Everything I’ve observed and read about Gwen Walz so far tells me she’s an empathetic, courageous person who has changed the lives of countless students. She may also quietly be as funny as her spouse.
Anecdote I read recently: Gwen Walz’s surname before marriage was Whipple. She considered going by a hyphenated last name — Whipple-Walz — but decided it “sounded too much like a bird call.”
Did I mention she was an English teacher? I already love her and hope we’ll have eight years to get to know her better.
Open thread!
Is Tim a roll of Charmin?
I would pay good money to have a President Whipple in office.
She’s an English teacher? Oh man. I did really enjoy the top she wore last night. The sequined flowers. Thought it looked nice, and it was just a different appearance than everyone else.
I hope she’s as pedantic as the jackalariat.
with the Walz family being of modest means, I’m hoping that she’ll really be a connection to all of those women in the workforce. Not that MVP isn’t exceptional (she is) but the whole supposed construct of an American ideal family can be seen in them and I look forward to hearing her speak and her ideas. I suspect she may well be a not-so-secret weapon.
As soon as I saw her I knew she was an English teacher!
Yes, I hope we all have 8 years to get to know her better.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
Dan B
Seattle Meet-up:
The Meet-up post us in the sidebar and in the “hamburger” (three horizontal dashes at top right in Mobile) in case we need to be in touch. (In case there’s a T-storm on the floating bridges…)
OT, apologies, but may be timely since the weather has gotten suddenly dicey.
The one thing I hope all the DNC speakers do this week is speak faster — would be a bad thing if Harris’s speech gets pushed to 11:30pm Eastern because speakers pause for every bit of applause instead of talking over it.
Bagel J
My sister knew Gwen (Whipple) Walz at Gustavus Adolphus College, a little Swedish Lutheran school in MN. Says Gwen was very nice and has a lovely singing voice, which given the strength of the choir at Gustavus is saying something.
Dan B
@piratedan: I hear she’s impressive. Go Gwen!
Dan B
@BR: AOC spoke over the applause. Way to go Alexandria!
“Please don’t clap.”
Yes, Gwen Walz seems like the real deal and someone I’d love to have a cup of coffee with.
She has clarified that she did have fertility treatments but did not have IVF. She had intrauterine insemination.
Tim Walz did say it was IVF and he’s getting some criticism for saying it, so I’m glad she clarified it.
If you’ve known anyone who has had to take those shots for fertility treatments, you know how awful that can be. And waiting month after month with disappointment after disappointment when it seems like everyone else is having babies is agonizing.
And no matter which method is used, Republicans are still trying to control women’s bodies.
I didn’t hyphenate, in part, because my maiden and married names rhyme. So, mad respect for Gwen Walz. She seems just as likeable as he is.
But somehow, this isn’t leading the news on every cable channel.
on Filipkowski
On US peace negotiations between Israel and Gaza: “The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the PM of Israel urging him not to cut a deal right now because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign.”
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Baud: “I have marked up 17 places in this legislation where effect and affect were misused”
It’s not leading the news because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign.
karen marie
@Leto: I did not see Ms. Walz’s blouse but I was taken with Jill Biden’s dress. I thought it was very flattering with just the right amount of glitz and a great color.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Did everyone bring a blue book and a sharpened no2 pencil?
@rikyrah: The old Nixon-Reagan scheme, eh?
Guess we find out how good Bibi and Donny are as a buddy team. Bastards.
What the hell rhymes with “WindFire”? SinnedLiar? PinnedChoir? GrinnedPyre?
James Is READY TO STAFF (@ScriptsByJames) posted at 10:40 PM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
There’s big “fuck you” energy coming from the Democrats towards the right and tbh it’s dope as shit and will be a big reason we win
You don’t play nice with folks who wanna take your rights away. Fuck them.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ll never tell. 😉
Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) posted at 1:14 PM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
Biden’s emotional speech was fantastic, but people aren’t talking enough about what he said about Kamala in particular. Biden subtly rebutted some of Trump’s sleazy, racist attacks on her in a very artful way, and that’s essential to winning.
My take:
Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) posted at 1:31 PM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
It was a beautiful thing when Biden said he was proud he’d picked a cabinet that is diverse as America itself, and talked about Kamala Harris’s role in making that history — and what’s coming next:
Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) posted at 1:39 PM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
When Trump says Kamala isn’t really “black” and Rs call her a “DEI hire,” they’re saying she’s pulling a big race hustle. The answer to this is that normie voters will see racial progress as a reason to feel good about our country. Speak to that.
https://t.co/weTej4Hb2m https://t.co/8TZOXLG8ir
@Baud: It wouldn’t change the protesters’ minds because they believe all Biden has to do is cut off weapons supplies to Israel.
Brad the Grim
NObody does meta like Baud!
The cognitive dissonance from the GOP — demanding reproduction of all women, while vilifying assisted fertility methods — is something to behold.
It was really pretty. WWD reports on the designers.
@Dan B:
Exactly — AOC (and other good speakers) know that you have to keep talking and just raise your voice, and it actually sounds even better when they do that.
@SiubhanDuinne: GirthGrindTire
Protestors aren’t coming around. But a real ceasefire would be a boost simply because it takes a difficult topic out of the headlines.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@rikyrah: Totally legal for people who aren’t our President to be conducting foreign policy, right…?
@BellyCat: If you require assistance, it means you are not favored by God and therefore must suffer his wrath. Any attempt to subvert his will is a sin.
@Scout211: that’s such a teacher’s top, and I mean that in the best possible way.
@BellyCat: It’s another way of ranking women by their reproductive value. Those who can’t be “blessed” with children are condescended to and lesser than but they can help with their better’s children. You know, like post-menopausal women.
zhena gogolia
We watched one of her speeches and cried through the whole thing.
Tony Jay
Being English isn’t something you can teach. It’s a state you can only achieve through suffering, mortification and sufficient heart-breaking despair to whittle down the average human soul to a burnished nubbin of apathetic numbness.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: 😂😩
Betty Cracker
@Bagel J: I wonder if the Walzes named their son Gus after Gustavus Adolphus? 🤔
zhena gogolia
@Tony Jay: 😄
‘Chuck-will’s-widow’ and ‘kis-ka-dee’ leap to mind, for bird calls… I can see why she did that. (Those are the eponymous calls of 2 North American species, for those who don’t partake…)
Trivia Man
Obligatory Bird Song
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: trump is so dumb he does it in the open….unlike Reagan who conspired with the Iranians in secret….
betraying your country for personal gain and power seems like it’s standard procedure in the repub party…
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
► Hillary was hilarious last night on Stephen Colbert (video)
@Leto: when she stood up you can see that it is a dress. Like WWD reported, “a flared frock.” The flowers go all the way down her dress.
@prufrock: @EarthWindFire:
Ah… Totally makes sense now. It’s a good thing that Viagra was given an exemption in these same scriptures. /s
Mike E
@Leto: Grinned
God plans ahead.
Dick Woodcock
I work for a plumbing company. My boss’ last name at the time was Whipple.
Our company had some sort of promotion going on with Charmin. We’d give out a free roll of it to our customers. So, we got like a dozen cases of Charmin sent to us on UPS. When our driver unloaded the first box, she pointed at the label and said “Really?”
These cases of Charmin were all addressed to “Mr. Whipple”. :-D
@Trollhattan: Seems like one way to play this is to say – loudly and repeatedly – that if there is no deal, regardless of why, it’s all Trump’s fault.
And if a deal is struck, Trump is an evil but buffoonishly incompetent cartoon villain. And laugh at him over it.
@cain: …huh
Editing: Ok nevermind, now I recall those ads. At first I could not make heads or tails of your question and reread the post three times thinking I missed a reference to toilet paper :p
Trivia Man
@sukabi: A long cherished republican tradition. I called it months ago – DonOLD and Bibi conspiring on foreign policy. What is the Act that forbids free lance diplomacy? Nobody mentioned that when Bibi openly visited MAL and they both bragged about “working on the issues” or whatever phrase it was.
@Bagel J: Singing in a choir is a nice antidote to our hyper-individualistic American culture. Choir singing is not about standing out, but blending your voice with others, singing your part while others sing theirs, it’s about the whole not the singular. Not a big surprise she has turned out a balanced individual. I too hope we have many years to get to know her better.
How solid is the reporting? Trump’s efforts to scuttle the border deal are well documented. Can’t do much with a lazy piece by a single outlet.
Hey, I never sang choir and I turned out….oh.
Tony Jay
@zhena gogolia:
It’s true. The more colossal screw-ups we make the more English we become. If we keep our record up we’ll evolve natural bowler hats and start every morning failing to conquer France.
I wonder if she picked tan on purpose. We know her shade-fu is strong.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Why can’t he?
@Tony Jay: I can’t decide whether you’re talking about “people who teach the subject English”, or the “English citizens who are teachers” — in the latter case, it’s a much grimmer assessment.
zhena gogolia
@Dick Woodcock: I hope you didn’t squeeze it!
@Kristine: She looks good in tan, but there could be a little “up yours” in there as well. After Obama got dinged for his tan suit I wanted him to wear a different shade of tan suit every day.
@Trivia Man: I think it’s the Logan Act.
I’ll repost this excellent and scathing take down of the DC media.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Trivia Man: The Hatch Act, I think
ETA: I google both Logan Act (which sukabi mentions) and Hatch Act. They both seem to fit? IANAL
@Baud: Well, you could hardly hide the public about-face the GOP senators did by voting against a bill they helped to draft. That’s a standard I don’t think we should be held to w/r/t Bibi and Donold.
But the existence of the border deal tanking – standing alone – gives sufficient credence to the Netanyahu story to wonder aloud or “just ask questions” about whether Trump is acting to keep the Gaza death count on the uptick as a campaign strategy.
Tony Jay
Glenn Kessler has looked into these claims and concluded that, because Israel is the name given to both a modern country and a bronze-age hill-kingdom, no one can say conclusively which one Trump was talking about in his conversation with the Prime Minister of modern Israel.
Therefore he rates these claims at Five Pinocchios and calls neener-neener.
@rikyrah: I’ve seen a few people comment that as far as Kamala’s Blackness, one marker we can use is: “Would Trump have rented an apartment to her back in the day?”
Of course the other marker is the fact that her father was Black, but you know…conservatives have always hated many aspects of science, so I guess they’ve added genetics to that list.
@Tony Jay:
Tony Jay
Always go with the grimmer assessment. Saves time.
Betty Cracker
Boneheaded subhead in WaPo article on Ashley Biden:
Only child? Nope. Joe is the biological father and dad in every sense to all three, and Jill is mom to them.
Maybe I’m sensitive to this because my brother and I have different dads, but he’s my brother, even though he listens to Joe Rogan and will probably vote for Trump. (That makes me want to thrash him like the old days, but no one dares call him “half” in my presence.)
Trivia Man
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Sukabi says Logan Act, i think that’s right. Hatch Act prohibits campaigning with government resources or on the clock.
Caught your edit, the Logan Act is specifically getting involved in a USA dispute with a foreign government. I call this a dispute for sure.
@lollipopguild: I always thought Obama looked fly in the tan suit. I didn’t know what the dang problem with it was!
And Harris is one of those ladies who looks amazing in every color.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Trump has had a pretty good run criming out in the open and not being held to account. To some, the logic works “he did it in the open = he doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong = it isn’t illegal.”
Terrible logic but it seems to hold for Trump. Noteworthy that his criminal convictions are behavior he made every effort to conceal.
“Auntie, we’re matching!”
I didn’t realize that *all* of the places Trump is stopping this week are Klan hotspots:
I thought both Gwen and Dr. Jill looked lovely.
Making a weakly substantiated accusation if the cease fire talks fails looks weak IMHO.
Sheesh, every day it feels like my brain reminds me one more time that I’m nearing the end of my 40s. It just took me a solid minute to convert CDT to PDT in my head to figure out when the main festivities begin today.
Young Knowa is having a blast.
Also, if they were stopped by police, what race would police assume they were?
I think it’s not age. It’s like road navigation. Technology has allowed us to turn off that part of our brains because we can rely on our devices.
So cute!
@BellyCat: While on the topic, wonder if one of these “reproductive sins” was committed by friends of mine a couple of decades ago. And, if so, I’ll surely be “held accountable” for my role.
My friends had been trying for several years to have children, including using some assistive methods; however, nothing was working. The husband was told he had “weak swimmers”.
Hmmmm….. I asked whether he ever tried “helping them along”. Husband: “How? We’ve spent a fortune trying to ‘help them along’.” Me: “Well, this might sound crazy, but it’s free. Immediately after your next effort, maybe your wife could position herself to take advantage of the benefits of gravity? And, the more the slope, the better this might be for your swimmers!”
(There was much hilarity in this conversation, which involved too much wine, but husband is also an architect and wife is an engineer. Not a shred of medical knowledge among us, but ya’ got a practical problem — why not try a practical and free solution?)
A few months later, I got a call from my friend: “IT WORKED!!!!” Me: “What worked?” Him: “Your gravity idea! My wife spent several hours afterwards, upside down on the couch, with her torso pretty much vertical and her legs draped over the back. Only problem is that it worked a little too well. WE’RE GOING TO HAVE TWINS, YOU BASTARD!”
(They eventually forgave me…. I think).
Scott MacFarlane xit:
Another decorative plate added to my commemorative collection! 🎉
A bird song by Boz Scaggs 🎶
Brings out my cajun
@Rusty: It’s every bit as much of a team effort as playing on a sports team. It teaches you to work well with others. Same for band and orchestra. It’s also a sublime experience.
@karen marie: I think that Jill’s bluish sparkly dress was about the most flattering thing I’ve ever seen her wear. She looked lovely from all aspects.
I haven’t seen it posted yet, but Sec Clinton was on Colbert last night. It was a really good interview. Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ interview was really good too.
JV Vance is Jonah Ryan.
@Betty Cracker: While not a bird call, a former co-worker’s last name was Green and she married a guy named Pickles, so of course she went with the hyphenated name of Green-Pickles.
Our daughter was on her third round of IUI when she got pregnant; their plan was to give it four tries, and then move on to IVF if they had to.
They didn’t.
They had boy-girl twins on Jan 6, 2021, delivered by c-section just as the first insurrectionists were breaching the capitol.
These twins run around barefoot most of the time. At 3 and a half, they love to race, shouting, straight into Port Townsend Bay. They eat raspberries by the bucket.
They’re why I get weepy every time I see Kamala Harris striding into an arena to the sound of Beyonce’s Freedom. Kamala could be the president they associate with the word — the person who was running the country while they were growing up.
Whether fertility treatments are IUI or IVF, Team Weirdo is still going to find reasons to sneer at people who need them. Fuck those guys.
They must have Trump on horse tranquilizers. This extra-low-energy, even for his stupid ass.
October Light
Bird Song (Live in Veneta, Oregon 8/27/72)
Super Dave
@Trivia Man: the Logan Act
Sure Lurkalot
I’m nearing the end of my…my…oh my…let’s just say a bigger number and I’m sorry to inform you that the brain freeze/fart fun is just beginning. Would that we could pick the things we forget.
@Trollhattan: I’d like to see them spend the rest of their miserable, substandard existences rotting in a prison cell together.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Trump would know all about that.
Also, he doesn’t understand that government economic data often gets revised and always has been, including when he was in office
@BellyCat: I wonder if she would have done it if she’d been the architect and he had been the engineer.
@cain: Deep but that also shows your age and I guess mine.
@eclare: My friends eventually got even.
My first (and only) child was born eight years ago, less than one month after I turned 50. His Mother conceived at age 45. No, we did not tempt fate with the ‘gravity method’ but…. HE IS VERY ENERGETIC.
West of the Cascades
Probably been said, but I hope we have 16 years to get to know Gwen Walz (8 during the Walz-AOC administrations).
@Super Dave: I’m sure Roberts already has that Supreme Court decision written and sitting on his desk.
@eclare: I loved the green suit that Maxine Waters wore last night too.
The ReidOut (@thereidout) posted at 2:56 PM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
Harris and Walz are hitting Trump where it hurts: his masculinity…
The Harris-Walz campaign is sharpening its rhetoric about Trump’s fake tough-guy act, and they’d be smart to keep at it.
More on our #ReidOutBlog: https://t.co/KnuioZWD2q
@Scout211: yup Someone on CNN said my husband would get that wrong, and criticizing it will only open the door to real problems with fertility. It was the republican. I guess Vance wants to outlaw that treatment
@hitchhiker: What a wild day to welcome two new citizens to the planet!
Sister Golden Bear
@prufrock: Limp dick exempted. That’s why God created boner pills doncha know. /s
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Kay had an interesting comment about this from below:
@Belafon: If she had been the architect, the back of the sofa would have been too low and too uncomfortable to pull off this feat. LOL
@KatKapCC: “: I always thought Obama looked fly in the tan suit. I didn’t know what the dang problem with it was!”
It was on that ‘surprisingly articulate boy’, if you catch my drift.
Old School
Here’s the schedule for Night 2 of the DNC.
Barack Obama is scheduled for 10:00 PM. (Central time). So an even later night for folks on the east coast.
Harris’ big night is Thursday. The coterie of speakers should be thinned out by then.
Gwen Walz’s face listening to Hillary last night was so identifiable. Admiring, happy, near rears, shaking her head back and forth like,”oh, what we missed”.
And knowing that she is on her way to the Big Show, too.
@BellyCat: It really was. I was bouncing off the walls of our house, watching tv and waiting for news and photos.
They live near, but this was before we could be vaccinated & no one was allowed into the hospital. So there was nothing to do but stare in disbelief at the news.
VoteHeaux™; A creole banjee bitch from (@voteheaux) posted at 2:51 PM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
What’s stopping all the “Abandon Biden/Abandon Harris” ppl from carrying their asses over to Palestine, organizing, & starting an “Abandon Netanyahu/Abandon HAMAS” movement?
Their goal isn’t saving Palestine, it’s saving the American GOP. That’s what.
https://t.co/FuDV7TVYyt https://t.co/RhktnlS4tJ
@West of the Cascades: Walz-Buttigieg
@Leto: Thanks for that link-she looked and sound fantastic.
Dan B
@Rusty: This “blending in” is true, unless you’re me in seventh grade choir. At our recital in the 500 seat auditorium there were 20 sopranos, 28 Altos, a dozen basses and four tenors. I was one although I’m a baritone. We came to the Hallelujah Chorus and I realized it was time to carry the tenor section. My father’s parents were soloists with the Chicago Symphony, including with Arturo Toscanini. My mother had a Masters in music including undergrad at Oberlin. Singing strong and on key was in my DNA. I went for it. I got a 100 from the music teacher.
So, there are exceptions, and I love Gwen.
I love this:
The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) posted at 11:05 PM on Mon, Aug 19, 2024:
“And the most powerful woman in the world wiped my tears and listened.” — Rep. @JasmineforUS https://t.co/7DpsfcelHD
@HumboldtBlue: Wonder if he’s heard Queen Liz wasn’t impressed either. Found him ‘Very rude’ and assumed there must be some of arrangement to explain his marriage to Melania.
Graniad Gossip
So let me get this straight. He’s accusing the government of fraudulently reporting jobs numbers and then the (very common) revision of those numbers is proof that the original numbers were fraud?
This guy is not even very good at lying. He’s so weird.
Almost Retired
@Bagel J: My sister in law is a GA grad.
Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) posted at 1:19 PM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
There are just 22 House races rated “toss up” by trusted experts.
These are the 22 races that will come down to a point or two, which means we can dive in and change the outcome, and win the House majority.
Follow these 22 candidates, retweet them, donate, sign up to volunteer:
@hitchhiker: Damn… forgot about the COVID restrictions in hospitals at the time. What an emotionally bipolar day for you!
@Old School: West Coast supremacy strikes again! Mwa ha ha.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
It’s impossible to tell at any given moment whether he is deliberately lying or just plain ignorant. Those must intersect for some statements as well.
@West of the Cascades:
Tim has already said he has no desire to be Prez.
Magdi Jacobs (@magi_jay) posted at 1:14 PM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
Stray observation + some mild speculation: Beshear is technically a conservative Democrat in a hard-won Governorship in a red state. For him to have focussed so strongly on abortion at the DNC is note-worthy. It says something about where the party is. More importantly, it says something about where the *country* is.
Last night, it was *safe* for a conservative Dem from KY to speak on a national stage about abortion. That would have been unfathomable in, say, 2010.
Now some speculation: my thinking, as Beshear was speaking, was that Democrats must have their hands on some truly devastating numbers for Republicans re: white women & the post-Dobbs world.
Again, it is *wildly* contrary to the conventional wisdom of the past to specifically highlight Beshear, from a red state, on the issue of abortion. I believe that Democrats have analyzed the polls & have determined that Beshear’s speech would not be a political risk for the party or for Beshear himself. That’s meaningful.
Citizen Alan
@Dan B: I remember our speech/debate teacher showing us the video of Mario Cuomo’s speech at the DNC in 1992. He did a masterful thing where he would hold up his hands to tap down on the cheers as his speech built to a crescendo to maximize the impact when he hit the punchline of the point he was making.
Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) posted at 11:55 AM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
Democrats have only slipped into the danger zone when they’ve lost sight of the fact that Job One is assembling the anti-Trump majority. Kamala Harris recognizes this, and came prepared.
Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) posted at 0:00 PM on Tue, Aug 20, 2024:
If defeating Trump takes a backseat to factional infighting, radical reform, or machine politics, things can fall apart. This is why Harris has emphasized values over policy specificity. She’s not here to placate wonks or activists, but to beat Trump. https://t.co/ZqRl9me6rP https://t.co/VM7sLoUSxH
@rikyrah: burning truth.
The Marsh Family with their new song ‘Gimme Hope for Kamala” 🎶😍
@rikyrah: Very interesting point.
@hitchhiker: Totally would rather not burst that bubble, but our oldest and second were born 4 and 2 years, respectively, ahead of Obama’s first term. I was so excited for the end of the W era and that that wouldn’t be the world they grew up in.
Well, fast forward and turns out they barely remember Obama in the White House at all. Worse, since Trump’s been on the scene for their entire runs as teenagers, I’ve had to remind them over and over again that he’s a complete anomaly. Had to send my son to go watch Obama-Romney debate clips just to get a sense for how things were in the Before Times.
Your grandkids will just have to settle for growing into political consciousness during the Buttigieg presidency :^)
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
What people? So much energy to draw attention to a tempest in a teapot. It’s obvious the real goal of professional anti-leftists is to perpetuate Israel’s status as beyond questioning. They must not be challenged.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I listened to one of his speeches without watching, and when he said something along the lines of ‘This was the greatest employment chart ever’, that he was showing is work… and the chart. Silly me. just making it up as usual.
I like it! LOL
And there’s more! California represent!
@Baud: feel the “Jebmentum…”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Good analysis by @magi_jay. Beshear is term-limited I think, but more than likely correct otherwise
I might have gone with “No, honey, that’s what all Republicans are like now, which is why we don’t vote for them.”
Old School
@KatKapCC: I guess it depends if they stay on schedule better tonight. Biden was scheduled for the 9:00 hour, but as I recall it was about 10:30 (Central) when he came on. So if Obama does start at 10:00, it’ll be an earlier ending time.
@Old School:
For me, he’s scheduled for tomorrow morning in YouTube.
Very good take.
@Scout211: I wonder how well she knows Junior’s powder pet.
Wow again!
Dan B
@HumboldtBlue: When I was Chasten and Pete’s age it would have been very risky for a white gay man to touch a young black guy. It brings tears to see such a beautiful change. At Chasten’s age it wasn’t very long since we’d been listed in the DSM.
@Scout211: Also: “Under Project 2025 we’re only going to provide information on things like employment, climate and government budgets when we feel like it, and through apparatchiks that I personally approve. But that information and those people will be trustworthy. Believe me.”
heh – I mean, how can anybody here forget “don’t squeeze the charmin” by our favorite scold, “Mr. Whipple” ! :D
Anyone know of an ActBlue fund that gives to these 22 house races equally?
@rikyrah: The talking bobble heads that have tried to say that abortion isn’t a main driver at the poles anymore… idk how fucking stupid you have to be to believe that. But there’s plenty of examples to be had. Do they honestly think women have forgotten they’ve had a right stripped? That their lives aren’t in clear and present danger? That their daughters/granddaughters/sisters/mothers/friends lives aren’t in continual danger with conservatives absolutely determined to implement a nation wide ban, as laid out exactly in Project 2025? That they won’t be left to bleed out and die in a parking lot, their home, or in any place that isn’t a medical facility?
Absolutely GTFO of here with that horseshit.
@Scout211: I love how Gwen dressed to match Tim’s tie. Light purple; maybe we call it violet?
@Old School:
Crazy! I’m also disappointed that Jimmy Carter’s grandson got such an early slot. He spoke so well at Rosalynn’s funeral, both funny and poignant.
Betty Cracker
@Sure Lurkalot:
I often wish my brain had a “file delete” function so I could make room for more stuff when I temporarily lose a name or word. I don’t have much use for the lyrics of “Kung Fu Fighting,” for example.
I couldn’t believe it when he walked in front of QEII during the inspection of the guards. You’re never supposed to turn your back on her.
@rikyrah: it’s completely weird that pundits continually downplay this issue despite the results at the ballot box that say otherwise, restoring abortion rights is a huge motivator to get out the vote. There are plenty of husbands, brothers, fathers and sons that have been impacted by it and the abuse that the GOP has brought to this very personal issue is now plain for everyone to see. It’s not JUST a women’s issue.
Before, it was swaddled in concern for an unborn child, laudable on its surface and as soon as that toehold was established, the true intent, control of women was manifested. Their actions in the statehouses across the US told a much different story than any actual concern for a child.
@Scout211: Looking forward to it! Although I bet some on the right are now convinced THIS is when the coup happens, that Newsom will sweep in and grab the mic and say “THE NOMINATION IS MINE, DAMN IT” and all the pundits will spontaneously orgasm in disarray glee.
Oh no, he did not!
Steven Cheung Twitter
Article can be further enhanced by noting they both worked under the other Brown, Jerry 2.0, for six years.
@rikyrah: Or it may also be that the Democrats are breaking out of the prison of defensive crouch, and realize that sometimes risk is worth it for a bigger reward.
This is what Anand Giridharadas wrote about yesterday. “We are witnessing the rise of what I’m calling the Brat Pack, and with it a new approach that elevates attention over restraint, storytelling over self-explanatory policy mindedness, fight picking over always taking the high road, and thrilling the base over diluting for moderates.”
I encourage everyone to check it out (unpaywalled link up there).
Whoa! I expect Beyonce will be placing an emergency call to her lawyers, if she hasn’t already.
@Scout211: first Taylor, now Queen Bee. These people are morons.
@Leto: I saw some gender gap numbers the other day with about a 14% advantage for Harris among women in comparison to a 9% advantage for Trump among men. Harris’s numbers were better than Biden’s. Theory was that might be attributable to Biden having less open emphasis on abortion rights compared to Harris.
Dan B
@rikyrah: Rep. Crockett is a brilliant storyteller in addition to her skill at fileting bullshit. Stories that weave emotional content into the data points are very easy to remember and become part of our consciousness. Such a brilliant woman.
He was on Morning Joe this morning and said the same things.
Totally agree.
@rikyrah: Good point. I hope that’s correct.
@Betty Cracker: Thrash that bro! And then stick him with the ear worm Kung Fu Fighting. Thanks,BC.
Men suck.
JD Vance Gets Social Media Side-Eye For Weird Joke At A Wisconsin Deli
JV continues to show the intelligence/political instincts of a dung beetle.
Edit: the article has a great collection of shits with people absolutely dragging his worthless ass.
@Scout211: There’s a line from an old movie where two people are arguing over whether a person they know has any scruples. The response is “If he has any scruples he must have stolen them from somebody”.
@Scout211: My only fear is that after Beyonce and Taylor Swift get through with Trump, there won’t be enough for E. Jean Carroll to be paid. Otherwise definitely a popcorn moment.
I’ll take it, but if tens of millions of Republicans just stayed home, the election would be the biggest blowout in history. So he’s lying for a good cause.
That was no joke. If he could, I bet JV would serve tire rims and anthrax to journalists.
@Leto: In addition to lacking senses of humor or any anecdotes from strangers who had positive things to say about them based on chance encounters, Vance and Trump are incapable of self-deprecation. Probably physically, as in they’d go into spasms trying.
There are times when poking fun at yourself is perfect, and crashing a diner is one such time. Nah. Gah. Happen.
He’s the worst candidate to appear on the national stage in my lifetime. Everything about him is off-putting.
That man is a fucking traitor. That’s all there is to it.
No, that isn’t all there is to it. He wants people to die in order to possibly give him a better chance of saving his ass in this election. Because that’s what happens when you don’t have a cease-fire: the killing continues.
So fuck any people identifying as Christian who support this amoral person because he is “pro-life.” He isn’t pro-life, he’s just “pro-life.” And same with his supporters.
@Hoodie: possibly. Might be that some also refuse to let another absolutely amazing woman lose to an unmitigated lying, grifting, moronic, traitorous POS.
Two years ago I heard some smug pundit dude talking about how well the Republicans were going to do in 2022, because “women can’t stay mad forever” about Dobbs.
Fuck that guy. Wanna bet?
Steve Kerr indirectly pointed that out last night in his great speech. “We need leaders who can laugh at themselves.”
@Scout211: are they baiting these incredibly powerful and self-protective women?
@BR: Charles Gaba is the goto for creating targeted ActBlue fundraising pages. Here’s one he made for this election year’s 22 Toss Up House races:
In the page you can make one donation to be split evenly or focus on specific races.
@Rusty: There has never been a Lutheran US President. And the Lutheran Vice President was Hubert Humphrey. More walls are breaking!
As my Irish-Italian friend says, “Never let go of a good grudge.”
She and her husband once had an argument over who should fold up and put away an ironing board. It stayed up for weeks.
@Leto: But a bunch of politics reporters will just ignore the clear contempt Vance has for them. Or what that likely signals for how their work will go if Trump is re-installed.
@Trollhattan: again, a campaign of Joy. It’s such an obvious 180 to what the Orange Clown Show projects every day, and people want to be a part of that. They’re absolutely tired of his old, old, old schtick. It’s why we’re all tearing up when we see Biden’s daughter give his intro speech, and then he comes out with real tears in his eyes. It’s why we laugh when Biden jokes about his age in his speeches (too young to be a senator, too old to be a president). When Walz’s children give him bunny ears on tv… Kamala wearing Chucks, eating Doritos, and steppin’ with HBCU bands.
Like you said, being able to poke fun at yourself, being able to laugh, being able to show genuine joy in the little things in life… it’s the basic signs of being a decent human. And that’s something people want right now.
@Scout211: So let’s see…they’re gonna have lawyers for Celine Dion, Taylor Swift, Isaac Hayes, and now Beyonce on their asses? Please proceed, dumbshits.
@hitchhiker: @eclare: the old Fremen maxim comes in here: “Never forgive; never forget”
@RaflW: I would hope they remember this, and report on them accordingly. But I know they won’t, so… I’d suggest sending a cub reporter out to be the person on the permanent couch beat, but man that’s some type of cruelty there. Everyone needs to cut their teeth on tough assignments, but ugh. Not sure I’d wish that on a newbie.
I felt Beshear’s speech was very impt. Not as electric as most. But it said a lot for a Dem governor from a very Red state to give it.
Please stop that. I keep reading it as “inept.”
@KatKapCC: I honestly want them (listed artists) to all go after his broke ass. Make him sell his shit properties to help pay off the judgement. He’s a loser, treat him like a fucking loser.
Gin & Tonic
My dear wife, who has spent most of her life as a normie and has never donated to a political campaign, was asking today about the best way to donate to Kamala’s campaign. She is old enough that Dobbs isn’t an issue for her, but she has two daughters and one (for now) grand-daughter, and she is *pissed.
@Gin & Tonic: example of the parable about the man who plants the tree, knowing he won’t see the shade…
Ha ha. That’s a problem from your end. Seems impt.
@Tony Jay: You slay me, Tony Jay!
My favorite uncle taught and conducted the band at Gustavus in the late 70s/early 80s. He loved it.
The sculptor Paul Granlund has many pieces around the campus, including on the chapel doors. They’re awesome.
Not surprised Gwen went to Gustavus given her Lutheran background. But her maiden name really brings me to the Episcopalian Bishop Whipple who did quite a bit for Native Americans in the state. I was raised Episcopalian, and we all learned about Bishop Whipple at the church camp in Northern Minnesota I attended for 9 years in the 60s and 70s.
Bishop Whipple was instrumental in convincing President Lincoln to commute the death sentences of all but 38 Dakota warriors in 1862. My Norwegian immigrant ancestors fought in the Dakota Wars, and were in Mankato for the hanging of the 38 (we have their diaries from the time, as well as of their fighting in the Civil War).
Anyway ….
Steve in the ATL
@lowtechcyclist: worked for both Nixon and Reagan so why not continue the tradition since there are no legal consequences for illegal acts? See also Trump and the emoluments clause.
Gin & Tonic
I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m fascinated by the story of British tech guy Mike Lynch, missing and presumed dead after the sinking of a large yacht he was on near Sicily. Lynch was a math guy who went on to found a software company that he sold to H-P for $11B (that’s “B”) about a decade ago. H-P eventually said he misrepresented its financial position, and he was indicted in the US on federal fraud charges shortly after the former CFO was convicted of fraud. He fought extradition for years, but eventually went on trial and in June he and his finance VP were acquitted of all charges. Lynch chartered the 183-foot yacht with a bunch of friends and business associates to celebrate. The yacht was named Bayesian (great for a math dude.)
On Saturday, the acquitted finance VP was out for a run and was struck by a car and killed. On Monday night, the Bayesian was hit by a storm and sank. Six people missing and presumed dead, including Lynch and his daughter.
This sequence of events tests the limits of probability.
Ivan X
@Quinerly: I read it as impotent, so what does that say about me, I wonder. Hopefully not a problem on my end.
@HumboldtBlue: I have wondered if there is a secret lab where some mad scientists creates Republican candidates. Ron DeSantis did not turn out as hoped, so the the scientist tweaked the process and came up with Vance.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Steve in the ATL:
Why aren’t there any consequences? Why can’t the Biden admin act to stop this?
@Gin & Tonic: definitely an oddly symmetrical set of facts.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): also my question.
Steve in the ATL
@Gin & Tonic: my father who may or may not have worked for “the company” that may or may not exist advised me that when anyone of importance dies in an aviation crash, it was not an accident.
Perhaps “aviation” was too specific.
Interesting! Thanks for the history.
@Gin & Tonic: you mean it’s a funny “coincidence” just like all the Boeing whistleblowers who all of a sudden decided to commit suicide? Yeah, lots of straining going on.
It’s the toxic mix of arrogance and spite. He has no joy, he brings no smiles, he’s a scold, and nobody likes a smarmy scold. He’s not clever, he’s not funny and when he tries to be he comes across as stiff and usually, plain mean.
He has no jazz, no verve, nobody looks at him, hears him speak and perks up to hear some more. He seems to think a lot of himself and others rightly wonder, why?
I thought DeSantis was a charmless troll, but Vance edges him out with an extra helping of creepiness and weirdness.
Citizen Alan
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): People mock AI, But I truly believe our media would be greatly improved if the editors would just feed a press release from the democratic party and a press release from the republican party regarding any particular issue into chat gpt, and then just instructe it to “write something that’s fair to both sides.”
Steve in the ATL
@Leto: and Ken Lay and Jeffrey Epstein and…don’t have time to complete this list
Steve in the ATL
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): SCOTUS?
Gavelled in!
Trivia Man
@October Light: but my link at 44 includes the video! NSFW
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’ll simply point you to the Trump v United States case, or the dismissed Trump Emoluments Clause case, or Trump tax returns case…
Should we bring the case? We should, we shouldn’t be afraid to do that. At the same time, it’ll probably be decided 10 years from now, and with the current Supreme Court they’ll more than likely decide that the constitution specifically says that Trumpov can engage in foreign policy despite the fact he’s not president, even though black letter law says his dumb ass should be in jail.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Steve in the ATL:
Is there some preexisting case law that I’m unaware of? If not, then they should at least try. Make the SCOTUS act
Betty Cracker
@HumboldtBlue: Vance and DeSantis are both as warm and sensitive as a concrete toilet seat in a foul Siberian gulag outhouse.
Okay whoa, I did not expect this boy to have that voice.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
This SCOTUS has revealed itself to be illegitimate. If they act against our national interests, then we can just go:
“The Six Conservative Justices have made their decision, now let them enforce it.”
Steve in the ATL
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): this SCOTUS cares nothing for stare decisis, even though they are *theoretically* legally bound by it. See, for example, Dobbs and Chevron. I weep, and not just because I’m in Iowa.
@Betty Cracker: I need a cigarette
@KatKapCC: right!!??
Steve in the ATL
is it just me or does it seem like you guys are being mean to Watergirl’s open thread upstairs? Or are we going for a T-Bogg here?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Steve in the ATL:
Then we go, “The Six Conservative Justices have made their decision, now let them enforce it.”
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): as the adults in the room, we’re not going to do that. Even though I do share that sentiment. What we will do is judicial court reform, and relegate their Heritage Foundation asses into irrelevance.
Gin & Tonic
@Betty Cracker:
Minor correction, tovarishko – no seat.
@Steve in the ATL:
We’re boycotting her because… umm… because she… well, you see… it was a… because reasons.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
We have an uphill battle to keep the Senate this cycle, to say the least. If we were going to do judiciary reform, that should’ve been done in the last 3 years when we had the numbers. I know people like Senema and Manchin stood in the way, but it wasn’t only them. Apparently several Dem senators wanted to keep the precious filibuster.
At some point, we’re not going to have a choice
@NotMax: Not just firefighters there, but they had to get water air dropped in because of the 1k+ temps. They were also trying to prevent the rest of the wooded area there from catching fire, and then that spreading. One of the firefighters interviewed was talking about the batteries either went into thermal runaway, or were close to it. Idk, just a shit show. I know we have semi’s (lorry’s) that carry chemicals, and other foul crap, but this is just an extra special cherry on that poop pie.
@Steve in the ATL: Idk, I think people are interested and engaged with the postcard idea, so aren’t trying to step on it via normal chatter. Even though it’s an OT.
Jason Carter up. “Kamala carries my grandfather’s legacy.”
Matt McIrvin
@Citizen Alan: The AIs have been trained on a corpus of existing media, so I doubt you’d get much better out than they put in.
Matt McIrvin
@Steve in the ATL:
So there’s some force that prevents actual random accidents from killing important people?
This is the thing that always brings me up short when people claim “there are no coincidences.” Really? What keeps the background of coincidences from happening? Statistically you’d expect some.
@Gin & Tonic: It’s the road accident that makes it so odd. I went “whut?!?” when heard about that too. Probably a coincidence, but strange.
The head of Morgan Stanley International, and his wife, are among the missing.
FYI there is a new thread with the convention video :D
worrying about the race closing at the end….
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): you’re correct, but the idea of reform was started with Trumpov’s three appointments, then solidified with their wretched decisions these past 3 years. Papa Black Lung and Bait-n-Switch were the two biggest impediments to filibuster reform, as the rest of the hold outs have moved to the “it’s regrettable, but we need to reform the filibuster so we can have judicial reform.”
Yes, it’s an uphill battle but these fucksticks have given us the best chance to keep the Senate, if not maybe gain 1-2 seats. Even if we don’t, we keep pushing this. It took women almost 80 years to gain the vote once the campaign started. It took black people almost a 100 years to do the same (Reconstruction to VRA). It took conservatives almost 50 years to get to this point regarding the judiciary, as a whole.
Our part right now, in this moment, is deliver as many votes as we can to Dems up and down the ballot. This is the same strategy as running an ultra marathon. We’re gonna have blisters, occasional falls, some dehydration and chaffing… but we’re gonna do this.
GUYS? UMM… GUYS? The Fox news folks are going after Barack Obama’s birth certificate and THIS TIME THEY WILL RETURN WITH THE TRUTH!!! THE TRUTH I TELLS YA!!!!!
I could imagine a drunken Whipoorwill calling out “Whipple-Walz” and then falling out of a tree.
Scamp Dog
@rikyrah: …and it turns out that I live in one of them! I’ve gotten texts from the campaign, and will get in touch with them when I get back home. Right now I’m in Michigan, getting my late mom’s house ready for sale.
Mad scientist:
“So what’s not to like?”
Steve in the ATL
@Matt McIrvin: the Ian Fleming Postulate has been established here that it’s first time happenstance, second time coincidence, third time enemy action. An example: that weird (!) plane crash that killed prolific democratic fundraiser Ron Brown.
@eclare: Who finally put the ironing board away?
@Leto: What.A.Moron. That’s such a stupid thing to ask a restaurant owner! He has no people skills at all!
Gloria DryGarden
@Bagel J: maybe ms whipple -walz can sing at the inauguration.. or In a duet w some famous singers at a press dinner. ..
3 corrections to fix the multiple autocorrect on her name.
Gloria DryGarden
@Miki: are these diaries published? Would be a profitable read.
Gloria DryGarden
@rikyrah: this deserves its own thread.
Kayla Rudbek
I wonder if Gwen Whipple Walz is related to this historical figure: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Benjamin_Whipple