We have a new Balloon Juice Angel match for The Civics Center – PatrickG will match up to $150 per person, up to $2,500.
If we can get the thermometer to $20,000 by midnight – not including his match – he will throw in an extra $2,500! (thank you, Patrick!!!)
I hope you’ll join us for the zoom on Tuesday. Laura Brill is the founder and CEO of The Civics Center.
Laura has an extraordinary background! Laura clerked for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and co-authored several articles with her. She’s an award-winning advocate with more than two decades of experience working on complex legal issues and advocating for the LGBTA+ community and for equal voting rights. Laura will be here to talk about The Civics Center, but I bet we can talk her into a story or two!
And now, she’s focused on The Civics Center.
The Civics Center trains students and educators to conduct registration and preregistration drives in High Schools. And they make it fun! In addition to training and support, The Civics Center provides T-shirts, stickers, customizable flyers, tote bags, candy and other swag in the brilliantly-named Democracy in a Box!
With this fundraiser, we’re helping the Civic Center expand into 25 schools in diverse metropolitan areas – in Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania!
Here’s a link to our first post about the Civics Center, in case you missed it or you have slept since then. :-_
Come to the zoom to learn more about how The Civics Center is making registering to vote a part of the turning 18 experience – or in many states, the “turning 16-or-17 experience”. RSVP via email to WaterGirl!
Angel match from PatrickG: you know the drill, to count toward the match, tell us about your donation in the comments or send email to WaterGirl.
Another Scott
Thanks Patrick G, WG, matchy-matchers, and everyone in the trenches.
It’s important!
Sandia Blanca
I’m in for $100. I love this type of organization, and thank you, WG, for bringing us this opportunity to make a difference.
In for $100.
Cheryl from Maryland
In for $25.00. Thank you, PatrickG.
Donated $50. Thank you WG, PatrickG, and all the other angels!
Okay, in for $25 hoping we have a shot at more of PatrickG’s generous match offer!
Joy in FL
$20 from me ✅
I’ll RSVP for the Zoom. It’s already on my calendar.
I remember registering to vote at my high school during my senior year. It was 1974 or 75. I remember there was No Way I was going to register as a Republican; Nixon horrified me.
@mvr: Balloon Juice is the little engine that could. I think there’s a good chance we can make it. Fingers crossed.
+$50. Thanks for finding all these wonderful groups to support.
Thanks, everyone! You have matched $500 so far!
I’m in for $100!
KayInMD (formerly Kay (not the front-pager))
Got my pension check, so I’m in for $100. I LOVE this one! Getting kids involved in high school is perfect! You had to be 21 to vote when it was my turn, but I love that things have changed so much.
Is there any chance that we’ll do anything in Montana this year? I know Tester faces a real uphill battle, but without him we lose the Senate.
For anyone wondering why North Dakota is blank on the map (insert North Dakota joke here, I’ve heard them all) the state does not require or maintain any sort of centralized voter registration. You show up with an ID and proof of residence (utility bill, paycheck stub, or similar) and you can vote. Of course the Republican legislature has tried the usual tricks, limiting the kinds of ID that are allowed and declaring invalid any addresses that aren’t on the state 911 system (almost all of which on reservations). The tribes here have had to go to court multiple times to slap the state upside the head.
Did that work?
@KayInMD (formerly Kay (not the front-pager)):
Yes! We already raised a ton for Montana for this cycle, but we in for trying to raise another $30,000 – they are looking for a match for us. That will be soon.
And they got on a Native-made star quilt for us for a raffle!
Thanks, Patrick!
Here’s another $100.
I just donated $25, thank you PatrickG and WG!
I just threw in another $25.
In for $50.
I’m in for $50
In for $100.
@MartyIL: Thank you, and welcome!
We just passed $1,000! Thanks everyone!
@WaterGirl: Somewhat. The state has been required to update the 911 map with tribal input and the Department of Transportation now holds events on the reservations in the months to provide free state ID cards for anyone who needs one.
Just put in $25
@justawriter: Appreciate the update. How ridiculous that Republican governments have to be slapped upside the head before they will allow Native people to vote.
@BenInNM: I always feel like something special should happen when the donation amount equals the comment number.
It happens more often than you might think. Maybe there should be a double match for that donation.
In for $25.00.
Yet Another Haldane
I’m in for another $100. Yay Civics!
Randal Sexton
In for another 50!
In for $100!
In for $100
@Yet Another Haldane: Was it you the other day who said “you had me at civics?”
Thanks, everyone! We are at $1,500 in matching donations.
In for $25. Such a fantastic idea, to get young people registered right away.
In for $50
Thanks PatrickG–you make it easy & fun for others to magnify their ‘somewhat’ smaller donations! Thanks to all who help these real grassroots efforts turn into significant mobilizing for great candidates.
In for $150, thanks PatrickG!
Donated $100.
Mark me down for $150. Thanks PatrickG and WG!
Okay, all the donations up to here have been matched, and we just passed the $2,000 mark for PatrickG’s $2500 match.
There go two miscreants
I’m in for $150.
@There go two miscreants: Thank you so much!
Just $250 left on the $2,500 match.
Just popped in $50 before midnite Sunday EDT.
In for $50. It isn’t midnight on the West Coast yet!