Mike Lindel and Charlie Kirk are “undercover reporters” in disguise at the DNC, and they’re acting, well, weird.
Lindel, who shaved off his mustache and put on sunglasses and a hat so nobody would recognize him (as if), tried to “debate” Knowa, who’s a 12-year-old boy attending the convention and building a presence on social media as an influencer. Lindel got in his face, but pretty much got owned by a 12-year-old:
Taking questions from the Democratic influencer, Lindell refused to cite sources for his election denial claims.
“They just found 257,000 votes … that are missing from the 2020 election,” Lindell shouted at the child.
“So your source is ‘trust me bro?’” Knowa shot back. “Alright, you’re full of crap.”
Kirk had a short encounter with the head of the young Democrats in Georgia.
Parker Short, the president of Young Democrats of Georgia, had an encounter with MAGA weird at the DNC, which went viral online. He was taped confronting Charlie Kirk, the founder of the Trump-hyping Turning Point USA, over Kirk’s false claims that Trump won the 2020 election. Kirk, avoiding the question, instead invoked a transphobic meme — asking liberals “what is a woman?” — in hopes of throwing Short off his game. Short, in response, declared that it’s “weird” to ask that, and walked away.
When speaking to Salon the next day, Short was still angry about the encounter. “The weirdest question ever,” he declared. “You know what a woman is? Our next president, Kamala Harris is a woman.”
That’s from a piece by Amanda Marcotte which is worth reading in full.
Speaking of “What is a woman?” here’s Matt Walsh in disguise:
Anyway, these idiots are so deep into huffing each other’s farts that they apparently think they’ll catch some delegates handing out estrogen injections or coupons for gender reassignment surgery on the convention floor, and god damn they’re going to be there for it. Presumably they’re taking a cue from the interviewers who would attend a Trump rally to take pictures of people in diapers or holding JD Vance sperm sample cups, and record them advocating the mass extermination of immigrants. Unfortunately for these secret agent men, the delegates at the DNC aren’t shitty fascists like the average Trump rally attendee, so at worst they’re going to get a picture of someone in a funny hat.
(Missed Knowa getting Kirk on the record saying the Civil Rights Act was a mistake.)
Interesting video from Joy Reid about the Black women behind the scenes who had MVP’S back https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP81bgvkB/
Pretty impressive 12-year-old
Knowa is living his best life, and the series of photos with notable Democrats and supporters continues to grow. He’s a fun follow.
He got owned by a 12 year old 😒😒😒
Steve LaBonne
@rikyrah: Which is totally unfair because Pillow Guy’s mental age is nowhere near 12.
Do they keep velvet paintings of James O’Keefe in their mancaves?
So tonight he’ll attend wearing Groucho glasses after revealing his newest cunning disguise on all social channels?
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has a video out in which she answers angry tweets about the election. It’s a good vid and she is really quite funny.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
Any front pagers free, please? I tried to change my nym earlier and was unable to get approval.
I would be much obliged. The post is on the “Con man’s gonna con” open thread.
Me, an edgy teenager who demands Serious and Adult entertainment: “Oh, come on! This is ridiculous! How could the Space Nazi Overlords Of An Entire Galaxy get their asses kicked by an army of teddy bears?”
Me, a grown adult who’s spent a decade and a half witnessing the sheer patheticness of fascism even in its triumphant years: “The Space Nazi Overlords Of An Entire Galaxy would totally get their asses kicked by an army of teddy bears.”
There’s a Trumpy Trout thing you can hang on your wall. An ad for it ran on Newsmax, so it’s actually not a joke. I guess.
I won’t echo the lines of attack too precisely, because why give ’em airtime, but among the grotesque and deeply mean things the right is doing is attacking adorable teenager Gus Walz. And one of the bizarro-world attacks has to do with the age Tim was when he and Gwen conceived their second kid.
The very creepy weirdness, like the JDV ‘sperm cups’, questioning the ‘freshness’ of Tim’s uhhh, issuance, etc. SO f—ing weird!
“Mind your own damn business,” delivered with Tim Walz’s passion, is the absolute rejoinder. I loved that he just looked incredulous as he talked about keeping the GOP out of everyone’s bedrooms!
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Chris: Facts.
Of course, he is also there https://bsky.app/profile/paleofuture.bsky.social/post/3l2b2llftlq2y
Michael Bersin
How the @#$% did they get on the convention floor? It’s difficult enough for actual delegates – who have to show ID and sign in each day for their floor credential at their state delegation.
@MattF: Not to be too incredibly gross, but I guess I will. That trout mouth looked like it belonged in the skankiest of interstate offramp sex shops. And like JDV would be first to stick his couch-botherer into it.
Old School
Lindell, Kirk, and Walsh got press passes? Isn’t there some sort of screening?
Is there anything more good, old-fashioned fun than trolling Republicans?
ETA: especially when they came there to troll you
I’m sure they’ll figure out something, but it’s hard to imagine anything weirder than that episode.
Actually, for them they are fortunate. Someone trying to do that at the RNC would have suffered severe injuries.
@RaflW: Worst Fleshlight EVER!!
Almost Retired
Although I swear I have better things to do, I’m watching Trump’s border remarks in Cochise County, Arizona. It’s a deeply disturbing (but low energy) recitation of crimes committed against white blonde women by “criminals” and “psychos” let in because of Comrade Kamala’s (mispronounced) open borders.
It’s dark and creepy and……just weird. THIS is their counter-programming to a joy-themed DNC? They’d be better off live-streaming JD Vance fucking a couch on Only Fans. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be these people and exist in the world where you find this message appealing.
Shades of Ross Douthat’s obsessive crusade to prove that Sarah Palin’s latest kid was really her grandkid.
(I swear to God that making me feel any sympathy for Sarah Palin is the worst thing that guy’s ever done).
I applaud this kid for being interested in national politics, but I don’t think we should be putting 12 year olds in the spotlight like this. It’s cringe. I mean, look I’m sure he’s got some good ideas and a quick wit, but I’d prefer he reach voting age before I have to pay attention to him.
And if he ends up being around Republicans like Walsh I fear for his safety.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@RaflW: He would have been what? 43? Seems like he was A LOT younger than Trump when Barron was conceived. Like over a decade younger. That is one weird line of attack, and emphasizes the fact that they WON’T EVER “mind their own damn business.”
Tony G
@Michael Bersin: That’s an excellent question. Besides screening out those idiots, what about screening out people who are actual violent fascists?
@Almost Retired:
To be fair, the party bases are driven by different things. Democrats require constant doses of hopium. Republicans require constant doses of existential dread about increasingly weird shit. As personified by the fact that their last two presidential-level rock stars were Barack Obama and Donald Trump respectively.
It’s weird as hell, but it is what drives their base out.
@What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?: Their freedom enhancing shallow state is going to be sooooooo busy between testing the pregnancy status of all women crossing state lines, monitoring same in all doctor appointments and popping into all bedrooms checking on the sperm quality before all “legitimate” sexual encounters.
Matt McIrvin
@Chris: I think that was Andrew Sullivan.
From the Clark Kent School of Disguise.
Speaking of weird, I think the fact that the GOP NC Gov candidate is so weird will really play in our favor, and I think NC may be the key to winning this election. With a Dem governor, they haven’t been able to put into place as many crazy election rules (to my knowledge), whereas it’s clear that GA is set up for a contentious fight.
@Matt McIrvin:
Made me look.
Yep, you’re right. Got my fascists crossed.
The “worst thing ever” still applies.
Here’s the video of Knowa owning the mole faced Lindell. (YouTube)
And here’s another clip of Knowa talking about the incident just after the fact. (Imgur)
Idk why so many conservatives have shaming as their kink, but jeez…
Old School
@KatKapCC: One of the funny scenes in Ready Player One (the movie) is Clark Kent’s glasses.
@Chris: Ewoks rule!!!
Steve LaBonne
@Chris: Everything since 2016 has been an education on the fact that nearly half of our fellow Americans are really shit human beings. It has not been edifying.
Captain C
That made me think of this scene from The Sopranos.
The Audacity of Krope
Ooooh, my new fit is here, looking slick…
Pretty sure that was Andrew Sullivan, not Chunky Reese Witherspoon.
“We May Have Set A Record For Republicans Speaking At A Democratic Convention” – Pete Buttigieg on Colbert.
@Steve LaBonne:
Being a shit human I expect. It’s the sheer patheticness and toddler-like nature that grates, especially that of the people they crown as their god-kings. I don’t expect Emperor Palpatine, but you’d think they could at least hoist themselves to the level of gravitas and coolness of, I don’t know, Harry and Marv from Home Alone.
I don’t know why, but every time I think about Doug’s speech the other night, this song goes through my head:
@Leto: @SatanicPanic:
Yeah I’m not sure about making celebrities out of minors generally, though young Knowa seems to have this in stride… but what it shows about Lindell? EWWW the way he was leaning over to physically intimidate a child. A “tween” ok whatevs, but unless he (ML) did the same to every TikTokker in the place, it screams “bully” to me.
@RaflW: Couch botherer💥
Good on ya, Knowa!
I hope he added “Fuck your shitty pillows, pillow ass!”
@Lyrebird: Absolutely. Lindell comes off as deranged. It’s a little kid he’s yelling at!
Ann Coulter has emerged from her coffin and tweeted a picture of Gus Walz saying “That’s my Dad” and crying last night, captioned “Weird.” Best reaction I’ve seen calls her a “dollar tree Eva Braun.” No link but you can find it anywhere this afternoon.
Buy one, get one free!
@Almost Retired: there’s a return to the scene of the crime thing here….
Cochise County, is the origin source of busloads of illegals coming in to vote as Democrats boondoggle. It’s also home to th one Arizona County that refused to certify it’s votes, thus delaying and complicating the AZ recounts that were requested. Eventually they lost in the state courts and had a couple of their county commissioners booted. It’s a weird intersection of the Old West, big ranches, old mining/tourism places that has everything from Ft. Huachuca, a military intelligence base, to Bisbee, which is a mining town turned artist/crafts colony. Also has the border city of Douglas/Agua Prieta. Because of nature of topography, it’s got a lot of supposed pluses for people to sneak across and head for places like Tucson and Phoenix and get routed elsewhere. There’s also some agriculture there (wine, pecan, vegetables) that need cheap labor to bring in their crops.
Immigration has a love/ate relationship here, yes they want the cheap labor but they don’t want to see fences cut and livestock culled by those coming across illegally, but because of Fox News, they don’t want them to come across legally either.
It’s a place where there are legitimate concerns about the border, but as usual the GOP just wants to use them as props.
@prostratedragon: COACH Walz. Couch Vance.
West of the Rockies
I bet all these guys are sniffing each other’s chairs
Republicans are such creepster, weirdo freaks. All they have are lies, grievances, resentments, fear, and bigotry (polished to a fare-thee-well with masculine toxicity).
@piratedan: I’m curious: how do you think Ruben Gallego has been doing on border questions? Have you seen any ads on this?
And as I posted downstairs, Ann Coulter posted a pic of Gus Walz tearing up from last night and called it “weird.” She got hammered on social media and deleted it. Sheesh. They’re trying so hard to own the libs only to get made fun of for their own very weird weirdness. Sad.
That’s why I’d prefer the Chicks sing “Not Ready to Make Nice” tonight, but I’m fine with the National Anthem.
@MattF: That’s disgusting.
@Captain C: But that’s the carp* of truth. Trumpy Trout will only give out with lies.
* Well, bass I guess.
Steve in the ATL
That’s gold, Jerry!
Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) posted at 6:52 AM on Thu, Aug 22, 2024:
The purpose of the DNC convention is to promote the Walz/Harris campaign, coalesce our energy, and hopefully reach uncommitted voters.
The Free Palestine people tried to hijack that moment and disrupt this event, many openly stating they wanted a repeat of the 1968 violent riots.
No one showed up. They failed.
So they are moving to Plan B. Bitching that a speaker didn’t mirror their talking points on stage and pretending their “uncommitted” delegates have power – which they don’t.
I’ve been saying this since October 7, but the horrific Palestine situation deserves more serious political movement than this bunch of Jew-hating narcissists. They want attention, and they want to set everything in sight on fire. The number of open antisemites in their movement is stunning.
You can’t quell these people by giving them more attention – it just fuels them and makes the situation worse.
Not giving them a platform to hijack our convention is so obviously the correct play. Welcome to politics. We do what we have to do to win.
Captain C
@Scout211: This is the response (or a response anyway) that had “Dollar Tree Eva Braun” (No link to the hellsite):
While googling this, I also found a xeet from around 2018, a reply to one in which DTEB (Dollar Tree Eva Braun) said bombs were a liberal tactic:
I hope this sticks with her forever
ETA: I’ve never been able to figure out why/how she’s a Dead fan, as her hateful, selfish beliefs are pretty much the antithesis of everything about the band and the scene.
@Lyrebird: Knowa made himself a celebrity, that’s what “influencers” do. He has almost 51k followers on Twitter, not sure how many on TikTok or Instagram. And was offered his own show on Roland Martin’s network after he confronted Lindell (Knowa initiated the encounter). Don’t worry about him, he’s fine.
Chicago News station NBC 5 continues the rumors and speculation.
Rumors and speculation . . . plus a big surprise! Who knows. But I love all the strong, talented female music stars performing tonight, or just being mentioned as a rumor.
@rikyrah: See, this is a key point. It is certainly NOT the case that everyone who is pro-Palestine is antisemitic. Absolutely not. But there are indeed a not insignificant number who are, and the fact that they are not denounced, that they are still supported and put out in front and still welcome in the fold speaks volumes.
It’s like that old saying (which I’ve seen numerous versions of) that if you have 10 people around a dinner table and one of them is making overtly racist jokes and none of the others tell them to shut up and leave…then you have 10 racists at that table. When I hear hateful crap against Palestinians from other Jews, I tell them to shove it, and that the civilians in Palestine are just as worthy of life and liberty as anyone else. Similarly, these crowds should also be repudiating the open antisemitism among their circles. If they don’t do that, it means they condone it.
@Geminid: he’s made ads with the Sheriff of Santa Cruz County (that’s where Nogales is) who praises him for a common sense/capitalistic approach. Looking at better enforcement at the border for BOTH kinds of transits, one for people and one for commerce. He has piggybacked on top of the old Gabby Giffords position to focus on the guns and the money, to dissuade the drugs and people trafficking (i.e. the cash and guns going TO Mexico). Supports better tech and better training and wants an expansion in the legal support for those so that people do not wait in detention for months because of a lack of resources to deal with their cases.
It’s a nod to those that are impacted by the bureaucracy but also trying to make it much less convoluted.
He also states that there is no ‘border crisis’ but there are issues that need to be solved because of the lack of focus and crappy GOP posturing.
@Almost Retired: I seem to remember Trump lovingly and graphically describing violence done to white women in previous campaigns. If he sat near you in a movie theatre, you’d change your seat.
Steve in the ATL
Throw in half truths and fraudulent misrepresentations and you have described my legal filings!
@Princess: Lauren Boebert wouldn’t.
@KatKapCC: Eeeeewwwwwwww!!!!!
And you’re right. But she’s a member of the Weird Old Party too.
@Captain C:
“Dollar Tree Eva Braun” really is hilarious for Ann “Way Past her Sell-by Date” Coulter.
And the fact that she would go after Walz’ kid for having the purest, most innocent and good-hearted reaction to seeing his dad up on stage, is just more evidence of her soullessness.
They all should be ashamed, but Republicans lost all shame many years ago.
Don’t forget their freedoms about checking high school girls’ lady parts, plus making sure nobody reads anything of which they don’t approve. Oh yeah, plus making sure the only people who can vote are people who can prove they had a forebear who arrived on the Mayflower.
Damn, these are some weird motherfuckers with weird obsessions.
The Audacity of Krope
More like the five and dime.
@piratedan: Thanks. I have been impressed by Rep. Gallego, and I look forward to him joining the Senate this coming January along with Angela Alsobrooks, Elissa Slotkin, Lisa Blunt Rochester and Andy Kim. A talented bunch.
If he sat near me anywhere I’d change my seat and if that wasn’t possible I’d leave.
@The Audacity of Krope: Lauren Boebert is a yard sale Eva Braun.
We’re going to have a Senator Blunt? Looking forward to 4/20 being declared a holiday.
The Audacity of Krope
@Geminid: The leftovers that get brought out for weekly trash collection after they didn’t sell.
@piratedan: All of that sounds like the description of the border bill as it was presented yesterday.
The Audacity of Krope
@Trollhattan: There used to be a Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO). He wasn’t so fun.
Eh, I wouldn’t quote Brianna Wu, who is one step away from being aligned with the far right on a bunch of things…
@Belafon: I think he also supports a pathway to citizenship (as do most Dems) but isn’t saying that out loud because this is Arizona and that would start the cries of AMNESTY!!!!! which would drown out any further conversation.
I’m pretty liberal about this, so I understand that it will take a while for people to come around to my position. I still believe we need to recognize the impact that these people have in our economy and the full spectrum of jobs that they fill. If they’re doing that kind of hard work for the opportunity to become citizens, why would we begrudge them that?
@piratedan: Agree on all of what you said.
dollar store David Brooks is just David Brooks
Buy one, get one free!
Most fitting for Oprah. “you get a sex reassignment, and you get a sex reassignment, you all get a sex reassignment surgery!”
West of the Rockies
Or found in a dumpster Eva Braun.
@rikyrah: The fact that they don’t seem to care about anything about their movement and their own righteousness. It has nothing to do with actual Palestinian suffering and liberty.
Yes, we need to stop funding that genocide without our weapons. Israel has enough weapons to take on anyone anyways. They don’t need our help.
Then that def makes the Israeli’s Nazi’s. Because the original quote was about Nazi’s. You have most of the senior members of the Israeli government calling for the total extermination of Palestinians. They’ve been interviewed by Israeli, and international journalists, and they’re on tape saying that. They’re on record. And on top of that, the policies and actions they’ve taken over the past few decades support that. Even before this even more right wing Israeli government. It’d also be nice if Israel could at least pretend that they’ll follow the Laws of Armed Conflict, and/or the Geneva Accords of ‘47. The thing that they’re a signatory to, and governs how they should proceed in armed conflict.
Anyways, here’s some more of the Pro-Hamas supporters who actually were allowed to speak at the DNC.
“It haunts us in our dreams.” Gaza doctors speak at the DNC and beg the world to listen. Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar join their press conference.
Here’s a long read:
The Guardian: As a former IDF soldier and historian of genocide, I was deeply disturbed by my recent visit to Israel
This summer, one of my lectures was protested by far-right students. Their rhetoric brought to mind some of the darkest moments of 20th-century history – and overlapped with mainstream Israeli views to a shocking degree
By Omer Bartov
Omer Bartov, a former IDF soldier who’s now the world’s leading scholar on genocide and the Holocaust.
The Guardian: Israel perpetrating war crimes in plain sight in Gaza, says ex-UK diplomat
Mark Smith, who quit Dublin embassy role, says he raised his concerns over weapons sales with foreign secretary
The Audacity of Krope
I will say Ann Coulter is the one lifelong winger talking head whom I have heard constant rumors about her not being at all sincere in her beliefs.
It’s a living. /FlinstonesAppliance
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@scav: A French accent would fool anyone and get you in everywhere.
Pick on someone your own siz– oh, wait, they’re picking on people bigger than they are.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
Wow – Pink and The
DixieChicks will be on stage tonightUncleEbeneezer
@rikyrah: There are also Palestinian voices like Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, who demand a Cease Fire but also condemn Hamas and Anti-Semitism and call for a Two-State Solution and mutual humanity for both Israelis and Palestinians. They would be great to see speak at the DNC. But they would never be supported by the protestors.
That’s something that Palestinians, and outside aid agencies, continue to say over and over and over and over…
How do you get the people to support a US led peace process, when it’s our bombs that are being dropped on them? We spent two decades talking about how our actions in the Middle East, specifically Iraq and Afghanistan, were further fueling terrorism by continuing to radicalize the population and produce new generations of terrorists, but somehow we can’t make that connection here. It’s a collective stupid pill action.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I mean, Sean Fain, president of the UAW, spoke up in favor of allowing an elected Dem Palestinian-American with a vetted speech to speak at the convention. So have other MI Dems. According to reporting from Mother Jones mentioned by commenter Litano, the Harris team wouldn’t even look at the speech. Uncommitted delegates made it known weeks ago their wishes for someone to speak at the DNC
I fear Harris and her team are making the same mistakes Biden was making
Said it better than I could.
It comes down to this. Walz gets graded A. Vance gets graded U — because a mere F isn’t low enough.
This mom is absolute done with dollar store Eva Braun. (NFSW but absolutely hilarious)
@The Audacity of Krope: does she have a new book out? I’ve noticed that every year or two, Coulter pops up in the news for some new repulsive statement and I wonder, new book? And it almost always turns out to be the case.
Except they had that. Two members of Congress stood up for them, were extremely vocal about this, and then got primaried by AIPAC. If the calculus now is, speak out against Israel, lose your seat… who the hell is going to do that?
And yeah yeah, Bush voted against the Infrastructure bill. Pelosi would routinely allow some members to vote against something when they knew it would pass. Biden would say, “If you need to run against me, do it; just win”. Just, whatever.
The Audacity of Krope
@JoyceH: If Coulter does have a new book out, I won’t take the time or effort to find out even though I’m on a train with nothing better to do.
I’m very excited to see Kamala Harris speak tonight, regardless of what famous people show up.
Although I am enjoying the celebrity cameos. Especially Kenan Thompson, who I think is the GOAT SNL performer.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Here’s what I’m gleaning from discussions online: There was a speaker put forward by an Uncommitted delegate, but either no one would look at her speech (ie, the Harris campaign didn’t), or they weren’t given a copy of the speech to look at (and therefore didn’t know what was in it); or, alternatively, the proposed speech didn’t have the Free Palestine group’s approved talking points, so *they* opposed her speaking.
I honestly don’t know which version is correct.
The Audacity of Krope
Would have made a great Deval Patrick for their political parodies if Patrick’s attempts at national office weren’t so lackluster.
Heart breaking news for Arkansas women and girls😢
The Harris team has been a bit busy putting together a Presidential campaign from scratch. Perhaps you were unaware of the events of the past few weeks?
Also, a poster up thread has just let slip that pro- Palestinian advocates HAVE ALREADY SPOKEN AT THE CONVENTION. So this whole fuss about pro- Palestinian voices being silenced is in, as usual, bad faith.
Omnes Omnibus
@Leto: Not everyone has an instagram account. Just saying.
Old School
According to the Guardian, they were offered a panel:
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t. Plays just fine.
The Audacity of Krope
@Jackie: Well, if Arkansas won’t let people vote directly on abortion, they could always install a pro-choice legislature.
One can dream…
Omnes Omnibus
@Leto: Didn’t for me.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Seriously? They could make the time, particularly for something that could make a difference between winning and losing MI
ETA: Was it during primetime?
Delete. I’m done on this subject.
@rikyrah: Laughed so hard at Knowa’s response “So your source is ‘trust me bro?’”
Lindel and his fellow travelers are well beyond weird at this point and are firmly into abhorrent territory.
Hey, that was me. I can tell that you didn’t look at the link so I’ll fill you in: they spoke outside. No pro-Palestinian person has spoken from the floor. But we did get a hostage family to speak from the podium. So… it’s not bad faith. Big fucking difference between getting a podium spot with international coverage versus standing out in a patch of grass and dirt, with a link to Imgur.
The Audacity of Krope
@Scout211: Election season is no time to talk about policy preferences!!!
Well, not from the pro-Palestine side. Not here on Balloon Juice.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Will it though? Neither you nor I have access to the data that the campaign does nor do we know the ins and outs of the discussions about this.
@UncleEbeneezer: I wonder if you are familiar with former Knesset member Einat Wilf. She writes and speaks on the larger issue of Israel’s place in the Middle East, and is a very brainy and articulate woman.
Wilf does not post much on current issues in Israeli politics with the exception of draft exemptions for the Ultra-Orthodox, which she firmly opposes. I think Wilf is reticent because she intends to enter the next Knesset and wants to steer clear of controversies until the campaign. Foreign policy is her wheelhouse anyway.
@CaseyL: From Mother Jones’s reporting on this:
I want to make a more basic point that the actual ask here– including a Palestinian speaker is an incredibly low bar that the campaign should have done without being asked or pressured at all just as a matter of good politics.
Harris met in person with leaders of the Uncommitted movement in Michigan. She is not ignoring them. But nothing she does for them is ever enough.
Here’s the thing, it’ll be the same policy as it’s been since ‘48. Harris won’t break with that. What we don’t know is that if Harris wins in Nov, how will that impact Bibi’s decision making process moving forward? Idk. He’s like Trumpov, trying to stay out of jail. As long as he’s waging war, he’s staying out of jail.
Hate to engage in lookism/sexism but back when I still tweeted I once warned Laura Ingraham that she was just a few wrinkles away from being “Coultered”; memory-holed by the Fox “News” freshest-is-bestest law of on air female talent.
@Omnes Omnibus: here, try this link. Click the top image/link. If it still won’t play, then it’s an issue with your device and that’s outside my help.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: @Leto: nor for me. Why does instagram hate lawyers with exquisite musical taste? I’ll bet it loads for Immantize….
The Audacity of Krope
@Omnes Omnibus: The cost/benefit of allowing someone to speak for probably 5 minutes tells me this is an easy way to placate at least some people who have legitimate concerns about our foreign policy and are having their voice silenced from the mainstream political conversation.
This isn’t exactly a big ask.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I understand that they did, but you have to keep them happy. It’s not a big ask imo to let a vetted, elected Dem Palestinian-American speak for a bit on the stage
Andrew Abshier
Even in disguise, Matt Walsh can’t resist a red ball cap!
@Litano: and they could’ve done it at the 6pm slot when basically nobody is watching. If you feel like you need to sideline them, but still give them a crumb, there you go.
@Steve in the ATL: because he’s an exquisite lawyer with musical taste… see, you reversed the polarities. Don’t cross the streams!
The Audacity of Krope
@Leto: Crumbs are for Democrats in good standing…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
We don’t know, but it’s probably going to be close and we need every vote in an important state like Michigan. Sean Fain thought it was important enough to go to bat for them for a speaker at the Convention
Omnes Omnibus
@Leto: Thanks for trying but it still didn’t play.
Omnes Omnibus
@Leto: I may be a lot of things, but a exquisite lawyer is not one of them.
LOL. Who was the sports figure who once plaintively asked “Does anyone here know how to play this game?” JD Vance goes into a donut shop to buy donuts, photo op to be all normal and relatable. And he winds up in a shop where the counter clerk doesn’t recognize him and doesn’t want to be filmed. How do his staff still have jobs?
Steve in the ATL
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): if I may be pedantic—and just try to stop me!—it’s Shawn Fain. Sean is the UAW guy, the one who endorsed Kamala and didn’t speak at the RNC.
@The Audacity of Krope: I didn’t realize Stephanie Grisham was a Dem in good standing. Or Geoff Duncan. Or John Giles. Or Olivia Troye. Or…
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s why I’m saying it didn’t play for you, per Steve’s comment at 121. :P
The Audacity of Krope
Planning is for suckers and Democrats. Why have a forward team plan a public event where god-knows-who is there and the campaign wants good film.
Lucky for that counter attendant, though, I wish I couldn’t identify Vance.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: fortunately, your excellent musical taste more than makes up for your grossly incompetent lawyering. Suck on that, Imm!
Omnes Omnibus
@The Audacity of Krope: I agree that, on the surface, you are correct. The fact that they aren’t agreeing to it leads me to believe that there is something else involved. And, no, I don’t have any idea what it might be.
@Omnes Omnibus: I think you are trying to divert attention from the way you crushed people’s hopes yesterday with your imperfect link to the AKA story. That was cruel!
Gin & Tonic
@JoyceH: Casey Stengel, in reference to the 1962 NY Mets. The answer to his question was “No.”
@tam1MI: Oh come on, that’s incredibly weak shit and you know it. “I feel your pain” wasn’t a good line in 1992 and it’s not a good line today. There are a number of things you could say that are low-salience enough to the general public to prevent a shitstorm but meaningful enough to those who care about the suffering in Gaza to show you’re willing to break from the current administration’s extreme, hardline policy. Harris hasn’t said anything that I haven’t heard hundreds of times before by the people who have resolutely, time and time again, refused to use any of their leverage to stop the carnage in Gaza.
The Audacity of Krope
@Leto: I definitely didn’t mean that to be taken seriously.
Betty Cracker
Every time a creepy right-wing man asks, “what is a woman?” the person asked should reply, “the people who instinctively put their hand over their drink when you walk into a bar.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Steve in the ATL:
Sorry, you’re right. Still, it was Fain I was talking about. I’d think he’d have some insight into the situation in MI
@Steve in the ATL: @Omnes Omnibus: here, try this link.
@The Audacity of Krope: It’s cute as a primary-era “snows of New Hampshire” story (West Wing fans will flash back to Matt Santos greeting citizens at the town dump), but after the convention it’s just pathetic.
@The Audacity of Krope: sorry. I’ll adjust my /s meter for next time.
@Litano: so you’re saying we should elevate an uncommitted voter group that’s been actively hostile to the Democratic Party to deliver a prime time speech during our convention… yeah no, sorry.
@Chris: I think it was Andrew Sullivan, not Douthat.
@satby: That notwithstanding, my heart hurts that a 12-year-old has to be “fine” with being shouted at, at point-blank range, by a vicious adult twice his size.
Casey Stengel on the 1962 Mets. Was an excellent question as they lost 120 games.
@Betty Cracker: I recommend we treat them like a choir teacher does her students.
In other words, nothing she does will ever be enough. The goalposts will always be moving.
If we were going to get this shit all over again, why the hell did we bother to force out Joe Biden?
@Scout211: Jerk-offs and jagoffs at my local NBC station. Great to see!
It’s becoming increasingly clear that they are basically the same old Horseshoe Left – their vote is ungettable no matter what so why even bother.
@Ksmiami: the amount of people who’ve been actively hostile to our party for the past almost 100 years, including people who actively worked to implement laws that we find morally repugnant, who received actual prime time speaking slots at this convention…
Steve in the ATL
Oh for fucks sake
@Omnes Omnibus:
Maybe they’re mad about the “present” votes.
They spoke on Trump alone . Not comparable.
Omnes Omnibus
@Leto: I found a working link on Twitter. https://x.com/madisonkittay/status/1826722093154590743?s=46&t=JWhimy25nBdJtrLTJg89-w
@tam1MI: Because they never in a million years thought he’d step aside. They thought they could flog that horse all the way to the election.
They are not currently actively trying to throw the election to Donald Trump.
And every single one of them repudiated the GOP and its actions and announced their support of Harris.
@Leto: hahahahaah that is hysterical
@tam1MI: I care about getting Harris elected – the I/p issue has been a problem my entire lifetime and I’m not wasting time or breath on the jag offs that would ruin our democracy for this issue that’s been intractable for 70 years.
They didn’t repudiate the GOP, just Trump.
The other employee was looking at him like he was wearing the shades from ‘They Live’.
@tam1MI: exactly
@Ksmiami: It’s weird that the ask was “Palestinian speaker” and you heard “uncommitted voter group that’s been actively hostile to the Democratic Party.” Unless you’re saying that all Palestinians intrinsically belong to that second category, these are two very different asks! For one thing, the Uncommitted delegates have been about as loyal a dissenting voice within the party as I could have asked for. They’ve consistently said that their number one priority is stopping Trump. They’re concerned about the Dem’s extreme position here in large part because they believe it hurts our electoral viability in November, and the proposed speech that the Dems rejected sight unseen concluded with a full-throated defense of Harris. For another thing, Abdelnasser Rashid and Ruwa Romman are not members of the uncommitted delegation in any capacity! They’re elected Dems in good standing who happen to also be Palestinian. If you think their statements on this topic are too extreme or whatever, fine– say that and then find another Palestinian speaker. Rejecting the prospect altogether and dismissing the extreme grief that people are feeling about this terrible carnage doesn’t really make sense unless your explicit goal is signaling to Bibi and AIPAC that you’re willing to tell the Palestinians to pound sand just like the rest of the foreign policy blob.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s perfect.
@Leto: I don’t even understand your point. The speakers have all been in support of Harris. A pro Palestinian uncommitted speaker throws a rusted wrench into the conversation- wtf would a sentient person want that?
@Baud: that’s because you actually saw their speeches. We don’t know what they were going to talk about. Would it have been bashing the current administration? Idk. Saying please stop the sale/non-sale of arms being sent to Israel used to kill Palestinians? Idk. Say, please tell the Israeli’s to please let medical/humanitarian/food aid in? Idk. None of us do.
But we sure want to give permission for white people to finally, after 56 fucking years, to vote Dem. Ok.
Steve in the ATL
Did you forget a couple of zeroes in this number?
It’s a scam. I drank a whole bottle and nothing happened.
I’d imagine the DNC knew what they were going to talk about. Maybe had a hand on the mute button. But the topics aren’t comparable.
How do they get credentials? Don’t you have to have them to get on the floor?
@Ksmiami: They’re in support of Harris only while Trump is on the ticket. That’s it. Two of them have stated that. Why did we need the hostage family up there? Is that not throwing a wrench into the convo? Apparently not. “Please release the hostages.”
”Please stop killing the civilians.” I mean… we supposedly stand for basic rule of law. Idk, I keep coming back to that as a main sticking point here, and most of BJ just fucking skips right over that. Again, the collective amnesia from 2001 to 2021 is amazing.
@Litano: keep shifting the goal posts for the Democratic Party Bud-
ps: until and unless Israel fires Netanyahu, there really isn’t much we can do. Hamas is bad for Palestinian security.
Sorry to interrupt this riveting debate, but I just turned on C Span, and there’s A LOT of white clothing tonight! I wonder if Kamala will be wearing white.
@Omnes Omnibus: this is The Way.
@Steve in the ATL: I meant since the end of ww2… but yeah the conflict goes back even longer
@Baud: Per the reporting, the DNC did. And the group was more than willing to work with them on making sure it wasn’t disruptive, while still getting their point out. And I’ll simply disagree on the last sentence.
American hostages.
I’ll support whatever the DNC decides but I’m not getting worked up over this issue.
Yes, we disagree.
And not a single one of those Republicans got to go on stage to *advocate* for their policy positions. You keep avoiding that simple fact. They were there to say “I support Harris, fellow Republicans should too.”
I’m not opposed to someone from the uncommitted delegates giving a policy-neutral speech that speaks to the pain of Gazans, but at the same time I can see why when there’s such a complex orchestration that they might not want to risk slotting in someone right now.
@tam1MI: I thought the person they suggested as a speaker is an elected Democrat
This is super important re: foreign policy and I don’t see anyone saying it: I don’t think Palestinian-Americans and the left generally understand what a gift they are getting in Harris/Walz, and are stuck in an old mental frame. I don’t mean this in talking down, but more that folks don’t know too much about these two people as people. Harris would have almost certainly grown up with a really really strong anti-colonial family education, given what I know of her mom, dad, and her Indian and Jamaican relatives (hint: both countries were under the boot of the British for a long time). Walz has done amazing projects with his high school students in the 1990s studying genocide. I bet both of them have a totally different gut level way of looking at the Middle East than Biden and his old natsec hands.
@Leto: Look, we can all disagree about things here, but for the love of G-d, stop calling Jews Nazis. I do not know how to explain how utterly disgusting that is, especially when many of us are being told to go back to Poland, to get in the ovens, to get gassed, etc. I’m asking you to please not say that. Have whatever opinions you have about the war, but not that.
Via reddit, something we can all agree on.
@Betty Cracker: also: “anyone who doesn’t need to repeatedly ask that weird, stupid question can be a woman if they want to.”
@rikyrah: this is the right answer.
Steve LaBonne
@SatanicPanic: And she has released the text of the very brief and utterly harmless speech she wanted to give. I am very skeptical of claims about how many votes are really at stake, but I think not giving her two minutes is a mistake.
@Leto: I prefer the Milkshake Toss but that was great too 😆
@Jackie: Well, “candidates” are people who wear white togas, and she’s a candidate, so…
Black light party.
@Baud: 😆
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
@Baud: 😂😂😂
@KatKapCC: how about the Israeli’s stop acting like the Nazis? Again, I don’t know why the fuck I post stuff because people don’t read it, but go back up to my comment that you linked from and read what the fucking leading scholar on the Holocaust/genocide, who is himself a former Israeli soldier, and how the Israeli military has adopted the same mindset on the Palestinians as the Nazi’s did with the Jews. And that’s not even counting the government.
And I’ll agree, it is fucking disgusting. Israeli’s should know better. How many other scholars need to come out and talk about how the Israeli state is acting just like the people who tried to exterminate them? Because a lot of them have. And no, they’re not all fucking pro-Hamas. Jesus Christ.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m not having a problem.
Ok, this dude needs to be pied. I can’t take it anymore.
@TBone: Haha, that’s good too!
@geg6: from the two previous samples, i think we’ve established it’s a lawyer problem 😂
@Steve LaBonne: Yeah seems like not a big deal to throw them a bone, but I also agree with Omnes that maybe there’s something we don’t know. Who knows.
As I recall, she was once pretty close to the author of Blinded by the Right, and not at all bothered by his homosexuality. Weirdly, the ex-wife of a friend of mine was friends with her in grade school, so I guess that’s one degree of separation for me.
@Jackie: I hate this but it’s gross misfeasance on the part of those proposing the initiative and submitting the required documents not to know and follow the rules. Especially for something of this import.
A record this year’s White Sox are trying hard to beat. Without having the excuse of being an expansion team.
Leto did not call “Jews” “Nazi’s”.
He called the Israeli War Cabinet and many of the Political classes and supporters of the current Israeli Government Nazi’s, based on their plans, policies, actions and rhetoric.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
This argument has to stop. I can’t take it anymore. Back and forth, back and forth. In this rare case, both sides are right, Angel Reese and Caitlin Clark should be co-rookies of the year.
@CaseyL: Republicans and frankly most voters aren’t rewarding serious discussions about sensitive policies. I would say this isn’t the time to bring it up. It may be the time to DO things like diplomacy and even a little backstabbing Bibi if we can, but not a speech at the convention.
Long term, educating the public to detach from Israel needs to happen. They need to be just an ally, not a fetish. And we need to quit lumping American Jews in with them. American Jews have diverted from Israeliis a bunch. That needs to be made clearer to people here and even in Israel.
@KatKapCC: What bugs me about the “Nazi” epithet is the way people glide right past every other terrible war since 1945– and there have been dozens– to pick the Nazi’s extermination of the Jews as the analogue for what Israel has done in Gaza. There is an unspoken and for many, unconscious message that “those Jews must not have learned their lesson.”
@David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch: I hear that Angel Reese has scored an endorsement deal for Reese’s Pieces.
@Steve in the ATL: Is Immantize okay? I haven’t seen any recent posts from him.
@Jay: It’s just not cool to call any Jews Nazis
I hope they dump every one of them! Far too much “knickers in a twist” about possibly pissing off Putin and not enough active support to the David fighting for Europe’s life against Goliath. Just for starters, unleash the Storm Shadows FFS.
I believe it has more to do with the Nazi’s being better known in history and the similar power disparity.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): you mean right when she was getting her campaign running? Come on.
It may not be cool, but not all Israeli’s are Jews, but the current Israeli Government is acting exactly like Nazi’s, speaking like Nazi’s and using the same strategy and tactics as the Nazi’s used against Warsaw.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
That’s sweet
@Jay: Can you not think of a different analogy? South Africa works without the historical baggage.
@Baud: I just scared one of my cats with all the cackling!
@Jay: There was a similar if not greater power disparity when the US firebombed Japanese cities in 1945, yet I never see pictures of Osaka or Tokyo in ruins, just Rotterdam. Those Japanese civilians had no say in that war and the US incinerated them anyway. Same with the German civilians in Hamburg the British killed.
And the Nazis are not infamous for bombing civilians like Israel has done and the US has done plenty; the Nazi’s are infamous for slaughtering millions in death camps and places like Baba Yar. I see no equivalence here.
karen gail
One thing about the whole Israel, Palestine mess; I remember my Grandfather talking about it when he was remembering when it was first announced that Israel would be “created” by removing the existing Palestinian people. He believed it would end badly, for the Palestinian people because “look what happened when white Europeans forced Native people off their lands.” Grandpa was a millworker for 50 years and since he started working at 14 his mother encouraged him to read and learn. His uncle “corrupted” him by encouraging him to read history. So he had read the history of many empires and nations that destroyed themselves with war.
@SatanicPanic: There’s a long list of scholarship showing how current day Israel uses the same dehumanizing language/tactics that the Nazi’s did. That’s not to mention the same long list of scholarship drawing the parallels to apartheid South Africa.
At this point, it’s willful disregard.
@BR: I think the simple fact is that by virtue of the fact that they won’t “commit” to Harris (it’s in the name!) they’re being kept off the speakers list. And that’s reasonable, for a political convention literally about the selection of a particular person. You don’t put on speakers that won’t vote for that person and won’t endorse her. Full stop.
If they’re willing to endorse Harris, and have a vetted speech that doesn’t throw a huge wrench into the convention and the campaign can trust them to stick to it, then you’ve got something. But all three of those conditions are each questionable.
karen gail
@Leto: It’s the same kind of language that has been used for thousands of years; dehumanizing the enemy.
A friend was in Air Force during Vietnam; he never saw the faces of the people he killed. After the war he rarely spoke about what he had done, though one night when drunk he said that he never saw them as “real people” until the picture of the little girl who had been napalmed. He said he could have done that to her or others and never have known it.
The Smithsonian Channel runs continuous WW2 Pacific documentaries which show this, in vivid color. Previously the History Channel showed it, because that’s where I saw it first. There’s so many documentaries on it, the horrors of the firebombings, how the aircrews felt about it, what the civilians on the ground saw, the after effects…
And we’re not even talking about YouTube which has historians discussing these events, from the political considerations to the ground level grunt.
And because you brought it up, this is a nice segway: how did our prosecution of the way lead to our current day LOAC rules? And how does this apply to the situation with Israel and Palestine. Regarding our evolution on LOAC, this is basic training level education stuff we did with all of our airmen, but I’m curious if the average civilian knows this.
I always find that statement from people so strange. Oh well.
@karen gail: as someone who has seen them face to face, it’s different. Also if your friend couldn’t see the difference between the enemy and civilians, well…
Edit: also just fucking lol at “it’s been this way for thousands of years.” IF that’s the case, I don’t know why you aren’t barefoot, pregnant, and in chained in the kitchen. “It’s been that way for thousands of years.” JFC, did you really say that?
SA, not really, there was no “war within”,
Rwanda is closer,
The Bosnian Wars,
but the power difference isn’t there,
and the history of this war doesn’t really match.
Underdogs until 1973 becoming the Overlords and over time, mirroring the worst that their enemies had done to them.
And of course, while there were other wars lead by War Criminals, as judged after the fact, here we have a “war” lead on both sides by on one hand, terrorist leaders, and on the other hand, criminal leaders, both trying to keep the conflict going in synergy, just to avoid facing the consequences.
karen gail
@Leto: It is the dehumanizing the enemy that has been practice for thousands of years; about women, well many societies started out matriarchal but things changed.
Friend was a pilot; he would take off from safe place fly over where ever he was suppose to target, drop load and fly back. He said he was based out of Philippians so he didn’t see faces of Vietnamize until years after the war
I am way too old to be chained; ex did his best to make sure I had no life outside of his control, living in country made it easier.
Rape camps, indiscriminate civilian bombings, torture centers, indiscriminate detention with out charges or trial, land grabs, murders, mob violence, starvation as a weapon, destruction of educational, medical and civic facilities, etc.
BTW, firebombing a city was not a “war crime” during WWII, we were just eventually “better at it” than the Germans, Italians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, Japanese, etc than they were at end of the war.
@KatKapCC: Thank you.
I don’t have an acct. Loads for me. Hilarious. Thanks for posting.
We teach this to our airmen in basic training. And how it was horrible, because it was indiscriminate, the civilians had no part in it, and we talk about how that lead to our current Laws of Armed Combat. There’s a reason why I keep harping on LOAC continuously. I mean it’s in vain, but here we are.
@karen gail:
Nah, you don’t get to make that argument. There’s a difference between pre-Goebbels and everything since then, and it’s known. If you don’t know that, go read the article I linked above.
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Jay: right, right. everyone’s familiar with all of the nazi-jew wars of the 30’s and 40’s where several jewish nations invaded repeatedly and tried to exterminate nazi germany from the start.
@Geminid: yeah dude, the nazis bombed civilians. lots. too many examples to list, but perhaps you’ve heard of a little thing called the blitz of london?
@strange visitor (from another planet):
As I pointed out upthread, many other horrific wars have some similarities with the I/P conflict, but they are not well known, and have many significant differences.
But it’s nice to know that you absolutely approve of everything Israel is doing in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel proper.
Steve in the ATL
@SFBayAreaGal: he bought that haunted farmhouse in upstate New York so he’s probably trapped in another dimension by evil spirits. Nothing else makes sense, right?
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Jay: holy balls-out straw-man, batman. could you make MORE shit up?
yeah, i seriously challenge you to find ANYTHING i’ve ever posted that says something as stupid as, “i approve of everything Israel is doing in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel proper.”
fuck, i’ll challenge you to find anything i’ve posted that says i approve of ANYTHING israel is doing in gaza or the west bank.
that’s some stupid shit. completely, dumbass.
i’ll wait.
the “noble” palestinian protesters can’t tell the difference between jews and israelis. looks like you’ve got problems discerning jews from fucking nazis.
@strange visitor (from another planet):
Nice strawman, I guess you can’t tell the difference between people of the Jewish Faith and Israeli terrorists and war criminals.
@Steve in the ATL: Amityville. Scary
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Jay: fucknozzle, i AM a member of the jewish faith. red-sea pedestrian. brooklyn born and bred. you and the “noble” protesters are the ones who have a problem figuring out which are which.
…and i’m still waiting for you to post my myriad comments approving of everything or even anything IDF is doing in gaza or the west bank, after all, there must be quite a track record if you’re gonna make such a bold statement like that, right, chump?
or could it be that you’re just completely full of shit?
@Jay: It sounds like you are describing what Bashar Assad has been doing the last 13 years. Assad is the biggest butcher of this century, he operates right next door to Israel, and he is ignored or even justified by many of the people condemning Israel. For them, Arab blood is cheap unless it is Israel shedding it.
And those Israeli war crimes you list are not in the least unique to Israel and Nazi Germany and you know that. Like I said above, people glide right by every other terrible conflict of the last 80 years in order to conflate Israel and Nazi Germany, and that double standard is wrong.
And “by the way”: what the US did to Japanese civilans in 1945 was far worse than what Israel has done to Gazans and I don’t care if the rules were changed afterwards.
And US bombs, mines and artillery shells killed scores of thousands or more Vietnamese, Cambodian and Laotian civilians two decades after these rules were changed. This would be a more apt analogy to what Israel has done in Gaza except that no one from those three countries ever murdered US civilians.
Anne Laurie
Not to get into a fight on a dead thread, but I agree 100% with your comment here.
(Well, except *I* would have used an Oxford comma… )
In many regards, you are right, The Syrian Civil War is pretty close to the I/P conflict in history, going back to the Ottomans, including sponsorship, outside actors, and few “good guys”.
Bibi = Assad in many regards.
or, Bibi = Putin in Ukraine in many regards.
@Jay: I think one thing Assad and Putin have in common is that they will be in power long after Netanyahu is thrown out.
Quaker in a Basement
Aren’t all these guys who keep asking “What is a woman?” the same people who insist Michelle Obama isn’t one?
It’s all so confusing.
Quaker in a Basement
@Anne Laurie: Thank you for your service to America.
(not actually a) Dr. Th0th Evans
@The Audacity of Krope:
How about “penny dreadful”?
Chris T.
“Wow, no wonder you’re involuntarily celibate.”