I wonder how many more of these are going to surface:
Donald Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, said that professional women “choose a path to misery” when they prioritize careers over having children in a September 2021 podcast interview in which he also claimed men in America were “suppressed” in their masculinity.
The Ohio senator and vice-presidential candidate said of women like his classmates at Yale Law School that “pursuing racial or gender equity is like the value system that gives their life meaning … [but] they all find that that value system leads to misery”.
Vance also sideswiped the Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a one-time Somali refugee, claiming she had shown “ingratitude” to America, and that she “would be living in a craphole” had she not moved to the US.
Of Afghans who assisted US troops during the occupation of that country who were now seeking to come to America, Vance asked whether “certain groups of people can successfully become American citizens”, and said those hostile to Minneapolis’s Somali American community “don’t like people getting hatcheted in the street in [their] own community”.
At the same time, Vance claimed that “the left uses racism as a cudgel”, and that he had been a “little too worried” in the past about such accusations because they can be “career-ending” and “destroy a person’s life”.
That was 2021, but a couple of days ago, Vance posted a meme about Miss Teen USA contestant Caitlin Upton, who famously flubbed a question back in 2007, comparing Upton’s performance to how Harris would perform in the CNN interview.
Vance in turn appeared Friday on CNN, dismissed the video of Upton as little more than “a 20-year-old meme” and urged Upton to “laugh it off”.
“Politics has got way too lame,” Vance said to anchor John Berman. “You can have some fun while making an argument to the American people about improving their lives.
“I’m not going to apologize for posting a joke – but I wish the best for Caitlin and hope she’s doing well.”
A meme that reached its sell-by date in 2007 is, according to Vance, “not lame”, and playing off hostility and hatred as “having fun” is just fine. Unfortunately, his joke is lame and his barely concealed simmering hatred of women isn’t fun, so here we are with yet another post about the worst VP pick in half a century.
When JD says women who don’t have kids, at the age JD thinks they should, have “no real value system” combined with the other things he says in that clip, he’s really saying no real *value* to right wing society.
I can’t wait for the campaign to turn to “Trump is the oldest candidate in history — older than Biden was in 2020 — and that means his weirdo sidekick could become president. Do you want that?”
Christ, what an asshole
Dorothy A. Winsor
I can’t even read all that. My BP meds aren’t strong enough.
“Have some fun”? That echoes “an’t you take a joke” or “you have no sense of humor.” It’s abuser’s language.
Guy really does have issues with women.
I can has cheezburger?
amazing that he hates his wife so much.
Tony Jay
In that picture Vance looks like he’s at the point in his ’clear the air’ interview with Joe Rogan where he’s describing the cocktail of experimental drugs and group prayer that has successfully weaned him off man/couch love only to be distracted by how very, very hot that cheeky little microphone looks.
Turns out the Little Woman can bring the hate, too (including the ironic self-hate it seems).
I was going to say, “Amazing that she allows it,” but I don’t know enough about her background.
Lots of women buy into misogyny – for other women, usually not for themselves.
But some really buy into the whole package and see their mortal existence as a penance, hoping to be rewarded in heaven.
Don’t know which category Mrs. Vance falls into. My guess is the first one: as a member of the elite, she’s exempt from the rules governing other women.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
And it’s a half century that includes Pence, Palin, Lieberman, Stockdale, Quayle, and (almost) Eagleton!
Clearly from the breed of xians that close every prayer with “mean”.
Bummer of a typo. Still, totally on brand for team Repub. TCFG’s bible in a truth-bound world would be the 1631 Wicked Bible with its “Thou shalt commit adultery.” commandment. See also Deuteronomy 5: “Behold, the LORD our God hath shewed us his glory and his great-asse”.
@Danielx:basically he’s JD MGTOW.
“But nobody balked when I said this at our Opus Dei meeting”
I keep calling Couch Boy the Felon’s Mini-Me, cuz it really does seem like the Felon picked someone whom he thought flattered him by mimicking him, possibly cuz he thought he had the election in the bag and this was just a way of extending the cult of personality.
Misogyny? Check. Racism? Check. Inability to relate to normal people 1-to-1? Check. Chronic public foot-in-mouth? Check. Stupid childlike inability ever to admit error? Check.
About all Couch Boy lacks is visibly progressing dementia.
I don’t want to be lectured by this guy about being miserable. He and his boss appear miserable all the time. They’re not funny, they don’t like themselves, they don’t like anyone else either. A couple of wet blankets.
A PSA to the raw milk morons.
@bbleh: they do have different makeup styles tho. Trump’s is like -frumpy old church lady, while Vance is like that 2007 dandy with the eyeliner and women’s jeans but not really the looks to pull it off.
@SatanicPanic: Objection: discounts their joy at heaping mystery upon others.
@trollhattan: is it really not though? Joy is a pure, wonderful thing. What they’re experiencing seems dark and dirty.
Scott F.
Not to quibble, but to my mind JD Vance is even worse than Thomas Eagleton, as Eagleton’s mental health issues were being addressed with medication. Vance’s reprobate behavior is untreatable.
Therefore “worst VP pick in half a century” understates things.
@SatanicPanic: true. although neither of them seems to be able to find suits that fit, like even off-the-rack fit.
I’ve always been impressed by how well Old Handsome Joe dresses. Like he ALWAYS looks good — VERY good.
@trollhattan: A local bakery was advertising raw milk until the state food inspectors showed up. I’m sure you can still get it from them if you ask quietly enough.
Jasmine Crockett has been promoted to national co-chair of the Harris/Walz campaign. She is definitely able to do her job as an advocate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pf7JjHUPcg
She’s a bit over the top, but she doesn’t stop until she has said her piece.
Steve LaBonne
I have asked this rhetorical question before- did Tim Ryan’s campaign bother doing any oppo research at all? This clip is from the year before the election.
Steve LaBonne
@Ishiyama: I love this, and her.
@bbleh: he does. Joe is a snappy dresser for sure. He’s in pretty good shape so he’s not trying to hide a gut and he’s also smart enough to let the professionals do their job.
@Phylllis: My paternal grandfather’s family — mother, father and all but one sibling — died from contaminated milk. He refused to drink milk that had not been boiled for the rest of his life. I just don’t see how it’s that difficult to understand the value of pasteurization.
@bbleh: Trudat
Lacuna Synecdoche
The Guardian via mistermix @ Top:
Said someone who doesn’t sound particularly happy himself.
How any woman could possibly vote for this smug smarmy piece of misogynistic crap is beyond me.
My mom grew up on a dairy farm out on the Prairie of Minnesota back in the 1940s and 50s. She and her siblings drank raw milk moments from being squeezed out of the cows. When grandchild number one (that would be me) sprang out into the world, her parents got a home pasteurizer so the precious grandbaby wasn’t drinking raw milk when he came to visit. I’m not sure what that has to do with anything, but I find the story amusing.
I SO want to make that a rotating tag, but the groups we want to support by fundraising check out the blog and that might not be the best introduction!
@Barbara: I really can’t understand people rejecting established food safety practices, vaccines, and other advances. I guess some of it can be attributed to the rise of homeschooling.
Tony Jay
They do? I am so, so, so very sorry.
My sister-in-law (not the sharpest knife on the chandelier) has more than once said we should allow the spraying of DDT again, since the raptor population has rebounded so well we don’t it to ban it anymore.
Trying to get it through her head that reason they’ve rebounded is because of the ban has been repeatedly wasted breath on my part.
@Phylllis: it’s just Cleek’s Law, that all.
:-) At least you’re tempted.
@Steve LaBonne: 6 Bs
I was shocked/not shocked to learn the DDT redemption initiative goes back to the John Birch Society.
@FelonyGovt: What does that say about his wife?
VFX Lurker
I see three possibilities:
He and Trump have a number of repellent qualities in common but one that really stands out for me is their deep insecurity about their own masculinity. Contempt for women is their way of assuaging the fear that women might be superior in some way (or more than one way.) Secure men don’t talk this way about women and healthy human beings don’t need to believe that those who choose to live their lives differently must be unhappy. Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.
@FelonyGovt: It’s long, but I added this as a rotating tag:
It works just as well for Trump and Vance!
Villago Delenda Est
Shady Vance is a reactionary monster.
@Tony Jay: So far, so good. No one seems to mind the “fucks” in the rotating tags, and if they did, we might not be the group for them.
Couch fucking comments in a post or comments is one thing, but I think couch fucking references in the rotating tags that they might see in the first minute on BJ might be a bridge too far.
@VFX Lurker:
#3 did not happen. None of this stuff came out during the campaign. I don’t know if it is 1 or 2. I tend to think Ryan got lazy, bought Vance’s story about being a good old boy of Appalachia and didn’t dig deeper, but he may have and then decided that the people who would care would already vote for him and the ones voting for Vance wouldn’t care.
OK, so the statute of limitations for couchfucker jokes is at least seventeen years. Noted.
Also, I seem to have successfully trained my iPad to suggest completing ‘couch’ with ‘fucker’.
@Percysowner: Your alternative reason seems just as lazy on Ryan’s part as the other reason you spelled out as lazy. :-)
I don’t know how I stumbled on this random video — shows that Trump’s teeth are completely rotten and covered by some sort of veneer or dentures or something:
I’d love to think he was deliberately saddled with this dangerous nincompoop by someone close to who him as some kind of final FU. In the meantime, though, I’m focusing on beating him, this orange fartcloud of a human being, his blibbering fool running mate, and all their ilk into the ground. Their worldview just doesn’t have us in it, fine. We’ll beat them at the ballot box
Harrison Wesley
What a horrible pair of people. Vicious, stupid, incompetent – if they were sent to prison, they’d fuck up roadside trash pickup and whine about it the whole time. Although I would like to see that..
Tony Jay
So we’re going with Sofasexual or Friend of Upholstery?
Chet Murthy
In France they love their raw milk cheeses, including their “young” raw milk cheeses — less than 90 days old, IIRC. It’s not completely safe, which is why the customs inspectors confiscate that stuff if you try to b bring it back from France. But in France they also have vigorous health safety inspections, and a flying squad of listeria inspectors who [figuratively] parachute into any town where there’s a listeria outbreak to figure out where it’s coming from: which batch of cheese, which store, which refrigerator, etc,, to shut that shit down.
Maybe if we had that in the US, raw milk cheese would be acceptably safe. Maybe. But we don’t. From what I understand you can buy raw milk in France too, but I never did, so can’t discuss that.
Steve LaBonne
@VFX Lurker: I am an Ohio voter, fairly tuned into politics, and I am pretty sure you can cross #3 off your list.
That quote about people who “have no real value system” is pretty ironic coming from the number two on the Magat ticket.
Harrison Wesley
@BR: Possibly calcified covfefe?
Steve LaBonne
@MinuteMan: EAIAC
@Tony Jay: Only in the rotating tags. Otherwise, it’s couch fucker.
@BR: I had heard that he had veneers or caps and that he had them replaced whenever they got crudded up.
That poor woman nearly hurled, and so did I.
@Harrison Wesley:
Folks are speculating it’s his drug use combined with poor diet and poor personal hygiene.
@dmsilev: Wouldn’t couchfucking fall under limitations of stature?
ETA: To each their own. Just burn the couch is all I ask.
@WaterGirl: Also, this couch-fucking joke isn’t really all that funny; it’s puerile insider stuff. I’ve played along some myself but I have very low standards when it comes to humor.
White & Gold Purgatorian
@bbleh: A smile is the best accessory, and Joe Biden always wears a lovely smile. His suits are nice too, but the smile makes him special.
@BR: It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
@Tony Jay: I believe ‘heterosectional’ is the approved polite version.
You’re right, it would be irresponsible not to speculate that Trump is in very poor health and it would be irresponsible not to put out a slogan that “a vote for Trump is a vote for President JV”
@Chet Murthy: Listeria is bad news. Yesterday I heard that the death toll fom the Boar’s Head Meats Listeria outbreak had reached 9 people. A survivor said they’d never felt so sick in their whole life.
Vance’s mama really fucked him up big time. He needs to be undergoing serious treatment in a mental ward, not sitting in a public office.
PS. Tim Ryan did no oppo research, the brainless prick.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
only the best people
Tony Jay
“I believe that the Club Code for that kink is ‘Snowballer’.”
“Snowballer? Why?”
“Their motto is ‘Four legs good…’.”
Don’t we all.
She also has issues with the truth. Biden said he was going to name a woman, he didn’t say he was going to nominate a non-white woman for the VP.
IMO H Ross Perot’s selection of Vice Admiral John “why am I here” Stockdale as VP runnung mate in 1992 deserves honorable mention in bad Vp pics of last 50 years, but not because Stockdale was a bad person. Rather, because he was way out his depth as a politician, which made him come across as a clueless idiot, even though he was intelligent and competent as a military officer.
I just read a comment on twitter that JD Vance behaves this way because he was raised by a junkie mom who beat him. “We’re lucky he didn’t turn into a serial killer.”
Matt McIrvin
The whole premise of being outraged about “DEI” (like “affirmative action” before it) relies on the absurd assumption that the lily-white male workforce you’d get otherwise is the natural result of hiring on merit alone.
Villago Delenda Est
@HumboldtBlue: His life is pretty young. He’s got half of it to live yet.
Old Man Shadow
It’s rather, well, weird that these guys who are angry all the time, bitter, and miserable are lecturing women on how to be happy.
Hopefully with the “How do we know he didn’t?”
@pajaro: Good point. Is she conflating VP with SCOTUS?
Not that I care, accuracy and honesty are not optional, they’re forbidden by those folks.
“Totally not the Zodiac JD Vance made a speech today in Cleveland.”
Harrison Wesley
@HumboldtBlue: How do we know he didn’t? ETA: Way too late on the draw. I’ll just retire to the comfort of my sofa, and…..snuggle….
@ron: Why is that amazing? She’s apparently competent, successful, probably being groomed for a judgeship, and *her* mother isn’t a drug addict.
@pajaro: I am pretty sure Joe Biden said his VP would be a black woman.
Harrison Wesley
@Matt McIrvin: Yet nobody says doodly-squat when it’s Opus Dei….
zhena gogolia
@Scott F.: Thomas Eagleton was a very fine man and public servant. There is no comparison. He would have been an excellent VP.
@Old Man Shadow:
I have this theory….. remember all the “Millennials just got too many participation trophies!” rhetoric a few years ago? My theory is that we were really talking about dudes when we said that. Maybe we just didn’t know it. But there does seem to be this large cohort of men who thought that women would be lining up to be picked by them, and are disenchanted by the reality that most of their peer women would rather be single than with a low-quality man.
When CNN was asking Vance if he regretted sharing that meme when he was told that Upton was so humiliated she considered suicide, the smirk never left his face. Asked if he’d apologize, he gave a firm « no », still smirking.
I’ve been wondering why all of a sudden they’re talking about jokes and fun and humor, and someone suggested that they’re trying to replicate the joy of the Harris campaign since its working so well for her. Sorry guys, not possible for two angry, humorless guys who like hurting people.
Matt McIrvin
@HumboldtBlue: Serial killers have lower body counts than Republican politicians.
@WaterGirl: I thought Joe said his VP would be a woman, and then that his Supreme Court pick would be a black woman specifically.
zhena gogolia
@Geminid: I’ve steered completely clear of it, but I laugh when other people do it.
zhena gogolia
@White & Gold Purgatorian: Yes, well put.
@Wapiti: I wonder how Usha’s mom feels about him after hearing him say that a bonus of marrying an Indian woman is free babysitting.
zhena gogolia
@Suzanne: That was my recollection, but I wouldn’t swear to it.
that would be my guess.
zhena gogolia
@Gretchen: From the quotes I’ve seen, Usha is all in.
@Suzanne: Articles from a Google search confirm that Biden had at least a few white women on his short list for VP.
@WaterGirl: And they still work with us?
@Suzanne: also my recollection.
Chief Oshkosh
Upton was what, 17 or 18 at the time of her gaffe? According to her Wikipedia page, she became depressed and suicidal afterwards, and she was bullied A LOT online and in person about the incident. Lots of misogyny in all of that, so of course it’s right in JV’s wheelhouse. He thinks it’s funny to make a joke about someone who made a mistake when she was a KID, who was heavily bullied on a national and very personal level, to the point of suicidal ideation. That’s just one big fucking hoo-haw-high-larious joke, there, JV.
Man, I hope this guy loses big, that his wife and kids leave him, and, worse of all, that Peter Thiel cuts him loose very publicly (right before Thiel boards Musk’s Mars shot).
@Matt McIrvin: Like back in the day medical schools were almost 100% white and male. Now more than half of entering students are women. I think of how competent those bottom-of-the-class white men were compared to the people who weren’t allowed to compete with them.
When my father in law applied to med school at Columbia in the 1940’s, he got a rejection before he sent his transcript. When he called to ask about it, they said « we could fill the class with smart Eyetalian boys from New York ». He ended up going to Wisconsin. I wish he’d lived to see his granddaughter get her master’s degree there.
@zhena gogolia:
Spiro Agnew, OTOH…
Matt McIrvin
@TheOtherHank: There’s a popular, false claim that’s been going around for a few decades that malaria epidemics can all be blamed on Rachel Carson for getting DDT banned. (“Rachel Carson killed more people than Hitler” is the most extravagant version.)
(Note, DDT was never banned for malaria control and the biggest problem with it has been mosquitoes evolving resistance because of agricultural overuse, which was one of the things Carson warned about.)
Central Planning
@WaterGirl: Maybe it’s exactly the intro to BJ they want to see ;)
Martin (who seems to be AWOL) said he knows Usha Vance’s mom. I wonder if he still talks with her.
@Chief Oshkosh:
Peter Thiel may get tired of being Daddy Warbucks. Apparently Vance has been tasked with shaking down Theil for more campaign cash. Maybe Trump will dump him if he can’t drum up the readies.
@Central Planning: There is truth in advertising and then there is TMI.
@Suzanne: Yes, he said woman. Amy Klobuchar was considered on the list and withdrew and told Biden it should be a woman of color. I don’t remember if she specifically said Harris.
@CaseyL: I had to check, but she is Yale undergrad and Yale Law School, so yes, she likely sees herself as the deserving elite. And yes, such people feel exempt from the rules.
Central Planning
@columbusqueen: Truly, we are benefitting now from his lack of oppo research.
@Scott F.: I thought it was Askew, Nixons choice he thought would prevent impeachment……I wonder if Trump heard about that.
As far as I understand, JV and Usha were set up by Amy Chua, who is an arch conservative herself.
Okay, Usha is horrible, too.
But that reply to her had me laughing pretty hard.
@Chief Oshkosh: I’ve read in several different places that (until it was deleted yesterday) Upton’s twitter feed consisted nearly entirely of her reposting right wing antivax and anti-LGBTQ dirtbags as well as Q Anon and election conspiracy bullshit. In addition to being fucking crazy, it seems she wasn’t averse to punching down. We probably don’t need to waste too much time feeling sorry for someone when chickens come home to roost.
Bill Arnold
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
LGM, Paul Campos: Kidding on the square — to be joking but at the same time really mean it — is a central aspect of fascist aesthetics.
@Gretchen: I saw an interesting item from ~2022 in an Israeli newspaper. They cited a report that Israeli Arabs received 50% of new nursing licences, and that they did not lag far behind in medical licenses.
Arabs comprise 20% of Israel’s citizens. This population has long been discriminated against but has made strides this century, with high school graduation and college matriculation rates finally approaching that of Jewish Israelis. It could be they find more opportunities and less discrimination in the health care sector.
I learn so much from your comments. Thanks.
Central Planning
@JaySinWA: Agreed, however if it’s funny I’m not sure it’s ALSO tmi.
@Gretchen: Too bad they seem to have no idea what joy actually is. Yucking it up at someone else’s expense ≠ joy!
I Askew
Rubin@Gvg: , did you mean Agnew?WaterGirl
@japa21: Yep!
When they ask for the URL I warn them to be prepared to see the word fuck. It doesn’t seem to have disqualified us yet!
@Matt McIrvin:
Yep, white male supremacy is pretty ludicrous. In my liberal fantasy world where people are convinced by rational explanations, we tell people yes, everyone should be for diversity, equity and inclusion, because whether it’s the country or a business, we do best when we allow everyone to succeed. And (even setting aside racism and misogyny) people tend to hire/promote people like those already in charge, so they need a push sometimes.
Date him, I hardly Agnew him!
Chief Oshkosh
@Sid: That’s not my point at all. My point is that JV seems to think that it’s funny, a big joke, to use a very low point in a kid’s life to (somehow) score political points. What that kid went on to do as an adult is beside the point.
He’s a fucking asshole.
@HumboldtBlue: You are very welcome. I learn a lot by writing, and I’m glad other people do as well.
@trollhattan: This is a fake tweet per Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/fake-usha-vance-x-post-calls-harris-dei-hire-2024-08-02/
“Kamala? Tulsi? It’s all good.”
PAM Dirac
I’ve always felt we should never talk about white supremacy, but white delusions. I’m also amazed at how passive these “superior” specimens are. Apparently superiority is something that should be given to them rather than something they do or something they take. Just constant whining about what others should do for them.
I am not watching that. I still have nightmares of Rudy’s teeth.
@BR: Martin might not see much of Usha Vance’s mom now that he’s retired.
I expect Martin will be back; at least I hope so. I have a selfish reason for hoping he returns: I want to pump Martin for info on the House race to replace Katie Porter, and he lives in the district.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: We ran into a (very old) friend in the supermarket parking lot today. He said, “We have hope again, right?” We politely smiled and nodded. I just don’t get it. I guess it’s “self-hating old people” syndrome.
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
So Senator Couchfucker – a man who uses eyeliner and, as his wife’s weird statement denying his use of eyeliner strongly implies, mascara – is gender policing women?
I mean, his eyeliner is so well done that I’m jealous, sure. But if he’s going to gender police all women, I’m gonna do it right back to the couchfucker.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Kinda hard to pick “worst VP” because there are so many different angles in which to judge “worse”.
From a superficial perspective, either Palin or Vance are godawful, each in their own unique way.
But Agnew? Truly corrupt but less obviously over-the-top “can you believe the shit these people are saying” ala Palin/Vance. Which made him far more dangerous.
Oh wait, wtf am I kidding, they’re all bad. Bush I was probably the least bad of the lot and having said that, I suddenly feel the need to go take a long, hot shower.
@Central Planning: I would agree. I don’t think Ryan could have used Vance’s podcasts effectively enough to beat him, but Trump might have steered clear and picked someone with less baggage, like Doug Burgum. He almost did.
I always thought Foungkin’ Youngkin was Trump’s strongest VP prospect, but the slick Youngkin would have shown Trump up and Trump knew it. Plus, Youngkin is taller than Trump.
I think Trump believed at the time that he had the election in the bag and did not need ayone else’s help to win. That turned out to be Trump’s political apogee though; he peaked way too soon.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
One thing that might make Vance even worse than any of the other contenders:
The theocracy underpinning his whole argument is chilling and, of course, very Talibangical.
In his telling, the whole “problem” with career women is that they are “atheists and agnostics” who therefore have no “real” moral values.
No secular-based value system is legitimate, in his world view.
Dave Min is a solid Dem, but he’s not nearly as charismatic as Katie Porter. He had a recent DUI and while that probably doesn’t hurt him much, it became unnecessary baggage in the primary and maybe is now in the general election too. I think Dave Min will win depending on how well he ties the GOPer to Trump, because Trump will lose the district (not by much, but by enough that if the congressional race is just a referendum on Trump then Dave Min wins).
@zhena gogolia: I try not to think about it too much.
@BR: I think Porter plans to return to the UC-Irving law school faculty. If Senator* Min doesn’t win she could run for the seat in 2026.
* Fun fact: a California State Senator represents more people than a U.S. Representative.
Vance’s view of things is as an incel. He’s married and has kids so he isn’t completely constricted but damn! That boy acts like he’s never interacted with women.
Mai Naem mobile
@VFX Lurker: i heard a Tim Ryan interview. Obviously he’s going to put the best spin on it but he said the Vance campaign dumped a bunch of money into ads in the home stretch and he didn’t have any money from the DSCC or anywhere to respond to the ads. Its a pity Ohio dems couldn’t come up with a better candidate, say like a Mark Kelly clone. JDVance is better than Blake Masters but not by a whole lot. I heard a new nickname for JD – Hillbilly Vanilli. Not as good as Vladimir Futon.
Steve LaBonne
@PAM Dirac: Speaking as a thoroughly mediocre white man, I find the notion of the superiority of white men pretty hilarious.
Steve LaBonne
@Mai Naem mobile: How much does it cost to hire a couple of college kids to comb through Vance’s social media history? That’s just an excuse for running a lazy, unfocused campaign.
Jay C
J Divans really is the gift (grift?) that keeps on giving.
Someone should make something like an Advent (AdVance?) Calendar : every day till the election, you open a little door, and behind it is some stupid misogynist/racist/arrogant quote which can be used to flog him as an unfit asshole of a candidate.
Seasonal, but would probably sell….
Mai Naem mobile
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: his wife’s a Hindu. I kind of think the evangelical thing is fake like the rest of his beliefs. I have to wonder if Usha has internalized a patriarchal structure since a lot of Indian culture is patriarchal. BTW Usha was working at a big time law firm right before JD became the Veep candidate. She quit that day. Didn’t ask for a leave of absence, just quit. Obviously the law firm would want to have good relations with the spouse of a possible Veep but still.
@CaseyL: depends on her caste, ;)
In Vance’s world view, would a woman even be allowed to claim a “stand your ground” defense? I mean, it’s established law in their eyes that a fetal person can threaten her health / life and she has no right to protect her well-being against them. Or maybe, it’s only her children that have that right to kill her without consequence. I mean, can’t allow that woman attempt a post-9-month abortion by killing that child that threatens her. And is rape really a crime anymore? Fighting off a rapist is really just contraception by another name; God may be trying to bless that woman with a child by the means of that divinely inspired male, no? A child that would bring purpose, meaning and happiness to that otherwise valueless existence. Ok, if she was married, then the rape would be a crime against her husband, but that’s old-school property rights law so a different kettle of fish. There’s a lot of law that needs to re-examined in this post-Roe Vance-endorsed world.
Mai Naem mobile
@Steve LaBonne: Tim Ryan is lazy and thinks he’s hot stuff. He also thought he could run for speaker against Nancy Pelosi.
@Steve LaBonne: Tim Ryan only cared about getting Republicans to love him.
That fucker should be duct taped to the nose of a Saturn 5 and sent to Mars.
Christ already knows who and what jv is. An elephant outlet port. And yes he’s that big of an _ _ _ hole.
@Chet Murthy: You can buy raw milk in Japan right next to the regular milk at the airport. We almost got some for our son. Those Duo Lingo Japanese lessons helped out figuring out it was raw before we bought it. Yikes!
Chet Murthy
@sdhays: Heh. Whereas, in 1991-4 France there was UHT milk -everywhere-, but for plain old -pasteurized- stuff, you had to know to go to the dorm-sized fridge in the corner of the dairy section of the big-ass grocery store. And this was in Paris. I never saw raw milk: never.
Snarki, child of Loki
FDR’s VP (Gardner? from Uvalde TX, amazingly) , before he switched to Truman, famously said that the VP job was “a bucket of warm s*it” (*=p, as printed; *=h as said, undoubtedly).
Great to see that for once Trump is upholding a tradition, and has selected A Bucket of Warm Shit as his VP candidate. Two big stinks, that stink together.
@Gvg: Kinda like the argument against impeaching George W. Bush: do you want Dick Cheney as President?
It’s a month old, but I missed it first go-around: After Labour’s victory, Vance joked (?) that the UK would be the first Islamist country with nuclear weapons.
I can’t really scold myself for missing it, I’m sure it wasn’t reported in the US. But the British noticed…
@Steve LaBonne: Yup. There are some very talented Dems in Ohio. I think ODP is useless. The only gubernatorial candidates they could field were 2 mayors from Southwestern Ohio? While I think Whaley seemed to be a very good mayor she didn’t have that extra spark on a state level. Cranley did some very good things but created too many problems.
Chet Murthy
@Ken: That shit is weak: it’s been stomped on so many times you can smell the baby powder!
The United Kingdom’s population is predominantly White British (81.88% at the 2011 Census), but due to migration from Commonwealth nations, Britain has become ethnically diverse. The second and third largest non-white racial groups are Asian British at 7% of the population, followed by Black British people at 3%.
Citizen Alan
@Danielx: It Is really starting to upset me that he is a young daughter. Because based on his comments, I don’t see how he could consider that daughter to even be a human being since she’s not old enough to bear children yet, and that’s all women are for.
@Mai Naem mobile: Actually, Ryan said he would back Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge for Speaker, right before Nancy Pelosi backed him, Seth Mouton and a handful of other recalcitrants down.
Citizen Alan
@ron: Even more amazing that his highly educated and successful wife puts up with him. I think we have found someone who wants to be first lady even more badly than Casey Desantis.
Chet Murthy
@Ken: Oops, my reply went into moderation (too many links I guess). the UK is 81% white. Gonna be a long time before it’s majority Muslim. Sheesh. So weak, this soft boi.
@HumboldtBlue: I don’t wish to share my opinion of Vance, as it wouldn’t be socially acceptable.
I am replying to you because I really, really, really want to see a picture of Noodles. Stat!
Randal Sexton
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: Ghost of Spiro Agnew is happy that he just clears the ‘half century’ mark.
@Snarki, child of Loki: A minor correction: FDR switched from “Cactus Jack” Garner to Henry Wallace before he switched again to Truman in 1944.
Delusions of grandeur?
Does anybody use that expression anymore?
@Suzanne: I have an OT question for you about Mormons (you have given some good insights in past comments).
Project 2025 really pushes Christian Nationalism. I wonder how Mormons would view this, as back in the day, members were massacred in several towns in the midwest, by Christians, until their leaders said, “Fuck it, we’re going to Utah.” (Heavily paraphrased, of course, I think Mormons frown on profanity).
You know they teach their children Mormon history. I’m not Mormon and I know their history! Do you think they are all in on this 2025 crap as they believe they will survive the storm?
If I were Mormon, I’d be voting Democrat for self preservation.
Steve LaBonne
@252man: Except he was all along.
Aziz, light!
In Japan, people routinely break a raw egg over their breakfast rice, and there are no reports of food poisoning, thanks to scrupulously followed freshness and sanitation practices, backed by rigorous inspection protocols.
Citizen Alan
@Geminid: I don’t give a shit. This repulsive motherfucker believes that a woman’s only purpose in this world is to pop out babies until she’s too old to do so, at which point her only purpose in this world is to take care of the babies popped out by younger fertile women. He also thinks that anyone, male or female, who hasn’t had children is unworthy of the benefits of citizenship. And our worthless prostitute media is unwilling or unable to give either of those facts, the attention they deserve. So if a silly couch fucker meme is what sinks j d vance, I am perfectly fine with it. I hope people call him couch fucker for the rest of his life. I hope that until the day he dies he refuses to sit on anything other than a chair or a stool for fear that sitting on a love seat or anything larger will cause people to laugh at him.
Matt McIrvin
@Stacy: Thanks for the correction!
Chet Murthy
@Citizen Alan: I’d like to live in the timeline where attacking these bastards on solid policy was a winner: where calling them misogynists, forced-birthers, racists, etc, was a vote-getter. But we don’t live in that timeline, and instead in one where -apparently- (sad to say) “puerile insider stuff” does work. So we go with that.
It is what it is.
Matt McIrvin
@Ken: Especially dumb given that Pakistan has nuclear weapons and, well, I don’t know what his definition of “Islamist” is but they define themselves as an Islamic republic with a state religion.
Matt McIrvin
@Bill Arnold: They do this thing that they’ll defend as “irony” but is really a kind of exploratory hyperbole. You make jokes that amount to shocking, over-the-top exaggerations of your own actual position, and if it doesn’t go over well it’s just a joke, but if it does, that gives you information about how much you can get away with.
Citizen Alan
@Suzanne: That participation trophy complaint was always such nonsensical bullshit. People make it sound like twelve year old children were out there, demanding participation trophies that the adults were forced to give them. To the extent that participation trophies were ever a thing, it was
something to appease the Boomer parents that they could stick on a wall even if their precious snowflakes didn’t do as well as the parents expected and
something that competition organizers and summer camp directors thought might give kids who didn’t win a favorable impression of the event so they would come back the next year.
All the actual millennial children, either threw the participation trophies into the back of the closet and else into the trash, and either way forgot about them.
@BR: I hope we hear some more from the Nuns on the Bus who spoke out against Paul Ryan.
I think Anne Laurie did NOT have a great experience with parochial schools, but WTF with the childless females not being suitable to teach or guide children? 100 yrs ago, as soon as you got married, forget “with child”, they’d kick you OUT of teaching because oh the horror. Only childless females were *allowed*.
This is far from the most important way JV’s worldview is effed up. But those Sisters were fantastic. Probably many of them have passed on, but there are others, hope they pick up the torch.
These guys are weirdYou wouldn’t want to be around these guys
Might explain the slurring – dentures/caps coming loose?
Mark’s Bubbie
@White & Gold Purgatorian: Yes, Joe has a nice smile. Ever hear the saying, “I don’t smile because I’m happy, I’m happy because I smile”? That reminds me of Joe.
Could I nominate this? Short, memorable, doesn’t bring in partners, and brings the TRUTH.
I wasn’t sure I could find Vance to be worse than Sen. Cruz. He is worse than Cruz.
Chet Murthy
@BR: meth mouth
I will send some pics and videos to TaMara, I’ve gotten some good ones.
Citizen Alan
@Steve LaBonne: As I have said many times over the years, My father was a truck driver and my grandfather was a literal sharecropper. And I am still honest enough to admit that I have had advantages in my life that would have been unimaginable to any black person born in mississippi, the same year as me.
@Citizen Alan: Thank you! The obsession with “participation trophies” has always grated on me. It’s just another whine about how the younger generation sucks and they don’t treat me with proper respect.
@Citizen Alan: I heard that participation trophy nonsense on talk radio for most of two years and then it faded away. I think the radio hosts were told what a loser that theme was among normal people including parents.
I saw the debate when Stockdale uttered the “Who am I? Why am I here?” line(s) which so many people love to laugh at. It was pretty clear that he was asking rhetorical questions, as a way to segue into telling his bio/history. But it was SO much funnier to paint him as addled, and so it stuck.
@trollhattan: That post is listed as likely fake by Politifact.
@Ken: Pakistan?
@Steve LaBonne:
My rhetorical answer remains that Ryan knew what he was up against in the Ohio senate race better than any commenter on this top 10k blog. Ryan outperformed all other state-wide offices that were on the ballot that year.
So maybe–just maybe–he knew best what he needed to do to win a senate race in his own state. And maybe–just maybe–it is pointless for semi-anonymous commenters on this top 10k blog to cough up their tired old critiques. Maybe–just maybe–the Ohio electorate, as demonstrated much of the time, is not comprised of the sharpest tools in the shed. Dullards vote MAGA.
There’s a lot going for the delusions term, and JV has a lot of delusions for sure!
I read this with interest. Been using the “white supremacy” term more lately without 100% certainty but with a wish to name the active, virulent stuff a name that makes clear that it is more than simply not examining one’s privileges. I am not saying the latter does no harm, I just want to be able to recognize the greater threat posed by Trump-level racism. anyone else’s mileage may vary.
@Jay C: NICE! He seems to be providing this free of charge, though! Well I guess with help from the oppo research team!
What floors me is his eagerness to double down.
The older interview with the manospherespeak creepo, well he coulda downplayed that, he was just trying to get along with his host, but no he did not.
And the jr-high cyberbullying swipe at MVP was now, in this campaign. And he’s defending his crap about putting down women who don’t have children, just getting on the ground and rolling around in the sht.
Citizen Alan
From Who Goes Nazi? by Dorothy Thompson.
The “cat ladies” comment did come out in the Vance/Ryan race – the Toledo Blade covered it at the time – Ohioans didn’t care.
Im not sure it’s damaging even now – the US is pretty misogynistic. I’m not sure it’s a deal breaker for normies. Trump is an actual rapist and some of America’s wealthiest people back him.
Vance is not a talented politician and comes off as a weirdo but I don’t think some light misogyny will hurt him.
Gloria DryGarden
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I started to read his crap about women have no value, and got so mad, I had to stop reading. Or else I’d need BP meds too.
This s hurtful to people who wanted kids, and people who work their butts off, and many more categories of women..
Re Usha Vance,
my friend from south India used to tell us that in her upbringing she was taught, it’s your husband, even if he is a blade of grass, he’s your husband. Seemed to saying all obedience and submission was to said husband.
@Barbara: My grandfathers younger sister died of TB at age 28 it is highly suspected she got it from raw milk (rural Vermont dairy farming area)
@Citizen Alan: It’s very telling and insightful that in The Handmaid’s Tale the men run things but the women who want any degree of power, enforce society’s rules on other women…
@Mai Naem mobile: J Divans is my favorite. Worst VP: Andrew Johnson
@CaseyL: How “elite” can you be, and be married to Vance? Either one of them? JV is the right name for both if them!
At the same time, Vance claimed that “the left uses racism as a cudgel”, and that he had been a “little too worried” in the past about such accusations because they can be “career-ending” and “destroy a person’s life”.
one can only hope ….. and dream……
@BethanyAnne: not anymore.