age for that.
Central Planning
@brantl: Nope. I would have to go the mean route and wouldn’t like myself for doing that. Idk if I could justify it by profits going to the Harris/Walz campaign.
@brantl: Channeling Bob Dylan:
Bill Arnold
Joe My God has more links.
Cultists Brandish Fake Vance Semen Samples At Rally (Joe My God, August 18, 2024)
(nitter link)
@Nettoyeur: Or the classic choice: Turning Japanese
They wallow in their baseness. It’s an act of defiance in much the same way as a child who continues to pick his nose after you tell him it is not polite.
They don’t want to be polite or tolerant or empathetic or inclusive or unselfish or open-minded.……or anything else that their “better angels” are telling them they should be.
You’re only assuming those are fake semen samples, when anyone with a sofa can get the real deal pretty easily.
@Anne Laurie: yes, that was my first thought. I’m not actually sure that it makes anything really any better, though.
I do notice that all the displayers of the Holy Veep Jizz are menopausal or not female, not a nubile fertile functional ovaries and uterus-containing woman.
This speaks more than cup of fake sperm