If you are interested in attending tomorrow’s zoom with the Civics Center, please let us know in the comments and send an email to WaterGirl.
Never mind. We will reschedule the zoom for after the convention.
The zoom is at 7:30 pm Eastern time. There are only a small handful of RSVPs at this point, and I’m not sure whether that indicates lack of interest (but who wouldn’t want to come and talk with someone who clerked for RBG?) or focused on the Democratic Convention (so you’re distracted) or if you plan to attend the zoom but just haven’t RSVP’d yet.
I would be surprised if it’s lack of interest because so many of you have written to say how excited you are about this group. So I am perplexed!
Speaking of The Civics Center, PatrickG’s $2,500 Angel match from yesterday is complete, and he added that to the thermometer this morning.
The low response might be because the zoom call time coincides with some top DNC speakers. I’m still debating, but I’ll bet that’s the main reason.
edit by WG: No zoom this week. We will let you all know a new date once the date is set.
Kyle Griffin
Secretary Buttigieg: “I’m not a retired naval officer, but I did proudly serve in the Naval Reserve. I remember when I went to officer training in Newport, Rhode Island, outside every one of our rooms they put a little biography of just one of the people from the Navy who won the Medal of Honor and a little write-up of how they got that Medal of Honor. “You would feel about this big compared to these people. And maybe that’s why those stories just break Donald Trump’s brain. He literally cannot comprehend that kind of sacrifice. And he certainly cannot comprehend a concept of politics that is not about you, not about your glorification, but about what you can do to make other people better off.”
9:35 AM · Aug 19, 2024
Yashar Ali
NEW A group of lawyers with deep ties to the Republican Party scrambled over the weekend to rescue an effort to get independent presidential candidate Cornel West on the Arizona ballot. This is one of the clearest examples yet of the GOP’s extensive involvement in furthering the left-wing academic’s long-shot bid. Full Story: https://bit.ly/3ADMi0E
Not lack of interest! just life is hella busy, retiring next week so tying up all those loose ends, selling house so all the sorting, clearing, packing etc of 20+ years of stuff, husband just had surgery, daughter is expecting her second baby soon, and it’s another high risk delivery. Feel like I am tobogganing down hill at high speed!
Taking full advantage of a Monday open thread for a bleg:
A couple of friends and I have a software startup. We’re self-funding it through consulting. We’re looking for someone who can help us put together a couple of web pages and design a logo. It’s paid work, but obviously not a lot of it.
We’re using the tool on some of our projects. Eventually we’d like to refactor the UI / UX, but we are focused on solidifying our base functionality. If you can recommend someone, it would be very helpful.
Thank you in advance.
Ed O’Keefe
I had not seen this 2009 comment by the late great
’s piece today. She was by Dave asked about up-and-coming Black politicians and she said: “There’s a great district attorney in San Francisco whose name is Kamala Harris. She’s brilliant, she’s smart, she doesn’t look anything like anybody you ever see on ‘Law and Order’ yet she’s tough and she’s got a big future. And they call her the female Barack Obama.” https://youtube.com/watch?v=UnSG7515hWo…
4:16 PM · Aug 18, 2024
It’s Me Ya’ll
Pointing out this #FreePalenstine bullshit narrative. You’re ok with sitting the election out knowing the harm that introduces to all the Black people, POC’s, and minorities in the US ya’ll claim to be in solidarity with. But we’re supposed to surrender our futures for Palestine.
@rikyrah: Secretary Buttigieg is right, Trump can not, in the least imagine putting ANYONE ahead of his own needs, wants or health/life. I firmly believe he would not even think about risking or sacrificing himself for one of his own children, much less anyone else.
Not unless I was donating in my sleep! Will do it now. ;)
ETA: done!
Larry Sabato
Exclusive/CNN–Judge Michael Luttig, widely respected conservative jurist, endorses Kamala Harris–his FIRST Democratic vote. Issues a remarkable statement to explain why.
@PatrickG: Oops!
I wrote this earlier, was planning to drop you a line so you could donate, then got a call, then had a 2-hour meeting, then put the post up.
Congrats on the retirement :)
@rikyrah: Who also won’t have a future if Trump is reelected.
Candice Marie Benbow
The White House compiled a list of the historic achievements made during President Biden’s tenure. This is really helpful when people say nothing was accomplished or don’t know what was achieved. 1/5
@rikyrah: Sometimes I feel like I am too unfeeling. I am sickened by what is happening in Gaza, I try to find ways to help legitimate agencies or groups that are trying to help bring in food, fuel, water or meds. But I don’t understand how screaming at the Dems and trying to disrupt the DNC/encourage a “protest” vote helps anyone in Gaza??? If enough people voted for Jill Stein or RFK and sink Harris, they get Trump. Trump who is fine with BiBi carpet bombing Gaza and the West Bank into nothing….make it make sense.
From the crazy zone. For some family/friend reasons, I remain Facebook friends with a traditional Catholic/Trumper. Today she posted about the full-service abortion facility Dems have made part of the DNC. There is no talking reason to these people.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: Especially since the Trumps are eyeing the awesome property locations in Gaza and the West Bank.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I just now learned about the Zoom meeting. I’m definitely interested, I will attend
It’s perhaps a small thing, but it says a lot. Gwen Walz isn’t wearing high heels! No stilettos, what a relief. At least so far.
@Betty: If only. Right next to the fleet of undocumented taco trucks.
@rikyrah: Luttig endorses Kamala. That’s huge. In Northern Virginia, a former GOP congresswoman, Barbara Comstock, also endorsed Kamala over the weekend.
May this inspire others. It’s certainly a permission structure for other Republicans to endorse, and most important, vote for Kamala.
Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) posted at 11:55 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
A former top Obama White House official ran into Mike Barnicle and said: “Isn’t it great that f—ing guy finally figured out he had to quit?”
Barnicle was tired, and wasn’t having it. “What guy?!” he replied.
“Joe Biden!” the West Wing alumnus replied.
“You know something? F–k you!” Barnicle replied. “And f–k all your friends with their anonymous quotes in the papers. Put your name on it next time!” And kept walking.
A source familiar with Biden’s reaction to the story: “He might still be laughing.” axios.com/2024/08/19/bid…
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: Good luck with everything you have on your plate!
Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) posted at 11:16 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Just imagine if today we had no Democratic presidential nominee, let alone vice-presidential, if The Times, The Post, Ezra Klein, & Nancy Pelosi had their way. Let us be grateful to Joe for one more thing: out-maneuvering all of them for the good of the Democrats & democracy.
@Betty: For some reason that makes me break out into:
sing along to the 88-string guitar
Terry Lee Watkins Jr. 王瑞民 (@TerryWatkinsJr1) posted at 11:10 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Omg omg omg omg
GOVERNOR Tim Walz just showed up to the Black Caucus Meeting!!!!!! https://t.co/Nypn8PMLPE
@rikyrah: I hope we learn who that official was. Leak it!
Skeptical Brotha (@skepticalbrotha) posted at 8:52 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Day one of the #DNCConvention2024 and Kamala Harris is ahead before the Convention convenes. I predict it will stay this way. If she wins the debate she’ll never be behind. We need to keep working. https://t.co/9dgsHgzx81
(((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) posted at 6:58 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Watching CNN anchors whine that Kamala Harris won’t talk to them is pathetic. CNN’s new owners at WB Discovery made it clear they were no longer a news outlet but purely about ratings when they announced last year a “move to center.” https://t.co/UDAL2UNYPL
@rikyrah: Along the lines of voting for Nixon in ’68 to unleash his “secret plan for peace in Vietnam.”
How’d that work out?
(((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) posted at 7:00 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Real News outlets do NOT move to center. They cover the news–even if that means being very critical of Trump because he is a threat to our Republic. CNN is now Fox News lite.
Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) posted at 6:30 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Harris’ housing plan is basically: 1. supply increases, using a variety of policy tools, and 2. grants to first-time homebuyers.
This is basically what Singapore does. And their housing system is arguably the best in the world.
scary lawyerguy (@scarylawyerguy) posted at 7:27 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
The media will gladly sell out democracy if it means ad dollars, clicks, and ratings. Reporters who had seven figure book deals dancing in their heads imagining a second Trump term will do everything they can to kneecap Harris. Don’t fool yourself, the media is on Trump’s side.
scary lawyerguy (@scarylawyerguy) posted at 6:38 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
When Biden was still in the race, the Times was like “who cares about policy, the vibes are terrible.” Now that Harris is in the race, the Times is like “who cares about the vibes, where’s the policy.” It’s a feature, not a bug. Just keep moving those goal posts …
Lauren-Ashley Arts (@LaurenAshley087) posted at 7:03 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Observation from PA: Every single attack ad against MVP is focused on the border. Every single one. It’s their ONLY focus.
Paul W.
I am on a tight budget, both time and finances (the latter is hopefully just artificial due to some accounts payable not coming through) so cannot participate at this time. Hopefully September catches me up and I can contribute more in the future!
I am doing turnout stuff through other channels right now, but it has to be during the workday for now.
@Hoodie: It’s actually true. Planned Parenthood is providing medication abortion and other services in a mobile clinic on Monday and Tuesday outside the DNC.
ETA: Well not that the DNC is providing abortions, of course.
It makes sense if their real goal isn’t to help the Palestinians but to throw the election to Donald Trump.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: It makes sense in the sense that giant orgs and federations do multiple things at once, frequently at cross purposes.
It’s healthy for the democratic party to hash out the disagreement internally, which is what this represents.
The warping effect of democrats vs Trump eclipsing everything is kinda unhealthy for the party but incredibly useful in the short term.
The party is pretty big, and don’t really expect “defeat the Republicans above all” to carry over 95% buy in. 5% is a big number to be doing other stuff, it’s fine.
Update: We will reschedule the zoom for after the convention.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: They tell themselves that it’s not their responsibility. If Democrats don’t win, it’s because Democrats aren’t listening to them. Not that they would vote for Democrats, because Democrats are bad.
Apologies for posting a gift link to FTFNYT, but this article about TCFG’s plans to use the military for domestic “control” is maybe worth checking out.
Re the Zoom, I may have to be working at that time — got a bit of a crunch at work and we’re all putting in extra hours. But I will make it if I can. ETA: Will probably still be true after the convention, alas.
@tam1MI: I don’t think that’s their plan. I am sure there are some provocateurs and some fakers, but I’m pretty sure most of them sincerely want things done in Palestine and really don’t like Trump. I’ve met plenty of these people IRL and they’re crazy but they’re not MAGAs either.
@HumboldtBlue: 🍿🍿🍿
@tam1MI: That is the goal. They want the US to abandon Israel completely. They are not advocating for peace
They think they can take over the Democratic party if the Ds lose this cycle. Like the tea-partiers did to the Republican party post Obama.
If HAMAS accepts, expect their to be more goalposts!
I said elsewhere that Biden was working on a ceasefire either to happen before/during/after the DNC, but def before election day.
@rikyrah: This is what every privileged white kid in a mass-produced keffiyeh should be asked. Why are they ready and willing to doom literally everyone who isn’t a straight white able-bodied man? Ask them why they don’t care one whit about:
And…drumroll please…
Because even if for some soulless, narrow-minded, childish reason, they have decided that Palestinians are the only people in the whole world who matter at all, how on Earth do they think Trump will be any better for them? He wouldn’t care if Israel dropped nukes on Gaza, for eff’s sake. So the one group they are apparently able to care about would ALSO be grievously harmed, and their tiny brains suffocating in vape smoke cannot seem to grasp that.
Seriously? How does that happen? Most Americans don’t care that much about Israel or Palestine.
My husband told me this morning that he had a terrible nightmare last night. I asked him what it was about, and he said “Donald Trump”. I said yes, that would be a nightmare, and I asked him what the dream was. He said “I was trying to kill him and no matter what I did, he wouldn’t stay dead!”. LOL, that sounds like a dream he would have. He said it stopped when he woke up and then started again when he went back to sleep, which he has also done before. A lot of him is in there still. Evidently he was trying to shoot him and cut him up, for just two examples. LOL
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@KatKapCC: Maybe these protestors don’t really want to throw the election to Trump but find it entertaining to tell Democrats in the bipartisan Islamophobic majority that they would.
Can’t say I blame them…
Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) posted at 11:20 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Retired federal court Judge J. Michael Luttig, a prominent conservative legal scholar, is endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris:
“In the presidential election of 2024 there is only one political party and one candidate for the presidency that can claim the mantle of defender and protector of America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law. As a result, I will unhesitatingly vote for the Democratic Party’s candidate for the Presidency of the United States, Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.”
Aida Ross (@aidaross_) posted at 10:52 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Our future vice president @Tim_Walz has the entire DNC Native Caucus meeting on their feet and cheering “Coach!” https://t.co/BpxKLocP3O
Ooooh…they really trying to get rid of chump from the party…Nicky Haley dumb azz the only one still trying to “elect” chump….smh
Her calculation…she knows 4 more years of Trump will be a disaster and she can come sweep in, but a challenge to a newly minted President Harris will be harder for her.
These other repubs just want Chump out ot their party, and surely think Kamala Harris will be a one term POTUS and maybe easy beatable if they expunge the maga from their ranks.
Brenda💙46 – Build Back Better 🚗🚕🚙 (@kinley_brenda) posted at 9:04 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
#DemsUnited #ProudBlue
Rachel Bitecofer reminds us that . .
Republicans believe everything except tax cuts for billionaires, is Communism
Republicans believe everything that helps the middle and working class is Communism
Republicans believe that Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, 40 hour work week, worker safety laws, Environmental laws, unemployment insurance, Public schools, lowering grocery bills, building affordable housing, is Communism
Republicans believe pretty much anything that helps hard working, everyday Americans, is Communism!
, https://t.co/6xJcQuNvqC
@rikyrah: Terry Watkins teaches in China now, and is a convention delegate for overseas Democrats.
Brynna Quillin (@brynnaquillin) posted at 11:06 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
I’m very excited to announce the launch of https://t.co/sGKOYY5rGE — our brand-new, one-stop shop for finding the highest priority events near you, joining our online communities, getting set up with our organizing tools, and more! https://t.co/wNFYq2T6b4
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: You have repeatedly insisted that some massive portion of elected Dems are Islamophobic. I don’t deny that those sentiments exist, but can you provide statements and actions from elected officials that support this? And no, you can’t use statements supporting Israel, because that doesn’t automatically equal Islamophobic. What are the specific things that specific Dems have said or done that translates to “I hate Muslims”?
Yes…my Wonder Woman FOREVER…I don’t care what anyone else does…LOL
Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) posted at 0:16 PM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
Sec Blinken says Israel has accepted U.S.-backed bridging proposal for a cease-fire, calls on Hamas to do the same
ABC 7 Chicago (@ABC7Chicago) posted at 0:20 PM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
British tech magnate Mike Lynch and five other people were missing after their luxury superyacht sank during a freak storm off Sicily. https://t.co/GdxxUMHKqs
Longtime Black Man Here (@groove_sdc) posted at 6:13 AM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
I knew the goalposts would move cause that’s how ops operate.
We went from “ceasefire now” to “um actually we want a weapons embargo” once it became clear the Biden-Harris administration had been working on a ceasefire for quite sometime now.
@rikyrah: The response to this is pretty telling:
Sean Angelina
I just summarily blocked a mutual this afternoon for saying “we hound Kamala, not Trump, bc she’s an easier target” Yeah? Fuck you and the watermelon you rode in on.
This makes a certain sort of sense- obviously protesting a Trump rally doesn’t help anything. Trump is not going to change his policy. It’s just that these people are idiots and have no plan beyond protesting. They don’t understand how to leverage their numbers into anything.
Bird dog+Teva=rat’s bad day.
The dog has been fixated by the gap under the AC box and managed to pluck a rat from it just now (stupid rat, you had three other ways to go). Chased puppy off before he could ponder eating the thing, then finished the creature off with a Teva flip flop. Behold, the mighty power of the humble flip flop. (Which I’m now washing.)
Somewhere is a metaphor for how to deal with Republicans.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I actually never specified elected Dems, though I would certainly include some. And it’s all dogwhistle type shit.
As far as I am concerned if you can’t talk about Palestine without raising Hamas, you’re on the list.
If you didn’t object while the media raised a furor against protestors not seen since BLM and not again until Biden became too old, you’re on the list.
I’m not going to sit here name checking people on a system-wide problem.
Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) posted at 8:43 PM on Sun, Aug 18, 2024:
This man is effortlessly linking Democratic party values to the emotional foundations of American football culture as part of a Presidential campaign.
If I had read it in a screenplay, I’d have told you that it’s a lovely feel good story, but such a politician doesn’t exist.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, … S&P500 is back above where it was before the panic/crash of a few weeks ago.
Eyes on the prizes.
@HumboldtBlue: How does that prove anything? They think Democrats and Republicans are fascists.
It’s pretty clear the Rs don’t know what to do about the Joy factor in the Harris-Walz campaign. I’d imagine it’s have at least a slightly dampening effect on the Pro-Palestinians.
@rikyrah: That screencap strongly suggests Trump has a ceiling. I think I’ve seen similar analysis showing his poll numbers just aren’t moving over time.
CNN made a huge mistake and had on a guy who actually speaks about facts and truths and compares Harris to the absurdity that is Trump.
Tevas are great because you can throw them in the washing machine. They are the only flip flops that I wear.
It’s the orcas again, isn’t it? Except now they’re using the storms as cover.
@lamh47: The timing here is coincidental, I think. In any event, we won’t know if this ceasefire will go through until the weekend, when the Israeli cabinet votes on it. That’s asuming Hamas signs on by Friday.
Israel’s negotiating team– the Mossad and Shin Bet directors plus an IDF general– negotiate under a Cabinet mandate and the “political echelon” has final say over the deal.
Tim Walz is so fucking good at this. Harris hit a grand slam with the choice.
He is so damn good at this.
Wow the sour look on that anchor’s face speaks volumes as the economist criticizes TCFG’s “plan.”
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: No, you have in the past referenced Dem politicians. But now that you are asked for specifics, you cannot provide them. Okay. Sure.
The reason why Hamas comes up is because THEY ARE PART OF THIS CONVERSATION, a part that the anti-Israel side never wants to discuss. Look at this ceasefire issue — people act like it’s ALL on Israel, when Hamas has refused multiple ceasefire offers, too. They are an actor here too and too many people pretend like they aren’t. Further, the fact that Hamas tends to set up in civilian areas matters when casualty numbers are passed around, because those numbers include Hamas combatants, not just innocent civilians.
Can this work the other way, though? Are you able to talk about the antisemitism Jews face in this country and others without bringing up Israel and Netanyahu?
If you didn’t object when those protestors started screaming “Gas the Jews” and “Long live October 7th” and calling Jewish students devils and demons and Zio-Nazis, how are you any better than the people you are railing against?
You’re not going to name-check because you don’t have names. Cool story.
Love this clip:
Kamala Harris has always been the real deal, especially when it comes to young people. She always makes is a priority to encourage young people she meets in the rope line, just like this young lady.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
Please explain how one could possibly talk about Palestine and its current situation and ignore Hamas? You must know that sounds ridiculously absurd, don’t you?
@eclare: Heh, washer’s where mine are ATM. Not only does one have rat debris, they were both redolent of mid-summer funk.
Will give a nod to Chacos and Keen as worthy Teva competitors, but Teva led the charge IMHO. Last forever.
@HumboldtBlue: There’s a list? Fvck, lost mine.
According to the report, the event “drew dozens of attendees!” DOZENS, I tell you!
Thank you to WaterGirl and the Civic Center for rescheduling the Zoom so that we don’t have to choose between 2 simultaneous exciting events!
And huge thanks to Angel PatrickG, for the big donation, and the other donors to whom it provided an incentive!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Your claim. Receipts, please. I find this curious, because the majority of my personal ire is trained on the media and various Universities’ leadership.
Also, you are one of, now, two people who have tried to associate me with violent anti-Semitic rhetoric. Unlike the first person, you were smart enough to not accuse me of issuing the rhetoric directly. I’m not responsible to have an omniscient awareness of all Islamophobia that has occurred anywhere. I’m responsible to call it out where I see it. Which I do. The Islamophobia is a far, FAR bigger problem right now.
But given that you, personally, are engaged in the exact type of guilt-by-association dogwhistle politics I described above; I will say you, personally, are part of that bipartisan Islamophobic majority.
Candice Bergen became my hero when she nixed heels and other shoe styles for sneakers. I followed her lead; it’s sneakers or flip flops for me! Snow boots when necessary. I’m 5’2” and you all can just deal with it! LOL
It is maddening that pundits/broadcasters are always viewing every policy and news story through the horse race of who is up and who is down and how it will affect the election. We keep doing this about the genocide in Palestine on this blog. Yes, some protesters aren’t protesting perfectly. And what is happening in Gaza is a genocide. Can we make space for both things? Imperfect protesters doesn’t mean we forsake the Palestinians. What Israel is doing to the Palestinians in Gaza is absolutely a crime against humanity and we are helping them with weapons, money, and running interference for them at the U.N.
Every day this goes on is a tragedy. The protesters are at least trying to get the US to recognize the human suffering and to stop enabling it. I condemn any anti semitism, hate speech or illegal activity. I absolutely support their right to protest.
VFX Lurker
I have the Roland S. Martin livestream of the Black Caucus at the Democratic National Convention: Day 1 playing on another monitor, so I saw this happen. Walz was great!
In a photo from the bus tour in PA yesterday, Harris was wearing Chucks, Gwen Walz was wearing sneakers, and Emhoff and Tim Walz were wearing comfy soled shoes (looked like slip-ons).
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@HumboldtBlue: You can’t support equitable treatment for Palestinians without supporting Hamas. It is known…by asshats. Same way you can’t talk about police violence without discussing black on black crime.
Your whataboutism is a faux enlightened excuse to continue supporting the one side we’ve always supported in this decades-long conflict, to keep doing what we’re already doing. Which, to be clear, is supporting a colonial project long engaged in the continued annexation of land and increasingly moving toward genocide.
Yah, I’m at the point of “Announce it when it’s a DONE DEAL.” Too many times the rug has been pulled out from beneath us.
Follow Knowa, the youngest delegate at the DNC convention.
@eclare: We clearly need Peggy Noonan on shoe patrol the rest of this election cycle.
@VFX Lurker: they literally sent Walz to “crash” every caucus they had…LOL>
I saw clips of him at Native caucus, LGTBQ+ caucus…etc.
Again, very smart sending Walz out to welcome folks.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
That may be the stupidest fucking comment I’ve read on this blog. I feel sorry for you, that you’re this misguided, this willfully ignorant, this willing to embarrass yourself.
Now run the fuck along, you’re dismissed.
Amazing. Great to see.
What!? Have they no respect for political norms? The men should be wearing four-inch lifts inside black dress shoes, and walking with that odd forward-tilted posture.
He probably just wanted to sample the different buffet options.
VFX Lurker
OMG, that’s just awesome. ❤️❤️❤️
Nancy Pelosi doesn’t belong on that list. Of course it was going to be Kamala. She was the only person who could keep the campaign running seamlessly. All it required was amended filings with the FEC. Anyone else would not have had access to the 240 million cash on hand. They couldn’t have kept the staff, offices, furniture equipment or fixtures without disruption. Also too – no one else created the legal entity, got the Tax ID or filed their campaign committee and paperwork with the FEC. They would have had to do so ahead of time in order to accept donations. Not one of the possible contenders filed with the FEC. It was always going to be Kamala. The idea that Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, Jeffries, and Clyburn didn’t plan this outcome is not credible.
Followed with looks of pity. DonOLD can’t handle being laughed at, nor pitied.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Brilliant. It’s like ‘Hair Furor’ in that it works best in written form. I’m always on the lookout for new slurs to label Felonious D with.
@trollhattan: BAHAHAHAAA!!!😹😹
zhena gogolia
@tam1MI: Amen.
Kamala Harris uses sign language to say she supports ending language deprivation for deaf kids.
A clip to make you smile!
It’s the last one for me…”fk trump he belongs in jail”
May the odds be with him when the SS dream police show up to question him.
That’s some Miracle on 34th Street shit there.
@MomSense: thank you for those calm words of wisdom.
So that rich guy’s yacht was named “Bayesian.” Guess he forgot to adjust his priors.
zhena gogolia
@VFX Lurker: Fabulous, thanks!
@rikyrah: As someone who was once in a reading group with Cornell West, I’m pretty disappointed in his judgement, but it seems like it has been going sideways since he lost his patience with Obama a long time ago.
It would be good if he’d take responsibility for what his actions do.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@HumboldtBlue: Really? What’s so stupid about it? I described the demands that our culture is putting on discussion of the I/P conflict as I see them.
You can’t support Palestine without being accused of supporting Hamas. You will also be held accountable for all anti-Semitism anywhere regardless of the perpetrator or their goals.
Pro-Palestinian Jewish people have been disappeared by this strain of conversation. Threats and violence in the other direction.
The entire media is pushing this agenda, all but a few universities faced with protests responded by bringing in the state to commit violence against the protestors. Few thought to hear them out or treat is as an educational opportunity.
Democrats, not openly baying for blood like Republicans, are mostly complicit in accepting the both-sidesing framing of the media and not recognizing that neither the treatment nor the capabilities of the sides are the same.
If that is how you refer to people literally screaming for all Jews to be killed and hunting Jews down in the streets with baseball bats and attacking children at an elementary school graduation and creating lists of Jewish-owned businesses for a modern Kristallnacht and so on and so on…then you have a warped view of this situation.
I said plainly that I condemn anti semitism and hate speech.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation:
This one sentence speaks volumes about what you really think. If you can ignore the violence and attacks on Jews since October 7th, then yeah, that tells us who you are. I cannot keep discussing this with you if you’re operating from a premise that the bigotry enacted against Jews does not exist.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@KatKapCC: As someone now on their second instance of a commenter on this very blog libelously associating me with death threats, I have a hard time accepting your characterization of the current state of affairs.
ETA: Especially now that I have double checked and you are the one on this thread trying to hold me responsible for anti-Semitism elsewhere.
You’re a bigot. Go piss up a rope.
I Googled what an 183 foot yacht looks like. Damn big boat. I have a hard time thinking a ‘ freak storm’ sank it.
@rikyrah: The storm broke the mainmast. Depending on where the break was and how the mast was stayed, I can see the broken mast going straight down and punching a hole through the hull.
Need More Info, as usual.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Nice strawman. Let’s return to what I actually said, your excerpt should suffice in this case.
So the framing I chose says Islamophobia is the bigger problem, suggesting that I do recognize anti-Semitism as also a problem.
Why do I choose Islamophobia as the bigger problem? Because it is broadly accepted. Anti-Semitism is more recognized as a problem and gets far more pushback.
Honestly, I think you’re the one who doesn’t take anti-Semitism seriously. You’d rather use it as a blunt rhetorical cudgel than treat it as a serious problem.
@Thylacine: Updating by God.
@Timill: 246-foot mast. Sounds huge, but I guess the main mast is often taller than the ship is long.
@prostratedragon: I wonder what kind of weather event was involved. A thunderstorm with a microburst?
I’m thankful she put the country first.