Pink ‘Kamala Harris’ yard signs trigger snit in Birmingham, owner orders hundreds more
— Detroit Free Press (@freep) August 28, 2024
In keeping with the Blogmaster’s latest post… The Detroit Free Press reports:
… When Birmingham resident Nikki Sapiro Vinckier adorned her front yard with campaign signs promoting Kamala Harris for president, an anonymous neighbor said they had to come down. Having a batch of signs violated city ordinances that stipulate just one sign, according to the neighbor, who stuck a list of intimidating rules about signs in Sapiro Vinckier’s mailbox.
The rules looked real. But Birmingham’s mayor and city manager both said, in effect, “Nothing doing — put up all the signs you want until the election,” Sapiro Vinckier said. That unleashed her more-than-equal-and-opposite reaction. The happy Harris fan ordered a whole lot more signs and planted them in her front yard. Pink ones are printed with a symbol representing reproductive rights, a design widely available on Etsy and other Internet sites. Others are white with a Harris quote that Sapiro Vinckier chose and that rings true for her: “We must be a nation that trusts women.”
“In total, I have ordered or helped facilitate the ordering with my design of over 7,000 signs,” she said. Many came to Michigan, but “hundreds have shipped to other swing states,” she said.
On Tuesday afternoon, Sapiro Vinckier set up tables at Birmingham’s Adams Park, peddling the signs to all comers, for donations of any amount. After getting more than 12,000 likes and 220,000 views of videos she posted about her experience with freedom of political speech, she expected demand would outstrip supply, even with Tuesday’s ominous weather forecasts. As it happened, with rain pouring down, she and friends had takers for more than 600 signs, she said via text…
“I’ve got family members on both sides of this. And, really, my goal is to start a conversation, not be deprecatory,” Sapiro Vinckier said. Politics has gotten so confrontational that her goal, on social media and in her videos, has been to “stay lighthearted,” she said.
In keeping with that positive spirit, she left on her front lawn a note to the anonymous neighbor. The note sweetly thanked whomever it was for their “concern,” calling that a “beautiful virtue,” but then she warned the interloper not to put anything else in her mailbox. Although widely abused, a regulation of the U.S. Postal Service says that nothing but U.S. mail belongs in mailboxes…
ETA: H/t commentor VeniceRiley…
I couldn’t be more honored to have my voice elevated by a strong smart black women. White women, it’s time for us to show up. @KamalaHarris @KamalaHQ @VP @Tim_Walz @VanJones68 @DemConvention @MichiganDems @TheDemocrats @PodSaveAmerica @jonlovett
— Nikki Vinckier (@nikkivinck) August 18, 2024
Not exactly the same thing, but… A homeowner near me put in a small patch of native prairie plants. A neighbor complained; the homeowner checked the laws, and found that Illinois law allows (maybe even encourages) it. So the guy ripped out all his lawn and did the whole yard in native prairie.
The Law of Unintended Consequences is up and running. Hard.
Local Loyal Germans Society Protests
Disorderly Neighborhood Display
Political Expression Considered Unkultiviert
“It’s very distressing that they have to bring these things up,” said one local resident. “What’s next? Are we going to have to wear masks again just because of some silly virus?!? Is there something wrong with putting all the Illegals in camps? Where will this kind of rude behavior stop?!?”
Birmingham, MI is very well off, home to mostly executive- and professional-class people, and leans pretty much R, so I’m sure Vinckier pissed a lot of people off.
Here’s Nicki Vinckier’s TikTok video about that lawn sign effort:
And lawn sign distribution:
Ugh, WordPress messed up the links. Need to copy paste them.
I’d rather be in the party of Mind your own Damn Business.
Shame they didn’t leave out their “both sides” nonsense at the end of the article – the rest was such a fun read
Ya gotta love that.
Twitter Jack smith has found the best NYT headline.
My MIL had her first homemade sign taken – “My body, my choice.”
She now has another 4 or so handmade signs up, along with 2 more official ones. More to come, as she gets them. We have limited overlapping candidates, but I’ve sent a Baldwin sign her way, and I’ll get one for Harris when available.
And I did pickup a sign supporting Planned Parenthood for our lawn. It might get some discussions started – we’ll see.
Chet Murthy
@TS: Ehh, I appreciate that she said that stuff about having family members on both sides, and I think I understand why she said it. I couldn’t do it, but she’s trying to keep lines of communication open, to try to convert those on the other side. Again, I couldn’t do it, but am glad she can and does. And her Tiktok makes clear she ain’t takin’ no shit, e.g. the part where she says she’s “everyone else stay tuned for more petty shit”.
She’s a happy warrior, and that’s great!
Not all heroes wear capes.
Not all heros wear pants.
Joy in FL
I just bought a yard sign on Etsy that says “Choose Joy” on the top line and “Vote Harris Walz” on the second line.
I live a pretty red area, and I plan to put the political statements in my garage at night and when I leave home. I also got a cute cat flag that says Harris Walz and I found the cardboard faces of Kamala and Tim that I saw at the glorious and exciting Democratic convention, so I got those for my front windows.
In 2008 I got one of those nearly life-sized Obama figures, and after he won, I took it to school, and a lot of my 7th grade students had their photos taken with him. It was so much fun. I was as low-key as possible with a cardboard president-elect standing in a corner of my classroom, and kids asked to have the photos. I didn’t initiate that, and I did not want any kids to feel uncomfortable if they happened to not prefer the new president. I knew that my principal supported Obama, so I asked her to let me take a photo of her with her hand extended as if she were offering to shake hands with someone. Then I found a photo online of the Oval Office, and I photoshopped her and Mr. Obama into it. I gave her a copy of the photo, and she loved it, and I loved making it.
I’m having some fun now with this election, in the midst of its extraordinary importance, hence the yard/window signs.
@Chet Murthy:
My personal motto.
In all seriousness, everyone needs to MYOB about yard signs. I live in a city and I have to tolerate a lot of unneighborly behavior. Everyone can STFU about my signs.
Not all heros come with oil and vinegar, and they really should.
Fabulous video about Michael Jackson.
Michael was Michael Jackson before the Internet
My first Harris Walz magnet came today
On the fridge 🤗🤗
@Ken: California has laws like that as well. If you’re into pissing off HOA tyrants (a worthy hobby), xeriscaping what used to be a lawn is a good approach.
Steve in the ATL
r@Marleedog: how does Captain Underpants fit into this?
@HumboldtBlue: I concur, and further demand fresh ground pepper.
Harrison Wesley
I live in a second-floor apartment, so lawn signs are a bit problematic. As I did during the primaries, I’ll be doing early-voter greeting outside the Supervisor of Elections’ office for a few days in late October. Mostly sitting around and bullshitting, but I do have to be nice to people, which I’m not very good at. Was much encouraged by the response in the primaries – no overt MAGA BS, lots of thumbs up and “Go Blue.” Hope it’s the same for the election.
I had a fascinating conversation while canvassing today. I had asked to work my home area, and as I was walking up a street the Republican couple who are my counterparts outside our polling place on Election Day came out of their house (I didn’t know they lived there.)
The guy said hello and I was in the wrong place (I think he thought I was going to their door.) But his wife have me a big hug and said not to worry, she’s working in wearing him down.
It was a bit cryptic, but I can’t figure it could mean anything other than she’s not voting for Trump, and she’s trying to convince him not to either! The people in charge of Republican volunteers for my precinct! Wow.
I was absolutely gobsmacked, knocked on my ass, utterly surprised to learn about Red Tenperton, a man who defined an era of music and who wrote some of the most iconic songs of the 70s-80s dance era. Just amazing!
@Redshift: Wow, indeed!
@Redshift: Mr. Suzanne was canvassing in Bethel Park today. Most recently, Bethel Park was in the news for being where the Trump shooter lived. He said it was very 50/50.
@Redshift: wow! You never really know what conversations are happening at home.
Thanks for canvassing! I got another 20 postcards written tonight, so up to 70…
Almost Retired
I find myself overnighting in rural Nevada on a road trip bound for better places. Saw my very first Trump truck parade tonight, complete with lots of those flags with the snake that doesn’t want to be stepped on.
Also lots of honking and hooting (which communicates a more coherent message than a Trump rally speech). And long, strange beards. Staying inside the rest of the night.
Uncle Cosmo
This brought back some memories from the early 1970s:
I did a lot of door2door for local candidates in those days, and the campaigns always stressed not to put leaflets in mailboxes. Usually they were shoestring operations and were afraid of getting fined. We came up with some inventive ways to attach them to door handles or storm-door windows, firmly enough to stay put but easy to remove, when no one answered the door. And of course, when the competition had been there before us, we quietly stuffed their literature into our pockets and replaced it with our own. Someone once suggested tossing the opponents’ stuff into the mailbox to get them in trouble, but I never knew of anyone from any campaign who actually did that, in spite of all the “dirty tricks” the times were infamous for…
@Almost Retired: I lived in Nevada for 40 years and wonder in what rural area you are spending the night.
@Chet Murthy:
I don’t have a problem with that at all – my issue is with the news item having a miscellaneous sentence at the end – that has zero to do with the rest of the discussion.
This young lady has a problem with some Gen Xers and it’s funny.
Almost Retired
@middlelee: Winnemucca. Living the dream.
Steve in the ATL
@middlelee: Las Vegas, but two blocks off the strip so it’s rural
@Harrison Wesley:
Any “Fuck the Bucks” responses?
Chet Murthy
@TS: Ha! I didn’t notice that at the end! yeah, that’s completely jarring, completely unrelated to the rest of the story. Almost as if the editor demanded “balance” or some such. I get you now!
@Almost Retired: Know it well. We often stopped there for lunch on the way to meetings in Elko. I always found it sort of forlorn.
@Chet Murthy:
Definitely “both sides” when the story only has one side.
Not to mention the so called non biased govt news media (ABC) in my part of the world – when discussing the Arlington issue. How anyone outside of the mainstream of US political knowledge gets the truth about trump is certainly not the fault of any media reporting anywhere in the world.
@Steve in the ATL: I lived in northern Nevada so know nothing about southern Nevada.
That is old history. Oakland county and Birmingham are now solid blue. Macomb county, middle class and below, is tRump country.
@Almost Retired: Winnemucca! Gateway to the Pacific Northwest.
@Alice: I thought it was the gateway to Boise.
Donald Trump is the hip hop candidate, and you loser Democrats need to learn that.
Bonus points for proper use of “deprecatory” in casual conversation.
@Steve in the ATL: Not sure if joking or if you haven’t been there in a while, but Las Vegas and Henderson have gotten quite large and spread out (although there are still lots of empty dirt lots in the area).
@Suzanne: I was there yesterday with my son. Lives in Bethel Park and is a policeman there. 50/50 sounds about right. Better than my town
ETA Did Mr Suzanne complain about the traffic? It’s not easy to get around!
patrick II
Do you think any Republicans hope Trump goes to jail soon so they could run a different candidate?
They probably wish they had a different V. P. candidate.
Chet Murthy
@patrick II: “O Lord, rid us of Trump, but not yet!”
@patrick II: I’m sure they do, but they ain’t ever gonna say it out loud until he loses, and maybe not even then. Republicans always fall in line. They vote the party over everything else.
David 🐝KHive🐝 Koch
@patrick II:
Notice how none of them are campaigning with Dump
dr. luba
@Mousebumples: I had a similar response many years ago. I put one bumper sticker on my Jeep during the GWB administration–and an idiot vandalized it while I was parked at the mall. With a water-based marker.
I washed off the vandalism, but decided fuck you, you’ll not shut me up…….and filled the entire back of the Jeep with stickers. And have continued the tradition with my Escape.
Nikki leaning into it on twitter. Love her
Tony Jay
@Joy in FL:
Not yet, but I wouldn’t put it past them.
Tony Jay
@Joy in FL:
Not yet, no, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least
Tony Jay
Weird. Had a reply eaten twice, but this one’s fine.
@HumboldtBlue: Some fun* insight into the H/W campaign’s A/B split testing there.
*for certain very restricted senses of “fun”, if you work in online marketing like me
Tony Jay
No, not yet, but with Stench and Snowball incapable of smiling without hurting someone they’ll have to try something to make JOY a negative.
Tony Jay
Huh. Tried to send the same text as a post rather than a reply but it eated it again.
I have offended the Gods.
Anne Laurie
@R-Jud: Didn’t get to say this earlier, but I am *very much* looking forward to your debut as a front-pager!
Via reddit, skilz.
Is there some trick to turning on the audio on TikTok? I had the volume icon on the screen turned all the way up, but it was totally silent. And I had just listened to the YouTube about Red Temperton without any problem.
ETA: Same thing with the TikTok you linked to @41.
I’m on a laptop running Win11.
@lowtechcyclist: the audio button for that one is at the very top left – I had to look hard for it
So fElon Skum labeled NPR links “unsafe” on xitter in response to their Arlington reporting. He’s such a tool.
There’s nothing at all there for me. There’s the upper left of the stuff that’s actually in the video – nothing. There’s the upper left of the black border – nothing. Outside that, on the left, there’s the column with ‘For You,’ etc. but nothing about audio there.
Do I have to log in to TikTok or something like that?
@Baud: wow!
@lowtechcyclist: I don’t know, sorry! I’m only able to view TikToks intermittently – sometimes it demands I download the app first and I’m not doing that. Sometimes it just works.
Tick Tock motherfucker 🎶
Judge Merchan and Judge Chutkan: stand your ground!
They’ve learned you don’t campaign with him, you sit behind him with a frozen smile on your face while he rambles for three hours, and hope he remembers to say something about you — and that he doesn’t call you a terrible nasty person because he’s confused you with Chuck Shumer, or Nancy Pelosi, or a shark.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Love the Harris signs. We used to live in Birmingham, quite near Adams Park as a matter of fact.
Chief Oshkosh
@TS: The sad/hilarious/predictable part, if you read further, is: “Just like last year, we will be distributing signs and informative literature, as well as having Trump and patriotic merchandise for sale,” Patrick said.
It’s ALL a grift. All of it.
@Baud: Remarkable. Now I’m wondering if today’s Google Doodle was pushed out for that performance.
(They’ve been doing paralympic doodles with birds, same as they did during the olympics.)
me too – no sound. I thought my speakers had cooked out, but they’re fine.
New favorite nickname:
Make it happen. Stay on offense. He’s cut over the eye – work the eye!
In other news (another meme), Holyfield’s ear didn’t magically grow back 😆
@lowtechcyclist: on my iPad I have to switch to another video then the audio kicks in and I just switch back then. I use the tiny arrow button above the heart.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@twbrandt: I don’t know Birmingham but I grew up in Grand Rapids, MI and one of our tonier suburbs is East Grand Rapids, which is a lot like how you describe Birmingham. I was home visiting my parents the week before last and spent a lot of time in and around East Grand Rapids because my parents lived in Grand Rapids proper but near the East Grand Rapids border. I spend time there primarily because that’s where Reeds Lake is, and that’s one of the Grand Rapids areas primary natural attractions. Also the nearest grocery store is there.
Used to be pretty Republican – mostly chamber of commerce types. I saw all kinds of Harris/Walz signs there along with signs for Scholten and Slotkin. I don’t recall seeing a single Trump sign or a sign for any Republican candidate or cause. It was a pleasant shock to be honest. This is the town that produced Gerald Ford.
Even more encouraging was that we spent our first week in Michigan in the little lakeshore town of Manistee (pop about 6,300) and it was roughly 50/50 Harris/Walz to Trump signs there. Even in the rural hinterlands around there people had Harris/Walz signs though Trump sign were far more common. But to see it 50/50 in small town West Michigan was also a pleasant shock.
@HumboldtBlue: Molecules!
@TBone: I like it!
It’s pretty stunning that the assassination attempt on the Donvict has disappeared into the ether. It’s as if it never happened. Probably because the investigation concluded that it wasn’t actually “political” – it was just another day in America where a mentally disturbed person used a weapon of war to make himself feel better.
Saw my first Kennedy 2024 sign the other day while driving thru a town near me.
Closer to home, seen a few Trump flags (with one that included an additional ‘Fuck Your Feelings” banner underneath-stay classy Trumpers), but overall seems like a lot less than the last election. Haven’t seen any Harris ones yet but have spotted several for local Dems. Will be ordering my signs this week for Harris and for other Dems in my district.
@Chief Oshkosh:
It’s all he knows – and the marks get had.
@sdhays: have you seen this one yet?
“I even got shot!”
Nothing will ever convince me that he was the victim of a true assassination attempt. It was all too hinky to pass my sniff test. I mean, who puts their head back up like a target during being rushed away by Secret Service? All for a photo opp (he got the “perfect” photo).
Tony Jay
I’m sticking with Stench/Snowball ‘24 – Because Failure Matters.
@Tony Jay: 😆
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
@delphinium: I saw one Kennedy sign in East Grand Rapids. Only place I saw one. No Trump signs anywhere in Grand Rapids as far as I saw. Didn’t really get out into any of the suburbs other than EGR but it was encouraging though signs probably aren’t a major signifier of how the election is going to go. To the extent they mean anything though it seems like winning Michigan is a better than 50/50 bet.
Don K
B’ham was once reliably R, but in the past ten years or so has become increasingly D up and down the ballot (I.e., it’s not just anti-Trump voting). Another upper-income suburb turned D by the general weirdness of today’s Republicans.
I missed last night’s thread with this Usha Vance garbage, so I’m catching up here.
The problem with hers and others’ “Kamala is a DEI hire” comments isn’t that they’re technically wrong. DEI is absolutely about explicitly getting women and minorities into jobs (and the job force in general) dominated by white men.
The problem is their view that only white men are actually qualified for the job and that anyone else is inherently less qualified. They can’t comprehend that there is always a group of people with qualifications for any given job and that the DEI goal is to correct historical problems, not to put unqualified people in the job.
As such, the response to “She’s a DEI hire” shouldn’t be “No, she isn’t.” It should be, “You really don’t understand DEI.”
O. Felix Culpa
There was an Kennedy sign up in our neighborhood, which disappeared around the time of the brainworms revelation. Not sure if there was a connection.
Someone stole my new Harris-Walz yard sign a few weeks ago. We’ve ordered a replacement, but in the meantime, I cut off the “Biden” from my Biden-Harris sign (small sob) and put out the Harris half. I take it in at night before going to bed and put it back out in the morning.
This is how you do a headline:
A Man for All Seasonings (formerly Geeno)
Do you need to log in to get sound?
Matt McIrvin
@trnc: It’s also worth reiterating, I think, that the Usha Vance tweet was fake, apparently concocted for the sake of a zinger in response. (I like hitting hard but I don’t like propagating lies.)
That said: the content was characteristic of conservative complaints about DEI/affirmative action/what have you. It’s a lot like, and is often the same thing as, the general libertarian horror of government power. It all sounds very liberatory until you realize it all rests on carefully ignoring the biases or power imbalances that the supposedly oppressive regulations are trying to compensate for.
My favorite TikTok (via xit)
(It’s this, the one below Kamala):
I am going through an AP US history class, because my knowledge of US history lacks specifics although I am aware of the broad outline.
Anyway, what has fascinated me the most is the parallels I see between the Indian history and American history of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Question: Has the Shays rebellion ever been portrayed in the popular culture, a movie or a book?
Matt McIrvin
@TBone: There was an actual shooter, he shot in Trump’s direction and he killed a bystander, so he was using live ammo for at least some shots. I do not believe that a physical coward like Donald Trump would ever allow that to be staged in the understanding that the guy would be a good enough shot to not hit him.
This is like 9/11 truthers–events like that are always confusing and chaotic enough that you can find details that seem hinky about them if you look hard enough.
@Matt McIrvin: like I said, nothing will convince me otherwise. He would have us all killed for a photo opp.
Matt McIrvin
@TBone: He wouldn’t risk his own life for a photo op, and that’s what this would involve.
What’s the scenario? The guy has some real bullets and one blank, and he’s supposed to fire off the real bullets and kill somebody to prove that he’s real, then fire the blank at Trump? Too many things to go wrong for it to even be a feasible grand conspiracy.
@Matt McIrvin: you’re entitled to think whatever you like, and so am I.
I will never argue in his defense on any matter whatsoever.
Just fyi, the woman who made this TikTok has this in her bio:
It’s an older woman (her) making fun of a younger woman who is mixing up words. Seemed not funny to me and like she was punching down, so I checked her bio and….
The up and down arrows above the heart are grayed out for me.
@Matt McIrvin: Ah, ok. Thanks for the heads up about the fake post.
I understand what you’re saying about the reflexive govt distrust and pushback, but they complain just as loudly about DEI in private enterprise so I think it’s more about the racism and misogyny.
@Yarrow: good thinking.
Piercing the corporate veil.
@schrodingers_cat: In 1972, Gore Vidal published an essay titled, “Homage to Daniel Shays.”
This trick also works on my Linux desktop. TikTok usually offers a bunch of videos on a sidebar. I pick one that doesn’t look too horrible (ye gods, some of that content….) and click on it. Sound comes on, I use the browser’s back-button to return the video I actually want to see, and all’s good.
I’d ask why this works, but I probably don’t want to know.
So that’s what those gray rectangles would be if they weren’t grayed out on my (Firefox) browser!
@TBone: I don’t know how it’s piercing the corporate veil.
Personally, I don’t want to be giving low level wingnut “comedians” clicks. Put the info up so others would know in case they want to avoid it as well.
Also, I didn’t find it funny. I thought it was mean.
@schrodingers_cat: “Has the Shays rebellion ever been portrayed in the popular culture, a movie or a book?”
I can’t think of a one, movie or book. Tangentially, I remember a staged television production of the election of 1800 in the House of Representatives, the one that eventually resulted in Jefferson’s election, on PBS in the 1970s or ’80s. My quick Googling brings up nothing about it though.
We never seem to have presentations like that. Probably not enough explosions in the story for the desired viewer.
@Yarrow: I was simply referring to your taking a moment to look into who is behind that. Like looking into who owns or is CEO of a corporation.
It’s a term used in law offices a lot.
@Ken: If only every Mother-forsaken, non-native, monocultural, overly fertilized and herbicided, hellscape was ripped up and replanted thusly!
The vids show up on my Firefox, but it does sometimes block elements. (I have UBlock Origin and a few settings that tend to run afoul of some websites’ coding.) I also use Google Chrome, and between the two, I can usually view most content. Which may or may not be a good thing.
@schrodingers_cat: A quick Google finds:
The Winter Hero by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
In 1787, young Justin Conkey marches with the farmers of Western Massachusetts who, led by Captain Daniel Shays, are determined to end the crushing taxes which are causing them to lose their livestock and farms
Genres: Historical Fiction Young Adult Middle Grade Childrens Historical
The Duke Of Stockbridge: A Romance Of Shays’ Rebellion, by Edward Bellamy
“The Duke of Stockbridge: A Romance of Shays’ Rebellion” is a historical novel by Edward Bellamy, set during the period of the American Revolution and the Shays’ Rebellion. The story revolves around the character of Richard Hunter, a wealthy landowner in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. As the story unfolds, Richard becomes involved in the rebellion, a popular uprising of debt-ridden farmers against the government’s policies. Despite his wealth and social status, Richard sympathizes with the farmers and their struggle for economic justice. Alongside the political conflict, the novel also explores the romantic relationship between Richard and his childhood sweetheart, Lucy. As they navigate the challenges of their relationship and the political turmoil of the rebellion, the two characters must confront their own beliefs and values. Through the character of Richard, Bellamy explores themes of social justice and the responsibility of the wealthy and powerful towards the less fortunate. The novel also highlights the human cost of political conflict and the personal sacrifices made by individuals caught up in larger historical events. Overall, “The Duke of Stockbridge” is a compelling and thought-provoking historical novel that sheds light on a critical period in American history and the human drama of the people involved in it.
Since Edward Bellamy died in 1898 I’m not sure how readable a modern audience would find it.
For those worried about putting up signs, stay with either
Choose Joy
Spread Joy
Everyone will get get it and it allows for plausible deniability by saying you are just being a good Christian.
Some people just seem to like tell others what they CAN’T do.
And they are often completely wrong.
When I see stories like this I always ask “What does the first amendment say?” I don’t have to like what you say, but I signed up for 4 yrs in our military to help defend your right to say it. And I’ll continue to do so as long as I’m breathing and capable. It’s not the first amendment for no reason.
No matter how republican one is, shitforbrains is not a rational candidate for office. And wasn’t when he was in the office. His entire adult life has been about trying to convince people that he is human, and he has failed at it miserably, because he has no idea what it means to be an even semi normal adult human. What he is, is a whiny 3 yr old in a rather crappy adult body. And that is dissing 3 yr olds.
@Uncle Cosmo: LOL i worked on a US Senate campaign back in the 80’s and a friend was a campaign coordinator for the Tucson office (iirc this was a Dem running against McCain ) . We’d go out at night with roadside signs, find as many of our opponent’s as possible and set up ours just in front of theirs so ours were visible and theirs were not.
There was a city ordinance about taking down opposing campaign signs so…