The NYT and CNN both are both covering the story of the racist candidate for Senate in Montana.
Seriously if you’re stupid enough to get caught being a racist pic on a hot mic or on a cell phone, aren’t you too stupid to be a member of the United States senate?
(Narrator: Not if you’re a Republican!) But I digress.
And now the Tribal Leaders have respond to the racist carpetbagging poser in Montana – with a few choice words.
Oh, and even with the in-kind donation from Tim Sheehy in the form of his secret audio, we are $600 short of meeting our goal for Four Directions Montana.
Can we finish this off “in honor of” this racist carpetbagger?
Open thread!
Anonymous At Work
Note to Carpetbagger Sheehy:
Dear Timmy,
Delete your John Wayne movies.
The letter is really good, so if you’re having trouble reading it (best copy I could get ahold of) click on the letter, it will open in its own window, and use the “command +” or “ctrl+” option to make the print bigger in your browser.
I stole “the in-kind donation from Tim Sheehy in the form of his secret audio” from one of our commenters in an email to me. Not sure if I should share the nym, but at least I’ll share the credit anonymously.
Just put in $25
Also just donated $25
I’ll be taking down the thermometer as soon as we hit $30,000 – we have 3 big fundraising campaigns left before we start to really focus on candidates. But I’ll put up an image so can see the $30,000 thermometer in all its glory.
– North Carolina Asian Americans Together (NCAAT)
– Worker Power
– Four Directions Arizona
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
Just put in $200. Thank you WaterGirl for all your work on this.
OT, SIAP: school shooting in GA, fatalities reported.
Back on topic, Timmy sucks.
Another Republic bigot running for office, must be a day ending in ‘y.’
Sister Golden Bear
In for $100. <Mortal Kombat gif> FINISH HIM!
A look inside price gouging at the grocery stores, through the proposed merger investigation by the FTC:
PAM Dirac
Just added $100.
Steve LaBonne
Christ, I hope this is the break Tester needs- so much depends on it. (Otherwise maybe Susan Collins would be interested in a nice cushy ambassadorship?)
A small donation to help put a big-mouthed creep into the dustbin of bad history.
@Sister Golden Bear: LOL!
Chief Oshkosh
I know Sheehy indirectly through other shitheels I have to deal with. There is nothing good about this guy.
I just tossed another $25 onto what I hope will be his political funeral pyre.
Big thanks for everyone who helped put this over the top for Montana!
I have a meeting with the NCAAT in a minute. Please bash Sheehy and spread the word about how awful he is.
Chief Oshkosh
@Chief Oshkosh: And I just donated directly at the Tester website. The merch is pretty funny, btw.
Off topic, but I’ll pay one hundred dollars to the first reporter who asks Trump to name his friends who are English professors.
It’s interesting all the shit that turns up when you look into these new Rs like Vance and Sheehy. They are looking into possible fraud in the Bozeman $6m grant for Sheehy’s business and his wanting to privatize all health care among many other things.
@JoyceH: I caught that last night on Seth Meyer’s show — OMG it was hilarious:
What’s so transparently bullshit about this is that 1. of course he isn’t spending his afternoons on the links with English professors discussing his rhetorical habits and 2. He thinks that English professors are experts in speech patterns and whatnot. Because you know, English words and all that. Also, he forgot that they addressed him as “Sir,” probably with tears in their eyes as well.
@Chief Oshkosh: I went and looked. The first shirt and mug are awesome.
Mai Naem mobile
@WaterGirl: can we do something for GOTV for Nebraska? Help flip the House seat and flip the Senate seat to an indy senator?? The polls are close.
@Mai Naem mobile:
every little bit helps.
Would be a trick question for him even if you dropped the “who are English professors” part. He has none of what we would call friends; his relationships are entirely transactional.
But his claim to have friends who are English professors is particularly amusing. No way he knows any English professors personally.
Dead thread, I know, but was anyone reminded of how George Allen managed to sink his 2006 Senate campaign?
@lowtechcyclist: Yes! I said in a comment yesterday that this guy was having his own “macaca” moment. Well-deserved, I might add.
I hope the results are just as good for us as they were in Virginia that year.