This is another thing that shows you that Trump has no real momentum. He's going to areas where his support is strong just to keep the MAGAs engaged.
— DFW Sports 4Life (@Kennymack1971) September 1, 2024
3/Could it be coincidence that is bringing Trump to these places? Anything is possible, but Cullman, for instance, is out-of-the-way. Any number of places in Alabama would've been more suitable. Sometimes the dog whistle is actually works, loudly spoken.
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) September 1, 2024
And at one of those sundown town rallies…
JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (AP) — A man at Donald Trump’s rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, stormed into the press area as the former president spoke Friday but was surrounded by police and sheriff’s deputies and was eventually subdued with a Taser.
— Meridith McGraw (@meridithmcgraw) August 31, 2024
Associated Press update, last night — “Police say a man will face charges after storming into the press area at a Trump rally”:
… The incident Friday came moments after Trump had criticized major media outlets for what he said was unfavorable coverage and had dismissed CNN as fawning for its interview Thursday with his Democratic rival Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz.
It was not immediately clear what motivated the man or whether he was a Trump supporter or critic.
The man made it over a barrier ringing the media area and began climbing the back side of a riser where television reporters and cameras were stationed, according to a video of the incident posted to social media by a reporter for CBS News. People near him tried to pull him off the riser and were quickly joined by police officers and sheriff’s deputies.
The crowd cheered as a pack of police led the man away, prompting Trump to say, “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?”
Johnstown’s police chief, Richard M. Pritchard, confirmed to The Associated Press on Saturday that the man was arrested, released and will be formally charged next week. Pritchard said the man, whose identity will be disclosed when charges are filed, will face misdemeanors in municipal court for alleged disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and disrupting a public assembly…
Moments before the man ventured into the media’s designated section, Trump had reprised his familiar assertion that the media is a collective “enemy of the people.” Video of the incident does not make clear what the man was yelling as he climbed barriers or as he was being subdued and arrested.
Trump’s campaign tried to distance the former president from the man and his actions, suggesting he was a Trump opponent…
Shortly after the incident, police handcuffed another man in the crowd and led him out of the arena. It was not immediately clear whether that detention was related to the initial altercation…
A note of color from in the press pen: our CBS security team today got to the man first to rip him off the riser near our live shot location. Not local police, USSS, or private security at the venue. Another security lapse at a Trump rally.
— jake rosen (@JakeMRosen) August 31, 2024
Trump: “That’s beautiful. That’s alright. That’s okay. No, he’s on our side. We get a little itchy, don’t we, David, our…no, no he’s on our side.”
Trump’s above comments during the man’s arrest not in the AP article.
— Jacqueline Sweet (@JSweetLI) August 31, 2024
The Trump movement is made up of violent radicals
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 31, 2024
Gloria DryGarden
these two things go together, apparently. Security lapse, trumple.
“He’s on our side”. Does it seem to anyone else that Trump is blurting out incriminating stuff even more than usual? There’s a clip all over Twitter of Trump in an interview saying “Who ever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election where you have every right to do it” – HUH?
If you’re holding all your rallies in peckerwood towns and the media focus is on the crazies getting arrested and hauled off to jail you’re not winning the news cycle. Just saying it.
I’m sure there’ll be some Russian funded GOP ratfucking in the next two months, but right now these turds are swirling the bowl.
Anne Laurie
“Harris’s reluctance to face media scrutiny foments attack on press at Trump rally” /NYT
Trump rallies are conventions for the mentally ill.
Gators lunchmeat
The CF feels he needs to shore up his support in Alabama ? Hmmm.
He is going to where his support is strong because he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and needs the fix of adoring crowds. Without narcissistic supply his insecurities become unbearable.
FAFO. They call them camps; I call them prisons. Become a felon, go to jail. Get violent, potentially get shot. Darwin Award winners all.
My bold – obvious to everyone except the apnews writer whose head is six foot down in the sand or six foot up some place else.
The Thin Black Duke
What I hated most about the movie Civil War was it’s cowardly refusal to pick a side. It ignores the reality that it’s the far-right yahoos who have been the violent insurrectionists in America and instead promotes the false and offensive “both sides” narrative.
I bet the FTFNYT movie critic gave it four stars.
Villago Delenda Est
Well, yes. Just about anywhere else, if you’re an actual American and not some fascist pig.
New Project 2025 with a long violent forward written by JD VANCE!
Christopher Bouzy ( (@cbouzy) posted at 0:50 PM on Sun, Sep 01, 2024:
.@EvanPower is trying to achieve two goals by touting his false 1,000,000+ advantage.
1. He is trying to suppress Democratic enthusiasm by making voters think Florida is unwinnable.
2. He is setting the stage to falsely claim Democrats cheated when Democrats flip the state.
Tony Jay
“About this headline for the story about that thing at the rally.”
Violence at Trump rally as ex-President incites attack on media pen
“That sound… I don’t know, a tad judgemental?”
“The Chief said that?”
“He’s just concerned it might come over as a little partisan.”
“In tone.”
“But Trump literally told his supporters the media were their enemies”
“All politicians use hyperbole. Do we have any conclusive evidence the two things are connected?”
“We… well… what? He said it and straight away one of his people attacked the press pen!”
“Meh. Do we know for sure this man is a Trump supporter?”
“He was at a Trump rally.”
“That’s just location. We were there too. Isn’t he just as likely to be a… what are they called… a false-flag? One of those Antifa people, maybe.”
“Trump doesn’t think so, he’s on video saying the guy is one of his.”
“That’s a matter of perspective, isn’t it? It’s just as easy to take it as he meant the guy looks American. Or is interested in politics.”
“But he said…”
“Let’s just… let Legal run with that one a while, yeah? It’s not something we should be emphatic on. Maybe later.”
“We can get his name from the local police, run a background check.”
“Let’s stay in our lane here. We can’t be doing the Police’s job for them.”
“Investigating is our lane.”
“We’re the Press. Informing our readers of what we can prove to be newsworthy is our lane.”
“Pointing fingers. It’s just not how we get stories.”
“So you want, what, a rewrite?”
“You’re busy, it’s already done. Here.”
Trump ‘safe and defiant’ after unidentified assailant interrupts Presidential rally.
“Just the facts. That’s our lane.”
“Keep up the good work.”
Donvict admitted his crime in a Fux interview and they aired it:
Joyce Vance:
Just another day ending in Y
Richard Nixon had his own distinct set of personality disorders, but still:
@Anne Laurie:
Yep. The process of aging out. Some do it slow, some rapidly. Some do it well, some can’t do anything human well. SFB does everything poorly, it’s who he is. And of course sundowning also can mean nothing ever improves as the process progresses, it’s all downhill. I’d venture to say that SFB is not improving, mainly because he’s never been able to do that at anytime in his life. Being born was his high point, everything for almost 8 decades has been downhill for SFB. And the rest of the world.
@Ruckus: “sundowning” refers to a specific set of symptoms that worsen in the evening for dementia patients/Alzheimer’s patients.
@SpaceUnit: Please stop saying shit like this. Mental health issues generally do not work like this, and it’s a kind of slander against a very vulnerable community.
@Eolirin: I should add, a very vulnerable community that will absolutely be targeted if Trump comes back into power.
We will be one of the first groups pushed to the margins, have our ability to recieve necessary care taken away, and then be criminalized for existing in public if the fascists take over.
The sickness people attending Trump rallies have isn’t medical, it’s cultural. It’s a sickness not of the mind but of the soul. These are spiritually and morally bankrupt people. But Hate isn’t a mental illness. Do not conflate these things.
The Thin Black Duke
The Nazis are their role models.
Liminal Owl
@Eolirin: Thank you. So very well said. “Not medical, but cultural” is exactly right. (And for diagnostic purposes—I think you kniw this, but others may not—it’s not a mental-health issue if the beliefs ir actions are congruent with the person’s culture.)
In 2016, my daughter covered a number of Trump rallies in Phoenix as a stringer for the NYT. Over and over, he directed abuse at the press and attendees would crowd the press area and scream at them, sometimes spitting. They had to be escorted out, afterwards, by security (none provided, I note, by the NYT). Between that, covering the border issues and the heartbreak of the dead bodies of migrants, and, finally, the imposed narratives from New York, she burned out. She had a romantic idea of what journalism could do which did not match reality in these times. (She grew up in a family where everyone read newspapers. My grandfather had a periodical, The Friedenstimme (The Voice of Peace), in what is now Ukraine in the earlly 1900’s. It was both religious (Mennonite) and current news and opinion. He went into hiding from the Reds with a 5 minute warning, later escaping the country). Both my kids got degrees in journalism. Might have been a parenting failure.
“He’s on our side” – ugh
The most incriminating thing to come out of the whole J6 hearings was when trumpov wanted to let ‘his’ people through without going through the ‘mags’ (magnetometers). He wasn’t worried one bit about gun-toting thugs in the crowd because they were ‘his people’.
@TS: Well, in the AP’s defense, maybe Dems have finally had enough of the media coverage or lack thereof, of the Trump campaign.
@Nelle: I would call that a parenting success and thank you for sharing that fascinating family story. How were you to predict that the fascists would return like zombies to eat the brains of the press owners? It’s too surreal.
@Ocotillo: if the AP can’t see (or are ignoring or bothsidesing) that the incident is a matter of cause and effect for their fellow colleagues, shame on them.
But yes, it appears that Dems have learned that lesson.
@TBone: Yeah, my comment had tongue placed deeply in cheek. I had a vision of one of the jackals attending the rally and spotting Peter Baker or Maggie Habermann in the press box.
@Tony Jay:
Nailed it
Gin & Tonic
@Tony Jay: There was a FTFNYT headline yesterday that I didn’t bookmark because I was too angry, that started with “Russia Bombs Kharkiv, Ukraine Says…”
”Ukraine Says”
Like where the fuck else are the bombs coming from? Are there other plausible suspects? Tony Jay nailed this braindead “reasoning” perfectly.
@Ocotillo: oh sorry, snark meter error!
@Nelle: “Friedenstimme” is a wonderful name! We need more voices for peace (especially in that part of the world, but really everywhere). And a great parenting success!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@The Thin Black Duke:
Not surprisingly, the FTFNYT critic liked it and gave it “NYT’s Critic Pick” recommendation:
The Roger Ebert site critic gave it 4 stars. Actually, the commenters on that review go into greater depth and point out the “obtuse bothsiderism” the director repeatedly stated in interviews during the film’s roll out.
Steve Holmes
Seems like there is a story in the press needing their own private security at a political event. When did that start? Is it required at Harris rallies too, or just Trump? It’s a sad state when the press can’t see the story 5 feet away.
Holy shit. Problem is, weird just isn’t enough some times.
Again. Another incident that we are getting almost no information on the perp. Why wasn’t TCF immediately removed from the stage by SS? Why wouldn’t they assume, for safety’s sake (they should) that there wasn’t more than one attacker?
I’ve been reluctant to muse over the assassination conspiracies mostly because the first were the usual blatant bullshit of evil ‘Killary’ murdering her enemies. Only aimed at Biden and accusing the SS of being in on it. But this bum rushing the press pool seems like… a test? to see if the MAGAts are primed enough to join in – a al J6? Could the campaign be that stupid? Are they trying to get someone else killed to so they can make hay off it?
Maybe we could send Baud along – could be a problem with the pants (or lack thereof)
Tony Jay
@Gin & Tonic:
“I wish I had the time to explain the reasons behind our methods, but without a proper grounding in journalistic theory and ethics (shakes head) it’d probably be quicker if you went off and took a course or two at your local community college. Anyway, let’s just say there are no available receipts to prove the rockets’ ownership. You Liberals like talking about ‘receipts’, don’t you?” (Smirks)
Any Given Representative Of The 4th Estate – Lauded Gentry Division
They are sociopaths.
I remain confounded as to how supposed Christians can support Trumpism. It is malign. Vance puports to be a Catholic, but tells Kamala Harris to go to hell? What is wrong with the people who support this?
If the words spoken by TFG are transcribed correctly, I would be curious to know if ‘David’ is the man being escorted away, and, if so, how did TFG know his name?
One of the major reasons Trump ended up winning NC in 2020 by 77k votes, despite pre-election rpolls showing a narrow (but within Margin of Error) Biden lead – was the rallies Trump held during the final two weeks in places like Robeson County and Anson County in southeastern NC which are small-town red-leaning areas where Trump succeeded in goosing turnout of his kind of voters – stagnant places filled with voters with provokable resentment against cultural and social imposition from outside big-urban forces and government.
With tears in his eyes he said “That would be the lice, sir.”
One thing to keep in mind, that I’ve noticed for a long time, is that these “sundown” towns guarantee a big turnout because there’s nothing else to do. A Trump rally offers the chance for some free entertainment.
True enough. I get why he’s in PA. But this was Alabama not NC. I’d like to see what private events are being scheduled in this so called sundown tour. Every time he comes to NE OH he hits the big donor yacht and country clubs outside Cleveland. Gotta get in some grift to pay for his emo-rallies.
For many, it’s transactional – Trump is willing to help impose their evangical Christian aganda on the country (including anti-abortion and anti-LGBT and anti-wokism), recognizing that Trump himself if a deeply flawed vessel of deliverance. I’ve heard some Trump supporters admit: “he’s a terrible person, but I like his policies”. Others among them see him in the vein of some of Christ’s apostles, deeply flawed characters who were nonetheless annointed by God to be the agents to help deliver Christ and Christianity to mankind. Hey, Jesus apostle Simon Peter was a tax collector! And when many of these evangelicals are mainly getting their news from Fox and like-minded folks on Facebook, they are getting a very forgiving vision of Trump’s character.
@Gin & Tonic:
But if Trump tells them he’s revised his stance on abortion, they’ll take it as gospel, no matter how many thousands of lies he’s told.
But it reminded me of this bit of history:
Seems like there’s a Doonesbury for everything this morning.
Back in the days when mainstream Protestantism was the most visible expression of Christianism in America, evangelists used to say things like “going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than joining the Lions’ Club makes you a lion!”
Oddly enough, it’s still just as true now that evangelicalism is the most visible form of American Christianism.
@lowtechcyclist: Evangelicals sin every time they claim to be followers of Christ while ignoring all of his teachings. Second Commandment says something about taking His name in vain.
Full disclosure: not a Christian
@Eolirin: Just so.
@Marleedog: Most of the people attending the rallies are not sociopaths. The politicians, overwhelmingly, sure, but not the people showing up in the crowd. There have been a ton of interviews with the people attending these things and they do not typically behave like sociopaths. They’re cult members, authoritarian followers, and kind of sad and a bit pathetic, but they’re not sociopaths.
@cmorenc: For others, it’s that their mindset is one of being under constant threat by the popular culture and those who would see its advancement. Trump is an avatar for their urge to fight back.
@Gators lunchmeat: It’s not about shoring up his support. It’s about shoring up his tender, butterfly-fragile ego. Rural Alabama is the only place where they knew they could pack a full arena and avoid further ketchup-flinging later that evening when he had to see a clip of Harris in front of a big, enthusiastic crowd.
Of course her’s was probably in a swing state where, you know, it matters.
In a sense, he wins news cycles when things aren’t reported. Per a google news search, I don’t see many MSM stories about the press box attack, and the ones I do see don’t all include DT’s “He’s on our side.”
So far, only one story about sundown towns from Newsweek, but maybe that will pick up.
@lowtechcyclist: Contemporary evangelicalism is just the Prosperity Gospel wedded to rightwing Republican politics and white racial grievance. Jesus ain’t got nothin’ to do with it.
OJ Simpson about his murdered wife: “If I had killed her, wouldn’t that prove how much I loved her?”
@Ruckus: There are also some who are distinctively worse after dark, and become very paranoid, then seem more normal in daylight. I think it may be hard to diagnose if relatives aren’t really detailed to the doctor. I first heard of it years ago when an elderly lady was killed by police because she shot at them after dark. She didn’t believe they were police. Neighbors described her personality changes and said she had been like that for awhile, but until the police happened to need to be there, she had survived. Still sounded like it was awful and frightening for her every night. Any delivery or mailman would have been shot at too. The paper gave background that it happened to other people too….a known condition.
De-facto sundown towns still exist, including here in the Northeast. You won’t necessarily get lynched if you’re in town after dark, but you’ll be refused services (try getting gas after dinner…) or intimidated/pursued until you leave town.
TCFG is telegraphing what he intends for the country and people should take that seriously.
Citizen Alan
@lowtechcyclist: Evangelical christianity only exists because antebellum plantation owners wanted preachers who would reassure them that God was okay with them raping the slave girls and selling their own bastards for profit on the auction block.
Interesting what Trump is saying, while the protestor is shown being dragged away in the Taurean Small tweet: “You had two American flags, very far apart, held up, I think, by different frames. They were very big flags, beautiful flags, and they were waving. And as that horrible event was taking place, the wind blew the flags together, and they formed a perfect angel.”
He’s been told that in the South his audiences are “Christian”, and he clearly has little if any idea what that might mean, so he comes up with this ludicrously strained religious image hoping they’ll think he’s one of them.
@The Thin Black Duke: Whenever I hear the claim about “Southern heritage, I want to puke. It’s a heritage of shit. It’s treason in defense of slavery, the most barbaric institution ever created by the mind of humans. It’s based on kidnapping, murder, rape, torture, brutality and degradation.
@jonas: Frankly, I’m shocked he campaigned there. After all, the most precious resource a campaign has is time. Campaigning there in Cullman, Alabama is a colossal waste. And people in swing states probably don’t understand that town’s significance.
@lowtechcyclist: Yep, trump basically went to Fritters, Alabama. I always appreciate a good Doonesbury.
I actually do understand. I had a parent with Alzheimers. Died in hospital with me sitting next to them in their bed, with my arm around them. The term can have more than one meaning and this one encompasses many situations that involve humans.
(prompting Trump to say, “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?”)
Has everyone (the press?) already memory-holed Butler, PA?
I’m sure the dead or injured and their families or the rally goers running for their lives didn’t think it was fun. The lack of humanity just continues to stun me. He should be raked over hot coals for what he said but it seems it’s just another day ending in Y.
VFX Lurker
Years ago, a co-worker from Virginia tried that line regarding the Confederate flag: “It’s not racist, it’s heritage.”
I asked if his Black neighbors in Virginia had also flown that flag. He blinked and replied, “Oh, no. No, never. Never.”
He never mentioned that subject around me again. 🤷🏻♀️
Gloria DryGarden
@Eolirin: thank you
@TBone: I need to ask my sister about how that went w my mom. She never shared much about it, but had my mom living w her family for her last 10 years.
@Tony Jay:
dear fing god, they’re calling him the chief? Yikes. Is this a made up imagined dialogue, at AP?
@rikyrah: your links sound like Florida IS Winnable. All the weird stuff they try to do to push it in their direction by messing w peoples minds, crushing hope, and preparing to cheat. It’s distressing, but important to put an eye on it. I’ll watch for more discussion and options for action.
@Villago Delenda Est:
love it
Gloria DryGarden
@stinger: this flag/ angels imagery, is a misplaced use of poetic imagery. Unethical. A travesty.
as a person who writes poetry- no matter if it’s shitty poetry, or useful-
i take exception to someone like CF misusing the languages of spirituality and poetry, for his self-glorification and attention, aimed at world-damaging dominance.
Poetry, and spiritual meanings, that’s sacred stuff, to me. Almost as much as misusing and being disrespectful in a cemetery.
@RevRick: Don’t forget that Donvict needs to hold rallies in towns which he didn’t previously stiff on paying for security for the event. He probably burned a lot of towns in the past 2 campaigns, so these smaller sundown towns are the most gullible!