You’re all probably watching the convention speeches,,but surely there’s time to take a minute and look at the photos JCJ sent LIVE from the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee tonight.
Thanks for sending these, JCJ! (Balloon Juice commenter)
It is over now. So much energy! It was so nice to come here with this crowd. Tomorrow I have to drive through Dumpland in Waukesha County. I hope everyone has a chance to feel this energy!
Your photos are reminding me of the Obama rallies in Colorado when I was volunteering for the campaign.
That could be Denver in February 2008!
I could be wrong, but that looks like a lot of people to me!
A t-shirt for sale outside the arena. Gotta love the Chucks!
I have it on good authority, ok authority, ok pulled from Donald Trump’s ass, that it’s all AI and there’s nobody actually there.
Ivan X
I just love the reclaiming of “Freedom” that we never should have ceded in the first place.
who is JCJ ?
@Ivan X: Yeah, they are not subtle about that. FREEDOM is everywhere in these photos.
And by freedom, i mean the real freedom, not the freedom to hate and to screw over everybody who isn’t rich.
Haha, Doug’s description of his 0830 call and voice message: “Hi… it’s Doouuuug”
Fake Irishman
That roll call was so much damn fun.
This is kind of a version of Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” It’s not that we ignore them or say nice things about them, it’s that we call them weird and troll the hell out of them by throwing a cooler rally in their own stadium while having our own convention going on.
Then we show them up with an amazing fucking dance party everyone is invited to.
The staff work on this campaign in the last month has been extraordinary from conception to every detail of the execution.
@2liberal: A commenter on Balloon Juice.
Fantastic photos!
The energy is palpable.
Wow that reminds me of when I went to see Monday Night Raw this year. Looks amazing and fun
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
I tuned out when everyone came home from work, but I’m gonna choose a selection of speeches once bedtime arrives. I caught Bernie tonight, it is a surprising pleasure to think he was boring. His agenda is now giving mainstream Democrat.
I still got Biden on the backlog. Hillary was perfect lunch break sized. YouTube will give me a menu from tonight. My Xbox knows me.
Thank you JCJ !
@dmsilev: Busted! You are right. These are all from a Bucks game! ;)
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@JCJ: @dmsilev: What horrible cheating! This must be stopped. We all know our President is chosen based on perceived crowd size. This is what should matter to Americans…
Barack’s ‘crowd sizes’ comment and then his hands….dammmmn. Was he making a small dick joke? ha!
I feel like this rally could give Trump physical pain, but he might get the significance since he was asleep for most of the time he was there in Milwaukee.
How is it something as simple as packing a suitcase when the temp is in the high 80s makes one sweat so damn much?
Extra martinis come this evening as a reward.
Michelle was on FIRE! Enjoying Barack now!
@Bostondreams: Yes. His comedic timing/physical comedy was amazing
That said, I hope the deep substance of his speech gets out there too.
Great photos!!
Accordion hands.
I did not watch Barack yet but, oh my God, Michelle. So effing good.
@HumboldtBlue: Yeah, I realized that after, but not sure what it says that my mind went elsewhere. Ha.
Dang, he is brilliant.
I think the crowd reacted as if it were also a small dick joke. I edited a comment below, because I wasn’t gonna claim Obama made a dick joke.
Steve in the ATL
@OGLiberal: he was great—of course—but she was better!
That was a wonderful night.
Maggie Astor 25m
RIP me having to put the dick-joke hand gesture in language the NYT would publish
(She’s a real NYT reporter)
OMFG Michelle!!!
I don’t know a better way to link this visual: A commenter called Katwoman on this DKos post about disgusting JV posted an image, it’s a riff on the “don’t tread on me” flag.
There’s a black cat w/a dead snake in its mouth,
caption: “Kamala 2024
I’ll tread wherever I want”
I think some Jackals might enjoy it!
Betty Cracker
I can’t say which of the last three speeches was the best. All were gems in their own way, fulfilling their singular purpose. Doug E won the “relatability Olympics,” as Maddow put it — and explained so well what makes his wife the woman for this moment. Michelle O’s words were real and raw and urgent in exactly the way we needed to hear and heed. And PBO’s speech was thoughtful and profound. Great all around!
It’s the dew point that makes you sweat. Well…technically your body is almost always sweating when the outside/ inside air temp is even moderately warm, but if the dew point is above 63 to 65F then it is going to be uncomfortable. Dew points above 70F are just plain muggy. Check you weather app and you will see the dew point listed somewhere.
The last three speeches were all great in their own way. I loved how Doug told such personal stories about his and Kamala’s life together (the voicemail story!). I loved Michelle’s “we don’t have time for foolishness” attitude. And I loved Barack’s belief in an America that may or may not exist. We’ll find out in November.
Sure Lurkalot
Great photos.
I watched all the speeches (much better on C-Span) and Michelle wins! Obama is always forceful but catch JB Pritzger, Angela Alsobrooks and Doug Emhoff if you didn’t watch tonight, definitely worthwhile.
@Sure Lurkalot:
I’m sure Pritzker was great, but having Bernie follow the fun dance party roll call was an immense buzzkill. I had the convention on but didn’t actively watch or pay attention again til Doug spoke.
@Steve in the ATL: She was better!
I know not of what you speak Looking out a window or opening the front door and sticking the noggin outside suffices to quell any weather curiosity.
In any case the packing had to be done as flight leaves Wednesday morning. ;)
Look at all the different people that can actually be happy while talking before very large crowds. (Not everyone has the whatever to do that.) This looks like a very large slice of America, not 30 people in one large room, 40% of whom have to check for police before they enter or leave.
@eclare: I think they put Pritzker on right after Bernie for laughs, or to show that the Democratic Party is a big tent. Pritzker’s line about being a real billionaire was too funny!
I really enjoyed Pritzer’s speech.