When did Comey reopen the Hillary investigation in 2016? October 28th, 11 days before the 2016 election.
Whine on Dipshit Donnie. pic.twitter.com/JqsbgibbxO— Ron Fancy Defender of AMERICAN DEMOCRACY (@RonFancy) August 28, 2024
Our Failed Major Media, with the NYTimes at the forefront…
On left: Oct 29 2016. James Comey discovers some emails, revives inquiry into HRC email. (Later dismissed.)
On right: Aug 28 2024. A new grand jury re-indicts Trump on criminal charges of plotting to overturn 2020 election. (Look closely at bottom of page.)
Discuss. pic.twitter.com/rvqnwzEtX6
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) August 28, 2024
Disagree. The new indictment, from a new grand jury, is a *much* more substantial development than Comey finding emails on Anthony Weiner's cell phone. (Which was the occasion for the blaring front-page coverage in 2016.)
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) August 28, 2024
Remember when Trump attacked the FBI for election interference when James Comey held a news conference about an investigation into Hillary Clinton days before the election ? No? Me either
— Sean McGough (@seanmack1025) August 28, 2024
This section of the DOJ manual is known as the ‘James Comey Fuck-the-Regulations’ clause. pic.twitter.com/WcmPWE8k9Y
— Dr. David A. Lustig (@drdave1999) August 28, 2024
For the record, I don’t think Comey intended to stumble back into the limelight just in time to grease the skids on the GOP’s ‘clouds & shadows’ allegations. He just has a bottomless need to be The Most Sterling Public Servant EVER, and a genuine gift for running his yap at the worst possible moment…
James Comey's hunger for attention may rival Trump's. https://t.co/v31Pzg8wCL
— Kat 4 Obama (@Kat4Obama) August 28, 2024
pacem appellant
NYT delenda sunt.
Steve LaBonne
My “Elect More Women” T-shirt raises questions about my hypocrisy that are answered by the fact that I’m the one wearing it.
Man, fuck James Comey and his desperate attempt at Reputation Repair.
Hey James Comey. Thanks for endorsing Harris. Now go eff yourself with a hot poker.
NYT is on Trump’s team and has been since 2016.
Kleptocrats gonna kleptocrat. Meanwhile, I’m working on a new space laser for no particular reason…
The Audacity of Krope
“Trump” is posting that voting starts September 6, but we all know Trump thinks the only real voting is in person on election day.
So who killed Trump and is operating his meat suit?
CNN is pretending they and other trad media should be genuflected to before any candidate can be taken seriously and they believe that shit.
Micheal Harriot has a few questions for the fart-huffing ballbags.
@The Audacity of Krope: RFK Jr.’s starving brainworm.
Go Jack Smith.
Sure, Jack could have waited until day 61 to unseal the indictments, but,he was generous. …at day 70 :)
That’s one endorsement that the Harris campaign should place in the “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Memorial Do Not Return This Message Circular Filing Cabinet”.
James Comey can fuck off and die forever, like a character in some Greek tragedy. Every day, for eternity, he has to wake up, fuck off, and die by the end of the day—only to wake up in the morning to do it all over again. Sometimes he wakes up in a morgue, sometimes he wakes up in a sealed coffin, other times a shallow grave or a dumpster. But every day—wake up, fuck off, die—over and over and over again.
CNN is pretending they and other trad media should be genuflected to before any candidate can be taken seriously and they believe that shit.
I love how folks are just like..
and, we truly mean..
Steve LaBonne
@HumboldtBlue: They’re trying to run a protection racket but everyone can see they’re nowhere near as tough as they think they are.
The Audacity of Krope
If only such a thing were available. CNN and the rest certainly aren’t offering it.
ETA: As far as I can tell, they need these interviews as much as the candidates do and are the only ones who benefit from them being the specific ones to do the interview.
So, no matter how badly I want to see Kamala shine, I will never watch. Someone respectable will be granted an interview at some point later, I’m sure.
@brendancalling: “James Comey? I thought you were dead!”
”Yeah, me too.” [breaks third wall, sad trombone]
reposted from the previous thread,
Will Buch rips the Media a new one.
@The Audacity of Krope: Not that it really matters because Trump lies basically all the time, but where in the country does voting start on September 6th? The earliest deadline I know of is the “mail ballots to overseas military” which is like September 20, and most states wait until then (or later) to start mailing out ballots to the general population.
Maybe someone told him about the sixty day rule, which is what September 6th would be, and he added another sixty days to that? Who the hell really knows.
“… there is no sub for independent, tough Qs…”
Which causes us to wonder why Trump hasn’t been called upon to give a straight answer to one yet in any of his three presidential candidacies.
Todays Arlington hijinks have a local connection.
Who’s exploiting whom seems an open question.
The Audacity of Krope
@dmsilev: I don’t know either. I certainly didn’t try to corroborate the date.
That’s the problem with addressing Trump’s hypocrisy, it makes it hard to even get to the lies. Consider the prior statement to be fully reversible.
@KatKapCC: Yup. But we should take all the R endorsements we can get, now numbering in the hundreds.
Steve LaBonne
@hueyplong: Shit, on every campaign flight Harris gives the press gaggle the chance to ask a few questions, and as far as we know they’re all stupid horserace and “respond to dumb shit Trump said” garbage. They’re not fooling anybody into thinking they’re intrepid journalists.
Betty Cracker
The Fallows tweet that compares the front page treatment really says it all. The NYT political desk has been a disaster for America.
I remember reading that after Trump was elected, Comey’s wife and daughters berated him for sticking his big fat thumb on the scale. I hope they’ve kept at it.
What a world-historical fuck up James Comey is. But of course he’s oblivious to that. He had the balls to write a book on leadership afterward. The unmitigated fucking gall…
The Audacity of Krope
We tried to get the EPA on mitigation efforts, but Trump era policies…you know the rest…
I was just thinking last night that Jack Smith could well be TCFG’s James Comey.
Let this be just the tip of the iceberg of “Comey” drops between now and Nov 5.
The Arlington snafu looks like it will also haunt TCFG. There’s millions of veterans and Gold Star families who are furious right now – and not all are Democrats.
@Betty Cracker: Because we all need life lessons from the Gavrilo Princip of the 21st century…
Speaking of NYT’s thumb on the scale:
As of Jan 1 California’s population is believed to be 39.1 million, per the state Dept. of Finance.
That’s a lot of ballots.
The Audacity of Krope
This can only be understood as a reasonable position to take once you understand that the NYT’s financial incentives are tied in with those of the people who decide how much to charge for goods and services.
And it is a position, so much for the objective media.
Independent tough Qs like, “Oh. My. God. Kamala. Did you hear what Trump said about yew?” I’d roll my eyes but I’d probably lose them from the sockets.
I take solace in the fact that the area of Palos Verdes next to where his LA golf club is is sliding into the sea and the whole area will probably be marked as a disaster zone soon enough. (Unfortunately his golf club itself is probably stable.)
No, not really. Bunch has written a lot of good substantive stuff but if you read that piece closely he’s still making excuses for his fuckscum media “colleagues”, and so is Mark Jacob in the piece he links to.
The mainstream media is on the side of fucking evil, pure and simple. Fuck all of them and their bullshit excuses.
@dmsilev: It could just be standard GOP math. Like tax cuts raising revenue.
@BR: My brother-in-law is buried up there.
Sorry to hear. Because of the landslide?
@Trollhattan: A lot of childless cat ladies, also too.
Or do children get ballots in CA as part of its widespread voter fraud?/s
The Audacity of Krope
@EarthWindFire: No, but the cats can vote as long as they’re over 18.
To be fair, he only missed it by 15,658,791
Gloria DryGarden
I’m waiting for a whole thread on the voter suppression activities in the states. NE, felons
TX attacks on folks registering LATINOS to vote, either the AG, or the KK behind it, or both
GA, Complaints about maga on an election body, planning ahead to not certify votes, and the gov pretending he can’t just fire them
these voter suppression activities could be (are) a pretty big deal. We might need to keep our eyes on it. Perhaps a whole thread every week until November. I am proposing.
@Trollhattan: Why do I suspect everything out of the mouth of this woman who claims to speak for all of the “13” is complete bullshit? He really does attract the worst people.
Worded like they think this is a ludicrous notion. “Democrats increasingly think they can solve climate change by aiming oscillating fans at the sun.”
+1 good for Comey to strongly endorse Harris in 2024. Too bad he earned -1000^2 for being a show-hog in 2016 tossing dirt at Clinton 8 days from election day 2016 when it really mattered, especially since the purported new trove of emails turned out to not amount to not even amount to a minuscule speck of lint. And his has-been endorsement in 2024 adds but a pebble of weight to Harris in 2024 compared to the huge boulder he let loose agains Clinton iin 2016 when he still carried considerable weight as FBI director.
And then once in office, Trump treated critical national secrets with less respect than the pages of last year’s Sears & Robuck catalogue in an outhouse. And turned out there were only 3 relatively minor classified docs in the-original or Comey troves.
Dear New York Times, CNN, and everybody else in the media who thinks along similar lines:
Go fuck yourselves, die in a fire, and writhe in agony in the flames of hell for all of eternity. If you need a little bit of help with accomplishing the first two steps in that simple 3 part agenda, I stand ready, willing and able to assist you at any time.
That is all.
Signed, a concerned voter.
E.g., Bunch: nah, the media shitshow has NOTHING to do with the profits of the oligarchs who control it. Uh, ok.
@Trollhattan: Didn’t you know Comrade Newsom made it legal for toddlers to vote.
Gloria DryGarden
@BR: I have climbed down that steep hillside in palos verdes, as a kid, to go to the tide pools. They’re really great tide pools.
if the land collapses there, I’d rather it was a golf course, than the residential areas.
@EarthWindFire: This year we’re sending them to all the preborn; you know, kids Republicans actually “care” about.
Gloria DryGarden
@sukabi: no fucking kidding
Gloria DryGarden
@cmorenc: well said
Citizen Alan
Fixed that for you.
VFX Lurker
Comey can try, but he will never get his reputation back.
If I subscribed to the New York Times, I could use it to line a birdcage, if I had a bird.
The Audacity of Krope
@VFX Lurker: To me, Comet’s reputation wasn’t that stellar to begin with.
ETA: Left the typo. Comet, stellar. Works.
In this case, of course, the “refs” are MORE than willing to be “worked.” Arguably they’re ALREADY putting their thumbs (and hands, and wrists, and shoulders) on the scale, and this is just reminding them to LEAN HARDER! (And John Solomon has long since shown himself to be a credulous nitwit.)
Gloria DryGarden
except comey was was full of it, throwing dirt and shade at a crucial moment on trumped up stuff,
and jack smith has something real and huge he’s been bringing to actual court
This will flip suburban women to DonOLD…
Dorothy A. Winsor
Holy cow. Ari Melber has Cory Lewandowski on. What is the point of that? I had to leave the room
@Jackie: I guess in his world, women only blow you if you’re going to pay them.
G-d damn, that makes my blood boil. They take one brief relationship early in her career, during which, yes, she got a couple of board appointments, and extrapolate from that to say that her entire career, in law and politics, is solely due to her putting out for powerful men.
Of course, even in a case where a woman did get a job or a raise or whatever after sleeping with a man, people only seem to have disdain for the woman and not the man who withheld a promotion or raise unless she put out.
The Audacity of Krope
@Jackie: This election could come back 98 to 2% and that would still be more votes than Trump deserves.
NYT/CNN: “What do you have to say regarding the controversy over Tim Walz’s dog?”
Harris/Walz campaign: “That you can fuck right off with that line of questioning. By the way, have you noticed there’s a picture of you above the words ‘shallow’ and “vapid’ in the dictionary?”
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Melber is obsessed with having right-wing assholes on his show so he can preen about how balanced he is. It would be fine if he always held their feet to the fire, but most of the time he lets them spew garbage while barely correcting a thing they say.
Kudos for not requiring it to be rusty. Any opponent of TCFG should get at least tiny bits of consideration, after all.
@KatKapCC: Fixed it for you:
@Gloria DryGarden: The end result is what matters. Beating TCFG by a tsunami 🌊 is the goal.
The Audacity of Krope
@KatKapCC: Most of Harris’s positions were elected. If Trump were right, which he’s not; but if he were right, Harris left a lot of happy voters in CA.
I just hope she showed some love for her female constituents as well.
Comey’s like a disgusting, slobbering dumb Republican golden retriever
Apologies to the good golden retrievers out there.
New band name.
this is excellent, and 150% agree
@HumboldtBlue: Honestly, I’d rather hear candidates field questions from voters than from the sick, corrupt, biased jerks of the political press.
@The Audacity of Krope: Exactly. EVEN IF there had been any bit of favoritism once upon a time (which there wasn’t), she was elected by the people to be DA, AG, Senator, and VP.
Of course, to Trump, votes made by Democrats do not count. Or they’re RIGGED!!! His people tried to claim Newsom only won election and re-election and beat the dumb recall by “rigging” them. There are twice as many registered Democrats as Republicans in CA, and yet they think a Democrat cannot legitimately win an election here.
Heating it red hot, flakes the surface rust off. Rusty pokers have to be warm or cold, not red hot.
Dismembered was left off the list.
The Audacity of Krope
I wonder what he would make of my right to vote with my “unenrolled” status.
@KatKapCC: You know who else Willie Brown mentored and helped get a seat on a state board? That would be Governor Gavin. Funny how no one ever suggests he blew Willie to advance his career.
True, but 27% is apparently the floor in this country, and that’s before the Fox News ‘prop-up’ effect kicks in.
I still feel like we should have gotten louder, earlier, with the MAGAts: “what the fuck is wrong with you people?”
@Darkrose: Harris did actually date Brown. It is weird though how any relationship by a Democrat is some kind of unseemly whoring. Do they feel that way about the Kristi Noem-Corey Lewandowski affair? The Marge Greene let’s fuck the crossfit guy affairs? What about the spectacle of Kellyanne Conway splaying her legs on the couch at the Oval Office barefoot in a dress like something out of Fatal Attraction?
The Audacity of Krope
No one wants to put their hand in that hair might be one reason. Slick bastid’.
@The Audacity of Krope: …you have a point.
I actually thought he looked okay at the DNC because he didn’t have a metric fuckton of product in his hair.
The Audacity of Krope
Our men don’t seek ownership over the women among us; so, clearly, something else must be motivating our relationships.
@Darkrose: Oh, give them the idea and they’ll run with it. There have been people claiming he’s secretly gay. Now, when it was gay boys in the Castro when he was Mayor, it was more of a hopeful yearning on their part. But from the right wing, it would just be another bit of their pedo freakouts.
The Audacity of Krope
Anyone know why they’re sending Doug Emhoff to do an event in Newport News, Virginia next week?
@The Audacity of Krope: Why “ew”?
The Audacity of Krope
@KatKapCC: I’m sorry, if rubbing up against a full length plastic doll is your thing, I shouldn’t judge. At least Newsom isn’t made of cushions.
Old School
The earliest listed here is 50 days before the election in Pennsylvania.
So the oligarchs have figured out that Trump will butter their buns while a Democrat is more likely to bust their balls. The large media companies are owned by oligarchs and over the past ten to fifteen years ownership has begun to use their assets to advance their interests. It doesn’t matter what the sensibilities of the working stiffs in their organizations are. That’s what editors and headline writers are for.
@dmsilev: As I mentioned in an earlier thread, I have already received my absentee ballot.
@The Audacity of Krope: What are you talking about? Are you implying he’s had plastic surgery or something? Also, I’m a lesbian, but I can recognize when a man is conventionally attractive, which he clearly is. You’re sounding pretty juvenile here.
Here’s a local news story. Maybe a campaign event in support of the local congressman?
@Trollhattan: The J. D. Vance rules. Parents get ballots for their children.
Hmm, weird. Looks like a solid blue district.
If I had my choice, I’d send Doug on a bus tour through Southern Florida.
AYEEEE…Not Barack Obama himself, trolling “tan suit day”…LOL.
@BR: The Virginia 2nd CD is a potential Demicratic pickup this year. Democrat Elaine Luria flipped the 2nd CD in 2018 but lost to Republican Jen Kiggans in 2022. The district is centered on Virginia Beach.
Missy Cotter Smazol is the Democratic candidate this year. Like Luria and Kiggans, Smazol is a retired Navy officer.
I think he hated Hillary Clinton and wanted to show the woman who was running to be his boss that he can hurt her.
I’ll admit, she wears it better. But they both look good.
The Audacity of Krope
@KatKapCC: Maybe “conventionally attractive” isn’t for everyone. And surgery ain’t the issue. The man glistens.
There’s no real consequence to my lack of attraction to him. His general appearance is going to lead me to trust issues the day he inevitably shows up on a Presidential primary ballot, though.
Man looks like he wants to buy the block and put up condos.
@The Audacity of Krope: Okay, none of what you’re saying makes sense, but you do you, I guess.
Another Scott
@Betty Cracker: +1
Fallows was a speechwriter for Jimmy Carter. I’m sure he remembers all the FTFNYT stories that went on for years about Carter’s peanut warehouse and Billy Beer and all the Clouds and Shadows about whether Carter and his brother were being corrupt by not having the blind trust be blind enough, and sullying the great history of the White House by a family member associating with a beer, and all the rest.
Fallows is not the least bit surprised that FTFNYT has got their thumb on the scales to favor the GQP. Not surprised at all.
@HumboldtBlue: John McCain gave them barbecues and tire swings, and no one else does the same.
Ah, interesting. Thanks.
The Audacity of Krope
@KatKapCC: That hair, that “I work indoors” tan…nothing truly good needs that much polish.
@sdhays: I can see Steve Bannon partnering with RFK Jr’s brain worm in a new media company. ETA: Brain worm attired in 6 layers of shirts would be cute.
@rikyrah: Just clicked on my pretend Like button.
@lamh47: They both look great.
@Gloria DryGarden: Abalone Cove is amazing- Trump National is a disgrace and a disaster and Terranea kicks it’s ass everyday
@Trollhattan: I am surprised they did not call them the Fallen Benghazi 13.
@The Audacity of Krope: Are you guys still talking about Newsom?
Newsom may be attractive in some classic sense, like Tom Cruise was supposed to be classically good-looking, but I don’t find either of them attractive.
Newsom is doing a great job as governor, though!
@Kathleen: I hate the idea of an actual LIKE button, but I love that you just clicked on your pretend version. :-)
The tan suit, I love it! Thank you.
That’ll be the day I go back to Annandale.
@Scout211: But now I see the event eill be accoss the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel from the 2nd CD, in Rep. Bobby Scott’s district.
Scott was Virginia’s only Black Representative for many years until a Voting Rights Act lawsuit resulted in a redrawn 4th CD. The late Dan McEachin won that district in 2016 and Jennifer McClellan represents it now.
Who is this “James Commie” guy and why should I care what he thinks?
Know who’s hot? Jack Smith. #swoon
The Audacity of Krope
Honestly, I question his commitment to labor and know for sure he supports the Supreme Court’s efforts to criminalize homelessness. Doesn’t surprise me though.
Man looks like your boss’s boss.
Man looks like the Exxon Valdez spilled into his head and he’s been profiting from it ever since.
Man looks like he was made from a Presidential candidate cookie cutter.
@Old School:
I’m expecting my mail-in ballot in the next few weeks here in PA. Every year they send me a form to request mail-in for all elections that year. I send it in or do it online and there’s nothing to it. Generally, I’ll have it back in the mail in a day or two. I check to make sure it’s recorded as received and then I’m done. If you are registered to vote in PA, you can request the same.
@The Audacity of Krope:
I find him quite attractive, as does almost every normie woman I know.
See now, I admire him but I don’t find him attractive. Certainly not swoon worthy. YMMV.
@Steve LaBonne: check out Keb Mo and Roseanne Cash: “Put a Woman in Charge.”
The Audacity of Krope
@geg6: That’s how the slick ones get you.
@JML: I can’t stand him either, but the more Republicans who endorse Harris, the better.
@schrodingers_cat: goes back further than that. Remember Whitewater? And the run up to the Iraq War? Lots of breathless stenography by the NYT both times.
@geg6: like his looks, don’t want him running. The GOP and their stenographers would have a field day with the Chinese Laundry debacle.
There was a town hall style debate between Poppy Bush and Bill Clinton. Audience members were allowed to submit questions and if chosen got to ask the candidates themselves. I can’t remember if it was a man or woman but I remember the question: do you know anyone personally who has been affected by the recession? Poppy literally said, “I don’t understand the question”. He did manage to burp something out after the question was repeated. Big Dog was wriggling and bouncing up and down like a puppy he was so eager to answer. He practically ran over Bush getting in front of the questioner. He rattled off the names of 5-6 examples right at the tip of his tongue of friends and constituents who’d lost their jobs, business, farms, homes, and life savings. Every detail. It was a master class in incinerating your debate opponent.
I sat there in amazement knowing that I was looking at the next President. One question from a real voter and Poppy was done.
I didn’t think about it at the time, but I’ll bet the moderator remembers that question too and is still seriously pissed he wasn’t the one who got to ask the gotcha question of that election.
The Audacity of Krope
@artem1s: ‘Tis a thing of beauty.
Anything else one might say about the Clintons, they talked to people and knew their stuff.
Uncle Cosmo
The fuck it “works”. Only a scientific illiterate would even dream that, since stars and comets are about as different as two phenomena can be and still be considered part of the field of astronomy.
Call yourself whatever you want, you’ll always be Krope The Dope to me,
@geg6: I just realized that I don’t find him attractive because he reminds me of Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko in Wall Street.
I’ve had very mixed feelings on him as governor. He’s been very good on some issues I care about, but he’s also tried to tack right on others in ways that have ranged from annoying to infuriating, especially since I don’t think he could win a national election as the former Governor of California. He’s not actually a far-left progressive, but he’ll be painted that way, so doubling down on bullshit like sending the cops to clear out the homeless encampments isn’t going to help.
@Darkrose: Newsom is an odious politician. I do wonder about the homeless crisis though. Have we become inured to it? The homeless encampments just seem to getting bigger and more prevalent over time.
@PatD: In California, it’s because there’s no affordable housing in urban areas. It’s pretty much impossible to live in San Francisco or LA. Even Sacramento has gotten insanely expensive in the 20 years I’ve been here. The removal of the post-COVID eviction pause hit hard as well, especially since a lot of landlords (like mine) took the opportunity to jack rents up. And forget about buying a place; that’s a pipe dream for most people.
The problem is a combination of NIMBYism limiting stocks of affordable housing, and speculative bubbles and things like Air BnB prioritizing luxury housing over places people can actually live in. Instead of actually dealing with that, though, it’s easier to just bust up the encampments so people don’t have to actually see that there’s a problem.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I turned off the TV. Life’s too short for a minute of that.